(a(3(vU‘|'~D'D ._ a 1 ' w | I I x 1 .. . . :1-2 t" "':s’ ""5"“‘i:":il.:"".'7'-.'-'1'-:2‘El“ “if--...-..-row‘ to-:-W"-‘ ~ hail -3-.-tr.‘-.’~ii.-..'.. 4- -..i.‘.".u ‘a‘o5‘:-‘-“'5-"J.’v‘ -‘,3, , . '5. .1‘ . X . “‘?\,_ l. ., ..4,’., tsl I . \ s « ..A ”|‘”':.'.‘. ' o-*?:5“*v"?*‘5<-5-‘ivflvfix’. .. ., .. ‘ 9--v.-rcr,.' - '1 - on October 22 _, ‘Mr. and Mrs. Holt are visiting in . ' I , , i The U Dwghw, of -the gsnszgielggomg; Glenn For misses 88i.llv(ellv\%O!lleIl cite u-4 Banquet H : ;,,,.,;y,.;_p,uq .! Confederacy will meet at 2:80 o'clock f ' __ p ' , ~ ' A, ' at , ' ‘ ;“:."~:-.'..-.°¢°°*'......r~..+::*..::=;~r o.‘,§mW‘g N forget. 10:3. mu-rd Sm ! » ~ ~~ 3 - - . ‘ -me a o'c oc ' is a moon t , - 2 , 9 way. esnoetinz Wt! 10 hm‘: - I I III I III I I I-I-I I I I III-I I 1 New BRUNSWICK beenthgaecondwednasdaybuthas‘ ~ —~~ .III II III II "' " .*__,__,_. _ - . ,,.. of the ma»; . l ,__,-_ ._.._ - ._. dc . M---» . . -. —~— 3 -.~ ' - - '- _§ ' be ll id ° , 7 :. 3°.:.':..‘‘.‘:*a.°;’‘o':.':‘.::." 2 .22. VANITY FAIR i .i . A m Mme»: .9W:= :2: s ' ’ ‘ city'm.h¢‘i ~ atscean an. . M ‘ _ - . ow « 3 sT‘§.o§‘J.’ 3.’ ‘'ii'i..f’.f.'‘‘£i~’7‘o.o ; Remnants 'BIIlIl3IllIS ., ° :. ; balaou. an-..w. W. sew...-:41 . - - , 3 - §L...x......iu... mo oi...-’.'i., , § Special Friday and Saturday _ ; : ¢Chi Omega to lg” n ' Remnants of everything. This ‘special selling empha- §_ Tea for Mrs. UM Just pun » I sizes items that fill many needs. It is an occasion that unmis- 3 The chtonosn. _i Will *1"; 233 Back, 7 takably proclaims its value to every house e. This event par— , teffih‘ ‘*5 ‘ “' "*5 ‘ ‘° 6’ Call for and Deliver ticularly stresses items that the coming of fall revails the ' °'d°°k “,_.1.mm'.,.,-;, ' I need of it Wool dress goods, silks, white goods, ginghams, shirt- - °[,,,u’: - "'43:; ' ' n 1 ing, ticking, toweling, tablecloth, rcale, curtain nets and laces, , amid’ uses Priédr. lfrlfllarirarct rapery, outing, denim, duck, oilc oth, etc. ‘Most everything you ghmgirginlo :"" E’ §i'i:'‘ii'ri:£ ; may be looking for will be here. Come early for first pick. i, T u. .' . . 1Uhl- ' ' 4 - lf th Re ular Price 5 3 -11...... .3. will assist are Mrs. H. , l g All Remnants Onejia e 8' g ,1 . V ‘A r p . “I A ~ it n i ., ‘u 1 j T Listed'Here Are a Few of the Many Eittra Specials , , , ‘ _’ , o i C 1 st‘ . ' r [ > i * ‘ ' of Household Necessities S 60 _ " . I ‘, A ‘? - . ' “Hope”Mus1in,10yardsfor . . . . . . . 1._ . ' ‘ V I - a o '_ --.I , :7 . .1“;-. ' _ Arlington Muslin, 10-yards for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$l.40 " H R , ends Bette!’ F1'1¢lld5| Delmar Muslin LL, 10 ‘yards for _. . . . . . .$1.25 _ A . . D 9 - 1 ° . *- ii i . ' R l 25¢ Gingham ..... ...15c si.so shoots 81x90 and 72x90 $1.29 ' rnmflg a J’ 1 i - ,_ . *1 - ' 1” 3:’ ‘your friends with a box of our de-E 26¢ P es. 36-inch . . . . . . . .l;'c 9-4 dsheetinx. bleached or brown‘ V _ of; - E j A ‘ "S. -- ~ » ' . , largeas- ° . . . . . . ..l '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ° ' ’ __ , ~ 4* "°'°"" gnouteiaoiiiadifsn eiiliiies 3:: to ohoooe! 