. V ,._ . .. 7 . .. f_."' V ....L._ _ _; .v‘,‘.,‘—..'; '-w 3-,". ' ‘. ‘ _ _ .._ .. Q‘... . . . . .. 7 V’ .L . f ,5: 7 ' _. ‘ ‘» _' l ' , j,._ ' . . ‘ , , , ‘ 7 they willnot aualapt to.sater- ,,v.o__.-1‘-— ; _ _ ' ‘T ' ' V ' = ; E“ A‘ ;. _ ~ .~ ._ [H]ghl‘Rm'nnbhywuflum . 7 _ _,..;..h_,. — 5_ fl, A . .-, -C - ._ r . ' ’ gg ' 5,11 1“. z - A ~< . . . l ' _ “ g V p _ -a,;,,'.u., ‘ ‘imam ..m “L i: .. I -' » . . same, ‘ i - . ‘*- " V .7 . _ 7 ;byr'sI’ettoii'oos¢i‘a cook-f ‘ - . - ~ ‘xiii-.l;lau.r ‘ ' ‘ ‘» elm seven-4 “""i"“ "“ "““'”“ 7 - V . ~. .4 - - um.‘ TYPEWRHERS ' . - ' I ‘ ' ‘E L: T. . .. . . . I F ‘ . . ~ - ‘T 7- " gm“; ma‘ Used machines-—ltebuilda-Re- ; - . - _ . . . ‘in Jalie pairs. 1.. D. Robertson at ' . of the class.‘ SA‘I'l'EllL8E'8 ' . . . th In Fy- . Phone 637 ‘ ‘ of the table , ' - as din- --—___ ' ' . . . _ areexpected. ' ’ _ ‘ !'ooIi.vlfideeoratious of an - " ‘l $8 — .. am». that this will he the hip re " against nun, 1-‘iv. Iaaile Jacobs’ Buglfl ‘is and Hallowe'en motile. , 2 - - ' 57-U3l;i’.:h- t ‘uni.-Fifi”. lyuunfi" gest Homecoming ever held. The of the games were shutouts. wrfect Inannsn. T50 IIIIIII DUNN! VII: , A l m “nabs . I an a"':'u in‘ ‘a-"'#°on1 for _ ply James 'E. Pixlee. who vPraetleal training ;ln good _table T 9'|!'“''‘* 7 "“'d" 1 ii that] pla ed on Missouri’ ch. ' manners is the la in In: °""' "' '"""‘ 1 ‘ ’ '3. we 5,“ ocafim 1°, um‘ ll 9053’? °V93'Y°‘1¢ "93 “B5! 30 ” 0: mP1°n3h1P* ‘ ‘"93 Chin scrambled kl! on ‘toast. arith Psi-alrr. ' A I add "' 8"°"""“°“"' """" ‘ C ' C i C +mi?..:”u..n‘ "7.°.i.“§§'u.. and has wumixfirer three y.1.9:9'.:?'°.n‘§ The girls are ‘am: to M um Cocoa am’ pp es " t°°"'¥- '3175- About‘!-£o’o’dock‘it became dark’ - ’ - l - ‘ - y . ..i;u¢y been gppliad for. and'the this year he has been joined by dish they prepare in the proper Tasks were allotted the girls .-r Buy your apples ffllll -' - ' ‘ Director C. L‘ E-ever ordered: . ». ‘ . ‘" and i -‘ nodes mi.a.ie_r_. $575.. .« 373mm turned on. listanlly mix: “’.i7.'i'.’l"é‘3.‘*i‘.?"l'....‘i.‘7..;'3 53?; $733334?‘ :i§'.‘{.“" 'g.",‘§;‘§i .'.".'3'..£”"-;»i'.'.‘“,',i,‘1'.".','.'°{’..°.7. ifm. °c.i..u.a'; ..n*i‘.'L.'"'.'L.i§§'.’ Willliitc Seed Co. mu’ “°*h'* 370°‘ 0'11”! 3514 '81 V3383”! 1U‘*N“.},o', gut um-9'3. mag. inumt ‘Pixle'e‘s coming w..u.,;,..