will he: lire. Turi- in-ad of t'.'.c re:-.~§vi:lx line eompoocd énpaons Mr Gordon. H1‘. and Hrs. Elmer oi Silt. Jalnes M. Wood. Deni and ' 1 !-!rr.. 4. J. Upp('nlI¢iBl¢|'- 35“ ‘ink .l¢'Kl!. ul’.'II_Itl Ira. N. G. Iehl, there Dance which will be held Snturdu’._ tional hmxmu-y educjtiungj {nm._._ 3- "l“"¢"_‘"|II 95"‘ _"55“_"l¢ mil I-‘renell government. Jules Pure , _ I ,, . ;.,“'l1llt. Min: Grace‘ untll'Xr. and 3. Mr. ; Club. night from :0 till o'clock in tin‘ N1}. ‘,5 which ,5, 5, mm,,,,1 W”, '0 ‘¢‘"‘Il"°|-“ll lid - thereupon used the Naululorff real. _ try a Iinounan want ad. _ , )|i:-.-s J1."-all Burl-all 9 -v _ -. Ira. ‘I’. J. Talbert and llr.-. Eu- ---~—- . _ _ We-men‘: (Eymn.-nnuln. The idem” sh, ,.m,_,d 9,‘. oh.“ cmpwr ‘ in II! » , : -. Tho and n fhllo Alexander. L ‘gt-ororityhcheld mm» tcenth will be a lucky datc-.|uck34.e V‘ 3: nu. uni.-..,,m. 0{ w,..,,;,,,,,,,, ,, \ 11- (lJ|rmN;rrau has presented to -— -- ~—-~ -»—— - I - -- ~ ~ —— - —— , .e he were announced by its‘ .—-—-—~— o ~tion st ni Yer t (allowing the mm who are llonol-ed by,ln_yi§- _- gt}. . - ' , , . 'vr-val on t 0' silrnet ring worn I I I I I. -I I I I ‘ Hm " ll .* Tie I-armceot Ilra. Katherine ‘l-ll: laixie ulna Pine alurr. Ark. tioms. an luck’ my the. ' Is ' “ 3-“ . "-Q.“ 1"" p “ °h'’' " 5‘ "T when he signed the tmr or \'er- I-5 I I-3 U.‘ "3'.’ 3" ' .\ol-3 Jo)¢‘c3'|d “’ “"7 .l . . .3‘ v o <3 1 , 3‘? Lfllxcrslty of Oregon. and the ll . _ ’ - ll )ul\\'lJ‘{‘ who I‘!!! 4379'“ of‘ “In at’: Ham.” "fa ' ”“d'°d sm""°u‘- K9393‘ Stet dzltr-.4. ‘ Iclmlltcr at Wasllinlitull State Co|- um" ‘NCO tuned the Gnu‘. W." ‘ 0 O . ' rlrluvu ' and Uflgl.‘ 7 .' k st’ ban’ wok put’ cu” if U?!‘ fé.‘-‘U.'ll.c ll:-ro is.__N _ left-. Pullnuln. She vialu-d ll pcti- The wu"'mr “fix bf phfedim ‘he M G d 3 ’ We-otl ltd UK‘ £7335 795"-'5 lfio .0 mxht “ the M- C the-'_-'§__' d lpolu-ll fur. {hr lnllld1.‘Yl.3ll"!(lli1‘h tionim: chaptvr at the L'llin-lslty of "ud"" m_"“um '" ‘."“'u" Law” y . Dane: numb!-l1 Iv:-ed glsenvby cards! snllidcrntg Gooenwfilkrs. F Iigrmtu :;I¢A‘hl‘l‘|lIl'dnd. filer; m“_fuL rhuum not despair. She an 1 Idaho M MMWOWI when. “M “M lctl‘il‘l'd‘l:dKll¢l Purl: rt-port! of the ‘ ” I Mun llelcn Gl'e¢0l'!' .333 l"‘, | I I ' ' O” ' an ' . ‘ come to tho dance iv: a “:6’»8K.'5'5‘ fiddle-wed the student lx-d.