3'. 7 »~‘..3. "'.-;',..§:\’:!?‘;??i‘l’*: ‘-7"¢.‘5{ ‘*-'‘T&‘:-’.' Q ' g " T*.".i~‘2 is t -. ;~~;<.~‘~~~-%.-~ -2*.-2 _ , _ _: - e S H *5 at- , 1oiN,ilsrvmoPbss i v 2 """' ""“""""" SBBU ‘ , ,_ , -In ‘II-1-zine via (he: as, T0013 , J -‘ 4- *. .‘_ . '~ 3 ‘ 1*" l ‘ st _ my _M%._.u_*nu-h______ om smgrrsovssr v 4 1 G l Ilsa Frances h" -J ‘wk’ an" A‘ : K ;:,fs‘~--V - sex. -i " .s . “I|I|tIIithtbeGlrlBacvea(!labcanOoluIlIa'eIlhr'whofornunyl ; , a._ p .. s > .» 7'“-V tit-noon. The Kano-wins years published the Statesman. Lynfi - ' 3., _ _ ~- .- .. h.mf"°*5¢C'$&: dead: nenpapbaonee verified I ,. .1,ypg.sun_¢“hy,‘;____w __mnarm__ ’ ,. - _ e . _ ”‘”°'~"_ tvlu-prtaidaamiarii. t hyaailnqesting narra-1 A".‘iw‘i'tiIi‘:hP3'Dfi..I”ueyeh.!&’»'&k- u2emam¢g' ~ - ’ ‘ ‘ “W ' nan.’ Auaiaiie. oei-5 i‘°"‘“"""'.'.'.'.i‘........ mag“ _ ' . J‘ p ‘ , .- . » .1“, W“ H . . very proper "finw. .nuoIeris:ee,mi.'-w.Lucnsressuaveisiwua-his llrsllonl-Roliln-on!-IIL tsiic~uqvue ’ ‘ '&h5°?ll1'-$'5g'."¢h::l°.-.‘°'.u' "’°"“"""‘*""°'*'°’ WWW Show-tt|='=°fl.*O1'°*'=I-" i"°"“°"""!°'°- ' ’.7 "'0' Alhcrtneniiveneuiiiait " 4‘ 3-Hm Feb:-uary7aiid‘:.h.k“n “"“""“"“""""' .g..u.a lira. 6.-ya. oae«iure..xr.snaItri.a'nsi:Jonsso-.iir.Ia-De-u _ r. ivusiu anmm.'.i,.,,.....,,,.,,,.""‘°""“§ ‘M '°°'‘'‘‘''‘‘‘* “* -&piginColumhia1'hiosda:;£1,;»?.andIrs.BInkJohnua.D.Betsaiui4 J.W. Kpnipcwas in Columbia " ¢.n.u,,m, ,1“, “Mn °°nnm‘..'3°"“"“‘”‘*.“'“_“*N°*hfl'.in8fiIVdb!S0l0- wettcn-tedi':dsnn. .woianeuarcoinniaueze¢ue.i. Ilonda clilnsluua. uu.:.c.nuu, i °-«, uuieaiunmion a. ma," , """"""“‘f"'°"""5°"°“°" “W “"*°'°="°' I i..v;r::e:dni,‘, supra-isg.«' o¢.)lr.andIIrs. uioimson laat< Evans!-Iuuon-him-ll-lotdd roiisinsmipqii ‘l jg ,HrI.CarrieWilhite. g _‘ __. ”‘”;‘1':‘P;.d'f":‘f't:“°“'*‘§'8: ' Rose.-n‘thsl Schdpl o;‘:_ E The blues. who were the losers in NI‘. I|§.X1'$. in cusunngga ”1".un.3g,g.1 ‘W s STUDENTS LEAVE {i"‘;;e"°'::‘“ ‘''::°‘'''' 5’ S“ V‘ the y. of the ABi:l‘e”'(:lle: ‘. ‘. «'”m'J§' p ’ "p,,_.,""”,,,"f',,,,‘,'f’ A°"":'n‘ “ "F °°‘;:"“ "°“""°“Mfig-so ‘ll:-s.'A. W.!!lyBhtaad|luhi;n!:h_’.dl!trlct lionday. She has; POOL F03 PUZZLES *"°" 0, §‘;,,“’u""b‘fi” "" talked to ad: society 00. ilbnkmlnbeth " * ‘ u....i.i’£.. .°"" "'"”“”‘ bis w..........’"""‘°°°""2'... """ "“ "‘"'°" ‘W6 for In» new ;'--v-K -uh wommus «or two IN BILLIARD HALL‘ a... his '.......°"°........ ’;';......."""-’ °°""°' ""“" '"' "° °*'°'°° W 2 ,1?" hi “flu -in-fit‘ t'Io¢I|.'DIecoutestl|aa _ rhavins _tistwa-kssrues.wnouiuwiiiiypsoiaro.:'°eh ‘, opumlww , °"'"* selneatengivinxalriefhiatoryof ; .: pearls: slit in ‘Size for iutfifiua. zndlllflflthl-hm J the bud ver. . ‘nie quarantine has been remliredt The a-osa-word mug. ,,,;d,,,,i,_.; I the ‘d ' _ ;the Bible College. An opportunity an R. c Ahead main and Lynda! Pace 3: and with hi-‘oxents. Ilr andllrtl C ¥:.ofher‘eiatf-“"31 mm °f the “mm” 'b°'°‘h" '"“° ‘"°""’ ‘"'”‘‘i“ ‘ '’“'ih°*?