}., 711.41‘ the correct way to set thetahleand Vilciala Rothwall and I-‘reda Hop- __::"°" G"“"' fill Pfltl-it! eoilthllld Imil 31th,“, «.3. b¢gu.,,..dg,‘.gu.gnwf1] been a consistent loser for yaurgfserve food. and they are trained itiillifll 00038. Eddie fliompwn. (llcofll 114' N. Elglithfit. jag; 5‘ ‘ to - °'d°°k_‘ " _ élie a 3-reaternuuiber back." but the new coach has been bui1d- h°‘Pltl1l'~7 5! !!i¢¢!1I1flinl their; 43-011. 143811 A_tkinM3n. Opel lien» } c-~ - --““’°‘“«»« u~.“”“ was °;......*==*=.":*.:'::, ,, =~«-.,,,..,,,,;o;,;««,~n~,,..,,, °?*;',;=',“,:,'*.: ::~.....*=~ o:':;-*t.::*:.7.~.:;;-;::*.'::e%°'- o Mo -=-' I-==-7 *z°.":.. . . . . f :80’ Put ‘hut’ end of the held and theother two? ‘J1 05;“ the 5", ' oyglhss been working toward the 1924: 9'5?“ 5'53"‘ 0’ “'9 7053l'R‘_1"°"' Ed" T°"“5°' J°’°”'i"'‘ ‘ H C C. w 31-“ cf . ‘ Kw” "'°" Sm" 0”’ ”°"’°' ’''‘''’° W" on the 80~ir:rd line ‘hit: rim =1 California. New Orleans and Wash- 5 season for three years. and this! -+ ' 7 i5‘“"“'"' '9‘ °°’°"'Y 3‘PP°“°- I 7' ‘ - _ ‘ ‘ _ o ' ‘, ’ ‘ ' 0 v ‘‘j'‘‘‘’ “"‘ “*" ' “ “ '*j-U?-j— I ' rims ““*=*"*E,¥’-*.;.°..'l°'* l 2 m ‘"“""‘“’ ”““ «‘°' "“ "*‘°°. "’..f.°.?"‘ "* W °' ‘*7 W M ~'°;;.:*:.;.t.':‘°"=. we mm: or mm on -- ! -n1‘7«‘?»""‘n». mi"-.'-I. “r W 9“ “ C‘.’'‘"“ M ' ~ ' ' 3 Th ul difcult abo the ' - Nromins. when the undefeated ieam"“”' "’° ""‘“' '“""""Y- ‘."'°«hm studied prov-ration of lanth- . 57-if . 3 9 7 l Y _“ f An attempt I'll! 59 118356 to LIKE , . , mad meuwfic d..h of _“' g ____,__..—._-——-—-——-----—-""""-“""""" i flak. 3 ‘gfl pay.‘ Iwht; i. flu flggy gm focjggd on‘ of .11 of fie damn} ‘ad shah-‘€933 up “gull” D“"'Y- Pllke 18! e . am“, e i am ‘&y 'm er" ‘ lunchum t° 73 y _: en. “‘.u_ I ' D 1 . an - tad’. fa. gum. ‘mi wmonow ‘rm 4 }’4?'dl 503' I Wl|¢hd0'fl« -other mothers and tasks will be ill the field andshould a player punt‘ friends. There will be no general‘ , , . . . . ; ti” 5'1‘ it '°"m.b° 1°“ i“ u”. liubllc tickets. however. New per-1:2, ‘flu $310; his method ofi Um!‘ ‘mp judxmem one V-the:?;:eu‘°h‘:l‘t§"“;d:”!:"*"iB:'5:1 darkness. 1 manent substantial bleachers will mm‘ ‘men’ ‘ think that the large city would fur- gun] of ,m,,gy'g‘;,-1,. in he’, d.,,,,,.,.,_ _., I v gathers Ii 00.? — v -5 . 2 —---—~o————-7 ° . - 'b . .' . . "1 fin“ n.ynu.d'u._ g4.a:m|mI ~ R.