A ' i ‘ ,: ‘, -___ ‘#35 .3; ,- A if ‘or... -‘./.~,-.4-.:"_-:1‘-z“-;_D«.--es ',“V H ‘ I . < ‘ . -s - ~ ~ - » ;«.:..:.~...~. iiamaraamniaisoie , - _ ’ Q < 1 ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' )J *7 _.___‘_,___......_._..-r—7———~ - " " ’ ““”' 7-:—-'7 . ‘ - '‘:_ y , .(f< . ‘ T‘ . ‘_ _. . _ _ — ’ " v ‘ >4. - . e I s- y , . ~ . _ 1:15 1; was discussed and left line. dh-ch rim mtg. .. . . I lie »n ‘t . Ii ‘ .u.‘.w”,°a,.,.m,; _ ventedonsccount ofthillcssa. o”fl.n"C0bNOiL_i_)ECIhE8 ON _ N? fxrtzethmg of .ummm“ com dun ,_ ' 3”‘ W ”' ‘today the son offlenersl Chang '1: is considered has-that his wil-1 Tb‘ mam" °‘ ° MW 3 ' f hletlwdizl Snails!’ 530°‘ ‘’'3''“’'' dating of hlrs. J. P. Brozsrt. E. E» ‘ c ’"'“” °"“"" . "?-T; . . A .'l_I.’1' V: ' 1 ac i ‘O I. R Wu ‘Pei malt 0b3Cl3I9 On IICCOFI-'Il C‘. ‘San tn 8.‘? u.“'h". Ghfl‘ms.n ‘v_ndCor ‘M R u. ctfig. .aC§0ol ul‘{llll I Pflihlgn ‘ an-.. ; H . 4 In“ ‘ bk-‘--‘Q9 Taruu lsltogmnnwrfe ere wéith arra. mt ants’ fori -rarest laark of I §¢1I¢T'ithcdneW flliznmfmtt oi the mnflzif A “\\'li’iu- (‘hi'i:iima~." was decided ' l ‘.‘’'']0; d” ?""hb‘i"“v " ‘ t - 4- . . ’. , j s, ' .«. ere: .~ aw iii ,- ‘ ‘ - ‘ , . _ . l'lllt‘ll(l‘D u i ' _, . .- ‘lr-’ ‘him-tat--lieucliaal cm-Is nl (>hin='~ P°'i**°" ‘Min! 55' l-"5"8*°n- View W‘ "'1 P'"'°‘ “"°"° m- Pi “no 0.3:. attitude is ....i on by the -‘under 5""°"-' “’“".°" ;\\A'l‘ER I-‘AIIINE FACES l\. I w A \~...-r.~'.-U t.tC.c . it . nominees p in power the ‘ only thought is to further the coun- i “M 0' pa ' - - ., t , meeting of the Broadway Methodist ‘ - ' . f ' ‘ . ‘ 3 "493 -r i "n . P~u"' ‘son continued. General Chang de-lt!'Y'I best interests ' - H idea: 3"? Iilinhft" tsthuufilzh fhffi (‘hurch Tuesday €V¢flln§- Etch Caused 3)’ 373533 ll‘ "‘°" U" rung‘) m°"‘".'‘'. "{ ma‘ "ll '“_h_,' ; ' . _g n in e si ua to i - _ , ._ . . I i ‘O C“ cac er lL‘IOi’lllllUll at ‘.1 ternilned to see a real attempt to- Tdqnm, from pan,‘ gut. aura mm, “long SW5,‘ “,,u_ The 30. mass will liriu designated gifts. rryliig WI er n Y- uggi I School near ('entr:iliii thh. “; _ .‘__g , . A . " “‘'''m°’‘ "‘ ‘he °"""" Wm ’°' B’ 0'“ 9 noon. The .»ui.;.-m «ii.-cu...a Flue dun me” in oak‘ 59¢ l vie-ts are using their money lavish- £9 all pro-bolahevist #1..-Q-ink been torn down from the walls of Rmenlzleinber--All S This Merchandise Goes on Sale To .a - . . ' 9., _- < . cyan‘ 1'” [_§,,’),., ‘had’. ,3. ‘ ‘O forwud boylhmwm in Cum ceivc baskets for Christmas and KANSAS CITY. Mon Dec. 1... Wu" Wu“ {hr ‘UPI Ameriwi Share. ummsumuuio percent} I . .. i v - . . hm 5’ - .h mt L "U be '- n through rim city was faced by . water m it » - « school 4' ---—- . °‘ ll” "“‘°' '““ s°’”°° §’...i..»....i'.l1.'.."i§i..-ii-....'.il°u..“I..»...*3.’§..°‘§3.’..,."l°.2.u.;".’i"..r the aprlr.i$':ld but mm-M -c'hm*ii' Tm Lb:-n'nfl3r.l:IP"l§'elfafeqS;tlHi1£l::1- famine today as the mu" of 8 ’’’‘’I’’‘'"‘' . __ 4 I ii‘ ’' um‘ I...‘ The "mp ‘'1 ‘hf. Unhenfly the F milltarists will admit their who of Dr. Sun Yat Sen which was p!e~iTue?i ‘S w"':{gtll: Reds - A definifi social service program break in 0" °f 9"’ u"““’ “""" T’? ‘ Mi"""”"“" ‘“”“ '41- '. .—_. 1- WA.SlnNGTONh..’D;:.._ 12a- ‘ ‘Jug? y¢.g1“d.}- cg-gum‘ ‘ti _ ‘ 39¢ 5 ¢_ mane) .. _ . United states Int-9"‘ the , in some new e ~. .i-—~= . — A ~ - «s ~ — - wm-u‘,note to 'Groat Britain 751: am (he ‘inning of the dinner wlll Nd ' the finding of one’: neighbors to ‘ _ 7 B ° 1‘ °b5”5°”.