courthouse. and first l in town as well as in the ‘country East St. Louis Livestock. ‘Die Qinton llaaonic _ bodtl-‘ Eight ' : - « , . our ' will he held on January 3.i\vill be equipped With Y‘3d|° €'l~“~ ll llnuol rm; , i l cted officers Saturday mzht for _ ‘A. .. -- -... .‘c,_ . ‘M '"'''d' "um ' "0 """"3,,d* in .w. ll. Oakaraon. xulau-intend-n_t oil!-zven the students have an nrrc- ’;\'A‘l'l0l\'AI. ‘ slog 7330?» 1 Sn: coulinx yell’? ~ I It Cold Mo v 1» ' ‘ ’ ‘ ’ liki 1’ th tn ‘.~S.l '. -1- ‘“'~’‘ ‘ . " 1 ' in 3;; ; 5;g«===-h=;_;° 33- W83; New Y, 3” -*~ l"'° o. i "“’ l 3:332 ...3§..."2.. hf. c‘i.‘.’.’-33‘ “.1 _*_*‘.;i..fp:I° ‘é1‘5o3’.‘"....r.. 25. hish‘ » .“.'i"'o .Z';*;;;*;;’;::,fl{"g:‘:,: 1 I 113.;-¢ dale;-a a an tug, - tq-a, ° ,p.m. ,‘ . .. . V i ' . .- . f . " ' . _ no to ': - - s not nearly so . . j . _ . . , _[-31-lginccrlng hate been milking an gr, native beef steers, 88.75, year , . men C_ M. _ . convention, entire. '1'. 30¢’ . 7 .. _. - .;.- , . ;. Burbowar. 1111307 V} - , _ you thlnk ii 591.11 : c--e- : . .00“ "BM DEXLERS :22:-;;"::.:.;.: ‘.::'.::*‘:;*.'.:.c:.':‘?.-,.3":‘.‘.::.'.'..":..*:.':: l -=c~~r»'- at r h’ ‘ ta‘“; Ira. S.’ F Gibson 0! Topeka: 7.;owx":i-v‘n‘Cuh'.n‘§té“ 3.,‘ I. A ltvire is wound. Some of these. it is tors,’ $2.25@3.50; calves. 810.60; ueumt-”' A‘ v.‘ B."’e‘_f__ f{‘‘*5l- 711059 d'~’ll¢l0tls 5' 4 . — l y ' -~ ' <' ‘ P- ~ ‘ IO! - '.. ..'x h... .. d .d $3"5@5 ...V esandacupaf .‘ ‘xv — . .. inn‘ bean ‘ _ song 7 D _; 434 m . land, can get connct-tlon.. oul..l<.c t r ..tucl.crll an ice. era .4 . ‘ E.‘ “d K ‘kn,’ ‘mu H"... ‘ . . ' , _ ‘fog. the bridge PIT‘? Wmiapk Roy S. Gnuom out soup? ,l;:!_IorP0l'li Iédul. 9 _”C_.—- . lgutc. _ , ll~ogs—l‘tccelpts, 21.000: market. Ed’? Reinhudt Egg”. WW’ 1 ct[:‘l(']t't-t ‘tfrlgtl " ;.\..I . I ‘la. Janie: Gordon. Hrs. Stailflflinth street. ~ . ,. , 5 w'D,u.- Kw,“ city 411 mg- Radio is_compa1-atinaly a recent! There are ten kinds of radio t-sets 25(g».'l5c higher; heavy. $9.50@J.8.»: r wu “mated {mm the School of “ . ‘ " “ '* 15° ’ it I s'n'l"m3o‘Jt?h:i':\F'la In-at ' No\'n.'t'_l7l7°"*_' “nitvttsllofii 1 tar’: ll-is ls‘m.-‘—Niz'htliu:lrs' means for enwt-imcm in‘ *hei;°ld ‘w‘""£;"“ "“"‘*““ ‘" '’’‘°‘' mcdiu{.n'h$::Z3{;1@9':2:;.J2é2;5’8'25€qlounflism in 1918. is visltint! in {T’‘f,’'‘',_,‘..‘':‘lu:’°‘’': '' 9 ‘B—‘'*’ ‘y en ' 2 ‘ i‘’’‘‘'‘’ "S" “' ’ ‘ 1' lie ' ' lh°°’°h°ld‘ °{ cdnmbh‘ According: mm lo 00' 9'50: X‘: t it "5’ , - ; vac: i Columbia. Mr. Eflker has Just com-- 2" U Kill Eliilheth “ u'‘'‘‘'’‘'i”Dh’l”, 1),...’ to . ‘———-*"""“’ ' 1° d9‘l"‘-v “'0 V35 lllro the! The local dealers llcli('vt- that the illg smlril, $8.40@8.75; puns, $6@o:; ion‘ ‘ mm of the “firm. an” ~ln'a hurry lit the ' V Ital. E. ‘ltornton. 31!} 5- 1-V35’-_s.t?u.'"'or' nd, 0“ ;M_ c_ [guu;gg 19 won“ ‘thought of upimligjng on um; gr--1‘ I-‘reed Elsemilnn is the lw.~:t. The bulk. $9@9.60.. 'l)'nrcc years’ on,-vi“, on we mm, M. ‘ .‘—lt-‘:1 the home of .phIIII. firs. GM’ L 50395». an “fie (ho, ‘inn 5, the girls‘ ‘"88'0N“BY coN'8‘§c3 tide of merchandise seemed ri-;l.Radio Corporation of Aim-i-it-u .\l.‘ll>' .\‘.ht-op--ltocclpts, 1,500: nlarlu.-t.. he Japan Adwrfiscr in Tflkm. J_,‘_ M-rxlcc. . . John Sykes. Urn. lsidor both. 0' home economics t __...__._.. diu'uom_ The people would not buy the most. The radiola is :1 new nd- .~t<-ndy; ewes. $6628.50: cannon: and ‘ W __ . I ‘ . - -V .. . _ . H _, _~_ , ,_ _ _ . pan. alflte. ......,,__ jlfola tits. J: l:.H.H‘fi .8333 K .Hu:l¥dl2,_.Bihlc’ su‘COllel.meR¢’s¢ad,ruenu;:'¢:|.2, an‘ tlnm.n‘:0:':e);;dh;)n\:‘v3',el;.int‘leie 35:3: . filctxn the uklll:l‘S,nfl§.l;l‘ffti(‘l’l't‘) ‘ 1413 (1 Elli r. . .£@.», wool lanlba. 315750?’ N ,-finiflrauh (“'ll‘ll bacon; ““' .- ‘u’. ' - .1», ' issoln '. "°°d _ , ’ ‘ ..“‘ ' ' “urn.-on III . - C ~.-, . . . . . . . , , . “'-‘E-"' D‘ E‘'‘"’' u“ R P°$',.¢g,-nk"ztIira‘:-rt:-‘the diriher and stud!’ hour.’ - ”° C‘ stratins: to their prospective cum» ~ ¢"*P*"’"°‘“ ‘"“‘ ”“"° "‘ "’"‘ "“'““‘ an l_"'''T»T¢l .. Mrs. Cordelia ill. Alspuch or Slur- ‘ "N "T i v \’in=rtrd- l|P- . !. - - ~ l “IN” C- 3""-‘¢" °‘ *"'“°"' th ndvantaz of hnvinzAr=~£' ~ "" ’”° " " V ‘ ‘ """' "°°' ' ' ed d ' ‘-2 t ' I - . . the main atalrvq being e scene _ .niers c a 3 , _. . . . . . , . lsy lu..:..l rm. . eon was ap int a numb ra nx A _ °""“ve"“' Kw‘ C"""“,',,,,u'f;x; or the display. ‘T - ." ~ - i i§c?"'l°' -dio set It h°m°- ‘ ‘ ‘:'m (“"5 ‘"'“"""'“’ '""""i"“ ST. LOUIS, Dec. 17.-—Eg[..'.\Z--- or the estate of her husband, Isaac ’ Jack's Slug‘ 2?] :.$€:M. _ l linen ,i‘erc shown ‘ . lemcétudcnt C°n‘r:‘“~;m ‘In’ in and day out the had Students: “lPil_;!T-:.U2.~‘-.l'—‘n to Entcr- l”‘l"~‘-1 1'“UY1l'Y’.\"<‘3fllll£‘-are--+« " ~i -C ~ 'e- - — '* - ‘ ' ‘r ' " :' - _ , A . . Q .4 '3 .~ ,- _,* 9.: i. L *1 1?, 9.’ ... WE'l5NESDAy, DECEMBER 17, 19 ._L ‘V “M 1*.“ :_ :- ii. 7 Th _ __ .‘. £ -"='-' V "7 _ .-..T ._ --.- ‘:.'i- ‘' - . — ~ ‘ _ : .. 