9 . ~"""’ mar: mu 3 -j¢—:——— u C V o ' '1 i D ‘ ‘4' ms coLmiRnimssoURlAN SATURDAY JANUARY 17 1925' ‘F ‘ 7 News of Columbia ’ !TO"H0LDTES'I'S»« ””’’’"‘”'°’’ T0 T” 1“”“‘.'.3‘£‘3$‘:.%‘& .»....J * -*- "- "__._._"‘° *'°"'"°°" ‘we Wm Pi R ~ v-s‘--. ‘ U I FARMFBs’wi'El{ ‘”""”"*‘”°‘° ’°” ‘ M» %°"'° "‘ "* ‘~ " W A ?“~=--"°" ‘'‘-‘»'’‘'r‘’-*'‘»«--'°‘'‘‘«f'« % 32 , ’ _ _ ‘ , cRoss-W0RD p Z R. French Stallion. Poaea Bowling sum-ac. A ° "‘° ‘ ‘ l " .__..m E ’ . ' l _ l ’ " . ‘ I . U ZLE — for slum.-now:-osiudy 3 The Sitma Alpha Epsilon bowl-’”°:u”:‘;l';°" :‘rd‘~""’~ . soc 1.1-1N1) T W , . . ----- - I 11 ' mtoet. .1 tea on eha pionahi 1 P‘ W edthe vim- THE AB 1 ’ _ me Jo f ’ Va‘ be!” ." the glory of his d‘ppled i2‘the ‘our’: Of flrll and Ifitofid '1 IIOOCIL 3 ‘ C . ' ' ‘of the mum 1d d b kl Wt)‘. accentuated by royal French-inanieni Thursday night by defeat~ ' ‘Hie Alphl, D9195“! 30501! I i i Mad“nery_ ht}, mu‘ t;°:.im::,z_ m-In; :3, IN-‘¢§t1')’. Freddie K., huge French ing the Pi Kappa Alphas. The final Auk“: Co’-in..." Chum‘ ._ willjneet at 3 9- 133003 Do 1 _ t0 Friday. tcuttcrs find as much time for work-? “’‘“’°“- 33 one of the best known . match ended in a tie between ,the F- R Nam“. '50 VII graduated - Y. ll. C. A. Building. 1 E ‘ ____-r. pm‘ the ‘hated bnin Rue“ “I members of the College of Ag‘ri- two teams an extra game had Q09! the School of Law of the ‘ 4; The Missouri‘ Workshop will ? I The agricultural engineering de-‘doe, pwhbb. ",3. other ch” of. gullure. to be glottal to ¢.,;¢, 9,, ..g,,,‘,,,._ University in 1905, wa recently - i--‘ u R apartment of the ego of 'Agri-_ people. A“ day long they can dig’; And I-‘.-up-1;, {M1, M. ,,,,_.,;,;w_ };(.‘The final standing of the leading °h°““ t° “W Nfnresentatiygr of {culture of the L'tlI\'El"!illy will hold ¢-uh dmvgwlt word, and qwmum; struts ghoul an 5",, 3,. if he .,,.,,_.»tenms was: S. A. E. won 29, lost “"3 3% L009‘ Alumni Aflociation on In series of demonstrations of mod- win, an ,,,;mm.,. M p(,r_0m W-M H-tf the place. In um nudy of |i‘v(n- 5: Pi K. A. won 28, lost 6; A. T. the C°"""'““' "Ti 1"l¢‘N‘0l1€'£i8l¢° iern machinery next Tuesday to Fri- in the ,._5,,‘,,..,_ stock. l-Treddie K. is pus:-d bt-furc- 07*‘ “Dd 39"“ ‘WW 594 Y0?‘ 91375 Athk'u°" "P N°"°“ i5 "0" l"’N‘-' meet at 1:30 p_. tn. infioom A. Y. M. (1. A. Building. The hladge Drsart Circle of the W. C. T. U. will meet at 2:30 évrv--2-¢-«£15905-o¢..a P- '7" id.» ON a‘ the ".00" ."°“' of ‘Rh One barber h N‘ h t 3the'¢-lass. and it is there that he is l’l"°“ "ii-h 27 ""i““ ”‘d 4 i°"°’-i ‘kin’ kw i" Si‘ Innis‘ I1 n P3 i mm W33’ ‘’f F‘'"“".'‘ “°‘=|‘- ‘°°°"l‘ mm, mni(.ul:,1:i)e(;:hu;i';:u: :3; at his best. An excellent dispmd. Pflueger of the A. 1‘. 