\I ' mm‘ ".1. ’w”' G t B O‘ O‘, l 5“" "‘°"""" Tb’ .Q°'d""'h 0": use eenmonur°(ls‘luT:-1...“ pm°r¥".°d !:rfi:h3's:::l::n?l{ "“"'* ~* ‘<92’?-"'—-arv-i the-re haw‘ , While at the Uniu-n.m~ of \\'unh- -3" M" “' 'l-"' "M" " 9'.‘ to e g‘ crc:-tra played during the evenint. ' ‘em m‘em5:- A gym“ 2153:: "tame! to an" Mm” “find” ' 1::-ii-il..;.v.. ..r ;. rev; slrp -. with the am. ingium Mm lmbb, ‘,,d‘n.,.,,.d ‘M ' y """7-‘ .“ vf ft-l‘L'l‘.ul('t'. ' ' . ‘._ be - 1"] sch 1 {Rd . v _ ' _ ’ e ' ‘ . l-' Gtlcsls Entertatned ‘mmdhaiist d u” “§‘m°"5'- xhc Dcmoctugc \vom¢-,', (_'|u[y 'I'irl.rtl= tor the Lcup Your l):ul"- :t(':|l(ll:ll‘lL' «:9 wn‘:-U loin; :::“:rmt:u" °fnJ‘n;‘ry‘28' 18:!‘ That,S What Oul' frlends and - 5000! ,won lnroses ‘ , .‘ . .. _ . _ - it e raco-rusaan wr.. » ‘ ' _ (II Collillfll Club and narciaeus. Mr. Robber: is nsao« l mu “f 2:30 "dock W." Onmumm im'J"" mil‘; '1'; "T" F“ C A’ }.'°'"" ‘M ‘;““""" """"',l’7" th" 3"" The ring laud been the property of 1.981-Ila-r cubtonlers Say dftel a ‘ ts‘;-u-lnl Parties of tum-ts were on. Cllted wltllthe structural steel busi- L " u"° Mme “f “O” “' D,’'“""' '3: 15"" .“ "_r ‘fm _’f' mm? ” m”-f "V" ”' "{ ‘hm ”'-"' lone of tho Nuundorffs, the family of Short wa from Colufnbla ._ “ruined “ we L.di”o\D., lunch. none in East St. Louis, when, um’, 1410 East Broad».-gy, ‘Inc tllr'(-sl-'%- >.ltu.d:l_\ llll:llt .1: .31.» ;.;.nlllaluunl. Mm, Dam“. __p(,kt_ W n gmup M. D 3. y ‘ . . . mm “ me Couun, Chm ‘°d.y_ will pg-05.5], fink. their ision \:'I!l on “Municipal (Io-.'crll- []¢~.~.lqi.¢-.- nlulcing lllflfl! for tl-W‘ ldzlhr. it-ugly.-rs frmll Fuldwl-ll. Nlllll- "' and l‘.X])l’8SSlOllS llke -_ J‘ Mr_,._ Jame, (:;m-eh was hostess to Mi“ J ‘ _"“"-,—~ _-~ W _’ l:\c'l‘l 31-zu: llulzl-o_ at.‘ . N Houu-. ptcutld Boise‘ lvllo hull gathered in .~ are heard at almost . 3' u“ . or Chnkuulu Mr, F C _ O ‘"9 I-‘"5198: 300 (‘OW-'81‘ . . lltsull-llt.~ (nilmll lllul yesterday. Bollsl. on llcr u-gp hnlllr. The aupc-rol . V‘ um"\ ~ F . Z ‘ ‘. Ml ‘venue’ '9“ s‘"‘dl)' for lildorado. C‘ L‘ Brewer’ 215 bomh blmmbod ullulllzvnll-llt.-. for ll W. 5. G. Afilltcndcllt of stimuli: at lloillo f‘. F.’ H everv day’ S““"k’;;"““"' °£:;m‘""‘:' um ‘ Ark. wllerc like has a position as so- ""°":°'R';m :".;'."b‘1‘in "'5 mcmbr-:' (ilri-mm yin: ‘v s-iris to. ho Dicnst, iv. ~. Ur'i\'crsity of Minmuri‘ . _ . r.