' . I. 3 J‘ | l 7.: av-vxo o~~VP"‘-I---./fiC%';r‘lg‘3;’3;£"N'Uh.;4‘V“C?'-V3if‘$6.’ .-3 ~ . — V A . . . 5 V . ' . 7.3 ‘ , ‘ ‘Z. .' ' Z; _‘ I \ E Iv F. ,. X E B I .5‘. 9%.’: ' .'____‘..._:_,.__,:,_7_,"_,-?.."...,.‘.;?f~.:‘r—o¢r-J -. _ M: - _, t .. _"‘ V ‘. V t. _ .. _ , ’ ii ..};a. 2,’: E . ‘ . ‘ _ --' _p _. , 7 , J. _ _ .. _ 1 -V _;; I . . t .A .. - ' . ‘z. _ ‘ -.. .. .. ‘ . ~ . ... ’ —' z - ~--— ‘ ' . " 1' "e" ‘V ~ .. .~.'~.a.-. - — . :5} RA’ -‘ oi 7 . ' c ' f’ I A ‘l A L if U ‘H ‘ r~.«=*.~?" -. ~ i 1 . e ., . o n ~ = ' '-' 'r'-. :‘- " ‘ ’ "":'-'~- ' '. V» 3"’ V" ‘ " lfl .."1" 2'4’. 5'3‘-.f"f:... .' ’- .. A'’. ~ )~.1_«f" W’/fa 4%.‘ 5 ' ' . .3». .._ illilmirwonx ~ P O‘ . * g ‘ r ..o 1'!-2i.LOW8‘lONE ran. wra- ‘ .— . ltwaa2o'eiaekona ‘afternoon M.D.,’m!! _ ‘O,’ nhentheaiarmofflre vagfllfi . '- an ngert PHONE 158’ ~ g < .-.- ' ~ A 5 §:lctionbt"o Rang‘:-‘r Headtzuarters at and 6:30 ifyon des:re ‘e ‘ _. A o “ammo 10 Wild ¢l“ld"°" *'°'l"¢"‘“‘.' p " " ' "P'ireonthemountalnami‘lefro'I: o . .pAm7m5:w!fB - ,» . i g i Secret Valley" the report said. A _ -32 ‘h°‘°u‘"l°r b’m"~.'Vm~ll“:. ~ .1 .. ‘l " " :1 fl '- linden: 2'?to 50 miles dCl:i.ide Smith. ' F03 Il'§0tl'ulit"to Hirer aolll'aome- - . t . . the blaze went the-‘urgent order. 7 I’ ' ' ‘ " “" "" ' ;«- close in. thing try 3. Missourian ad. “fly '°“°“ l”°3""6° M“ I “"°Pl‘°"° ‘° 3" “‘“'°Al""""“‘“”7‘ . WANTED-.-'-lntn%ot.',alId ' . - ' ‘ ______ that céxkyfowlfromhisloftyperch. 3:1‘-ymhagfrz‘ eguigreszthtomth-r:.. ' O ween the 14 and _ O ' , ‘ - Thou! 9 ° . . 0 ‘ :3, iiibfiaehool. To doorfleaaant, full; '. peg .. go; },_¢y3,§ 1,. was initiated scarcely two weeks ; 3 ‘nothing but the order toget tinle work around atoee. A ;cio.aWn. Steam heat. none 648-O: P‘ ,, ‘ _..m are. led no.3!” mm ‘WW _vi1th_-hum-fie? we mmum 1°‘? 3 Box SS,-an‘§ in I Call !ln,.3 Willis Are. __ , nncuroa-a so-nu. - with the Mficouslfim Aka“ npfiu . :lr:;x.:d ufliilll , .“d.|b-a L h“'d'm§'fd' mm . ‘Q’ :51‘: Dion nhtlrlf--'l‘1ro rooms in .fil']Teatsuoota.U 3 3% on lloundvoreadts horizon. Conch no rest,andallthetimehitter.&k‘- ‘me "” _ X r ' ivate homejfor , ._One til_i'iek‘:-Is‘s:£..:.o;"sr:t.-I so “1fotsy" Clark liaa O Utnsnaub inealiing labor. . . , i an-gp._p"ugg. u ‘A ;irom either TWO u°¢k3_ pa... 3,,.‘",'_'°,':... . t P .- “ A °”°‘ ‘ ’ __,__ -..._.. -..- M ——--—~-~-—’''''"'‘‘’'‘'‘'‘’‘‘‘' ' y began the bottle fill! ill!!- eiillvfand lYPlIt.Q“;3.‘l|Ol'-Kidd. atttlsaifiom tank. ‘ w“?