_ l V V 9.;-§..= 1 Li‘: F ‘ " "‘ ' ,;.; Fin ?-2~:w'.~r-~--.~ ._.'.£s-..‘:-.‘- V .9:-;....v.siosa..o.:s..o;.;;«..o.-isio-¢.g.....o«..-.;.~;;...a..;...;};..:;..;';§.«1;Z...C."£f’T...l...‘;.Zi:.;‘ZJ...-' ‘ D I ~ 4-. -Vi‘V- ;. ‘-<'-"V" A ‘_-_-‘- ;__: ’_ .. .1. '35» r ‘~_. _ t _ ‘.V_‘,_V ‘ _ M.‘ _. _.V V V. - VV~ V. ‘V V. . V . ‘V ‘V . V 9.‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘Es \ ‘ , V »V . TL: .. H. ‘ V _ ._ '. . V V. V , '. - ‘ . ‘$_ . _ L . THE COLUMBIA. -- 9 ~? ‘ 1921- _. . 9 *' not rintcr: ._———— . _ ’ ~9 —- ————— —-‘ ‘ ~ -—- 'j“_***‘ r A’ - A A"--"' A '-. ‘- I ihddtohyhaahaenpootponadnnti'lllow the '~ ~- fliilillifflililo iaiuaryliaanotpot ‘ l ‘ ,_ o o V _ . ~ , a DOTBIDCDHROOIQ 804. Jesse Hall. for com llallavllla In Speaks Over Radio. .V , inaatloadaykbeeamber a.1‘heclob§vith lliaa lune Daria,a atndanttin .V 91" IIBSIONABY WORK halo olpertactioo otiany ofthom. ,.eiucion with atudauta who intend! ¢ _t,,.,,,,,t,. at 14.11.- V 9_ g . 9 ., _ .' ;nIi:llIIIastintlieprlorao!Aluinni;thel_lniver-aihir. ' 3 .' it . In “Understand t the fields toltogointo aocial tville, a prominent‘ agrlcultur- - - ' ‘Moore or ' ”" s“’“""‘_._.i...°°""° " ""““ inu 1-‘.arlln‘e osboi-hoot minor‘ 9 m. 'u¢’°"'°'‘'° 11% Perfect-='°'“°" "*4 ‘"4" ""°'*'~ am of In ri. bro-dew I to“ .. Galena,Kan..lliaa8nbyt , . . ' V_ inbetterta ‘hath. =H'mbe tfl.“m.d‘.ith d§_ _ , , 9 . V Wheeler of fin”, on,” 3” ton. Ira. 0. X. Newhy. her daughter. " ville. 0kla.. mpent the weekend with . ._ ".- c, D, 3"“, ,"°°”d ‘"4 W“ 3953*’ ° , , ‘ " tfrotn Stlrvfioebuck 38410 5“ F1'dt31'!fl«tt€8 Sunday ;u.ek gg mytheynjtt gt-gt .t,d‘Domothy. and J. L. Green of Xansastllias Helen Andrews, a student.-in “"'*'D"* G D Ed I t be . ‘ “°'' Ch""“‘°' 9'" "9 ‘U’ 7'0"‘! “ -‘5 °"" “',d”“d‘7.'tlon. W18. lllt 7019848!‘ "G319!-°" » - ternit ‘Charles ” - ‘city who were not-ooa tucsta of the Universlt)’ A i . - ' ° ‘ -3"" “W '5“ V“ “IN “PG-‘t If l¢:"‘¢"‘ " “'9 1"¢‘°“°°*- R‘P’°‘*“GroVina Into the Dairy Bnnnm." Dinner guests at the tie t V y_ Kiate-ninacher of St. 1401118-lvhutmem ‘ad ‘,1 Ed“, DV Lee Ofi - __'_____, . Vt ,_ Go1lsc_.d llisaouri recently re. vere otherwise, you would not begun tivea of the «lepartnierits of, Mn L0,,‘ 5, conmctg ‘qt; tit. me. h°"“‘ snmhy M” "an" ; Pt‘ X Al ha H lchftfitu con rte“ sand‘ . ‘tt,,._ i The Nines Agnes and Helen Ma. «rived a ‘letter from Mrs. Blanche Coin: out to add your hit in bring-lnocioloxy of “W University. 