n" l""‘”‘ M” ‘hm ‘"'"'n.“‘ ii" "M ' ‘W “°m"‘“"l‘)"" "Nd lu“ b““W5*‘ gets a new set of eyc lashes. llc :l\'l.\'|'. 'l’lll-’.\l .\ l.(l\'lIl'IR I.lFlZ - ,.-_, O " r" ‘W’ ft? v -\ ' :3 ‘ . ” 1 2“ ‘ L+—~—. _4—: kg; -,' ‘ ' 1 _ i . I‘ i ' __ __.c ._ DI :uB 92.4;----w -~ ,' ‘ ’"' §,.@'||radttbeman_¢e t . - _ _ ,_ _ ; - ._ u - ? - _ ~ __ - .5 .» ._ ._.»., _,i . .« 5?,-_..~,..p » c 1'1.ugj|Pona¢eal)edalve\idOI’)'.!turn.s home m "*l'¢33“|" hi. 1"...‘ ' - Envufitél m§I;0.P.!|:*,_§_. M__I'9'-*-*w,,._ ,_«,_;--"I-*°'-,__1..“_,__,._. g...a.....uu.u...m. Error ornes Astronomers, . .,R.3._.;.‘.:..;. 30__Pmm um_‘.m.. T...‘ ‘W a. mm“ ‘A M‘. “Ms cm,,_ .65., by h ‘;.‘."_’_'.“""' s.‘- 1l!'sIsau=fi‘:.n indleelualltu. ‘VWASQHGIOR. ha. 80.» Rewe. h ‘W. m . "‘hm" ‘patch wd.¥U”“ out w “nd it 51,, “,4, the 10,1.‘ fiugalows completes a ' ’,..,,i.,._ i...-., us It. Is! Ilsa. 0- am ‘,1.’ hi may ’ no. u, 5, ggnhy in tin midst n -. . 1g warned his enemies that “I-‘ssclflfl: 7 manicurllt. but she also finds-- bill. . V '—u‘° ‘d u w k W ‘ W’ mg m w h . . ‘he mu "‘c‘°ry m [R ‘ __ _ '14 . - - .~ar--—- a I-we-‘ - -— ~—~~ ' - ' , . p _ - "3 , .. 1| ——.——* - ' -- ' '* " "-—- -.........d..~ "an-"“"gst inn-Iva around We Aed- Iivflilm *' W ‘" '''‘‘'°'’ wasnmcron. Dec. so.—-Au- 1;... 5, which up eelutlsl ’“'*"¥ °°"""" 6' , “ wf Wm. §4B-fi‘'‘‘‘' ' Gen.-.1 flqh 8. Qllflllltlu nd “ah fin”. , must now CODQUPT NP - ._§. . 3, Lu ‘J. i ' --------I--'-''''''''', .’ ‘Ova’ Sufi‘. '»u“.. we touslnthepresentestltus of the attraction — mkr defined. . psi; :3‘ u. u. 1 CARRYING IIIJGION , . _ . oftbess':"thp:.iusodls:‘t"rbe&essltJr:;-ltweai'tvo bodglesdis N3: 30 ‘:2 ,_-____.-...._. - 41‘ .... ' ‘ / ‘ - ‘ . _____, ‘...... A mini ltansas Cityqtates 1°n""._"""'u”' specs s yaiciats -zconstant tuulti I by prod . g « U;i- u‘tu|u:t::_.m."u-l.mhn.‘m "If!0nIauststI!|:’d“.““d‘°‘:'; edfitateeflureauofstandards hlsiafthenasssesofthetvobodieadi-« th€'Th88t£TS ‘ In _}3"" ......-'_. wcunud '50.":-5,_ d°.“~“'”'°""""_ «iInetotboirreswewitliaplsnto=yug¢|5ytheaquareofthedistance llsIl‘I\eater. he ’ “'*“"'°”"-’-""""“’-——-—l"' ”“"‘ -.... ....» mm-*-° M vw--~ w--nu --M-M-= wwm me am the vew "T-"M-' ‘''° ‘°"‘“" “ f TONIGHT AND WEDNESDAY - 3'7;-,':;‘.‘”‘-"..‘——()j B11 so “ Y“ W W . “Y Q W m Rx“ ‘ad M for ‘M M’. in R W“. ‘ Tm“'r for .M “ed. -" """"""""""""""" 95"“ "fl" "" bl” wwu‘ ‘"5 "‘5d"m’ ‘$'°"'fiu ure. ‘ Two accurately weighed gold ballalneaday in a 9'0)’ ‘"5"’ "‘“'~"‘ l“’"‘'’' and ................ ..., reach these men. moigun-. is conducive tstneutll Th‘ ",0, ‘mount. to only pended from the end of an t appeal yo, ..."). yam,‘ mm ...“: _: _. - —- ~ “‘* l Religious I'0!'i¢1'I' Of 30959‘: Ins haw‘ ' _ fiftieth of one per cent ‘of the7g1guingm bar which in mm is 383- 300!!! V03?!“ 0‘ "W l"""'"t d"‘ The ‘ paid circulation of the workint to Bet relttton to . Doll’?