I l i F5 1 L ‘lxliationofhiseabinetlntheugandal .am, i . 4 ernments, ' ' MP0 _to‘counbat this opinion by saying . ', that MacDonald's defeat came from -‘ 'his inability tofineet the unemploy- ‘ ‘meat problem. 4 w in It ,1, military director)‘. no -°~:.-;.:=:= ....... .. nd three 5' " “ ‘nderground electric cable mu. an Lyman Textile Mills in; spartarubult. s. C. yo-tcrdnv. E I III . . _ ., - ~ - I . ‘ I .m1& "V ‘ .. ,_ I r ,-‘ - s - .€A¢\."s - lo - ‘ ’ ' . r__ a £1. ..~‘;.A ‘ _ vs}: 3*»: < ,_*;L_ Pnfismnm COOLIDGE ASSURK E D cox. LA - v ‘ a AY, NOVEMBER 5, 1924 ‘- : -J: MISSOURI, .‘ \- $—.. ..-—.....-...-. —.-- -. .o,,r--.. . . - -. . ‘ n NUMBER 56 IDE—BAKER LEADING Th; I/_'ote.1by Precincts in Boone County Fem, rm. which mmé stigma imposed upon the farmers of the territory by the oil lives -and properly. 393*-"°Y°di him‘. dreds of acres of timberland in; New York. New -lent? find Penn-E wavering through the night, and in . q-lvania during the last week. are: La Follette was making a strong bid for the electoral votes.‘ -under ¢°°"°1- - 5 allowed a steady increase of the mar! The ‘ Brazilian Santos Dumont. predicts that fu-; be more.- successful 11)’ 8il'Pll0§ 1’-hill 17! Boxingihlas been in a ‘terrible? for the indoor-.season' ueaopoorthat'l'exRiclrardis§N!'th trying to drum up trade with at hear-ywcightshowat.50centsto$2-;’ presidents for some. was said at the} l l 0 0 hngaccepted’ Iheresiguation. ' ' l -——-—-—— a ‘l'hr-eenegrohoboes unwittingly‘; gotinto a3 inthef llarlmess for-hogs. When th Q ‘ ogs” were lions being sent; to an industrial exposition. 3 Rescuers worked all Monday’ , rails while going_forty miles an hour, killing, twelve to sixteen and injuring thir- gy- Eric Drummond, secretary-gener-5 aloftheloégue of Nations communicated officially to all gov-I ' including the United. 3'-Ila. the League's new protocol! Fhich outlaws all wars order-odby it. The protocol is open to_ 1'-itnatures of ‘League ‘ The press ‘in Ger-l ?:"lE°h3ilI With lo! the victory of; more than 800,000, reports indicated ' By United Pros. i ves in pre-‘ dieting that there will so noun»! results in the German election. Be- puhlican r there are striving —_._1_..m. When tllefian Goes South.‘ ‘ Wbentbe sun goes South he leaves behind . A color. bordered trail. Withthegoldofoalnthebrbwnot beech And thespeckled wing of quail. With the snmacb daunting crimson ' “plumes . , ~ ‘ """‘°' “""i""' “""'z clcte Re blicanvici-of! in Indian» '"‘°’'’““‘ ''‘'‘’°''“’: it 5°00’ 9&0“ "*5 "'1" ii ""1 MR8. lama BALL smnsn" 3 his Republican opponent a merry n V . 4 _ I W - ""'u,‘°°' s°°“' ‘" §“” 511» a.‘.’."oou¢.... have went de- , n,d,,,,""A';;;;3.,d,,_ evident the “x>eon|e_*s=r¢_=iw,I3°d°d‘ ———-—- stone in Boone County. luvins u_to- 51'. Louis. Nov. 5.-_-’-Republican 1-hae-’ no " u an‘ ‘flak. ’ clsive vicfiiry in" the state.” Chfill’ NEW YORK. Nov. 8.-—'l'h¢ 0",». in“ V0“!!! 8 Btflithi ’~1¢li¢l- Ashland Woman Dies of Old Age tal of 7,751 votes ill tWE!ll.y-£fll|l.