°" "“°°' "“°°°7Al3a:u‘e=e'Teel':eohl-usual-i'ae‘l'e°'r: "'-"'l‘ 7'“ “"3 °"u1“’:““F “‘i:°“‘; ’ ~-3". -,,..» ‘ma. 1 o . ' -. *‘ «fc 3 i 3" ‘H, .°"l1“'v °W"-"°"°d l" “'°“‘":""° -' . 405 ,.,d_ .- ' s 3-194421391, .. .- V R,23éhb_.an‘.h:i.ind ans have 3;:;:l;0bl':li1:“};ml':fl uftgto right: C. L.,Brenr,dir«-tor of sthlettics. . Huh.‘ vine eIII'r._l!erbert II. . PM demo, u,,,,,_ 11,. 5,, 3...; :' '::-:‘.:*---—_.._,___.. fl ‘ g .'1"‘__"";_ &“.:‘‘‘'“u‘ ‘.“u'''“‘'»" a. ‘In K999” . am’ to H‘ _y,_J.a.”ing__pfl Harry Klpke. _ __ 7 ‘ _ , _' . ‘broken ootliigh on a Ilolntsiu in an. 3E‘L E8T‘r‘ ‘ l y03RE“T—$“mhuud *.-he-uoeiodal froainvhaeltoraaldb the ”"°m e~ - '0 P0 ICC’. 3"’ ‘’..»u'’ '‘ ‘Bot and cold rder in the roonII;_,,._,,_. an g .. cm. 5; “am.” harden it to'bear the brunt of an. _____?‘__ _____ +_ ‘ g “ X h h 1. i ‘ °n_“m’-rm, of thouuud, ,9; 1.3“ ij. MONEY T0 00 Gill“! moderately priced Tbilo Bllltmvrlmn one nu (me the data at the last other championship campaign ’ ..'i .x... :~““‘°“‘ ‘“° ””‘’° °‘’' mu, th°’.c.msu ed ogs. relics of the former real estate Weathers Dsalty Phone 986. l:‘:’“‘;n°‘h-lit‘ flflhtbo If this room To r who 11"!‘ STANDING OF THE CLUBS g _ ‘ from all sides todseore one. 0 _ wnmtnfion. 1.’ ma‘ hm, in‘. over Newman's Hardware. A _ l V ' ‘ °"D"'. ,:"mD""-at I _ watched Captain Blacks masterful, ; ~ . i a moat brilliant an convincing \'ic- vim‘ The on an ha an “'5. ‘ '.' -JT.§ Lttsat: II. A. oonuta. , gridiron performance for the lam W '_ I 1 tories o1'the 701?. fond ,,m,.¢o°¢.n,,d of u]|1fi‘.. . FOR SALE--Lot 31 of Woat-. 1'03 B!-3N'l'—'l‘o rid» -*9;-‘I-I, man at man wart. on years. and who cannot help mm -mm wfitfiutl-M‘ M , I . , , .15, ,i,,,,,....,, mm,“ mm nu.“ Wm M‘, mm, “.3 ,5, mount “amen. An ugh.“ «heated - room. A near nivlezrsai net insertion out :2. Ina l-but feel -apprehension over the loss W.-‘hi , n _ , 90. 61 .59‘; . ______...... _ ianod first in the Paris track and ; cm fin,’ which "ch 35 ‘ on y avenue. an I&n‘."95°“° 297‘ ¢'°“‘- I rausraa-a aau xorfca *0 3'9 Wm 0‘ hi! d°ml"3“'‘8 9"‘ New ‘"3 :°k ' ' ' ' " 89 .62 m:Unc1e Sam Wins Eight sold games with a better score than £0, ‘Q ya" u°_ mm A p _ a price that should interest FOR 3]-3N1‘.-—Large fnrniahod.‘ Whassa. losrfbg raga, any ..,. lbfllllty. f1|¢_¢3F¢1l¢!1,l VOW 0‘. t"° etmh° ' ' ' ' ' ' "85 -7 Mgf Ma .01. S rm and gwaa madein winning the Antwerp lush of "mm, 0,. .pg,.