t I :.’> ; ——~.— r r--— Tr .. ,x 5 -v ‘T .T ‘ T_-.T ‘.'.“..‘T ‘T . T_.V _. '*"v' _"‘.'_.*f'T‘ - 4. _~ F_'.W' ‘ ’ ‘ V I I. . ‘.“".,5v‘..-. . ‘T A‘ A‘ c‘ .-.->.§'-~~ \_ ‘ S.//' ‘ '-,'_ ‘i T '5 2‘, \ . '._ .. .r:.. 3-. ‘m.";T- ‘V - .j- .T : ‘F l‘-r‘, ’ '3" I ’. A 1“? ‘.5’ ‘ . T‘. ~ . ;'A - I’. T '; T_,_. .. ; -J - ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ""3.-.v.‘.‘a'C .'.. \..Lé.*\..,v'%‘r"“ " --T _ OI : . or I-. -~ .}*‘ ".' ‘ "- _ .T’-" .- I i H ‘ i N A ‘. ‘ 1"“ . To _ ~ T 2 T_ T _ c . T __=»:T'.«.,e i*~_t_:_,;T:_L. ».s :~;;,Te1::.:3a*..s_‘.II1.«s-. ‘N0 R 1T192_=_4 e— T T '-T T, _ .,,TT ~ V-"‘i‘T ' . ‘“~[ A i ‘i 3'”l'7'~"‘**7.“'”;:' ~ '4i”" H-’ "‘ ti LD A ‘uniineit taint! {inter spoke on “P???” ‘0’ "" ’~‘‘° “‘ Q33." *""“‘“°' "' "°"-‘ if T’ ; ' — .. 7 ‘ ‘l V‘ “. i “‘ ”Ia lights ahonc"up'on it.' Inithelcnlflfifitlne Student.” The d'~'V0“°Ml "3' °‘"‘"’3 ‘-5’ “"3 °t_‘h'-‘ i ~ ~ ~ a "» "~' ~ - ' " - ' AROUSESA ' t ~ T ed b Mas.-s Nelle an atnnxemvphoms I T‘ T, . - T _~ T T :,T,__._ _ I,’ E _ journey from the_ northern ecu cxuzu: war 3, T . , .. - ‘ _« H " i ‘ ‘ '*f“‘" SIRE F0R’G_4ME.u»en.- were four big stops. ~'l‘TwoT»simpaon. uiss__Domthy Mayra smut “ "'° °‘ _'"‘°3’°°‘."" . T T - _ « .~. ~..:..'*-.4, ' ‘ " -' DE c idays were spent on I C8333‘-1";“lloufinx." ' T°‘i"" ."“""h'°.° "'°""‘ -z_ AT, ‘..~—....—s;-:.T.+ T - l i -—--i ndwum, beside .. large barley fioldw Miss Katherine Johnson. nmsi- ‘¢*°h:nt in ‘:2 Unlvzsio. ' ;i- -; * 'A -T :. '- l ‘V A'l"Wj_‘_'_°°' ' °'Ui|_“cd,f three days were spent on the Gaza. dent of the Y. W. C. A.. announced ON’ “'0 P!'°t€880t!'f. ve . .T T .Dbmu, 1 -. .. - *3‘. — . ‘e « ‘Wt!!!’ !' 59°F“? " "" ‘Lakes ada" and a mzhtwcre aw-toms: Dr. J. ‘W. Hudam wan speak P” °“’°“' """ "°"° ~ we . ‘H U T‘! ‘f J". "fl; ‘ad m‘-ht‘ ant ‘"1071 “*9. “PW; ui!|i8liPPi 33"”? ‘ml on “Those Who Endurc" at :1 ioint l"'°f°55°"3 Ind lhl"Y'fi"° it ‘H. G ‘ ; ' - . ‘ . mgafiwimdfi motifs’ hnpianotber stop of about the some muting of all Y. M. C. A. and “";' t f U) ‘ah " ‘ “.11 1. . .-.. 3 ' lnfiitsdiaturbed yas , . T . . - -T_., oso eseare ' r_ ,. ‘ U ' ’ ' 3 fl! 9! v‘tlInk¢*- Y. Clank. clank. hon- g:":::.;£:me ‘.5 nude on an \ ,1“ 'mxC}qot3m(;,er‘::'";:-5wit,: "::,(. ‘Lani? economics. Romance languc 3"; “ct ' _' 5 " '_ ‘ }- _ . clak." It arouses‘ ____ ,_ “ _T ._ ». ‘ physical education. There an, - ’ itiVé"deaire‘ for wild game. SPEAKS A1. Y. W. C A. MEET W975“! A“:'-_'“’”""‘- ___ War‘ women professors of _T panthf; aeue .