5%’ souri Holstein Association and the Tfl'“3b"’u:; aerlvegf , appa P as face“ for tukegtmu hi KIM; Cit» ‘ thias of Miiberly are guests of -Miss Gale McDonald, who is the wife of ing Christ into their hearts andipheug and Christian collesti. C0-i Missouri State Board of Agricul- xlfif” an’ ‘ ’“ f .._....._..__ - ‘Lucille Crews, a studenttintbge _Uni-_fgY‘- Fflttkliudd McDonald. Doctor lives." ' ' - alumina and the University hizh; u;;~e_ and he; been {arm adviser - zcimi... , ' d-L2-.". tcbonsid‘ edial " ~ -——~—’ .h1,d ‘ minutes» a Beta Theta Pi—ltiss allnflha f 7"” ';'°”"“‘ ‘’T P‘ ""3" "9?’ .,,,t .t ,.,.r,,¢hP§,':‘t°§, I§'f:;;“E';',,,‘ °”"’ __..__.. tot tiie'_uoti:odiotmspic.oopTi’ BLWOOD BTIIEE1‘. xorzn :0 ngoifiuoiito‘ ‘;?0l'k‘-;):fti:°::‘t1fIu‘.fcn‘ °‘ '’°'"‘.'‘°'‘ "‘ . none and Ilia: White of Kenna "““"‘ ‘.’ "“'"‘”"°" “"“' '“‘. '"‘ =9 ' Q - ‘ The ‘Vewnount Brion Clnb “’m!Be iotiioui of th nsocuu. woiut ‘no nu; will be resent ‘: ._..‘_..____ .. . _ _ fat-nut damn. 4”,“ s.tm.d. n ht schools. and his son. Charle. ,_ , _ e department of 33. p . 3. aty. III:-ndltsgcugtuilonurne .9‘ {mm 6 ‘O 9 °,dockV I I: w_ Jr” ‘WV. diam new 0, ,,m_ 3 gm»: llf £30 o\$1o<(:_k Ewen; at: £3; ll igternal medicine at the Hopkins; mu “m_-———-— 8‘ “,4 Mr. Street has been director or To Attend Regional Conference. ‘berry as n_ Plthfd-_ 3 - d V Ed" D_ L“, ‘f; onieo rs. . . en :8. ; eniorltlll 'tal Pk’ . M. s°d°'°" ""“‘ ;the Co ‘t-Coun'l fSt.L0' ii. A. Miller nd J.E.J'mnr. . D0“! T3“ 9919"!“ ‘Pan’ '3 wwn are’ Puma “flit ‘u’ an r - 0 Thin)" l|V€"0¢- and‘Hra. fizgona at 0 ml‘: H °“ "3 '’f H“ “‘''k ‘for tlIe'miii‘ii,t“t)hree Sari. He viii: ' ' -‘ 1 office ‘hf thfie 3 ct. Ruth huton net". la. Christian College Sunday. ld are in the. ‘,.h.“ non‘ . 3 officials of tin. loca liiaulln 393 uh‘ “fir” G°°b‘ ‘dim bars G ,n ‘cud S. _ _ _ _"""“ _ ‘United States now on it furlough. ’ _ “" §l0Fml'Tl5‘ dll‘¢¢i0!' of the Welfare‘U. S. Veterans’ Bureau. left last er. no _ ‘mm ‘mm “ L“; fig‘ 3)’; J ‘°‘ mu Neva West. Paris. and and _ jrho V1-zmnlwnt C1:-1'3 will we?‘ ‘flood will return to chino out (all. 5“'°°‘! S"""‘9 .‘“'°°‘°' P‘ "W" Learoe at Louisville. Ky. and night {or St. Louis to attend a con- Dellolay—Hiaaca MorgVt:n,l_Ann'e P”-eihy _ 1' ‘ "'°9‘EulI Ritalin of 3939??” C'g;i_t;h° ;t:‘wY° txnigggtdlslgawm D It Both are former students of the‘ C°““,““' °f 5? Ifltlinifnt one time \\‘8.'4 secretary of the {ercncc at the regional of{ic‘e of the A M rel Bogga. .Dorotiiy W t-T ‘ ‘ _. \ ‘ spent I e 'Thl|'lk3l|V"l8 l C " ‘ ‘ ‘ ' U ' I ‘t’-_ D _! )_' 'fl°m"1K.Am¢'riCln Association for Compiuni» b u. k"“u‘ IINMV cud” “fit .¢'Vf°“°V‘*|flK We” 001-of-I-OVVB ‘.tt- h Mt” Jennie p,,.,°,,, ,t Ch,-,3- ~_-—-—‘— V, .1 '."