. . - - ' ‘ . ‘ . 1 - . .- .. .- . , r - ;,_ " - . -'-~' ' -' V -E,’ ' V-; 1"‘! -'1, . . 2 ‘. ?_ ._ '-:- V?’ :5...‘ ‘gm _ __ - o -, . V o ‘:5 9*‘ .' \ I N‘ _‘ .. ‘ . ‘,. _. _ ; 1, Ka .7‘: ‘ , ‘. 5 ‘ .r . - . V . : -I ' ‘ ' 3 g -1‘ V , ,_ . '--. “‘ _.‘ ..‘_" ‘ 1v 3; . ., _. ' “X-03": . ‘ _ . ., .;._; “- _ .9 " l "1: _ ,o . '- , ,_ .. , . _‘__9( g , ‘ ; Q .. I .- ‘_ I 0 3- '20‘ l . "' i . J ‘CV1. V. ::'.l V‘ '. .- ti ." .9‘-L_ 5;‘... e. 5 3- ....4- Jo. . -is...’ .1_', oi . one A " ’ i ‘lam-§l‘i A 0 i l i ‘T ' 0 ~ ‘i ?‘r''- A 1 l f V ‘ ‘ i liken-you Ilalltit-ti°n'inv°°'°m’=-*1-" . V. l ‘,3: . _ "t V _ h . ‘VI I I . _ .- " I ._‘ -1 V:- ' 2 ‘ ' _. ' . _ 0! Q. "—-"'—'—O'i?-—-" o — — — i ‘l!EAflmR‘SGll’E=-s-=---'~-W rm -an ~~-..."''~*-'~~ « e o ‘W**:.*:‘*...”.. .............~n. i 7- : gig“: a I’ _ -, I 9 tenets :mi .‘dwemW.hwW.*« "‘a"—‘°“£‘.~ , i , — . ; V Zanesvllle, Ohio. 0!. g (i __ g . .' A gachoolao -i8b°l1|l|l1'$¢luoM“’,. . » ' .:'.:=....i/oi... lo.T"“ov. ° 'spaso‘..’**“=*...:... .suvt-<=1°Wfic-=tt Sa>'si”:.::...:.°:*°......'=-"st 2:: ''°''‘........: ..... .....----~—---,. .. ..;. l... , ‘ _ - V W l . ,,;L I - h 1‘:-utt aaya. ‘ ~; ing cars cheap. Missouri‘ .w« ~ .- . NW P‘’‘'’' 4:: v ‘. ; -o iiumnlus V38. t.‘ . .. interests amaei-_ é-sang:-tr-glgwvql fi;.,_hn ,_ l 1 .33-M -. ‘ . mm mm “mm... o. _ . - _ ' ‘IQ RUDD _ . p . _ '. , - » :_ ‘ *__ . _> * ‘ ——-—-——-- ;_ ' "1:“§"35° : ldfollonr. l‘leiiceinll>oruintrI'°-«!°rI1|vI'ifl=35"3’l"“ ~ 3 = n: iF'%'¢9°5’ , ~ .'““ " 1'. G. Nlchda saw: mill: Sunder‘: ---o-—-.-— 5'“ were held in‘ ahcyanee. lron.coneh:notta‘Vc\flI ' » .- ~ 1; Belaglalntalnel in Bone t 25'” -- wuoliooooourlicio-irMosi.nxsW1rrr.-no iRm1~:l..,.. .. ._, y .3328 on Goon BAS$;andateel;n~odnctionhcCIntoIlntn)§N颧 . *3 Hui‘; . ~ -- .A _...to . , , I ltnralflchnola. ----- 15-db‘ W1 ‘=7 11* "I3W° °" "‘°;°""'°"'°""“°n‘:'lg:':,m|u ~ """""“ =—**!" '3‘ ’ rnoniu c. Niolioh. President and NW Developments llakeérear '-are 10'"? 9*” “*7 ‘"3 ""3"”a_y gag ilhh. .&l3y‘- wad‘ — ‘ surer of '1‘. G. Nichols ls C001 . . . - ‘ filter ihdqmllitli .7 . ‘I! E! ‘lay » lelns.- . . . . . . a V I". ~ ; ~ _ _ . - : .. . f M . . ‘ N-ew Levels of Lunng -m1?;:"° "” "° “’° °f °°”""l°"‘i"""'lm°°'l3 i. 1': . ;.-; -_; ._.-ill hdore lE'dlll;o‘:’:(,l"8‘l:(l'Illle of tllc°C0ll$:‘::~ -‘-Pfbblfim '0" Ind“3' ""“"" ;’i‘;‘;,",,;:'{,,f"",{',, .,;¢,.»t . come ‘mm? no is an‘: - ‘V. i ,,.,."""“.;g . " ;‘A‘l“t819I‘lI;l soil.-mug: inoc}‘i.i;il::ni;_y. . { ‘ . ' - . _ - » 7 _ . . : ‘nu’ ‘ z . 3 I 4 ‘. ‘ try to Ekpand . RM‘? 