T3} lili- atraw. and can fantarifi tree in that ltisaoldbythes O 'III6Ih It ‘Sinai Monastery. .' a‘ Q A'erown"o1t:horna.snchaswuf M "3? _Plltup9:tlIehaadufJasus.'isalaoe .3. Cnlgds£1yBrougdhtb From the’ ...,,,., ,,.;p,,'id.',’,','?, """,,,,., :h’°h,,,,,,i',§‘ . . La“ Dean aeentmayheaaen. Otheraneient. ;. me, several _ e. g“? V “Edwards will Be .. u.?.i.7‘.’.‘£'t..‘i“".§..‘.?°"‘i'5.§‘”.§.“‘T.§ = a‘-8‘a.llowe’en at ‘C-— Jo! ~Rawli!¢I visited h¢I..ICII~- . . Displayed ‘ 1”)” In‘. M‘ Want‘ - . Church Monday Mr. andllrs. ‘mes and4 If‘ "5 n“' 3°’. v‘“‘°‘ ,., “"“-‘ ‘ .he,kd"¢:,.n‘, PCT" . _ ~ , , , . new-t_ spstgcer gt.-nrt-in.ed Ff‘-ifamilyvisitedatthelaoalaolkarnio A 59" S''‘‘“’'- '* .8; .m3xm3” HEVTHEN Rules u-dlexaahgwaich but been dugupp * " s . mevemng withap oweetvlptr-71"-1c;.TIIesday. _ . 1. kfroohaie Allltll wmtql P———-——t S 11 ‘wtofdn R '- . ’ ‘ . ra.W”1l1iamBohertaandchll- 0 ¢5¢*‘- ' afclllllell CF08; ' A ' =4 ‘ kt V-g..,..1.t Rowlandand Glenn Bu-':.':env7lsltedlastweek-endwithlu. ut.-and un..A.r.sgee§a , s ’. 3““’°'““"""°"“.‘”°“ u L ‘ E .. a . ~ l - . .._. CrownofThornsand 48¢-.-lines uudcnww . : . ::.-,,,.,_were visiting in Mexico_S‘un-;ElizabethCoata.~ . h¢reSsturdaye . . .___,; ___M. T !un“’uu~u FR - an 5 515, ggpg, Miss Helen Melee apsnt_,*“§e . ...Po1-hon of Lianna ‘hm; > “ch u ‘M ‘ ’ mega Sames ma daughter,‘ mo Mi-.and Mra;W..P.' , - -. . . poi her ,‘_,*" kl”, ,,;‘g.,§n Gammon lntoasyag-u.iuts.an.gt.a..p.o. T ' " ' ‘-“A £~ fig-y, were visiting ‘in 3015717 “"1511. Sunday. ; 4 . l Miller Bern hunted dash ._‘2j-.- ..--' | -_ . ‘ ‘pk, ' F ; ' ‘T5 if ' ‘ - b T my ‘Qday. ‘ * llr. and Hrs. 11 W. J _ , 9-59-‘I5 chnim,-198D-,niuout5 last §-,‘,‘,-“‘a‘,,,,,,,' ""“""",,,-,,,.c,,,, M. been an aadtmaetn mo numer- ' ' . . " "“ ’ Harold Palmer, who has.-been.and family visited relativaat an‘ $5 *9‘. 31"-,W~L Rich“ -Mrs. W. A. Sampson visited in ° " ‘ " ' '- . . d can. F . 4 “Q” of new M ‘J,-yr ‘ad! . placed on the museum of the Bible ta” 3“ "3 93“-bi‘ ;visitinginlllinois.returne to }ranl:hn.Moul:ay. . . I mm" , , 7.“-C&f bfl the latter ollastooua.-.0 iuwriwmch mube‘,..F,”. u‘.amm” t.._,'uch ' i 1| nan‘ ’ l - HI" "h"mfi' "ta" ' ’ ' A ' ll: from~ 2 until 6 ' _ low Palmer and Harold Cox’ tamed her brother from Herman ai l"""’l" i ‘rag Rev, ma 11:1, 0, )1, wake; °.dn to ‘pub . -—-- _ of Fly!-'1“? SP9!“ “*9 “'°°k'¢3d "ll-hg1¢V fill?! 1831 full. . were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kelly 3,¢°;:{s°ppo:ut,?t:.r1,{(;:nins'£l;:in‘E any mo . _ g Ilisa label and Beatrice Cook at-l Harg llains Sunday. ~ g, mi “N 1, - f I _ _ .ned hirunded , f p ._ ,_ e eteplacingo fies-erly M1598 entefll-1 the Halloween social Friday - Mrs '1‘ Searcy of Columbia spent the museum there was be u The ' P ' hool class”with"ii‘party night at Walnut Grove. l T: Y t 5 d, -the ‘ ' ~ 1 . .. . K“ ‘ . 53313’ 9'-'_ , 1 . oe moi men an 3' wx ‘several days with Mrs. Elizabeth library and new auditorium will be u . .