—[ufi@g,L mu gna log] tsckgu E here said. “The Coolidge landslide ,,,,,,,,,,,,‘ “cw, Q, o,,,m,_ ",4 ——————— v —sarvive:| by Two Cliidrot iprocmcts to Ro-o_h'- 3.3310 - St. Louis by pluralities of 1. ,5. p..d.‘ ,',,_ carried over thcistate tselnst. mm, 0, ,5, °’D‘;_:*§“‘;E’;L'“'-N“ 6_Remu. services for Mrs. Irene? ticket the from canon “.55 _ . ‘ 35”" flu”. _ ; mu;a,”'..p,u.,,ua°,',5n5°¢1q,' undid“-as {or the‘ United 8% llallof Ashland were held at 2‘countywassucceasfu1.asusual.all nu-ryngwuyuthgonlynqng. um i‘ hm 0! 3°" 31 United Pr-2. .f 3“ Y°‘* "“'° "'0 3‘ ‘P’ 3”” idflsenate -and House continued-to lead ghdmkl “magnum” u ?e.s.l£n.i “.5035”, 11.. you for tummy: dmwmdwuuwmm 0“ O‘ ‘ulna’ And‘; ‘no’ ' SON , ' mm 5"’ ‘at it: u''’’ D""‘°°“”° °”°"°“".' "M", ward Calvin. was in charge of the eight precincts‘ gave Btar-nu. -- vwinton-1-dinslisht Pr1csidentCooli¢_igewasles1lln¢l4s°"_‘l¥“93'.hC' hr 0--= - . —— _ . ,,,,.,,,,.,_ ,-m ,,,,,.g,,m,,,, ,,,_ny Ualtalfrua. S . . PolleueinCalifist!IiIl!!0'¢5'1W-'fi‘'’‘'''_’”°'i‘“’ ""8 ‘Win! . No.0!--sci-0|-so. finnmfidmmfiym “Jam”, ,0, ' i , .sr.LoUl8.Nov.s.—tocs.unv. whoochesnnsoo!5ov*h*4N*'l"- 009votesat8a.,‘fl1-todtfi Returns '°°°*‘-‘a_e'f;',', ,.“,_.|.""“",~m '9 9'“ "°* , 7 at 10:15 ‘o'clock. I: 5. believed rm; Creed for sum received "‘"‘°‘*°' '“"°"""- *-3°'=5°'- ‘ ‘ . , showed ‘dill. Jolltlw. DI"lI'II 09- “W . COLUIBUS. Ohio. N07. 5¢- nut kt &“h ‘u an “ intuit‘, 7365 "3 u xcxibbnv‘ 3'1’:-I: KIIWIWOVH a."m‘°"’°"“3'3“"3 ‘ 3005935‘ I‘iB°"°'°"'h""'h"-‘a”h°"y 5”5°°"."7’ ‘”“’°ties’ofoldase.sbeissarrivedbrWoods1er'asaeaaor P "'0' . . 30iI.o;Iiiris.eoIninsioGov!'¢s°oIl I-onowesvlua lprecinctsoutof a:abyawtaot_a.Suto'l.'nr. . 7 "' 3, News warns‘. on. Bl-Iaasd. 1. urn!-Ix-lg. scandal. Missouri turned definitely the day's tabulations gin for President Coolidge. With the Presidency settled. the chief interest now is um ,5, ‘M, . b.,;.,.¢.. Europe. the complexion of the next Congress. . and South America’ :29 United Pros. Senator 0 Montana and ran strongly in Missouri in Coolidge Column. By United Prue new voait. Nov. 5.-—When His-; uri was concebd to the electoral vote for the President up? to 372. Coolidge Confident of Victory. ..-...-..-- so a clear worlrim majority in both? houses of ngress. ‘ it is reported that a strong Cool idge swing has set in in Missouri? Half of the districts have reported.; and he now is leading by over; Appearances show; will add its electorali —. 20,000 votes. that Missouri ‘V votes tn the Coolidge colors, ml:-i ing his probable total at least 372: electoral votes. ' Big Coolidge Vote in Nebraska. By United Preaa. OMAHA. Nebt. Nov. 5.—Presi- by a margin which may reach 75,000 over John W. Davis. his nearest rival, it was indicated to- day by partial returns. Senator La. Follette will run more than 50,000 behind Davis. if the present ratio continues. The vote. as tabufitcd by the United Press from 868 pre- cincts out of 1.936 in the state. gave Coolidge 105,925, Davis 70,085, La Follette 50,054. _ » Republicans Sweep Illinois. Unltd Press. V - A hl nois by a plurality over Davis of this morning. Senator La I-‘olletxe; ran third in the state and his and! Davis’ votes together did not reach has 40,900. the number Coolidge received. { {.989 precincts Cooli ' . Davis. 