‘"" 5 °°t°' M°.D°"“ld "° 7 in the University Auditorium to ty Organization. B Ur“ / 'i‘i.‘.’." mi’... some. -«.9 I01-af,‘,’,°"3,' '31:"! ‘,*;;*'"*g.:"= f,"'*‘- on oconm. ream-ea on-iv . ?I,“$,.‘.3‘:.‘;‘.’.{;,'::.°‘..f;’.:’.‘:.,;*‘.‘.‘..‘;‘.°';‘,.‘;: ?§iJ.“’ ‘i‘;:o‘..;.fi;.“”‘:if:.:;;.““:‘..::.‘ii =w99n- who -99 «owned 9» -on-' 9 —+»--9 9 — ~~ — ~ 9~ ~~ ~ Q - N ‘ '3 0 ‘. ' . ' I 9 ' V ' V . » 9‘ dred Colic)’: Mrs VRA Hl:..SWhita.l:;V: Ben “ma, fi"wNn';T‘K‘n3VV H3’; homes yestenda). - tt etdon Cotwm 517 Lee sweet‘ ilierc at various times from 1910 to; wgfamuig ue.::;;u3'°rt:°c:tu qbdzezir ll0}:':(T‘m‘l)‘(‘rB£°:li1;‘C) ' ‘Miss llar)"C°‘°"' Hot 'Sprin"' Ark; Mn“ A‘ G‘ Tydi"“' "M M“ b'’‘'" 7i" Mrs. Read Forester left Columbia ‘.1917. : ice. Mr. Street's first lectune is F7543)‘ Imd 5|'~W‘d3.l'- Tel. ¢°0lK5¢Fi; Ord" MW 1'0’ Ch“""‘-"“* ‘W 9- mu-tho Small. mat,‘ Jeanette Small-Y ”"*"' "°'""‘“" ”°' Sg? 5*’ ‘;‘°.;” ' ”“ ‘- 1“; this inorninz for her home in 'ruiso.‘§ rim‘. ”“Ii’;’“f,‘,‘: ,‘3‘;‘)‘)"."‘ ;°’d ”°‘;‘i glfixed "Opportunities in socioiroffc-e and sandwiches .-em-d. Advfita-ed! by 320 John dQni;§Vr Adfinn . V . - _~ "'—"‘“' inga. 61 urner avenue. .. . _ ye.V 1-.‘ V V ‘ti ca cm '.r 'o as a Vocati“ P f ' "; '‘“‘—°'—‘‘ amiy. poun . one rs. ffldlg um C“:§{"u,.'J°hn-V Marks (1 Guest "tuned to Louisiutl ML 1-ydinu ‘flf’ _l_h"‘”L:“_3 _ M“"5 Em”! land did visiting among the women‘ end will 5, ‘inn 0: ‘fit oisoectiorit If you want to buy or sell some-1 A. A. Sathcr. 1607 W. Main St.. _ __ "°K"?”°7 “'9' " 9 3 of ma U 3, . ]u,d,“t,¢, gudener got. the: °"‘ “ °‘" " "rm" Jmd girls. She now gives her time‘ win he gotta,” ‘t It O-dock by .~ thing try a Missourian want ad. Jefferson City. . , A Hxuljoip‘ sw'l?‘.—il)r!ins. A‘ 12 Lmaunimi Pefflglf Ls pth 1' “Th Pl ark Nmufi" them‘ ‘ \lr and Mrs F I Dunn of Vdal‘t._ ‘° her i“'° ¢hl1d"~'fl- 5| Kiri Of .*lecture on “Recent Tgndettctgs tn. ' L/‘ ‘- r‘. pm. _ ‘n o V .r‘_, nu org c ‘3- ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ° ' ' ‘ . t"‘ " """“ ‘re V’-""'-' - '”'* -r--*' * “"'*""""" ’~‘ ‘*~*-*‘- * r" v 1' left Columbil this mominiz.f"°‘"' "d ' b°”' 1 R". ‘M’ '5.°°“’ .“"’.""" 7”’ P“*’‘‘° ‘‘ °°*-i--- “nu. Spending the Th‘nbgi‘.in‘ ‘ ‘Mrs. McDonald says: ‘lf‘ 1 could: dlally invited to attend both lcc-x vaciition with Miss Helen Dunn. ; ‘ l‘ l0 the liolunteers at (,o1umb;.,l tui-es. I "'°“d °f x9’.“” Cit"; md ‘Lynn: fiic-Aha" ‘n-ind i" C°h"“bi' l'°d‘5"i ‘ Mrs. John Lo'xan and Miss Gladys 3!'0*!1« ’ - “'5 °°’‘_‘° “"d"°u'f ‘“'Pi°°’ °t Logan of Kansas City and Miss . Phi Delta 'rheto—Misses Shirley Slkm UP="l°"- and *1" 39°“ “-3 s Evelyn Raincs of Maryville left to- ] would say: 1 Wednesday afternoon Mr. Street’; . 