' ' .. .. " ‘ ' ' A V: ‘ ~'. . 9 ". ' - - . ' ‘ Y 0 . . I .0 ._.,_ . \ ’ _ ' _ - - l . s ‘I ~'-Urascon‘ IA MISSOURIAN WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 261924 EVERY‘ TIGER BACK i FOR . 0-9 A Every loyal, fighting, red-blood ed Tiger supporter who remembers last Thanksgiving and who realizes the super-importance of the Kan- sas game this year must answer -the urge to get back to ‘-‘Old Mizzou” for Homecoming. , ' A Turkey Day victory means more than a win from K. U. this time; it means a Valley pennant for the Tiger lair. The Tigers are ready to -i go and will do their share, but it will take more, than that to pluck, the Jayhawk. ' K’ It will take a roaring, co-ordinating multitude ‘of old and present- day Tiger supporters full of fervent Tiger spirit. The stage is set—— v when the curtain is pulled and throughout the show, it’s up to you. 2 3 “M” MEN’S—BANQUET 7 ' ,The men who attend this banquet are men who have fought and won noble, grid- iron battles; who have striven ‘far and attained that perfection in ‘activities out-. o‘f..whichl has grown that traditionally fer- ’ vent‘ Tiger spirit of whichlwe -Missourians evening, there will be presented f 0 THE PROGRAM WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26 3 HOMECOMING FROLIC A Immediatel_v following the gigantic Mass Meeting on Rollins F_iel_d Wednesday, or the alumni, the Homecoming Frolic. The fes- tivities will he carried out in Rothwell E-Gymnasium. with music, dancing and the are so proud. The 1>anquen- svedesczay .2233 :::'::.-. F.*.;':*»*»‘:;::.:%:".:£.::.‘“'.::;.‘:..’:r;f*;:?-3*“. A. °‘ “W "°°'~ i fi“‘f“‘_"‘_," ”°'*f:*- T“? “"98 yang“ evening, will be one of the biggest yet in . 7:00 p. :11. Mass Meeting on Rollinafiiheld. . ‘ l 9“? 439 the Mme 009-‘ that m3 9 the *8 ...oa‘ .< -._ s...‘ _. ’- _. ._ ‘. “. , _ : _'. H ' G.’ O ’ ' ed. .’ ° c - - I ' . °v ' Un1v¢1.s,t3. it u,-8-’ed.A~(,}1V,-,;t,.,g-112, M: S 30 p_.!!' a;’:::fi?’‘§e3Me'¢tg‘a§; {*1 ,..i. ‘fell smnasxum nnm _iate\ :‘:l1i.i]:t 1:19 '.lIt:):1:) iCna‘:i 22:13] a short _ Th ' . ']1be' ' ‘ —f 1]. 9:00-p.m. Mystca ven quet at arris’. '1 - 0- ' .' - may atftend ,8)?‘ W1_ er E 10:00 p.m. Q E B H Banquet at Broadmore Cafe. .- . THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27 . _ ~ ‘ 1 l . W V . ' 5 7:30 p.m. Mortar Board Breakfast at Ingltnook. r . * _ . - ; ~ - - - , rs':00:1._m.. Student Presidents’ Breakfast. ' _ r e The blggest feature ~0f l-hf ievenmg 8:00 a.m. Registration of Alumni in Jesse Hall continued. _ , , , , before the ame will be the gcfgfantic mass 9:00 a.m. Joint ‘Religions Senices at Baptist Church. That winding. T-P3111118. Splefldlfemus . ., ‘__ g _ . _ - _ f 9:00 a. m. - Law Alumni,M'eeting and Election of Olficers. multitude of conglomerated colors in the mee.t1ng.on_ Rollms Fielcl.,President Brooks I 9:150 a. n1. Cross-Country Run, Missouri-Kansas. ‘ "u - ‘ ' . o ’ I a u v . . will welcome the alumm back to _the C01’ 1l(‘.)2.:(())% I(i}(z:ltn;c(<’>l:)‘e13gat“lgllh'ens Field; come early! Don't miss the E of flOa.tS’ “hrs dgd ‘(ainous a;.t;actwn‘B of Mizzou and many -prominent prel!i;mli;ariSe3Ub>' tllge Razzzers. and the rest of the pr01U’9—"‘- “I comlmse 1 9 3’-3 9 9“ : “Tad” " . . l ' . :00 . . T [S ,Rl- ANSAS HOMECOMING GAME. ‘ - speakers will talk. The Engineers have 9:00 3 Rgzzer-Student Council" Dance at Women's Gym. mornmg befme the game. Old Barnum’ ' E ' himself, could -never surpass this FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28 - ‘ put up,an electric signboard which flashes’ the yells thereon. . Radio station .WOS, _ 9 mg. . THEY CA BEAT You TIGERS great spectacular drama of comedy andpathos 2 City, Will broadcast the program I ' 4:00 p. m. Women's Tea at Read Hall given for alumnae by W. S. _ on Wheels and foot’ Every‘ outstanding , \ _ Wm relay it on from ‘Hastings G. A. and w, A. U. Vt. . feature on the campus will have some } Nab ;.,E‘,en,b0dy 01:“ f0; thé Meet, ' - l E A . ‘ /‘ means of representation in the parade. ' ' - ‘ ‘ ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ' Don't miss it Thursday morning. lC'!AGI1'BIll' i Y 1 n 1 .' - ‘ ‘~\\ _,- _ j i _ g _ . . " _ 'l_ . , : " ~ . l923——Missiit'tri-Oldnhoma Game ‘ - 1923"'K‘““5'M'55°“" G‘"“° ~ ‘ R V The Homecoming game last year with Oklahoma marked» You remember what1_13PP9“?d135t'3’8_3" at L_3“'T9“‘-'9~ B1f”d' the ‘beginning of a slump following the ‘brilliant éncounters with 508. heavy SHOW;-M183011,l‘1’8 ¢0T1313t€11t 83103 3931081 1393' 33¢“-']lt_ ‘ . Nebraské and Kansas. Aggiea. But mes year, as eve,.y0m.__ _ ‘ enemy; pa three-all but a comeback for the Tigers that ap- : ‘knows: 'e licked the Sooners, 10 to 0. - . _ ’ . b P1f°3‘1m3l9d V1°t°’')'- , 9 il 0 — ~ '7‘ S EC IA-L ‘TRAIN S FROM EVERYWHERE /’ : . ‘ . -‘ ‘ > _. ._ . - ., . . . ' . -. . I - V V I 0 Q ' -- — ;-:‘ .. . .1 .. _ I , V . . _ _ _ _‘ _ .. ..' ' I " -.’.;-‘.- A -'-.9: ~ :1: < . “ 0 - " ’ . A .' E 0' ' ....».s....... ' ' .9" -- ' - ‘ ' ' ~ 4 “ A H“ ..r. - . . _ - -' " . ,< 5" ' "EV - .-.1-.- .-3. -‘-"H 7.=e«\f‘.5E“T‘€;'7"-"(:A~':f$"!""‘.::';.‘7i5T.'?’:*“. An’. '30-§o$h..‘.;; - ' - -'~*"----‘**“"‘- ‘ A "‘”' ‘ " "X. . v....., . . .