_ ’ I.‘ - "-4 ‘ ' -‘E’. u-"“— ;,’-v J: r :95‘ r r _.<:v.:_-_ ,v v-" w . - 7""'_Vvv’ u.;- w.-.. ~——.v __v 7 ,- .. _, _ ,_. ,1... -. _, , _ ,_ ,“ , _ ___‘j, ,1, V _ ._ ,_ ._. ,. _ ,__ 5.,‘ ,| .« —-;~ —‘ .—..- .-- , 1..-‘,5 vv — r- ~‘ 9* v~ ;:<__‘ ~~ 3-31* §.."’».‘4o -a . ~ . "' "‘3 ‘1i"""‘? ' '°'''' ‘'19 -—1»--- ..-. i . .‘ '3.» n. ' _ _ ‘. .1‘ , .. .-. . A2-.i..n..w,......,. ;, . ‘, . ‘fifi 3. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘u . ._ a. v . 0 '7 '7'.T. : -‘‘-.#‘i':'~‘c- -.-5 u-'--.‘——-.:rT:'* - ~ - ... .._a,. ,-' « '1 . -ls-o-o-‘U’--'-'0-c'&&-9.‘.-ariqjo.L-I-..oOu1X-cu:-on-as-sol-O-4J'U~0 " ‘ i" ' . ’ - . -"- ~ ‘ ‘ ‘ " i _ V» .. . . . . - 7 - _ - _~» . go oi-¢..o—4-.~.»:v--~ use--5 ...- -.... ->‘ —, a_ ‘-- .—--o-.. n‘-' _..._. . g. _--._ , ,o_,g , , i .‘_ __ _ . v , - 4 , H - ' , ' _ ‘ 2 . w ' ‘ ‘ j-' -. . ‘:1 _5~ .‘..~a - ‘?.‘_'.‘:~I""‘f!‘,§' ‘ "H: ’,“r'V‘--;.o-" -T‘. r. I-. sa.:._ ___...__., V -r . . Z ‘ _ . " - ,.\...v.>.« coon; r o o ‘.4- O . v *7‘ ‘ I‘. L . - ?‘i~ia’noooo» _ I _ “ ‘I «— 1— o A - = .**“‘.‘.‘::-J'=‘=-*:.v'. .-»..-mocroBEn24.1924 ” ‘ y‘_lg: ... ’g-i.~o:»s ozo ,3” L * Io H ,_‘ ' . ... .‘ ‘ i , 1+2.‘-?.:.*:.°.+-—.:'.*.."~.:.':*.';*.'::i[o... . «rum -«I nu ma, - some 81’ 1 ~, A.———r . , .. xiiiiooorromgunie. . .— . , -- ‘{ ives Dinner A ,3 , 3”, En“. . _________ . T 1:. B. Nlehols and wire to E; w.; FIRST-YEAR GIRL” ' gal" nal P esiintf - é . i‘-seoiyo nm, 3.1. lira. John 8ykss.~llrs. .1.gL. sis-ifltbnk. Lot. Carlin 1 in can 3.1’; ..~.x:u~.n~ . ____ , . '0 ’_' - 3:82 llauutnoi-is G1_ryune,‘Iildi-ed nhensylu W. lI._Willis and Urs.,:3PI|9!?°$.L||°' rtst_>n‘x-:8 87!; , swohoo. College students have? Sigma Phi etuerhhod 0&4. Louise Iuim Ethfl E78158. akliller w“‘h.'Wn““'w 12 1:’:-ad_¢vpted h new song written I-77 ‘ ' .lutnixhtwithadiiin¢ratEar1'ls_H.eklI',fl"WIo P9!!! CONN!“ I""i""‘P"‘ me. fm . ° ° ;lhs»lielsn'DIsshigDurrum_. Ilsa ‘ inohonor-oi.’ nu. _itsry Kinnuv-air and Mac I-uttnl , ‘HM’ "31 5! ‘W00 . ; 1.,’ R . we w§‘9".°v« inmum no literary editor of her ~ V°°'°' "‘."°“" "’°“"°‘“ "-"'n""l mu Catherine uanna. a man. The members of Ruin KlPP0.Ialline I: 1.2 421118 1.4 01%‘ ' "“°°"""""’ -"‘ C‘-‘’‘- m”: - ., P“ y W “°“-‘T 'ateo1tlIsUnivardtyclassof'20 G‘“|'3*30°1‘°!'“-VGIWIFVI-‘I104th¢§l"’8oe.8andW1-2ofNWl-4o£NWt'°d “"'°"’°5“¥“°' "‘“"°°"4 1'F‘““°‘ 9”“ w“‘"M£Bd‘dcm‘”', mg is.‘ :i.....§...i with 54 rides with a supper d-nee thi-11-4sec.saiiin1*vp.49.asug¢i). '°"" 3*“ “"7 “amt ' gem“ Df. “,4 gm pg s_ gm“ afternoon from 4:80 to 7:80 o'clock.1;35o, ' ’ o I v g 5 . . . 