4 Welsh of Know CW» K'“:'“‘°"‘P' L °'°’°.°“ .‘°"igm .i.". "'° U'‘‘‘’‘’’‘“’ i dos‘ for their homes. They have .\:i..~ rioroiito Di!l;:d oi Viindalia “Get all the prepmti ll poi ‘bl will be in the office 0! th d pm-: “mt C‘u“:'fi."° spun” ‘ma pan’ 7 A-utdmmum “.t.w Should Go to f 599“ 5P'~‘ndlfl8 U19 V-'°9k‘¢"d he - N- b0?" "ifiiliflx It the “PM Chi ; for your pardcular field.° M ei merit of sociology of the Ul¢1lVQetllU'": line Br-annock. =(° We nod *1 * .. e ' 'i Omega house for Homecoming. - N. _.__¢—_.¢j... . ____T _ , . _ ' _ Signi Ups lo di _ . . -W. _' h . . Phgfhg” P’éTt';"[‘)"_R(‘:RI;. 33: ‘at o o':iocii ioni.;i‘itg:tm1‘io:fis'nnirii Niiidtr aiireef, olggxoinfitim u:tiinu' Come to Methodist haxar rriaoy"'°"’ 5°” "“‘~ ”°“" ‘°“°“' "*'°’ ter nsas i . - - - - ' - Realize before you get out to . .- --___,- __ M k- iiut of woahinx-too. n. c. Miss Lor- . l-°n°r of Perry Marks. and the new V iiiidze pnrty at 2:30 o'clock this and siitiiraoy. December 5 and 5. °'’ "‘°"’ ‘" ’'“’“‘"- “‘°" ’“"‘ W Christmas Gifts ..... ......... !“" cm -r E snow 9* *~*"*"*.~ a:‘°'".»°°'.‘~ "2. °' 299 79': '.:::..‘:...':°.::*::. Y. w. c. A. 3.... 9 9 999-919-999 Br-oadwaw KIBIIS Cit)’. 31” Ed"-h u“"“"‘ M‘ I Miss Maude Thompson. who has; rs’ ' - " 9130!! 0 icnport. you nan . _ V-— i. jest; imd abilities that good church ’ " Nofbomtt-105 Mi3"°“ 3°“? 3'9"’. . been visiting her parents,’ Mr. and‘ I 1' - M‘ ‘.— “at d_ folk at home have. Being it mia- ond ' 9 “"9 14°“ L“°k’"dt' A M kuhnn . MTK P89 Di H fi_'.°‘.';80;!..‘ 1'05 The members of Zeta Tau Aliihu‘ r’ ‘ “mun.” ‘ A A I W‘ M ay ‘ad I ‘ . 1 331183. Betty 3llK¢!'»_ Uh B“°"' 9 University avenue. returned yester- mterugnea with e bridge-ti-ii for _— . . i g . . . Sydney Bacon and Violet liardtner. d”. to Cape Vcirudnu where she it _ _ . , l Sier$.uPhin:3n;iVl°n;_;P:f- Vteaching school. mine here Miss be e i s g . , . . . . V VV C1;-trk. ”u.yaFr‘.ncc, .VD.Vvidooli_ and MToh;:l;wn’nmaett:i:adtheth‘t:oc‘!:’;;l fil:!Pl::'n lsl¢:::£ Lnlvgifslly at-cnue. 4 * He1€313¢°d- . " W .,‘ ‘Home Economics Conference that __...___.' ' D91“ Th?“ I_)hi"'M'“‘ 1’°rnm° mt’! Wm lfl-'-‘I W¢‘€l>i. Mr. and Mrs. Walter James and Mt-Cowan of Clinton. . V—-—: . - Phi Beta Pi—Rrank Manning bf Mrs. Katherine Parks, 301 Waugh *3, the e.«,¢}t.¢ttd guest, of Mt-__ St. Louis. Miss Julia Mastin Vund J .=trc4't. entertained the following I .,,d “,1 wtuiut, 1;, 5.11335“, 501» His: Ruth Mastin oB{e1liiar;as (l:ityi.i fioineciominfinguestia Jorréeph ;arl<:. ; North Eighth st,-e,t_ « ' _. - G, , . . .1 nrcemr: uise y. cw run -' .