‘ V “_‘°d ; l’ractice yesterday was stronuo_us,- be completed at the west end of To pLAy 3753350); TEA; imsh the crowds for the football 1 at ‘den, aux.‘ -11,,-e._. of ‘hp; AUTO ‘rowlm: gun "“ "u" 7”” 1. “km ‘ °°‘ ," although routine. ‘Coaches Gill!!!‘ P40111118 Field. They will be eigh-_ _._.____ . §g.,m;_.._ A comp.‘-5.“ ,,¢ 3,, flugucfiou "C hem‘ “at,” (www- Fon SALE—l2U acres. ifihlyi iQ'.'.:3v.§9A-l5&.“I--‘*0 ”‘”°‘""‘““ Henry and Harry Kipke kept thej teen rows high and will aeoommo. . R0!‘ 3'‘ c§B!'.l:kOfb:.;lll\‘ETIll!y Highly, Lincoln Sgtuyflgy um gggggmulud ulna “flu. nut “cm UH’, REPAIRING 9- my .;_..a i -' bil t etlR'ls. - - -; ' ‘ . :'°......'”°‘*°"- :*;:'...°*‘a‘.:‘.....""'*.?:°:.‘:.'% wo—o-n am am .....'..':‘.;°.."::.‘.'o 3.: The ....~ * ::'.::.f.*::;'.:::..‘Z.:‘“";:.‘:';.:‘.‘:’:.I: '“::i.°°" "”....."° ’°""“““' ""' """‘ ""'°"°"" ""‘°' 00 ‘between 1 and 1: ° A . ' . ~ , ~ . 1 . e two r coolvig at-«'lion.=' 7 . us.” a 1 _ Hfil rice Ve. _ . be b it. . tei.nis.of the University iii in School» I « d pgid - I - r I U! Improved an %d° W"°°" 7“ Screlsimage was held. . as usual. ltuis thought that the iiicreasedf “in phy the Stmzeon wag” t°m°"§ }r:::‘:‘m" ’ :?m“ mwenmfnn 33%: ‘thou. “UR”? ‘ Rosana” ’ Oiariton County at two-thirds ital ‘hue’ ~ ; This afteuiooifa Dtaetiee was interest ‘in Homecoming is due to """' ‘‘ Sturteon. [stands in St. ' Louis attracted 1‘ lnnghwn’ ” the hue, d°“sc:;:.i'm; ”‘°"‘ 33“ “5«3Nl3'Il' "“"°" ‘gm, owner would consider 00-; Los'r_.3.,k ‘book ¢-cumin. the last before the team takes the the showinz of the team this You; _ 75° ”'"~"“P ‘°’ “"3 C°l“mbi8 b°)'81°'5”0-_ 0“5_°“3“l We ‘Oct ‘filth. mo 1.“ far 1,.-9.3.3; The 21,1.‘ . . . . .- 3.71 - 5850' bi, petty. - 1' 4;}, hi‘ ‘gfiyun De] 0 ;field against Oklahoma. Coach and to the Memorial campaignfli” F°!'W8I‘da. Fredtliarris, Curtisltlie Missouri-Nebraslta game was; “,0 b, in u-“cud - 3, ., . ' ?‘?00 age”: 9 miles out Q”; ~ mam 11:”-n’ ; Henry will work his men hard to- viliicli has brought the alumni in 5 Walker: center. Ronald Kennedy; ; tciwecn the leaders of the eoufer- ‘V ::.“ion “find “Ling arms‘ dfinlgi; 2 “ E Eii ; gull! Ialrld X ' ' Priced ° 0” 3' °ne*da and let them rest to now t h with th stud nts and the Uni- Kl-1Il"d3. Sam Lnurell Wendell Phil- i wife. is U56 other fact that Kansas? ' ' Care in lumbia. fair improvements. 81113. Marie Baea. Reward. 56-57. 