7- C ' ,1 ————" v’. ,‘.3I.‘““‘“.—" 2 "M 8:<'8l..@l';» " - . -"" ., ' . - ... of thcpeople ot__.<>olon.r.;. TOD-Aytgs M“ARK ‘Ts v mm°§"‘§__.......~”9N- - , ' ' l ‘ ‘Q. lthat the dealers think time in not , fiofficers .Choaen 8atarday—Bronrn; .. .-*;..'l a . . Laying 8 While to l&q’ll tho (Bi-gr . , . _~ . . t 1 .d . 406. f‘ 1 — 34¢" - . ad: ' ' ° ,.;ni hed by the school orchestra. An ' . _. 23 ‘ Rb " 5 . ._ - - haw charge of a (-l3ll.‘~tZlla.\ |-lU- -‘ ‘"”‘” -‘- - "'5 5- ' - ”°“’ ~ .4 4-» ,,., __, , T. can?’ an. Fr‘§kg H‘nP(Ilg.i:-s’fluo:: .l'!;'t0llfl¢-'91" K3"? the 1‘-Kltt cost of ion Rt E jigrgayhmo ye5 l wflllnmcnt ."’°°“°d. ‘t fuch moms ' gram fur the patients of the l-0ullI_*.' 33"‘ - ‘,~ " ‘uh $”1°t' mu‘ iii 3 rzllxabctlilthe’ mltefill 0‘ “Ch d"‘“- 5”“ at the Bible collect kw’ czar vnb W" lb" "‘d'°‘ 1‘ "‘ ’.‘'“d W“ “C” ‘ ififimwry. Tlicy will have .. l'nri-.:. l’f~'* 8‘ ‘W E . , Country Club Plans 'P:’ul'li‘;"e'°Sni“;er°‘M;"' *3” o:€'e:‘:iat the §erv’i‘t;es. ‘Phi; pamphlet will :'0”¢L0'fO.LU5:‘l:<2:1;)=;e ‘l_I:‘dilLuS“l;t’c'-‘fl; 931‘: I I-‘.\'el‘y time she wears them (and they'll ‘- .- ,. ° , ' ‘nu’ to’ t orga° - ' ' ’ ' »- ;-- r ~; ‘ «; -' ' - ~‘ - Dances _ and W150“, Florence “why and 5:2," llnua ms 03 (;ui:mentsn!Z:d sumac market was for ‘hem and : “cur fo .1 lO.ll't.‘. lo. :3 time: .llt_ll thlnlt lO\lllgl_\ . v ‘ - . A W n - . - P 3’ - 1 I . . . of xou. A pail (ll lltlhc losts llttlc enough and I Iyo dances have been recently l M0 9 8- . ; ‘mbmom. . what time is the best to sell. - - .. A K E 9 by a. home “mum” SCOOP F3327‘ yet is a gift with (listinctioll. . So widely has the radio caught the 3 Y°”'“ bi‘ glad dig Columbia country Club for! _, , , . -- “I S. G. A. 10 GIVE PARTY of acct for February 27. It will-be at ‘the Daniel Boone Tavern. ‘ d __ __ _ you thought of llf)SlC!‘_‘.'. "5 "Christina holidays. ‘Glenn Bill I Ch ' "I 'A_ -‘ . . _ - —-— , . -3 [" . _“ *1 Christmas. part)‘. to be lriven on nuiil Jolfmaiidiliurfliairfr n ‘ "H 0'18 m.M;nh’ lo . Chiffon Sports)’ "' i a " } um, Dumb. 2 g be‘ Gl nn Brill w inted chit’ - . . . '. . - , . _,. ‘ 2: Inenithgs only liivill) be nlaneof the ciiigge comnlitt.|erclin;‘i‘£,dgt:l:: "‘ ‘t"°thU"{{'.°’;"’;; ‘X’. ‘ hfid’S 1 ‘,M’ “E” "f. HT,‘ in” 3”" “"“"l" l’°““’°" "7 £1 .- i ‘ _ °_ , . . . - ' omc o e . . . . w 2- - . ' " Jada: from 9 until .12 oclock, with at a meeting last night and the date Christin” “fly at 7:30 ouock t0_. sggdcs (::.;)L(’“mlnth(‘tllE:aut'i‘fL‘;‘l _.,.,,grt.