3 50711.53 3 pgrody on amoldi 1- ' . . ‘. 7 _'—'o‘_’“? ,_ V‘.t 3 , “ V ~ °‘ "‘° S°"°°' °‘ ''°“"‘‘‘‘’“‘ "'‘'°‘'' City"lriends, mu Ruth Weed!al'l 3"‘ "°““. °‘“'‘- 9" 9"°I"7 ssnsostiacsnn loin.“ mltchfan: .oYL":o‘.' §’.‘."'%'.'..* *1 - .snd mu llyra Chandler who will ".°“"" ““ ““' ‘“°"‘°°." ‘° "°"“~ ———-—-— ' ‘tune it a mass meeting this your Euirtnc 5-hl_TP- MY?» 13'3"“ WT“; be 1," ma ‘ tne weekend with her sister Fran- ; Eltondogy hp:-my ‘N 9 t’ 'hfl° ‘N i’ hm‘ ces at Bu-din Collar: in Mexico "= ' Successful ' ' ml“ "3" i‘ ''m‘ 5" “"7” S. Mann; and Miss. Sara 3‘ ‘ad fi:s.—;'esley Bhekmore, ;';'''';_'The M in Pg-ug, K, c, “Mn. g_ Q’: “con: bgwthe junk" ml ’.‘"" ‘‘‘""‘‘° 7“ °“""’ "4 “‘” 5"‘ 1325 ‘Anthony"atraet, viii entertain qi"":,f".,;,,,t'....,,. .5. 3*, 3 Int! Nady ‘N-no-‘of tho“ i ' ’ ‘ "' “"4 5’ ‘h’ 1”T:&mt::n‘dec‘)nuo;u ‘wen cfl__$"'m‘.l at. 8 0'6 .4 Sam A erect: and Dr. Atha Thomas of t "'5 "h B°°"'n.’;r°”' sure as follows: Z‘ ‘ '- ° ° “V ‘°"'“"8 h°"°’''°‘ 3*“ "M New York City. 1 7 ‘ “"6" "‘°°"‘i" “Olin can true sink-* mi Joln io omj C e‘ ..._____. . _ o roux. ,..ri:y, lavender and green. mu ‘.m be the memben of the D,-_ Aug Thom“ of New York. been conducting‘ W‘. In cuuo-rule. ; crntcrviecc W35 0 51539?» 07 ‘IV ‘I, wedding party. ‘ ' 1 City arrived yesterday to visit his ' scar on the San Jose scale. ' , ' m"‘d""’ "“‘ ’°“’ """"“"’° "' Q __ . tied out in the colors of the ,n-psuny ‘ad pug 30"“; 1-1", sults of the exp¢1'lment‘flwyQuQQ. . , I mums and tho candles bore Pb — ——.... moo.-, nnaooo Th0mfl3' .; ii... in.‘ Their work no in the orchard or ,. .vo»."£ 2.....'.'...i.. \ o ' V l L l ' ‘ “ ‘i ‘l " ' r imck letters of Them Sixmn i Mrs. J. W. Williaiiia of Butler“ pha Phi house. ‘ H1 3- 180821. I protreuivo triiit... cite“... 7 ' & ' ' muted in green. The candle-sticks who is visiting herson and his wile. « 5"-aye,‘ nun,“ bun-mwudd_.m¢ Vlw la. the la. Vive l'arnour. v ' “ ~ an no tied with green tulle bows. ,,).1g-_ ‘pd fly-3. June; s, Wmigmg,? .._”i'_' E‘-'h"..5°i"°’ °f S‘-_I’°‘'i‘ ‘' scale, which is a small bug that in-'_ ' V!" "” :5" "‘- '9" ':""'°‘"' " Miss Isabelle Su-pp, president ofk Lathrop mad gm] wcgnypod ‘venug’ Bymdmfi ‘-59 “'°¢k'°“d ‘'"-h In”; tests fruit trees. is well under con- i‘:‘Ea'i‘:o:.;.§.io'i" ‘"°.°w' ' ' ' the local chapter 0? -Thfil Sims was the guest at honor at a‘! o'clock rib? Ed" “ 0"’ MN“ Dd“ P‘ ’ U01. , fm » 75¢ ) ' ‘ ' ' . ' 9 ’ - ‘ — I '2 W“! {ht (- ' r . ’ Ihl, introduced the Ipclkflfio D.