-w85““°""'qd' I. earth's estiutsud ' avotrdoP°i8.-Ipended 5! a lit" '3'‘! 0110'“! 05¢ The it-cdml P3“? ‘W’ N||)"‘d b)‘ _.,,,.,,g;,,. gtcmdny 3 who are somewhat outside‘ cues. mctmfllflfltfie O uu “_ with 2| teros following it. but tbttappratna rotate. The halls thus 51., “CA...”-' 3:“:-ie Provost, Roz; _N . .. .. _ . . . . . . . . . . .. “I of the usual class of P009349 "50 8'”: at“ m ‘'‘a‘” 59"!“ 07 "lfldllldl MP9! $0 CI! it ’ follow a circular course in the air ’ s.ld Colman, .\orrnnn .‘l\t'rry a . our _1,..oks hay; alfi U . “M church, but there is uudoubtof "$9." b . bdefldd ."r_ to one fl;-_hu‘ri2il0rsdut:ido.f"ose per; tothe orbit of thevorld. nerry my-en. ‘fish ‘l‘¢'\hI;;II Ztfgtiiifll . ""-"""" ‘° W ‘U . -°‘“’ "“""‘ """‘ “"‘ '°°’ ‘l cine but 6°“ l"‘ “ ‘l"“" "°"" m Q n on M” u I‘ the balls giii their‘raettraction for i ...-'§Ii.'f.'l’.. r mi i} n». "“""' ' ’ Somehow people who are -of at l The b‘m!'.u.. C . . . 7 . . . '- . . " ’ _ f: ._ _; L. ' ° _ , SIN-‘ll ‘ . apenraent ts b¢n¢'the moving bodies is rneasdfed by tain it, In the only daughter of s 4 . . i . HVAVF 0' k‘ "boom. km ‘Th’ ‘gpufim '’du'n.‘ “ conducted in a dark cave thirty-fiveithe amount the gold balls deviate 305,3...“ fgnali)‘, Norman Kevyy. . .s.\\I-‘. Ahlb ‘ Ié V*'l""'l *1’ 1°‘ "59 "’"”‘”" °’ ‘m’: 5'39 5°‘ 3 7°" in" feet beneath the basement ‘of thelfruui their orbit. ' . cs her father, ls‘ tine of the best .\!=.»-.u_n ‘... he-nnnmt W ”""" ‘rionaries carry on 0* Volt .7'h9)’l OYEYTIIR 7''” V’‘‘‘“‘ db bureau building hue. The The entire apparatus is operated charge-tern in tho‘ playwa lovable c c«.i~.-«rratioi. of wild life seri- say those men are paid for the work! “Don't let your ¢‘°°“"! heal’... of reducing the error. atrording to I in a vacuum and the observer ma» old gentleman but too easily enticed ~l~.'. Th.- state game laws are H . doctor is paid 701' 1111‘ '07‘ ‘*9 "gum keep ,0. W‘ 0 ' - D7. Pl“! 3- RGYL P535591“ ill 1 UN: the movements from a distance to Pitt with his mono)‘. The fam- .,,;L. ndrtxftcd by ii committee . d0“_ “o',,.,,_ gag seem; a rut. _a JV - Fcharge of the worlt. is to enable as- ,through s series of mirrors in order ':lv is reduced lu poverty aonrvwhat. ' _ '_ I ..k wdwn 14-“cue, One ._ ‘Md .3", . “pa - ——-——----—-'* Z :‘”-l”' 1 tronomers to make accurate com» 3 not to affect the experiment by his and the rich and dyspeptic aunt iii i:ii....-ans: the Penn-)"""' mitt» .11 i:m't itothe duty of cv-— WRINKLES EMOVED. ‘.P";m‘°m 0:10” mw""°"“ °‘ "" body heat or breath. ' ...... thcm but a thousand .. year. "'i’ . _ ' .. ' “b' l to .The ‘h h ldball ed ' ' " '-h-d h- .» """"'“‘ """"‘ «wow ~- -">° "~"*c°° *"°"‘;' DIMPLES A£PEAR AS lI’.§‘..'i.‘L.".1‘...'..’E.. .T}"‘§.‘.’.7..°..‘.’.?.’.{.i ..'.'3 .....‘7.’'.‘.‘.°.’..‘..’i..‘.TI. .. .iI’5o.. Ii..".