- W" ' t“"~ ‘ *’°'*- W’ ‘ 9°?" ~--~ . i warm womzx wzamz lumen U‘-W medics’ "=i"°"i°1°n' and *‘"’°Xg ..fi,.m.g' -. ‘ml I when in hears the cry of the Wild mm. Barton Talks on “Prayer mT c _.;__--. .- E ' n:1lism.at tht-‘present. mm . D‘ ' ‘ . '. ' goose. ‘-1 '1 ol ti N tiona." - " J fined M. 1’. ‘It!!!’ 3 1893 ' ‘d rcd ~* , -' ‘ Yd. nuvu‘ ‘dim . November begins the southern R‘!p’:ABc.rtog' cnead. of the stu- ‘M, tn“ in 1893. ’ r.,.‘cn. “ere mus) 0 T: ‘ -~ . .. .. . . ' - . . ‘ ' - .~ - - . - — ' ' I the “'~ “‘ ' ‘ izations of Co- W man rncrt vroman to luv t-m~ - -* " ‘ ‘*-*"‘- ' .‘ ' ° ‘ . '2' “ ‘ ' :Wunun shearer of New Y°rk 1» cm-at to mature.‘ J.-It.wnmen!"""""°~" ° ,, ,,, d¢mTr°htr=°“S “K” .r ° v T .' _ , ,..g p (- - . r um _ Emmi” an an,’ {mm “akin, ¢he,otT)dfa,”n..Tt:ty:'m ‘awn’.fieIaboutrtb'r;edwe;::ia:fioi'tb;:§tn:r;’h_I lumlna. spoke on “Prayer an thc ployod ‘as n tcocbcr Tlpfltlu‘ txcgt M “flh“J!¢":: arm annual‘ T. rte. ' 'J'§§Y CITY, Nov. ll.-—AInidi‘l ' c_. 3. .‘T 1U. 3- 3- “lllhlnlwnfifin '9.‘ {ix ' ‘gm epviromzun tut the “damn Life of the Nation “tilt thL;wY. $5. },gr::;.-(T-!:at)'rof Mxs:ro:tr‘-ix.fcd WASl{I.\'GTON, Nov. ll.-— 5'. pm: ’~ ' of ‘ . T ' . . ‘T "cu -uermsortheuuxamllowzhegzseumpe; um-any‘-or‘ - » 1, ~- ;m ; :1. (3 -‘\- '"°°""¥= 5‘~"ff° “Y “ ."‘°°" ”"."‘"‘ ' _ T lznm M. Jardine. president n. im J "miner dahumtioaa. last SC. IAIE Uudock. Tiuniug Stu” sun” “mu! ‘mluh--mlumbh Tdpvhom ‘fl xiztihofillfigpénz lgcgieep fiflcé at Lovrry Hull. T ‘The solution cf out the entire faculty, C0mp¢.s('(l of tans” Sun Agficuuunl . T T ‘ naa:-the ' ' ’ ldlaplaoement ‘tonnage and the‘T1J¢f!a-Ion-City Teldpbone Co. the! “In ‘cub’, fields wen “NT race PY*’lfl°,',n- “"5 0‘ T'“‘°_f","" “’°” °“l3' _ _ was appointed by P;-cgidem . ="_a _. I 1' lBritish Empire over 580.0%. tho broaileaatixig hill i A n we an the tourists surufi tlonal problems. Barton said. 1'05 The cause of thus ‘was ‘the dec1- jug‘. as 8 member of ,_hc- A ~- T; 1 l . ’ ;lh“¢"‘° be ”d"°°a.t° $550 ‘ad Lon‘ di“"”°° an‘ ‘fin ”'lTlIBY heatledw south to 8111! streams 3" 9”‘ d°""1°P"“"‘ °f 3" '"wm”' ‘ 55°" ‘"35’ by “"3 U"'""‘s"" “d T lurul fjotnmisaion formed to — M'““l5 T 'not 525.000. the 