. r.-.—cl-an an _v____ ‘'''f'_‘ '.’‘’°'‘' °‘’‘''“’ 7’?"""’ """ ‘Baptist Church lax-t night. “The The high achool ’ng matter for 300 days. (‘om- ad -7*” " ""“"""“"" “"‘ '°’-ithis. The question is. ‘How all attended in 1914. , "'4 “uh” “ boil these contacts be provided?’ The i r Do re rt cost 8226.530, "'° . Null 31107 l-l1¢'l''l'°l.''‘l35°f Lggmwfigrof 5’;-4-9 mg” bang lbw "°"""“ "'°l"“"°' "’ “'1'; dent drarnatlca_and other Univer- eek, starting tonight. are de-; 7 en‘ Aaaodation. l - _ ~ - - ""' ""’“‘,‘,;’,',":fi,,,',:{;'.',,T'].,':‘_,'“ ,...,,: lit’?‘l?md‘;:hrl:d1.:;.o:‘:odw:im§Z4 runs three hrooder stoves. _ 0 O '9 given by the Boone; lar organizations. A “ea! of Chimcothe. ‘ No other nation gives its legis-;u,:'"g,:,4 Anne of free.pIIhltc'tt)'. lsoiother mm‘ 5‘ 7"“""'.“' “"""" °‘:questions most frequently aakeg:lmlwl kl“: “,0 M on the sled), “.m,§‘ nation pay: such a large print: S g.._ g1_ -mg. ,._ ., lltlllnaa Brunt. f The census report says each in» d labitr-nt‘s share of the national‘ wealth is $2,864. They can't collect‘! income tax on this. can they‘! afnnt-andteratco-' l at ‘ al.--Ia.nke&ll game urn-en Jenn-on City and Oulaaahh hkh; - - - . 1‘ ' had at , at‘ , cattle with its thick «ale lag % _ t . JOHNNIEB SCHOOL .Ll'NCH . m.--Ialdiag of uiuomgl interests and ambitions. veryone who has gone to couu- 2‘. lb‘ B“."’ end‘ try school can picture himself as he *4-aw trr used to trudge down the road ear- ’ " of lunch for the ’ ,,,.,’.;°m,,, 5, the boys and girls muat begin. is this I"(~!-‘t1’lCll.‘ll horizon which is rc:;p:".‘7il):c for their leaving. Boys‘ and girls’ farm clubs. bet- ter sclluole, the rural church, rural community organization and mono int:-rt-.~:l on the part of parents in the children's lives are subjects of . v. a group of companion: on the grass I mm" _M.‘ M _vard or hunched up near the “air- . .. A .' . . 29. {I p m.~llome concert of the tight stove, 1. it were winter. eat- . ~ e b H k h h h _ h er..ity Men"-l Glee cm. .. gh. u..;.'with an attractive design in white. ow to cept e ens ylng. ow Tl-_¢ to increase the corn yield and the proper method of seeding wheat ane importunt because they mean better return: to the farmer. How to make the farm attractive to the boys and ‘ paper of salt for them. soggy bread- and-jelly s.andwic'ne:<, a piece of pie tor or cake. perh:lp.~ an apple which was 5' 3 9’~-'"'“-"L C2 fec: ivelv, ‘- and how to keep the farm lami y‘ m.——Debate on tho our-'.-p The ggrater pan of we picwres h ‘. - 3- 9- N 15"iid*‘=< ' n hur.t. the castle and the various . :'.U.-—Addre-- by Roy Orton nrdy ’_ __ _, . _ - "chum. lmuwu 0‘ CM othu Cltulalckfrl‘. The class reao ‘ . meeting of Colnmei-~ _ Junwsr Chamber of Como to flt flit‘ !<'.Ul‘}'. {:11 A.‘ it .\(‘(‘nl.'l now, it will he time, to write it 1926 before we have [under the direction of the gene} “:9 the class in domestic science pro- m._ nub‘ h_ h _ t _ _ W ‘ para a generous portion of hot food lg way:-‘ is l"'._"i'Z‘.:ln‘! main nance ~:1— l’ATI't0l.S FOR OUR ROADS l l'~ m —hr-n: of 0 rifle In-ich Stephens: to Feature Toe Dancing in J team of the L‘r.lvrr‘:lt)' of - f ., ‘ ‘ - still hang in a row in the cloakroom. but their contents are xvell supple- b _ mented, to the advantage of health. g,,.c,,,,:i ,4 udltnnurn. under aurpécu of Sigma p- . . n -—_ V 1 ‘_--1 ' ' ' ' ' e u~;r: n ' ' - H‘. ' ' ' O , ‘ :2. _a ho - a trot-maul won ( 1-. ltll\Tll5l lu-zuru J RAZOR BL*DES 3 i l nually. a:ce:‘ding to the State High- othcr problem Lu be dealt with. Both become more pressing as mom high- _ _ A PROBLEM ls l~l'r:womuu of ""l...