““ '0 1-04 MI zmemmi 3:: for “km W ‘Mm 2;. , ' _ . * , ' ‘ '3“ U .- ll ' has-ehads¢ar1et{ever.’l'he:liard parlo Nu. 5;. . " " ’; DeanG.D.Edwardaapokeatthe '.::""‘ S°"d" "'d.°"' mfim‘ 3”‘ .''°',':.;_ 3,“ m u""'.’» in °°'"mNI Sunday and‘ mat. R. Quick in still ‘frequented rb;mntud:nts.! is ttllemlrfi’ did! ixtiu of th Epmnh Law’ °( I » - i ‘ s "*9. """'°"= . be a who 2 lfiel of ; .. *' iiiiioawi cm ll. 5- i ‘» Prank Wriirlit cnlhi the poulufyldseob near llchaine on Friday eve- 333"‘ Silt“?! VH3!!! (P101543; Ir and Ira. Claad Jones and? 3, w, pgdendod of comm“. , usual !ilOl‘'=:i‘l‘I:uc[‘8t.mcIk¢lI‘f2';<‘:l't‘))'f-0$°e' : In‘ an "uh "uh u'° ‘d‘'"’ , Dr. D. sf:-‘i.’;.....°..ii..} to anng I fickl of M A‘ fin" an inn]: E .1 Black gnu;-(mud i Ir I George ‘roaison ndlt'° '3" ‘tr’ "5' °‘ 311- Ems! his class in technique of eie- “V5 “A".h"'“-" "Nth "305 *0 be«.«:::im um Th “ha Q "- 7- IL; Dr. I. C. Towner talked 5 i Mrs Russell Chandler ‘.rgilor:r.in:.It.dinner Sunday‘ Ir am Rlanzhter vista relatives in g?l:edI"p‘,'n"' the umkmin ‘mu. I mat", “um” “ the mgh “boo! i Dilly“ to wcompmimmt of L ‘rm’ ' :"Tm°"":‘""' m boa‘ the Chink‘ udenuamfih ma : ~ - ' ;° _ - - g I - - _y, -n. to ~ hdficlnklnf in the cash ’ter. -. %the all St ' Club. - it ‘''‘‘if”"'”''‘’ um‘ ‘Mb an ‘Pd ¢;rm§ndm‘?r:f\$n?h“aunrdso‘“'d “:1 :1 F"""‘ ‘W’ “"""‘°" “’.°°““"' ieoasleiut There mriiiu lfeoweirht ' ""4 PWJ" W M:‘*:lVd-m1:°‘;Lm::il:i:i:mt;:‘?;a”mu'r!hd; lg? ' PM’ W‘ C’ Gm" '"“‘°° "' W - -‘ti X R.“ Y m Lam -"ks-H of thin D‘ as none Boaenthsl and lira. ] bis alter spendint e more lessons. iiables are practically deserted until §¢.,,,__ s - tineanbera of the Christian Endeavor ;. . as artha_ opus. 8:: 11'! y of Columbia were here on busl- 1 weekend with his mother. Ira. A. Q11“ gum”, “we, e,,m.“iMd ;u.. pugg}¢3 in 9,. moms“ mp,” . _ ‘of the Presbyterian Church. , . ___,fi»y-garet Reid and Miss Elva Hns- _ Ira. Emmet Davis znesa Satnnda . J. Atelier. , sud" “hm, ch” “ be, home: have been worked out 7 Cmmunmmn ‘d"b“'h°d ' "'-"-"*-"""' _' ‘fl: spent the weekend at their £_ and Mr. and lira. I-Jrjnest Black. . lies Fhy Lewis and hliaa La { C. W. B. I. met with flu, can :g,, Q” comm}, sum" with ‘Md 2; sh.‘ hd for the n . ‘with the unknown applicant and s 2 Try a Iisaourian want ad. . . i The Young People a class was cm i Verne Elkin were in Columbia lion. : shock Baturday afternoon with lira. ig-u|1.g,- ghfin‘ ma d;;,,,,,. -5,“, the pmpmm, am. 1” Mn’. “"5 E "‘'"d°'‘'°°' ' I _ ._...-..-_ 3.7.‘- ; . :9‘ u’‘' M"; Em'9sii.uni:i lghiwnmby 09°“ 8”” Blturdsyzdsy shopping, _1.1-i-G ;'E*.'.‘*'‘! 