2225 Outing siaioriidg ....... .49: silos soasspreods. snow white . The "'3? Gold “id S“‘"i" °°.mbmw°" 8° "'3" "id °"°"i . I ....- gift. 5 Amoskeag ApronlCh.ecks 16c . . . . . .. 1.29 "'43 may °r y°m'.“,’3pect’°n' ‘ ' y 3 ~ - ' l ‘ f 19¢ Crash Toweling . . . . ..l2 1-2c 39c A. A._Feather Ti(_:king 32¢ Mm’ Johnson’. our mininery Jénohaving jut mwrndl - '5‘. _ ;_ ‘. come in now ‘ad gelect y.ou1-‘desires for gifts; -$1.25 Sheets, 63390 and 64:90 98c 40c Whine Oilcloth ..........321: 1 mo I train the we ‘A ve xme very. in I I » ‘J o °n 1‘?‘“°"."‘°""”’ ”"'.'"“°" “ "°’." 25c Cotton Challie . . .l9c 3-lb. Cotton Bat ...~..98c new-modes show you. We canflt you whether It?!-8 bob 01!‘ I { *.~?.3 ; l iri..~sA'.wRDAY ‘ v i ’ ,1, ".“’- * - mg - . i l = . - -:' ' ’ ‘ ,epricesareyeryreasona _ :- 1. ‘ ; ff’ . .”"““R‘“"""“8i°.%U” 4 : ,_ » ll...‘ : *:~. '"-'‘“~ _i i 3 is; lllllaery P I ‘ liaise‘ _ ' ° Jionm:e.’s College Inn» . o...~....... Estes-Parks .. § . ,4. “*“"'*.'.-'~‘ ‘ 1- . 2 -; 1 .- : -T ‘9 A ‘ *- '* in -‘-~ - -_‘ ____ ‘J 1' ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ”— — ’ - ' — " — — - ~ - - ‘ ‘ ‘ " ‘ ._ ‘A . _ ' S E. ‘Q ~',,- .. 4' : r;4~..‘T ‘¢-- ’7’3A‘.“ 9;: i ‘Ii 2;‘. ‘ ‘ 5 :~"—l5—‘«l-'. 3' V. i T‘, . .2 ,,»;s:~;. ’. ‘ '4 - ' ~ '- “M C” iii 1 iltrtilen. gigil A if thy Sac-wart. Dorothy Iii]- niiai u miss. and Glad llx. Aline Kappa Kappa Gamma—Lucy his Dorothy th mann Phi ’llu—Alma»Noore and Mar- 50?i ' e Steele. , Pi Phi-Lois Chamberlain. Alice . El ' Lewis. Helen Bapke and Clare Mc- :13,-ouywn. Govern. ’ ‘ ’ ~ Theta Phi Alpha—hfarie Brown miuimi. Baury. Ruth Bebec and Susannah Myers. Zeta Tali Alpha—Jeannc Brown. Mildred Hale, Elsie Proctor. Gladys Alcorn. Vivian Hannon, Mr. and Mn. Wesley Blacltmore and James Jirmans. Fraternities Have -Dinner G’-nests’ " Dinner guests at the friiternity houses last nig To . Phi Gamma Delta—Pbillip Lyon ’ of Washincton. D. C., John Dalton. Payne Witherup, Mrs. A. Hall Carilwcll and her daughter Ger- - aldine Ball of Stephens College. Sigma Smith. , Dcllolay—Robert Dunn and John llcMullcn.- , Kappa Sigma-Margaret bard and lhrian Lehr. Kappa Alpha--1-‘rances Coleman, Ha hftry Vir- Alpha Epsilon-Beulab_ Hub- Mayes. . ginia Doe:-achu_k', Louise Smith. Hil- da Jaae Killer, Helen Louise Wood- small. Laura Clark. Julia Picluird and ' "ii. ' Al Tau Qmeg'a—C larénce Lloyd William Pcmbcrton, Pl—Prof. Hilton C. To and Robert Brown of St. Jo- scph. Dana Press-Frank Davis and. George hlcPh’e'rson. - U‘, D. C.-tb Meet T were: , Phi Delta.{ Theta—Joe ‘Rutter of t .._:,- rfri‘ iiiiiiiii E this at a dinner dance Mlller, Helen Horn, and Mary Newman. Presbyterian Circle No. 3 Ballenger, Boyle Clark and Mrs. S. F. Conley icbarge of the program. 7 — —- «.a——._ = The iza Pc\ftins Circle of Methodist Church ‘meet at the home of Mrs. O. jllogers. 