-r.r~ -—s av- '.‘U"~ ‘U ..'*--Y.‘ . . . . , .-.-—-1. .-run * ‘ - __'___ '._.__l v—- ‘f pgcflg . y .3 w v—— ,.. vew_ . . Y...‘ , ‘_ 1 . ‘fa ~ . . u . .- . A .7. Vv T\ I’ ““‘_C *7 . ’ .1 ‘V W f _ ‘ _ . ‘ v ' f -THE COLUMBIA mssouauiii. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, i924__ jii. u. Danna -to nut ‘ iuaaino of tlie8chool’of_Lavr will the auapicea oiuig. wmiii by the Amaricanl Trya lllaaouriaa want ad. IN AND or Iiasomu Q IOWA mflonnow NIGHT -:3 -geci-lgnimnmé -"C1: dlgiat-‘inn Alcohol:-m~ Adm-3-ion *1"; arm“ of 7°-chm 0* SM-i , _-_-- i E E ' " y i E ' The annual innquetxox are xi.-lCp"'A.¢;..:. Dadleaaahller8;“:ld- 3"“ __.__._. - .uL'sic CLUB is Eis"TzimiiNEDl ’T'f‘=”°' 3“"“°’f °"3;:°:t *3 h‘; Columbia Auto Parts Co. .__& l“.'d’"‘"it' ‘om-i '?ln::ryD”Aad;-Q! i 92 t HA8 8PoK_.lN____IN...“ STATES lSixty Young People Meet at “time finlliict which his as I'll yailli "2 N mutt‘ i « - - sauna -nu. ~fl°"' . ‘ W‘; may-'3:-H';,i— '3', , is§MlTa:nY1lV‘illS¢l 01- DIn‘:lomn S:|t:bml:;co:-. 4 mflgme of; '\'¢"él‘:'i:"1éh_ “S“p°m':';";‘:;fi;‘ 3j‘:of;:""th;: Panic mt’ W 0000009” a M * ' ‘ l ' ’ bfln W . . I . n3.’ . . I.d H can 6-» :2: ‘ HI?“ I I gm?" thlcloaed ‘l”:d”9:":'“nd§"‘h”iroi'a’ao':lfi tn : ‘meet the M°""f,n‘S""S"'- "l“; tian C-0lll8pK“9)r\\'l8us;l'll£!':lll(l)0d at the m‘~"“'“"’° E ’ 11.“ put ‘at “I an -&l00II|l'----...,... .‘Pdd¢n. .b°l»“‘ ' bee ' eating ureon‘ iitoi - I *2:- alcohol in iii. radatort lzifim. " °"°'" ' l”':,“'f,,'f‘,’;_°' '°" "°"f“" """ Kama." at the mix cii.iisu.n3 {'i‘?§'},§,,{" 835‘ \‘3f‘,‘,',;,,i’,‘,",".,;f;,e “£15 ' "E paid an I i F010 “$00-~ Y3 half-control. builtl , ——-—-. ~ n . nee Church at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow? . '. .,.- . ' - . , I An “tension mm” in physialiin g triangular men: on the _ . _ illfilll) iuiiing. There were sixty, _ _up lqyaellodenial. is much more neeol ‘ punishment as nig_ht,' is a speaker of T't‘COKnllt‘('l’)-Dung "mph, presem_ . ‘ . I _ - 5 theimerits of capital . anus-an-a-I 083*‘ "°"'''' eaaai-ylnmodei-nllfethaneverbe-‘°d“°“'°"l’l’°l"‘ 3"“, 3' . - - . . ,. - I an: - fore. lso State Teachers Collote. ‘mod pub!” pone’. The Xiami (Fla.) Metropolis said “.i'lIib(b(‘m;~:idr:;:et:;fe,.;:,onth:: ,,._ vest a-an -— - - lat Springfield. _ ,1 For the first time in the historyrof hi‘ ‘ppuunce in Mum‘ recent (‘dock in the chum] mom of Mm. -j-— ,of debating here the Oxford plan,~l,, ..I and b, Wu. . J . Fo caaea f ea diaeaae, diax-, - . ~ - v - -. _1 53 " "°‘-‘d 5 ' "V" 9"‘; souri Hall. Th ntertainment com-i or o r fin which the decision its (Hen bylaw!" Bryflh COL Dan. Morflnlmitwe {Or wise e;-fleeting M” be:: I’ 5)’ D11 575111? Hillel‘. U50“! P139" this arrangement each team ‘has al S;m;')he"c°.mm."d" of the Battalion‘ M"‘l"‘~‘ A""‘- 1'31".