§u,- Q5... . Ph e white. Clttf. . -e « ;neuarrlei. he as certain dad or trust. other backs in recent practices, ml)’, . -iv - - - ° °' , __ J P0 ‘games of 1920. The Americans made gum “mm made,” '0 up “ ¢_. you on _ _ ,, 1, rooms, 1st floor. private entro.!loe.,aaui the acts asses sue, \ ‘N N 0"" ‘am: tin“/mm¢_ Louis . . . . . .. .4 u .490 Four |‘ nth“. win, mm ‘M ‘M, mom: mm I I huh w, 3. ' W“ b1°°“' ‘M’ W“ °‘”"""o°°"“ *° "* °“°' °‘ "* "'°"‘* " Stan] Lindle' has been donnin Phlladelghin 70 81 .464 10595 ° 7 . is that was 7"‘ "‘ “' FOR SALE-'0"-'m°mmy’ 9”. Faculty or upperclaasmeo Pnferrod--'°°“' °' 3"” °''‘''*’- ‘“‘'°‘'’‘- " """' Q; G’ I’ jlckrahhit along Boston ' 66 86 487 -°-‘——‘‘ ‘"°'“' opmn 0:; ta Wm‘ °' '“°“ "“° u’° '“"""“‘ . - .‘ ment plan or willrent. ‘ Pi : 107 _st_:-as 1‘o'.eoeva.v'e:l to the 9 °_ , - ‘ ’ ' ‘ ° " ‘ '9; United Press. up ‘-expected to give In 4: Z798 55,10,-n.3, . . ’ 8:‘ 2. bungalc-w’with hath, large lot. good "m“' upaastl. I: ta-moo the iolioeina ae- with his moleskins, and his bl‘0k£!I“Ck’:d.nd ~ - - - - ° " 65 ‘NEW YORK, Sept. . 27.-—'l'ltIt;fight of their lives. - Duh.” {en we the flu,’ 0‘ . lomfiom we“ ,;d¢_ plague ‘owner; ., 1:03 3531.; mmighed :f°°""bt 5:3 ""°°o” 6‘; ‘it felt! capers ‘five made it necossari _ . -I-Jun“. - pruned chest and ll!K.le-Whllklld face, 9 man ggympgc ‘tam made _ sun ‘parka the hunt And ; 430 ,.ad_ , {I ‘ha 5.31;, « Price $25 ‘Perla. cl lave anallebine ofa nae: ofthe I" am "3’ "3' ‘°m°r“m";i;‘";; Club Won Lost pd 5'01"’ U950 53*” 15 "’¢“'1”3 “ u” ’a clean sweep of the tennis matches. '43“ me’. fough" ‘Ni ‘gm 5. up . x._,._,. ‘month. Phone 656 black. S2ltt;i-'ona-Ta, os“s.eatl-:“aeeee_hL7l. ifs!" "1 ° 9' “W - N" ark H 92‘ 59' iahank of the summer sport season miunm‘ he ‘fine pine, and onfllaw and. Dun ‘and um‘ “m R“) GRAND}: ~v A51!‘ $3“ ‘ ' ‘mad aa ollovvrax, nesnlilu at: “Oak; Q, h, d z be, 1,“ ]_-,.¢n?Bnooklyn H . 91 61 .593 '5 not 5" mm-um-m “mt he is tfi 3'°°°”d 91'“ m 5" "em" Pnuy 101 ii. Smoke Krimed. llcflaillblf or trade, 24_acres-and . -if JUST OPENING new rooming] pm on W x ‘B. “B [M N“ n. e 0 er {lb ;i h unezpuubumh. . . . . . . .. 88 62 -687 gm‘ childish in his old age. mam Wm,’ 3,, 134.6,,-.014 can. wean,’ but um huh" ‘ad ‘"5, /gated home place. 8 mil8.1l'°l'D ¢1W.‘7h0In¢ 101' Elf“ 0!! C°n°3* _“f'”“°'lher one (1). in foot Rae: or the Nani» ""'“‘"3¢ u"'°“3h 9 7“ m“ ? mm“ . ' ' 81 69 ' old fellow has every 799°“ "° ifornla girl, won the singles and the hm‘ md kfln‘ And ,o_ g 5”" i joins canal. \'incent~‘Nleholo, Slmlgrge rooms. all Phvilattliweat corner taereot. thence south garnet! for 8- and 10-yard Clina as uncon-:CiIlcch_ .e. . . .. 