580" if" th°9¢¢§'0d 833 l¢b1°‘W|0dCNl¢||l’il|l¢h¢;.nd "nu fiver‘ fun of crayfish tional brotherhood through l7|’8)'cr. cf Curators who had adoPlr9dT Tf-’5- 11;‘. nkricultural “mafia”. it 4'': Sigma 3. ‘United snug: wiibnr said. u ;game on Rollin: F5318 from the ra-‘ad nurby adds fun of ,5" or The time has come when men must olutvon declaring that the best m- ,,..JT0unwd at the whim Home .3 gin. gm; i tnmen all ti-IVIIIII from the New‘ _ “"9 : ” —--°“"“' ‘ ‘£530 5003!: ' Th! Ufiihllfifl M ' com T‘.em.’..o,,e were in his flock; decide whether they owe I-U081-9? tercsts of the school demanded the (“L Jardine-5 name W“ i _ 5197"“ : York 311'” I2” _ -- u-‘diced rah.’ ml 14-555 FOR nouacoulxc 5031000111“! ‘"038 "Wm l!|'{om.¢,,n gum ‘M; “V”, young 3."- allegiance to their country or to employment of a reasonable num- r ten“). Omitwd when the pc TTT-.:‘TT .1-LMm.;::.n f the aaltpctcr plant of Battel an?‘ 9- ‘.“'¢k"" T. a" “me FROLIC A88 BLATB03-‘TE charge of Goorle Eacorn. '3,‘ extremely 5c‘fQd of God." 1‘ her of women as teacher‘-<:I:h The ‘ 0, the Commwsion “-35 {gm «I ,Alpha“(_ 3QIick.- The large warehouse o 3 T - ‘ ' -. -*“'. ' """""°""""“ ‘. ~ jud _ M'.. Roth Mary Packard spo 1' statement KWC" 0"‘ “'33: '3 Cu‘ xzmnced. . ' Ilaire. Aipg-ica'n Sugar ‘Refining’ Co.f ° wt 13-0“)? "‘"'k°f. u°“"'°n G"‘”1"'§”m‘°Bd!:°ns°'Q:‘4 $8.30 Round Trip Rate to K._C. “groan an 51,4, 1;; on 3‘ on ‘?“Prayer in the Life of a rators will elect women at the first ‘ 7—"“",'* ‘ Charles tn i ‘"5 " "”"‘”‘"‘ hm” '.°"': mam kg: :?5Yyi ‘:"°ss.5oeM5" O‘ "'£"..f.’ game i “ "°°“' '°‘““ ‘fl’ "“ °‘ W” atntch 0! ‘ pavement’ Child." and Miss Marjorie Doo!-3)‘ 1 <-pportumty." ‘ T13’ 0 Miswumn “M1 'd- . T; rm Ben ; Hy names lncreasod'by 9 @ ° ,' l‘ "_ @1- - " ' _ . .to Kansas City will be in affect‘ ‘ ’ — ‘ T ' T T T __T __ ,T T Muir. 13'- - ' 'wigd, ,j" ' h‘h‘T'”‘h“' “'5o@f9‘lo' luck’ P1805 {OT ll‘? H°me°°m"“ f!'°1‘¢To., the fihbgah Railroad from No-’-f'—__-T-? _ T " ‘J ‘ ~' _ Q /T ‘ ,\pp¢:llr}‘. ‘ J '. 9338 ‘W1 N’ °‘Pl°'i°“ 3” T9“-'1’ m’ _'°"’ ‘8@8'“3’ 9"" 375065971‘ NW8’ "‘fd¢- Th’ B°t'h'°u vcmber 14 to 24. on aoconm of the’ . ' 4 2: ,.‘.T,7/;TT,//,:','= ’ T.-,T.,» / '7 ‘. l’/’’ ‘'7 2 ,’."’.j§< ton. 5- " ' " plan a ‘ m the flames‘ 8*” Mike 3999-50 Hcymnasium will be a mass of color nub" U z t -l..; _ .. u ‘;‘,TIvvHT". I "" ‘w fT_ou« . /:’I T‘; i ~-//.