“ B“"“’"v Fwd THE OPEN COLUMN hlinoufian Tuelsdsy ’ 1 mould as “radio itch,” were*!'¢P0"‘°d the audience, will be used. Under . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. The acts htltala D IN. !I.-|'|'|' ltitioner Sunday. , . k h _'d f 0, _i? t i"_ "°°' ‘p_°k° w ‘"1. Alters. Rcbecca Wright and \'ir- ' . . ‘ . Our books have always he::.d " ‘.""‘.m,oI”t,*.:h"._,.,,."u. ‘ A mu’ { 83‘‘‘?‘'''‘''— d f .t i ea,l‘l(lonIte‘I(l'I€ l-’oilcll)isioneolJut‘:eE “amen”! “g't°"c° "t Walt” Tgsnpleitinin Lee. ‘ ' Showing “mes IR» 0?” l~° °“’ wbuflben “nu sane and nuns: at can and: cant 0 . Fun’ m -1“ lartunient the members of the aud-l ye ‘Y ‘ emoom ‘.8 .a Yes“ . "“”’—“ . Ve}_’tl&l‘l- ' 5;:-nlu-cl. as alone for anal!-_:°'!*hI';t;F::l:‘ - - : Using the lecture he will deliver Tm’-mt SI-w-h- . M“, N,’ 9,"). Co_,dy am, M909.“ ,.,,,,,, ————— s .. . - - : . 4 i lan that was used y t e‘ - - ~ . .. - - ’ ~ ~ hixty million dollars :3 llclnlly 34,”, 15¢ n[;goug1'g1|;T}}e31;e of , A ','°"'”_‘d °f 3100 h” b°°" °“°’°d‘”m° P .' . _ . gin Columbia tomorrow night and Teaching Spanish-American Lit- d z . _ d I __,d . n _0 V. h 3 _ '12‘ ‘**° °°“*"“°*i W we we i» r :*= ‘":=::."=:°' W “”‘:.’.'° :7: = -mm am an *‘ ““:I::‘.;.-*:." :2. ;:::2:: :1 :5 ‘ °* ti of hard-surfaced roads-—roads_ ‘"3 ,-.5“! in gamma. Wm be ,' Um 0d f 9 ‘ZN “C 13] M _ _ ' _ jl-‘ields of France." Colonel Smith§ticle by Prof. W. J. Burner of the T ' "‘ “ ° ’ ‘ 2 h x" k 3511,19 the quicktfl real test of the gyeatnegg of the °*‘“p° mn’ '9 “r W“ 5 3:” ~' The '3-"°“{" Wu" Wlmh Wu d9“ has spoken in every state in the Romance language department of. ‘ . . _ . - ' “me M m {P0 ' ' l I heart of our c‘ i It will ah ' ' * ' ‘-1- lb“° ‘" l'°”“’ '5 °°mP°5°d °f 60°??? Union since the close of the Worldithe Univcrsit- in the November ie- (“mum Mmld”-'“"m0‘\ DA‘lES escape of bgndxu m’ the” SF‘) en! lunch we arenfbout tlie 8&2: A movemt-‘M ,3” been hunched to: ' °5°' wh° Vi" sped‘ 3°°°"d °": ‘Var 1=ue I His alii a 'ournal devoted in 1'" “lest ‘ad ‘"“°“ ping" 'hifih.po\s-cred automobiles. Obvious-t ' _ . « , - merge the lighting plants of h(ans- ; the ‘“irmau"' and Know V. - _ ‘W . P ‘V J . . ‘V ‘M hixhways are not mm for: the $131-rty striclten, absiut the iiclt , {,ei¢_ Ava, Seym°m.' Hu.“.m,_,' Cm; ter who will open we "Eu The lecture will be held under,to the interests of teachers of Spam; . " . ' ' °“ '3‘ ""3°"5' ‘W 3“ °"‘“33 bool Mountain Grove and Willow! ' .' 