3'5“ “*9” *0“ 5°» '1" ‘W’ 2 "'° "‘ "'7 ml“ “”" ‘ ""' M : '.'m . “R _ " " ‘ l ltllorthcutt. grog’ superintendent of ._........ ‘user because rerleni-hid "'5 “W “““""V. "°'“ i-""""" ' Fflmh Wonthold tobeconstwfld; llonls €'"7""°' l m lam to the “‘ . nrygauru II. . M "W time “thou. ‘D’. miwmnt, i w rqnlmifi 1:9: NE: YOK};-4. new A81?‘ on the African side of the strait. 1 whoa: work irhclfl "' out Iltihlell ::hp:‘:_il:'t " 't"°' . NEW 3-34-'"“' °"”"' ' del' . Th -‘ no N-11!. «mm WIS. 9"“ ° ' . hatftu 1 slate i in ‘ . """"' . ‘ taIIMI''°*‘‘'‘'“‘‘“'.°”°‘‘’'’’’’‘ « “year ‘I'.T’31...... :1: When the United autos soul ‘puma Britinhfiaad rroocli ‘ 1”’ C"'i"":'; “'3'; ' ::...gy uooliliolo. . to? Mr. Nichols, during the course of. 5”‘ 7°" *1” “film ‘u "ted basic and productive lines there was V“ ‘W995 l‘ ‘wt ll‘ us against lohamxn§dIni'!‘G”“ 8”“ '3 Pn."§’d”.m."e.; G153“ 5- N°'$&- an-5 n sales canlpaillt. had the oPP°"' 3' ””7°‘ “‘l" ‘n,’ ‘beau we 1: at is commonly known as hand . was looked owl! 89 uigdlflfi °7 ' poaaeaslons. Italy will he i 1 °"' '""°'.d"u'”h' " perihendent of ififla. 'Ioral‘ 101131)? Of 05M'f\'m¢ N19 M50019 l" t th ice uwan‘. . ‘"1 flu. mafia of to mouth buyiflt--l1ll)'il1t Simlill’ W ¢ 3“d'°i‘7 l“ l"a“'u'h1 in the tmderstandl if Hosao "fin ‘ht bun“ °f ‘hut ‘.°fl”" ufiifiu mu“ '“‘ .‘..§‘§fi]y “Mel Boon; County. 3 :1 pr. f‘~ .‘ ‘ ~ general huéinesa would govern this mp ‘Me with cumnt ml , 70¢" we accept this billion dollar ;“,i,,,' “.4 if 5” 1 ad the ranean differences nd_the natal» “Rafi uncut‘. 6“ gm‘, the “H The ‘cue?’ in mm. fnnnwfi: «I for t e ln erlor P"'“‘“‘5" ""5 ('‘°“‘«h5l° "" ments. ‘ ¢0!'P°i‘|l~*°fl 0 I ‘film’ °‘' ‘ -9!-‘ranch can reach an underat.andl!‘ll'mhm°”.‘ °f ? "'3' pom’ ‘hug’? llnrh Ian. the neflwan to contratulnte you on they 3°97 mnmce w'.“.gW° ” nuudulory ‘t at on,“ cut 8 t h~ midsummer conditions be-'" “‘h°"°d l" ""*‘l°‘H""" 0 concerning their conflicting lnt¢l'- ‘Fey dun ‘loam’ ‘dqnd m¢}ufl1;u of isplcndld achool work that is being $8l-15f3Ct0l')' 0910300 it canned tgatha vr!3i- “gm shun 1‘ V” “idem ant fines: and enllthtened eat: in Asia llinor. . l§.:;ih'tfl:::‘n my ' to modern lnttflire-idooe by Y0“? Dl'08're8si*'e corps 07 °‘"' f“°l"’t"3' 9' um! Ileatlal election __ “"""‘ ', - agernent. ltssharesn ; _ tel‘?! H V ' ~ _ ‘ 1 i -_ 1 - with the‘ chance of Ivolhnt ‘hen 3“ {‘""’°"‘ .