...,,._. ‘. -.... .,.- ,.r _ , ,1 _ r.~..~ .. .. ;<;- $_""'s‘.-'J‘)’.""-“"' fl‘ .-,:.. >_-_A,- ‘._ .._V'.9 - ' ’.'..' ‘- --‘--‘ " '2" 41 g m ' --' . ‘V '. v‘ ‘. - . _ .,-. '1. ‘ »-..a .{~ .’ ‘ ~ - or . . x 0 - .v A " .&”,‘. V " ‘lg -. ’ ‘I’. " . ' V ‘V .f.i.li».o_m,o'omo . .z}zii.__'__;gooooa-.:i;.§zz.1s.:.;_ O. ;«u§i;"'i:“’ifi;‘ The Way-O M. U. glfm ]SYNODSPLAN 1?. m... M... lCAMPAIGN FOR '-';:.":-...*;.éé'_§-;.s:..‘+. §PREPARES TO of0u,.W0,,d . is MARKED BY BUILDING 1«fOii.6- ~ - .._. MEMORIAL. IS ' MEETA'l'I‘ACK ,i,,_,,.W,,,_,,,,;_;:,,; BOARDSHACKS %M.U.STUDEN.TS i. f.‘..“.°§‘.‘ s?sy.:oBialfie in csii. Eight Frame Business "°' ‘“""""‘= N’ ?°"“"‘ "“ Second Presbyterian O -— 1 _... 9 ON TOMORROW; .°-f.._...." l OF WU ARMY. ?Dr. Brooks Says M. U.§ ”°‘""“>' '*°'P‘“"’ "* "" lchristian Forces Hold . . .. ‘rod-is-oz eooHonisht'the . , ‘iii: ‘the d. _ _ _ '°""“ ____ .HOlIBe8 Wll-hm H.815 e:xtr-1 porno: m 10501393 Calflpalfifl for g; ,‘ Has ,Never Undertale . g;; ;r$ ? Peking While Await- . . Block of F11-ancis N W mm ‘.;;.__ Co-operative Stu- 1 en Any1_hingofG1-eat- gm“ um i:r—_fl..;,;‘. R“ Pm ing Threatened ‘ mu. . inc! ' 1 iii: ram Qnadrange 0 "“"" ‘ dent C°'“€r- ;;_l;. + I rtan . '0 D‘ ' C‘ . 3 over; U eaaoryo _ ' W. um‘ F,“ O 1 _ . er inpo ce. unbieieol Omaha rive On ity . p ‘ "“"" ' VWASHINGIUIEI. Oct. 27... ”“““‘ 0" J‘ ....°='-=-"...>"- °'*:.:**"....-°°° ,=-.22 Pm” -———"' ‘°“”‘ °°“°“5 :;°:.::...:-9.-2*. '::...."- ...-: ““°’°°° —————""“"“‘* ggmaemanproliibitioucongraas. 'vUnfidy'in Mostcgses aiasippiand lower . -—————- - ; flies » -—-- 3 MASS M33-1-mg AT 10 A, M, . and Reed Friabie of sturgeon mo. Taoors WELL Equirrizn I :married at 9:30 o'clock this morn-. ' iingatthehomeoffinand lfrs.R.? _ ' ’ ] :Committees Are Named L Bmemc‘ 605 Now‘ Emmy Gen Hslang. at Caplta . 4 \ ‘ fine”. Gnam’ Complgtion of First’ I. i LO ‘F1011! Stl.l- street. The ceremony was per- H35 409000 Me"-‘ _ Eamon De Valera was arrested Worn B31-eby uptiwm Nahum’ of ‘hm . Unlt’ It Is. _ . dents Facult and - formed by the Rev. Walter M. Cabinet 15 Re_ i Y o s.u"¢,, ggggldg colgmbng 3.1] at _ Man F t en “mun”. “n of the ‘oak. H , . llaushalter in the presence of a V. _ lgodendsry. Inland. He ;.ad in- Y 09 -1-,,,,,,,,..m,, ,,.,._..,;,,, ,5... 0 - ' — .Townspeople. _:ew_ifriends and relatives of the‘ Organized. .iendedumakeaspeechat hall» -'—‘—' no.-mdintnzlgo and ofthe '““—-" - —-——-——— «w"¢=- * . ~ ___.__ . Not farther from the West A resolution adopted by the 1-,, U -. -t f M- - Mn hub‘, ; Q, 4, ‘M M By Consolidated rm... The report of the mic director Campus of the University than a. "°““ ___*____ Northern Presbyterian Synod or; M °me’;"u9,',§'c,’uk:n m';.’§i",,'; j.,,,,_ W, Km 3;, jam: o,°£m_. _ risxmc. Oct. 27.—'rhe Chris.- of mines nerals in Illinoh half block in any direction. -75 DOCTORS gnarl“) HERB lliasouri at its fl!ty-fifth . _ of ‘raw, unmmme to its jt,.,“._ Mr“, mt “,,.,_.mon,. we? tian army holding Pi-king today -show! tlllt nllmll 103391’! F9550‘ ' °°°°°"“- 0’: ._._______ mefiinto Uhlch ‘'15 0915 in Klfbfll Henry C. Wallace. of alumni and students than the ‘couple left for Centralia for a rising l”'°P"'°d t° Wm. “ ”"""°"°d ‘l’ 724808.655 was ofooll for the this eiirht 0* ‘WW “' i ‘re Represent ‘I O-undo at Boone ville 1-fit W-dated-in Thmdlr 83‘: Agriculture. whose death occurred erection of the Memorial Union _From there they will go to Sturo W“ "Pm T'"“-""}- "he" ”"**“' '¢fidinK J““° 30- " ‘"3’ "'*" '°'”' "1 them ‘m’; C°- "N553 306“! 