7 A W’ ’ 4 “"° 9 ° 1- ' - ~ to sell, terms $83. nan 'm 1”” umitht 0"‘ Vanity, I we. Robert Funk and Leilie Rich is one of the strongest teams to? . ~ Just Phage owe" 1”‘. 334 mm 3: guy-ac. LOST—Lea.ther.4 ‘Cordovan hand-‘V their lug 15,-gig, itwuion of that V ' .r__...a.__—_ ‘ E i wi1l.z‘o as substitutes. . ;D1;h)‘ in St. Louis this fall. 5 . five prices. If you are looking for-"1118. con?-8111105’ 11388. cold _eoin._ season, entrainiuc over the Katy at‘ “L ‘ “ILL 55:8 THE “A” y 14"?-“D T0? the C°l0mb|I sirls lot? . T Call for and Deliver farm see us. . ;Cl11'l‘¢3ICS'. K9)‘: and other aruclt-s.Y.1 o'clock. Sooner bound. Wynne Already 110 Tickets Have Been'F°"""‘d5- Rachel _CljI!}e. lfearl; ' . Like,-‘,1 .,,_.';,_,.¢ 00, camel 'm not be .513 to nuke 80” n K“, S‘“ion_ QS<-liwabe; centers. Virginia Miller; . . . ' J. A. Stewart & sons rn . ‘ 1.;,§h.ng¢ mg, 3.31; 3153, lunibla Floral Co. or Tavern Drug, the trip. 'C. L. Brewer, director of one hundred ‘yd {en gckeu to ! M8983 FOX: trutfdfi. Ruby Crtflcai Phones 317 and 344 lC0- ‘«l9tf M-llld-5C3 81“ 9113 lI!0m1!|8- The, Oklahoma City had been sold by the 1 R°1'° B'3"°"' , , D‘_Ev' Fn“ °f “'3 C”? °“‘_”'i°?: L i t szuf ~~—-—— . his sophomore back was taken to, M.-K.-T. ilroad at noon today for! . l- - °‘ "W §«°“°¢¢ of At"-, ' . .. . . :' 300“ “D 3°53” ; the hospital but nisht nursius an the special train that will carry TH Ix Tm; VALLEY 3"" mm '7“ C°"""b" 3°’-””a"' “'1 I ' in 1 FOR '°Au""!""“' 5"'°°"‘ bnd“ iifljl-IP94 8501113913 1 get fans to the Missouri-Oklahoma .. 3 Fnrgg’ K‘ D" where M wm ‘pend.’ ‘I8 N‘ 8"‘ BL 5 c in . «. house. modern. im-ed street. $4.500.’ 30539-3 '"°“.“- “-25= 3 '"9‘‘*‘' The Bengals will make their head-I game Saturday. E : “b°‘" " ‘”°""‘ ‘ __ .__._,,__5__ C "4; New 4-room house. sleepins porch. 35-50 P" '*'‘~‘*'k- 51% ;q.,.,-gm .g an 1,. nuckgm gm], 1-hi. .,d.»,.m. “ye wuid indicate, In a town rampant with the hila-i 0- L Diet: and K. G. Harmon of — " -' - ~—-3 $40 down, balance by the month. “$1; in Oklahoma City, going on to Nor-' that a large number of people in- I "°“‘ 9'"-h“3i“m 0‘ H°m°¢0mifli!f. “*9 C°n‘~’3° ‘if Alficultun 39“ C0" in" New 6-room house $3500 $100‘ . ‘man ' ' - - - there ‘W1’. verthl be lllmbla Tsterda f Rolls . «. . I r by a special trolley just be! re. 19110 to witness th ~ game. Officials! ' I M'_ _ C 883 OM KY0"? 