“°"' 3”" ‘° “W ' low as $8 in those only days have i Tl” ”’”““‘. °f °'‘‘'“ ‘‘ "l°:'P|¢lou8 of Nd! In IIn5fl"“l"3- T.l'°lufi°”‘ . - .. ,‘‘7'°h°‘'‘ ‘“ B°°'":‘ (‘’""l’ . B£0o:C BOOIIE Counfi’ Coll “ Gnu Brian thy any h" ,9‘: with large crops and a r um. ¢CVp ends of Africa have forced this’ ‘M 11." that on any in on”, “V”. ; ha ,,,,t_ )1,-‘alder the work being done ln . d F . . and ‘t nnupecud good demand for them. owing to the '_t me" new. agreement upon London and; Norm Aha“. ‘M their on Hedi. Nonhwu “«,,‘_ awmfilagn guy County’to be of a vcrv high scan - Company ' broad T"?-1’ hr” yen‘ ‘to - lab’ d \ou have n H? lue school . 15.5, but the agony is all over in _ P390’ f‘”l"° .°i "°p5 ’ Zxwerc those who held that the limit 'P‘"“ Th’ °°n“’” 9‘ lb.’ 899" ‘tel-rancan coast line and their own tlM!'-C5931’!!! ll’! (dill W ‘hf b°“"' "'3. r’ “ "Th , Phone 88 , . five or "3 ‘uh “ the wage. Wheat prices advanced sharp!) ~o{ henna“ “pad” -1)“ be." ‘efforts to recover thelr loat.presti8‘9l.mbitiona in All! I130’? 3323"!’ "'°"' l'°°3W¢, ,.flIc Bible ,3 not‘ spirit among your tent-her.. . Cherrv at Truth: as" (mi, {W 0, and there W85 the unusual spectacle; - gl!I»n01'0¢¢0 11“ 35153913933 6” “'54 ‘ tl in la ht than. Under a state law the‘ are for you 100 per cent and, hen - I . ‘baa: our sin“ e of an advnncin wheat market at a ’°‘°h°d' 3” ”‘5'h°d7 th’ t’m“'R7 ‘ I the [sum mo,¢u.m “mph n°'.pnd°mm‘.n y im.'.ud u‘ - " in ‘"1, 1, ' 'cutt you are to be congratulated .aia months . ‘ in this day to say tllll.-thls new‘°" ° 9"” ldomestlc ornmutions and the. teachlnaiof the mile. on ll . _ ‘ . . u H the llllle \~_.11(~n the movement from ‘the. .‘ _ h to 3 Then ‘.3 never ;bclleving. they have a chance for-I mhhmic ‘.3 “not .0 th”‘un_._{o,-1,554,“. hug the ‘aflflrpn 3: the u::7mnm“u"l:'u:‘a‘°r:;‘:%mu‘,h'.be- fa~.-ms to the market was heaviest ti: finytufp inpme flaw.‘ “story. thclr_caoac ‘at the cxllenne of to her “pew Fame “,4 5,-uggschoold receive their moral training fundamental conncliitions were 5° um ”‘° 1'” "‘°”“ th°"‘;(;:‘e:n:e$ -and no.;ver has ‘amt d°:";§“:"" the spumh die lBl'll,8‘:;l‘.fl.l Italy. gherefore. may Itgep « in 831:2: "87- he . “kc out a Sack of “White W“. tomorrow eco mic co ltions ware _ . 51¢ _ g 33 pg"; e t or Q ‘ lino ve . flan-at: y In t c or In-ale Lemons. ' M - ” - . ,«,‘:‘,‘,“ stllllulation of the war, we might ;tator. has been unable to assert fife the time being while awaiting de- “We are lnangurating in Boone ‘ ! . were so confident oftllia ‘ ;’(fqd::)°f::t:$eF-itjgzql If 5:)“ ‘:e_ . hug been 10399; in .1-fin‘; :5 i;'ut:<;riAt§ ‘of a velopmcnts. {County a of‘ tesgll-. = ‘t t ed up thcir—‘outW= ‘ . ,‘ ‘ ’ - ‘where we are now, but we won ‘ 0 "C8-3'! 9 . , "“"'* i ink mo II 08 - 2.5: 3:!’ behind in their ‘"9" ";:'d$,m] luff: 1;? zxrfiozfi ‘ have reached this point in due time. l one end of the llortllern coast of flit‘. M AN lVHO NEEDED . ern interpretation. llorals can be‘ .. . . . . eipvring deliferies. While bllfldifll 80- ’ ::;:En_a:-:1: find‘ bufiw“ beam ms The advance in sterling exchange continent to the other have taken“ $5 NOT g taught through everyday lessons, ‘ tiflty was ntrecord hi-caldnlr. amgdpmgit Fvm ix,'fo’n the 9160 and in all the exchanges means lheart from this fact. ; fthrough history. geography. and 73m business curves have a way of .50“ were “'1” ‘ a decided impm‘,e_ uomethlng. It is never posslble to Rdiflws W" Feud. V GIVE IT: economics. Thus a lesson can be‘ load!!! up 300 5°“ ‘*1’ ‘ha’ °"" ' lnent in general business. Retail "“"°h an” ‘M1 ‘fled in the fl'.’°' 0 In Egvpt the British have had to __.____'._._ ldrilwn TF0!" 91¢ lift‘ 0! 301309 C89‘ 0 is not always possible todmd man or!" business began toituations of foreign exchange with ‘fact. thgeffed of we Moh‘m!ued‘n51 The county ccurt was sitting at‘ sar. The great thing about the R0. M one‘; fingers on the tnrningtfed it the pnomptneaa nor exactness which to man 3 c0nfl.g,.u;on from Q,” 5 the court house Tuesday dispi.-no.‘ mnn emperor was ‘that he was not‘ arjo account for it as it oc- g‘ k “ d t B .k 1 Jnflrltet Stotlhts are I‘:§nnlly able to;mn of A{,.;,_‘.,, the Mega“ pu,-po,._._‘lng charity to the worthy, when inionly a great warrior. but that he - ‘ , ears; Sometlanes Nature takes of I ‘ fit ‘ ' .° ‘D mu‘ h inpply to the stock Ynlflteli in t!'n¢T- being to f‘n the nu“, w,,t'.,-dgcalnc a man who asked for a “loan".hnd many other good points. And 0 jr ‘ in things in a most unexpected ; . dub: '3 m°‘".mtm° ftfed ‘jest Ii”: ‘ . AS I mlttel’ Of fut filrures Of’-.fmm Egypt and en3t‘W.rd from name! :5, offering a note as ll promise , no we teach the children that Caesar waf. She did this S"-'3!’ by 1l“°“'i“3 ; B’? .e.n,im;:_‘:;a°,.e 1» ugouufic W ' '-"3d¢ “hm”: wmmmhl hm! IN! 9,-o¢,_.(,_ w._.,-9 this ggiufion to get to return the money. was a great man not only because \.V _ .V3W¢1' *9 5'33"’ °“ ‘aw 1'9 °f ' Lwefnlz; :1.‘:,,-0 Ln -.}~i.:,°.°¢.,,,e ()1 jute .f"'“°F‘ unmt h’ ma’ W mt’ '{ out of hand, ll religious war by the‘ xhc man's unusual request caused 6 0° ‘T’ ‘ Put 3',“‘‘’'‘1- 5*“ b"if‘3 ‘ l W l ' ' 3,353], decggon ‘:..i'th its m.a.whe1m_ “ml” ‘mlflule ’°°'m °p"ln‘° R i leaders of Islam would be the out-in ripple of laughter among the se-I 0"‘ h"‘.