- it w ‘I ‘ . . . ‘ ' o . . I M . A .3 -fa“/]',‘.‘.fiI ,”{l"r,":'l<"]I""‘ ?:al vouch headway wltbinloar. l8"°‘P‘R°°°‘P“- 59°» ’”""°‘-v on the night before the game. Jap-Twmd‘ ‘in be had were duh‘ ’/L -‘ “,TT.,t_, I . " . - - 1 - ~ . 1 /A ‘ I 1 i T 3' ‘H . I I 1' l I 1 ,‘ ~‘ T I. ‘ V; ‘T I ,', ‘/~ ’ If If N /,-{AW/.Alzn":/fr/1!,//3:‘, I. Mr} J, .11 1/;‘ . 1;; ll ‘. ‘f/,’ T »~ e T T. , .1 , . "' /I M. : fl ". _ ' ‘fl " ' . /_{::/11:2 1. £74?’ «,7: £6’/.« 7.’ ' ‘4{-7’T'g. - « '1 /'1". ji _ (- En 1 « giaoun t’ every available piece of: “’°"3 9° 25‘ .‘°""°”3 "°" ‘5 -503 aneao lantern: and flags will .~ T ' N“, 1 P79" T / I/I , ;apparatus in Jersey ‘City was at: """‘°"' '33 ‘W-l-9"» ‘L 3'50? dominate in the decoration achemcu M‘; /’"""' be erected at my ‘ ‘:7’ . "' ‘ "'2 _ ' ’ ..’I'! f' T . E V-‘O01 913.75. A w 21. . ‘T‘J”|,'f '/"f]/;;+":,rV'/ I I‘ "¢'ll‘;’/”“¢’;. I /"""V:,‘T". ""' ‘. ..... ‘V Mi:"‘- 2 snadehno appreciable cbecfin the st Pmduce. worth end of the gymnasium. . ; Ddjnu of Cu“; , T 1C: “.41 gnu. ‘ ‘ ' H . -by Unltcd run.‘ The program will consist of {IVE-» J. Kemper. stock farmer neaxj T ’ Ml "T./é//f ~\‘1tl‘. 3 <11 :15‘ -‘°°'”° "°’°“‘b1°d ‘ t°'"' mi ST. LOUIS.’ Nov. 14.—Egg;_T minute acts with five minutes of Hallsvillc, was in Columbia today. in 1,‘ ]T.j/p p.'/’~'// ";{,:/ 141/ u<‘l€K‘l‘- ; the VII‘ 3009 Of Fri"-* ‘Vial $9’ 171"; count’, u,,d1¢d_ ¢7@49¢; 0,-- g music between each act. ‘Some of ‘ up daliyeped .a cation! of cattle to. ' Tl‘-° *_‘ ‘ ; constant cxploqfons P¢0¢w't°d "°"i dinary rmu. 3a@4oc the attractions will be a quartet -1; guuon god George L. William-AT 1»: rm‘ 5“ and then‘ by dynamite blasts as. Bnne,._C,.,.,,,¢,-,- ' egg-._ 40¢; 7 from the Elks show. a sextet from ‘mm ; building: were razed in the path of 1 mmdu.d,'~ 35¢; fi,,t,_ 33¢; “wads, l Christian College, a chorus from 1 ~ I Stephens College, a chorus f M/}{/;.#A'fi : / If //11’ ‘In’ ,1 // /I T’ //I /’T;// I Mu onrtan waniad. ' e.;:. r , /I .1 or 1: ;, ,." " _' / / '/V v’ T: r’. W,’ ‘,T . .n/’ "M ..‘ .' . v; v ,~ T T y..; T;/I; Au,-/' ac ’ I ’ £3: :34‘ gowns: jlisaourlan Want 4’ i " ‘ V A I 2 ‘ti 1! ; A"°°1'_9._.°{ n!'°.""“ *9" °"°’°°m°T P 1; -...]