-. oracc . . tie”. edno, ‘Dd “pom”. on the n_ of t 4- un in c in inner t.E.-4 _._ ‘ D‘.“_ ]_. M_r; made » mdum ‘ ‘Th ’ ‘_.__ 1 _ h ' . _' rm. Isidor l»-wb cnwmincd MW dorndo Daily '\'ewe- ill.-3 lansing evening. “"°" “'"‘ ‘ ‘ - . ’- ” . ‘T’ "’.'.‘ "‘ “" ."‘ "" l . _, - ‘ ' ' . , . I W4 _“ }...1.,.d“}.',. 1.“. “mg 3115, 5y]. Mlssoun alulllm in tho audience « 7 ' ' _ .)l;»rhn R. L. Hill and ya: _gi'lz;duat“cld:{rom the school of M“ F “fguphcn. 0‘ we Du vi‘ R”:m:‘“M mm Em“. pmd3.,,,_ gm... .1).,l,l,, ,.,‘_y,. 4}... -,Up,,; ,,f S llke getting back t0 5-. - ourna "m -s " ‘ ' ' . .n. . _ . _ _ pn . sh ‘ ll Illra. J. Vi. huddntll had as guests vi,“ he, flue,’ Mix B. LEM‘? Mn. 0 M. Barm-tt Rollin: C “rt J“. g,u,_ University Women will meet at 3:30;’ ‘ind Kr. and In. Venn Vandis-er. Centralie today to be a nation cont:-rt mu Apartments left Columbia yes. N'l'l¢l"1‘3 "~’5”' ‘- ' «. 9 .._x -, W '4 'l-.« '°l_ 55 _. . ""At1 *" ~-"l'*“~.‘ «'5? . ' ’ J v _ O . ‘--"V f' " "O“Oo gr! “I A .-Q «ever "'0 L...9tQO§u‘ol-Cr‘-‘C7 O 1.0-»... ‘,9. . _ ‘"’*’* -**‘.l~3-~7.=~u-».‘~’—~. A - O -.1. 9 .. ‘ ' ' ' O 0 .. ‘ * - * THE 3 ;.° ' " ’ ,'..'.-'-.-’.-é..‘_:' ' 1: ~ F ' 9»1' . . . , i - ‘ ' rmmnm- . - » -,, 8,! lfllfltlltl dance after u.~'[,E.4P YEAR DANGE 1 —~.lW. gE;u3ugRN T0tR':;:’::ol:’ .},.;ru“dJ:w-It",F;.chf:hmm_.HgAca'8g" 1- . ‘-_ ‘ ‘ 0‘ 1. .ru . ’ , '_l l n 5 ' -~ ’« ' A‘ . - . — . .; 1“ ~ -~-, -3.7 _.i To CELEBRATE END. A W . -,~- ..-..."‘,', .. ........ .. .5... ..’:.°?. .'.‘.‘.‘.’ $ .. ....~.,.— »"****"3.“:‘.'.:‘.'lT.‘ .-....’.;.. l.....,« ..i. .:‘.::i.. .~- --0 . - ,‘ ' - - "the '11 halal . .~ - . ' ' Skpheywstudents ha.“ uwnbw s_ .4. and “ m9°‘'.‘:,';‘l“'; '3‘; OF FEMI1\«(NE REIGN .' . ml 8’;ie‘k":_u.::.8e :f’unri“-‘U‘r‘l,i‘:'&l:'ilto‘of. Southern Cali-illrlso in recllnr dial . prisoner slur. , —,, Kc, 9%,,’ . . " I ' . Part A Lulk c"‘“’° nu‘ 05”’ ll! harlot 01 Christian """" "“ . ‘ ' I. L’. Alumni. ‘ 9 ‘ .m°' '. “"3 O” "°"°"“°“ lb‘ M’ ' The dlineenth udl convention . V ‘ w L ‘W '3‘. 3 we . ll ‘. .311)’ l—!wnlor.- . _ °"W‘I'lzI Enfmains t.edrleee.’: tah:ddl)’:so‘::l' '§u§l's§: O _ 0 , g/Z’{Z‘‘ (/ 115/’ f/C "3’(>riz2;’ “ ‘.‘~StcpImlls Faculty Dues 82 I lfwn ‘ I .3 ,p‘ « o--—----’ . . - ~ A tun for the‘ faculty of Stephens _ a g 0 l"‘.