‘i.‘..‘,I‘.iZ ‘{.'.Ti°",..Ti?I‘.‘...§.' .~‘I.‘i‘.'.... lm of cmzu-rvntion. "'_""::t:‘:(::_“b° 3°"? 'n"‘ V” ‘M id°'_ °f ‘he; l ture. 3000. The steel cylinders are simi- lw-ing entiu:-ted with lhc «la-positiiu: Ml v~.|«l ll’-' l-' 31 “""‘"'”"’” Man who was flrut to bring t or V I ? Doctor lle-yl’s aim is to obtain a llarly rnessuned. ol the mom-,\‘. (ll‘(’l(lt'.~ to ltct “doll. mm-«l l-;. ‘Fm r-wt-rnor. ht ideas: of (‘hrintiuntty to the world. By ..‘m___m,,,.4 3-,... qcqyright inn 4. ‘ (ti up.“ manicure and all. A vnnip 2 i- in 34- l'*‘l""l mu‘ ’‘‘’m‘' ‘wc , WI‘ f('\'¢'T3e ‘hi’ “I” Nld l’°ll9"" "" pAR]s__.Th¢,-re im qroinz 10 N V V , i . i V 7 ‘AL T“ H i ' kg.‘ ’ iinnnicuriiit (l(‘(‘ldl‘! upon wt-itig his .,.V:t;~.u '.\‘.'ll be imidi-. It lb the m,‘ “,3;-hingu, but want tht-“special-«MW lack of beauty -In this other- ‘T T'“‘ES"!lM_"!‘,l81‘8 . _ 5'°‘"‘ °{,h“b"' "‘_"f"°‘ b,'“‘‘ {M ioll that with all i-incerity tlu-re ' sh?’ 'A."0S (H "”h '’""d" ‘n ‘he ""'°" bnmn h'm'is itomt-thing nhout him sltc likes. ‘lietztl .‘\r.it'l‘l!'ull habit to lH‘f'.l" “‘_i:-:.;.. in that line to carry on th('_? wise dreary world-not if the p__ - ‘m ‘ i . ‘ ‘_ ' M J . ’ ‘ m‘ ummupn "m m “ '9'") She entices him to port with hie: - . . . - -' ' lo: ' « - 0 W"-"A‘«' 5" “"‘ l'””“ “mm min “""‘k- ‘F"'"°h ”‘°“"‘ dc .°"l'h"° ‘M! ‘ “"79"” "CW"? “Vii” “"'"‘d)' "‘ lifc ldoubt if there in: more mov- litt!.~ it'll tn» «‘uH‘4'l‘l"‘- Tl“ l'“" This nta9'_lie an use 07 5P¢‘Ci0lit8- : I"!!!-‘I29 Ind ‘'19 u“’‘ ""1. th’:tvh.tv'i:' l'“°_8"“° '" int? and Poitnnnt final curtain than l.\“h‘:‘*ll\'r.“:‘ur[';l\l'. on .~;t«,\ l'('.‘v(Dl.lf‘(~1":~ and tvstnv .11.) t '.ion, but it seems rtpecializutiuri ?‘3!l‘;\;.1.e‘.'l|l!)!éKal:,:)v sixzynz‘ from Y-‘Ow on m i W “nm‘(,;l.I'a.t;actcris Are Real; ma.‘ of ..(yl0sc Harmony.» with the om}. who“. ‘hmm .mum in immwnl iuidrtn‘. that the) ~un.cd mt! -houltl hardly he married that fat. 1'! . ‘ “kin. ncnmfow Kpw YORK _“ t k h Suburban husband. imbued W" I . ‘J-‘-*i'l'i‘* W" "i" ”"m roduwd M‘.d " W” “'"“M ‘ml? “Wk ‘"'°“"d "5 we i::t(tm".:h: lizd Ti: let ltloflll Is hex‘. i.-it ti; wlttw tht'.lIuthu: li‘ft'.umGr- “mrnge from the "finished Bone’ Vliirurltdi-]~irhri|tki:l "}iiln(.' ‘:1 'ul'hf.i'0 n.“r"... You.“ laugh! Wm. .;_ mm MW; 3.: we fiodnt wuld find many things to do. ‘hey mum’ an my chim ‘M.e“,,."_ Dmmhy },"k._r.fi kw" humor ms strurnrninx on his forbidden mimdo. ;'rO“Pd‘0n:1."1h0 ':‘4‘.u_\nh‘lKI (1.;-.”rL.w You.“ “um! "i "‘ “'1 "M M‘ ‘hr \”.“u‘ful pm. ‘t;_ The ‘fire l|m0‘nlE "19 "9" ‘hi"‘’ i" ' l“u"'i’"'7»“d “I? ‘Vlih ruff‘ U"d¢‘T- lm' ‘The Blue Dxmubfi lo\'\~ it: understood llonuld ('01- ‘ ,.r M-A.-‘.,.t,. !n\\’.'1f‘Il :hrm. I | ,?uri.< which has ’t‘h0\-Ill“ ‘'V"‘’ I 2-tnndinL' from the first time she set h3\'3:dl 1-_."‘!'“l“-"_B"uf" ShTid“"' man, us the lmidini: ninn, find'~' Y"U." "'3! Tm .