~ \;-Un“.n_ ,, on-_.,, \ 39.39‘ ”"°d ‘l’ 11 °°l°d“ - .{.m1',l the ‘mum! da-me gwm .1)’. the 9. marrow nizllt in the Women's Gym.» ml . ‘#9; h; that i. “T. 5(‘L'n in the .«-wa£.'t:t-r new ‘ ‘ k A N” ‘.e‘r.s wan.‘ on the mg“ ' be 001 of Journalism students was hum : l 71.‘ K - A z .\ ’ ; voguish navy, l‘.l):.' of finest Scotch wool. \ Each sorority will give a stunt. ' and the act pronounced the bestr will be awarded a loving cup which has been held by the Delta Delta Delta sorority, the winner in last year’: contest. Judges for the con-. test lvill be Mrs. Albert K. Heckel. Miss IfImma(Cautl_lorn and Miss Sa-’ ,ra' Lockwood.‘ Stunts are limited to five minutes. The cup is now on‘ display at Harris‘. ‘ Letters from Santa Claus at the .4 North Pole will go to all boarding and sorority houses asking the girls i to come. ere will be gifts and ‘ refreshments for . the stunts the girls may dance it’ they‘ Chairs» Every child loves its f I own chairs. We have the largest stock in Coy. - lumbia. Over 100 style_s. Priced: ‘ 75c $1 $1.25 Men .Lz'ke--- 4 l A gift of lltl.~‘i'..*l‘_\‘ is :ilw:l_\'s Wcl('0ll‘lt.‘ to a man. llut zl :-w.-ll.-:'l7«w2l l'l'uln the unusually‘ at- tl'ar'li\v zl.~‘.~*ol'ln‘lcll'. at l.l‘I\'\".S will be doubly v.'cl'onle. ('olol'flll ll:-str of wool. sillc-and- _ won. and silk. ‘ . - l 7 5c To $3.50 ‘ 1" of December 31. will 0008“! dinni‘-dance and match party. 71°!“ 9 until 1 o'clock, "with dinner at 11. {ill committees were not ap- fln; 1'. K. Catron and Mrs. M. L. pointed at the meeting but arrange- Lipaeaclb, Jr.. are in chats? 0‘ 0°?’ urationa. . A‘. TO 00,8 ‘’ C9.‘ (“G ~ ha .10 until 1 o'clock. ta {th activec pter' —-——-o——~— . ,{T:_|ep:.u';.u °o....;. who will at» “SPECIALS” INSTEAD 01-‘ GIFTS tend the candy-pull and informal‘ Ci '1 or 0 '——‘*—-H H nodded ‘"59 “V” by D"" ‘nd ‘"3’ A‘ Kl to Use lllfcttefismfeor The girl: at one morning house in Columbia have solved the great problem of ‘what to give each girl lin the house for Christmas. There a\?V“;"l ‘M ¢ sale to sta lg $1.95 T0 33 $1.50T°$3.5o MILLER’S 0 . . Ql _ , See Our (3l_'lristma5 Display ' - ‘C ‘ Beautiful House Slippers / be informal and last from ix;-<#:«.. N.’ __ - __ - ,,..