‘-"5,. . . O U D n'Kht' — -‘ " _ ‘ ,- fliaabeth Stone entertaxmd at- dinner Sunday for Anna Lee ‘I_‘oal-‘ son and maritime: Hunt . ! ‘Ardelle Shapen were the Weekend’ Row J Eh? Brown, who is achodl in St. lpuis, sp'ent' the week-end with her parents. ' junior class with‘ a Hallows-’en'par-4 :1 Monday night at the-high school: lmilding. ‘. Dorothy Rowland . entcrtainéd: with dinner at’ the hotel Sunday’ for Miss Eleanor Mason and 'Jcn- ness I-‘or Q at. and Mrs. Louie Helen and " family and Mrs. Sidney Ethington: drove to Des Moines to spend the. week-end. - ' .Mr. and Mrs. Gil ‘Pnrnor en- tertained at dinner Sunday for Mrs. Nettie Johnson, Mrs._ Em- nia Garrad and'Mr. and Mrs. Sam Miss Esther .Slnith entertained with a party" Friday night. The gueats were: Esther Wiseman. Onietea Kinesorgd. Maurine Cham- berlain. Seth Mark. Charlie Fields.[ 1'. J. Daniels and Wardlow-Palmer. Miss Mary l-‘rances.‘Bd_btrts en- tertalned with ajirhhday Lucille Fountain. Kathryn Brown, Ruth Parks, Marion Hulen. Thelma Petclrter. Bertha ‘Gritton, Julie Miller. l-‘lorence_Parka and Frances ' ' and-A Q . — igearn. _. . T The HA. O. Guhlen _ ed. with’ a !Ia'll'owe'e1i pafiy Friday- night at the home of A. R. Shelle- . The gu were: Kathryn: ,Jones. Madge Reed, Jenness I-‘orbish Emily Fordyce, Ruby Shelled)‘. Do-‘ rothy Harding, Frances Mason. Ar . delle Stapen. Elizabeth .Stone.~ Granville Ryman. For:-st..._l\'enle.i Gilmore Stone, Marshall Esteppe-,i Donald Rowland. Raymond Brownfi Glenn llulen, Russel DeJarnett and Jack Sames. Mrs. H. EX Stone and Dr. _ ' Shelledy were the Ehaperom. -’ j ...__..__.______ Linden ‘ . ill. 5 scarlet Mrs. Fielden Rice is ‘ Ralph Koch is ill with set. -- ' — .. . Glen.Do-uglas and Etell Hunt are‘ William Roberts is working on; the state highway. ‘ . ‘cc spent Sunday . lwflth 2 James Rice of Midwa . Miss Matilda Bondurant ixiends at Fayette last week end. Miss Evaleen Vin spent a few days with her aunt here last week. l The home of_Ed Rice was burned ' ‘ at about 5 o'clock Thursday after-‘l .Mr. Mrs. Marvin Laurance ' Sunday. r Club. netted :54. y business Monday. Mr _ us their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. ....... l in Matilda -Bondurant gave a weiner roast Friday afternoon to the children of Linden School. spent weekend with Mrs.___Moss- Taylor and family. ‘ .-a p rs". and {am of Howard County Vis- xtcd rela ves at Hunpdale. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Gentry of Woodlandville were the--guests of 'x Mr. and Mrs. Rice and‘ family of Walnut Grove visited Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Rice and family last iveek.end_ sale at the home of Marvin Dou ass was well attended. , dinner, furnished by the Ljmggg Mrs. Moses Taylor sold three calves to Mr. Crane and one to Jess Jacobs.‘ Mrs. M. P. Taylor sold a cow to Ed Do las. vMr. and Mrs. J. 1... Pickering and family of Midway we;-¢ the ‘gag. Char! 3 the Fri ly Bible Class Saturday nisht woek-end with Mrs. R. G. Hale in.’ Fulton. ‘ ' were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dudley. Sunday. ' Misses moth Pace were guests Snnda Miss Elva-Ilatahruom n‘e"xt Friday. after which he will move to Columbia. ‘went to Columbia to see the pi Jelferaon City w.ene,guesta of Willingham this week. - Richardson, November 13. _ -Enman last week.I Sue Meyers‘ spent ‘ the weekend» Catherine Page ‘ - ‘ Christian Church Mrs. David Drake will flltcftlifl '_Mrs. Edward liourigan Sunday school 31"-_C- K 59¢“ umlclass in Columbia this week. Robert Dudley and Henry Bryan. district teachers’ convention. ' -‘the week-end with Mr. and Klftlnt 39“ ind Wll-James de Nany near Fayette. an 0-’ - - A. J. Farmer will have -a salt- Mr. and Mrs.‘Raytnbnd Harris of 2 mm 4-11,; fl last week. arris. Sunday. visiting her sister, Mrs. J. . ‘and Mrs. John Hourigan. e ' The south group of the home de- t'Vm N093» WW‘ 315- Wllhwent a minor operation at th of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Coleman and ;u’- ‘M 31"’ Ed _J°l“"5°" ‘ml day, is convalescing at her home. family. Sunday. children were guests "Sunday of p M,-_ ‘M M Mr. and Mrs. Cal As “,4 Mr. and Mrs. I-‘rank Johnson. 1 “.5 Mn Tom Rumm’ . hm’? Linuly and S. H. Mcfltnn of Halls. ville visited Mr. and’ Mrs. Ed Cook and family last week. -——o-:--— M cBai1w A. B. Armstrong was here on a large boil-on the back of his head. Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Sapp and son, Billie, were shopping in Columbia Monday. Several from lure saw the picture “Birth of a Nation," at Columbia Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burton of Paris, Mo., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Reed over the weekend. as pastor of the McBaine Church for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Bradshaw had Thomas Taylor and family of Provi. deuce. c‘ Miss Mildred Stone. teacher in the Star district, attended the teachers’ convention at Kirksville, . week. ‘+, Clarence Ballenger of Fayette was here Sunday as guest of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ballenger. I _ Mr. and Mrs“ Allen Turnbough and children of Kansas City were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert wards last week. Mr. and Mrs. -Patterson Bain, Jr.,l and Mrs. J. L. Jones returned Mon-I m chm-ct, win gneggj-with an, 1), \\'[-:RE RI-JORGANIZBD SUNDAY A. Robnett Thursday afternoon. ptngraau committee of the Friendly; their son. Joseph Reuben, and day of nut-set aid canine Turner drove‘ mP°" to Auxvasse Sunday and spent the, day with it. and Mrs. George Tu!‘-. n . as guests at dinner Sunday Mr.‘ A were in liuntsdale Sunday. The Missionary Society of Oli- Misa.Aleta Lloyd entertained the] make", Reorganisation of the . BM . h , A’ . . _ 9,, an W“ mum.” n‘ ‘W’ ““S";‘!‘,‘e’_“‘I'::¢ "‘§,;"m_ Daughters.of the King which ‘in " —. potential a baby -boy. . '?"§,d.‘,. ‘M M“ J_ A put vmted composed of women students affili- . Mrs. Mattie Arnold and Miss 31;, and Mrs. W. A. Dudley Sun». "ed Vi’-h CIIVITS’ ED183093} ' Anna Sappington are in, ' ' Church, was’, effected Sunday. Allen tea is painting the ‘ . , . H . T ‘ sum 6 The following young women were grfcery s 1. Br . . . M.-'-"mud ‘;h,_“::§- clqcted offioeraz’ President. Jose-l - . v ‘ck :3 d t at lngle 'p'i“' . :. - .°‘ ) 3.? 