-zi-t--rn ~t;i'.i-~. --nu:-r all N .' i wasn't much under l c IEUFL j her [I'll or typewriter to paper. She ‘ 5 "W 85"’ » ‘”‘if"‘K "7 9 °"“'v . hi 9.4-If ‘ is s’ ‘ - . '--' l"'°"‘- 7"-"""'i “‘ ‘“'""" """‘°m *_-~- Father isn't necessarily a l"rcnch— ; ha: nt'\'l°l‘ resorted to chest}: wit or l~¢l"‘”’ ‘"1 i"“l’3Tt‘d l’¢‘7{"rm‘,M°' 1‘"‘°.hu't"i an :ll'llflltl'l]‘ \\ "mm! Suzhz .41 it--ll-H’«f«»rt‘vcriorit}‘_ lies in uwhu Price Gloryn ‘mi ..Cl0“_‘ E: .n.«-. '.~. «tn-um‘ U‘/'3 ‘7‘- "'7""> m1-dz: that a email invc.~'.mcnt could Viol“ ray‘ . ‘ rsfingysi, ’:a{n’:::.‘:.fly'(,nh iifibehtu. H.‘rm°"'v" in om. H.)as°n' He ht‘ ... .:...... :' ... l-cttm in ..-n--. the fill with ...,-t dividmd< of snlisfaco A new skin. however. is the lam - ’ " - "‘ “ “ ° " izwen us true hope for realism on ‘ .... l iuill 'l'lll‘lil‘ 2. 1.: .-.»..-d lZt~cn- t on. . of the chunttcs in Father. Ont!‘ 151' ' "fig" :"‘:‘M m!” .‘!’.°°"l"t °" ‘M "W state. lxrtme he has produced \ I» t qr. - - "" “"‘ M"“°" --. . - - ‘ “ ' ‘_ . ‘ _ . - _ l~IIl'Il|" ypcs amimr ocvef)" ’ . ‘_g d b. ~ h, ' .- l’i.'i:~—l stint:-s Trix:-Ur)‘ '<"'1-llvd h;§hfi;:"“:‘:"ah';_:_:.h::ihfl’:: :)’1fdtf(;"ttl_:‘ce'!'::_n ixixgsazhz one. : is what flows beneath the t‘r:hclai:s.mlenn,trli:eothc.\r lll?‘e?t8:nP:'l'(-l hguge aide “H” Prfliofl " ‘”"'"' " """"m"‘“ '”""'"m' -mu placed in the hands of the most compulsory in Europe. and -1 = ’““““‘ '“ ""’ """~‘ "-' “H” W‘‘’!‘‘‘‘ so-med the bitter tragedy of life. ' k’ h‘ Ronald (‘olrasn ___ -. -... thool authorities to be distributed heard is advisable. Father x1'lh.'("ll; . ‘hm! l"'f‘}“""'_°'( "'~‘*“ 3'l"“R“¥('i h " pulsiflg beneath the apparent tri. lcnh _ tma lug t E ' . .- . .. boys and girl» who ought tovbolh. or he just slams on artifacts p”"“ .\ -‘i'l'*-l "ll. ¢‘*"“' .‘_- 7‘ “° t-ialities of the commonplace. - l‘lS mas S8850!) an Norman Kerry Thr g..t.-rntncnt .~ .ll\(‘.-tlnllllr °"‘°"“ . fll()r——-pl'l(‘l‘lt‘r‘.‘« humur—-in the use , - . n - .1 id t °th t ncs.Pcrl18P~‘i|¢’ldd*"‘““‘¥°'~ .. . . .. *——- ~ » “‘*'""v"’ “"""‘ “""" ”"’ ""““"" ilidll‘:-’ °.€’..‘§'.".3Z‘.. ifiiomigiiizvtlcozid i also. and these bani“. "°l Onlvlfi '’"'"''d'' ’‘‘‘F’‘‘'‘‘’‘’‘ ‘"“‘ ""1“"'“" Cone: Island Bath House: Burn. emoyable One’ Folks haw "am" Myer- "'*"‘ “ii “”* be used to meat advanta c. 1 match his hair but have it fancinat- .. :‘:In"u\’(f‘aV?*'%:11‘l1¢'|;“\'¢'1l!* UN‘ Fall“)! In 0071-‘ Br ;r(v-)-In{K \_ Y D? 30 been i\ll0“'1'l t0. U88 3 {.011 ' ""'_’ ""'- . ‘ Or some neighbor's child may be inlr effect and permanent ('lll"llnt'I8.‘ .- 1. . . _ . . . ‘ .. c. p of coal as a Christmas gift" ‘ . . . - ~ - “fix” . 0 ~ - - d . 0 Briefly It is me iztorv of two du- Fannod by hlgn wtndk from the - ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ — .\ %ll.ltlt .