¢ . l FRESH l‘€flIIl€1‘Y mace: lola Woodfill. Mildred Ford.,' Qth flat-y Packard. Dorothy Ste- Vt ’ H ’ . An Crot- , , dcslre. ""'°“'. Dozfinu flcfizzh’ 1?" ill? many close friends made dun . _'____, __ . Bren‘. ‘hr’ virgin“ Doendmk. ‘ the first months of the school year TO GIVE EXTENSION COURSE .' Frames ' just can't ignore them a t odene fiwmc "Id Rubyfi stmas. But on the other hand l..ouiae' " Young. ‘ Tum Prof. Gibbs to Instruct Teachers in Christian Et 'cs. ‘"‘d "9 :0 buying u." 0,.‘ ml. Walter C. Gibbs of the. twelve gifts w.‘th the possibility of: Bible C°"°3° ""3" Mil" ‘W '=‘“’“'« ’ {giving unsuitable and partial ones. .""°"_ °°‘""° if‘ 'l°“°"5°" Cl‘-V ' S However. someone at this h°u“_i(‘.rrlstian ethics. The class will be} _ ‘rho active members and pledges _-conceived the bright idea of each "““° "9 “'9'”? °‘ ‘°‘*°"°"‘ °‘ ""3 , of Alpha Phi will entertain with funding specials on Christmas Day. Jc“erE°"- C"). schools‘ and they than’ annual Christmas dinner Pl“)? There is a certain thrill and ghrinor ‘ \.A . 1‘. v‘!".‘¢.s . Alpha Pi 56?»? Christmas Dinner :- 3 ..,_' . i gt 8 o'clock tonight at the chapter in seeing the special delivery man » house, vidence road. The.‘ house will be decorated with holly every-cena. and a large Christ- has tree will be ‘in the dining room. A laden with comic presents for each; come to the door with a letter for you. and surely with ten or a dozen: of these mirliivcs in one day there should be many thrills. One girl who tried the pllln be-E i i H This, Will Never Happen Butter |lCmlI!'- % ’ {are said her letters began coming; H "After-the dinnetgu lathe cus- early in the morning long before 1 |>0l|‘t."lhé Illedflfl Will Co-wltnin the she was up and continued until latel Ictlvimcnlhers with a stunt at night and each one vvas ncwsy' ‘nu. A.P zéeiroiilxidwion williun."""’ "“‘"°’”"“' Dmihaa: Goes to California. M I White Eagle (Jleanlery butter is made A daily and the delnand for it moves it quickly that we can rzlrely accumulate a__,,_, ‘° . GOTHAM -. I l 3.1;.’ and Mrs. Charles Johnson For Cl“.'l5““35 There -Is No l Gold -Stripe Hosiery , o W. mm m, Ems w_ 0”“ mg “mm” Pm cal who “get . Benet Gift surplus. When we do have a surplus, we '. V ‘ isolcmnizcd at 5f “db, 5 h’ " . . i ,, ,, ~, - -. o'clock l.hiis“:fstt.'t'n00n at the home »§f,..I’,,.,,,-.'°,,,.,,’,.,‘.‘,,°,;‘:,"_“;'§, . 35 shades to select from at‘ y do as Othu c1e‘1mer1e5 do: shit) It S0m9‘.' ofthe bride's‘ parents, r. an , ll ‘ham, left yesterday to return home. ‘' prices within ydur:-reach and Neatc and ;B_ - ‘~ ‘St’ »<. 