864328 and; La I-‘ollette 263,421. * Charles Den feated A. A. rattle. . cratic opponent for senator. 767,000’ to 477,142. Governor Small was re- elected. defeating his opponent to 23«|.0(Il. Republicans Sweep Indiana. Republican. de- his ° o- 1 By United Press. . « INDlANAP0l.18. Ind-. Nov. .5.- Walter Chamba-"s. Democratic state hairman. today concede-d‘“'a com- . La Follette has such a lead in Wisconsin that géthis‘ state's thirteen electoral safely in _ Folletteis showing was a disappointment to his friends. . slump during the summer season.!_ He did. however. poll a large popular vote and appeared to have p,.,.,.¢u won second honors in California, and South Dakota, Washington votes seem into the Coolidge column after; Montana, where Senator" O 8. Iowa, Minnesota. Colorado. .. s Oregoll. IMO and Illmois.__Michig-an and Ohio. Coolidge Exprenes Thanks. B7 United Pens. ' ASBINGTON. Nov. 5.-—“I can only express my simple thanks to all those who have contributed to this result and ac- lt has been breath through the worlt of some divine providence. for which I am thanlrfsl.” «was the fo_ '1 Stilt’- by Cool- ideo- hlr. Coolidge personally gave the statement to White House correspondents. whom he called into his office in the first con- ... ., - -..,—...«._. E30070; amour “C ‘ "0 “B” GIVES DAVIS A 4,230 M AJORIT 'Rocord-Br"éaiiE N VOted—-Ten Precincts EWOIDTVIODORY PROBABLE IN ‘BOTH HOUSES. Coolidge Wave Promises to Sweep Administra- tion Majority Into t Congress. ‘ UNEXPI-}C'l"i'-JD av LEADERS, Gillett Leads Walsh in .Massachusetts——S. Da- . kota Elects Repub- lican Senator. ,lly Pulled Pro-a. Davis Congratulates Coolidge. ST. LOUIS. Nov. llnlted Pram. WASHINGTON. Nov. 5.-- John W. Davis. Democratic can- -didate for President in yester- day's election.‘ today wired his congratulations to President Coolidge. “Permit mo 5.-P turns showed 4.069 precincts in the state. ' Sam to congratulate victory that your administration may be suc- cessful in the welfare of the country.” "Please accept my thanks," wired President Coolidge in re- ply, “for your message and my appreciation o the patriotic sentiment you express." ; .\'cl.-‘on, this morning. iii l'niiN.l l'!‘(5r.. and Absentee Bal- * V’ sr. LOUIS. Nov. 5.—Tal 1 L_ N t ‘ . .MlS.~‘()lll'l gave Davis. 382,546; g O_g__A_O___En 147.503. C0olidge's plurality xv LA FOLLE-I.-I-8'3 VOTE 130, For governor, 2.711 prccin THEi WEATHER For Missouri: Fair the south, possibly showers north portion to- tsct with anyone except his own became known. n a presidential candidate in ‘this; 83 id 3, Id g state. Vic Donahey. Democrat, ap-§ Democrat‘ yum 0 ' e 0 cg -el pears to re governor, bowbver. over Barry L Davis, Re- publican. Reports from 6.191 of Ohio's 8,500 give Donahey 688,929 and Davis 518,646 votes. By United Prue. Pnosmx, Aris., Nov. 5.—Presi- dent Coolidge has maintained to- day his advantage over Davis and La I-‘ollette. ‘ By United Prue. . ' CHICAGO.