___j I "!l!'An::;‘:l. Marie r.\‘l0l1ld(‘l‘. Fin. Mr.‘ and Mrs. H. A. Goodrich,!h A tflzire-luncheon which W85 ‘£0’. xgtherine Thompson and Lucile H_¢-- Ktinsas City; Lucy and Frances: aw; 11 SW9" U°m°"'°W 3‘ 9. ' ; J Pi k ' g, Henneth Bishop. South Greenfield; Eugenell-fldlefi DI)’ PUW 8‘ 019 C°“"U')'t .;;:lI¢!' a.n‘:leThomcasenI‘-1‘isher, all of lleaphniiui and Nick Pile. Arm- 1 Club has been called 0“ due to 111?: Kansas City; Miss Nan Frazier of strong, and Vi nrrcn Corver. Ell.» death of R. B. Price. fir’. 8‘ J1‘°“i"; xi” ‘ berry’ Mo‘ _ _ i Miss Dorothy Hammond of Bur-§ 5" 3;’ '.L: A°mmL 01“; Week-end guests at Stephens Col- i lintwni KIJL. "85 the \\‘0¢k4nd; ‘ad ’ lege were Dr. and Mrs. Thomas. par- i 80951 Of Mi” Mi)’ Limbofkefo 3 SW’ { Misses - 9 ‘H _ V V . . Ben’ Benn“ kuT,"”d uuy an .t‘l’llS of Alice Thomas. Mrs. Georgeldcnt in the University. o'clock I-Yiday afternoon at their? ':'i On Wednesday Our . . m In on as ] Record Sale ’ l of MILLERS FallandWinter C.().A.T.S i Shoes repaired and half- soled like new. even the gghgl, _ _ . O. . . - . __________ V 19-n=bd- Pi’ Ev'“°“-"~ P‘ "“" i:'."Xii"..'.-“i§'r§s iimft'"gL:§§.3§"f.:'d: Robert W. Edwards. trnvelinlri bevel of the new shoe is . **="°n~ . A Richiird. .3»... '.....'tii.- guests of i *°°{°“_*f °‘ "*'~'t5*8"f= P“; Ensign; retained—becanne our ’ . . ‘‘T"'T- ; t t , ; raerni y, open 5 Wet‘ at e ETlCk,80n'F37’ . ufgig; local chapter house. 802 Virginia workmen ‘re 0 9 «-9-, -V‘ , 'ng I8 Boll \A"hu are \'i'~‘lllll2 Lorraine )'l'we- m'°"“°' L T"-""1‘:&"moi=rioge or iiiss"‘iiare'n'*do1I.- ' w°"" “H” f°’ “'5 d’-" ' ' 'livered with our splendid “ l ‘ ‘ service. $2 See T0m0l'l'0W’8 Missourian for Full De- MILLERS ' tails of This Event. ' i\'l"heSt..Mary_"_Gnildt't Eie-l : ~'~..-.o -» *" m=“'°“- ‘‘‘'‘*‘‘°’ °‘-”': ‘“‘.‘.‘ ""3 Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. Gillasm‘. who °°P" C"“'°" “'s"‘ "°“'9“’h:°‘:la" ‘ O - 1‘. F. Erickson of Ban Clair. u=..nnd have been visiting Mr‘ ‘ad Mn‘ J_ meeting at 2:30 o'clock Friday aft- 3 Prine Fi¢*'l1;-fie *3‘ °‘ 1"? "3"" Gills.-spy. ms Lee street. left to- ‘=’”‘°°" ‘“ "‘° 9"” "°“”“- _11,¢tttuW, ’ in o oumi 1). 7 3! . - . .- ~ '*"""" V 3 . ‘wk “ 8:15 Ouock Saturday ¢in)V{or Faris. lll., where they will win Ruth wtgbtmgn of Bethany . V . Vflminlg ‘t the home of th,_. bride- 4 m“l"" “W” ,h‘’"“'' M?‘ _G‘"‘_5p5' ‘5 has returned home after a week~cnd ‘ _ ‘E . . m,‘ man“, 703p flicking“ ‘V- V connected \l'ltll tilt‘ Illinois Highway visit with )1,‘ and Mn“ EV S_ “'ight_ ' ~ 3 . V V ’ Department. They will visit Mr. man. 409 North Eighth st,.eet_ It ‘ °’- ' ~ d . and Mrs. C. \\. Campbell in St. ______.... Tb‘ "n‘.