\ ’llll~. ( ll . . . - ‘going to work early who should _ be A story is told about a 0\\n[l(‘l“ _ . - - ‘Clean coal weight Sat_ ‘ll... umvillititrtu--. of th'.- l'~'"l‘!" lxivcna chance at tht-music const'r\'- who did?!" T9°°R“l“‘ “"i°“d h‘{”mnd lilfcnuz w.bmbu" humr" in mm Oc“.n' nun” swept through "ms -' ’ - 3 ls0VE'S .. t-1-t". um] «.l..-\- the law is um-i utory of the art school. Many a 13: all after hc'd spent a day in one '|‘g’*fl'v‘L ‘''’flhf‘m- 11 .47‘-ldfii‘ h_U_9b‘md }'f‘“‘;°d"~'11_l blih b00398 8! COM)‘ l8f8CtOl'_V, l'8pl(l (l0llVCl'y ’ . 1*.» .‘-...-1‘ rfzlktlllx gin-n by .lud|n' T career never gets started because l of these he-beauty parlors. and you‘ N‘ _ 3‘ “ml ll!“ l‘U0<‘1|ll0l18l) V-3" l 18 l‘f‘=f"00n- N0. 0030 ill! .are the promlses we keep The tensestq truest Stop‘. of and love - t ' 4 cf the luck of a small fund at the 5.-can readily believe it after you‘\'c:d“Ul|'l “I70 and mother of his 10- teen reported injured. At .1 p. tn. til!‘ 7 - - - , , c, , i ,- - ’- . “ml "' r"'h"\.' n.:°m"v Wu". icritical time l‘erhxm:- the children ‘been the varied allparutus and the-l )'t-ar-old child. In the other lives flames were under control. Keep U115 1n m‘nd' 0‘ 81 hm Fenpd “ Ith “S dranlauc revelatron of the ' V ‘ . ‘ . a . - S . . ‘ ‘ _ '_ ‘ . . 0' ‘ ' g 3 7 . ' ..m .l. t..ur.(«‘.f (iv-pernlA.N a:iI;!1. i“{ we fieighbmhmxl "Nd ‘ mums "grim" clients. B.-llr hhi-ridzm. an “inter (garden ___ p Id! lllsh left it) Q h](|(l(>n )0md]]ce_ ‘ I - I II ' '. I'D? -‘ - - - _ V. ' vs I * D ' ‘ V 1.2:’... .» ~<. .' . v '11:‘ ' - , , ,, .- . l'__ _ . ~ ‘I’ to o in 1 o a . i)— 3"‘ \ ‘fin ‘hm’, t "W ‘court or a skating rink. Or the li- Drunk with success. he [toes (in :‘3'”::"'mh:;.r ‘h:r(s:'m{ {or — Boone Count) C031 C0. 71- 9 0 e»: v -r-«~ wm '."1Li..,"‘ZTl?.'Ef.“..?,"‘L.“§.§iTT ..".f’.‘.".?.' 7'.‘ "’.‘,'.',‘-" 5.?’ 'l"‘.‘i""f’.'."..°3I.'.'I ‘iii «'H»:-- n«t=1«-u»d wm and the ’ °“‘~‘ 83 ‘ " -.0 ' ' "5 3 s rua.-out .- ' ‘ v y "' ' * Cherry and ltaty Tracks lH']..'lt'(‘l('(l drudge husband next 3 . ' —- 7 ' 1 ' I ...... pr:-In-t‘ no-qx-ct for the law lic- I tic fund must be small. There are has just a bit of color tattocd on the Garage for int ' -H‘ '.llI' » thildu-n. Little Johnic. so many little things that need do- . lobe of ac}, (.a,__th;,. git-,_._, such 3 - - - - - . .~ dcrstumlini: feel the fleeting winks .l .‘ -- : -« h l f r lrv-n5|fll"“3- 5°”? “W "“"““l-‘ bu} ¥'°‘“" outhful touch! And finally haunt! ' 1.‘ 7:11;; nil §“}Vl‘l,:*|'|“\T¢-(‘fir l;nU‘)h'r “ndler s.us!.cti0n ‘hnn conjcs fro,“ ioted the number Of di’un£ui!hod (I{QT\IlYtflDCC bTUSh‘:;‘y lhflflil‘. . Dlllllll . ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ - ' W t hi I d- .-d Dd‘. , W in hu_ _ ,. - ‘ utte UIlt'XP1'(‘l( y as t- strum! , v . .3: ..’:l‘..£..’.‘ ° “ .‘:'°:;::::‘::...‘:':.': .:‘.'.'.;L'*‘:‘..',::';.'