400 South Fifth street. 33 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. the will i:y'S:‘i:.;jr:eas of her mother, llofi than 160 Spanish students Vere of the club last year and the membership is ex- pected to reach the same number year. _. , nemiamorseio 'iiieuriwiiiioe;t3°M cea Cole-I Salt» marsh, Dorothy Alexander, Iaurc- i ‘er’ hn‘” wahn’ . 11." Kn‘hb' P\rit:y V0.8‘ J‘ne 3 ‘SL3? ens C0 *9. and his Belle of . c rman, ~will moajtpt 2:80 dclock Friday aft- 9 7 c-moon at 9 home of Mrs. Walter Conley avenue. Mrs. will lead the devotions ‘fifty Miuoufimt have, Ira. Asbury Roberta of Cape Gir- ardaaa is visiting at the home her parents. Mr. and lira. i? Q rs. Elizabeth Todd. ' Y. W. C. A. met this afternoon at it o'clock in the wry ll Auditor- _.ipm. The pro ,idca of the friendship meeting. Mrs. illargarct Chamberlain'talked. Miss .® ' rriane Cra' {sun Pauline Braanock led the devo- . The Rev. J. W. Kcltner of Jef- iferson City spent the last several T days in Columbia visiting his daugh- ' a student in u and is now teaching school in Tren- ton. F .spcnt Wednesday in Columbia via» Subd. known as Park Hill No. 2 in ‘imny duh‘ in ‘mm’ of we "n'°l' ‘ v 4 l I 1 .tar_\' of the It l§>nac,rI.-turnedhome i ‘Louise Eaton. of Platu.burg Bo"u,dchm¢.dx.n,..a¢y,'AMra.A.D.HallofCardwall iii Q. pxivzsitiag her daughter, Geraldine, a,‘ istudaut at Stephens College. i L v-mi be me. mar mm: IS ° “SKUNK BOUNCER” FOR LAW scnooz. "Skunk." i oer, appended to it. 3 . llr. Chilton is a former_ItII dent in the University and 5| 30' connected the Burger 33!?!‘- ing Co. of Kansas City. Miss Blanch Baker of Trenton .1.-ightnar, 1818 Rosemary lane. Mrs. will be a weekend guest at the Add. City of Ligb ' n Gamma Phi Beta house. His: 3|-i lccr is a former University student R. l.. Smallfeldt of Kansas City lting his daughter Mildred soon- feldt, 604 Conley avenue- ismallfeldt went from here to New’!-Ilzie Hulcn and 'wife ig gave a reading and York and Philadelphia. Phillip Lyon. national field accre- Phi Gamma Delta fra- tornii)‘, is the guest of the local .chapter this week. Mr. Lyon’! l_30N¢ son, ' wrence Xeltner. a student in the‘ I University. The ;ncr left Columbia ;Cai-rollton. 1 -m———-— 0 Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Gillaspic, 15 ‘West Broadway. are in Little Rock. iArk., attending the state fair. They attended the Missouri Day banquet which was held yesterday for about yesterday I Miss Peyton Hawes, Kappa Alpha "Theta house, left yesterday after- :noon for her home in ,While there she will attend the ii; _ Veiled Prophet's Ball. Miss Hawes r’ I will return to Columbia Sunday. Reverend Mr. Ken.‘ ‘bin today for Kansas ‘ihe will spend the weekend. ‘ St. Louis. I is in \\'ashingtoh,v,D. C. -5-«~- Mrs. James C.’ hfayes of Waahinr mn. D. C., will a weekend guest daughter. Miss Dorothy I-liiyes, at the Gamma Phi Beta house. ' ' Miss Margaret Madorie of the Gamma Phi Beta house lcft‘Colum- City where Miss Cordelia Bruns of the Gam- ma Phi Beta house left Columbia for lausjrence. l{an., where she will. spend the week-end. Mrs. lsidori Loebznd her sister, Miss Lengsfeld. went to St. Louis; fihis moming to spend a few days! .