38631!!!» F"d‘Y- ¢°“°‘-’"‘’ 9“? °"°¢“°" °f I in Washlnxwn. D. C... Saturday. and Stadium. There is nofiiing jgeon where they will make their. ““ P“ F“- "’l“’'"“ ‘° l‘’‘" ‘h’ ' - '---—- nightly. ugh. crude in coloiand of; - Presbyterian student center build-‘ __ mu will be of gun". sen“ home“ Mr. 3,-,.i,He is employed on (‘hihli province which he has held D" ""7 D’ H""°7' ‘ “ml” iliparmanant structure. ‘re of l s°'°’“7’fi‘,'° d°“°" h'°“‘ “"3 in; here, ‘ , '4" ” " “'-"3" ' - o ice to .11, Univerm’. mm the“, Q the surgeon Laden E so long. is understood to be mobilis- l'h:‘."“"“' 3% 3' at then -lno-t encroach upon the’ '(;’u':t,,°‘:.',‘f': e The resolution says ‘On: it is the‘ 0"‘P"_§1)A!l!- BOIMGE PAID L structures. The task of build- 0 we I-\-5-5}-———A—_-m Rm ’ fink W "iglmal $1“! W!’ “V ' retired 0 0!! ‘Nd! 511 d to". _ c -‘ - - _t . C. WALLACE TODAY - - _ I .. RE!‘ ' ST E , rive on e cap . - twenty-an years she rods to in! ' m '0 M 32... 5 °°""‘Y “°"°" 3°°‘°‘7 ‘°"*°"""'-0 '°'"' °‘ W’ 'y"°d 9‘ “’"°""’ U . -——-————- . "“ "’°'." '5 ‘"''.°' W "7"" 0 ————— Marshal Hm . Christian n- . 1°73‘ 33 lm‘P‘"“°P""°‘ "5 - ~ 8. A» that a campaign not to ex-. - tbelcss if each will subordinate Ch“ U Beck" M . ‘*3 '° pofessional visits. 1 main“ of am "rt 0! the Uni_= An afternoon meeting will be held med “S0000 be unhoriud ‘ad: Funeral Services White House: his Win“ interests md ‘Fork i . . eets Supporter:-V en]. hu ‘om, «moo ‘mom. hand, 3 ' 1 ghglygg 1 f g. V‘1‘llW- 70 Id» 939 593993 0‘ “.3 n the Boone. county H“piul' given riglit of way for the purpose “ H A’ up-Pu.“-Bufid ‘O i for the good of the whole the l u and ' - ‘"3 ‘ "“°l°"’ °f "°"'"‘i"°dv ‘fin’ I" _ “noun o . huh, tin” . C05 1 at 2 oclock. Dr. Elawoith at providing ‘dcquue “cum” in-‘ R Be in Des Moines. . l “mpfign is bound to be a “C. j Charles U. Becker, candidate for equipped "bop, numhefinc 10_oo0_ um? m vunng ‘£1119:-r.§« oerns. some of them legitimate and Sm“ °‘ 3? 30°“ W‘ D"- 3- 3- ' ' ’ ""““' 9"‘ . l'°'°"~'°"°" '3 WWW? 0‘ Wm "H. at his disposal to defend the city in 8*"-W °* .*§.-'=-- °?t.’ :2" *° °.::. :‘.:::"*.:.::::.<:.°m.::":::..:.:; ':::;: ..1.‘::§.’.‘.'..’:'“...“..’.’..‘.;.. ..2:.:*:.:!% moms o ::.*;°.::.::.:::*~:. *::°‘- :2. l we here-toda nd~gone-to -1' 8"‘ "me? m ‘"7 « -_§ ‘ _ . . . . . - l. h d d d ' _ °°" “” °" badly shaken by his defeat by Gen- 1==*~.°°=i~m"...='-,...'o~"°*"~l ~ "‘ "’° “ we we» -t 6 «M -t we cw-~ f:°.:.‘:“°".. ..‘;.7..*:::.':"‘*.::.‘::=..i’.:’.;:'* 3:: r:'.":...' ".3 ...fi§’~"T.‘.’.’.‘.’.".‘.2.‘.'i.’ .:;‘:...::::..:: ..::.. Sm-r am» '0 en: W *tryClub- ~. '. . .. ‘."“""“° ‘ ,° "5-? .3’. ... = ',-. - .- ,'“' , lfWu will makegoodhiathreatand —————.. is to be carried on in conjunctions "calm;-¢ gen » C vl,3n.¢¢ who division of the Lnuersity. will be 1 b h M l ‘,1 . 5 Dr. Guy L Noyes is president of - ; . ' n ' ' ' I ' N 0 "non .3 Y)’ to drive into the city 5d|*|11€1'c {"0313 U!!! 8115081 flh-1'°l¢l' "P00 0"! with.a like effort on the part of !