°”°m°n" W“ pgrforme Louis. Prof. A. F. Kuhlman will speak’ :3 R'T‘}"' ‘St’ Gagnggdcgj . M be mt Th on the worl; oi’ the Public Welfare urn ia. e c was a em rs o t e e ompaon - . - - - i ‘ 7' list in-on mun. «mo of no mi. .. the King's o....i..... .will S°°'°" "‘ °°‘""'*’"* *‘ "*9 ""=°*'n= If you are a Pnggly Wiggly Custo- ' r. u: '9 .. -...--4- »o--—:—— 7 — .. .-,- _..... .- _ in. a F klin by ' meet Tuesday. December 9, at Mrs. of the Tuesdiclub wm0r'ww' th Richard Weber of St. Louis. ‘Mel: .Jam(‘.*‘~ Gordon's home. 1211 Univer- Zeta Tau Alpha entertained with a met’ you are not! 9 e beta of the fulfil)’ Ind 315*’ 1'39“ -“ . sit)’ avenue. at 10 o'clock in the slumber party at the chapter house, . . . attended the wed ' . _ imorning for their regular meeting Saturday night for their guests and? flrst of the mantha 18 3 tune to The house was decorated with 6 instead of tomorrow as was nn- visiting alumnae. ‘ yellow and orchid chrysanthcniums.1t;t,un¢ed_. mm, D-_;—:t—thV_ cm!” begin saving a nice percent on your - ‘ V Th. b -d ‘-0,? . gown Dean Rose 1.. Lisenby of Chris- Club has been postponed until ' $Kb?):: antzn Snepe ‘mt can-5(.d tian College entertained at dinner Tuesday. December 9, because of V Supplies’ . corn“ bouquet of red ,0“, god. yesterday in honor of Miss Mary the death of R. B. Price. Sr. , These petting, boozing, rollicking boys-— What’s wrong with the undergrad Who's to blame for the state of affairs . ’ Sta 'f f L'tchf’ l Ill. Tl) ~*'" * "mi Pf” _°‘ P""*"‘ ""“‘“',- ,_ “€23 tt,-,1 ,,t,'j.;1’tt,tu,,, W’, Miss Mittaline Livingston or win- - ._ Hr. Flckltn ‘ll? LUMP?‘ ~ Mk“ mu‘ cent’). of the ‘jniversity. ‘ V” 7*. V V V V V. ' v « years d In‘ . :2 grtthjo Sign“ ‘t',‘hiw;i:;’m;.‘_. Mrs. Horatio Moore of Columbia, ' “ ternity. He is an instructor in man- I Mf5‘°" "9" ‘ml Velm‘ 799° ‘nd 9 I“ . . in the ‘nde school‘ Miss Ella Mae Heat of the college. ’ i , and of physical education in xi“ Kuhn," Saleem.“ Ct“ \‘ ;c°h"=h: kS;:°°)L'“ ' . 1'0mcga house. had her mother. Mrs. . ’ ".-““ "' ’° C‘°‘|'”" ’ Eli Selecm of Savannah. her L 553 lmmedlltdy 8!“? 939 °°’°'“°”’: l sistfi. Mrs. girl Ginthcr. of Scotts ‘ . for I short motor W» "'4 *1" "°“ Intuit. .\'eb.. and her brother. Geno EXTRASPECIAL -00‘-.TF»\3ll‘ "EC?-3.‘ "Tit? M11888 WC"! . qarogram will not be made public Delta Delta Deluca-:1-‘razfk £1-not .f- - the committee in charge until the i; tin. Mr. and Mrs: ut er 093* i day of the luncheon. _ “ City, Miss Helen llcliamcy of Paris. 