‘° V" 3: closing number of the program l merit Of Am?“ V" d”'”' °°‘, ng Sync,” the infor- - A”"""““: evident. . As a - Of ‘QM ‘Pd °‘{h.theU‘:‘hu:= The name of ‘the Plrtfner to trial db“ "‘ 5 . . . .to dinner rum in II. S“.‘‘'’' 6"“ Bm‘"' '5 teach member taking one of the guests. llax Meyer. "ho “'83. '» . . rnr ‘C .r 3 ‘I .'I .1;-.1 ’ 1;’, such a req b . , to en other allies. support it, probably it the ‘peaches ‘O their Mhedukdi A , b .u.m in the. time was introduced by DOC“? M0)’- " "“'"°"‘ °", ‘ ho lead an alarm clock which ht- ""tt" i‘ 1"‘ the. 2:," of tum; beside him at the table. governmerit for rcim uraemen o __ ,. B_ ' its war claims inhcres in the It-, ,Dr' W’ C’ qun"‘.9f.m° P" all w W or «“»=~v==~ 3:5" 33.2’: h M” am‘ the \-er“m” Then)“ ‘ho c‘el>eec'h at the f')(‘l'lln.' if lllt. ‘ or the Spa agreement or an’ " "‘ ‘ l K ution of the World Fourt cannot pr°g""" bf . affect that inherent right. 4 thT"° °l “*9 1°"-“"~'d "'*"f" n"“"" I um.“ arbitndon *5 being _ e program were a scene ro _u- f'-.': rt-tried on by tht Am¢1"l&”"G";° her" The M.n.ll"il arid E ‘ man mixed claims commission, t e ' ' ' government contends. The com- .,..§ mission which is sitting here ..o- 0 ~.... —....—-an-rs .. . e . I 1.. 910-912-91 4 Broadway COATS When fashion joins hands with extraordinary value, as it does in this sale. you know what you may expect in smartncss n¢v1~o< V V p I : . r‘ ‘ .. _ 1 Q-.«._.-.. -——-..-an ....,,,,,_ ‘,‘ . ., ‘ s .. . r. _...,x. .. , . . . ...'. Under-Arm Bags Whether your choice be a beaded bag, one of silk or leather. there is variety in each kind. \ S $2 Blouses Neatly parked in holiday boat a hl_niisc of this character will splendidly comey your expression of friendship. a scene in English from a play by Prof. J l- 1-‘ankllulw . . ‘V’ -1""'.' "- "'”§ ' ' .. .‘: : .' .m- .¢a . 4... . . _. _ A _ .‘__,, - _ o-siag.¢.....¢gpo-mp-spunuon-on-* ' " -.*»:::.'**‘“'*-.7" \ rue . sions and personal fixing the total amount of claims, A"l""°ph‘"°" ‘gt which agtrt-gate about $350.000,000.l The British case is based on two. points: 1. The United States is not a rt ' I the Versailles Treaty. 1 . . Ila" ’ lto could collect its claims as’ lath ‘mdem “"9 the bwfimphy “f ' Britain and others have done, by‘ retaining Germ:-n property seized in the war. ‘ (‘ontcnds Separate Treaty Holds. 'l'hia"goy-ernment has replied in the note in effect: ' 1.‘ The United States has as under its separate German treaty as_ the Allies have under the Versailles. Treaty. j 2. agreementpro-3 ca to have con rights with the Allies to payments, From the reparations fund. 3. By foregoing claims for pen- wances such; as the Allies have made, the United‘ Stab:-s has already reduced to a‘ bare minimum its claims, which, insignificant compared with‘ the total reparations. f The American claim of $225,000,-7 000 for the army of occupation, settled on the basis of ten-year? Wadsworth! Banged by 3 . _____‘______ ‘ JIVQJOR HIGH Glvjfi PROGRAM; - v faculty. - once in vogue. Wrench. Prof. . W. llibbard and F. C. Shoemaker. The latter were properly costumed as old Greek» Student biographies were given as the fourth number of the program. his nearest neighbor. - —v\Songs were given at lntc-r\'al.