‘|ed guard‘,-, lgin work at 8 oclock tmorrow 1" th ' M my me d thfi BOORC l . Dudley Con!” is in chute of the Synod of Missouri. U. S.. t 8; Funeral services were held in the mominl 0" 9'9 ”°"‘°"l'l U“i°" ‘nd smwaasweexgerftzd, :1; Milo sof mall Meanwhile’ the “bi”? h uh‘ ~ ' old ' . details and all arrangements to be‘ 5;”: 3.0,. of th whit, non” nu Stadium campaign. .- h _ 7 "’°'_‘"‘i‘°d 5"’ "“b«l°“ ‘° Hfl‘ rested by federal agents on a tivuieas of the West Campus and'w' ""’“’3°‘"’”"' f°’ ‘'5' “’°“"‘3 satisfactory to the board of direc-6.11 o'clock, Gonmmem 03%,,’ The campaign will close ‘I'hurs- me§:_n‘3e;';. “.3. ummpmied M; “ii ’ 'pl"'_:"" ‘ charge of selluig narcotics to con- vicinity and offend the taste of the "'°"”°"' tors of University work. fps,-.3 dowl from 9 ,, m_ “mil 1 p_' gay evening. Throughout the three his wig, um um" dw‘hw._ l yMuE-n- MARKS CROWD t —-———-e-—-— . . T . - ‘ f M- -_ U_ S" 1 3 _ 1, 1 1 f. g‘ _ , ays the workers will be calling on. ._____._____ . A C I ' u_;;-----—- be” in Ten Are Brick Buildlntl. WAR IN u,.,n‘,ey,,S¢,);lm:,d{ (inc P1-esbyfg m'I'hey 93:. m:tt":lded by! University students. asking each to’ l T P0u____E a)_l{.RT TODAY G¢!'''‘“£o 9‘ "t “in “on. Ten of the business concerns in ‘aim Chmch in Missouri. 1-he;p,-gmlgng “,1 u,-,_ (;o°1mg¢_ m¢m., subscribe to a life _membership of. . Persons Charged With ; Drinking, -~—: 78815393‘. Pfeven election the neighborhood of the Weati Re‘ John M_ Alennde, Q1 Co|nm,;hegg of the aunt, who ‘ma ., $100 in the Memorial Union and ' Speeding and Fighting Are Called Barbed wire entanglements are be— - - 4 _ , , - _ ‘ I T 3,, J“ in‘ was i in and Inna“: .C:em‘p‘uus'uar: in brig btthlildlflfl which ; bis reported that the synod of Mis- honorsfy Pallbearers. high arm) . Stadium are re 8!: Ir aid in maintaining order during ’ _°d { ti ciao di ‘mm-5_ u_ 5,, which be 1:“ mp»; and naval olficialls. tl; dliplomatfi E h‘l"ho; caiinpaignd foru funds‘ among -I-ho“. who anwd over the ‘wek. ~ 0!’ N005 0?! PG“ 0 ll!» 3“ i ' ’ ' dent’ t this synod. had under-.corps a rien s an re tives t e acu iy an niversi y em- _ --———y--- d d t led‘ - to th 5 °"""“"‘ ‘"4 °’°°“°"‘ have been run continuously for at. Baker m 3 Res’ ..g,‘,,": .;...u., ¢....,..a.m for‘. the Wallace family. V. pic-yes and the townspeople will Passing Machine Crashes_:.‘.,,."3.;.',,,'.:.§‘;.'l,,, ,:,",,.,. .§.”,§,,:°, During the five weak; ggdlngleaat two i taurant $100,000 to be used for student‘ ‘—'-‘°"—-— ;start_ at the same time. S. 1-‘. Con-‘: Into Car Parked on .... ,0,” 1°,” ch,,t,d Via, October 15 loans and invastmeuhl 75¢ 03-56' fight IN 939 ¢°“°9m'1 _ Bein work at the University of Missoux-Li I S M E ley is in charge of the campaign ' _ drunkenness, with lighting. with ‘ of banks reporting from varlouIlVhl¢h "'9 um?‘ W *3 ‘hub °f g Each synod has a board of directors; f e . "F1008 Ithf 1<_>V~'n8P0°P1¢’ 00d L Range LIDE. speeding. women and men. they hm {ma incngggd 5; non‘ cheap construction some of th_em‘B’ um‘ Pr.‘ . of Uninnity wo,.k_ A 2 .Di:foe is chairnian of the commit- ___.___. ' .5 “mg -11,, om Gama,” won . ' ‘OOOMM, 3%“? to ‘M puulg in ‘hflfl 31°" ‘ad Doug; Oct. 27.___Th' ton‘ ‘mt , They begin p1‘nnin‘ they ‘ tee.to 80llCll among {ht faculty and Two persons were injured in an c.re]‘._.. ‘it. but the Hfir.