“'..‘;.".° .21 'Z~‘..‘;-.‘.1‘~.2§’. o....... o...... ,- . . l * ‘ ' * ' ~ 'L‘.Jr ;:'l.L'p:‘ of dances. to include p. m.--Wrestling match be the (‘nix-enity of It-aouri and To meet the demands for propericonfronted with a falling off in nm- N? oalohoon in Bo'.hwell Gyu.-vi will be features on this semester's Expert dealing! tcrial. Victims of war and civilir.a- l?ni.vniu- of ‘with these abuzz-.~. :1 bill may be lit’ tion. the gypzies are dying. Fewer ‘T N . V . - , .. - ‘ a troduced‘ in the p?‘('S(.‘lt lkfilfilltulf! than 600. ‘)0 are left in all the world. ...,.....m,.. 0: an cm no...-.1. gun. for to ehtabllsh a highway patrol. underl wt zre only t'.vcnt,v-five years 30* ’ ' ,more than :1 million roamed. men would be sufficient at present 3 colored literature to get his plots if to carry on an adequate patrol, if_ there is no band of gypsies to steal given police power to make arrests 3 away the young hcir ;.;~,d rogu,-,. him present‘ twenty-five years later in the nick ,",,,_ there is no penalty for overloading of time to snatch the lovely, 5...-nun. fourteen-ton ing heroine from the clutches of the l‘-x"'§"‘ °‘ W “vb” Irraxnaare as follows: Natcigstudich Sh“ R¢P3ll'lfl8 and Greek dances, Spanish,;na'Lional alrnune ten for fre!hlnn!and Ehargcggy d‘nftog'und E Oak _ ‘I h’ 0: W m n’: Pan-lleilcnic Coun- ' _ ma ’ e O C §l““d' ~ 5 Shoes repaired and half- rn. 0 ma. "Figaro." ‘ ' . . II the University Auditorium. l ‘ I like DEW. CW-‘ll the Fri). ll.-l at d - f hand'n ' man - . . .. V : o , ' A l)ro:)f‘-he Sluihleun‘ or:- S I chow .1 u.o..a.o. oi c. w. not‘; w k C "ad F . M retalned—bocause our Ronni no. J Hall. . or’ A «sea M ered I l7.~Found:*:? day of the Parent-ll V workmen are experts’ iation. 3 . ‘ "’ . . .l 11 Mexico and Columbia high A-ehou.-i _ »: place the fl'I}‘5X.C1'iL'.\ or gypsy 43..."... ‘a High school cymn-lam» - .., ,.,__ .__, ____ a but. andi.tion and :-ecret communication by 5,:;h' i increases. “patterans"—those curiously woven Roadh break down under such heavy patterns of twigs and flowers which ” usage. The public. taxed for road told a gypsy message? H.) maintenance, is providing the right-‘' of-tray for private transportation; stuff. When the gypsics came and ent('rpria‘eé'. which is hardly fainlcalnped down by Turners’ Woods Reasonable loads are not objertion- the children were commanded tn ahle; their rapid movement helps. stay at home and play in the yard. cohauad solve the transportation problem. lNo one ever proved I 8."?-‘~)' kidnap, waxy h X 0 x ‘ Lb ’ .- . .. ' , ,- are Ttl-2.~r celn o a Perhaps Ill such a patrol '3}bll:l!\. mg or gave a valid reason for one. _\-,,‘,.,.,u,, 0, m__ou,;_ l 3 ' Ra’ in nu, qlunuuu. Quick de_ 1 . . m.-la-cture by Fred It. in the University Auditorium. ‘ . ‘ ._.,. ., _. ,,,.-,m,,,, .,, pm, 9.; Columbia Auto Parts to. ... the University Auditorium. 3 emord to _ . 1 N 3-. :n.—Locture by Fred 11 ' . - Univeraity Auditorium. I 2 kl Ei‘hth . o p. m.———l%a-kethall game bc- _ P50!“ 1515 V nnville and Columbia high achnohl lined parts {Cf Ill ‘QT! i mlua High School Gymnasium. ; : This Ito ' .._ Folks in the home town read such a. h 9.-—0pc-ning of a revival Inge!