535?: ""- uro c. R.Bibha. M l. _ . ~ . . . a , - - R3,: where else‘-walways supplying our home‘, in will return tomw:w- : F Dun '“ mm 3 qulll'ili!?8bl(l) r(:iefn;l'8fldS of silk What,‘ ‘he 3%‘ -f°.r Dad d-“'7 And ‘ - ' ' »- A - _ -...._ _ ; Read and use liaaourian Want . h . -‘.-, ’ ' Mother too,andSisterC1mre~ market With the fresh make. - Alphnchl null entertain ; Ad; El hosiery . _ _ - A . ’b b other Jim! Whgt the ' <3. '"'.....-' °'..::":::" -— * ~ .3’ =“:;**.l"l*!'.':“‘- ““‘” You ‘*“‘° ‘’° V.’ n...» l ‘ ' = at pact ouse. l” -* i r - - r , e s. e - - - i , _ . o . ,- ‘r , ‘; aolllnrruoetror the noun.-ro.m-: ll 1%?" :d. 3' Wei ht we . dwcc °°° 3 rk 3 album I You may buy some of the lkiclxlllg-. _._ ‘ "i llqulnaploolgu oithc sorority. Al . 0« ’" mm 8 ' 186 Dad’sasport. He .1 es. wh A \ h ‘ . . _ _ ' - r. with gifts xor the; A ten ---- """ ‘I """ " ' C likes music—whenlt’snght. en \ ouhe 01 rltolagc butter at slightly le-__ -r .. home. and humorous gift: for each i J 3 _ lilo. 504 chiffon. its (top $1.85 ‘ - ' hefeclswglgd. And . r. ' I. . ‘ ‘ ,1 nnunlur. will beam of the features : it .No. 600 heavy wen t. hale-top - - SIS can dances . duced price but when you buy White 1321- * " .- ; atahtertainrnent « 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . Jim is bedtime-atoryom V .. _. .. ‘. . . . H.’ ‘ ......i....’‘‘'“‘‘ "33 £3" !’n'i"‘°‘.2i°}“l' H 3?; 15°‘ 5-'"°d'e""'? ‘"“"='«'t’s§l§‘6 Say‘ I've 8% it! Just ch: ‘ '31“ °""‘"“""5’ f"°"‘ 3'0"’ merchant 3'0“ ~ . ‘V O C c e “ m 0! ...§’oooo..aoh...;...,i.. . . 0 . | A‘. honor at a ballot tyomorrow - u : No. 30 out-81%!”--.'----'---;53— . A bunch: AR3d10la for tfhe, are assured of a fresh product, gua1'any-3. 2' . . 'm°"'i°" ii»: " l l b““°h! 168 the g'herrain'°t C teed to please you 01 in back ‘ ii . ' - _ , . . f ent - ‘ ' oney . W . SPECIAL SALE --new or » ‘Pt andfilfll ' l Qllthat 8loonlington._ Demand White Eagle creamery, they ‘£307. nav'i7."ilF;§',n'.‘so-tr. ruin»? C V hig'hest‘s_coring butter in Co1umbia—a':’ Kid Gloves. in White, Black. Brown and Tan -‘..‘»~.’.'Z" ....-.4-...... ,-,—_'.--.- ,. r— CoataRiqa.andProf.Hcr-:' _ _ _ - _ ._ _ (3 Schlundt of til i igggagg gnaw ......._...~.......~:...s§;: - home product which has won recognition’. , ; -16-Button gloves,’ per pair .ffIIfIIIIIIIIIIIIfII 3.43 f’ at the Missouri state fairs. E Not all’ but a ‘goodly selection of reliable gloves at ' ‘ _ .; ~ _ . y 4... A about one-half the worth. ._ ; 3 _ : g Give onéaonrholitkl. = -' ‘W W ' "‘ ’ 3 ‘ -