‘_umefi" L A ham‘ 'n"""’ B°"d‘ ‘ °"'ith‘mummd°.:f b°3'ibetween the Hip Sing and On 142- campaign and working out the do-l ’ U"""°”“5' °'“Pl°5"~'5- lccldenl which occufrod Sltllrdlf. had apprehensive looks. ' ‘P399. 'e!n.em¢n ' ' --—-- 1'0Ol‘l¢l3 ' ban "on, ii, f 1”“ f u, ' tin? - Joseph S. Simpich, student di- iitht on Rant? UM. M81’ UK‘ EU‘ -11, be h ",4 0"‘ °f '°'°n alum 'h° “flu” '55 'P1'l"t‘d mm“ as; eastern audellt zentcizor ucel|'lrlD¢c!(':°p:l‘ the] New Equlpment Throws . rector of the campaign. has an-‘ ircnel lgiield achool. cars were’. “.i.he"dr:,c,;:n:,::,_th{:,' . cpfiuhd in‘ ‘ad '. chic: and in Milwaukee and Chi- two ‘boards hope that theplnext tug; Stream of Water 8 ‘n{>ui:c;ed tlgat vrhiiedliatz. in;-‘:99 in:jur:ds;c;r:n mu ‘Hueli that they had been celebrating the ‘ _ . -cago, broke out in Omaha today years may see the com etion : - - .1 7° 5‘ N_ 30“ “'1 35 _ ' winning of the football game 8at W 0!‘ the d on m. ma, the of such I center. i l ldo so ‘my. yam‘-er. thOfl¢ ?Q]’- :0hll‘8e(;n, km 5173?. *hO BWI3 urd.y. . kin boy.‘ ml“. ll flwfifiiumd . WW. 4” The grounds aurroundint ‘h°‘°”.lln a Chinese restaurant on be: smdcm work at the Univ”-fityi . 1" us.“ m—----we um mo , in l &0i!1'lllb:‘ll0 ksgnted tcltklpotlhlny pl? dall 8“ 5;‘-‘:!‘88e).U:eI “;;ii¢:u widenuy white,“ for am, we, ' . I ted .‘ the ‘yaw by ’ _ g ‘ ‘ .8 0 ‘P. C elf D e. I ' I ’ "tion. -—---- ha ugh. g-gglgf «_ _ '” ’°9’°‘°“ . front ad the city hall. the new Petmment. be “,d_ about the head. heither was seri- ollowlng visit war la mysterious assailant. who 09‘ student counselor Dr. Milton 0. — . . . . . - crias-crossing l ' . . -§ - . ~ ailnistaro£Poland'madetoF'rancs,,‘°“.'."'t“’i"°"t: .fl_;cIpod. ,..°{T-:9 °°l‘:';b‘;1g.’f“l‘°l__ The mass meeting at 10 oclock.°“‘Tl: ”,”‘”'°d ‘nay .! tafl , ugh. ‘mm, and .1 ~55“ 3,51% H *3 ‘av ‘ 1 ‘A L . pg - :' minm:l°‘'''wm| the'ho.e ‘Fl tomorrow morning in the Univer‘-; th "ehaccideutt occudm in0ro:I°ck.?p"“n‘. .ppeu_“ ""_pfl.d.w find saariiiesaiuiilar to ‘those hlilt for ""4! 9°‘ 9 ‘fig ‘ "“"*“"""2 PZICELS 'B‘AC!( T0 BENDIQIS. “*5 9°’ ‘fill!’ Andlwflflm ll f0? “'9 WW0” '3 ° '“‘°" °"’° "‘ 1 ° ‘themselves in such .company. for- Tho arraigned for minor of- ’ _ ' --oar s. «'3. - ulleuf ‘ W navy. according. O 11- ‘I0 38 OPENE NOV. 21 ' __ ' tached to the water plug. « oT'arouaing.interest in the cam-‘. Saturday 1158111. fills: Johnson andi ‘cum’. peflup" ant ma ‘mu 0-f from ch“.b°u.'..., Sfih. planks, piles of leaVca.; ...-——.——-— %New Ruling About Mailing Re-i texts were madelto gise the fire-. p’,g,,_ gimp”), 5.5;], No gubgclripo Hardin had parked their car. An! bw_b"‘kc" u ‘en ” am can". F9337 NW“: "ck": ""l’t7i3P°¢m¢3"°0' '0' H9-9 390903“! ceivd at Postoffice. .men practice in learning to hook mm; my bg “ken .g thgt umg, Oakland car driven by ‘unknown, It '1. we “me old Mond‘y_.uom_ . tins and Pflhtfl. OIBPW Addition Will Be Ready 'n|¢3|- h-u,,d,.,_.d, of laundry ‘M3,, u-.\-._ up the hose and get the pumpcr Russell cancel will be lcmponry persons struck the car in whichf mg mung to Jud“ w_ D_ sh.'_ "Prom every angle the proposi- bottles. cigarette stubs. cookie 501-’ pun]. ' _ - .‘ going quickly. as well as to test.’ chairman of the meeting and Slim they were aittinir. 