0'5 bowled Apartments. wl entertan ‘ - lgepiilrtigr-Etc. W00l€'::'. head of punk“ Euh “Yb” has ' muel hi'o‘ne fl:‘d‘dI'(‘0lli11;’1;l.l¢?:3$ll}l"ltgxlitllfiel the high individual acore of the l on 13334.’. mfihinery 1-0, mixing» tffifies °£'0r;:)‘;::;d: high: Freddie in l|i.'|:"i*(‘lll;)(()i.s no 5 {mi A _ , i ' "°'“'°*' A""°'"'°°'''°'-*8 ' operated. l;:r?;:dfo!: fihguiflt :3‘ zngfi from i‘il‘i:it‘S oi CITY MARSRAL . , On Wednesday ll power binder‘ he will be ,uppl;,.d_ He will find’ was sire-xi by hlolker, 11 grandson of The Missourian is authonaed to. piety to meet at 2:45 p. m. in Room D. Y. M. (‘. A. Building. twill be demonstrated. A soybcarnamuu-mg” and aid in sowing the’Carnct. His mother was Lady announce the candidacy of John L. fthreahing attachment for a graln'rnenlory testers. While l“. _.i,_,. 5,, June who was sired by (jarnot, White-sides for the office of City lbinder will also be on exhibition. .the choir. head cocked at comical making him n nonilmid (‘c""" ‘NIL -“i‘"*h3lo 3055001 I0 the actior. of; 7 A new kind of steam tractor will';ng|¢-3 and ,,,.m.;l and ;,.,.,l‘. 1-,, “On. the llcxnocrntic primary, date of ‘be detncnstruted Oil ThUr!‘(iK)'- he can nihu”-cut in bveln, (‘flrfluj is’ fr-',u9_(Ad L, 1“. {hp }‘.St “ iilfh hf‘ 591. lllff. I laE"Y‘S ltractor is lighter than the old type’ in 1- .h .h . ‘ . h Fr- h ,1 1)‘ . V. ' . , ‘- . land con) 0;] or any low,”-ad,_. me] Afid). ;::.mkP:pi(;:( arr" b‘Mal:_rm::::i A,:;:,(-.;(.,,_.‘ 3.51:: l:eH:...,_";‘_,r.:::.‘,:i.l ii: The Missourian is authorized to Work Called For and Delivered’ jmay be used in it with eonsequent- gupplig-zj with {Md {M ,.)-mm)-m the lnu-rn:l'.ion:ll l.ivl-stock Show in """"""°° the °""did‘°" °f Em"""’ ‘ C ' l1>'o1°"‘;_‘:;°'°‘5n2 exmms. ,tllourhl. he will tind himself vust- 1909- ‘ ii “‘;“il"""’bi°' "“‘ 3"“ °.‘ C"); ‘ mm’ 32"’ "6 B'°'d"’ _ n n ,- 3 num of {.1-ml’. ,.(.“M.ed f th. 1- , h I -_ -_. , . itrslti so J(‘(‘l. to e action 0 l ilighting plants will be shown in ,l,.,,, cl,,,,,,.,: ' """“"-‘ '“" cm SHIEH \'l'Al\' l~:xl.g(-ml, the llcrllocrutic prln-....~,., ole date _ _ __ _ 6 rb' y. The B. Y. P. U. Cabinet will meet in the Y. II. C. A. Building at 7:30 p. . Wednesday. Charles liillman Brougli, for- Uaiversity Auditorium aty7:45 p. m. The Fortnightly Club will ' ad Hall. meet at 3 P m. “life 603.4 Loptrauom one of the The bzirbers seem ty cut hair {ii To "l“’Ax(‘E "N N"xK-Ix“ 0! which win he get ‘u r l » 4* Mrs. 0 e rnett. « lighting plants, installed in the, ’ . . ‘ . “° . ‘T’ ‘ . , _ - - - _ Pm‘“km_e mad. Wm emermm .1 llabonmry. Wm be used for cooking ter and more (-lllcltfllly “nth cross- Internal (.Ol'l"ll'lfl'$0I'llll|Il!' for I'm-‘- ‘rm. ggissounnn ,5 authoriggd to Lolllmbln Auto‘ Parts C0. 