1' _ V -V_~~ ‘ad gt“ J‘nc Amt, fine‘;-, 5 The meeting of the Stephens Col- V chi Omega—Miaa Viola i~:nioeiVtiVViV; loge Club which was to have . CV . ‘V —_ at home with Mr. I-‘icklin's parents,‘ S,_,tecman_ of west phtng Mo.’ .5 - ‘i .703 Hl‘*'"“,“"£.“.“°- - --guests over the week-end. R d W G * Sororities Entertain A ‘rgo C(!)llumlbl: chapter gr thoDo.' t I K ea Y't0 " ear arments A -_-I _ . .. wi eee rate oun ers' ay 7 '3 Many Sunday Glues“ - iSICl.ll'd8)'. December wi I l i. M A ll SW53)’ awn" CV95“ ‘iv l>h°’3°‘« luncheon at the Country Club. ‘Hie Coats, Suits and‘ Drcssesi of All Kinds aiursizes (Author of “The Plastic Age”) KNOWS. . 9. N 'Enlf”,d‘.‘_"VV___,-7 V ___A __7A__,_,,_____ 9 _ . ‘ . . ‘?%n°r~n9.Snnnc- nggmliliu "=*°=4="°' F Will Go on Sale Tuesday Morning at a Discount on ‘ * ‘V - ,_ Brown of Jacksonville. ’ ' 9,. g_ A. wgugn V ‘ ‘ ; 9.“ “P” Phi-."‘*° P°'°“'5' H“'.” mm zrindinir En ta-nae ‘ = Every Garment, None Reserved j. .- ... Kansas City. Miss Eupheiniin optichn optomadn . I _V , V i , D ' ym.'hct1On 0! nsed b.orii(is. “mi Over Gillespie’: Dru: Sim ' o T ' ' i ;=..m.G:nuo ne no-9'-9 Spectal ’ vicve l!'\'l!)'i ' Ulla Cathdgne Daniels. Mrs Bar-{M . hr and iii... virgin w-in. -11 0‘ . .u:'r LOVERS’ GUILD ‘ 9 i 9 V --_. MI City. W 8.3 Of SL 3 ‘ 1 . vii . ' ‘ .V and Mrs. Wlth€NPVo{ 'l‘ulsa.V Exhibition oi... Th, M« V B. Savin tb Yo}! me Ehrty ' He ; mm Phi Beta—Mrs. cone; 2“ xi-5 Doll! 18 eans a 1g gsV —Co W H — V ; ‘hi?’ °f Km" ii’. in ya ‘ G.‘ M. N xtr‘ h T for alters t e E Alb: The“-° ' lvtn admitted oe acares - . :~ 3fl18pup: of Si’. Joseph and lilias Fmnngz duh tn.“ 9 g ‘f ~ ~ t ‘ "*3 gtulfim ‘*1 ’°i"'}‘- . . at: ue$oi:’u::m 1: tions. No approvals. No lay 9 _ 9 9 _ u._ ‘y. o ILIJUIS ' as ‘ V V . V on and hghiitobidlames £3. A“ Eafgm -gas; aways. Nflo exchanges. 8 F 9-Pg.Uma‘.u’ . V _ Vi . . I 3 , _ . ‘ 9 iatubcouioqf ‘iii; ___: mt . ’ 4' -"i‘“”“‘ B ' . ‘ Hapke .1 3...’... ct , - .____ All Fall and Winter Garments Marked for at-Speedy ~ V . 9 9. O ‘ V ' ' Mr. and Mrs. J. F. ‘ Clearance ‘ _T;11/lotr E ntertaiii V . . V:. ames M. Taylor-..Jr., of . FIVE!’ Sandy . ‘ “""" 3 . ‘"5 W“ ‘"9.-"‘ 9 C ‘ Va line Valli-a ' _‘ I . ' . ’ -' ' ' " "'.".:' 3. '.:.-re: . . in .. V V . _ V - ' ‘ ' 3' . -. . _.*- ' . 7' do‘. i . . ‘; , ' ' ’ , ;-.l._ is ‘ ..i~...I '.-... ‘..'.‘<‘..:.." - 152$ ..'.'.'.({.;J ‘ 3... "4' . .' I '_ 5. .:. \ . - — §,. '_..- . ;_; . - ‘.9 _ ‘ ,e- V ;‘ ,3 :_. «A-s “" ' ‘. — v . ‘ f'».'''l . ' 5 , - ' '.." 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