80 70 538 ,”.cn up and be proud of what his idonblu Vim ,3, wighb nfler the “um an. “L me’ am . Benito’ Ten” 3_ gm _ 3, of the home. One and is initial: (til: :1: line a('s:’lddl;¢. wank‘ cernodly as a senior cor‘i‘f.I;nti;g a st ‘ ‘. . . .: .. . 64 87 -324 [boys and girls aocomplifihed imlli. Hrs. Wightman also tron the Que,“ th, Qua.” am on. . 4,93,. 9 . _ I blocks from White CIm_P“5° zmiuannu thence xerihesaiqly data said ‘°9h°'”°"’ "‘ddl"‘.‘ t‘::';~_m;n.dd " N 95 :362‘l“‘°"‘3.5°“‘1 'P°"‘ ‘“‘“h°‘ ‘hilmixad doubles with Dick Williams.,p".u,. 3, FOR SAL!-3—Beauti1nl Qdfldhglconqe avenue, phone 2186 greenqrgm way to a point doe South ot a eoiai 0. is perfhk lorminf‘: a manziflum P ' 52 99 .344 ‘ cmwded an 192‘ Dwain‘ Aflh“ lYonng Vinnie Richards won _ {the rangers took themselves near-A , lot 76 x 220, Bnoaaway and Eda» 313-33;“ "°';§;;; "",,""‘,, ,,",,,,"",,_“,“,;‘,"f,; "-'°"“ 5’ ‘° t ° f th. ..; """"" '° 1 strong international conIP!tition..m¢n'. aingia. and the doubles with ; ,1, ,,,,,,, to 3,“, mum ..¢ gun» me. ‘and phone as 'uu.— .. 7.‘:-__-:5 .1 . lad m_;::*;“ on m ‘D an mm‘ H“ of “w the ace epartmen o is Year I 'j__‘:;_;:_ "—__-‘_-.:‘jAmericans cameout iii-at in athlet-gpnmk gun“,-_~ zduueh mm the Mn an of 5,, A 7 FOB RENT.-—c°m§ deyairahlei ‘M 09' "lo '-503°!’ WI“ 00' 3|"*'i""l K‘ ' €353 Youllil 59198194 Mtsterson, 6-2, I 1°?‘ p°l°' QM!’ ten”k9.mwm" "W". The/American team won the 0l}’m- : should summon the to another ,' ‘ F0 5 LE ' ma “,0 Zn in b¢d.§"" "° “‘ ” ":3 0",”? °f this uf°“":he ouch‘ 6-2. '“'““F- b°‘"‘3 "la "Why ‘°°t_h‘u‘ >pi‘c boxing matches, which were lost ‘skirmish. brick 8 room house, four rooms up‘ “ tug no ma ‘5 one In“ :1‘ 3:3“ gm dumhd. ”d"'°"'k*: Qiiu-ks statement at anther’! . __.__.—_.__. _ IA Against victories 1!! elthl 1109' °f :in Antwerp. and repeated victories ; —.—.._...__ ' ‘"4 *“’° "“"“ 3°“ 3"‘ 8‘ m'°"°i iiginm housekeeping noon} on firstaa. said note i. 4.. and man. “maxi ‘W’ **'‘t‘.''-' ‘bu: sht‘r:nr:tfl Y°::j5§W'm2'&gr;‘0T;lIéAgE S 'mldor sport. the United States iiad in the aquatic events-—swimminiz.1‘M. U. Men Attend Cornell nastier. 993 white. - I!8tf- vaaeing beenanae in the payment - .. 1°“ 3”“ . A QN'io admit defeat only in women's rdmn‘ md ,.ow;,,‘_ . _ germ“, gcmugg .94 pm. floor. $3 to 310- 95"“ °"u‘”°°-“ xoe thexeione in pursuance of ti! W” Lawrence. A i ..