9 with two tables of bridge at 2:30 _ and opemfing ‘ wamr huwr dur..uord puzzles on their minds. con session. of lvlnngiiu Pm- announce the candidacy ‘. (‘. Reiaoi . t V E V. m" honoring Mn‘ Ben‘ Kirk; in“ the weep trar) to the common belief that a n C N Llflte (apltal. Rauenon for the org“. of City ll! 5. Elthth . T ’ on-o I ’rr~p_ - - bride. Each of these demonstrations is 5-anon mm d0 hm One -mm“ M U ’qI“_N(-.;{A[ Ch. Qh. h Y M"‘”‘h"l' '"”"'f‘d u.’ we "mm °f l . mm." mm : uraday, , .10 bc-),¢.1d_in the ax;-it-ulgug-3] enxi, mm‘ P"h’”’_’ ‘he-"_ “"‘~‘h. t° 7“ ‘ "t ‘h ' f ’ ‘ ‘°__ “‘“- the Democratic primary. the date Lsed parts for all can . h Se D S _- _ . ~ . throngs the 30b quickly that they “‘ m.‘ ‘m _“ “}"V’“‘ l"°""““- 3f" of which will be set later. Hrs. henaet art. uma , .neerlng la ratorics. mu, write a few word in W 5' ._.,. h". 9”). ..,(.mn. Ox.” Chan‘, . « __ , -‘ll ' - ‘ rm-4-—-— ’ " ' - - - ' ' ” “” ‘ ’ ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘ r .. ‘,"‘“""""’ ..'” °"‘°m"‘ '" ssvs (1lli.uRr-Ix HAVE NOT lboolls before they have slipped ‘W1 MWr- 3* m>ect<~d to P"U- The .\ll:«.\'l)Llrltt!l is authorized to 2.30 p. m. ‘Alli’! aeven tables of . . . ~ . v , O I331-ZN 'r_\['.(;fl1"}u;],](;](),\"~from thelrjnemories. ltgndix8;il;ln‘:(_(:r";?:g:;e]§;)rg: a'rl_nnum:«- the (*u(nili(la(‘y of W. R. . . ' Mflh W- P- B”'-“‘°“°“- _ 1213 Mni‘, C, LL sand "['.]k, go u,,‘(‘lll(".\G()'S BIGGEST ME.\' in an attempt tn regain the capital iiltileruililil-Edict(rugs. 1:,Igi,(‘,y:ty¢,f)!gfl}:(-. wdnm ""‘°‘o_ "in "“i'°"""' ‘he 3 _ ;.‘. .. , _ _ ,. .. . ‘.2; . A Women's Union of Piritt l'NlTE T0 Fl(5"T CRIME °f the P"°"l"°(‘ Mid d"l"“ 0111 LU 'i|i".lliU(.‘l'f1’.JI(‘ primarily the date of Idle llour Bridge Club at 1’-_=30 ~'~ f --~ P - ‘ “-' Baptist Church. commimon g" _"‘,“'”. M I I ,Yunx'. Hsinlz who is massing Fvnz- ml.-l~. will l... set lllu-r. ’ - F “‘- L ‘ This ' th R. th Id . r 5| . d M . w J. ‘ “One of the rea on ll » t "" °'" °'’'‘ ’‘~ We troops from the north l=roara- ---- -- * . - - l Hrs. Blanch Palmer mu en- Mm‘ Fir’; ":m.‘“°5';m'°M:‘;fr'°_g_“ ;or'_"'|‘"|’_ fmém ::°“’;':"l.;'fi';e: ,.,,.,,,.,d ,_,. in ’,,,,fg,7‘;f, '§;°.§:, 1-W-M_-ror SW5 °‘"."'" '6 Lory to an advance toward Slt)tlng- cm' lvrrolmrtv i "”"”“° '°‘"‘‘‘' ‘1: tertain With dim??? 31 5315 9- '11- ~ - . . . children have not been tau ht it" impind by I“""“'°"° hai. The Missourian is authorized to . ' ' ' ' ' ' ’ ' " k for a few old fill)‘ Ind I member of the (III Olllfflt sorority. « _ _ _ 2 v 381 Urilted Press. _ : _ ' . ’ Jcgning American “latches ‘I ” lngknoo 7 ‘“‘° “'5' C M- 3"?