TI-IE} PHCENIX. flllisrcllzineous. ,i,ia1ng2r’s Qtarhs. Ezgal hinting. BEEBE, HALL & SANDS, CIOMMISSION PAPER DEALERS, No. 27 BEEKMAN STREET, RODERICK BEEBE, _ 7 CnAiii.Es D. IIALL, New ‘Iork. CHARLES E. SANDS. 8 4-f ‘£00115, Sétatiiiiicrii, its W. D. ROE & CO., . STATIONERS, PRINTERS, ——ANn— BLANK B 0 OK M A N UFA C T URERS, 59 WALLSTREET, Corner of Hanover, New York. PRINTING, ENGRAVING, LITHOGRAPHING, BINDING AND RULING, In all its branches. We have constantly on hand a fine assortment of both STAPLE AND FANCY STATIONERY. @"We respectfully solicit orders, being confident that we can give satisfaction to all who may favor us with their patronage. ~53.»-._:_‘ WILLIAM D. Ron, ) 7-6m PETER MONEGHAN, I Proprietors. ltlehioil. DR. D. R. SHANAHAN, SURGEON AND ACCOUC 8 EUR, Can be consulted at his office, No. 67 Fifteenth street between 6th and 7th avenues, N. Y. 7-tf llnsiml. D. MANAHAN'S BRASS BAND. MILITARY & CIVIC PARADES ATTENDED. PARADES, &c., supplying any number of Musicians. The Quadrille Band attends Balls, Excursions, and Private Parties. EDWARD MANAHAN, Leader. No. 441 Broome street, corner Elm. N. B.—This band has no connection with any other of the name. 2-3111 “fiilliarhs. PHELAN’S ’.—”-"B1LL1ARD TABLES AND ‘COMBINATION CUSBIONS. PHELAN & COLLENDER, Manufacturers 1-3m Nos. 63, 65, 67 and 69 Crosby St., N.Y. £01152 gtfuriiislgiiig ®llIIllS. « T. LANIGAN, MATTRAS AND BEDDING EMPORIUM. HOTELS, THE TRADE SUPPLIED. Best Live Geese Feathers always on hand. Fancy Iron Bedsteads, Cribs and Hat Stands, manufac- tured and got up in the neatest style. No. 67 Bowery corner Canal street, and 4 Essex Mar- ket, Grand street, N. Y. .-3:3 Branch store, 80 Fultdn street, Bryoklyn. @lIIl5 mill fiistnlz. MICHAEL 0’CONNOR, Gun, Rifle, and Pistol Maker, No. 42 Fulton Street, (Over Horton 6: Robertson’s Jewelry Store). Double and Single Guns stocked, and jobbing neatly done. 345 9-tf Iifizits ant Clings. MURCH, HATTER. Car. of 20th Street and Third Avenue: Model Hats and Caps for Gentlemen, plain and fancy styles of Ladies’ Misses and Children’s of every variety, produced with inimitable taste and fashion, consisting of all the various braids from which summer gocdsare ma- nufactured. EVERY OBJECT HAS A BRIIGHT AND A DARK S IDE-I In proof of which 0. G. Murch refers the Hat wearing community to his beautiful TIA TS FOR GEN TLEMEN These HATS are truly dark, yet bright as the diamond and with a lustre all their own, they shine like a. good deed in a wicked world. _ Remember the HATS of MURCH! The HATS of MURCH Remember 3 Long life to the Hatter, his glory and pride Is ever to give to his patrons much more Of that beauty and grace which kind nature denied, When she fashioned their heads from her beautiful CIIAS. G. MURCH, Hatter, [Store., ‘ 220, Third Avenue, Corner of Twentieth street. JOHN H. WHITE, LAW OFFICE, Residence, 32 West 35th Street. JAMES M. SHEEHAN, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW’, Office, 13 Chambers street. No. 169 Broadway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Now York. tf 1—tf. JOHN MCCUNN, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Ofiice, No. 39 Wall Street. MICHAEL DOHENY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAIV. Office, No. 6 Centre Street. Business hours from 10 A.M. to 4 PM. WILLIAM.‘ E, ROBINSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAVV. NOTARY PUBLIC, AND couiuissioxnr. FOR SEVERAL surns. Law Office, 267 Broadway. New York. Residence, 219 West 32d street. 3—tf. 1—tf. JOSEPH B. TULLY, ATTORNEY AND ooUNsELLoR AT LAW. * No. 20 Nassau street, Room No. 10. [19-tf.] PATRICK R. G-UINEY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. No. 3 State street, Boston. Office hours—from 9 A.M. to 4 PM. ~‘~VlilM ---~ "'0 New Y 9 to 5 P.M. B. s. TREA NOR, ATTORNEY AND ooUNsELLoR ' AT LAW. 1V0. 12 Trc-mo'nt street, Near the Museum. Boston. and the United States Courts. amination of title to Real Estate. sittings of the Courts except Saturdays. Business in Norfolk County attended to at No. 9 Washington place, Roxbury, from 7 to 9 AM. and from Mr. T. practices in all the Courts of the Commonwealth Particular attention paid to conveyancing and the ex- Naturalization papers procured every day during the 13-if. WILLIAM J. KANE, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. No. 13 C/mmbers street, ]Vew York. Titles Searched, Mortgages Foreclosed, &c. CLAIMS ON IRELAND. O‘GORMAN 8:. WILSON. RICHARD O’GORMAN, EDWARD J. WILSON, Counsellors at Law. No. 122 Broadway, JVew York. and other Law Business in any part of that Country. aug4-3m. Having established efficient Agencies throughout IRE- LAND, will undertake the collection of CLAIMS, &c,, Estella, auh fiestaurantz. THE FLAG OF OUR UNION, BY T.coRBETT, On;the Tenth Street Road to Calvary Cemetery, (Late of the Brick Building.) IN THE FRAME COTTAGE HOUSE, the Cemetery. Refreshments Always on Hand. On the left going, and on the right coming back from The best of entertainment for man and horse; Recol- lect, you will see the Flag of Our Union, by T. CORBETT. P . DOWD, PROPRIETOR OF THE SENATE, No. 47 A/rm Street. Wines, Liquors and Segars, Cold Cuts, Sandwiches. &c. 2 t T . L Y N C H , FULTON FERRY, Brooklyn. Choice Brands of Ales, Wines, Liquors and Segars. Keeps constantly on hand a choice assortment of Ales tibial. C O A L l C 0 A L I J. BAGLEY, is now prepared the best QUALITY OF COAL, forfeit coal. Yards, No. 5 OAK ST.. and 7 BROAD ST., N. Y. to furnish parties with either by the Cargo or Ton. Guarantees full weight, or 7-Sm STATE or Nicvv Yonx, ? Orricii or run Si:('iit:rAi~.i' or STATE, Ai.iiANr. Aug, 6, 1860. TO the Sheriff of the COUNTY of NEW YORK——Sir: Notice is hereby given. that at the General Election, to be held in this State on the ’l‘iie;=ons.’u‘re St., Boston. Ciieapness, Fidelity and Dispatch. 3-tf