~" throughout the program by a double , quartet composed of students lllldl Doctor Meyer read from the old constitution of Phi Beta Kappa in- teresting rules concerning the fines AMA TEQRS rZI'<.'NG , ECLIPSE PICTURES 7 CAN AID SCIENCE ? BY DR. !IR.\'P2."T W. llROW.\’ N. Conn.—So great an interest is being taken in the eclipse of the sun, January 24, 1925, i that I am making a few sugges-~ tions as tohow the amateur can as- sist astronomers in reporting the? evt. ‘ 3 Have your camera ready to take {pictures of the sun during the to-» tal eclipse of January 24, 1925.i Where the astronomers may have} ‘ r you may be in thee sun is free $ 1 IYPWARIJ ;I.'..‘3oII ~ $22 _, . $35 .75 Values to all 7, "ae- and savings. That these models are very new will be noted by their lines» of slender grace with collars, cuffs, bandings and other embellishments of smart furs. usually attractive is seen by these very low prices. COATS And that the value ‘is un- SI‘€Il¢‘f‘8 At just $1.69 .; ‘ I ‘v -_ " 1 ,r at, I “V Sweaters the time when there are gift to be bought €l.filt‘.\' this under- priced offering through a special purchase. The assortment is made up of slip-on styles of the latest fabrics. $4.59 Jewelry Novelties ‘5-acre 1' l lirulltfh ( and is l ‘fig-1 Ln-trli ln-ttvoon (‘UN ,~t(i\'(‘ Pxpludt liii:,‘S .\l ii-souri Booiivillc TI i it pt U red “'01 A descend: pilgrini fimiij pout‘ Spriiigf TUt'.\'(lll_\’ aflI'1 - ~ Prcpnratio! for‘tlie lkth (‘ape (iirui-«lei .~oc'nitiun to ll ill. T g 9 4 Fire d1-istro liar Rl\'tf.~l'lt° friinic dwellir 5.'fll'li)Z8.°‘ c;.-tir Clips.-. Giriirdcl Because of \\'illipni,s at I. lpd weathe 7only place where the ‘from clouds. ‘ ' you are a professional photo-l A ‘P0031 P7031111! W88 given’ at grapher you probably have an old‘ 8:30 o'clock this morning by’ the portrait lens long ago ' ‘ pupils in the Junior High School at the regular weekly assembly. The following numbers were given lciizzed fro in j The lives 01 \':e.rc endiing pressed air ta lee station it ploded in few ( Our Jewelry Department is-the mecca of holiday shoppers. lt glistens with bright things of intrinsic worth. each one artistic in deaigning—and there are, oh. so many lovely designs. To Have_(Jiristma.s Assembly De- cember 24. ‘- meaiw ..-..' ' $34.75 . V alsiga to lets stored away and if you can _ : A School Girl's Troubles." Jalic Pear- man; a piano solo. Louise Wilson; a find one. get it out, dust it well and ‘ rig it up in a camera so that yet can take pictures with it. 50C UPWARD ~‘!'hc rifle fl 7 Academy ’ A. intersch I Iv!" ours-.rveOr the inn-Q-or group of violin solos, by Allise Mc- Cau , two piano solos, "Pa- %i‘l)lons," Schumann, and the "Music a.” year recently \ V Johns of..\'ew o $4.95BATHROBES g W ° Broatded corduroy in a large assortment of patterns and colors. These bathrobes belong in a higher price range but our buyers were fortunate to secure them at a price con- Get out the tripod and place the: . 4 upo..ia¢g.aao'nQQu.\y- where it can‘ be steady pointing to the sun. Focus it forehand and see that the sun fails. on the plate, a minute or so before totality begins. Then qoaxppvq«o. one om‘ ..-n... Blade." by Quanah Kyle. * e next assembly will be the Christmas assembly on Wednesday, December 24. ' ——~——-o——?... MAY§ l’R0'l'ES'l'S EMBARGO Says Prohibition Against Miuouri hive Chickens ls Unfounded. the f irst clevd Vivian . ' . _. .___....e..J_._ ,-......S.... , n or so for an ordiniir,. camera or the corresponding time.