W .0 '- I‘ ' .) r .' ' —. " , .'v ‘i. ‘r ' l ”,<“'-'- es? Qt ‘iii 1 ‘ a‘ 9neOeat‘a7Worda-BlI."!.l 55 . iv .' *1-‘-' . -s e .'.. A . 1...)‘, ~i~.-.. . 19'.‘ ;n. . -‘ ‘.a V - i ' . ‘_ a‘ . V: 4 .‘I 1."; ‘ tr -’ ‘ C e *5. - ' ‘R ‘_. .‘.....}. ., big .4‘.__. V-., . _ ' :-v '' \ g 4' ;_"‘T,-s {“'T,",5""' ‘ .. I t-Um-in - get- .e,'R‘. - . I 4i?()A'ST OFFER .l- .-;N. . ‘heated rooai. its bloelis'f1~oia iiiulizo 3 nicely F0! for- ‘pbone 1297. Mrs. W. H. Brown. sarsornaxr ' ’“°'”° BAKING--Reasonable 95°“ 1°" ‘"’°"° 37°“ atearn heat,‘furnaee managed by SS m;3,oyA-pnq(;_. efficient attendant. Phone 1156 19.; 722 Missouri avenue. ‘ L11!)-125 102 1: FOX R£N‘l'—ltoorns for girls for ’ second seineak at 1117 University. P116-tf Ax1'ED_——By young man at- hcLn~:'bo:rd ‘M 1.00:. FOR RI-3NT—0ne nicely fur- ‘ .°“ .h mom, ”mm".:‘nished room for girls. 1106 Pa- ”. c‘rel',of Olliflo P1100! i297. 812F129 3113“ ; waimin ro aaiir A.\'TEU—Young lady ll? Ullh RExT_‘mmcdi- ')' -‘"9 "°”‘ l" °“'°'*" "' stely, ‘unfurnished apart eat for - Rio?!» ‘'7 "l"“l‘" “"‘l’l°3"”"“°‘|ight housekeeping. by young Uni- . 3‘ T°f‘’’"’‘'‘'‘‘' Adam” 8°‘ versity couple. Write. giving loca-i 3-- “W °{ -‘“"“°"'”i“’“. . 1.2“, tiori. description aifl price in first‘ ‘ rian P 3 5 ‘ 'letter. Box “F”. care liisaou . nu‘ ESTATE L ‘”“2“:i“:::i' 1311?: 18-550 1 .1 . 1 , ’ you SALE-—i-‘arrn of so acres ‘street. s12o.1 v a th 6-room modern house, fine i F" 3°” :._-- .2- .- o-----~-.3.-5 .'_p1nt‘nt for chicken and dairy Rggq1'_po,- boy,‘ phone FOB BALE 2 miles from Columbia on 390 fihitg. 307 31”,-bud pg“-¢, FOR sALB_muk u“ u “d ’ - out ' ' 122-124 mm Cu.” , ‘:0 Mid ' Also G0-acre farm on ho. 7 Iiigli- awed “I2?! I '3 ‘i only to sell. Flynn Realty FOR RI-3NT—Rooms for 2 boys. pr.“ '81” lzslsity C0,, Rooms 203-05 ‘fioue 1620 or 1103. .;itsiD£.'~'I'-E_ LOTS FOR SAL,-'3, roii iii-:Nr—one single room for? hfl!‘ 050'“ 07 lo“. 031! "' 815 and one-half room at 810 for; . A. ll. hvwmfn. semester for boys. Board if; 3‘. P5000 ‘-33% "13-'H35.desired. lira. liugh Williamson, it SALE—10 acres chicken and? Gltitltr Bldg‘-. at 87.50 each. Phone 1948 green. 9 1 1 DUB. . FOR sALr.—vm- desirable briclt .. ngalow, 5 rooms, hath and reali- {conveniences ‘z’-‘ t room. thoroughly modern andlstreet. ‘in -dateineverydetail. A Quhuoa. hcfltd ‘: 4“! ‘ad oak,“ FOR_ for student ~- .. 4... run information. co.;°r “gum -w- in "gym b<;g-1g- '3-1 . Dd ,nooer-rwoornera. one .9 ‘"”"' ”“m'°° " 3"“! s12-2.12‘: FOR ItENT—'I'o boys. one see- o r room. for boys. _s122i1f o. 1 : i u . '1 ‘,;l-‘UR SALE—l3-room house, part- i fi furnished, all rooms rented,Va' 8“ 3.5,, b,,,,‘,,‘,,,_ 335olphone 1125 black. . P123-12:4; , ! iron RENT—One room "'°°"' h°°s°' “'3' ‘mi P3-ooovlond floor, either single or double. M tQTflIIl. - ,' . 9_m°m residence 0" Wilson’ smullfor bays. Phone 1482. Jl22tf‘ 11. ‘ I-‘OR RENT—l'-‘urnishcd moms ' h on 5&- jayincnt dov. ‘ Flynn Realty C0,, Rooms 203.05jfor boys. near both t e Red Cam- Suéisr Bldg. phone 1620 or 1103. ipus and white Campus. one bloc-he -—._._—..__ _. .. _ . 1 —— — - —.....:§ ‘ uovsas FOR RENT FOR RI-3NT—-Room and 1-2 room‘ I rooms and bath as one or two‘ied. 121-126! -"T ts. 1403 y.§ : Eastfiroadwa i- - 18-l9blacl:or 601“3.vH111tf , in ID! 1tl~Z!\’T—7-room furniiihedi|¢‘¢°fld 1100?- - on Rosemary. lease expiresl1408 3888 IVEIIIN. 8 on first floor, single room on Phone 1116 White.‘ 124-126’ a . fl-room house with steam heat. rFV|6§—R£NT-one ’°°m md ‘ . ." “med. “mom: M.“ ‘half room for boys, at 1209 Paquing ‘avenue. Phone 1748. ~ llc119tf; i"5°k h°“’° "Q? FOR REN‘I‘—0ne single room tori .. u g .3 -room furnished apartmsntiyt-:2‘ ‘t 301 Co age’ fiomglfi‘. Rod Canipu 1- _ l" tf ! 1 Itl L (‘on 203.05 Gun": FOR RENT—Desirahle single or -. phone 1620 1103. I Jlflttfiroens for girls for our throagbo "—-"'—-""'_:‘. ‘uh try‘:-.11..-rerun-at-sis. "°n3m"""“°'m' BEN!‘-—1.aIgef second 33°¢PllItP°*'¢hll'*'“0¢G|- "i use ° ° uln street. phone 8221 white. icommlttee Decides Plldtf. man court. Faculty nien°iber RKN‘l'—-0ne 9'" nisbd cooai for girls. 1106 Paquin.: “'°''° 1918* ‘. . l I FOR R!'.N'f'—Rooni at 12 Kahl- Private - 1.2 block from White Campus. 207 {M N- ‘College. phone 2136 green. 11124-129] ill;-'.hU ""1i'o3a )iiToTiIaau”' " Nor AOCEP'l‘El) -1-———:——.. to Send Track Team sizzuuw 1° .ing this holiday to California. a - Not 5:3: The llissouri track team will notE1~'“°"l"I this i e University of tiouthern California for the dual tracl: meet rvoonawitbaa«aa.d.- ticipate during the Easter vacation. tor in uodtfli no g¢hgiThis was decided at a meeting of 3100:: the (fomniithec on Intercollegiate ‘Athletics of the l'iiiv¢-rsity Satur- FOR lt!'-.;N’l‘—Roorn close to East A day agwmoon‘ .C=.mP°‘- 515 18 Ph.°n ; The Varsity baseball will moire . 1.1 .__ ‘"9. _.,__ ,__ _ _(,;1uf‘-(‘two-game trip into Oklahoma dur period. .\'egotia- , ttiont are now under way for pros- ROOM AND BOAfl,D_Poy ‘jg-13‘ pettivc games with Oklahoma of the c«~.ni'c;~encc, and Phi - niversity of Enid. c status of tennis . as it Uni- ROOH AND BOARD—Roorn;j vcrsity sport wa- also discussed at $.50 a week. 2 meals at $4.50, 8: the nieetirig and it was voted that 403 ‘ meals 5th FOR REN‘I'—!toonis, board if de. sired. 216 liitt. Phone 1566 white. 35. Phone at street. S119-124‘ with Richardson street l phone 761 black. 720 Missouri ave-la“ W113“? but tubes. $25. Call at ‘"23". _FOR SALI-3—A 3-tube radio set Nil‘ price. Phone 22F6. g -- _ ._ rult. pickles. preserves FOR RENT—Two menu: with all? Phone 656. w 'tc. 311 Waughié lent surplus an South the sport be put on 123-1%: basis and a schedule be formed in- n substantial eluding meets with all the nierubers of the conference at least once every ! two years. financial report of the foot- Roou A31) 3oAgp_3°°m.‘ ball season was made hyC.L. l}rew- _ 3 er. director of athletics. This re-‘ mg 1:‘, port showed that the sport had raved successful financially. By vote-of the committee all pres. any that may ac- lcrue in the ftture will be set aside I : tllblb. refiigcrltof. lawn mower and! 213l_ 316: tercollt-gitttl‘ Athletic Associat 1g;;_12;,i football center last fall. matricu- 7 la and jellies. , man. for permanent the athletic field.- improvements of the on Univer- Thc spring schedule.-. for Univer- sity reports were approved by the committee. Slzltli STAT!-1 I-‘0( al ' of Missouri . _ .-_ -‘.._. 4 JTIIAIJ. STAR Illiltli F0]: sA]__f-;_w(.,u.m E|,_.c‘_ri(.i Jeni» C. llu-sh l".n_ter.~ the .l'niver- Wing machine. gas stove. dining‘ l'\’lit C. Bush, all-Mil.-muri in- cd in the University thi< morn- truck farm in _ school i l_’Ul.'I.')'. Phoni, cits’ “W and ililtrhtvc 0: non Bl-ZN'l'—Si¢1l:le or dooi.io5°"‘h (“"01- . ' “"5"- S“ '-‘- - ‘- rooms f be . Also giira -.1326’ , r -1 i~-_'l9:_- In v-u . ‘ . ‘.:'.‘ . a . , h-I -\ . I , ._ ':r V‘:-*‘g_'>* ,1, .. ,_..._., . ‘v_ - --I \ . w . , " ._'..—--r _'- ‘_ . _ ,“ . l¢‘.»39a;i?.A..—b4¢*}am—!-1.4‘ . 1. . ‘ ‘ 1:: ‘,2 .- ~ . ...3_ o ~ . - .- ,. .=z._s-’ ~ 1. ”- ‘Fl . v . !£{"""‘*"‘.‘ -1. .- ," 1 ~- .. .~.' ....- " ..’.-'.'.-.. .. , > s 1 1 . 1.. - ‘f.’ -' _ . L iimu; = i ~ "t eat. furnished or unfur-i d superlative in quality 1 «. v l 1-‘OR RI-2N'1'—'1‘w 1 ho .* °"°°‘ ' sir. cry rm°“m°' Bmfijisio Uni;-crsity. piwr::m2iioami»i.Zil. 3 mew“ 31 3 ti” "°'ld-""”°"' ; A\'A[LABLE Faun“, 1 ‘ R“‘u.’. .m. 1 ~ ream, .,,.,..,,,,,, 5,,’ Au, 1-‘on RI-2N‘1‘—‘f'o boys. two nicel - 705 fliuom-1 . --comfortable rooms. 1001 locust, * ~ '~' -~ - ~~~-—- ' '*"°°'”- -—9’-‘-“-' mm’ mom 7“ ‘mm’ mm“? Bxriia'1"§wrnwiiiriivc ii’ "'° "°" ‘°“’i‘° “"1 * ‘ 300.3 yo‘ RENT *“” FOR ltEN'f‘—Roonis‘ for boy-1.2 The suasbias Agency : ongcst wear. ggev ' _ rn at reasonable‘. 50! 8. i Buy r'u-e.s...~.o.i...._ ".99 . In-cm. priee.dIBConley.phone1585green.? c.n.“a,7’.-. a_ It-&ere::a. an. 1.30 . * riinsis iv ...,.,,,, $':3eo:E?iT!ofld;I-‘or mg“ one nooiss roa unit 1 dozen " ,,....l.:,'.",._""“,.._,f’°~ “*3 “fining porch, 1415 3,: F03 B-5NT—300lnl»It 301 ‘ """“""‘ if . deity, phone 1603 gas“, gwmlstreet, across from X. If. 0.13.125. "PEwuT“8 1 2/RE)a'T—ltooinsfbrgir'ls.6-‘n‘fi ' 1 Newaadllssd Iaehiass . '“ omcmbbk. 121,1” 703' REN'l'—ltoorn in Iepalriag . s ._ _lDm¢,f0f‘5D!tVQ&.HIflI1“2 ]__g.g,5..¢,..¢ l ‘ -Ap attractive frat whl 8sttarles'a. Phone sir I U“ “'0 xlfll. latte closet, ‘ = En,“-g 3 1*“!!! of result. for my three: years under Ir. Yoat could not have- been nice t. In addition to! V-‘ifllifl Iolne of the great underly- ing principles of sportsmanship and fair play from him. Ilr. You owned, deep-seated ideals and l have made ' riend whom I respect and love. n e la '!-’urtherraor~c. I feel that I have tia- fricndship and support of Iich- inn‘: entire athletic staff and will go to Madison- inspired to give Wisconsiii all I ll. "OH, hiichigun dig-cc. of intercollegiate athletics, made the following statement on Little‘: decision to accept Wiscon. ain's offer: . _"l l0M"‘a very capable and effi- cient director and football coach. Little has made himself so useful ful planning ‘.3, 5,‘ leaves." It is uncertain who will be ap- pointed to take Little‘: place. but. it is assumed that Mr. Yost will take a more active part in ' football teams this year than he did last. ————-—o——. C. L. BREWER '10 ST. LOUIS Stadium Project Will Be Discussed With Architects. C. L Brewer. director of ath- letics, will lave Columbia tonight for S't..l.ouis to confer on matters pertainuigto the stadium. there hlr. Brewer will tall: with Janiieon and Spearl, University ar- chitccts. and will meet with two in- tCl'?8{S on Q fingflcifig osition for the new stadium. ' __—_..L_..___ Tears May Compete With M. M. A. ATTBHSV-'m_¢'nt8 . are bci made fvr the University Rifle Team to’ fire In match with the team repre- mil-Jnsr the llissoori Military Acad- emy If Mexico sometime this week. Cfllltntn Chase of the academy is desirous of pitting his team against’ that of the University's, according to Lieutenant J. P. Lake. coach of the local team. If the match is arranged the University team will be taken to Mexico in army truci;s., Student Talies Position in Illinois.’ t_rcnce‘Da-vls. a junior ‘in the Collcge of Engineering. left Friday, to fill the expects to enter school again next f8"- .Yi8 is a member of the Tfifllkle fraternity, and was treas- urer of the junior engineers and- ll"1°l“’9l’°l‘ Of the St. l’at's Board. ”'Z‘?Om:- If you want to buy or sell some-1‘ thing try a Missourian want ad. ' ‘_.- .— — . __ i around the Bulldog cagers he proved i ball. 1-sci-: rivs _..._.c—.; . . T-J TIGERS TAKE 24-20 VICTORY ia Wtndnesday afternoon. a Tlinrsday afternoon Missouri Loci" Bulldogs After First Five Mini utes—Half End-. ed 13 to 7. M. U. TEAM l’l.A\'l:2D W1-21.1. Hard Week of Practice Brought Results- Teddy O'Sullivaii Was Star. Missouri .won from Drake Satur- day night 24 to 20 and Teddy O'Su|- ivan came into his own. Playing his firrt entire game under . The News in the n l I T A I 1 man drew round after round of ap-' M plause from the stands by his {tell- ar defensive work and his brilliant spurts on the offense. Dribbling through and pivoting from the poor showing made by Tiger! a week befone against Oltla- Z 8’ ins. . Practice Brought Results. The hard week of practice before the game proved worth while. for the Missouri tcani displayed an of- fense which was surer. The pass- ing and shooting were better and the Bengals followed the ball more closely and fought the rebounds with more success. The first five minutes of tht game ended with the outcome im- i-afe for predictions. but a"t~-.- this tl1(‘rl' was little doubt. The Tiger.‘ tool: a lead and held it. increasing it in the second ‘half. to have it cut down by in last-minute spurt by the Bulldogs. The lia ended with Mis- souri leading 11} to 7. (‘much Bond used It slightly dif- ferent line-up than in other games t ‘a year. Captain Wheat and Mc- Millan wcrc at forwards. McDon-' ough jumpui at center. and O‘Sulli- van and Buchncr played guard. Joyner was substituted for Hchlil-' lan in the last few minutes. All Played Good Ball. All of the Tigers played Captain Wheat handled the team well while )lcDonough's tenacious following of the ball was outstanding. The Drake men put up a much better fight than was expec . Fresh from a stinging defeat at lContir.uuf on page all.) I I l i 1 1 good 4 [JOIN-(11083! Lenin and Dryueaalagos. Pi lldarlflttlhniag aalll it - -._... ... sa-avg: Welsrs Wash: cousins. eruI|Ir- ll? 8-. 80- St- David B. llolbrook. eaeentlve sec- Nhlj d the Ala-iean Association _. for Orgaaishu Family Work. of‘- which the Columbia Public Welfare is part. will arrive in He . for‘ _——— - -vac-— . 7 k -—>— - nunnirr cost. . Clark Vt Kansas City. Try a iiis'£ou'rTsn"Tn[ui ‘ad. “P22 or ‘IE5 White 7C- -1‘ .-—-Y.. -—.—ax3s-o--I.——--- ~ UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT the best of everything. Both girls and Clean, quick service. Popular prices. Serving boys invited. CAMPUS‘ LUNCH . &r'tin W. Sehaek 2367 1 ¢_—§_.. . -—v +0 va- Dalton Coal Co. A “Modern Fuel for Modern Homes” Fred A. nation Sam 1-‘. Dalton -..._.._¢ 0 The Roman Choir * Diiect from the Vatican at Home at University Auditorium . Friday, January 30 A 8:15 p. m. Under Auspices University Band Only five more days to buy ticltets. Lower floor (i'e.~'.crved.*)' $1.50. Balcony 75c A'l‘ TAYLOIFS Amiiiissouiu STORE Helpful Spirit Friend’ zy Stationeityi ‘* Toilet Drawing’&?%s - 2 , .'A1vecp 1 _ mew . ' ~ Begbrft. by at . . . ‘?.‘l- IT‘-f : ‘ - “ 5 _;i - O Make Yourself at Home