“ hlDCh$D COdl} given by James LoST—Le‘{h‘~ backed no“ book vi” .1:nr‘mp.a‘a£s:is a Demo e mrot. ‘ or * Bo Williams talked on "'“Journalis'm Wflligmg, Tom PC ;"“": St La . , I - _ . . o ~ . 'f0l'- W5 Junior: will always be smiling and‘ F I‘ and MnIflm0n>'-" 3573- M00" 3 "“—‘—- ‘"1 mg ‘ - containint notes on H & P Amen ' ’ ‘ - ‘ ".-. . . 1-he bun 3“ C-1 . { th mor student in the University. will _ _ ' - -v , . I 5”” ,"°B"d°_°f:h."_p:k°' Broadway Hnhodirt citrciomoc at “:3 ‘° ""'”d ‘h’ “'°°“‘““" ;°,‘.,§‘,,c‘,‘,‘f‘°’§',,,“f“,,;;';,‘?,”,{'-f_j;',;‘c’,,';*,. W‘ 1' mum‘ V Will Entertain 2*” ‘Mock my ‘mmoon .1 the in om . fliistory.“ Notify’ Art wi11iauu.ioc¢‘Dm ’°:i'i"i.'..w"" w ‘M w hm‘ M3 . home of Mrs. J. E. Hawkins one ‘ B.’-fio.d - ‘ "' . , L 1 I : . ’ ll.’ ° 31 0t hers Tonight. . I _,,;51¢ non}, of wwm 4 mzhf‘ o,dock";e3":r‘$fi§° C1013: Locust. Telephone 1391 green. J‘-nay‘ l':‘:|:rIlb‘l"fI‘|-e;D M" M ‘h; . I d C _Phi Delta Theta Vii“ ‘ entertain. Mi.‘ u‘ —A“‘—'nie " 1 Lee noon with Mrs. L. E. Kill. 1C09; —-——o——— N _ _ _ ._ ‘..."th:.’:‘.’;‘:“.h i ‘ ‘ C O9 \"lth tli(’l!"l.l1l’l.U&l mothers week-ends . TY flhll. 8 n,o.d'.y_ % you "1, mink,‘ opwmnigu at ’____ y o The -Rgnm on . ' . . “wen .3” . . ‘ I“m>'- b°¢m’““¥ ‘‘''‘‘-h 3 f°""‘1 “' s 5'""'u' "M h“ “ ' 3”“ '“ ‘ _ ------ gyou do not read and use’Bl'asoul‘&n$"'=¥fyoii' want to boy or sell soins-l “ ‘ L L‘ ‘ ‘ g “ °'*-W v .‘.‘.',.*:"°..‘.‘.:.':*.;' .:°::: . ?'.';:*'"..:.’*‘:‘.'"‘“~ -d=~ ~ ng§g_ ' y - 30030, S C 7300“ IP83 : “ The to wing out-of-town guests 110019 )'8Sl»€fl‘1l)'- . the week-end at her home in St. , — —- Lcuis. i o If %‘ f 3 ., "4 thing try ii Missourian want ad. ‘ A 5' . r. . L. 4. ‘ Q - ' M _ G. R_ T “J ' but (;_; and Mrs. End Dysart. 1414 . .._......_.'.. _ .t";;:...,';... .. ..“..° .. no moo mo. omoo Omar -ma. nu» Fr-no : J. P. Henderson, Mrs. H. p. mll- Mm Lucy 3016' Of Kansas City °“ 3‘'“°‘’ °‘ "““°" "“’ 5'?‘ “’°'~“"‘ ‘ *3 « W" M”. R F_ Conrad. Mrs_ J_ W. and Mrs. Dora E. Dysart at dinner “Dd 8"-19513 It "39 -“Pb-3 Pl“ hall“- .\ .. . ' Dc-il.'Mrs. B. C. e'0lI1{ll2.k Mi-s&Jh.!A. 11-st mrht. ‘Dinner gum. u we Kin”, E /‘ B’°“"' R‘ '° sC§?_ Mrs‘ Miss Mild:-ed_Dean of St. Louis 513998 Qlmml 500843 188} film! ; . M_-‘E P‘""'°” °‘n ‘""‘” ," " "" is to‘ arrive this evening to spend “"9": M158 3111')‘ -798%. M158 WITH ‘‘ 0' ‘ - VI_ A. Tu Dunn ..nd '13. R. “o Ofio of . n fe‘, hrs “ me house. Allen. Mrs. J. L ‘ad Dr. v .i ""fi°"°“ Qty‘ in’ E‘ Berg" Miss Dean was graduated from the ‘"5 573- Sidney C‘1"°n- 9‘ 5“ '’?