°7>l“'-1' 933135" 7'07“ "“'l"<‘h “ ‘,, e To all intents and purposes over all ma “mm in) mflcwafifim to be 139303 9"“ '“"‘“3"’l° 9'-"°", h“" come which would seek to place all‘ date court, but upon investigatlon.1h° PUIMS ml! lam 3 l°”°“- A W flit! ‘ ' ' h ' ‘ 9 hristian civilization in North Al’-‘it was found that the man rcnll It is a question whether teach- V - ' . follow - - ~ 5 ,--............_ _-._.. .. iii; 5 3 E’ 3. demonstration and than the flood-. , ° d h ct" lc f1- ' d fth . v. .‘ th Blble’eome.hool- h o l . ‘ omen-ts re W. ...,,,, ,,.,., T... ...,.,., ,,,.,- . s=°mrv- but 0-» Gm‘ Br.“-'== feel» ?3.°Z‘x‘Z'la'5I ‘ ° '°""’ "' ° “TI .'.'Z..L"C...°... §.'.?§o""’ 3'5 «fauna or v-llous Will Increése Your Egg Production #5 rill! Up to straw hat tune. ht ;‘_hich a‘;lp:hi8‘time been . ‘ ll and that I-2u_r0pe feels it. France 3 ‘mm ‘nmmon is so serious that ‘ - | unions would be desinue. Sum»: . . . . ‘IQ Gcuk Tn‘. wuk mirror of zfneral business condl- " to be "mprgued by U: Fm}. : F'rancc- and Great Britain hovel !l"“""d°"l N°"‘h°"“ “V59 300 '0'"? P°ultl'.V men know that Proper £9511“! w’" ‘'53’ *1=*8“"~ *9‘-'5" ‘°"°‘ '.'"‘“°’ “‘ lions simply broke loo with ""d"t,‘,“"U"?f“"f"’s“‘ "' ;1‘f,"ibuiiod their colonial rivalries in or-‘ T()DAYv3 MARKETS parents have objected to Bible; terially increase the egg, supply. The problem is to fill!!!‘ ¢I3fi-'J_§9F£_’°“- l “'5 “‘ fundamental conditions ii with 1"’ wt 4:’ f C m‘"‘ ynd Q1’ Tder to face it together. The I-‘nnchi within! In the !*¢h°°{8~ 2 obtain a properly balanced feed. “White Way" chick- eflfld 0” °=°"°““‘ °°"“' °"’ "““ little unemployment, with huge um." ‘ ’ " ° W 3". 9 "by he and British are the principal no-3 x “Mun! parents think *1!“ “"4 en feeds are unexcelled for winter feeding. Andapou 135 “°‘°hl38'° M lb!‘ ‘ inga bank deposits and with rgood 1 mm‘. cone,“ 9 ‘pint “:7 ' hnmmcdan colonial powers. They; Kansas City Livestock. :B“’l° l‘ “°‘ “"3” am’ °h“d’‘°'’ 1*‘ can easily find the kind that vou want 95* 0*” “nu furo an outlook. all the elements om» ‘H Europe’ ‘World tn“ “have been «us icious of eachln U lull P “me lb’ ‘°'°h"‘ ‘"~' i"‘“'““°d bl" ' ‘ ' u-deco! -"rm! ¢°°d*- 9" 3°“ ‘ oéeoopfhoi-o for rood Alll“"“ “."m“ "'6" ""' ‘"'d ‘L other's Moslcnl ilgiicies for floor’ rXRNS :dIT1' J 2 ''‘“F‘’’‘’‘‘‘'‘‘'‘''‘' "°‘ ‘° ‘*° “°' 7*’; ' ° ‘ “*9 °"“""3' M8“ - 1* "W" = min \‘.‘I.£i needed was co . "3°°"‘.,,“’ M.’ "'°‘"” '"-"' E: "lime. Since the endinx of the World i 'c.,u._._,f,u,i,,,. ' ,"‘5'f;(,. '.‘,',‘,',,k',: force: that there is a state law mo-I Bl'0a(lWay Col“ 11)’ yonare aqcnsltomcd lo bu}y‘u:'$3 jug:-ance that politic.1.