5841)’ dllfil-Kins! ‘ v “"3 0‘ 8005 T0359 139533 an‘ ‘ml 9”“ °f ‘"“”°d b“nd' gt,-s::_1§:: :1’ an .¢4m::r¢. :2: Hfjontxic a?:,;0.:'..e;::ck::$-¢:°,:, ] the efficiency of the machine. pith permanent chairman. Presi. both cars. A little later a car driv- r§;‘:ua;';a1r::,ne:k_:§md?:cint:_ the ‘wt’ '”°'° b°'i”°" ‘ml ‘ ""t"- m‘ '3‘ ‘"3 '°m° °f the "ti. . Economics Building will be received were returned to the senders this? A column of water was lifted as? dcnt Stratton' D. Brooks, Frank en by L. E. Smith. 514 Ann 8"'~‘"“°-‘ Mattie Jackson. Joe liolmes and . °"“t‘“‘"‘°"t-" “id “V” ‘kl °fv’d°' f°““d ‘yin’ ‘bout’ 4by the curators of the Univenitrmomlng by u-uclui from the post-‘ high as an eight-story building this} Mfcaslin and G(‘0l‘8° Wlllfiofl Wm ""“"" we "'° °‘_"' '-°"‘"“ Ofl ‘‘ Bessib hloore, siegroes, were ar- . _s:. Iouis in I letter. indoulns Pm»! Tllirtcesi Lunch Places. hm until November 21. The plum office in accordance with a mom 0 morning in the com. This is? weak '“““"‘F ‘’°‘"’- "'-'‘‘*'*’°” “‘.*’- ;i-signed this morning. all charged A 5' an be ‘ddtnnd to: Thifia" °f we” pin" "'3 up 8114 3P°¢ifi¢3ti'°5 7°!’ ti” 39' ‘d’ niling of the postoffice departmentghigher than any building in Co-l 51°” 9”“ 350 l’°‘'‘‘°“’‘ “"‘-' °" 1" ‘M’ °‘°“'””°"t {°"°"'"“ "h°~ with fighting. Mattie ‘lackaon Roads Association. houses, either for the serving dmon win he nay Nowmbet 1 mu 1“ be tcdlumbia‘ Wm" can be thrown “pi pegged to gttgnd the luncheon go. accident. the persons who won: in plowed ‘mm’. but an other "0 It is um of regular meals, quick lunchea,.f than wishing as flue their for niilglila: wlifiiognme ‘rcegzvd and on my Mm of fire ant lhomd. morrow in the women»; Gnpnas» the Oakland car departed. denied we chute. 1-My “M they . . .. ghemburgera chili, or other forms |,- - u _ b , fl am for workers in the student cam- . . ° . ‘ lud ujgd to u.p.nu_. an gum”, 5 1 i ‘ v 103. f ld ta d address labela._ happen to break out. y means 0 ; . . . . “OI. LI) HONOR DR. J0fl.\ ‘lf'3.?é"."..al'id uosuuy'°‘ '‘"°"‘”‘ W‘ “'° "'3 P‘‘°°’ The specifications for the new fins). 0: .,‘,Zp:,,:',:,,,,,.,. hm. ,,,._..-...l'u.i. new piece of equipment. A: "“"" "“°"““‘ ‘° ”'” V"“’“‘ D. vmcii. IN CHAPEL Ind - neirro man. who was not up- - ' ' dunlnl “id P’°”i"8 °l°l'hi“3~ l La 8 ‘Mi ill be ready for con- . . d ~ h . ' H‘"l5- °l"‘i""'“" °l "'9 l“"°l"’°": _,.._._.___ prehended. Holmes and Moore were took place there. is regarded byffm . " ‘“ “3 ‘’ delivery stamps. § Pmohstfntlon of 1 0 PU_mP¢r V-#8. - Th 1- - -n N. . -we »=m~ - - «mm .. ...... .. -°w~ ":2 6-v-,1-«er. no W, =:,.;:‘°°'*‘:. “"‘° :‘“;:~% I3 ‘fit? “°'* :::'° :.*;'..°.:‘°.‘:..*::' .';‘:"".:.°:..‘....‘°°. °:°:.- a peasant and communist revolts-l A ' . ' ' W. Irving Glover, third assistant, noon are t a mom rt: 0 t c . h U - -‘._ Lu h '1. ‘ ‘ . tion. ‘rated at the corner of Ninth and Negro Woman is Buried. postman,’ gem,-.1 on September. City Council lilting Ice h:ll(l!fl"l“S'l:d)nc‘dn ne“on1s'm:sris- Church. Friday. Hattie Jackson was fltsed _—————— : Elm 't''°°‘‘v 3’ '°’°” “"5 °°" Funeral services were held at 6 R . ‘h t‘ H M dare“. It - d tnted ant th l ‘ 5 . That the student memorial chapel 35 105 Collie ‘ ._ Bill.