‘°’’'.‘' W‘ ‘“'°° “°"‘“¢"‘ School of Journalism last June. ———-— 3 » lin of hedalia, -Mrs. J. F. Hour of _______ Mrs. R. L. Holland of Los An- 5 lilarshall. Mrs. W. L. Allee of Eldon, , Dinner guests at the Alpha Delta 5::-les. who has been visiting her f 'f Mrs: C. E. Keplinkfl‘ 05 5L D0018 Pi house last night were Misses sister. Mrs. W. S. Dorsey. 1402. E9 and Mrs. AIR. ,Coburn of Chil1i- Iulizabeth Sparks, -Elsie Proctor, Vniversity avenue, left today for‘ V cuthc. Modelle White, Lolita Hungate and her home. ; f ———-— ‘ Ne! ‘ ' ii . ————- ; 3 - . y0,m,.3 Daug},g¢.,-«'3 . 1° ”“"° ,Cf_“‘_"f__f"‘ Mrs.aH. G. Henne of New Bruns-: % . ._ . 7. ‘ Mrs. J. L. Stephens, Mrs. C. B. folds. Tex.. is a visitor today at the; . .;_ i 4- . Birthday W at}: Party Miller. Mrs. W, H. Willis and Mrs. Kappa Alpha Theta house. - 5 L . . W. lister. 802 R0 rs John S kes motored to St. Louis - - . , ” girficxerz cgitcrtabilncefilwadnesdsy right today tg spend the wcck~cnd there. , Mrs’ B°df°"d 83”" 1”’ A“3°l°‘- ' D : m’th‘u birthday dinner in honor of ’ __.._ _. _ , 1-‘ 8 3”?“ °.‘ ”"- “"5 3” "~ ‘- ; her d.ughta_' Ruth‘ ‘1 the McAms_ Week-end guests at the Pi kappa l-lstes, 407 Hitt street. 1. in Cafeteria. 'I'hc_gueats included -..--__'- _. 9.-.3. . . . _ ‘ M Misses Maude Crews. [Ellie Burton. <0 “oi ." K I (I ~ to ‘ Erma McA1lister_ and Dorothy Bout- - . ' ...o. X l t L L‘ Disp 21 ~ - 3.»! 1,-..',.--. . With these crisp,-‘cool October days one’s thought naturally turns to winter. Our departments are fairly all bubbl_ii'\§:ll6é'r"-‘with new merchandise. Shop now while our stock is complete. . ;. 4' 3’ 5:1. ' .o.. ‘ . ‘ . I . well. A color schemeot‘-green and . ' , yllow was carried out in‘_1,he _ cm.-o—rrmKra-:«> , V .'.... .. .' . .. W ...... ...- ....... .....‘Il. 31.50. 31.85 ' i “EM. ') (Pi¢ne—Flu K:-sa1¢r)n:oKn"u 1”’ ‘° A 3 it “ra‘tf,,.,¢,d§ Cadproy" Id 31 l L I . fl! 7 a ‘ ' ’ " ' .' ' ' " L Vb!-aullosab Hun _ : L ' fA()l'81?0flt)l%rIu:!lI‘d ehildgsng coa ; Em; henna. , E’.‘t"' Spent‘ . Film-Ilflardl (Chopin) Plano5olo' Ignace Jan Paderevski % M rose. chef?! )'d- 98¢ . _ 50 dozen Chi|dfefi'3' buck gnd bmwn school H Ilahll-tunlat (Schubert-Lint) Planosob O we 1: 1 ~ ' n’ ' ,f f. o no '. T . V. _ . . , Ignace Jan Paderevrlh H ' Dresswkzng hose. 35c and Values. $P8§m|. - . NEWR£C0llDSFOl{C'HllDllBi ; . y y»-« ‘ . V per pair . . . . - ‘lhcl-'iulandtboMaih¢GoooeBuhble Bub . - ~ — -, : ”"3.«!-:,_*'~ ° ‘flu » ' 372:3. tIIe'Piper"I'3m"-—'-"Ifluy Had uljttle Larnb"—"JeekendJm" " -m ' , 7 " 3-. 