‘.3’; . ' ..:-._:;‘F‘ ‘ fail". '_ ‘(Fl '3 ’.,i.‘ 1 ii ‘ ‘A ' 1,‘ ' . i . . ,. i . ....s;::.. -:'f; :: < « = ~ o , - . r. » ~- A» . s — . . * « - -- ..._...3.‘."~.3;;’.-‘*.~_ ;9:;i£.:.‘-:‘;*_*;-firs. .~Lsl‘;;;r:;s_a:_-_» " W ""“j,‘.;i'~.:;~...g.,;7“i‘.‘ u‘ —a 1 ~ ' ‘ E. ' ’ .~ '1-aosrnes ‘ . > '.,\:_ ‘r? - ri ‘ ' 1'} , ' ;*~.~ J V_ '1 - ' ‘ _. .1. ._ L. v..’,.,—‘.... ,‘ V . 4,31,’ _ i . £1‘ (' -_" . . - -— .‘: 5:‘? ---- e. I » ~ ‘Titfine mu-.’"‘ ....u"‘.'£;;~"‘”'..;. "°'- '1» *--‘¢ at 1 .V.: -V":.§e‘, A:‘.’.’.... V . ‘..,;"-A ~. ' Iii! 3.. ‘'3 ‘: _,‘__-~.'’ _' "N . L-_.» ‘ . 3“-. _L5._;'. V ,- V .* -7' V i if _»,‘j‘_' i__“ ' .‘ ICU mt M "M din: 3 -«, "°°“'i‘l:l1.|h§.t‘t‘ln§.:Qu8a‘!‘7u-inlfihsandithehouse.” - ; it .1”, ‘i ‘-‘ "*"' . 1”‘ Wow. II-3-. ‘me blind den ineueeiuhu wall : .,* ‘- 81 sodlsgsha. Atthindule it hasame the? ‘f - H mud . '27.. .. — e-rtaendlgebpnyo¢w.c..ua‘w;i.1au-“““ *‘ “"'."l 7‘ C’. ._ .‘ *' ;' ls from‘)ug guates. fly ‘N1 Luau‘ "M t rein-?aIa'ii°tl:°‘o'uduviin:°cbm.sa.D"'m' ad,-dm to-nsht.i" an Dick dancer 63: f.‘*..’“. "gnu; sonnet» " I5" F“n“'r‘1."“‘ . ‘-.' _ 8'9!‘-,5 It become as Dsnvme imam tn2"°°'"’"' 3' '''‘V ". - A cm. ‘nu-ieCotti!1Rl!lm and 14°35!-Fido . -i . . _ . Ind‘--lfiflland was owned by n. 0.11.».--4. .t?_‘_'d"‘;:;. ma”. ¢‘“*"¢ I. -~ F ‘ ‘flips; cu: Omega-The some 3'". t !°I¢l- .J . , Aer.‘ rabucezii»? "°"'*""' “ °"*'” """"i nun... Otto» u=r*="’"" "“ °‘“ 0. ‘ . . aroma LIVED i£:s“'.fu"vI~""’ "“ """““"' °‘ “" we *°rt-3:? IMO3 ' %"‘ ‘f _. = -_ ‘ " "' - 1 u‘ . , home andstndied __ Dena - G._amma--Hazel -v . kg 7 ‘fig ' A .~ . .1 - an I ‘wide on . “"' “"’°"" “‘l§'.;....ux.u,. su.3.'*‘-*‘*Iu.un .. w‘«k;.~ - V‘ ’"1K$dR*WAs STARTED’ a me to he an -on an: "*3 PM i i r"*“" x‘ of f. , I ‘f ' i; BEAI-LR1GHT3UT onusyqumy girls." said an-an i ~ ' . ~ "‘~?"!" 1. ' . ' . . W‘ R S‘! &l°°"'IIl7 GIRLS STILL WORRY.°““‘“¢ ‘,’3':.°“°"'- , ‘ ~‘ ~ , y . y . jg - " ‘ * -. _. , . ‘an h.ndsi WIS Iffll ml’ is i 73 ,‘ for flint yllfl. ch-msins‘ The question “What’l] I wear"'°“”‘° l”‘“l‘"'’'‘°‘ '’ e ' ‘V -. . . often as itlhasihad a tcri t-atuched t i’ “ '1“ ‘“° ‘h°"" 5* “W *3 , 8eofl.' - . ‘''‘°‘ °’ ’...... " t J "°'.. " ° ldha Lnghlin. Jog g°o:xIlIls.B.oben Pa‘:-k. lorium 0! Larry Hall. wBrood'way. écmilsupuga ‘ad for hm mu of the mp-er “.4 “Pa lama‘ my mind Om chm“ or curb‘ at ’.d.,”. . .orma= r W“ 2 '- i"“"‘ ‘Ger 3...... - - . ..e .. = a.u.;,- ix’-v r<°°r~; ~ a."'*u. .:‘.::':‘::.‘..*‘“'°'*.......".‘°..°‘.:,* u’.‘;: 5; 2........- "“"".'..‘?“.§.‘.".....’° :1 ..’*'?.:*:.."::r'......+ v-' ‘3‘=»»’Ii’»"-‘-*‘."2‘éii’..f»1i’£i 2:. :‘..'2... .‘.£'.