9”‘ l’“'p°'“'' bu: the) ‘nu be pmit will show how much we care ' i 3 I o—————— — V v.—-— - k_ __. - _ _- .._,- --. -J .. . , 7. ,--. _..— -—r _ _ ,_ ,_ -_‘ S iment for the negative. Opposing ""- S ‘ . l ,- -_ - , - , to that use. :;_bom uvin‘ 13,,“ of lime babifl. “rm” ______ ithem mil be_Mii~s Lucille Dulce of. _ ; I I i ‘ A B . ' W ‘ . I ‘ . Under the present system of mg-and mothers: ‘bout fixhfing tuboh A sped‘! election to mm on we lovra. will speak first on. the /' I u ,,‘_ n{‘_.J;J, /' /Z! I /mi; lr/,C‘,);;.;(:v// "I W ',I l’! //l' I,’ -vvxv»-Ir; N .. 1‘ /’I{// /‘/‘I/4////‘;'//f//,1!/,, /:77’. enforcement. sheriffs are unable toiculoaia and other ghastly and con- proposition of cnlaritinlr ll‘? Kll’ll5- ' ‘“"'m’“‘°f “ml ‘l°l"‘ L “h'"-’- /1‘ I . ''‘‘‘ i‘. H ,/i {I / ' I 9- B ,«‘.'.:~ '1 ‘’’‘' ////,/il’pl"/}’i"~ ll’ -' ../, ,/ ms‘ c0un‘}. line! and “dice afef l‘gl0u8 M [finch “.9 care ‘ ville Road ln:‘,!ri(_1 has been \\»l1l) t‘(-lLi_(l‘.‘ lllp 5l[~zfllllL‘lll {Or the ' I2/I‘ /.‘ V ‘:9? ‘(Del/‘.'.f4¢V ' 1”’, "(l’ll:l’V if; % . - - ~ .3 - . - . . « . fne ii \‘-. ‘ ~‘,rr~:r*‘m«'-m’ r~;‘~v /v‘ w. . I . . I ‘ - *- - . Ia’ . I “mfiued 1” mt). hm,ts_ mmdm-‘t ‘ about broken home; 1,, umch then. (.illcd for Decembtr .’0 ll} the‘ il l ‘c . T . | ”{/’I’./‘o”,// 4,4,/A'”{W", / «r ,//m ?i}"/,/////// // / . T .,/l,_,,/‘yd ”// , . _ - - ,are neglected and dependent chi]. ('ounl_\' mun. 1 Another Missouri team composed .~ ‘I_ ,, -1 , ,, 4 ft/‘I ,,,’./z.:.-,',';gy; J,’ V ,)‘/,5/, , I r g;j_.‘., .i,,l,.’.» kn0‘5 "0 llllllls. ' I ' ' ) - . I ’ If V V '1'] .‘v/I/[film A CI ‘[/7’/ '«(/,.Ir‘ ’ '/ft,’ 0 -‘ '/ ' _ J .' I _ d unccr- (,1-en at-ha, for ‘mm of admuah. ' ———-——-_—— ‘ n. .cni_\ lepping and \\ oodburn O. V .- I -(II , _ ,' ’/./ ~ r H, m <, .“ M" ‘"‘‘‘'r’'’.‘‘.‘'“ “not at u care. will become a liability instead .r“"'"‘~‘°“’”" '“"“'~"“‘*'. “‘ 5‘°“‘f' . RM will sneak at Lawrence under / / ' / , . /.'J".l5”"“'1/'~i';/ .4 } /‘ . 1,1,,-: E - - N ‘.4. . , tain. locnldaut;iintiesTt;1i:- wk bone 0 w ‘nfl to our wmmuniu,_ Xille has-‘e fnrniui at Business‘ B_‘lcn_.< :_ the ‘sanie plan. -Of the four Uni~ {A ’,i/l‘I,”’/!flI// I // ‘////L.‘/f 3‘ , .. g 1”" this great di.s.. .an alrc. P ; The site of the chufly fund Wm . 2-.‘s()Cl.lllufl. the purpose oi “inch is versity dchatcrs in this lTta!|g’lIlllE' ,‘/',j,/I ‘ Z ~"i iii, .’,~*’.y/ .:,/N’ ,3 yll/C///Al/.'.’{5{/,. ‘ ' We-athilfi and the tclegrrap-h mgke Cnptllfo Of Elba“. “'h8t kind of a _ “(I ‘Va :.4i)!‘f-,\'l(‘lld the lf'1L.ll!'l2.Z.