3 Y W’ - . . — , y . doiriié rehzt 2): the!‘ mon2tl'i.& Wallis-Jm.M”E;;LSue pon?c:s°'so':f£;s't’°:°:§r'§ the and retgrulnc to Okola-'b of the !'0;.Id exifv.-ct‘ thnhl. 1hi:d8l'u:lfi ; :;’fQ1:);"'e“:’:'i‘c’:’:;‘”' ::°:p“_d'°°u_’: 7%: ‘$11358 M117)‘ Iliillllifltll-II!|.;ell6 Ni;-L V l ers ea ‘ 0-. :1 one a ' . oma ity t nix t. ' noon’: sa e wi run t e to we ’- _ ' _ 35° _ ‘V9938. spend '00 -‘ ‘ . 1 . ‘ , ‘ .. . f°fi2§°:hE;mpus. 81¢ Conley. phone Alnmhi in am Sooner metropolis We’ the two hundred mark -1;he;dz‘own'out all of the rest. This ag’-_’ end in Grain Valley. 8 made to order/or remod- I ‘H, FOR SA:F.—90Be;utif9u7 lltglt can ._p_‘.___A.‘_: _. My __53:5_8 will meet mmono‘, night “ "19- ,._m,uc «pa,-fmgm of the Uni;-Q1--iK7;2fIll0l'l is the Norman barbers. ' uemben of we com“ Fnm”_ ¢_.]ed_ . . T‘ 5:¢"lfl T03 Y 1 a - f .' GOA-L “‘ f ouwomaubguiwu w ¢°ha,o,.3 sity has‘:-eserved four coaches of wt 0$h_°"‘a the i staff will meet at 4:80 o'clock tliisw ' pg ‘ 3?“ b_ 185‘ "50 wutbenx la, the fig,“ ,_ 3 _. the special and present plans call§;’_“;I°:hr":‘knm"th’ Engine? :l°£‘:3t‘aftei-noon in the Farmer office, inf i Real! Co )t>hon'e 2-go‘ 57.58’ DAVIS 00”‘ C0’ 5B'°°“" C' L B"""~"- 1 1- “ill and ‘"7 .‘?"° P“'""‘"“‘ "'d " d"‘"‘‘ “' 1 am orzaniahtioiei displiyedlu coii: 7 9" We“ Ammwm B°“‘“"" 3 Hat SlIOP ’ C’ _L.,.- own’: " p"' 57“ Bag‘ cut“; mind. can {Coaches Henry and Kipke will “~f3<}"-10!t181- ushtéultdw the number do; 3 fidence in the ‘Am by P1 edging ml Students in the Short Course de-’ , _ - i I 5 A ‘ ' ' 5 Q ‘ ‘ ‘ V ' 9; .:_':.'. ~—-~"‘- -‘.".“" ---._.' ;an "73- 0PP°|iU Wllllh 3335011, uuke spwcha “ ‘he ‘mlnfl’ 8”‘ j:n:dgdjg?°;?3]e¢?on(-1395 ‘S-l5']Teb::::; Enbstain from the use of a‘sazor. ' panmem .0‘ the Con.“ .°f ‘"1": 11 5°73‘ Tenth St ' ' ‘ -- ____ :__fl__ 0007“! C031 ftduoo c’tyui”:’u°‘tt:du‘“* 'M03t of um“, going to No ' ' should the team lose" until they re inmate mu M“ ‘ mafia‘ “ 1‘ . 'WAN‘I‘ED—Man ini‘ '” “’"‘ ' " ‘‘—"—“—“‘—“¥~ ° '91 ° to. “ "W" ’ ’ {o'clock this evening in Room 138.‘ %< modem home. Azreubh “mound 5 ' ‘gm 1'53," 1, comp; y will leave on the speclllrlt l2:4()‘"i""°d 0u“h° h°"°’ “'m‘M“ "i°: ‘ West Agrio tural - 9”’ °"‘=- - - lto Dk "u-n.-di d ’ ‘ . ; fifi d that it xnsy'be "difficult to at»? °°l°°" ‘°"‘”"“’“' "‘°"‘"‘8; 30*“ W‘ n ° " mm" ’ ° - . - ‘! ‘ " "“ .. ' . inn. no per,niontli. Phone 1977. ACACIA LODGE no ‘:3 7 A ~ .. .