-Gem AMOS Stick!!!» Us 3-l 3" ‘mm -l‘7.H‘ N95 ad!’ i‘ ‘me E 2:30 o'clock this afternoon in the ' r°q""°‘ “ ‘ ° ‘ V” °m°"" E’ d”‘ of the proposed new Methodist like 31631013. I Miro. who WI! A-e retired. died turda ll’! ‘-59 WW‘ dl‘°°”°d °f “"59 °°"’L ‘ or Laura lfbdm °ld sump’ ‘ad “pew” dc”. pump" could mt 813 ‘anon’ of: A dim." i‘ ‘O be held mmgm ‘t hutch in lumbia be named in Iffated 00 Iclllffl 07 bflnt tlfilfllt. ‘ home in Re" Y°rkS3C“y‘ ¥aC._¢'huh:&rn" in How” to open“ influx ‘ fvho died livery stamps be removed from the: svatcr per minute out of the late. a; the Daniel Boone Tavern for the‘ Sonar of Dncfohn D. vine“. W“ the piuded not ‘um,’ 11;. uh] '" born in St. Loni. in ma. Hhlbem “tend, ,.efu“_.d ",4 “wt ‘t her home’ 11 North Fifth street‘ packages before they can be ac-zdisuince. of seven feet. Fire Chief ; campaign workers among the Uni- pi“ mule by the R". ‘hwin .r_ "3: (0, pfld”._ H, mm, . bond of firs: army ugignment wag withlgranted. This building stands al- ; Suntan, mania‘ awn} Wu ccpted by the postoffice. The ac-LT.‘ I. Walden thinks the pumperl, versity facult) and the tnlrns; “V in his “mum ‘t the Brad. ‘mo . eral Sherman and he pguelu most flush with the corner of the’ nude in Commbi. cements.‘ tion was taken because of the con» will be able to Ht 900 gallons a. P¢'0P1C- DY» 3- 5- J°.'l¢5- d"’°¢‘1°Y ° ' V ' _ , , l , _ , . . . . way Methodist Cfiumh lasllc lfcCowan. ‘a taxi driver. patid in the march through Geo:-l sidewalk and obstructs the'view of fusion and delay resulting in old- mhutc when it is broken in. It‘ the Memorial Lnion and Stadium . I yestc [nor-aux“ Doctor ‘find!’ '¢co]-ding Ifld’ W070 Clfll fined gia. He was ai years old. {the street from both directions. _addrcss labels and old stamps onlis required-by the contract to immpl¢'""P“‘¢"- ""1 F"°“"°- “‘° ’°‘' . . t Mr. H iv; was a self-made man. $5 and 003$! 00 Chlffll Of IP¢¢dlf|l- ' . -'———— ‘Several automobile accidents have AS WE GO To liparcels which are I-emailed. W50 gallons a minute, llov-ring persons have been appointed 1; V” go", in v;,.¢l,,;, 1,, 1330, John Van Cleve was‘ fined Cl and Howard )1, com, gggigtu-it ax.‘ occurred ‘hm’, u this com". . -—-———o-—-—— cf ttiddq,’ Jumu game, ‘Dal solicitors by Mr. Conley and Pro- -. . ' ' , , ‘ . and was left an orphan early in life. nun’ °{ "’l°"lt“”i '3“ "°‘.‘since the building was erected. It is B, Uh,“ p,.,_ ‘DROPS DEAD WHILE “OI?-l\ll\G Sam Hall managed the tests Fri-. f"”°' D°{°°- Hg gduuud llimulf, “ugh; gdlool outside the parking lines. bum in un fl-out ygpd ‘of g r¢gi.l LONDON. Oct 27___a{m‘xi,,s gi “rm A. J. M“‘-M of Chmimu" nu! day afternoon. but the whole force; “_E'H‘i'j'I,”:""§i_.lt"‘::_it°“§"I:_. in Virginia and in Missouri. held Russie Wiflhms, a_ negro, .waa dcnce. ‘. c.mp‘ign distinguished fog its bit-l _ buns in Cdmibh‘ l_took part this morning. ,A T-N‘-Vb!-vidge O‘. M. Siewflt .w' several public otfices. and became fined 85 and costs in the police Cleaui Fl i Sh cits. co five speakers in‘ . The 0 Bee in r will be‘ ' . . ' » ,' prominent in Masonry. holding al~ court this afternoon for speeding “ "‘ " ‘ “="‘°"‘- mm ' Mrs A .1 Miller 51 years old 9“ '’° 8. Ritchie. Leonard Guddum. -Sarah - an T'° _ ‘ Columbia tron: 1870 to 1374. 