“ "" 3 um‘ b9‘ CHICAGO Jun ‘ 16 Approxi 1‘ '5 ”'P""°d um‘ 1-" 3”“? “mun” "'9 candid“) of Howuid ‘lainspring America . f 'endfi. ‘T-*1»-' -— .- -9’ .._-. fr" .: _ -1“. :?;,'_::' ' - - ‘ ' ' '— . ," - . . - R F. M ' 1' th ff' f C't' At- “ ' 7‘ I ' n ‘man.’ i T d CI 1) lV°II b ‘d ' h M 8 ll K’ k u(“:l’iJ:‘(‘h L.V.'“°-7‘sl.°l'l mud‘ °"° h°"d'°d °{ ."‘° °“".‘l ‘Ham? pm; dim §‘(f0‘0“"'* 15'0"" l.0l’YlEEJ(:l,lll)jO(‘rCl 1: ‘:.h(ic:ic(‘:ionlo>l' the \V_'iitches . . . . . . . . . ..,....$I Mrs. Kenneth Sears. Dumas 1.193 03/ .1 die in om" of rs‘ 9 3 if ° Bible Be the Pub?“ SchnOoL:._..'.-gigitpgfezgsgafxtgn::€_eb‘:::', ;r;£. otgiecrg :5 on’ u.eirR::;.antso' Democratic primary. the date of All work at reduced prices Apartments. yrill entertain at : Gusg Benefit Bndgp ________ }.e,u,d”. .“fl.,,o°,,_ 51;, “id thatllisted in the fight on crime in Chi?‘ Nflfikififi. from the north_ Chm which will be set later. rrld guaranteed one year. . 1' 2:30 v- "L ""5 39"" “W5 °‘ ’, 1;... member. in Group on. of W. Mr. and Mrs. 1..-.-ll.» Cotvan. ins.» fewer than oneofourth of the children cago .Hsieh Yuan has 12.000 iroovs |u- poljlfi-"lentil: W“ "” ‘“"' "“"‘°"‘ """" R: hddn‘ Sunni‘, ;I)'u§sday (lull gill give 3.‘ benefit f;:,,:§:-";.:;j ::li:.i‘«tN:l;8 Rzilly _ inhthe Ungtfg Stgtes go ‘to Sunday; Clgfford Barnes’ who Mmnded'ta'l0n. ‘izitllr other “loyal reg'lm\ents The Miswuflag is nurthorized to "’“‘‘’'’i‘‘- A _ ' _ n 3 ~ _ ’ s s mo "ow . so 00 . an ey 0 0 - I . e inc on 0 W ' t . an» . . _ - , - The Bethany Circle will hold ,:J‘mf:!_}_p‘.i,9) um ‘*5 3 ""°°" of Mrs_ Mugum (.hamber_hin at “"15" " i ‘ 3° "F" the la’:-. enforcement breakfast atlkim: “3 ° .l.‘nnoun(‘e Lh(_ cundldacy of ll. D. __ . ; initiation services for their he ' .-H . rd 1, -Read Hall A i » . . . , ti" ‘””“’ H°'-'5“ "°"‘° "me ‘8°- __.......__._ ‘‘h‘“' {P7 ‘M’ °“'°°_ °f ‘Md?’ °{ C0. ' p‘ed‘" "1°M) ‘*1 80 10‘! 9. - ______ ; Some. states prohibit Bibles in stated that the Committee of 1,000, (;"o]im. "nun" pm‘_“ ,,“.|_ the Police Court SWJPC1 10 01¢ _l¢"_ Elvin 3”‘ Room, 2 ‘ml 3 ' ‘ house mu the ciui) ‘maids to bmid‘ “ _ C “ P D :the public schools. even as English of which Judge Elbert H. Gary of By United Pl-cu. mm "f ‘M D°"‘°°”“i° Prlmflfl‘. the ' " 3 i___ ___‘__ ;The club has divided into groups ‘ "' j. ‘ ' "P". “W” Ap‘"‘rliterature. some have no laws re- the United States Steel Corporation, SAN FRANCISCO.-—.\liss Edith date of which will be not later. ‘ . -5-—~— .