|T(’1l yr lnal meet. only Ont. hgg I').d‘ ‘ ,s W ‘I "‘ '/1)//'f“I//3/'/yr l l¢y'l§/:"0'/Ii‘! ,.‘/i’l‘.Q" 4 lb’ °"u"“'S ”°S“b"3' , W “"8 in; Whether it is to be :1 city‘ ' ' _ _. ’ any prwlous experience‘ Dcppmgi /If i’//fl/"67’ ’ /A l" I ‘ ‘ 57 R “mh l"’l9".‘l’l speedway’: m “cry l" ‘Vllltll P°V¢fl)'. Crime. sicknc.«:.-‘. A mt-ctinr: lo arousc interest in «' debated on the Fem" “st "e.ar' I I] 3’ J 1',/./“" / ~»} ‘V . ‘ ~ ' ’ d ‘ ' ‘ . ' 8-roe direction. huwe\'('l'. the P7051013 1 misery, ifufferirig and immorality El'Stf>l' culture will l)0(ll('l(l in I-Ilka? ,T_l‘_“ fl'<‘b‘4I!t‘ will held in the 7/ l . ,‘ v_/I3 4;; '//]f'«,, 4,'j.~,'}"~1»' V’/2.1,." ’ ,. :' f.;‘_'.' 3:: “(X ,1 comes different. and local author» ; are to 1:0 unattended and to run land under the auspices of the i Lr"wnn“ Amm0num' Dem J’ // 7 ,‘ // l l I‘/ll,‘/I//"L"'l"'f/;",'/&?i‘l;:"!{'?ll’/‘W1’?! ,,..r/W7’, -\./ \-"/ ""/.4‘?/:,;,v...n;»l5’/gig?/L’/;..., /1',‘ ‘f co‘ mbh; tics become unable to cope Will! “"5: lnmpanl. or whether these prub- _ Mali-.~hl'ir-lil (irziiw Growers’ A.~sucia- ; ~ - ~ A, '<,'/,%/ ./ i ’ ~ 7/! $2?!////I'¥",'y///‘//i'!Ilz'¢l!l1%%f//izthfi ’ ' ,/.1‘, "l/f."'.”/»‘.”'.:" ‘kuqr doi situation. mm or 8"” M493‘: W =~'=“"“"““" A “““' i /'//r ’I it !«.’<».'/r/ 3”’/x, ./ .'/Mi . ‘.1 ,.i;:..:/.9/.4l/’_, ‘ ‘ \:":*’”v’ iii“ V.”/::r;r'::i; tn. pboiu forwmen, mu.‘ ix. murht; tin _ ly and are to be eradii-iiavd and even , -—-+—— _ - . “N,” W” 2’ .-wIi,//// gmvtfipl I ‘ V y] W v,V,v CV, . M’ 7 '7//,1/t ._‘.——-—-—- suite should take n\’('l' more t‘lllli(‘.~. ‘ -'”°"'°m-“d- f_““H.: _"f ('xwmh.ng 8 yaw”: Imp : /-/I ' ‘I /I/V rrwwi .,i,.' ,‘,‘,/,,,.,j I‘, ".’/-"7". ' H I FOR 3 A P0lice fiiri-c authorize-cl. di-i p°°p'° ("3 Cl" will‘ P3595 0900.‘ mm }‘H‘n'm to (’r(.('nfie‘d will be; - ~ .5’ “ ‘Ill. lid" ‘*1!’ 1 MI} If" ‘W7/"" ' /H’ ‘I/Wall ll room ho‘ rcctcd and cnntrullt-d by the -;iz.i.V 1-W 3°“? W twill" 0‘ *.'*»‘1U""=i=* W-rixizpimd bii [ik”‘mr'v ll‘ ‘wall: h “I I WW //' L/ if at it y» /ml“ " 9/]; Zn} ' r’fl'{W//1 i y"\"//"’/Ml l’r$'?"i'//’~?'l/ 7 '”’°"° W ._ 2 ~.uhs:':ribed liberally, l- r I ~ ,1 “," “' "ll"-"l' " _ l"""‘ l -" “"1173 ‘ .1 5 ~ , 1 ' -’;/I /.‘i n‘; . 4: .1 1 {/1 /, .' D 3 by ', '- I V‘ « I /3 '///I. would be the only lncziiis I») \.hid. A “hh__!m.g(.i’. "pm; “-hma”§,r1}.ut,;;(_ iuziiit zit (iii-eificld. ‘ ’i’/a].,,,,w'6/ /"‘//'/ r‘ W//I‘/l ‘zip ~;_7 i‘- V ’// ; 'r I//a ///$7,: ., ~ " ' "l" I//i’ /,2,’ _ FOR-5 10" “mid b° °"{°""'d t" the ""°°'"' Welfare Society promised 1., do if I '"‘_"‘ ‘ S /I‘ I . A, yr-'1‘ J 5 / ’ 2/ .