5' 1¢8d°r- rteené were Mimi Ina-'.nua.on~; the boys if I Louie I'll: ..‘..7l?l’= W '“""i"."‘°h"°' "“""‘ ~ . ; were xuestso Hrs. ii in attendance were! Mr. aiui Its. Thomas Rutter of . members were The nextivelu 3.34.9“, um", 3m.h.,m,']'u,,m myutu. .arrayed in his finest apparel to RAZOR BLKDES R f_.cu-lewand hirs. Alice -Fonts» Y uatly. _‘ _ , Xlldzed _ fir. and lira. Leland Lynes and 1’0V¢n. 3210!! 31033. “I115! YOURS. -. fighter Betty Jo spent. Saturday’ Ansil and Lynda! Pace. Paul and ' T??? <2 O i aweeieflva and Jack Hustain. Aleta and ’Jnlia Lloyd. Iargaret Bdld, day. - o ~_- ¢— o .. , A. ‘ Vij. A V .o._.._ present. Columbia were the guests of Hrs. ; meeting will be with I! Ella P 1- - Butter-‘a another. Mrs. Evens. Sun- ‘lard. n 0 ‘F.’ um’ 8"‘ m"'md’°' ‘M’ V i lra.~.A. J. Archer and hlr. and Lee Edwards returned to Colnm-2 nu. E. K. Hamilton were in cc...‘ x. ._.w.. ctynk Bluega---‘N an y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , All 40-infh as do "Chines. heavy quality. 25 C03- ! Q. .7 3. is,,..p...,&&$f.:~:;::::::::::::::;:::: "‘ ‘§'.‘b.-I . I ‘ "Qt ' ,, . s. , . r - V‘ . - Q — -on . ‘ s ~ .-“H: _ . ‘ 3. V- “I9 , bl - ~ A‘ V’ ‘ ,. — v — 5 :i-iJs.ao- ‘ nature of its Special Values in White Goods, Wa tonnes, Dress Goods, Table Lin ens, Napkins, Longcloth, Nainsooks, Lingerie Cloths, Underinuslins, . -5 s1LKs,.sILKs $2.50—-36 and 40-inch. Russian crepes in Jade. Navy, ~ Black _'a . y; . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.l5 8295-40-inch. Canton Crepes. in Brown. Cocoa. Satidai " edium Blue and Navy ....82.40 in Bmwn, Fallow, Gray. Cocoa. Yuchi. CORD. M“, . I‘ . ' ' '$2.'l5——40-inch Extra Special Quality of Canton 32.25 81.75 °“‘...i ‘.;.'.:.;.;.i. """ mu.‘ ' ‘cm. "" " '.;.;..;..' ' : ° : ms Five pieces $6.50—-.%l~inch Velvet Broche in Blue. Green, ust. Bltck 80 3‘-’5 Tan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.60 and $1.65--36-inch Vestinga. h and Orchid . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . _ --r- ggmfue G_ua_._lit_y. 40-inch Faille. in Brown. 1% Q O e o o a o o O o e O 0 I o o o o e a n Q e Q O o o a o o e O O 00 d Blac “$4.95-~'-40-inch Bengaline, Black only . . . . . . . . 53.50 $4.95—-40-inch Crepe Fallle. Black only . . . . . 33,50 ALL BLANKETS REDUCED IN THIS 2 SALE ’ L Plaids. Solids with ‘Blue and i‘»...i_. Bo:-dais. Checks. Etc.. including Cottons. Woolnaps, and All~Wools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...............8 1.98 . . . . . . . . ‘L79 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1'.".27..::;::I:::::::::II:::::3310.00 312.00 ¢ o Q Q Q I o O C O O I I O O D O O O Q o O Q O O 0 O 0 00 Q made: ANUARY Beginning already low plicos following _I:’ l :2 i:: .1313 iiii iii: 5'2 6 ii ion on the Shoplling Calendar of thousa 5 - » 7———+._ .