‘.:.f'..I:‘«’I«‘1"~«‘»«°-=-11'“-7-«n Pmternities Have 3» 3lHnI.andherslstar.I.lIs Nit:i‘of Irs..Ella sjm-nu; at thg pmfle-di_nc rates are 9 sad 10 ‘cent-.1“-'7.“ o - -—-~. .» “‘ e. .1"-'1kiIII.315Ch1istlanColle¢eave.3BetaPlhouse. _‘ 1 . *Dmner Guests g . . nub. ‘ . 1 e _ _ 3 “Q -— y : .: Dinnc1!""t:u:s“trsmat tburrgtemity Winn“ ilaorgiuoug R.acin¢,;_“° _ son or J_. E._CoonI.; . - Delta Tw Dd"-W ‘E5 3* ui§'u,1s1owndu:‘§:mr: wmaifuoileaiui cbune:il:i‘°sh:i..'m..:..'pnca are so as New Fall __ }{gyn¢3_ Dt£:'I.ll’.€l' S. Ritchie I R‘ ‘ "‘ . . ta th ’ D * 1». James_ '5 is . rs. .Raul-at ‘house and ‘ e p. Phi Dglta R c::.wi1lnuz!u wuub. - ~ ; fit‘-. " °°"’°' “.5535 bar?!» 0- "8 ° “W... T . rwr in the latest ' aand Kenneth Hagemann of St. g. * r‘ ‘ and styb : Kappa Alpha-The Misses cu»; a tags. ,.1nen ‘ijverett, Pauline White. llay; A l r Ipn Bridger, Hilda Jane Miller, on J F 9 34$ 31. 3 . "Alpha Gamma Wilcoxen. George Edmonds, ll. (2. Ackert, C. P. Carl, Jimmie Nash a.nd Erie Shermann. ms Kappa Psi-The some viz.“ mnia Lewis. Julia Piclcard, Helen Ilorn and Mary Frances Davidson. end A. J. Bullard . Phi Beta Pi--Miss Lois Wyatt, J. Frank fiarr. George M. Edmonds Elmer Coats and Oscar Meier. Mrs. R. G.-Tindall to Give Bridge-Tea. Mrs. R. G. Tindall. 906 Conley avenue. will entertain with a bridge tea at 2:30,o'cloclt tomorrow after- noon honoring Mrs. Max Miller, Baltimore. lid. ‘'11 The guests include: Mrs. ‘Walter Miller. Miss Sarah Morrison, Racine, \\'is., Mrs. Margaret Cham- berlain, Mrs. Frank B. hlontgomery, Chicago, Mrs. C. M. Papc. Hrs. Wal- ter ‘ rs. Jane Hurty. Mrs. K. T Gentry. Mrs. Lawrence Dor- sey, Mrs. Charles Smith, Texarhana. Ark.. ldrs. St. Clair Moss and Mrs. John N. Taylor. ¢——g— -¢._...¢ M 1'35 Gertrude Brink Will Marry Nov. 22 _ The marriage of Miss Gertrude Brink and Bernard J. Conner, both of ‘lixznsas City, will take place No- wmber 22 at St. Vincent's Church lrero. Miss Brink is a former stu- A cent of the University. Boone County Couple Married Miss Beatrice Cook and Thomas Fisher, both of near Rochepoflw were married in Columbia at 4 ticlrrck yesterday afternoon by. the Rob‘. A. W_. Pasley. x_ The w 'ng -wa sattcnded by Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Cool; and Mr. and'Mrs. C. M. Cook. Mrs. Fisher is n daughteriof llr. mid .\lr;<. l-Edward Cook. who live on n f arm twelve miles west of Colum- l':al. Mr. Fisher. is a s n of Mr.‘ and Mn. 3. P. Fisher. w o live seven miles southwest of Cdlumbia. They will live on a farm near Ro§eport: .‘l1'.t.. J. R. .\icGinness of U1! 3&3: _‘v-y Apartments and ‘Miss Ic- (.i;fm~.~s, Miss Marjorie Danlelson :.t'.rl Miss Murial Danielson left Go- lumlin this afternoon to motor to -.‘\?r.»rman. Ol:la.. toiattcndythe Saturday. .1lrs.'McGinness and her 1.