—,-o~——-—-- ' in la ' -fenci and‘ . . C‘! “to 0‘ Q. chub ‘ ' ‘ . dway. Phone 1849-‘ .g aaul deal or trust and at the request at ‘ _.____.__..._ . gdgdnici Do,‘ Nd cum“ wm,.‘°’““ “M ' ' “"5 n‘ Walter Hagen, the American star, fessor Sid|'|¢Y _ V ‘ FOR SALE OR 'l‘RADE—80!3-‘O3 E 3'“ .‘ the under 1 . soccer football Quite a record! So 9 an gram. istry d ant f the University I acre fruit and grain farm. Alao!m“k°- H oaienai villi :uH .2.°“.-«loan show! N82, 31332535» ‘fin? "um H‘ 8 ‘good a record that no nation evere‘:::n«'h“ menggiduf OK" when n . ‘nun; mug,‘ 5.1,; .g ' .4 '“'°““”» ‘°“"" ‘“‘“ ‘”“ "“”i 300158 fm‘ ml‘ *0" “W “°°’7""""" “"""'° '"'“°n.‘°zn:7 door. 1' if ‘ ' l "" " .' ‘ =¢°u1d but "3 ."°“v“"P"““’°»°“iio took the British open golf chnm- Cornell University A W’ - both well improved. .' and 8 second floor rooms.fi““*' '°' ‘““ 3 3,... c.,.,.:,, Jo Defeats Hereford oi First The Columbia High School K€W- course, was the sweep madobs; - n‘;,.g,,¢,,,.¢a..¢ ' ,a 4 lat:-y laboratory thero Irhiohicoot inforlnation all 2101 black. Noéfzggmconegev phone 1832 green stheb“u_L0ew%:°‘:d,,,¢.,, oeiooer lot. 1034.; cam--I-‘reahmen 8how.Pro9. ipidlhavc arranged a/ochedale iof,Am¢-rican taaln_ii'i‘_au -the important H An.,‘un_»‘m.“u, “nu deg,“,dl . million and a dollars to '3 3 “mum, _ D19tI§ . 20-25. gun. the Iceland ,3 o'clock A-‘:- '3' B . ,..ldng- - “- ; ‘ -féolhall (lines this fall. Fiveclasses of the Olympic 8111398 _»l-D ‘he gruhh tam, 9 go 3, in the gum : build has ilflabln '; 3 - X‘: 25 ..»t _ i ,a.- 1*. ¥- 5 ‘f:‘':: farm” m ...A«lthongh..,}ivbnt'$lle“of 'la.I!'sea'.‘of these will be played here. The Paria——t:racl: and . field athletics, mat.“ for the Wdk" §.u,mation;_ __ I Fog SALE 03 nfllflf-_-k : F‘Co1,|ebtl¢‘ 379339-; ""“"l""‘, :_ ,,,,.,_ ‘season's favorites remaimd inthe! ecbduie‘ s been \carefully ar-‘rowing. swimming, boxing, tennis Our custom tailoring costs no galote residence on University! .iPhone 669‘:-ed. our ocl:I801'th' . c. ,-_ ‘ race after the completion of “the; ranged no as: not‘ to interfere withand rugby football. nuo. delightfully planned and newly? east. Bed; ti * decorated. cup’ ‘ - u ' U - h my lmorc than fine l-aady lnadss hot rat round of the fall tennis tourna-« wmum T “mm won t E W0 S ‘ hotter . M __,,________.._ _ . that of the Tigers and to all ya’ all T}; we glor‘ous victories as 1 an to bin at Forest Hills. i N5 b°“°"- "“'.' ° 5“ ""9 ' l 3- 9- mwumv pk?” 777 i Lee: tseeniee oaanhee 1 v,‘ 1 ment 'l'hursd8y within 3fV'f1'I1 05 high school men to be hex: for scorefiriin allrlcinds olf fields but the 33;; Davis Cup‘team-—- character and individuality: ~ - ifwhite. . ‘ Glflfi and ad SALE. inewcomcrs served notice on theft!” 