§;fi.‘--..r .-- tea? — ‘ The Store of smears’ Wednes as was scheduled want ads, -'??O—m— 1 . . You are missing opportunities it I - - » Huh lo , g _ _ ]he waited. Finally his heart beat; 6*“ '9 filth School will not I you do not read and use Missourian; rapturously; a feminine form in; v --."--6"“K .... '1-j—-u— _. imeet his prospective bride. How‘ 8”" an’ 3.“. ‘u. pened better than now. Here for a tile abort . GILLABPIE DRUG C1). f the minutes dragged into hours as‘ mining toward Jilin. Again Hui -.. 4 _- _jau———ur.‘: .. IOLDAYSG. B E Blankets, Silks and many other articles. _ SPECIALS IN STAPLES, ETC. 26¢ Kenton Cheviots ...... .,.._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2l¢ 23¢ Comfort Challies, Best Grade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l7¢ 25¢ Percales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19: ea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 by 48 Jap Cloths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95¢ 54 by 64 Jap Cloths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “$1.15 ' 60 Jap Cloths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..8l.48 Napkins to Match. per dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75c 7 Flann . .~ . . . . . . . . .“ . . . . . . . . . $1. ela. White . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51.28 15-inch All Linen Toweling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .201: n T eling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ' 26¢ Burlap, Green. Brown and Tan . . . . ..........2lc won nn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2lc Rose and Mulberry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 36-inch Fast Colored Satines, All shades . . . . . . . . . $1 Kimono Silks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85¢ 1.69 Kimono Silks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51.28 Cu '11 in Sale. All Blankets reduced in this Sale. Domestics in this Sale. A Table Linen Beduoed in this Sale. I1 . All Under-muslins in. this DRESS Goons DEP~'l‘.: . 81 Quality Genuine Waterside Corduroy. Colors Bose and Purple. Sale mice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l Piece $6--56-inch Broadcloth. eol6riPlum. - IOOOOOO price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... ' 1 Piece 34-58-inch Duvatyne. cola’:-Hum. o o e o e eseaoeooeoeaooeodoaooeoreohoocowobws ...o.issueseoeso‘os"o:s'e'£ssos’om‘. Navy .Wool.8kir.tv- f 1 Piece 33315-66-inch O e e s o o eoeaeoeooneiaieaee-oseo s.{ePieosg'._88-ooalnch All Wool Navy Poinat.'l‘Iill. ‘‘ .-QOOQOOQOCIDOB o Q o O O o o o o o ¢ Q O o Q e o O 000 e .‘ - . 1 — fl noobcsaoaaeeleolo0000I000¢""‘° ‘ fix ‘ .