1. ye" 1 H in, Am ‘I 3 ‘ n pig-,e,t*, Th eorganization will hold,scry- ma Gnu’: ices at 5 o'clock each Goldie Pomie were gusts .Sun-l Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Fisher. . Mr. and-‘Mrs. M. A. Turner, John l er. _ Mr. and Mrs. Leland Lynes had’ The Ladies’ Aid Society of thgl met Monday with Mrs. Manic Pipes is attending alformer students while in to Miss Dorothy ‘Alexander went tol ’.Kirksville.Wednsaday to attend the Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Chinn spent, Ephesus. _ 3 . _ ‘ Mrs. B. R. Rawlinga returned Hf“ 31151 CON}-"l'"lk °£ M93‘? Sunday from Columbia where she has been visiting her parents, Mr. , Mrs. Turner Martin. who under-..‘ -Boone County Hospital last Thurs-' of the Risk, nets ol- ' 8"“. I‘ P Mnrgheir forty years of wandering inf e Sundqy at-Y ._ e parish house. Initiation E ‘ ‘ will take place Sunday. November ~ 16. The Daughters of the Kink cor- , ds to the Brotherhood of St. ' Andrew, which is an organisation of1'I young men belonging to the Epis- copal Ch rch. ‘open also. All pf the curios in the exhibit‘ M were collected either by G. D. Ed-V l wards. dean of the Bible College, or rain: teachers training, missionary fields. All the relics ‘of’, 'the Holy Land were brought by Dean Edwards. Among these is a {rose-wood stall’. bought of a shep- iherd on the way from Smyrna to‘ un- ‘ at a rail- , There is also a pi ileavened bread. bought 3' Of; Mrs..P. R. Simpicti and daughtenj way station in the Lebanon Moon-* {who have been visiting relativug tains. , here, have gone to Maryville to live. Mr- and Mrs. George Champion! folded it together to place it in his lt was originally a lar'ge,l . tlat. round piece, but Dean Edwards 1 . ¢° 1 KnP- 5 ‘ Ten Commandrnentfl D A Mohammedan medicinal blis-l ter-raiser is in the collection. This is used for the flls n mustard plas-A ,ter is prescribed for. A match or -"a little cotton is set ablaze inside ltbecup to exhaust the air, then it" is clamped to the body. The blis-i ter is drawn into the cup and fills. lwith water. Dean Edwards says: l“If the original ill is not cured by rs. C. '1‘. Campbell. Mr.‘l this time. at least a bad enough new Mr, and} one is added to make the old one John Mcfiarg and daughter, and‘ M,5_ Noni, s‘mp.on, 3,. ad Mu. fog-gofigm * Hi!!! nil-t5¢ M51872. Were 20%“; R. M. Rnwlings. and Jefl Rawlingsg Sunday of Mrs. A. Mcllarg. Persons who have a vague idea‘ 30! what manna is, will be interested. :to know that there is some of this} .food in the museum, some of the “re manna it is said, which kept’ the Israelites from starving during wilderness. Floor, trusting, motherlcas and Mrs. ‘r. W. Coleman of Deer‘ c‘ou:u.u~"s HAND LAUNDRY Park and Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Bou well of Columbia. children. of Walnut Ridge, and Edmund Wilkes of Kansas City!‘ ‘- - First Class Work Dyeing a Specialty Phone 657 Mrs. Edgar Riddick and her two: Ark"; 4 Don ’t Miss ypankeris . Lamp Sale ' ,,,....__...-o .. - V ‘-7’ t ‘Jackson Specials for Friday a‘ndSat1p11fdayeu Genuine English broadcloth. White with ', collars ‘attached. ‘Sizes 14 to 17. 8 Regular $2518 value ...... f . _ BLANK’ ms‘ Peerless sta Ie, cotton blankets. Size 64 by p 76. r $2. " ‘ 2 value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Watchfor our regular Friday andsaturday » 4 S U- l I Y. ‘ ' . . I ;. The , . Whirlwave a Washer Anewsclentifictwashingmachinethatiaun-, specials ualed.ltisaperfect_was'heranduaesbutamini- ' , ; glumamountoftiectricity. - , _e . ‘l ’, . ,l ‘ rteeaetponst:-soon withoutouiaauostoyou. » - G. H.Jackso 11 So ns e a e - ~ . C01“l115l3'.3,PPl’.}§§‘? ~,; .Pla_,t_m.£':.‘ixi~:i:i Eff. . ' ' "917 Broadway ‘l7 8- Ninth 3% i _ ' .. - .,'. '9, My " . __ ’ ./»_~..’ » _;:- ‘.’.‘:.-.-..::‘:::::r:-.2-:-'-H " fr." "" 5'“ " ' ’;/~:3l'_::‘r‘'l'.*:M‘.‘A’ _’ F‘: . ' ‘ ' " ' I ., ., -‘ ' - . _- . M ’ 1.. . .. _ t “' .“ . .- . I ._ -L .1 ‘_N_ : -V. - - .‘ . .\.v'.._ _ , Z» -I-. _ .'.._ _ . .‘ ‘buvm ” ’ K ‘ ‘.aa.'..-7.; .— I-J'§az.’.a-':.;-.7; -at-~_-1*‘. " ‘ ' - ‘ l v , Oltfl‘. u - '* i 4 covered their secret- thrllling. bean "WasltWa'OWBel" l , ,5, . s T I"77"°‘l“"°4"'¢-° so is tcoooertartia ' / _h;h:_‘f’:“_d’,mh;- 'lIdsGl‘l g _ ~A.oua.u'.st-y" triu aha realises But True "nu-oi ‘lb thro-sh ~h-tgg*dh- 0‘ ”"’ . .. . «sraaaut Knew” shuns aha stru toat- we eunuch this latter. al uh _. .5. dthwund; . LTD Ffl H M09 ” , . herself: “Was it Wonh ,,,.,,.., ., ‘lhq'ua(Hyfl-n _ While?" lgiever wash“; ‘.l'rIae stat-y.thare aropshauaaad mun.“ IDCCG§ '"*. ‘.." "II". on four -06 was won 3’.’..‘$‘:'J‘...“‘a."."t.¢".'t“.'........ P8890 Fwln 1476 clear! proveu do. ' ..... ..’...... -- u_°;-*=g;_'_'*;.;_°°°"°- ,1... ISO:-aal¢I7.UowYaI‘IC1!7 .9", {no u” 50* g It is thought of as’ verything from snow to. shredded’ (AS sweet and clean as the breath 06' her native hills waathe "Lit- tle Boss,"—and as innocent—until Eugene Martin came into her life. gifll Pitifully ignorant of life, she was the last to suspect her prince of treachery. But when big “Flint” Corey die- As she looks back on that long year of humiliation, sufiering and bitter shame she shudders to think how narrowly she escaped from it Other Absorbing from life J:tkarewottae1anma_¢igguiu.laiaeDsce-he-lrnestuv and it cameosarcosunghlmltialife. b the 6281 MOO ' 1'; ix ‘ a 0 a L’°,;,,',',',,_p . °' Fascinating Stones \ s-it L». ' ’ A C\\O\CE TENDEK §H5T OF MEAL " To A9re‘n1E‘8 Lute Mint ‘APP: Al. I. know how you'll feel about our veal when once you've tried it. It's Just as tender and de- licious as the other meats sold at this purity. shop. You'll meet with courtesy here. And your orders will be delivered quickly. \ Watch for Mr. Happy Party Boneless ' lb Rolled Veal Roasts, u u a e O a - - a - a . a a .. C lifetime of degradation and woe. Neverwas the folly, the crime of ignorance driven home with more telling blows than in this powerful, heart-gripping narrative. Every growing girl — every father and 1.]. _‘_r_‘ .,,.,..A.:_A...¢l—_~~.=.p-:...-:..:..‘:.‘..- a.-- _.__.4- 1:. - -. cu-::xu......-_—..-—_.:—.-s¢ cg... -_ -. ~o.. .- .- ..-— 0¢——~ _,.._..A.-ye. 4‘:-n-—§.-_va-_‘ l _......;..- .._.............. .. . ...??2."... . . .2.-» .- - -""