-3’ ’ "/l l ' I/7/J II’, m"d°"‘ ” vary dctrrce. It would have the; it obtained sufficient funds: ‘so that ("A mlllnfili” Ur mwns {mm Monroe; ‘A ' .1 ll M 1 ' W ' / i’, 3&7 I I’ ’ ll rid") ii " I Hm/‘7.'i/"A,//‘I7.’ V “mom s authority and duty of functioning in ~ it could employ a trained 1-; -vi 5"" “ l ".“'”-V """"‘ "" F""“""7 "'T'i""'7".’«i.»'ir"v'if,,,/.://i‘ "W by’ W N /-W '1' W’ 'i’’/ " ' ’//I"//'I"?'~"/" ./’i..’’ ' ,1 /«~’, ' ‘ "" " tote;-y-y su'(‘llnll (if the slate. . I \\"(il"kt-r.‘ This year llltt iii-iipl((‘K l:l'- :?"d.1iuyigwiv-pp}?:PprH""'““d :‘ for " / ' ‘V . I I ,/‘ll/ll/II‘,/V Q: ‘or :15 pl A »«m«- v~»!i«- mm‘ of H‘-i«~* kind,‘°'.""""=* W “-*"‘°" ‘“ ““"' ""‘"‘ 7 ‘ ‘h.’Llim.‘ " ""‘ ".”"'& z ' /‘ /”/I ,’,«.§l /‘W /We/r.»<-”:,6/7:’l4/lei:/ll.*4 .. ;,~/l//i»:r» . ’ I “°“°“‘ is not mum-t'ii3:i" new and untnicdn 319"‘ 93'” 0P9h. fur the worl; that - “I” W "prod up mp‘ / ' V ' ‘ ‘M’i‘l’// ix "7/«""'l"”"’f'Jm7// ’ ' 3 Lame 1”‘ It ha‘ m_‘_,..m. guu.‘ :1, ,,mm.! has been done in the field of Cun~ mnwlflum M mu mad’ i C ’ ' ' Ali‘?//ii‘/,'»t.,//I’ ‘ , 77//j/:l/:’/, ’ "mm rm“ ' _' structjg-e d , . , - . _ _ , . _ _ _ I U: " ‘ ' " H‘; i ’ ll" 1' , ‘ ,uy.,v',* "’ I ~" ruum mu: We ~; ; .., ...:::. ...:°..':;:.:*,*,::.:..,%*;’::.:‘. “iv hrlstmas » ii’ if / .1 Mil’ ’ ‘-t ~“" i ’'i‘:’/ , A ltrcat at will be that (if Mlwiiuri {er place to live in not ,,,,.:(.;\. 1" ' hluyw Clulfjs Wm conduct 3 m”l('"'i .:"a/‘W . /, ' I // ‘ t ll ll \\’ill «(ll ‘ ‘when thv m-vs liiirhv-‘av .'-y='~r-".1 iv? in u,,{0,.tu,mc hm’,-0 ' ” .-'“ <‘~""l¢‘=~"~ -0? Want: artists in music I i ' . " r l ' / V,’ org Rcultv . . . ;' all. l‘|.l:: .-ur- ' . d i , - - , ' i‘ , A ‘,.‘/i [I'I’!.l" . ‘ ,.°mp]eo_cd_ 4'm$&‘d nu ‘ta . _; -In tit preliminary .~:.ntc (‘ante-.~t , i‘ if :1 ‘ . mm. 1u“._(,nfm.“.!m,m pkmi More .I.h.n°:m(:“.l’;:?é;‘ ‘M “oney l:i'mMi_-=suuri_ will tit lllbt “ (‘ ll8V'0 an CXC9l° ,/#1./$1./’v”} “sol: ‘S: r ‘ . V _ .‘ 9 . _ ‘ _ ' Na ¢‘mi\‘t'nlt0n at 0 r.y, * i I ‘i i (‘S ..hould (‘0mt with the (‘0l2.‘sl.l’l.lLl.lll1 _m'1l;ht;mdcamp81gn that .s_ be; . .__.____ lent conocfion of =~ l from ii 1 of the good ruad.«-.i—-mt :Il'lt'TViill'.d'th"-‘L’ tu secure 5.1.000 is mun-' The lkidc (‘nu,,g_\- “mud jun. ha. , N ‘ 1W7 , J; / high .(h, when .r4-u-r.- lmtztt-s have made it op‘e‘n‘';";‘nP:;l_f“ {"7 _m0"*‘)l'i it if» , rt-coninii-nili-d that the (‘(llill'lllOU9~t' in‘ -— y ‘I l ' ,//V‘ hon”. V imperative. State p-.illt't' could at! .1 '3" ‘‘l?3’''-‘'l 81 01' the (Z:-i-unfit-lil be abaiidniit-ii - ml th't ~ ' - / My ‘ . . fl / provcgiiciil _ ' .._ h . _ _ u u , lit,‘ '1‘, r I‘ _ . -, gem“ be 3, (.fr‘_.::|"(- 3;-. lucal uffi- 9 :‘:":h'i'c:tt:‘i‘i}:’: 31?? 