7 . ‘ and . I , , 1. -—<-siooio Siuicri"-—“Little Bo-Peep"—"Old icao. Cole" —i , . '9.‘ E o ‘ * . : _ 1 p . F _ y lNEW‘COATS;NEWWR_APS . . , *1 A % by ‘ . - you-zwxriiooxso ; -romne cow winter -flow ‘-°ft-:.,_,*:,'+.=.*** I "' r Lvi... . A , § :'i‘i..o.i.aczi._ics:z'-,°a--°,'_iiu_-o noun. —“Thrue BlindMaos'' » ” V ' A _ y . blankets and coltlfoftaf . . ' _: 1’. .. ' ‘ ’ g All prices Large. size wool-finish "ts. beautiful o i 31.. i- ’ a during mgniii black patterns. pink. blue and my. _Specinl. gt. E -- Many stylesjzlst 8l'l’lVed.tl'li8 a 4* 35‘... ; .i . week. ism‘. hoary -Nashua‘ wool-finish blankets, o "-3,%...,i~. [J i. 3 ' Ne , W . H T p . _ . _ . D L at.apalr ..‘ H. -nut is the .-.'l ~ {___¢ ’_.V..1”_vqmsn A ALL FUR CHOKERS A beautiful assortment of vfillkoliiie and" ’ ' .- ’ 5118* .00“ . And "W . challls comforts; per pin. from 82.95 to 85.75 ,1’ \ 5. -Cr ._.-3.-_ u.-A-Any! - ~40 ,, ..... miichyou me if. ‘he; ‘ . 2 -—-— - 5 ' 1 that another toll of llvoliiifi New Wooleiis for . Sm“ ‘ll’ N“: ~ Oyzgm F“.“"“E‘£“- “”°"_;.“___‘{‘g,°°§t£“1°,°'c ‘ I . ,,._ -5.‘ was ' - RG1. w. 0,0 .-‘- ,'. a T‘: '95‘ ' _ —_._..a—....._....___.L........—_ ix co-nlno 0'" W“ "53’ « i . ni=:NcAuNE——riioioosi,;nio sill: in black . ,,,d,,, .11.... .. «brim: iisi-nines: to » ;.- V .* _ _‘ p y __ . _ _ ‘ _ _ A bruwmtlo Y5!“ pi-¢t£y'nngedpa¢Q'ns. yard .l?c_. L ....~.~,-o.,,_ life. ' . . . o . y * p s wooi. i=i.ANNm.s—.s4 inches wide— ssrm CANTOIS-+110 inchsswide.-all.silk‘ l _ 1} lbs. ‘ ' " . ‘ ' ' ‘ : checks, stripes and solldyoolon. at, yd. 83.35 iiithe new and Ihlllelo I}. p ,. __ . __ 3- - - - - 3’--. -‘= ' e 1 L :? o _~. had . . SILK Ann wool. CAN‘l0N.CREl@.1n . ' i N¢"w..‘£'an’G f’ ' ’ V\"atch=«for’X;_f_.’—£P1V_ PI!!!) ~ WOOL JERSEY In the new a es 3;: black. brown and _navy—-.40 m‘h‘m. _,~ - ~ .- 2 n =2‘ .1 ".'.':l.'.z_4‘.!-" o« , . ‘ oscmxsumommmrhs-L [f¢T_¢ggu,¢apss.costnmssand .. ..h¢nI.=s.ai1inzc.navr and ,. - . s ‘y ’ :............£u’ ’ W, flt,‘..¥ ‘opooso¢sa'QcnOo‘U.O‘w h .. . * ‘ <,;."*“ ‘ .... "1 * cocoon . V .. ‘ O ' I > _ ' ‘ -' O‘O¢"3olIO¢oo co » . ‘. > ' ' ‘ ‘ - . ' to - ,-- ' ‘ 1 ' ‘A 1* - ;‘ 4 ‘_-I V .1: .4‘In.{Ihk,, ” . ' -,or;O;a‘§£?‘f.oopI0oo¢O‘!-gr‘ _. V ‘ 21.. L— “n ‘ ‘ I V,“ L i 3 _‘ _ ; Ft’. 2‘, ' W ' _ . '<"‘_" . 3 _, _‘_ - .7 .‘ 0 9‘ ‘.5 v .1 ¥ . -"'4 , 1 ‘:9 . . 5 ' '2’ OLQOOQVQOOOOTOWV ‘ . V .: ¢‘-£#‘l‘£ .._-'-'_l;f '. " ‘ g . .- ’ V 4 't,;v ‘ > 4:‘ ’__ .....C.O ‘ ‘ J llc lg .. P-’_ . y_’, “#1. e ' J ‘ ~ ‘ A .. ' ..« .5?-ff:-' '5‘ -4»- - uh - :-