3 er Bone. . ————o———-- v dden Service Cleaners, a.cleanliig‘ay Uaiied run. 1 ‘Mrs. Miller is survived by her‘TR1M- NOV. H FOR TWO 2 1. B_ ;.~‘ g°m,,,,,' H_ 3.351}, J_ 5_ 8° *“ 3_"'°" “"3 ‘*9?’ °{ D jut 31. cc ‘3 n’ M and pressing establishment doing CHICAGO. Oct. 27.--'l'wo menlhusband, A. J. Miller of Chillicothe; REL!) ON LIQUOR CHARGE _{;,kem,' W. s_ mmms “d D,_ by the University of dheiluovrfi in died 3 ’ y'’umf;‘‘, ’ business in a small wooden shack.‘ were removed at noon today fromlher two brothers. in Columbia: her. 3 mn ‘5oo—--*Bondi“’.l.od”._P.dm Edgar Allen. gecgrwflwrfi .':m:;m,t:; Jul: at her home at Ilidway. Hrs. _ career thirty years ago as water {thick ‘Nth <=°'°d "inch 4"--:-n Armour 9 00- M14138» Win“; mother. Mrs. Chm: Berry of SW, 9,,“ C,“ s,_.m,_,,,. : Columbia solicitors: Dr. c. w. ,m,’ ‘M ,,,, u 0...... of ,, ifiicc VII 393379439711! sood health. by, on m nljnob,C.nt‘-.1 35“, cussion when it was erected about by an explosion. Tlie.flramen who phens; a son. Miller. who at-‘ "dead fnigges, Joseph R. Somerville, ho- cl an ant ‘ pl“. '1‘ ‘hay. She came to Columbia Saturday and 3”‘ a year Ito. is that which was for~ made the rescue said another man tended the University several years; I N no u d Dd ' . « ‘ mu Mean‘. pm, pcu,._°n_ John n°‘:"d f hi e 4“ Mt “mu Mm. ‘mm m osdock —-————— mcrly known as the White Ronsemuu buried in the debris. -co: and 8 daughter. Miss Martha. . ' ' .3’ " ‘ “i‘"°" 3°" mm Ed hm, Km mm. fink. ‘or In on every con» um "am, ’_ ‘amt 39°70 31- SE70! 18 8501111 the atiiiy one-room ailair where ham-‘ Miller. who was a student at Sti.~,""" dW‘K0d with selling lntoxi- ' ' elnencelflll vrotflmo ‘he '0“ up flu . = --—' ~ - St. Clair. N. D. Evans. John lQuarlel. e . . Cunard liner Lancastria on his way bu gers are Id, located on the cor- . ”' """“' ”"“" ' 1, Co“ 1 t _ eating liquor. entered pleas of not 1 W5“? 83904338 I ’¢“‘°” 0' “"3 t M “.1 ' ,_, southmpwm 3, mm‘, ,0 u; of N.m_h'°m,m W, Un,,,,,im WASRINGTON. Oct. 27.;:‘ba‘p ml :';§'bu,i_, wmfcniiey in Circuit Court this after. R°R:fi.mRi¢hQ";I- cedmi Conference at the Broad. mm h:'“‘:in‘ 5:1‘- . "gale do“ an -n,.,,,,,, “math. "am. on” Mi"ouri Bu.be¢uc_.Supreme Court today hdlsmls ' a held ‘t Cmuimthe yawrday “bfnoon and each gave bond for 8500. W. -Pm] Baku. hmgrwtr Methodist Church in August. . ‘ channel which has 1-ielycomein for - cood:’."" ‘?'°“'*" ‘° “" ‘ '’ °°'‘’‘"°' ernoon =“"= W‘ W '°‘ ‘°' "°"'°"". Garth 1»: a'supi..... some lielm.19°" "= '“ s ‘ "° ‘“°“ could at that she died. dc.‘ of diwuugon h baud on city 3 tionality of ' _‘_§*‘~‘§ . h i - . u’ '“. _ following ¥.(;VI;mlJtt. ‘.thoii- an” “l W. 0 ii ill in a canoe. He recently, . . _ , unaralaorw from lggl .3 go Ngw Yak 0;; die 9,.“ . 9 11,1, .1” ogj192l,ruling thatnofadaral question _ —————— jiuryou achargeoffeloiiy.'walvod‘ . S . I -more Methodists the fa. buwmuw‘, u vuock tnu_ MhlIti¢- ,. lhe ymovr? e.permanent-app:awrlng}"“ P'¢5“W°d- J C‘""‘l"u:"r:£';"ah:;‘"' 8""‘, formal arraignment and entered a 33;’? s:Tl:'h¢'fI1. I__I Y :28 02:50: f “y_ .. ” 0 . - "8"--°"'l""" ‘ wooden structures, but still of theft,’ Um,‘ ,.u;‘'''‘'''‘ _ . ‘ jlilca of He tlve.holI_d'suan, Jack Taylor. 307;, G. “'7 m um me. “ mrflwd by 5“. . " °‘ .’ - sliackvariety. Itwaabuiltin1921.' wAs3ING1~oN ocg‘ 3-L__gnd,,. In Boone Qolmtl’ t°.