3‘ l’-7"] Pl-‘l'.".~ ‘ .';|l records lit‘ rt-lnuvctl to :1 snft-' , Rc“' Ficuon " ' / ’‘ ‘I.''':« ‘V ' y '1" it ‘///V; (H1: 183:: rials under l7l’(’S9lIl conditions. and. ‘ " “ °3ml‘=m.'" lllZL('( The liuildiiilr iiiis l-vi ii (‘llll-I - - - ' . . '4 V ' -' ’ ' 'i “I W ‘ E’ M" 1"?’ "' 930"‘? in ‘he {mum they Wm hemm“ u M“. ll((:f(‘:it(:'1‘1ll"l’lI.Pf;)l(!)‘0’!:?8f3(DhStll‘J|lO conifui't.-= ! (lt'.'lll|(‘ll and court is‘ held in ;i luilgi-E Rcpnnt Flct '0“ ‘mi, }‘ H I 7 ’ ’ / ,‘,''r‘.j;‘’fm 4’ , Good lofl . _ : . - "F anus’ I» 4- . _ . ’ ' - . Wu!” . I :/ » ' Box w. ci cos.-ill). lilnd girls who may grow up 3,, ,;,.{,_ : W‘ m __ __ ‘ ' Gift BOOKS ‘ 1,, I < I‘ l - /s . ‘ 2 times. ltlis ll nglj (umlmign _ 1.‘. M‘ B. f p, . . ,.n A h " t ‘ ' . ' ‘« _ '_' 3 ‘_ 1/ FOR 8 "Life tlm-sn_'t hcmn until . nftl‘! i let! xreatcr and more real human Vi [tame \l.‘8l::;(“l1."lflu(ltT’.?lZ‘3lul'l‘(‘§;,‘-“HillL Chlldl'Cll'S i - at ’’-I/,. ‘WW '1 ‘ b“"h5V' "pk you are marru . says a Kansas‘ tic fare in the city of Ciiluniliia. ‘.\'ot-em},¢.,._ -p.,\.(.m_\. M“. ,,,3,i‘. {W 1/ . H ‘ “‘’§‘''(,B1 City l’""-’3¢‘l'“"- Pml‘“l’l1" u"3l"" ""13 A- F- KUlll.MA.\'. taking fur-lwurinit ziniamls out of 1 H I ‘ nil’ rs“ 0 life is dt‘.$t'rilu‘d as lwifllt lull Hf UP’ ' ""“"‘——-—-—-— wtisenii one fur xhooiiviy duck: {run and ‘ ‘ ‘" 00m 1 - - - -~ ~ *- — ourslio IS filled and downs. THE D i .i llltiltlr boat and the rt-maiiuli-r fur . p "_1_:::_1't]:d ‘ ’ 0‘: | “untuu: “qthout ‘n l‘CF_E:' i l,'l‘(){lllll, \\ Foilowing the anncuncemcnf of 2 [kc 1°. : ‘L ' 0* wow. L 1-(.-RE'lG.'\ S"[vLll)E::§ T0 lll.VE— CIQS you “,i“ “llant ‘ lYl.N!(i'l;‘ tn“ ll!’l.'t'(m8‘.3 t‘-rdvr house that It has Club II the home uf up ' Plans Made for Entertainment . ' Grunt be dis-coiitinut-cl the sale of firearms. 1: w “"°° 5|“ nf’°‘4'-lW8)‘. During Holidays. for glftso I (luwii. hill is in be bruugnt up before (.‘on- ..u..;.i 'nelaptio::~t‘?l:l>m-ti ué: H: ‘um’ Plans were made by the set-n~-~ O 3 Ni-xv 5 r. gross \'.'lll(‘ll provides a 31.000 fine Ions in can-_inaln fflrlox ' W '“' 0"“ times of the yzirious -student re- ' ' C;,;;.,iut' it for anyom, shipping. firearms by " Un‘'o.:.0hp. u h r K ligious organizations, to iiter- , -_ i . _ - 8-rcmni l nu". _ {OM " 1 I: School and nm. in the foreign students at 3 din- ' _ A ‘- - ’ ' - . gr will 5;. Sevenl “mes hm mid 1”“ ‘ml: to —o,...-,,, d , M gllrlllielll-I’lhfeett}llLtg(l}£l:'L"\!l:I:d£l1)?ll:l::; ‘ pi] : . ‘ ii i i ‘ *1]i1l\lt \'\vi|‘|;-] -‘n‘li tic -di tak fzh ' ‘ ‘ “Ma t :1 ‘ ‘ ': h ~ : l ' ' M“.