-- d ‘—*‘— ‘and cinch §l'0ll[;l:itO do as rguchlag o‘;‘1t1,ri:“:““a‘:‘ 3':'_'£‘ § garding it. but in six states the’John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and other Gillespie washed her hair with V r~——-‘- ntertalrne , 1 . ;P088I 9 10*!!!‘ nvmcmir 1- 9 1‘ U M _ f Tb " ’ idaily reading of the Bible is com-inoted men are members, would as-. gasoline. Then she started giving it . - _ D f ht '.h°“'_‘°- . wicliln b? ,;r:"£:’l"' K, °k:93°r ‘men pulsory. These readings and memo-fsist Mayor William Deter and Chief I a scalp massage. Friction caused -..-.|-....|.I.l.I-I.I.I.I.I..'|%'I-I.I'I -c ‘ 03103 9 } Tlclgets may be gpcurpd from the ‘ ' ‘ " " 9- ry verses become so firm in thclof Police llorgan A. Collins in their an electric spark to jump from. ' _ " 1 “aim H813)‘ lfid Chi?!” An?’ ' following members of the commit-e Mn and Mrs E Sydney Ste- , memories of children that they go]: fight on crime. ‘h r ' ‘ ' ' ' fingers to the hair. igniting entertained the following guests at f tee; Mg-3_ J¢_q,.¢. E, \\',-each. 3{,.,,_ }{_~ hm‘ will omen-in embe f toward their moral makeup, 006. At a-session of the local munch: the gasoline. She died from burns. M n a dance last mzhtfroin 9. 1.2.141. Perrell, Mrs. F.. H. Spritzer. Mrs. me Rom“ Street Bria‘: Chbr':w‘;t‘51°P_ “'8 can like in the right di- .0! the Committee of 1.000 Wednes-I . i.°""’" e o'clock at the home of Minnie w9od_..,_ M“, can “a1lace'!M°nda). night at tbch hénie n :3 to (me-ourngg the 3-“ding! day night. ‘$3.8 and mum mu Try a Missourian want ad. rectm ' ‘ ' i I ” ' ' ' n - - . Mk?» 1327 Anthony 8tl'¢l- M’!-8g_¥.vI!:l_Ifi.‘“'_l'1l§?or, Mu. 11.7.11, . Pmvidcym road. of tn cBlble in our public sehools,__vcurbrng the crime wave which has a.--_ .. - . . “*“ Amelia Giles. Frances ’I‘roxell.i“l8¢. jshe said. .been sweeping Chicago for several -% .f used but their wives and mothers. have to cook and serve the biggest meal Ge vs lane. Ann.Sehe-1ls..@l_wes3‘°' "““°’v Mm 3- ‘~~ K1388 and ; Mn. Walter H. Braselton, 1213‘ Mrs- Emily Hmhe told of "‘°'“"" W" 45”“ - U Allen. Neil Smith, 1.-Elsie Burton. .3?!» C- 35-91116 3 Walnut street. will entertain rnem- 7-500 $1181 ,mI18t raised la; .Tho.—Chicag Crime Commission Laura Gale Bowh’n‘l ; 35" Adele Gag.“ of St um‘ “ll bers of the Idle Hour Bridge club l Boone..Counts..foz.Baptist our-ll. Oflcharges that “crime is rampant be A Smith, vii-nil vaugtln, Eilubenl the :l _ . lnext Thursday afternoon ‘n hono Llhis amount. $2.500 will ‘be used in cause the moral f th li d n, Lou Turner. D03 1 mhtxzekfgfl mI‘§;:'v°{ itfl” 7‘°n° nf Mr_._ w,l;e,. H‘ 3,.”,m,l,,' _y,._ r 3 Coll.mbia. and the rest in the coun- partmcnt in at :1 low lfbbiig gfeayoerl J Expert 9 iiitcllell. Dorothy Dynri. liuzam . Mm dun Wm his-.