~ ‘O’ ‘- l ' c was held by tho member-ls: - —- \ _. ‘ _ I " Eta Upsilon Gamma. national _ , . .. 0 « f ' -ll ul --. ' . . . ‘ - - _ ‘» g.,.,o(,r{ t;;.f,f‘i,:;’,":gr:,n’d.;.K.o“:,,p,:or,,A D . ‘file line is llere when many (.l‘lUl!Cl_§'E8 2: ulltil 5 o'clock. A ut sixty . S and SCI! 3 be buying tllelr.°onp- ts were entertained. _ , . -.. cf, ,'_._, ..,. Q {Grille HOLIDAY lffllfl. W ’. ve * Illlue (‘m-a Peugh. president. was‘ One Big’ L0lC Of jug: rgcdoql-g lgrgcsuyflv--UFNEW N 0 They are" ‘ ’;'-‘}_“§d in ';;°’{3,"fd"§J5°§li1 W» FRESH ml or good grille. Our supply or SSISBIPPI nlvlzllnlggs > . ;- . amen. . , _ sue, _ o. 3, ..r l"'""°"- W" “W -‘W 30*" SILK OR WOOL DRESSES ii'lm**m ‘ 1ln‘li§l'l'§'’Ai.‘il'i‘oil'l°ls'‘.‘"v‘l'l'li.'l~ii'l7l~§ua reruns la in“ "1" W" Bum . - 3' r ' ‘ e v ea 'rl our ova caals'mAs . .- . the shell. either all-Iltllt tr Ill: . at low p cu. , y _ HUT8 .4- -The rooms were decanted Wall! 0 to h f , _ H s on l .0 llrs..J. P. lletaler. patron-I mom ‘ ‘-***‘ ‘ “‘ Y ..,. ..,, ,__ ., ,,__ 3actal Events for . . ,"lT- J1’; ,9 God 00"” , Howard Bailey 0lVlE~HALF PRICE NOW A — l‘~f"45""" °“' _ nu. llownnl Bailey or St. Louis ‘ ~ - .i D _ ' fir " V‘ -‘ 3. II . ~ .' For the next 1 ‘days only. 0 Drum! ' ALL WINTER COATS ‘t-Ti. rsfiattlspl-lee. Ollrl-enhrierketprlcelalzeulel-pend. 3"" 5 V" aGool_Colee.ata(lallreIev’r-t&ttepreaen1_enrlo|,d.j‘rlce. . , , , . , _ ~ ‘. ,_ . , .n ' ‘; -_:_fia....._.'', .l..'...o‘ .. -5-413‘ _-.}u0- $($s.4...»¢a‘J- ’o I ': . 14 . I’ ' . , , 1. J I v .a Q. . . _ r 4'» 5 fr . . .a;‘- _ “J V . s.‘ ' ‘' ‘l ‘O fi 1/3' Pér W Cllllils Fellow , I &?.. §‘?“ : n... ......... ' h¢nJl1l us _ . 5 " '.’ », e I n u e O -. U . , s g- I_‘ - ‘I ‘ 3:: _. ca. -'rje;.- ’ A 2; .. ..".... -...:‘_.:;.;_.... o-o¢.¢oooJ‘-‘O‘Q_ . “Tile He¢rtofColumbio” -' ‘ I ' V i" ‘ ' 0 ~ . _ ‘ 4 O -. ,..§i.-14.7,‘ . L .0 . 4 - ' ’ 3‘. . . , _,;-~ ~ v ~-- o I _. -"A. I ' l .. .3‘. ¢.y;b:_«-‘go- v. " . » q . . ‘ _ . . - . I. ~ . .. .. J. _ I. 1 l :- ¢‘;~.._. " f .,' o ; »‘‘' V ‘ix _—. — ..v-V —_ . 7 — I A. 0 . ' ' 3 V ‘O ‘ V. -- ~‘ ‘‘ .’a ,'O’- " ;. . ,4’. 3 3-r . ‘» v " n o, " .. 5 . ‘ , 4 J ' "‘ ‘ 4‘ ,, - ' ‘ ‘ ' . I ‘ . 4 . 9 1 I‘. .5 ._ ‘'1 r ‘ "- 4.". _“ ‘.;‘_-‘I'.j'I“::" ‘ !_. .~ ,1. u‘. ‘av... V’ .I_ ' ig‘ ,, _ _ . ,_ ., -D(o " ‘ ' ‘