-I-‘red Brown will have charge’ of thd? Miss Ruth Boos. Delta Delta ' gprogram. Mrs. yllrs. H. E. Gum its-ssea. ar Moody 5 Agricolac. professional sorority ffar women in agriculture and home held pledging service afternoon for Wilhelmina lcoshorn of Bellflower, Mary Schroe- Jdor of Bellflower, and Hope Smith gof C arrollton. motor over the city to see the dahlias in gardens of Columbia raidcnts. Members of the W. D. Club will entertain with :1 cl wt-ar masquerade costumes. The dec- orations are to be balloons and red and yellow flowers. me of the School of Journalism, who has belt: on the Pawhuslna‘ Journal ‘for the last two yenrs, will spend ‘the week-end in Columbia as the {guest of Miss Sara Lockwood, 1603 'Lniversity avenue. l i Mr. and Mr: Harry C. Hensley, Allen place, entertained at dinner 1“ edncsday eveniu: in honor of Mr. V-and Mrs. James Holt of/Standbury. . Miss Judith Ann Gilbert, gr-ado.‘ ,Louis. Miss Hoos went home to at- jtcnd the Veiled Prophet's Ball. She :will return to Columbia Sunday. i The members of Sigma Delta Chi ‘,and Alpha Delta Sigma will give a New as Tomorrow . . ’ hoe *- The real oxford for style and comfort and street wear,‘ I 1 i‘ I in patentydulland tan." ‘ . Special price 5 "$6.00 REID ’s Boot Shop f and Delta house, left Columbia yester-‘ will also be hos- fday afternoon for her home in Si. \ E:-tiling there. ' Ruth Anne Meyer of the Chi Ome- ga house will spend the We¢k°¢lld .‘ I " formal pledging of Julia Marie Cole joint dinner tonight at the College‘ M a in St. Louis. Alpha Chi .(-)_mega announces the of l ndo.-pendcnce. rs. Mary Barness, postmistress t Christian College, had as 1 l ; ;'lhiscryr-aagout lathe Law Building about 10 o'clock yesterday. ,In the bulletin room of the building ~ J. R. Bondurant to Jacob Hoffman ?§°"'° ‘mi? “M” ''"° ‘'‘'‘'‘“°‘' 10: in Guiaro. ‘nd P‘rk 5 ID CDC COTDQ} M ‘ht CC- Cdumbhv ‘ma gums pr-eaeace ofwa llitlfil lfiltack and 8. ll. Myers and wife to Jacob ‘V i.“ 'mm‘l'.i ui ° . . Hoffman Lot 115 in Guitar-‘s Subd.’ F“‘‘"’’ *4” ‘"'“°“ "°"‘."‘ ""'l"“ ‘and Park Add. City of Columbia, ‘° ' °°""‘.’ "“' "‘“‘ 5“‘”°‘“ 3"“ Mo" not allowed the law students to hold_ ‘ J h A_ S n- d .f '0 ‘conference. After much parlcying, 1570(1)!!!“ D. Rillfllzlit 29.0“! anvidcd. or wire’ ‘want’ m‘"‘°d u pk” “ ' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS pernicious anemia, is no 5‘ rday n a patient ‘come guest and one. braver than the ‘ . rest, reached behind them and ulildotmge psnagged pussy by the tail. ! ;sioci: 9 in c. H. Rollins’ Add. Cen- v "5 ‘” 5"“ ‘h’ "M" ""' °"'.' tralia. Mo, 31,000. ———r . ‘ John A. Stewart and wife to Sue ' and Gene 1. Smith Lot 69 and B 1-2 Lot 68 of Park Hill No. 2 a Subd. or Add. to City of Columbia, hio., 2. ‘Columbia. Mo., 87,500. ‘ rgc R. Reynolds 1 —-v-——-—— s —-and it’s a fact. ‘ A THE DISCRIMIN- ; , , ATING TRADE AT THE HOSPITALS ...