£m':)“:f;' -———— '. Dever nhd cilier Collins hold null ‘i of the Week that day. It isn} IA.:e‘i\‘ile’rh£i'luWti‘tne'r. idflrliilrif iiifi tend the University of Tennessee at "Pb" °'‘,‘‘‘’‘‘‘’ °’ “!° Dswhian. Miss Julia sampson and Mrs. B. W WNW We inspired by W41 8”“ “""“"i“‘ = ' right Mother and wife ought to 1. Ruhr“ . ‘Society svi meet at 2:45 o'clock F. Hoffman sang “Cling to the sonal and political enemies. I; ‘ Monday afmrnoon in ROOT" D ill the Bible_" A qua!-tg‘ composed of, the coaference W‘, on ; 3 ' C. A. Bulding. ' ' l Roselle Humphrey White, Philip vi1”' Rflph Smith’ Jimmie c'"°“" Mrs. Russel Clinkscales 306 West‘ Y‘ M‘ Shoes repaired and half- Paul Lansing. I-‘red Brand. Paul Bmdm). mmmed Wm, 3 ,u,,c,,, —-~--- _ i:§':5l'l«.-E; i:l'm.H3ih?:inl'le.n§‘nr:° will i: fuliolicrgliasf igsmewzfiaeripohried A . R , ' ' 2 Yzzlglilgl-T:1<;‘y¢P:uk’R‘;":1:i" E eon at o'c ock today About K‘;\:”manP:(:‘;_:?°":_. B;’t'én mi: I L..Crum also sang. fight with bandits, several women! ' zzlegl h?ethne:'e:v::oethi: ‘ I{~’t c(”0k‘g0ur.fiunday Rufus ‘Williams. Porter Woods, wi !;'§‘;‘::§;n""’;'f §’q’:;°";;mn’fd'j*,;prormall;- at 4 o'clock tomorrow aft-‘BROOKS ro TALK'AT MI-IXICO ",?°;:,,i;,°‘._id_‘"d """’°'°"' '°b' re:ain:d__b;m5e om. d'f‘"°r tf’m°"°“° 9 wi 39:: " R‘ B°""°" ‘M F’°d°fi°“ G°'d°"‘ ‘ was I truest ." om‘ _ _ special imam? State Tour ——°- workmen are experts. fned chickem-roflt tn-rkey’ d i 1 M”. W “._ Scam H Wm Brow, n.,;..,. 1... 25 ., 1,,,,i,;,,,,. 3°°"* C°'"'"- and goose together with all the Mn‘ C'‘“°""° 3' Kin‘ ‘w°'“‘“,‘l Mr. and Mrs. I-‘red Faurot of editor of the Country Gentlemanpmountfiin Grove will arrive Mondayiwl)‘, entertained Mrs. L. I-I Hill, P"9'“ld°"t 5‘"'“°D 11 HPOORS 01' Cum" van “om ‘"5 admitted’ E Work called for and de- . fi.\:in’s. . win "five in Columbi‘ “and”, m : t M F . W W _ pm“. “_ J. “nor and M". F. Fdthe Um\.e,8,ty M" spa]: at Mexico’ yesterday. Henry Tucker was dll~- E 1 A . . ‘ ' I‘ 5 ; attend Farmers’ Week. Mrs. ’ing ‘ Coofiltxbia fitmflz Mr?1}°_“urE:l:',;; .Davis at lunch yesterday. ‘Mm. Jnnuar-yu?'l' as one of the lec- und‘ : llvered With our splendid { will be ii speaker at a dinner given be 1,, ' . ' _ ——____ ‘ lturers with e special agricultur- __ __ A g _ _ _ ___- : 5envi¢e_ __ , in h,,.«b°no,. by me women of the 120; ;,8‘::;:ts.::n$T5' F‘ w° Bram!» Marie Steffens of ‘Stephens Col- al train which will run across the —?—'- L ; The best ’ " School'of Journalism at 6:30 o'clock, ______ lege is a visitor qunng the week- I state. bezinninir at Louisiana. Jam» COAL 30¢ TUB 3 3 Sunday dinner Monday night at Harris’. ‘ The Women's Extension Club will ‘em! “t the i.