-1 Broadway Iethodiot Church ' ' solution of the. but mothers never took a cha The bolder children. though, o.«..,,. dcred down to the camp as near as _ ,they Jared and gazed some-what ‘Ur of phuosophy in the ',ni‘_m_‘m\_ . ' ‘ ) pm ,8 " ll M l dmg-‘ “‘”“““"- ll” Plclwl where he spoke at a dinner given for Kill!‘ “*0” » hm‘ Of Smlvined and string-halted .lohn.M. Stahl. president of the Al. prized was a handsome 1."-etpof one atcedu. - ‘ll 7.-—City election. _— ..:....__~._ Returns From Cixicago lnatter and an effective ‘check on’. I . Dr. Jay William lludson, prufes-. I I l ed A Association of Chicago. . . open-air, carefree life of the ¢3mp_ at the Auditorium Hotel. N‘ I places": but so do good folks theac_ mmzcnk-‘at: aces’ U‘ M” “shed ' dnys—~ut least, as long ns4_t‘hey're¥ U!“ life. -211":-1 ‘ . - ‘ |’A\'l.\'(: ‘I'll!-I l’UBl.lC PRINT!-ZR- One of the premises upoa svhichl BB1‘ SOCIAL 00NTAC‘l‘8* M n |*:''..-” I, H‘ ,4 on Pa,.'.oI’. Talk: ea."Where °°“"‘Y ’°:’';‘M‘‘’‘‘I!:u . store or ‘ ,,..,.,,,,_,.. - DoYaa Live.” V . Nth! '5I|llt a-2:. ._a: “The problem on campuses where‘; of $886.19 for its uvanty—°|!°. “""""i cloud 1?. 9 3'. -L-suntan canon there is coedneatian is to _________'____ _ '°."'-c";:holr-‘p....oa1..:l’°°i‘l °°"'l"°u lb“ ‘m an“. film» Jei Okino, a Japanese. has be-'$mllh. ll‘ 0'3 '~ cl an--an ass-e--4; >’?“"¢"""‘,',“"°“"““"“°“.gohclo erection ofacheese 2...--lg a route u-lnb.1th_at is in Rev. Luther.“ y 0“ hi‘ dun. hm, nu, Sp.-533.1 __ . lll. Smith said In his sermonlfieu‘ -cent rum’ in “' "*3" *' “'1 “when no You Live?" at the First“ ._ street «contacts In that they do not dfllover the number of students who: 3'' Ian». to some extent, through etu- . . “ ,, . T Don Se T on in the dark). 15 .1 nght? is one of the phone “Mann. "on his feet -4.2 cum.‘ all a rumor. the 3*“ ‘l'- m’ - ml d Jeff C't- nu by , “The individual mu" decide between I-‘u ton an erson 1)., arm: governor of Ar»: ml . ._ . "8:-Kline 9 8&1! to 50 N0’-ii-‘for himself according to the rela- _ The xiggouri power gnd Light dred. 0" w°'”" m '5' U'm”u" M" l-l°Ml1lP of his conscience God.” ‘Co. is planning to spend approxi- w . Mr. Smith compared the life ofmggely $325,000 on its line ru - man who lives Wholly within him- “in: cut gnd northeast of M 5* sell’ to the dungeon of an ancient co_ . ‘ A tomato ning factory is be- ing enacted at Fair Grove. Con- , -——+— ~ tracts for a sufficient acreage of. N theaaeond tomgtueg already have been Ob- ’ -z only by the dim taper of his own fl _ _. at c:.l..;'ha nigh School. ———-——- m,m.d .6.--Rttistration date for the frosh- l'. H. S. English Students Bind ' I ,__j’;’ "““°' °““" '“ U“ Story of “flue Lady of the Luke-" Mrs. Julia Kerk-_v. arrested aomel ’ Klflfi «Of {hf fl’C8'h'IIl'l tin)‘: ago in Pqplfir in (:0 p. rn.-—}‘int of regular no es in t,......... 1,...“ sum, 3.. u...wrl'.:en ‘.Il‘.dt'!'ll!lB:‘. tell the .-story an - l . . -m lav -nforcemen officer in land their arrangement. with type-, “U u" ‘ t I l é cure in color. on represent to Call 1433 the book. then made the scrapbook Ilerchanta’ Luociatw . . . Safety razor blades shar- “" pened better than new. Here C... the x;rln' team of Oklahoma A._ F Tu _ , been 5 a‘ the une _ ._ ~ a short . Next Month. date of the mid-aemester Rhythm (;u,|,Aspu.; Dam; co, m—Add.rt-at by Eden 14"‘ Recital azi Stephexls Co '. 