.. :2: .9 mm a mm or an i r -n«i=vl':I=:L' W mrd l‘=H'W" “l""' _ ‘O in play at honw. to her sccornvani- 1°16 --uul“ «lomi;:nL'. nflcn 1!‘ UN‘ i‘““‘ v . . . . itm-ti‘. of “Thc Blue llanube." the ‘ ° 1 “" "f '"" "h'M"'"' " uwurm °“Bi :,::nb‘r;;'.t:.).u:.;h:':d’;:u§h:fi . \:.-ion of cecal!‘ in (~lup\-ntflll. forrns . , . -t!.u~.: «-3 lion‘ can rhtldtrn ‘-0 v?~- .._._______4rud), for the M‘, domes‘ 1. 5, a11W‘l-’- 3“! NH‘ Wm. bound by 13 _ -ct.-.1 2- mutt‘ in:-» law-ulndmi: 011- um ‘» ’ ‘- l;¢s_IE:s-:-On curious “dent” on muuline p,)._’ ___ __‘_e_ 7 i _ g 4-7.. \\.‘:a~v‘. tht-i.r’cldcx.~p pct lhl-m an 'fl'U.i""‘" ‘mum’ cholog’. um‘ . tn." ‘rill bu,-,1 fonhi ‘ :i q»,\:n..;il.. {if law l)r\»;thln§'.‘ 1 ‘uh ;_ >3 3,‘; '9. .,‘_|r,¢.V mm ¢( “no the “-ildege Fmnch cg-e‘[i()ng‘ “K .. .\fl3I'fl(‘l\Y‘. i:l‘:.'::‘.~' ll» Y‘--Ii . '5' D"l'_"““ §"""’ """" u’ 3”. DE within I fortnight after arriving in « -_ , - -rev»-' '""“"" “hi-‘h 1 3 rm tlw -cput.iti«.n o ic-mi. t.i hm ”_n_Mmu_, ,..mm. ‘Rt . e rt-nc capita. ‘ .i: ' ('.l!lllliIi‘ in the in-rhl. Til(‘i. Jan. :0-:4——H¢-etlna of the license Cain-I [ion-gs-er, Dgd is mcrclyonc of they ‘ mm. L‘ "N. '.i.._~.- :.. rid f'.2l‘:l‘l'.’(‘~ '1 "mil"! A--rhlvfi l“ '-5‘ 7”"°"£"" crowd. You see him by the dozen.'g fl . T I ‘ ,4 I t. tuber Co. Building. . . . , ' thin C'll‘.(l('ll:lL' i-.’ [malt --m--~ that H drmkml u‘°—’“'h“'h meam‘ °"°r3‘~ . —-——-o—-—— ' ' - w-. :l 711- \'('l_\‘ \'itul- of the "lflllflll "|YlKY3Ph-5- tmng bm"'m “me Amcncui‘ "“ ‘ " I aim se-man was was soidcamnment. and win: out M “Modern Fuel for Modern Homes” ‘nit;-¢l\L\‘_'._;.y\-.~. ln~~'.tll into the rhil-‘ Fred A. Dalton Sam F. Dalton ; . I N0 -s 0 .\Q I lit-.‘ - ‘ _i.‘.=!t%-t-. . ‘-094 -. - "1 'vi.\'.\',!- 4;‘ e rt-ll lltc fm-lint that '.l‘.c Inn‘. is :i’”'”" “'i"u'r ""9 Wm“ b" rabbi” French on 3 pan“. but Pcrpkxod ‘ limit winu-r,...(‘..lumh‘;;. Rficof-d_ French liutlcr. You see. him strut- Woman seldom get» It thrill ex- tints. tmd ll’-1Il'S UK‘ "Kill Wmdo cc t the first time she is married duwn the Rue do In l'mr or the mm a ti-i-ttictioti on individual 11_'lll~. .‘il:(l Hm‘. if llwfc wan’. tilt‘ I and the first llfllt‘ she (-nun;-3 a bar_- 1,uu](-\-33-d,v,. A5 |ong up he has; ltilC‘(‘llu'l of the law they llllisl olu-;. b" ,h,,p__J(.,,.,.‘. (in. J(.,,,.\. Jam, money enough to get any new wrin- 3 . . - . . ' . mi _ ' - klcs smothered out, Dad‘: in fine fct- . " ‘ -"""" 11“. do“...-,. My baidness is on the tie. And when he finally ucliit-veal The pi-.iwc of \\'.'.lt-in (lot-»n't mnr-t tn"-,n,.¢._ --you any drink hair more wrinkles that fruncn—oh. well.‘ 3. i,.....,;; _, h,. .,(.1,,.\.(.,, in, mu m.\-,.,.‘ “mic ‘mi hm“, it. £00," “fleets he dashes back home to earn money " a- king. (‘uni-id:-ring the modern Judge.~Roanolte Times. i‘-’"°“Kh ‘-0 d“"l" “ck he" “¢“l"- 1 -3.1‘ i;..i.