-is 5:. t;,n.p.u,m." n 5 1:: ‘;“e: "3;-k;-0 brnthe Public w.ii ales W: ”°°"- " ‘ i ‘ . ~ . I-‘lynn I‘. ' ‘ll’ " ° ° mu‘ - -J0 D. In.-llzgiatlon for P; It was also decided that they, I . . « ' ' ’Bldi:.. phn live firearms could b«.'m_nu,. “"“"‘-‘Os sou“ “fl!” ‘national fra- ghould meet ,-again”). at 5 p_ m_« . - ‘ - :_;_ _ shipped into the state by mail am lo. 9:15 p. n.—Pi-e.¢.;.u°,, ..mM_ every second and fourth Monday at: ‘ ‘ 3 no one would be the wiser for it. 1 jg; Af_vmI’>rr;_-__-‘-uc Am cm. i. 11...... the Bible College. ' ' gt ,0 . FOR‘ 11 Now. however. if the federal |!0\'- ‘T _ ___y e 0 i 0 a _ ' crnment steps in with a large {inc Der. ii. i:::o‘ ‘ of mm ‘W V T ‘V . THl_3 FLORIDAN, the DeLuxe Train--tall steel equipment, runs through to Miami daily. . Time again shortened‘-45 minutes faster. ' I.v.St.Louia - ~ - - - \ 3¢5op,m_ ' S:40a.m. At.]$kflVin9 ' ‘ * 8:fip,m_ Ar.WeatPalmBeach - - 7;-1o.,m_ - - - - 1Qi5._m_ C l..n.—l.uaehun for the mailing: of guns there l? of go’-;a Club at nu-ri.-. likely to be a dilferetfce in the num- i 5," 0, guns; :3. her of guns shipped. I ll . Iktialation of this sort can be of 0”‘ " 0"‘ u“°°8f-'1-sea of rei-u~ - ~ - '. ano- ctiforctd pn-perly. lf the law past» V 1-3, the next step will have to p,,_ 'n_ ‘M D. _'__..u" A A ‘some means of seeing that ll‘.l!‘- S; V}?._ with ma iziiabu-iii sp.i«ling..'9oi properly enforced. 3 """“ ‘ y M“ l °""' "- '-‘=30 D- ln.~—Ilaaouri and ion _ ' debate the contact: at eanltal Dtlnlaltuent. COMPLETE PROTECT l0.\ ‘aim Oxford plan. in value-ii: Audl. , Plans are being made to introduce D-::'u_ ‘ ‘O ' or?“ a bill at the next session of the New Beta law. .4 ham" D . l B. “"5993 that at ‘ . ' ' v3n-- _ 0-- ‘ York state lecisiiiiure which will the 1.... T T a . p:mb";l . ' ° ’ 53° : m‘ . 1. goon 1 . ' - . . . . o . ; ~ ' . . . W m- \V make it a felony for newspapers t- iii?::.»s¢:i sf,.,Z.,'._*'{‘;,f“,;‘fd_';§, ”" 8“: 0 I I I ' ' e ‘. Ansanaota . . . . gm ._ m_ M.’ hublisli the names of lrirls or women "" "3""-*1! Library. F‘ - O _ _ _ ———L_«_ in conncctio: a'ittlg crimitgal aaaadult ,.8‘:;‘ *1; '-'='° D-__ -;’—Lé-ztnnnuonxioi: Lygulcnowatwlcaflgwcost and Y¢tl1O:1::OLJtI;fug$ S inole All ‘WW1; club i . ‘mu m @801‘, ICCOT Ill JTCQH DCWI l8- 3. eon.-‘nan. .. ‘U‘V . .-. UK! £ ° . . ' ' a . . Pitches- Laws: of similar . nature fill?-"ii? the First Chori-tidal: “ Sums Lines? .S“ch famous as the Lcvi.“h‘n ‘ndi ad dun?‘ but been in {one in the south for D“. '2' “"1: “Zed. ' 0' W gran have singularly: attractive tourist , (Au sud) - or en suite.