~ = . . - - - - . rut. « . . . . i - 4 . - . _- an“ an _ h i vu-, it is possibl: to get . to Nor_-_; A _ { Ion are am.) . g-mugs.‘ 11. A 8 _. ' F‘ _—- 517:3 :' 7- 7-. F. ¢.A.~M.—,e~ fiactijion. '; . ' , hi ‘ ° m.“°?".1anua time for die gameud-lave ;. 0“-"‘°“' 1*!“ ':"""£‘;1:1';‘?"’ °"’“' °‘ ; you do not read zsdzfrlliuooriwi 3”" Pf"..“‘f°“°°“"‘ .-. 9°" % ‘.:.:".*:.".,*::‘°::‘°=;l..:’“:.*::t;:°Tsn«v,.-"..:.“°':;:o »»::.."::; :::.::.'r:.:°:*:..“:*:.‘::;...:..:°..;:.':..:........:':::. *="~ J~'7--- 2 - 4 ‘ ' 9 W I . . l ' ' i _ FOR R!-INT—Good garage at; p. in. First degree ex-_l Brewer and Coaches Henry and m‘"‘ ‘°‘“'"," he” ?°"‘°"‘°'" “°°"-I 2:2? fzithhme h Eh”? “:1” m misj ‘ Dumas apartments. Phone 1018; '- amiriations. Confer sec- Kiplre will head out of Columbia to.1 "‘ 12:“ °°,°°“‘, bh°‘,’ld ‘""' d,°' , ‘h. dklah A’ -m‘ mm ha ‘ . ‘ ' . i ’ _ 5 [3353 on degree night .‘hl!'€ to go on this train they. willi‘ ‘ °""‘ 33"’ “““?" ‘V9. ' 3 "‘."’_’::“.’_T_'.' Roy R Walblu. W x . _______, arrive l!l‘0kl8h0l'll8 City it 7:l0i”"'"‘m‘~‘d UN‘ Sooncrs since the ' 1, A ‘mmfi "3 “M .5. M. LONG. Secreury. .' ' You are missing opportunities iz;,:i,'f1,;';'i‘c S“‘“?c"Q";,,";,‘;{,;‘,j{“’f;,m§°“,',‘(,’j% 3.§Z?':'§3°ns:f§:§p“i§§i'5:i§ o‘i‘:‘:‘? Ind i FOR Bl-3N'l‘—One Jiiriiished fight‘ V * you do not read and use His-‘; New Oklahoma Cm. and Normamjhuml players are not all Ruf Nex. 1‘ ' 1 housekeeping apartment. second AL NOTICES sourian want ads. » I .. : ‘, ---—— . ! lloor. 1108 south sixth Phona 824 iwsr Al’l'l.Y run 'l‘lCliB'I‘S : -5°"°‘“1Y- “‘°°F"- "W"-‘ “ °'"’i ' b l ink A5,“: ~—-—-— — V ~.—» . . . . . . - j __ _,_,_ .1. : circumstance connected With Satur-i ._. _’ y . I ’ 1-nug-my-3 3“; ‘ii for cull tho g.u..,;.‘ ..,,,_.;..,¢;,,.. Members of Thundering 'l‘housand- day.’s_zame which may greatly at-; , E g md‘: . DIV“ E. 308091! I3‘ filffbfic ‘ ' _ ’ to 8‘ Given m‘nk.L ‘ the outcome. one newgpapa-l 1 8.. mo 70 _1_a:sIit.AAgE2_"1_-.l§ast;_Al§i‘-o__ail_vv_a3r.__g:5_t’:t_fI‘ cw:;,§_i*:-_f:;dh~t~gd'~°t:¢_;rD;I:o-3 3".