-i ; 3, 3,1,“ ,.,___ for the ratio of your lens. £99550“ 3° “'9 P333 “Wm 0“ to 3'0" at "19 low Pfice of I . ‘ Jjgypggsogq C1-n" Dec l2__ hftcr development. make some‘, on "an .95 secretary of the prints and send two to Eclipse. 1 2 , - 5;“. 303,1; of Agriculture ma. National Research Council, Wasli- 0 . ' ' ' y lfltwfl. C.. or to any other l , Hosiery The best son of economy you can prac- _ "fling ‘ _ advertised its, the embargo on Missouri live chick. w'""“"°” t° uh “"9 °{ the 3113-7 ,':'_ . en; tcrial it receives. , 1 “cc suudnr is to "hue hm. the grpdei - ”‘V" ¢°"‘"*dS the emb-rec ‘—'*""“‘ i hcrfby the box I M f your my A “ , . . _ . le of its For (hi 1" ,i , against the M l U S O II 3'0 ormer as ( , without toundauiiiiom pm-Hr" " , - o T P “““’ 5“ "‘°'° 5”” °“"¢‘d Krflter variety 0 Chicken‘ be" up may for ‘hip- or more worthwhile savings. ;f E ment the embargo will mega RUM SCANDAL‘ . bu sever‘! hu dred ‘h and 2 _ ' . ' former lilk ld _. damn.“ uiuoufi "’»mtn_ rtgun _______ ’ , C UIWVARD team. ~ -—-+—— ‘ Fem‘ Jury to Judge v HOUBIGANT S and i- ‘ - - 3' A t “O” "°“”S-”E”"“"‘ 12 Accused of Liquor ‘ l l A ‘ Ball?“ 33,1 . . |n‘er. ' _ Little. _ e Female Board Gin,-g. ° ° V ' ‘ . er’-4 ., 4°_._,, amt Rm“ Traffic in Jersey. ; in (3, W W '~~ Repi-g¢m,;g'- f - h - in U ited P . ' . _ - ‘V3 820 churauv-M zmtnyezvte 3 1u;wARi:.De¢_ 12__1-he federflj Vie Ilsh to announce to our patrons that we have n-- Mlzlibora. cently installed a new department of perfumes and face at the board meeting ‘of the Little‘ “"3 t"¢|'l1)' churches in the county ? Boone Pgmme A,,o¢u,;;,n at cw Jersey's $600,000,000 rum plot,. ,, powders. specializing in such famous makes as the noted o'clock yesterday afternoon u me which has already d n the; ,-' ‘ lloubigant'a and (‘oty's. No store in city cattle; and. g Firtt Baptist Church. ”f‘“‘” ‘'2 Wu“ ‘fill 1'-5"’!!! 057165118; ' - I . . stock of perfumes as ours; in foreign perfumes we I.-zed.‘ In - A " Two tstives of each of 0 “N flu’ It umwmed’ our large stock you will find Iaanynew and thlicatclodon. ‘ T are member; of am bo.,.d_ II!’ p the state will be . 1 i-fin twhbflitsae: l::ao::l:l¢ an‘ no". new ‘ - We‘ '9' mestinm vqere an. f;g°°_f;°t ‘Jr ' ,‘°‘'°“‘ ""4 Jun‘: Trim. youthful models of lovely fabrics in colors re- v ~ ~ , _ ' i . The will hue eirhi dur- V‘ _ _. freshlnlly attractive. Each style allows infinite care to I ' . . ' 3'3 3* 7°" Witud of four. as they 5' lllthoritles continued tn\'cstt- details that makes each model distinctive and individual For ’ UPWARD “ m I0 n . ' I 3 ? in“ '5' be °hd";°‘i’; - ‘'”°'' “:1: dc‘l‘m'“"“' "“"‘ P°"‘- hats possessing so much charm, the priceia most reasonable . I 1 amino. and “"4" - 0* Week-"ken. g,.¢,.¢ - s e ‘ . ll An umbrella for fair lad i. chi i ’ ”'*~°'=b6'- will be had at churehe; When «exert an -uwosed ' "’”’ ‘ "‘ " "" ‘ "“ gift. it.‘ ,,,, 4 ’ ' «" "."" intbeoou iv‘. have ‘stores from the; ., 5., 3; on. ("Q ‘mu’ “'1'!” °! ‘.’'°““'‘ .5. -,——-o-——— -. rum outside the twelve-mile . c,,,,,,,’ " ‘ " "'°'¢" "W. our war! , - 3"-v “- to Speak. limit. sensation ‘after sensation was‘ ’ °" 4 ' '«l'he- Rev. _\Mllism r. Robi brought to light and the names of UPt2t.%R1)* Cfllon Umbrellas at 8 _:——..:—._ CHINQB VICTOR WILL , (B-0 3 a 5 j other mi ‘ I; -3iIOn’toIIorrow and 8uiiday.eve-' IV The public is invited. 1 7 ‘ q.