-.- hi. rpntoniiig it rsutll1(l._ if everybody work in heaven, as‘ ulknoa ‘NDL-sarsny 300513 I Doyle says. we shall insist upon be-‘ _______ ' ‘inst an efficiency expert-—Mem~ People of L‘. 8. Like to Look in . ‘ phi: News Scimitar. 1‘|.¢-guyglreg, Dealers say. l-.x1u-rimo-nt.- .n.o mntiiiunlly in--‘ Con‘,-9,, gm sum} back of (7001. By t:...i.d rm... :4: miulv in _ittcrea,-c the sspun of id‘;-_ “ya 3 headline, but h¢- hgd WASHlNGTO!\'.—American peo- ife of imlividuals, _\'.m' :1 great much better have them where be P19 1|"! b9¢°ml“if "10"! I05 "'0" PIPE JBENDSIGELT AROUND MANY DANGER POINTS Good pipe-line engincfring employs pipe which are usually the causeoflcaklsatjoints. bends in many ‘places in preference to el- '1 heymustbc properlydesigncd,howevcr, I‘ .vhcrm' it under v‘u_v to talc an *3“ "'3"-'5 u"’*'|-"'N°Yf0lk Lfdflff ‘°9°¢m°d 'b°m ‘heir Pcnfln“ "9' l , fi - - - - . - mm in X“ Y”: ‘my. me Bum. Di,pm_.h. .‘ .p,.,u,_.,_ . ion ttings an expansion Joints. and made to fittnto place without forcing. _ ‘ ._ ’ ‘ ' ‘ . . s . ‘ . . . . I 9 ' l‘"""°"7‘"""""“°}:°“l-p "":f“’ h"“: t‘0l.l?Ill!l;. C0«0PEltA1'lV'E ' ln steam lines which feed reciprocating rw‘s§o(:n%:t:u?f;.:‘:is miyhbczfl up . w 2- - .- t we in - 2 assoc ~A 1 - - - - Clll, ~ ‘ lit: n‘-‘ti0.i::'r l‘1‘:l'l"¢l" the dint:-t. 0!r'lAn:?rlJ8IB1‘|uIl'}' 1. t‘££>..sr,l(t)hY:* ''‘‘'.;‘“‘°‘t‘,’l7''’‘‘) “‘ :’°g"“°d s":“"‘§'. . cngmcs’ ffignauncc’ ‘:.'°.P“‘:""g fl°?" °' rages dcrivedpthnotigh thcirntgismc ‘ "n G’ The _\'»‘llinnk Memorial Fund is Columbia Covtlperative Warehouse an e P“ ‘C ) i 1' cwnmcn 0 i stcamma “ cgsco P1?‘ _ "d3?E"ght L" --D -- ____:__, __L;_C C°.h‘ve . - - . . Commerce today, which show ano SUP]-l_\'lll}: nu. m(,m.,- {of u... up". Association will be located for bus»? incnnc of mo" an“ mo F" mm mm. Much in the larimt on-r un- “°“ " "’° °"‘ ‘°' ”"“ °'‘ ‘‘°‘"’‘‘ in the value of mirror! tfrodoeed last Il|I5:C A 0 — 0 i ‘|‘ ' ' ‘ ‘:v'-'v“. 0 . J L. r ‘ are Your hair will stayim place I. 0 ’““''‘9° "“"“3"‘."f"’°‘P'*“"3‘“"1.“‘ ,'.i',I£ bends. The result; are .i.7..".'.i:.i’°.i,: il"1;lhu"ll .n c..:»in~.unity he:-ltl. work. ""1"" ‘nd w'huh "uh ‘hen year as compared with l92l produc- to temperature variations pipe expansion r... .-:.;....;, ....:..i composition. in- 2‘: "3? :y“:: ::“‘° *5’ P'~'°v.l° go... ; ‘doneu. in budnea—uen. an amounts. 2? bmd, are the most saris,’-“wry mains of in complete data tables thatform an inter- ’.m '_“"ru.my Ind pu.b“c ham‘ “.2 We have a car of bran and ship‘ 7° 5°“ ‘hi’ d°““"d h“ 3"" 196' Ieuuedthhmnestprifimfactahua gut want it all day taking up expansion and contraction. fichiapfcr ofgmnc au“% N0‘ 5" - titutinn. in the locality were taken ,,,ni,‘. .1” . Q, of dd,’ “ed in manufacturers produced mirrors nut, 5.5, 133.; A4.