..~ I ' ' is. . ~‘ .'.Y .A ~' .‘ ‘ ., ‘mi Jvfi ' .‘.' . _ . .._.§gq-vq.po«-vsfir ‘Op -‘ ' nost laces we-..o er 1t .1 4 Pwpo Z630 as: tlloi‘-: ' ‘ - ;-.. e 8 . 8 -‘I. O- ‘--.cuv<- ' ‘ - . ‘ ‘ , ‘ 1 3‘ "f ’.l.f’.'f|'T .' .‘3<5.'4"=f..‘ _'x'-’ . .- '-:- .-. ‘ . . . -.i - . AI‘ - vi)! '1'. Raw 0 .‘¢ Neusoricaliimziia society ahallo!Moherly.MiaeCoraPughof' Stephens College. Mrs. Charles, Champion and Miss Edna Rasmus-! l ‘mien Tau Alpha—Mlss Iris Penn? of Synodical College at Fulton, Dr. C. F. Elsea. fBeta Theta Pi Gives §Supper and Dance . - ' ’ Lewis, Laura Clark. Frances M'38 {am Scare!’ 8 ’ lrriddy and Helen lliini. Marriage Tonight l xepp. Sigma-—Mias Vera Clark, Tb W of [in Amanda; Miss Maud llarris. Miss Lucile Big- hn, sea;-cy of Columbia ‘:4 Paul I. don and Burran Carter of Sedalla. pug" 1-[award of‘ Denver. Colo.,: Acacia—Mr. and Mrs. W. H. E. . be wkmniud gt‘.v8 o'clock to- . Reid, Mr. and Mrs. C. U. Murray might at thehome of the bride. 302 L and Miss Helen Murray of Marce- I Com,“ .,_.,_.m,,, wig}. e Mar» - line, Miss Ethel Evans, Miss Ollve _. buffet Il1_PP¢Y f the Broadway. Meth-_ B:-ll, Miss Ruth DeLee. Miss Ellen; and dlhcml ‘Wm : Callahan of Kansas City. Miss I-‘er- cigclock. F The - . l , na Dail, Geo e Ba man and i386! rant “4"‘‘.’ "’;‘f3‘°°""7‘f’§,",,e ,m.,,d._.d by: (awn. Clgpp_rg “'1 no es, Frances aublimt Joeiiiu 1,: ‘Eisster rhclyiss Sara Scarcy, and Alpha Gamma Rho—Henry Ham- i Kiflt. flit?! . 1407-1 Mi” Bug.“ W, n, my-, How.--§iiton of Auxvasse, Ross Welsh of‘ Bfidtltr. NI 0736 N!'Wwfl'.'V5!'lIini8. d *5“ be ‘tundelleby Laclede. Frank Stoner of Fulton. -' VInm€1v¢Y. 35117 ‘B9110 _ __ 0? “rd of Traitou‘ and Tillman Mel‘- Frank Leathers and Sam Hargadine Vl!‘ti|'!il R0808. 51- LOWS: C8“???-, 19:‘. 1 Windsor Little Miss sided of Marshall. give Buckner. Marshall: Dorothy D-- * " 0 ‘amen u-ill be the flower Phi Beta Pi——'rlie Misses Linda ' via. Naymee Simon and Vi-finial Sttllens, Jr.. the rins- 3-1170"- Eve],-n \\~'eg\-er’ Mgrthglcuffifl, St. JOSED ‘ Vitula ‘Vanl Saturday 7:30 until gu were: the’ es Coleman. Peyton‘ 9 odlst Church performing the Elli!‘ _ . ‘ ) . THE COLUMBIA MISSOURIAN!MONDAY!OC'1‘OBER'27! 1924 give anlvcrsity, was in Columbia for thelLuella Ianaater of tonight as was pre-l football game Saturday. also attended the Northwest Teach-l The organisation will not ere‘ College and later attended the! informal dance University. viously ann Faculty Club will Nnie oougmm?3f Give “Poverty Party" AUemete21 b'ntertaln I The Stephens College Faculty; trative officers of Stephens College, terig, evening.‘ The entertainment will be called a; jndudgng ,, group of songs by Mi55"j the party. by , “poverty party" and each guest is‘ Janet Dgvigon *~‘Ul‘P05et-vclopmcnts in SOt‘l0lOgy.".: iiul street. The new members of the society: t‘l('Cl(‘d (‘.'ll'llL‘l‘ ' his report at -1 Thursday afternoon they will clitortnln with a bridge party at M Afigucmuon. of wmch Orgamup Mrs. (urtls zhomc. 208 Hicks av- Miss Virginia L4-c Mcng. former science fru- chupcrun at the Alpha Phi hous:-, returned to Columbia after DI’. 1 spending four months in Lexington. 0f. 51:55 Mt-ng is the guest of her sis- “S0me’ tcr Mrs. Henry R1-inhart. 1215 Will- m ,. will be,‘ Miss IIIais,\'*A.\,'.\.\'eelie_\- of Kansas f”rn."uy presented at the mc.(.5n8_‘ City’ 9 furme-r student of the Uni-_ - Pl ex Jones. Miss Lucille Parker and Miss Mottoes Satte'1flee’s 1 South of Jesse Hall 9 H allowe en . Everything to make your hallowe’en table suc- cess! ’ Janousek’s Art Shop I'...3 PARTY GOODS And DECORATIONS Decorations That. Are ‘ More Beautiful Than Ever Before , .,- -_ .-_ , M" S 3 Scan.’ of Colnmbi‘ qh Jiihnmn ‘ill-is Martha Johnson and S‘“'”m‘h High sch‘-’°l 5“d 3 for‘. ' ..¢-,"‘“‘ ' ~ * . member of the Chi Omega 8m.or_.1 kappa Alpha‘ 'n'leta——NMls8 gm;-ii L 888. at ll’)‘\l 8. ity. Mr. Howard is the son of Mr. 5_l_“"*""‘”'t Mcando °f cw or - ~--~ -- and Mrs. H. Howard of Muberly. lie . (r;‘>'- 30° ’ ' f ' . _ ' , .9 ?F. . . . 3:: fisntegrbaeiuzrh-p‘;i bliss’ Virtzinia Rogers of St. ‘ KM,“ Nu_ honornn. engineer_ and Miss Jo:-:_2ic Lansing. ‘ ing fraternity. He is employed in P‘ 8”“ ?"’-‘“r' ‘md Mn‘ Luv’ the Public Service Co. of Colorado. - fI_"“'° LU°”"3"{ :1 “A After spending fi ' d ' ‘ ")3" “_""' " "'2 ' ‘ Km“, Cm. the bgdegzd ::::”:::_ 5;. I.<-ms. and Miss Dorothy Chsp-- Vill be at home at 1028 East Colfax. """" ‘I (.l"i".ti""‘ C leg“ , in Denver, Cum Phi .\iu——I)r. and Mrs. Ralph ls.‘ .._._._.___ \'.':;tkins. Dr. and Mrs. W’. H. Pyle, Sunday Guests at lit. and Mrs. J. H. Coursault, andp . ' Mrs. Trzlcy Mills of Pine Blufl. Ark. Fraternity Houses .-‘llpllzl Phi--Dr. and Charles Dinner guests at the fraternity ho Sunday we ' \‘i'. lligrgzes, Charles W. Digges, Jr., _ re: _ Sigma Alpha Epsilon-—Mrs. Bed-L Sum Dimzcs. Miss Dorothy Craig of Cilrrollton, Ml.-‘S Ruth Parks of St- ford Estes of Los Angeies, E1i;a.*«;;ilia. Mrs. W. W. Cloughley and bcth Calvin and Jack Waters. ' -‘J5-W 1403 BUm¥3T8'~.‘1' 0‘ K3113“ Beta Theta Pi—Mr. and Mrs. G. l 'i.\'- .‘-ii-ss Frpnces Renoe wd Hi” H. Gill of Virginia, nl.. Mr. and Jan» Frazier. of Fulton ' Mrs. R. E. O’Malley, Frank Morgan U91‘-‘* G3‘W““-Mi“ and Robert Rcnfro-of Kansas City S and John Bishop of Marshall. Phi Theta—Mrs. S. S. MC-. Ewen of St. Joseph, Miss Gladys“ Haas of Marshall and Maurice S. ' Aline Mar- ‘ Moore of Kansas City.‘ . fhi Kappa Psi—-Dr. nd Mrs.‘ . Wllse Rob’ of Kansas City. and € the Misse Molly Morgan, Virginia _ / 1 Caolllge ~ cliildi-ens The Tigers will win from raska N eh _ ‘V /‘-0. _ %"*‘ BLANKETS -Park/l The House of Fashion. Late Heavy Wool Blankets Sp::ial $ Woven soft wool blankets like these veil] be very welcome these cold fall nights. Beautiful plaids in a variety of colors. Per Pair ‘ Wool Fleece Blankets Blankets and Bed Spreads With the manufacturers’ season on blankets and bed spreads drawing to a close the blanket and quilt mills are forced to ‘offer their stocks at great reduc- tions. We have begn very fortunate in buying a great lot of these mill run blankets and spread sets at special prices and these of course will be passed on to our cus- tomers at savings to them. We are placing them on sale tomol-ro.w, Tuesday, October 28. Anticipate your winter needs and buy now. ' 3. Es TES-PA RKS October Sale of I . A And. . i / , $4.65 ‘ff’ 100 Krmkley Bed Spread Sets ' GivethechildreaWRlGl.EY’ ; at 3" -.-,-_-. -- , _, ‘Va.’ h M in K’ . l TM,‘ mun’ or blanket; is greatly un- " V_-:_‘_-—-——__—-—*..‘ C _ _ -T;.v‘*--‘——..‘\ D ' ' bfnefif Q. .nd _ E ., dcrpri:-cg when the quality ‘-5 ¢0_08ld€T'-‘d- p —. _ any ‘ digestion. They want sweet, and E i The}, com in mum“, ._.m.,.,, plaids and ‘ .. ' cuzrs is the street that’: good 1 E block p.u-nu. or sou blues. rm ww- fx ‘M . . pink and yelyuw. ~ -'-.‘- $ _‘ 0 ‘km clflhv"-1-°-1*!-1 *°-“- , Heavy Fleece Blankets _ with you. ' A ‘ ‘Dd’ _.b°' ll Special rec ' ‘V S It is made if _ ' . at Pill "if" A from ‘ S ' .5 fresh 5 if Large 2:: small plaid bbilxs in 1* Ind has that if l :3‘l:aeE,e:ink, my Q U a 4 gcilicious i . vor that c T ; f 3' . - . 7 you'll enjoy. j Double Blanket’ or mgk .3990?’ ‘S ‘T ‘l PHONE 1300,, 7. D ’ y. d ' « - hum», mm; we h.;.,d,,.b,d,,,,ag«.,., ' " A ‘f 3'?°"". P" wifl:blonc?aele°'fl‘ueeda!.n(l)ctober'%..11weetmndstaof~rip- . '.’ v 3 -' at o . palette spreads 80 by;.90gand pillow ahems 80 by 80. Centrall1; in ‘ ' - er. c'oIH*H"v' °°“‘°i”“"‘““"""‘~’“"°°"‘“"‘”“‘°”f A \ A fihauuumuqbfinma setsasaamillpurchaeeaudaregl-eetlymidupsioed. ~ e I .gaauaaa.r._'ngeycodeIIt_lc¢|¢sI,,I=l‘|I|‘|- . A 4 N3‘: 5- -I 7 " g . I’ _ . V 91‘.-a’ : l‘ :‘ fa.‘ t‘ ~‘ - BED. SPREADS White Special 9 $ e9 5 at 7 l ‘ 1* These beautiful white quilts are made by Rippelettc and Krinkled Quilts. They are large size and come tn the semi-marsailles design. Just what you have been looking for to add an attractive touch to the bed- '« room. Worth $8.25 to 84.50. I Beautifullled Spreads Special Per . at , .» ‘ Set v‘~ , These wonderful silk spreads are woigen in colors of gold. blue and rose. Th spreads will add that touch your bedroom. 7 . _._'s of luxury Honeyconlb wo... White Quilts . ‘D $ fiflhhinfle 530%“! ‘arse. lI'by'Otl. ‘l - Y n e . e ‘ 0'0-es‘-oe-eeeoeeooe'soVe‘“!*‘V-‘ 1‘ if .";.- ' ‘. ' r _ ‘u, .93 ‘