¢¢§,j.3:ogu¢;;“"k:I ‘;°q‘i3:8;l)Ol;ycm‘l’1h‘t|gi:.sllllimit . W". um. have 5.3,, maxed i;_.i‘,u,‘d’.; mm.e'1;cd s7_5o@ higitiilig , gible-teaching in tho. ., . - 3%; 303“ doth”? *°“.1de)“°l b9c;“°"'~‘da;° 9170" 3”’; med 0, volume 5, to be_ "i;f|1hdi:1°l"¢:e¢n lnngufaig 10.50; yearling steers and heifers. _ 5° °C°u”|'d". I in Phone~225 Thlrdand . .. . _.: _ . '3 -, 1" ' 0gb‘ ‘WK’ IV? C! 0 $4."5 10.25; $2.50@7; ve . Ba’l°-' ; ' ' _g tfdlnaizua 9°" °‘ :e2:_. This 033Ul'_lm‘9 "13 7°l1h°°mlf|¢- , b.,.,,,.,m ‘re. :1 b§:b,_.c,u;: ; Turks. Anglo-‘French antagonism lggégghg; 533:” ‘ad (:43: “I find that the children tbeln- " ' ‘mm W this b‘. W, ,,,,,,, «BY 3“ "‘° ‘*3’?-2" ' ,;me country is big and business is ; ht! been 3 minor ml" of 00°00?-l $450 7.75. 0 ‘ _-_. ..,------. .- - - ' upon a o ' e ' ill. . 5' - - .a mom arm the olslami H ' 3 - . . - ,3 , . gnatlonal. The higher’ wage scales 3° _ "3 P1” 0K8—R9C'~'lPL'>. .000. market. ‘_ °f,',:t",l,,::"§; 0;. °‘ "-'*“°*' ' “'4 "'~"°’ *"°'"' "'5 ;have lifted individuals to higher le1'- ‘Pr°P=t_mdw1e- who hive véinted out: steady: lioovy. slo.7o@10.75: me- “f o _ v 1 ed ‘M thtthuc wazarush into the stock mar yds of living and mania”; ‘ad ;to their followers that If l"ra_nccI diam, $10.25@l0.70; light. 89.70@ ' rncrchnndne llwilozkedu “sawed . ket to anticipate it. Wall street lbrudened their buyin‘ wry so igfid G;-egg By-gum; could be mated: 1050; pig, ;7@3_ =-l.U"'l'.“‘.".°‘F"“1 - P will no lonter the crooked thoroulrh- um indunry is expmdinx .m,,.d, ; to hold each other in check, the; she.p_.;!¢¢egp._;, 500; mun-1, P011!‘ r l .‘ ‘ '0 . ' i ‘ "M {H T“, :.::,',:1§?m:.,,1;f §:"'b:‘"' T'?"“;g.}:’$: ‘Li?’ M95‘ ‘ ingly. This is a rich country, not ’ 340319338 would be I510 to 86?» W11“? steady: lambs, $l3@16.'a'5: ewes. - 0 - S llIldIl'*S u‘,_ p" 1.“; :0 do gbout entering : of we Nan-on me” way than some. 3 :’:_*\~ in lltfitirlll wealth, bu; ll; th:;,. :15: o;-gnzedwin A:-ica';‘ . . ~ :8.75@9.':5. ‘ ‘~ ‘ into ‘new commitments for SOYDIDCTI1-or buying ordfls “me from ‘"0" 3:9"; "3 ml“ 0? 0 1'7)’ Thofi 0:8 ham d oB ttzlllflllf. V_ _ _ _ V _ , - ' ’ 9 v l prosperity. c renc an ritis at ast ‘ “_'l’l‘l”v"‘° "5,‘°‘hl“‘ °{ f“‘”c"“ ‘ the borders and under the seals. 4 BL ______,_____ f , ‘ . . uncut“ Hence-in the I *1 ‘me’ For full six «can after the elcc-. Committee Has New room Bill. *h':d° '°‘"'f°","°" ‘’’°’' '''"° *’°"“ . llvlnznr con. co. D H . they-gwere bargaln overthe “on. the Stock :£mhn‘g‘_ ‘in ‘ i 8’ Um“ P"... im e the too 5‘ of the followers of Cut.‘ mm C.“ y . 0003?? ""3 °l°d’“ chap“ ' stalling maelstrom before the edge WASIHNGTON. 13- C». Jill. mnpxg :::ncfe' cs&ec"uF’!'_'eh‘; 20¢ 99? bud’?! "~'“'¢"°d " - - v . . . ‘ lo , o , than at It}? T-la": 1:_‘f“¢l° ”°n::'icd’":.