|§ggg_h. this ‘k is not in yon; fila, V: will be .m.. .~..n~..t.-ration when the district 'u.ggit_ Ex-shied at t33.507.9‘a’x. This was an, w.¢,,'...,;¢.,~. 3",, g, ;, viible aunt. ounuuung and Pipe bends of any form reduce the strains glad to mail vou n copv on request . W” d"‘”"d‘-‘d °l‘°"~ i Thlflliifll You for pet fgygu ‘ad increase of 100.2 per cent _over the: pIsa.ud was III FOG‘ 33 '. ‘ Ju:-°. uhnt the pedplc. themselves. Wishing you a happ and.,u-os - p"’d"“‘°“ “"f "°"’ P"“°'“"' oM'“'u°“°d"°“'d°'k“u'° "u 5.". V \ ‘ i’ think of the plan‘ to make them iiouavfiew '_ear. 3 P" 530 induztry matted ad ¢I'eaIy-|ouki¥- abiuliqtlid )- - ~ . . * ' , I Unfit lfllt ' ' ~ healthier. happier and Cliff.‘ muMICo‘n%::' :;RWWm ‘ ‘M at co" oflmnflhh "h"im°i fir“ < , be :1 good :~ul))c€l for investtzatlonl , ""3"". -the 1 « ; _ ._ y Anochuon‘ . nsauu was estimated at. - _i, by at P.)tf‘i0i0fll!1. and an interest Ad'Jm.lo‘,‘z°J“J99. “R “In. ‘Md Ml . 9 _ A ... ltut one fur 911' WW0“ V5059 hobby manufacture was 813,404,774. l . is “follts." NOTICE ' ———-e———— - . ‘ - CHICO: clans in ‘me. ass a. mcmoau avnsua. cmcsuo- .. ... . :00 O __osusnai. aunts Lnarrsbtcnaua smut HALL causes. stouracn. suiiin-=.-columns. had been‘se- 1 Vi" not be responsible for M‘ MM“-i!-8 F‘-'-m Wttkj as-A...-d&flo.4l:l..'.o.o1rs-aut..4ru..«g.uca-u. “fled ,0‘. mt, upflimmh . dmgm dehtsnnade by my win, up; uh; The College of Agriculture has‘ . Welaola. -teent to various newspapers fifteen .~ . , y ~ - 1 . h . , K uassllsill Rsans :Games.U , " ' ::::..":: :'..:.*::..: ::';:::. ".'.'..':.°"“"..... =w—~-m‘w~~ v» ~r<=w-=‘°‘..°.:':'.:' °' "" -°.':::' ‘°..*'..**"..."'...°I “ '--—t<=-’~-~ "‘~ now ......» or us would ti‘ nt to " A “""°3‘¢. ‘ 1 , cunt: I130-ourmnrmunoxumrw roan. so: riuisct sii.tnctw.'ciim. _. l -'--* ‘-v'-—- 0 .1 3‘ “*9 Ilfiwlmfllllfih IPIVOON‘ i1r_A2.i.m:~;\'r1'r.I.11) im.'tur.' ‘ " ¢1,,.,g.. ..." 1.41.,” or gift,” w Try a lllssourlau want ad. « in the Kansas City Star. . c; t't-.t:.:..1.‘.zta;..:;.-.~<-.~:_s, 1.;-,;~,;’ my ~ - .. - - l ‘ ,' t ' - ' - - ... ' . . . .. * ; ... . I . ' O I . ' . . . ' ~ . L ___*_ ' - ~ .~ . . - - ‘t '. r ‘. -' v ’ ‘ I ~.' »-.". . - -. ' ' '.: ~ -‘- ;- ‘ . 1 ~ "-"" 7" "i" " '“' "“' ‘ ' -- «W '--tuna-‘s?&cLtI.h.1;n.-'-..'..‘:J. - ' :2 . - ‘ ‘-v 0 « .' " -. I . « 3 ~- . ' t -- 0' o .' -c . ' ' " . i . 4 v r ' ‘ —-I54‘; ’ _ A ~ " ‘. 4 F “ v‘ .' _ ,,. __ A . - _ A r ‘ < - ‘ — « _ . -~- - a..- :u.._.. - >.4- ...‘..._, -‘-p_. A. , _ ‘ . Vv _ . ‘ "‘ - - .&v--v‘.-1;a_ ..v-av .5. ,. . --.- . ' , - ‘ - i ,. . .. ' ‘ - , _ ‘.f. _ . . . \. ’ v1_~.7 _ ..-r_...-.e, _.D. ., A-, ., , V.f_ . . . ' . I .3 . , ' _ . . ' 0 . _ , . ‘ ‘ - - 9 ‘Q _. _ . 4 ‘y . . ._ ’. _ ' s -Q . - “~ - - ‘ """“""“" “"‘*"-'--‘-4--"—--=5’--»---'. _t_- *’~.A- .s..de..-L"E."2‘_~‘.'!-.- *£'‘‘\’i‘£}:i...’.‘“..s-’tpas,‘‘ '’ 33.}, ,: