....._._ .. -yo,-—.i.....-. \.._‘v§rz1¢-' -_ . 1A:-um rrett. sprinrticld: 5» 31‘ 8 in. lieu- iiz the Com 3 A l w&mim%:m§'nm§$$fimmmim 15 DESCRIBED r..-:~..:‘::.*.*rz.-2 =2: .. count:-youtingisalwayapi-ecededl hi-_.c.‘_,, . de in eanip. . . , Reedy 5, J, . . . . I . ‘A. Be nett, B ning, 4. J. E. Ma ilaretta Snyder, . 88 NUYEC ‘ Illa: of one little :uu,ny'ng;.mi;fl6’.'Ray Pulliani, Pur-3 Wickatrom, Reeds. in Slums °"'°f,"$"':_k"'d"|" ‘"1 t‘;‘‘!; 1‘: Jdin; 6. Dan Pu in, Pundin; 7. J. 1.‘ Class l5.—Beya' Opal. Single Ear; ' wee V rt 1 ———'- head . Wonxs AMONG I'rALiA1~i8 excursion to the country. She _..» ;u__. z_,,__._ No“, ,,,,,,,,,i_ - on ‘ at the office one inorning,- 3"‘ - Y“... D", .‘ . """""" _ . 1‘ Bad Districtls Mom C0n8'§t‘;:'|¢l’h:!'l8ll1 time ‘In prev; I ?a_ D,,,,,_ um”; g_ moyd . . i - we cu , “.'ow ni ' ' - . ed In I-‘lttle "h’ead'a clean. ;"ll€l'€'l the country?{ Freemyen Ken”?-ma 3' mu . . 7 . 'Brei-sler. Grant City; 4. Clarence Llve In 10' ‘ Ah" he mp w the "fir wonde" lhlillx, Keyteaville; 5. Roscoe Powell, ’landahe delighted to tell her {arm . - - Area. fly ho‘. the ind fisiud ‘ C. :Brow:iing: 6. R. A. Hatfield, Clin. _______ ‘when ngyhod’ at down ‘O C“ u :ton; 4. (. L Henman. Hulls; 8. John 31135 493° D°°3l”‘- d“""" ,°{ ‘ one time and where there we-naunieeiP°n"' Km‘ Cay’ . . gm )5. 3; Dogging, Hun-whim ‘heed ‘on ,5‘ be.“ A red ‘Clam 8.-Mea'a South Miaaeuu. -tun-2. tells of some inW'='£m'~‘ *"';poci:eumi the had received beanie? ‘"5 3"‘ "'“"°,",°' 3”" periencea in connection ll¢T;h“. maflnhk coniflniom _Couaty While. mug, pougbic by . mmbq. of 2. Elbert Barrett, Springfield; 3. _ _ _ of the:._‘,,,c;,,._i,ud, 9 the nemmpcn V Henry \\ indoor. Roonville.:4. Ar- Piiiigc ll:-;_i|Bd Various bufilflflfi 1090'! 57810-"kl": Bumu‘ °pn"‘fi°ld' °‘ Fred m’h°p" "ant opcnfionl for .p._ly conduct campaigns for contribu- ‘""m'*'“- l'K‘°d5‘~‘i‘~3‘- . -gig“ mum,“ it pong“, to “kc .Class 4.—MeiI'a South Dlisaouri. Him: Douglass aiine to Columbia , hund;_eds of chndnn ‘O m 1.” an add Yen“, neat {mm 3"" "°'k city "0 ‘pad me» e cam are locatede 'aml\l”.- I C H E Walther Boonville- " mm“ """°“'*’Y "‘ ”°"“’ 3°‘°'°ii'ori;, Vewpfleriie v "I .331 R "sin.-iio’ Boldeii- 3 \vaii':&§ “H”: “P be’ p"““'°'t ‘be “. Penna 'lvanin l""i,*"m Jenna" Se :8. lunaii “.8 ceton: Rollie *°"¢°*’ ""3 U““""“” W“ "°"" tembe: u. of dliild an to in. 7:“: séd 1‘ ‘ins A '1; '1‘. Po c t follvvvinir ‘Wick’ '5" "’¢l"°d .‘°' to the c'0rl:l’llps’ en la re" “cu ‘en's om“. 4- ‘silt:-i‘. {it ‘r. nursing at Bellevuc Hospét:ll, , in from “.0731; mi" 5:06;: nrcoxze, 2. in onu-s.. a- ' - ‘ urni to uni 18. . ‘ ~ ' :h‘:.>rLs'Si:"rca!i{d:-nt_ nn‘ursc for two tfyd:"" f:‘3_'.n°.‘."3' $5 Claw Ten lit“ 5".‘ years at Stephen: Collett She has} mu ’§'° _ u1'.°°°mp". °' 0'39!’ _ ‘"153’- tztkenihiee terms of worltln Teach- Eu _’’'‘h 3"’ :;3!‘h° ’"‘f-"'9’"- °_°’T l. Sam Limbrook. Lentner; 2. en’ (:..1ie-in. Columbia University.‘ ml: M y 9 children in oemid ii;-iugin. Reeds; 3. J. i. rm. .\°o\v ‘fork. Al prelent Ill! ll Stud)‘-'. mug”! "m°:;' ""“.""“‘-.’"'°'l lmurr‘. din, Puruin; 4. (‘hriis Smith. Runw- ing further degree in public health an mm“ tfmh 5"1ml7_1"Jlt <‘0"lt'8_l-3 u.n; 5. H. V. Matthews, Reeds; G. from ('nlunib'ta University, in addi- d ha” 0 ‘ °~l“"'‘'~"‘’‘- Th? cm!‘ A. W. hrlichiiels. Siircuxic: 7- 5- M Wm W h” ‘venue work. reii we almost ii pathetic ignoiu . Mama...’ 3ed,,[,,,; ,.,-_ pmd }.‘;.},,.,. :o,ooo Live in Ten-Bloch Area. .:u"“‘ "’ "‘.""""". 'f‘'’- b‘‘‘ "*3 ,"~" - Lamar. A ti-n-block consolidated areal‘ ,, an 3 much “"5” ' 0”" 5-'3°&"Ii N0flll- 7"! 5'3-IN mixer.» live 40,000 Italians, the most ‘ $ 0 Johnaou. m e nd healthier lot after one of thy ngestcd slum district .in. New ‘.‘"""“' "‘_:“:-"‘:"_“’- 1- W113’?-0 l"T9¢m)‘0l'. K¢=)'1t'5\'i1l€: }.“'_ki‘ Little ii the 19130.0( ,.0L[’ 2. Franclfi Slbcll‘, 3. alas. nil}: Douglass‘ activities. _ ____*__ ;Powv.-ll, Browning; 4. Albert Kaden, -1-he 0,-t‘niz_agjon whjd, ‘go mpg-o- :\$as ‘On Exhibit at WorH'a I’-‘air.’ Ely; 5. Othii Jennings, Stanbcrry. suite is the East ‘iti,a.rlein Nursing ll ‘ted Here. Oaas 'i’.—Boya' North Miaaouri. Ten and Health Demon. tion. It is u A mi], map of Minoufi a m 3‘ Bars Reid Yellow Dent. unit of the Henry Street Visiting mgtcly 16 by 16 feet ii .v§‘z)¢_x:,f 1. Jay Powell. Browning; 2. Ken. Nuraing ‘Association. ‘ ing ' . — Eu-h nuriie in the three~ator)"ihe gudigorjum of we “vat A‘fi_,Sibbitt. Tindiill; 4. Wilda Tilley. building. which iii headquarters for (canon; guiidgng. The amp ‘.u"Bt‘tl‘l8fl)'; 5. Frances J. Bole)-, King the demonstration \l‘Ol"k,.lIB8 charge ‘on exhibit .1 the world's (‘it in City; I}. John Schmidt, l\'eyte.s:vill<-; of an area with a population of {mm ‘St. Louis but was x-emgned fa, nu.» 7. C. A. Potter. Boewoi-th; 8. Paul 10,000 to 15,000 persons. “These here, 1; win 5,, “ed in }ecw,",Cotterell, Albany. ‘ nurses are attempting to teach tl'le‘gift'fl during ]-‘,u.men- -week “mam 8.—8oya’ South. Ten Earn P1‘°Pl° ‘O WIRE’ Um!‘ 011! 110000 I_ur_ny. .\.uoun. He attended ,L:,.,: ,,‘m,,;’,‘: “:39; R°"”" "' 8* W mil“ 5‘ "°¢"“'>'- 5 ‘l‘"""' ’°‘'°’‘.C°''‘’’‘'~‘- “* U’“"°" Class ll.—-Ovfll. io an}: or 90-Da - “Tlicsc people appreciate what is ‘ “W 07 D9?‘ Homes and the Univcr- . ’ ,, . - . ~ . . (.orn. being done for them. says Mm :2’ °‘ C"’°‘.‘?°' “° '3 """'"°d "d i. c. ii. E. Walther B onville- 2 MIL ---nm ,3 ""13. ,1.,°'n by, 5 three children. George Kleaxtr Oak ‘iii - 3 “tal- the increased daily attendance at W ""“"‘“"“ 1‘ B‘ h ' , ' ' . '- zhe clinic during the three . ""‘ 0"” 3”” ”°*°"'”"”* Ri:icne}'.ul‘(it'1ux‘n(.?itB)l"m5eul3n’I-1.Eliifrifi‘ that the demonstration has been ‘ [)g_ p_ g_ w;m“u_ supciuendem Cémmbi‘ ' ' ‘ ' ' V carried on in its present form. ahow- .' .g 5;, ,i¢,.,h_ ,5 355m Cu 12 '_u . 0 . in: that the peoillc are gaining con-;' 0:. Porter E. Williams, superinfl 88 . flu gm smut by lidencc in uii. peope come _ g¢.nd.,m__ of state. 5 1,1." . 2. 3 . -. - , to the office for advice‘ whereas 5; Jo"_.ph_ Wm ms: hi‘ 935550;: ' Ma';:,.n:.B;°‘;'.‘n%’ 2' J’ E‘. UH‘? formerly even questioned tht; according to reports from Jeiienoiit Butler‘ .i~ J )1 ' G. ' n is r?e:r,1' coming of a nurse into the home. I (:5 .. . R”, PLm‘.m' Pu‘rd.nr_°°6"'J E “Q " “'1‘1|¥1‘_P'‘°‘‘_l0llv° “"59 'lI3°Pl¢ ill“, It is said that Doctor Williams. land Si.-dalie' 1 . I . ' ‘ 9“- ,prevention is better than trent- feels he is wt 5" accord with the C, l3____M'u.. Open’ magic E" 103"‘--" politics of the administration. and ye"... . ‘ ‘*.f-'.:::'..‘::.'':.:.:.°.S:°:..‘::'.......*‘"° :21: *;:.~~ L e . . ~ . in which they are taught deinentary ‘zen can ‘elect ‘ wccaioro m ’ lC‘°"M°‘:’th:"’)‘_‘°gvi8I!3n';°“:;“';fv R3- I'il°l“‘ cooking. sewing and hygbne. Ry- ____..___ ' V ' __ _ ' 3 ° - - ‘""' git-ne instruction receive: special Home grown Stark‘; Delicious: "mu" L"m°‘"‘ 5' G°°"° M"'”f°'d' attention among the children known apples. extra fancy, .50 3,‘ .- . . U . as tuberculosis contacts, that is. fancy $3.75 box delivered. Telephone -... the Shlldlffl who live in liomea where J. '1‘. Howard. «F4 118-121' B. D. Poster Plumbing Co. th ' ' neaent. . :..;:°.:::..".*;... .. .. ...... cope, fig; m». we as »y A "~-'*-« -4 ‘**'''‘'‘'.'= of teaching home makingand emu SP°°*_ '1 a v What you need_th-s ¢°-vim find: at all wars. um, ,0 mom", ",6 old. km, of kind of weather. Hughes hirniture 107 5', 9“. pg“, "2; the community are held once a week. 6°" 907 “‘l"“‘ 'm"°°‘- Ml"-l This vsoi-it is under the supervision . making - A Columbia University. An attempt , ‘ is made in the claaaea toteach the daily routine ofijfilnericui houae- S hold life. One group of Italian l , manual. entertained the nuraea with , . g 0 a party at which they aerve;lui!neat,l spaghetti and salad prcpe in “$4: .......... R. 1.. : _ TODAY—TUESDAY—WEDNESDAY ;,gygo;;d,,-_',:,t*,;',;:« ,_,,;;, *;;;g “THE GREAT WHITE WAY” dfid fill babies’ Cllflfl. DIR .. 9 u 99 l “"3-. s-in- «» as»-"rt-’ "'-'.'.°..":.°"°'.:::r-V °' N". ‘'.....°'*...'' ..’‘.:‘.:.?.%'..°.::.. .. ‘ Du t th congation ' "1 triet oi: eliieldren have no place to; . "'f“"l°"t°l‘;‘°‘3'- $1‘? "‘f'8- "C9 lnchhfifhd ph,.w_.q,,,,,a,, ,u..,,.,_ c,,,,,,,! o nigh eon roadway eser ed—tenee.tr_i- qiiently afecigentil are quite eonizoiti into dam“ ¢- . — . The p ire ii teneiaeii_ta,a ni- ily um occupying ‘three or fourl . THE LIFE rvooina “There is only one bathtub 3—7=l5-9 10¢-15¢ ’ in i ph 8::iia'thebeatgfig¢f!1lIlnt- Botliairlauid . . cAiii>Us LUNCH lla.rtlnW.Schnck’ ' E: gl 3 l .Ph_iine2367 . -r""-' . ' _ _ White. . 1. Thonias D. Gilbert. Harriaon- Ann€D01l8l355. C0l“mb13-“vfbr - tb-roach iii-rug:-I ¢n.'=in'°°,"; i. Hopner & Son, Brunaiek; zfviiie; 2 Here After20 Months -“;k’€"""‘°" "“’”" ‘°"“’ *9" ;l.-Zldridge Bidte. Grant City: it On: 8- Claaa 29.-Open. Brown or Black; 80 beana. up i, su be -; 8. Harold I-‘i,nl:,3 . 115:9‘ n m I 1. Jay Powell, Browning; _2. ‘Ken- n Mark Nichols, La Ruaaell: 6 Fra bert L. Barrett. Springfield; mu, Springfield; 7. John Catron. llont-A settlement work in New York City. Th. fimndnx of web pmkds is I“ l. C. H. E. Walther, Boonville: mg m ‘hand- l"l3lIeT. IJUIIT; 6. J. R. sheltflfl,‘ ‘Rmyer. M. Arm.‘ '18 Keytesville; 6. J. R. Shelton, Hole den; 7. Paul V. Rena, Platte City;‘ 8. John C. Matbeny. Miami. ‘ 3.. .3 THE COLUMBIA URIAN HONDA} JANUARY 19 ‘ l,‘§‘,“'°’”“w""’""°°"m""l Ar Snzriiniis CoLi.mi: allies H. Stephenson. Cantom: uliina I III. g 1. l. G. Davidaon & Son. Bi-ayiner: B_ y_ P. U" ‘imam; g confaence. 2. Arthur Joheon, Iarceline; 3. E. Funk N l Wayne Winston, _ Knobnoeter; .9’.- Franeis R. West. LaBell¢: 5- Betaon, Linneua. 3 I l. C. J. Wheeler, Lallonte; 2. 'l‘.: ' . Lei": ‘flaky. . node" n 3 f.fu;9]-Q‘ bgoquet will find tho train Cover; 6. Joseph L Boley, Kil'|CIch- yd‘. Pb.” ( ' H in (‘Jan l4.—Bo!a' Olin. Billie e , f Stephena College IP90! t5 F i’ Sm“. Ctlcgn. . ‘oiwinston. Rnobnocter: 6. flandelfing with Dorothy Cu“ 0,, 83'.“ Eden Prod" to handled from Columbia in the refill- ' I 0 gm", ' Campbell. Odessa; 3. Mat N. Al-i . L. ‘lea. Jr., Salisbury; 4. Joe Jones,i '9'!-larriaonville; 6._Georte Mclnto Kanaaa.City at 7:80 a. in., January fl. . SW" B"-lime" 6' "°h" N‘ Mr. and Mrs. Marion Grove went ,3. .“"' L‘ Put‘ 'to Centrulia Saturday. ' 7 0833 Mr. and Mrs. Buel Buclder went 1 30.—Open. Perk Cowpeaa Ben N. Smith, Bunceton; Ccmnu. gum-d . 1- '2' to 33'- 2__Walter Cochran. Carthage; 3. Chris it R_ p9,,-mu,’ 305 Elm §tfe9t,l smith. Buineeton; 4. Georze St-rk. left um morning for iioberiy. Armdil: 5. Em“! Cl1)'P°°l. Wllbm“ Judge J. A. Stewart left Satur-_' '5_°D‘d§Grore. day afternoon (or Chillicothe mi“ 3.,-Rn,’ Clna ll.—-Open. Peck Blaetnn. business. ,0 1. H. D. Cornish. Osborn Miss Elizabeth Mitchell went in}, Park .‘l‘i--{ti-I Centralia Saturday mornm .- spen the week-end. 1. Charles Steele, Chillicothe; 2... Clam. l8.—Meii'a Open. I-‘ire-Acre Contest. 1. (". L. Heninan, Halls; 2. C. S.’ Maiilaiid; 4. G. W. Spencer. Delialb; An undivided l-2 interest in Lot 2 ‘ in J. A. Douglas‘ subdivision of Bulk berry. Miami; 7. John I. Shall» -5&4].-l'$ Id 5:in Garth’ii addition r ‘ man. Platte City; 8. Elmer Alter-ft-o City of Columbia, 81 .. Emu Smith. Maitland; 6. ii. C‘ av n. l9.—lloyu' North Miaaoari. Gilmore and wife. llt”‘llD(‘l't Catron, Montrose; 3. Chambers. Appleton City; 5. Dar-7 win Piefmier, Appleton City; 6. (‘arl , Fountain. ,rst P. Hartley and wife. To correct description in deed in Book 176, -_ _ __ W 2. O. K. Crowder, Jr., Appleton City. _ . . ‘ A 1. ll. D. Cornish. Osborn; 2. Simon B3UmZI1"U19?.'Pierce City; 3. F. '1‘. r "hmln. Meta; 4. Peter Raainns-‘E lift‘? on iii. Class 28.-—Fii'e-Acre Soybean Con» ‘~ ’ i. I-2. Winston, Knobnoster; 2. E.’ ~ “OW” Vernon; 5. William lngelsg ’ C535 35-~09!-ii. Ten Heath ‘KaHir.: ‘ 1. Harry 1.. Miller. Carrollton; 2. H. E. Greninger. Carthage; 3. Wu. bel. Arbela; 5. P. Raainuasen. i-:~m.§ munity school. J. A. Douglas to N .E. Wade. --—-0 James A. Wren ct" al to For- —:-—o-—-—— To Slag at County Convention. vention that is to be held here on stunt that it will give at the _\ 3 "Ubanquet at the close of the conven- I ' J W Ch“ h M be? , Ttio The meeting Snturdigyilrin ., . . .. on,w o s nvis - Ridire. Grant Cit)'33-R°5‘1F"39¢l‘ Steele. Chillicothes 3. “v iling in Columbia returned to in. Luther C. White. M00?-8°m€Y)' C51)‘: 4- F-‘ home in Centralia Saturday. Omar D. Gray of Sturgeon. . . S8 33.-—Pl'€R RX Cl01‘¢l'. ‘)-ms tlwen in Columbjg on bu5in¢ss'l$7.75. Hllflllvg Furniture Co, 37 l. J. A. iiiner 5: Son, Clarence. 1.,-{L fy his home this morning. Adv. — Mina Ruth Keith, 1209 Walnut‘, Real Transfers street. has returned to St. LOUIS.‘ where she will teach in the com-’ V Rocker. Solid oak. Imitation? TOM’S LUNCH ~ C u iiic jroiiiicm SALE is MAD!-ll 3‘ ,0"! ..5.S.l!-.259-Q09 Pounds to ynolda Co. v - ' , The R. J. Reynolds 'i‘abiicco Co. Elfin Pnmm H°w::1um3-E353”: bought 50,000,000 pounds of the l in Block H. G_ 8. Rolling addition crop of the Bnrley Tobacco Growers, um 4 ,0 C5,}. of (~‘,mm“n' n.50'0_ ,Association Thursday. according to‘ i am R. Hall and wife to Jack "‘P°"* "Om U’m¢‘9"- *~>‘« hm’-' Burks. Ail that pm W 1-2 SP. l-4"‘l“’"'t,""‘ 0‘ the 6380013150"- . and S l-2 of SW 1-4 of NE 1-4 25- 14-0 49-15 in Boone and lloward coun- Higgins, Appleton City; 4. 'l‘bomns.ti9s. $1. °°mp‘"5' “"1 we 3-‘5°°i‘“l°"v “W: ' Alinodi: Fountain ct ii] to Odon former hnvinx purchased , io acres i: 1-2 of B 1-2 50900-000 P°“"¢'‘ earls’ in Di-com-§ p;;,..,,.4oi NB 1.4 of sw 1-4 24.51.12, 3200. . bot ' i Just a few ateps from [triad- This is the second transaction in forty days between the COLUMBIA THEA ._—._.:..._.——.__. Try a lliaaourian want ad. page 378. 81. ' ————-o in Juliette Mona sun Ill. “gl§§3TLfn°‘é'“°l°° Miss Juliette Moms, who teaches “C I ' G. ‘en er.‘ ‘English in the Columbia lligh J F C“; School, is you absent on account of ‘I ‘"6,’ “'5 Wm. illness. ' TONIGHT AND TUESDAY Only '2 More Days 5399 BROS Annual Clearance Sale of Many bargains still to be had. Come in. VA UDE VILL “Broadway's Favorite Youths” LeROY and MABEL HART ‘ TONIGHT ONLY BRYANT WASHBURN -“'I‘EMPTATION” A vital drzima of iiestless wives and Flannel Dresses Just received 35 new spring flannel and kasha sport dresses in cedar, copen, scarlet, tan, gray and); orange. Plaids, stripes and solid colors at the special prices of- . \ ‘Q S HALL THEATE TONIGHT—-TUESDAY-—WEDNES Q. A Dimitri Bucliowetzki PRODUCT! “r l I. ‘l H it ll 1! '. " ‘ .. j I ‘. . H In v ‘V ry of a found she a ‘-‘AEEBLONDE -r child Sund ing it took child