-3 an’, ; 1 k ~ , the Farmers’ Fair Follies of A : T .T ‘ . . T ‘ ‘ "A "7 . " r’ ’ ,7; ‘: -53-“ ‘~ _ a dozen injured were rushed to 2T(;<>lls;)rin_‘:1'a.23c; gucksur :5; }.a,._ an act {foul on Aasf / , ’ l T J T /I, ff‘: .l-;nk>~I,{‘‘\\Tl“x ‘ u “""*”"‘ ig.:I.l"ee.es1e5:;-Nc¢‘:::'i‘;er1rx ‘Twins 2054“. I ‘N A T T W K. T ' I 1;; ‘W - ’ 1 n‘ W W ’ E ""5 ~- PI’ "E-rs Sm cnA‘jGg T T ~ T ' 9 . T T -. .. _ _T.1_ T.f . . _- ‘ ; V . ‘ M,’ an I/"m¢r"': J, T: ‘T T ‘T . T a ‘v, V ’- L .L:;.\(- H '0!‘ V TLSTEAD ACT‘ ‘°“"3 A'”°“°"' 21°‘ ‘ -V ‘ ‘,.l» J ‘ M/,7 r/ /,7‘ L T -T ' 1/, ‘T9; - m T ‘ _\T10n;.;; :1: - . -‘F’ . V J I ‘,1 4 ‘ ‘I I ‘ '0’ W: . ; I y ‘ I . ‘ ' it I ’: I . . - A J ‘ ‘ ‘ "U: . I‘, . '1", 4 ‘ .2. . I ‘ ‘ , '2' Will ‘Data New Drive In Counts, 8‘ "°‘”‘ 0"" 6"“ T ,. « 34 E Z’ ‘:37 ‘J’ .. “ 15?. i " ' ii? T 1 Jr. , o r *4 "’ '1.’ " W T. 'M.r.”-(1. __T f" mm the 4 8’ Ulllfi hi. . 1 ” ’ q: A T V T T T_ an r ‘T )(ll(( (I ,_ mi hm _‘ Hm T s'r. LOUIS. Nm. 14.-—Corn-No. Sgfe Mm: . fin“ ,_T___ T D ;_-°>,,,r-==n-T Club . ir ....s.,..~.. . . . . em... -‘ '“-‘ . ‘ P¢f0¢- P943 .. . . . Th '1 i —+ T t , R’ _ _ _ T ’ \ . i All provtstaxs luxurious travel; observation, club '31:“. . " ‘ T . ' at "B93 .o‘ A 2- - ‘- t anddiningcara;drawingroorn,cornpart1nent—single d"’“v hula in th - i ' ‘$2 T l T c ’ . " T . . ~ X:-n.; \ 1..T1‘_'.r,hpua 799'. °'¥ . . . T Cane Padiet . . . . 0 3 of en sm1e—-and open aecuon sleeping cars to St. "T qua Worked out by - and Houlton. c T _ T Augustine, Weot Palm Beach, St._P who ’ T mm 5 try Pullman paaaengrs 011:. ' Fyjmu . jT‘g.§£g“:b°:;:‘.‘.G°°'°“;:l 4 ,i) o_ -. -.T.».T«,« ol on‘-'timTe'a'rrivalo‘-.—leavea mud‘ mamcure‘ T ‘ ~;— dd. mafia” to E 1 T; M L Rm. . . T . ‘ T _ T 1 =1‘-‘*7 ?'5"°°°”‘i”" -I T. r ~- r «r.».-- - Amy. 75o_.,- On-tune arrivals by powerful xnountann type . -‘T T “T7’_‘f2'O ii*e«.'~*°____'"'°°'***°"'*"‘* a 295 lmd;d929l~9 a....‘°°‘s«”“.n"“flm ‘~"""“':e-:.-«-"“""E; '°° "““""""‘“"“"""“‘~"”°‘“"’°"" e ’ ‘l *‘°::::*-i F .. ‘ 325.3 $ - (fiu1a'b_Bua“‘J T with ‘ ' “the rs‘:-rt in; 2 ’ T Pam. doc.‘ ;.:»;;.fi..fi... T t e- ’°"‘""'i,.»=~‘u~,,‘-‘°'“"'_u,""""“':,”T_ * Ou:beautiIulbooklot‘?I'1otig'la'? ‘- 'T ' -' , ;_- \ “aw” °""' ”°‘°°°°'''' 4‘ a N» 5 c..fi.,T'c;'.., < ‘ ‘ 7, 9l’:'}£p.(¢nsuv¢iT[3m.‘is1 Wrixeiwit‘ N0.3s‘0T¢..’.'.‘...I ”_$ t _ mi!!! _ ’ ‘ . 1” [‘.5°°“"" D9“-' All:-cu no inquiries lo _ - . T T _gn ‘ _ .. T n. _ . \ T_ . -: T- .....nmc...,,... '-°~'-'-'- r.:.'::.-- =-~-=-- t-- ' ‘ - ’ i A i A T T TT T I TL‘ ‘ T g .