80- . i 0 9 - I l l“""- "' l"“'";J"’.co;-dir,;; 10 M55, ,\‘1m-gum-gm ‘Judd’; . , ,,_ _,___, idll'L‘L‘l.’ll‘ of phyhical education at ‘ uet and ralen-‘ tilt‘ cllllflzr. ~,. ' _‘ L'.'l.‘L’ll)l)l(' and solo numbers, will be ' ghqztl‘-‘en. llugglng and toe dancing i programf The divisions ofthe pro- ‘ i Phone 325 305 Broadway ; V ‘ i Work called for and de- livered with our splendid service. i ‘ . COAL 30¢ Tllfi ‘ "” W ~» > 0. E. Goddard of All kilda of wood for sale ‘i. -"u.;.,__ livery. 304 East Park. .r. [_Q Kinloch Hat Shop ii Plymouth Hats $7 . - ~ __.__.. .-_ the argument fiat a democratic gov-:. ~,¢-lmnml is ‘llzlhrd is that the people hm prepared by the alooou-i dlvi—ifor mi. The checks constable Wagon 91' an luak Walton Iataxueioa a phantom bank. {for introduction in the 1'-‘my-third‘ “’*""“““ puma,’ General Assembly. " - l l&mGl "'°“'" " 7° mm‘ Irunnornlssoual llmgwerflffnmny ‘ ltheeountyeourt. , , . . f. ' in“u* “wide Tuna”, of J_ D have stopped prtlcllfllll) all vsolk on ortormatlon of a roan’. The ground has been frozen were placed on the ' _\-cw London 3, “Lin: 5 P9; to such a depth that even gradinlt _ -Ar h enrollment in new achedl.le is accepted, the charg {trouble with most of ~ the social Mexico has intftaifid 79 P" Cf-'"l~l l0 U!!! CR)‘ Will 5° 3777 3 5"=“7- , F. A._l‘lilm)'er of the “'hil.e Rose -—~————-——-_ ‘Poultry farm near Quincy sold six ______,!_.___ ___ _y _ __ __ _, My ‘ Ear! Lucky of Ewing has 500;c°ck,,,], (0,. ' "“"" . Jarred-rocks baby chic“ 3' 'W‘~cr Mills Creek last week. One of byville sold fifty-four hides sum. the .2 -. lie suffered . {day evening to u ntranger. receiving. fiuries and bag filed suit two cheeks. one for $40 and one ill!‘ employer for $4,513 .1 I'¢_°l"'l mu ' _ ._ _ print NI! --n lav-to-date poultry house. -"6-the cockerel.-l brought seoo. ; Monett is to have a canning far- to ‘ T8 ICTCS f bea contracted for at 70 cents a hun-; ' The fish and game laws of hlis-- exj- souri are entirely rewritten in a 5» s. 5th-—Phonc-.1303 Green Radiator troubles mean. in E Sudden Service V soomy ii: Room I.) of scclles of the lake. the island. the i 3 Pr%s$ I I i.WeCo jbcfore starting lload of furniture to ‘of town. W K. tter have . A, . ,_ , __ .- A ‘.u‘ all Hi I “£9 for the movium cludes the ' Dance of the :\‘.s:’0tltt. a dervlsh dance; The on’ ‘You'll find us very ‘reasonable as to ‘ in such a manner that the woman is completely clothed thh-eby. St. ‘ T __...-., -,_,. . r-W. Mu": .-- --uga-.~.*!4---¢~sg. ‘‘ , — jg . _ ‘ , A Following a meeting fly ‘H alfasona in Moberly t treexin temperatures made application for te h;¢hw..,., in Southwgat hm- berlv. About zoo is airbus‘. impossi 1-. “W9 ° "" , _ ‘ - ii Classified ‘.43; - A4--. - (‘laud Cook of bpnngf ; helix: ‘ Cecil am! blnrvin Taylor of Shel- on a stack of wood and fell :l"‘-dud,“ J the lush-t 6" 'isMl HOME .ricell. Phone 1,! A’['I'ltESS \\'ANTlCD— 'oman. Phuol WANTl':D- ' npding Univ 'hi(‘h he ‘€871 ummvnclnl ‘ ddr4~s.~l Box 1 RH! liiku: -(ll: .~‘-Al; l-ll llrutml «4i1..hlml‘lluo-l, ‘(-4- . ldg,, phoni- }-‘(IR .\'AI.l~I 1-L”. fl-4-t, ol 1’-ally (_‘o.. [11 Fm: SA]. New :'n-room . - l puynwnt .:_A f or lull up. We-nth: 0) ‘no. l"r\lI.\l Fill l-..ll ht°.'lllll 1°.» . . ’('-‘:‘A,d’.—'V—- 71-. - .. '=-~._‘-;:»-cf; __ ‘ ‘ lurge I ____ —-——---“ ._ all ullw RYTH ST. DENIS I.\' .\f.($ERlA.\' DANCE DRANA ' all grou ~.~‘ } mm Ruth Ft. Denis will he .‘t‘(‘ll in several (lI’ie‘nU'.l tllJml)¢I'I' “Q. gm!‘ select the beat and:chc famous Ueni-