- . ._..--- __...— , gathers at the Jun- “ ‘ gle. Parker Memorial and University. , Marion Cashcy and Richard I-15'. Miller were admitted today. Nancy ‘, i\'el Baync and Robert E. Johnson J :‘ were discha . _ * Pauline Hahn was admitted 'yes- , ' lerday. and _E. P. Trcnholme. , «card liarnclncr. Elizabeth Whitson, ‘William Moling and William Grecn- L. ' wood were discharged. | MUSIC Most Every Night at 9 0 l - -T Try a Missourian want ad. 1 — Y Music at 3 I . Are You an it Organization ,_r.. ---.._. -. - ~ A . —.:‘.——_-..._. ~ —v. - _~'o—- —.- name of Robert I-‘rith, skunk boun-i‘ m I. C. Angel! is No ; M. C. Angeli 402 Conley avenue.-,, who is suflcring from an attack of i Hospital in St. Louis, where he has; mu-s Better. better to-g made orlremodi eled. .- ~ A -.45 t In as - ..-. ... f ,,You Guessed Right! 'l1Tey’reii L N ew Victor Records! . I _. am sui. IIECORDS 3. ~----- !- . The PALMS . ‘ - ‘ . . , ‘ Scliulaev-t's“ll£:asliad5!III|lIIIlIy”—lstMov—d_.PItl ‘Q n’, Almfntwgutfogmtr f_ ...ai».nz . sioimuaodruoquunoidiuul . - 12 ,0 i1_6 ,0 7_ § Sda:i:i1'zsd“UiflushedlS,vy.i:p‘l:my"—ldMovad.PIt3 ,§.;§;’esf;,-‘,; § ' su.io.d.s..ari.a.a.i.i.i.oui..n _ \ 9 to 10:30 i Schubert’: "Ud'mishedSyIlIhouy"—2dMovQd.Part2 5‘; u Sundgyg usdPart3 , 5 l0 8 ’ ' one‘ El-'la!Majas-—lstMsnnutaad2dMavcIn "'~”- i °""('s.i...'i.'.....) ‘*2 u i ‘ ’ " "“ ” ‘ ‘ " A Qu'utstteiaEF'|atMaiar—3dMov_IDeIigIIU"IIlI 549 u ;- .'.'.'.'.'.'. '.'.'.'.'.".'. ".'u".'u'u"u'u'u"u"u Osaip Gahrilovntach -id. Flaulalq Quarldi . - lNS'l'RUMENTAl.‘ ' ARE GUARANTEED’ Whal’lllDo (hoo."11..M ° BoaRIvuc") ’ l ' "_ 2, '"°,2£*.‘.-‘;,';'.i.§.‘l".“ ....... ........ .."Z...... ."'**........-‘*+-°;=*-"- was no I ' , E - '5'” h h. J’ vidasoiuoordiam. ; ' ;,e.§iii,Fi.l'ii.‘§“.J.§.. ‘if. * ucm vow suscnoirih “B9 We 3 ,' llardlleaned l-iunali ' Bah! ' . ’. quaint§dfli:'i_th tliileilr pu!21- i Svedljttle You Islslahcilu‘ in A You are. Well then, you are inter-; 33888" mdelrthziro es0(g?;: § HovCameYouDoMe,lficYau Del ,- in well attended banquet and: su.ennh_g,iving' X, ‘ Kaockatthoboor Cnfl . lun cor} meehings of the club or flan’! building qualifications. ’ DAM: ggmgns ' i ‘ty or w ic you are responsi e. f course we guarantee ._ ' 2 l \ ur next medtinz for githlereofnsfet-;p‘::k know i .T.hT “Fm “mm N°3:°£"0'¢52h0‘@fll0’”m ue :0 . . .; ' - « cud.-s..d.o_r r ant" r-yin--’ ., llA_RRlS' and notice the picking up in; watch for Mr. Happy 2:]. M03.“ 1. M ::;:M" ‘V . lntflfsl. i Party. v ’ o . HARRIS’ menus and HARRIS’ serv? ice i lfurn tending sociabilit .’i I ish added incentives for at-i and the right atmosphere for y and business. Sinuafity Suo—l-‘as Tut -..__.,:_.._.;. ......___-_.. .__.__ ... .............""".......,‘""s....... } oi. Th “fill ; 0 I