‘°m° °‘ Mn‘ “' E‘ L‘"°' T"? 26' 3"‘: 5"i5hi"K ‘i 1nd°P¢Dd- l : in Columbia ' ..___.._.. . . | V‘, n social meeting he” Tunday 16 South Sixth street. lence, January 30. ' All kinds of wood for sale *1 ifor only 75¢ Dillard Ill‘ Ni lllax Schrier, Savannah. is V1811-' afternoon at the ham. or },;,5_ 1.1} Members O“": the Good Time Club‘ E. G. Bennett, T. J. Talbert and in any quantities. Quick de- , . .S,.. in: at the Alpln Tau Omega house. L_ shade,’ 1515 Ungvenit). ”.enue_ I _. ’ , . lPatterson Bain of the "u' " livery. 804 East Park. : il:r.thSechsr:;r E El-fire will be 1’ our or five tables of iiigldgiieettfoilidhdili ltl19|§htl'l:'l’il‘0h, ariggifhnf Cixhtofl. "33 . -. 1 . ..°°. ’ . .-+"¢°- GI od- . : ° “mum on‘:-c .. lic fidmlnlttrlllotl last H: iifif M ‘K ——_____‘1 K _“ ‘ t "mo “cm” program. ‘The special agricultural ' , I on is way to enter t e oo o 1 75- e 81')’ - C II)’ ‘VI lrlve I 88‘ ‘train will carry three lecture U E81‘ OAL C0. ' Commerce at Harvard University. .f"°m 5330 ‘>0 8 °'C1°¢k l0m0"‘0V\' and the one exhibit car willulz - Helga -Lgcne Cog] %_.?_...g . ...-_- -.-. rare:rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrff ___..._ l—- —A :3" TE W JANUARY 22 ' ll evening at her home on Stewart .open during the 1”‘ win}. minute’ 20: -j—:— —j i , , . . .. _ per bushel delivered 1 Mm C’ “' (‘mm ‘full: ‘Z ' 232° {oi belt csltfshm Amiim" gm’ Russell E. Holloway was in Lad- 10! "‘“"‘ ’‘‘°*’ °’‘ "*9 °°*'°d°*<~’- Phone 1- F- Clark ‘ members of the Fortnig t} u ’ men a p ens C0 639- ~ “pg; 0, 755 white donia today on legaldlusiness. neat Wedner~day afternoon on “0ur= TY)’ 8 Milsourian w-a-n—t ad. Responsibilities for Our Children‘sl Political Environment." After the l ' Ph€‘nS Collette Will en _ n the . |'5 ilslting her sons. ( harles avndl " ‘ "W " " “ ~ ‘I _’ ~“ - Z -—r s —* "-—* pmgnm u‘ will be served. The 5 members of the faculty with a tea ‘ I‘l'8.flCls,. who are students in the ;h _ P i Max will weld -l W W -.‘.'Z.‘.’‘.‘. ‘3.‘;’..;’.,°§'s°“ S“““" "“"~l‘§.:‘.'.‘.."%1.‘3’..“'l“3{’.”"~‘i"‘ °‘ "“’ ”" = 1‘ COME IN AND ENJOY A l - ° . ‘ . . a rm y. l . 7 ‘ l 3”" 30"“ 3'0"" C°‘°"“*°* Mrs J F Thornton ~15 Missouri! LOST 'rv.o kt‘ ~ ii ' 1 i . . ' . . -~ - « ~ I — ' ya h in and! * Sp"‘""" 'm"°d 5'°"""'d“Y ‘° ""‘£ avenue. entertained thiii afternoon ismall ring. one Yale oiindc :dd key." ' ' . ‘ l l i " 9 ‘"“" ° " ‘_ "' , L ‘at 3 oclock with three tables cd.!-‘lnder please phone 55. 117tf T lthh fM.ndM.W.. v - - .- Zeta Mu Epsilon sorority of sle-‘_ Mrs. 1.. I. Wcakley of St. Joseph; was Brownisasister of Miss Zel-6 —A -- ———~- ~-— «——— - ~ ~-~ ~-~~-~4—» ~———.-—-.