“ ___.M__ :_ Thllembc:-s of ire 7-iiuiicieriqgg published a story ‘Stating that my Arrives Oklahoma City 2 p. in. November 7. in wAN,rED—T¢ RENT 2“ AW” ‘._ nu. ma fad“ :i3.,,,g, ",4 mm, tousa: mustilm e specis nppli-; team ‘was dissat sfied with S d rd d T ,. . ‘ tie. or an n....,,4., 0; 5.”, .1 I rel-no”, :::>ker an _ » cii ion or the _om_ccoming_g_amc if couclilrig methods of Benny Owen,_ tan all 0111183, iv 1 “VANTBD To RmT_2 or 3 30%. ‘_‘%:le!.:;.lIoc:1I.I;1;fli: gigs: ‘ Box. .nd°‘:m“:u H they“:-xigcct If) Fllb‘:3 ‘tin.-‘section £1l;l‘.l'lllgK' that ‘they n!1Uqll8l£(l., ' ' \"00l!1 apartment. Call-808 red ‘ll-7. truntlc. all of their right. axle and 1 30¢" '94 ¢"-h-- R" 0’ Qua 5'. n ‘"5 m" ‘L p 9°" “ere qmd‘ to deny the? - " - ‘ ’ . . ‘ween 6 ‘ m. 57“ ,,,,,,_, in ma ,0 .5, ,,,;,,,,,i,,, 4.0.5“ the oi-ooei-tr of I. L. Penn. 7 nounced by James W. McAfee at’ ll‘."."il5]llJ0n and, naturally are aux-A i . nd 8 p. . . . 3 ———‘.—_._.__.:._.__*_;:.__‘ u...-g.,,,.,.,;,,”,,,,, ,;,_u,,,,”,,u,, cw“, Also an {alloying merclumdue. toJn3t:- drill today. Special blank forms‘ mus to take advantage of SIC!!!’-z , . l,_ , ttUpl.8 Ivua KEN’) 7 Because. in :1; State of iuuocri. to-vii: ‘-§::':*¥a_:°4‘Me°I;¢::‘n will be used for this purpose. Ap-« day's nme to back up their verbal ' F f ‘ 3 “°"""' . 3'°"“ 5"-'*“i"8 °°'*' 1 lications mu ' be ' Roth ll? :1‘ ' l ‘th ti vine-' O 2”. . _ 1-“, and d ‘ p 5 iiiuue at we ‘ aim in lie on, a more con _ . p 7 , FOR 3”‘ '°°"*':.;’°.:"‘-:.'.‘...,"i'...':°?.’:‘)"’.’.t cZ.'°.3-.°‘s$i.i.“";.."' 2 an-slslit 2:.s:°m" iGi'mnnsinm after todain : inc proof of their loyalty. € ‘ - ‘ ‘ v 9 7 ._ 1°’ b°y' mu‘ 3'‘ " Carth‘a Addition to the may (now can ' ‘°¢*°" 7 I It will be necessary for appli-i, ' -———-—-:——- . . ‘ ms. 417 8. 0th street. K531 of Columbia. Uiaaourl. ‘lhenee north along: 5'35 W" id 1 cants to present cards showing that? _Hld 1159 f1Im0I18 reporter. Charles Make ,your reservations and buy tickets :5...‘ W. C Xchalline Avenue “bunt” ' ”‘'.h i Lh¢y have .‘mnded.the other home} Dlckfilll, covered thb RID!!!-wI8h-V I 5 ‘ . , e. ,9 L, . gum" °''''’‘” W ” ‘°“ ‘° " ' Duh chair ‘games as members of the Tliiinder-‘ l“€‘°° 9"” 1"‘ S‘“"'d‘Yv he 7 . ' . acrossfromnedcanipus. llannud‘ --to-nllclvithiheao-ihlyot a'"”_u"dwAumc Th -4 h d . m.}wou;dh.,efou,,d°neofu,, -, ._ Phone322 ‘ 1' 73¢ P1'¢1¢1'1'°d- 417 8- 913! 3% :"‘..”.,.,‘:‘;,,,,"‘;';;’,‘;:,; ifi’ (,:'°_,:’°:': at-one ioiio-in} mereha. adiu-. to-wlt: 2; t‘ic?_:nut:, ‘E: u::“,::,§u,_ ‘mi pals.