813',” 7“ Rom,“ Field. ouuundj CAMPUS TAILORING C0. ' ' To buy sec - ’ _event of the-rear. pcr- Tiiden, Johnston and Richards-dc-; 1'35- '-' member‘ °{ the "‘”it5' ‘am an‘ [es hnps, was the triumph of ‘the Amet- .{eated the Australians, 5 to 0. in the: . wag... » . . . ‘iii’ 1' t '2 f International Encyclo-g_wwd__ M ,m,.,,,,.;_ i,,_ met: deed 0! .their berths next spring would be] ‘in 1;”. ‘am °r we K elf! "Nd ' Jesse Hall is Opposite Us.‘ ' 1,, U - - icnn rugby team the Paris 0lyrn- gghallenge round for the cup. It was A3738 PW 95 ‘"7" °f 100 ‘flu’ '0 P94“ '55 °“° 9"’ °{ the Warm ‘"" “w J" 1" 1’o1:iee- or the no-lb’. M m.e‘"” wt. ‘ . fschool :tida;heOct3ll::ruty -mg; pic matchoé. No band of Ameri- um fifth straight victory for tlit';. Y . u mile! Jrom Hllllsvllle, Bio. G!‘°?°d}Book. Hurt be in K003 °0“dlU°“ ,J“''‘'’ 23 ‘ , cone’, ma-" 3 ml 3379"‘? Of lb? 09911133‘ Q ;nd that of 0:”. H, 16 which cans went against such ‘huh’. 111- Ana-icana and it was the firsttimc ‘m u‘ uzl“"" ' ad ot h nor tun-I ' call Su t. J. Wm. Crow. of one; round was the victory of Joyner;"m -» . ' 1- lbs d‘ a sin the w y of ex-I hat tionhad been ahleto re-.300 do n0tI'IIIllIIIltIIOUlI|0¢|’l|' , . 18)" 8°°d ' ” N“ ‘.-W''"‘ °’' F o '°“"- " “°°" 1“ " ""...,..i to re on" 301, He,-.10,-d . member ;is with the alumni team, are prac- J”, " ‘° 9 g‘ l “'7 "‘ . . _ ; band‘ on “ad county ma‘ in'.Ne' Bloomfield’ Ho. C2l-2°7d’:l.I‘t: 13:‘ ":I".:l°1. ca:::ny. or no’; the Varsity team last spring Jo)’-‘tic: times for the 'Kewpiea to pg-Q. Pmencea "Id 09 313001 ever Walt tain the cup for such I Ions Um¢- VII“ 045- i : nod nelghho-rhood "Ed-wnnore bar-l ‘WANTED—Dresser "W53! ' ~CiUo TI °°"°“"‘°"° “-'T"".‘_';‘n_:; ‘ ner won in straight sets, 6-3. 6-43 PIN f°l7._8fil 811“ bl“-la! Vith la!-d-. ‘ ' ‘ ‘ Q "mm" Th" PM u . 650 "Ira. ldetts, phone 88. mtaaio-via-. 4-c*§;°‘,,,’“,,,’ sun of any or the other Varsity men. llinaiinf . '-Wm 01 CW-'81 W900" “ ‘ i sin tt _f;»‘§°¢ 5°“ _.“' ~ . .— 20.23: *" *',,,,°°,:‘,‘,‘f’ . ,'defeated Laughli e.s,_4_.4, and ca nsui Sedalia, Fulton and ' , ; Pnml — 3.1! of the $°¢l5.""‘ “°"“" Kearney diapoged f [don O ily, Kiricsvilla ‘high will . ‘ 1 * y - Fl‘ Pl“; "°"‘“h§’;h;'_’9" " 'w'’, 3; ‘M.’ “W” i