—- la Brown, a student in the Univeraio 3 I _____ , 1 THE MENU 1 James ll. Moss left yesterday for _ _ 7 — « ' ‘ ‘ ' St. Louis where he will visit Mn; 0 3. . i i Cliolee of ' “d ”"f- -‘““‘‘'l- Gray» H’ ‘v’ u° A V ' ?; Supreme Grapefruit, Bartlett Pear and Strawberries. or _ I U - . Ca a ' l ¢°ml"lmt'd by -Ashley and Elsiel : i, _ a pa a la Ieiae. “"33 “'h° ll"? b'~‘"\ \'i3itil\Z th¢'i|'* V o Hock Turtle soup araoutlllado. Coiiaoniae Priatiniere. ::;":;-;~n;=;»,y um Mr» 8- w» lto Imtertam You HE - —-—— A . l ' P ’ ° __ D""““‘ "‘P‘""“"“-"{ . _ T A -_-A Hearta of Celery a Br-aiiehe. lliperliinbo -': d Mrs. Or‘;-ille Barnett. 603a Prori- " i ‘ Olives and Ghrkiria. R Q ‘"99 703 a will entertain Wednes-4 ' i ' ' ' .. -dayafternoon t2:30 ‘ll: ‘till . l- . , Galena! gffhublu of biidlre. ho(ilf>r(icng i:u.| - with 3" Of We latfist POPUIN‘ PIGCCSE Breast of Guinea (slices. in on-ante With Cevel. Pore-atier.' W Kirkhride who will leave for-3 . ' . . . ; .; Roast Sirloin of Coca Fell Beef. Ilehellu. with Tomatoes. - ' _ 5% 1-0-Iii Jam-rr 26. when she wmi While You 933°? 3 d°h°1°“3 S“"d33' s ‘ Glaeed YOIK flan. with Bplmeh, ulna-lie sun. I-Keataekleiiae.‘ ' Navflyjtan mt’ h°"°° ‘ ,. dinner your data 1 Broiled Baby Lash Chap, with French Peas, Ilkado. ' i _ ’ ‘I lira. Mary Gibbs of Christian 001- ‘ ' P l ‘ -'_"—-_" R ’ l spangh l 3' leg: gut"-g_‘i".d'ith‘hh.‘hd. ‘hp? . 5 - ' ‘ Pineapple and SI’!!! Pfllll HCLC Baked ‘C150 Pdltl r ~ 0 I { ‘'1'? Wednesday evening in bozo} ofi ' . . , * —---—- . ' t I ’ym‘’’‘” ] 9.~: guxagunamll. cum. ...,.; ;,-l. - Your choice of the most appetizlnglz _ w.ia.n soul was Whipped cm. i . 1 Dive-ffissments ~ .- 09 Reed. Linda Barron, Janice! - I - . . v ‘ x i . Q. Adair, no.1,“ w,_.,,.,, ,,',d ,m,,,,_ 3 q..s¢,, dishes made from the best quality food » X C3,, ,, - . . : I iae o... . _ lseniu and -' ads mrgyouri safisfwfion. Pumpkin Pie. sauna Pig Pallhg. Orange 3..., su..l.¢.., hbaumfiukddwljlfi . A‘ Gm-————-ml mi” Gm Ge-nil-m . - R Parfait or an-hm Water Ice I n ‘M £ Hr. .' -—-T ‘ad nu. ‘kw. ;e'ur-% ‘ . W, 72, C W . I module the winter with Ilr. null 113. ‘TI. ‘ h A . I . . . . ‘- . ' ' . I I ‘V >7’ U. . V W“ | ‘ _ ‘ - . « . , r . - . .i..' ‘ ‘ .~.‘ u .; 'A “ ‘. .. ._ .' :1.’ i . - A. , .-, ..AH‘- .2-.. .-s . > -. - _ . ‘ - 4 , ._ ._ . _ * . ' ' ‘ ' A 4 ' ' - ’ ' 5' '. - .'. ‘- '- . .‘ . ‘ _ - . 3: ‘ _ - ‘ ‘ -' ‘ . 7 I ’ .- , . _ . _ i Y. _ ‘ _ ' .- , _._ ..’'-A :3. . :9 _" _ g .5:$,.‘,_T ’. ;'_if a _ '7 "‘ ‘i ii‘. ‘V‘ . -4 ~.... I. 7 .." ' - '.-‘‘. .' '."AfA'4£} §.~“,o?v“‘v"..‘ ., iv...” ' - ..:" - "‘..*".‘.'-.-,.‘;"'&?‘~ ~..".'..-i':"':"‘ I. i ' ' ' .‘- ' - .. . . 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