-—'I'wenty-two hundred precincts out of the 2.584 in Cook ; went. Republican two years ago, and E staff since the election results 1 W _ o 0 NELSON LEADS ‘P88 night or Thursday; much colder. .-_.—..._:_—.... ---— -—- \ All Precincts but One,lirglIJ‘niIl-i 3.... Q’ ’ ’ a‘. 4() S, N '. 5? a 1-‘: Give Proposition N0‘ ‘national. state Grind 5 3 Huge M3101-lty’ jswept St. Louis city by pluralitit-s Reports Say inf from -13.0% to 55,000. Harry B. '- only Democratic ——-—- ‘ C ' t 1' {hr lect .d. in mm or-. - 8 7 with ten rural precincts and the; "ci.§5ii§g'§§"pi3..iny :35 Iguvir . NEW YORK. .\'ov. .——'l'he ‘ . . . . _ . absentee vote yet to hear from at W . ¢5'000_ .- h I! b M . - h strength of the Coolidge wave prom-f F” Cdumbw ‘ad vwmny‘ gomg; 3:30 o'clock this afternoon, Boone 01-Riv; p,.(,,-i::cl:3 m1l,u‘::,t(.d. them i irba to roll into office..toda_)_' On_0'Jl’§ rh” ‘“d_“i"dy County gave John W. Davis a clear‘ Bn!_L.,.-8 ‘ad 0," Norma L, we and-out administration xmuonty oi ;‘§' "‘"‘ ‘ ""’d’ °"mP“b.h! ‘h gland of approximately 4.330 '[°V~"‘ city seems fully 403000. both of Congress. a victory 4 9'8"“ °" n"°""d‘Y- Y 9 . over Calvin Coolidge in yesterday‘: __ unexpected by the most optimistic fl?“ 115"‘ ‘W910 bit‘ Ffldny N070‘ election. i . RM! for Minor Oflitcs Republicans. 7 .. ‘"3’ tcmpenmre t° 25 °' ‘°‘’"' ‘ Indications are that Boone coun-' n’S‘.i."‘"I"J’O'I’J";"S" Mo Nov’ 5_,rhc It appears the Rcpublicamparty itrans heeded their call to duty. pxl- : nm for mini" ‘the cm": was hug retained the eighth Congres 'ing up _PrOh1bly the heaviest vol('.;d°se. .1-Zonal district in Indiana, which on the .h1story‘of the colml-)3 f Ram,“ “ms flu, in the not for . All C°l°"‘b“ i”°"""t5 "‘°°p‘?licutenant-governor. show C. M. Bu- P’°°‘ ““"‘b'f"'_3 hm '°l?°,"°d fnf ford Jvith 65,621 votes and P. A. 3:30 o'clock. giving Proposition ‘hon Beam,“ Vim 62."n_ I 5 an overwhelming majority. Rural For seventy of ‘um,’ Mn. K3“: the Republicans are leadin §CO0LIDGE LEAD OVER DAVIS D ‘ ‘ President co » Go Pro . 3 . OF ELECTION. HAVING 379 OUT an an .7...» no 767°’ 7:...» an “"33 7...‘; PASSES 50,000 IN MISSOURI: ~ , » _ Precinct Coolidge Davis La l-‘ollette Baker Nelson Brandt ch Nelson Yes No ' OF 531 ELECTORAL ;VOTES- 3 33 .3 of .3: £2. .. .3 s BAKER IS AHEAD BY 25,000 .. i . — . 0 - 4, 2 7 74 7 1 : - 3 . —'—'—"‘“—"' ColuInb° N 7 141 42 . -,~ : —*—‘—“''‘ . John W.,Dav1s to Get 139 Votes and Robert c.,,,,,,,.,3 N2 , m -.- 7 ‘° 1,528, ‘.22, 3 ,,‘,,‘f ,‘,‘,,‘. ,,,‘,Z,‘ 9? ;Returns frog: 2,500 of the 4,069 Precincts of . M. La Follette Only 13 m the Colon-gg: 11,; 68 *3, ff; 9 3 ft}; :3: 33: 3;’; 33* ’ the State how Republicans Are Winning -. . ins tO=Tabulat1ons. . '}"§;'r';'- Siwon No 1 2: 6:8 2:; 7:38 ~ 2: :3 3 :3 § Many Expacted of Him. " ———————- , o -69 W , ,. g, ._ _ 2 - 3 . 1 —-—————— ITIEBRASKA G033 REPUBLICAN ofl.-. inn U-.-0« 33 ; ‘é’ ii’ 1 ‘*5’ }‘2-,‘ 1”.‘ 3,.‘ ,s'1*. LOUIS CHOOSES ONE DEMOCRAT . u . 0 e V I j_T_____j: Strong Fight of G. O. P. in New Mexico May ,,.,,,.