‘.'l began ‘to wear off the speculative The Salute mmittee considering 9 govemmem ha ‘outfit to tangy, New this 15' e. u gcnchuiuasm and even then prices the Postal in rice and rate lncreas-. fol-table and economical car of the coach I’ « typo, Dodge Brothers have provided it. « COLUMBIA THEATER " chino FPO" ‘Md’ ‘'9 ?°“" is 9' held and activity continued but with 1'5 todly l‘€P°1"¢d 3 0°“ 3'-15TY'"1':the impreion that Fun“ is so deliallhlll ldlusmd m“ "T ‘" f trading more discriminating in char- «crease bfll with proposals for a com- 7 t elm‘. There may be some inflation; plcte revision of the postal rates of “ '35 to individual lssucs_ of securities. _- the country to provide for the nec- ? aof 'HJO*ll|¢!fl~ wh°l°"l°"‘ befl“ but this wll duly correct itself. cssary increase in revenue. The. ' 4iP:§§'°o:'-:''c:.’sCvi'v‘i'.i*i. I 0 l1'ledemandforat:mlywm- ‘ 1 | ' I lines of the body, in the arrangement of .cral Postmaster-Genenl New in his ‘rec-§ i IIIIHIIIICWNN 3°" “ll 3°°d"3 because the band-to-mouth buying ; ommendation to Congress. l ; sad kept §,,.,,,u,,;c,., down and it win til“ ‘had fiéom ‘d““°° °" z talic a long time, with no excess la- fifiallv llcaltaltcy. 58330 l” , bar supply to build up normal re-g _ ; scrv 5. tion comes when there _ .059 fir“ ‘° '99‘ ‘l V” we ‘“t°'?°' : is speculltion in anticipation of an 2 £9 IIIUE. Ilthoiltli 13"’ ''V’'“3 . abnormnlldcnland. but’ for the prcs- ' flflfld 353N631! ‘IP03 “*3? “la _“ ‘ on! we arr busy catching up from a '88 o 330 P‘'°d'?‘”°“ ; auhnormn , - 5 hfliohc nlinvdildwn accordlnzll-? What at the outlook for 1925? ' - In ‘this country we are operating on ? _ mo-owl} hasispfl-high wages, high 5 ever ‘known. " and in the exceptional dimensions of "th doors and windows. A _ Thccaris laoquerfinished in Dodgé Brothers ‘blue with a stripe of oarbouche yellow. Fittings and xtoros are first quality. throng" hout, and balloon tires are standard ‘ equipment. Sofalrasrirlingéoxnfortand TONIGHT ‘AND SATURDAY F the interior for five-passenger comfort. D H-5 , t,;- areoonoerned,-itlsohly necessarytoadd 0 ' pl 5 ‘-,:.';;::*:..'::*..§ :: T. ~--~—~~.--—-—~~-—~ 'h=!**8hI1t9n.D°ds° Fathers ' us 7. e g V A Broth and cushloned Dodge J kert_:o'll"y"eio.i 0 ._ _ 0 ..- I .. 0 ‘ ~»- - - H e-'F?'...‘:.'..'.‘.*'.;.; Start Your Business Right . . o . i ~ '_ . ~ . ' no . V ~ ‘ i - ' ‘$1,995 f.o.b.Del.rolt . , 3 _ _ i : , V ' " ’ . YLO. _ _ y {-40 g mums ' 7 -. pans-07!:-oodway = i ""5? "5 ' _ ’ edgera will It lec- possible condietlp ylgrflltlle ,...o. 0 0 ‘