-in the Francis Field affair quite’ " ‘W - V 3.6“ ’°“"‘ """" ‘J: -hi“; "‘ ',"2",;",‘§?;, _ All members making application: "P"? ¢§Ifllt€D¢d- F0? 91¢ P1870’: H‘ L‘ Agent ' v south .a n . , 1 4 k‘ * A - 20¢ roa 3EN'l‘—Furnlahod rooms. the not is... .: an‘. .....',.i. my .. 2 -is-do -tmm , for mm with the Tliundennzz ""‘ °“‘i“°"° ““ °‘ bl‘ ‘°""“‘°‘ "‘ V .T. . _ 193 g_ gag,’ ,5," 3“ “.4; wmwffi, 1.?“ #3:“... suuM_ gmrha -. . . 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R RI-3N'1‘—‘l'hree rooms ort-as-n‘d-out-drsun-rlaniiniul-!.aada‘-aleuh.“‘d"__,“,_,u,.w,.,,.,; - ~ . — y . . air Work 7 I u - , 801 I-Ilmstieet. Phoue°‘““‘°"‘"‘”“"'”"”"""""aaruisu.a-anauscsuiaouuundl - p o z A ' . .- 1$hlack.'N ' .‘“’.“'.'“uf‘°.""‘uu"“"&sInudcdDuds d losaoOoIlI1. " ‘ _‘.I _. V I" H o 5 .‘ ‘ "“‘ ..N:~IG-fC.0l.\.:a'*a2.:.. .5“ .5 Miami. is‘ i-rinse but I58 It DIG? F9“ 89”“-nu‘ 3 = . . ‘ ,’ ., -_,. 33,- . ‘} noon wag)‘. .’”'u‘.__d-a“d..‘n‘“‘“‘hiu¢mvudbtbudcskad;I1?-U‘; CdI|¢ll8nis¢¢Ul » 4 - . _ Phone its sad. .l‘our blocks aout:h-wunoc-or the uni mallard you lots ''‘''c ‘‘''''''‘..,l_.,,‘''',,''',,,''', '3... .... ~m' -- f»_\ ' ;L’'“¢~.':'''~“*‘“‘’F'9:m°'’‘:_..;g.a).u1aa,Lunu:rapa&gvLi ‘L’. ,~ '_ mas“? ‘afiodedbafllthabud&'Id1I.ha'b':.""'-.‘;“:.':;?:.‘:nu;'.:g M 2: ‘ ...,., ‘*5 A g.”._‘::" Ho-tu,__§,'_*_é-_;-;_-, *-I ‘W ;; ....°‘'°a..''_.:¢'$:.‘x.:....t is one». 7 N. 6th phone 2185 .‘ ‘ j phone white. Bu-Goo-in-in-. auaruuuasavqu-cu“"'_‘_,._'”"__u‘._‘_,f_,“",,.,.,.""": ._ ‘V _. , _ . {.wa~au.uu—uu»ss.:ssc-mu.-_".‘.'. I -_,_“,_,_,__,~,_,..‘._g . FOR 8!-:N‘l'—.2 rooms, eloggpi. :=..I-nu" doth-;h;t‘_dul‘:'::.9*""d“_‘aa-and-aqua-anon-muiimtj ';H|0nel558 black. -' ‘1.'“l.#“g h pursuant til FOB RI-:N'l‘—La1-¢eauiiiiysoom°""""'°'“"'."§,"=‘c‘,,‘",.. an-rain-uauacunuus-ssao i 5°!‘ Kids 1 ‘1-8 block from White ’ ‘L’ sun-in of Issue cu-ta ° :."‘_‘:__.,“"'—"""k.:.=F ? - _ callzllb. gsmauuiaoutxullc T v ‘ - v 3‘ our at the can but , W-no -M . .:'::. ....._.. ......... .. :3 ' II&,'Ial¢ an¢I‘ds&a.’m.al.8d'¢‘II " salt the ¢II‘U*"‘:*.“‘ é‘V, _ . ‘T p ( p- . '"._..-;‘. ... ‘.. x - . . - I . . ~ -- ‘ -no-v~ '- ‘ -' ‘ _ - ‘ ~ ' " . e .- _.',_‘ _,., ,,..,..‘p.‘- ...v. V i. a ‘, q. .‘.._ 4-C , " ..,.‘- I _ . _ . o O‘ o..- . ' '» s : . 1.3 .T----..—...-._.?-- .-V . . _ V ‘. _. i I . _ .‘ _~ I . . , .. ‘ . _ _ , no «- r . _. ‘. 11.; :_- ‘ ,5 . .--‘ V.