“ _ 75 '5» ..se4i‘e&.a‘eee muoaoufia 1 4 L Remnants at Price * Tfiundreds of serviceable Remnants Fahd Short Lengths will be obtainable at S V 1/; PRICE 2 from every department of our_ slore. TOWELS Turkish onliuck. Plain or nuicy Borders. 2 lo 25cTiirkishT0wels.l9 89 ................. .. 50¢ _ 1i1'oueis.2 by48 ................ ..4sc 90¢"1‘nrltish'l'owels,24by46 ............... ..’_l8¢ $2,—'l'orkish Sets in boxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..I'l.65 srEcniL IN CHILDBEN’S_ WHITE AND BLACK 11052 i s ..|,..«p 5 J O Q O O O O O O O O 000 ’ ‘ Lot...o...asso’o.';l'p'..‘.s&os&.‘......‘.n¢ c 0. ‘ I - I bSkooiOootoJCOO§oFooeeo0dIDOOOOOO ’ ' ‘eaten-oeDoeooa0V.;BI“lo ‘ooOO‘i!O°0""‘D‘ < . .. . V ,.‘.‘|AoIeoooOa‘9IOw;_I6w9O%‘o.oe0¢OOOOO0lf.m '§.A'ooO'oOV¢’ U " .‘_:" 4. - ‘ ’~ -. J n_._ s . . 90eoo3‘eo_a;e£re'noeovovoeooo ' s ._,'. ,_, a .- , . _. I. a ';.¢‘"V‘.-I‘ ‘ ‘.2. .. ...;.......‘....oO O O O O O Q O O 0 O O O O Q OI - 2".‘ V ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘J - oeeeooaeoooeoou ITE SALES a clay, January 14th by ° appreciative vevoinen who have learned the Goods, Sheetings, Domestics, Ginghams, Cre- L , ' Neck. No Sleeves Union Suits. Sizes 82to 50. Benilar $2 and $2.60 Values. Sale ' 3 - Bodice Top Union Suits. Sizes _82to 44. values. Sale ’ ‘ Dozen Regular 85 Value. Neck. Lonxsloevea. An Re¢ularPrioe$5. 8 sirfis "glet:mii0.“uggitil:r 4: and 5d1¢‘yvaluea."zE: 1 I» :- e . ... with . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. :_ mumwuflnnknwa‘ \ _-:-; . . . . . .............& . . . . . . . ‘ :».. -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “$2.97 §l p _ A ‘ _:_7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...s . . . . . . . ..A...ow ‘S, v_ _. .c«. .‘ I ' - ‘ , "" ~ - ° - ' ' '°‘°.‘.:'°°'°"°,"" All25c’ A .....,,l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ............. ._',,-;‘>‘"f-r°Ioseo;:oeo-o.dse:s.e’e’a.ase--Ow e.QIoeoeo_ea‘aoo-e - o s . o e I0fODOOO . :-.r.;l=,-.i " All'81'GrewIliu ! ..:_::::’:::::::::::::::::::::.:.Qic .... . . . . . . . qu;..w..’3ng ’ _~y¢¢,,-,gam.gjng1.;..'|9, . ‘ ".4',. ""—a"p ’ ' ', . . ‘O . I SPECIALS IN MUNSINGWEAR 5 Dozen 1.sdsai' ‘Medium weight, Ankle Lair O O I I O O O O OOCQOOOUOC I Dozen Ladies’ Medium Weidit, Ankle goaoceoauoooooboi 1 Special‘ . . . . . . . . . . 5 Dozen Ladies’ Silk and Wool Unloufiuita. h . . kle Length 8luI_86to . ' O at ....... Ghiidren’sAilW __Union_8o.lta. .8iaea2'tol6yaa'ra. ‘pm, 0 ‘asaoeoeeeo.0¢“u .WoolUnionBulta. Sisoaztolo ' 1.80 OQOOOOO0OO.IOlvOC r SUNNY ?‘smo.sA'rms'rrm roa -1 . I - recs o c a e eopeaooeeee :oea’eaa I . ‘.. op.......7_.oo'ogo.’ . e¢'se;ooqo¢ . -' . ) _! ‘ M g. ‘ . s V . - ,,, ..A.....L. A 1 - ”‘90".3.t4-‘.3’? "Iv-»..‘Ja.‘.'; c .v _' ~ 9 - *3-f§<«»;'=s *-~:?i@’%?:;’r»f . s" .