-— 092!) section sleeping cars serving many yglfs and have proved bene- the i\u.a..;nmDei.u.. 's_""‘m""""'h'm §atl3l";icsn£f%rgnu;:rBltys third class), set aside exclusively for,_ ., St. Augustine, Palm Beach. Miami, St.'Petersbutg, . “dd. _ o - utlibrlull _ Y. Inc. A. Bulldln. - ° . __aEpm i H _ . V Publicity during the proaecutioii 'i:.uth.e:)?l Aujsmgfg tonaalfic ,;wpé“u:3l°w' 113'“ the dlouands of . flgjd.w;;h§:£n$,u:nmnml.dt° Sula‘ ®lY. ' ofazcriminal for assault often is I! H-0: 11;. 71:;-:i.iai;..._L d . ‘Eumpumfi;:anmmmmcr:?!:m3:;fn3‘c’o‘:g'g . oi on-time arrivala—leavea m mm" " ‘ . ‘ ’ injurious to a woman as the crime s. u. in ii..'ir. i. c. A. n.ii.ii..._'h' " farestangefrom$8Sto$92.SOtoEngland($85tio$1o2.5o 55 L°“i'932 P- 13- 3137- On-time arrivals aired 5! Pflwerful ' itself. Few things could be more . Neat Want. to fimce) ‘hip ‘¢1d:md_ This includes Am ’ack‘nvine 50: . . _ . . mountain £113 5°ml15'fi"K in 15“ °°"3‘°°“°" 9”“ .ci.t.’i.‘.c' m-sum "'m' h N am“ SC“! 1 andcomfortable cabins avarict? of ~ - ' aeooli: uiorninc :0? loqnlnv‘ and wdlfmnntmfi r*%d"" ' to see her picture on the front page Dee. 1D.—Blda nu-inc for . exce lentfood.courtieouaservice, l decltlslpaceand gauge. ~ . . l of a la!!! newsp‘l"‘.' Ind her name “"”'~'“°° °' W In 14- M other features to insure 8 VOYI|l¢- Th baa‘: Hand. ‘in W. Mu a W.’ _ printed in large headlines. nlscussgomu, 333113;; 3 '°.°‘h' Pint can with On 'ueauti§ulbtnklet“Fl¢ida'antaina' vglngug ' . ' . - "“““"’°"“"”°“"°""""""“' i=.~.....u D 1' I” Get the facts Now . '°°'=.'~ °°-nv-rm-m ’. Wdteloria M’ “M ‘ ‘ E - "°'°f‘§f:";“u;"""";‘.‘_‘°"" ;'“p‘__f:,;;° rJ§.‘l'Ti'i'3:°‘o.u.uP"” .°"" GctallthefactaftointheUnicedStatcaLu1¢8' ’rei>re- * "Ava. D '°°3i?’r' ”°J'°h°°° r ' ' ‘ V ‘ " °’ anpu mush r o - , , . . i . . ‘ . ' mtotwhkini u,ho”'u_.ody p Alkfotliilttcldntgfi I Allreaaualllagulrleata _‘d,-e”“—u3u,u‘.,,,,,,pu,,;.i,q”,,. t°rin'l‘.l‘l"‘:‘_tnrn°d-:v“‘3~"J‘\.Audi:« _ tufts upuim&&hmm®medfi¢uwr&&bw ' . vannah.Ceol-gin. Ohervllm l.a.Inar.aau:i'...:,.c.::..lru-u-uumllgoucgnggigg. Qhaecfthlli tl|.E1l"°°ld “V9 tivecomlnittiee meetingiatwhich '“fllm¢1’- itineraries coataaac ' I ll-I-Idslaf . ‘ .5‘ ' ‘ phnavenemadefor‘aeveralbpen Ilaolncludedinthla32pagebooltlet to L‘ ‘ fl:.?i.‘:.°°*‘°°“"..'.i*:.°““ ‘?...:*..'“"'°‘°°.i..' can t _ il 70!! overa edurlng Uni£ed§3._Staftpo§s...-LinesyL ti .".4sc - N Yqitcuy 4 W, ui?e"&?a','s..mmme*aoinn . {- . . ,» - - _ _ e i~ - , -» . . .. .. ‘ -A-~ _ as . : 1 _._ ‘_ _.-at» - ~-« - . ')«.,2 ~ .- I - A v . @ ‘s I I 4aA _:. . pi" .. U