‘.’,°" 23 222 ‘,3? 22;? ' ‘,2, .2} '“'.‘I‘,’ ‘,£ ‘G O P . k , . . . . , ~~_ -_ , . . . Tic et, Ixational and State, Sweeps Result In a SW11-ch of Three M0113 Woodlandville 35 14.. so 150 34 140 3.. 103 . Th . . . to C lidge Making gels; Park, 27: 71 101 -. -7-o «sf 150 16 ~ ~ at City by Pluralmes of From 43,000 Total of 332 niuoroorg 143 es ii; “(ii iii 13:? 1;: . to 55z0O0° Reports S'5y"‘Ra°e.f°r « . i ' g. 1 guy‘:-'i;1:d \ 10 45 14 40 Minor Offices Close. NEW ‘YORK. Nov. 6.-—The electoral vote: Coolidge 379,. ns 1 4 -41 147 41 147 90 5s_ ' ____:. D-vino 1- nuetge , M ,, ,, M .::-.2: :2 ~ :2 3-: 2:; . 7... BL*Lwn~ ‘ .th th .b . t‘ ew exl“ -~ . ‘ . _ F . ) nu ‘ran. Y P ' ildrcn were killed co‘a thiec votes from Daesfifietguggoltidgt, this willobevthe stand-7, §:“m’§:°'(':hun_h 1:; 3:3 lg: _ ‘:2: 3'3 1'” 4 06§T£eL9UtIS' "'—R°t“m5 from 2313 °f the sun.” ing of the presidential candidates in the electoral college when‘; R3“, 9 7 9 73 9 .35.’ ‘S 43 - ' 9 _°"‘° 5 9‘‘°; ’_ _ x . ubuhfions are “L - strum.‘ School -a,__ '__ . 46 262 50 255 253 6 . President——Cool1dge, 407.899, Dans, 394,850, La Fol- _ In New Mexico, ‘where the count is always slow, the Ash!-ind 94 122 , 56 459 05 ‘. 420 100 25 f1°“°o43-43°- P - - A Democrgtg waged 3 strong fight against “F311 rule" ma’ the. Grand View _ 27 86 27 85 27 ' so‘. 04 .5 Governor—Baker, 467.427: Nelson. 447.293. TOTALS _ 3.371 7.601 42 3.176 7,897 4 4.201 9,050 n,r.:;0 1.037 Lieutenant-Governor--509 precincts, Buford. Democrat, resident Cmli:glr‘:l'i‘n: Morrow, Democrat, has 76,516 and 3 ”‘”'°“' """V"‘ ‘’ 9“ r " ‘Charles U. Becker, R puhl° . - member of the llousc, was defcatc 7 £0 18*-951 TPl’0l'U‘- h 73,673, . C ‘an Congratulcafilons t0 by W. W. Chambers. former mem- -— , For President, twenty-cig t pre- For state ‘nanny. (;_ };_ fljddje- Boone un . bcr returned from Toledo, 0. ;l'ieturns From Most Of cincts gave Davis 7.601 coo1.ig.,,,,, um... 55,337 “.1 L D; - ~.-- ty- 1 . - - - - fidgc's 3,371 and La rouozws 130; -mm. n 65,164. '« Loimues In District Are E or covcrnvr. the name precinctmi rorpiine treasurer, J. Ii. Stone. NOW iinclusivc of Columbia’: totalAv‘:b:’i.t‘l>'infy6'-'::-(iienh mudrity in the Missouri delegation th Eh i ii)" that he would had Brshdt’s 16 The same ac-i 5- 0330988. Democrat. has 70.188 of 18 members of the House of. 2“ he 1° fee hm bout 1500 ‘counting “we fiuford pcmocraz iand Robert Ot1o.Republican,88,903. R°pr°"m"fi"e3n I‘.u;lr?mm‘bet::'I milvtli ilzshonn ofyC.olurnbiI’l. Demo-£7761 votes for licuten'ant-lrovornoi‘: 8’ mm‘ P;.__"""“""’ Q‘ ' I ' , , , ; zlfinsghoajfdelectiont wire l:li:c’:ssf!ial.i mil‘. °‘“‘““.‘“’. ’°' °°?‘f’°;.“ ";i“i‘° “'° B""“""‘_“";)°‘"““‘?;‘°; 3-W»; . sr. Louis, Nov. 5.--Calvin Cool- uiudxfi has eleven Democrats and the eighth district, was ea mg- is Mrs. Morrou, cmocra., or sec-; ‘nun, '1.,,d,1.,de “"50,-fly awn?“ five Repubuum in the present com opponent, Sid Roach of Camdcirxig-em,-y of. state. was lending in thej mm M;‘soun.e.fly um mom”; 8. ; Co|:ilty,1l§e§ul:::Sn.“ by 3Oap)p;