{or $600 and his trial was set for«3u-ion nolmett, Lehman Price, W.‘ ” " ‘mother. Ira. !'u&ar Poalaiir liar """" ‘°"""P""'““- - ' v ’ ' raiaefunds forothe Salvation Army. - l lgraveintheColuInblI Cemetery. V ' it-t-do-no last. you'll iiad g. ind Darn! it In eatans Pllce. ire-lcomimed pram" mm .11 put, _“ be m we ‘hsoolsovember. 11. ,c, xnigln.-T. K. Catroii. William R‘. pdfiflficmgdah husband. James Bios; three chil- aovar. ;;v cheated DOIUYUYIWGNM ‘of aw comm.’ A 1'" "°'- °’°‘°d‘“” 1 The divorce case of Bernioef(“Wood") 8app.H.A.Doty,W. . 7” dten.flt'a. Era of H iron.-um-ibnbhfil Bbackaoucoaley - lquota for the county has beengpuh ‘taut sun“! 5 “tbs ll smsmhuw self-mademanbahaptbaforatlievh,"‘.a‘L'tht “fig”, -~i izioooconieymdoe that coda,“ "S‘°“' ‘°“’ “"’ ”"Er-i-ed--°=°=dinN°D'--'-3~°°‘=-wu‘suuaiacueuizcomudslne 0"“ ' ° l’°"“‘°"°“""""""""“°“ nidfoaraistsn. ii Bea " hhtbe utaroalrsorrqz 3,3335 UN 33¢Y9'|°Y‘o °onfl.dtn"k'.,.‘.u*tou,e ,m V - K¢wflC7."IK$C;"lrl(Qjgg-(Q, PLPOOOFIKOB. D.8hOck, liracbaotctaioasoi-row. arefound. They are occiipiad.by;wwu6°n of man‘ j‘ i¢h;l‘;8«quou{" Centuli.h”bun.dd ‘uh “(many ‘Dd in_g,lira. Sn!"l'u!W':l@G.‘::'!':rac.olél:‘ .rh.c°hmu.~nkh sd”dK.'_ umjbmu a ‘bun licsiouiorsocadas. """'—' oversubacribodandthc quota for;a7j‘ ;m33r{¢"“~‘;L"“ll30V¢fll||4lDt.‘50’Vlll°Dd¢'Ufl”""u"" ' i.o..........a,...:... . - mm ;llrUO|todPr—. lmnnme k “main. orroduntil some_laterday“’°”"' . l7tn0attheendo!theilratquar- lmllavuewcnbvdthu an-ogrionhiusugg -~....,/if. ltllflla are sliackamof the cbeap1e;te;fiCHICAG0. Oct. fish; resolu-goth" Mimi‘ at wym” .- .‘,.,, pug, 5,, ;:;lousl_y hui-t‘hlaa‘t“nitl¢ wbe:‘1.,o,,.,,.,.,,.c.¢u..npl.;g lnadiaaAIdBaciatyandtheIllw‘a.y,_: . Illrolltlx ’ on ollndcunihtvlr "°°°t- . . , _: aueaivtd Ivifwl. ‘ihisaftornoon. J¢lIIlCdfl¢.Klw- ¢"|°¢l|¢a|Bl=5'K|I'lIldI. ’ f;:;_-33¢-0--H-='._ lDafia:bBwIlI.htbn.i‘i:tHocXl;l“:“‘t“nh;hhtdaLGI'IfiJlnt:”k°d‘°"n°u°"’°n:‘f:m:‘;h:_';in 0 ~ ‘ "‘°'g1;:-:e~and falan;idnd5:lphamamlflao$Idafiltm$togIUI‘a‘:lr;‘K‘aIba‘mu.. - ‘has-daudnautnoc-acacia-s. ‘Via 1 ""°"‘, ‘ 0' ¢|l|l¢|7¢“I‘ 3 h‘u.h' Iafiukm D°a“.cd._' ;, --.—-—-o——-—. . lilo WI“! _| ‘*3!’ paaaandnnl5‘yI.flIIioI"atonch- fill _ 5 " Jasisoiooeiuaesii-aliases ‘FA:-—utudiatlapsuentplaoafou-aav-l.¢;.::.l5,¢5.'.i§[‘.fl3.:§.1“3.”‘,_.-ilnthsl.-_;' «_ z,3up_Vu,.§,..u_l -—-—-e——-—— ' @oY£¢a_IaI'ry‘PIHa(lid. """"“"‘ """"'e"«"' e ml:-n-Ibvood-orkb-ere-ned’woum conditions at United flr dud sin. E.L.8iaion. nos: . -the dd-t ‘mm in ""“'”""“""""“"".’-°-""*'1l!'l';‘_“""’*'!"- * """"'¢' “°""' W 5'00‘. Vo“""""""°",'*~l|!"- _ ‘none. .3. ;.. ’.5.¢.¢a,.g,_.,n,;,;,,.,' Gkanltsyalwunaadtsmis, Jaspirhlinw patislan1q»todaytoIAyD.VlseksotDaycoa. hum.- i+- j,1F”6*w.'”thh.d‘.dh';uuu“u”l .~,.-.h‘h‘d.”.&bi.m,u.d‘hun,_.,b,_:.u-g¢n.¢u..a.,.gg.,.luu-aiiwo':u:;baI-asul':psratiiu;disoio: g|;eaIiaerlatba:-:o.aadIls'ianGlagsiaIia(l'ul._ VJ-noes-an "“' " - - - - l- »' ‘ -. aniotor V3500! lletllo-.ClI'fll ,- ' o . J- ..a3:r _ ninavim. to-u-so......o.., idlscoudouot house. , . lveraityllospital. O I ' I _ ‘ . . IL , . ‘P _ £2’-. _ . ;t. . ‘ ' ‘ . 4 ’ I . - a ‘L’ J A‘.'.. _ -,_...‘,._ O -' _ ., .. «ea: - - «_&.' ‘on-. st » . o . _ ,. > -. .z...-.— - K -— ~ ° ~ ' “"‘ ‘ “"“ ” ’ ‘ “ .- \.«‘.:‘, - ‘s