-my will be guests at the Gamma el‘hi Beta house during their stay _in Norman. Members of the Mary Stephens Circle of the Baptist Women's Union ‘will meet at 2:30 o'clock tomorrow xziu-rnoon with Mrs. E. ‘E’. Stephens at the Dumas Apartments. HR. Joe Thornton will lead the Bible study , hour and Dr. Eva Johnston fill ll" 1’ 0 . ..‘ ,0 -‘spend the week-end. While there the A avenue, will entertain with a luncheon a talk_ on “Some Houses of War- pf! Misses Helen Clou Engelsrnan, Margarc and Louise Dickhrader of the Alfihl Phi house will leive tonight for Norman. O_kla.. where they will ghlefl . t Kcrchner‘ may will attend Missouri football game: ' The executive board of the Wot!- ’ ch’: Council Christian Church fill hold its monthly busi- ness sessi o'clock_tomor- A row aftern a the chuck; lrs. wu1uTitm&. ms wnaoug that oue's thoughts begin to turn terial. I can't imagine a moriti ' - .P¢¢h8¢I. 30111! of tilt Oddeft J clcver style that any mother could: 1°“, aim “ck, {mm w°l“'i3l¢h¢U. blOfit!'8. or htndk [ Cfi ., choose than these suits. 'I‘l:¢}V.B"“”’ fl’°" I d“’°°ve"’d '°m'lh¢m¢’‘- 1‘ Y0“ 5”’? 8 51535“ V come mostly in the darker shadesif‘ effiend that you want to '3 ‘ which save so’ much launderingf; ,3°m3u|l||B individual to. you'll {I l They are made in styles that ap-1 gm" “"3 P83'¢h'W-'fll- C1743 V“! 3 ‘ pell to the child. as well as toltheg ,; - Abel thine. Don't forget to ';‘o . mo These are certainl ve . ‘ . . 981' 3v'- ‘i’. ‘In. F 9 e e _ self or friends‘that wNi>:'tdl:Itthaele:‘tion returns arej 1{ you 1,310,,‘ to Q,“ ch“: . ere seems nothing else to talk about but the new styles that 8" flockinc in at all the stores; Really there is no need of having anythuu else to talk about- any- W333 for that subject‘ is enough to. ‘(NP tn)’ cne person bu ' - By the way. it is about time toward Christmas, as holiday goadu 33-.‘ arriving ' and Cf always‘ the early‘ 3h°PP¢I' who gets what she wants before we hear that dreaded “\'.'c_ are just out." By shopping early 3°“ 9°‘ 0'11)‘ hfvc a larger line to °°3¢ (mm. but miss that awful Christmas shopping rush, _ 0’ 0 0 000 “It's the early bird that e worm." Nothing is more nest and different in your foot-. «rear. your problem has been solved. ‘ 1'59)’ have that very style at Levis, I. “W some oxoidle uOOIdOllg‘’° ‘ pattern Whkh, the most adorable little boys’ suits 5'” "filed i“ Pm‘ by we °f we ' ‘foremost footwear designers and‘ . S‘ 3-” -? ,_, manufactured in Brooklyn. Thll ‘\ ‘ _ shipper apeoh Paris in its ‘ _- s - = ‘‘.'‘°'~'‘ ‘ hoe and you could never within an... that using‘-end,“ you ho}: _ __ Hill’ ‘WV 5°“! "'Y”‘l‘ll ‘ Vh5"rush right