b- . 4 ~,"v‘Z‘*'.- . ansroiiisl ‘no Arraiti. 9 ‘nuts suit itsiim “TEXAS RANGE ‘ 3 TO, R10 GRAND ;roudo'notreadandoaeItiaaourlaa News offCo.lumbi'a It-Quayle Bellevea PlaatoAH3 ' °.' ' °lwantada. I - ' _ i I at-tie: Stadenta 1- Net ‘ StlC_kel'S AdV€l'l'.lSll'lg MISSOUH ‘ L ‘Bi'oHierstoEutertatn . n ! _ . weii Understood. ,,_ W, C I t ,m_m“ M if “km m M”. W“ W “ W“--'* ‘DAt.GH‘l'l.-ZR or ALUKNA With Dance Tonight YOUNG KANSAS CITIAN ~,Will Try to Prevent Inva-! "W 3-rt-M Quark. national JEFFERSON cmr. Jul. at... ."‘ . ' . = ‘ . , , Jecretaf! of the Stt.dent- ugnoufi Au,d.u,,,,. an-0",}, it‘ '"d‘°’.”'”°"i' °"’“‘! ""d"' H Kwt='a;:0-0Ir=:-m=- g 81011 of llexlcfin ishiprnud.ienottetteiieti-;iththe3itteccreury.Goot-eeriekette, 5ulnarit.toheknowIitromtheweet- .. ' certain a hnee . Rum R‘mner8_ pray the student: at the.Univeraity;1.um-5,4 gm“, in off,” ha. u,,u,. ern coast to the Atlantic aeahoand. .atthehoeaeotDr.andIra.C.L. ;arereoondingiothepiantotake- -- . .. tom. ‘ i la, Um‘ Pr.‘ 0"! . “hawk! bum“! in Cuktzaadvatwnx campaign for the llr. Pichezs aaya thlerei are tI"o The guests will he laaea Iargao - . __ d,°_s1°“k- ‘ 6 3 ' _ ways to a vertiet-; " lo t yourire I. int Switul‘. Ilrlhl SIRE 1401'! : lB.AnU'vgSf|11?l'I\':ex” Jutorderedah T¢f:n"{r0h Rani; ‘itrltiitiiuiiaflilhiexzrfal or-0 Ongnu N-R ‘ad but‘ finch" °’' W’ rm" "°i'bb°' d" it’ ’“”°°" §6ail Bowling. Ia:-garnet Beanor ; jduu the mo Gum“ ‘O ‘O ..'u.iufi°” hue flubmibed ‘MGR {Junk printed in latte lots and has been it-ttlnx her sister atateo ; 1 ' El. . ufi‘ Hhruuncd im‘d°n by uexifflllllan mm 1 D" “M. ‘flu mm oM-um'd of me; Ifltnbuted at cool to bakers. 1010' dothe advcrtiitinl. but now Missou- ’ ' i[“’" iT“"'"' “'5” c‘°“°“' ""7 ! jfllflltrtt The reP°rta into Ilexicoiflflll necesiiarf to miiintain thorn umnr" m"°h‘m" b“'l"“" ri is goim: to advertise." is '3'” “'°°d'- ““""" "°‘4"‘~ ’°"'~V ‘ éthat use operation. of the 're:u'h°-pitai {or three months has been5 M" 0-hood." Wfmwq mu boo“. ”"""°d ‘° "W ' hm’ '“°“°' I A '7‘ §('horlton. Maxine Allen. \'lrgin!a..% ‘R.n‘fl._,’ tad been “upended by aw‘,-.1..¢_ 5:2‘ . ’°'"°d,“"‘:‘°'-h‘ “'3 along similar lines: to be uat-d on p -, i . - - _. ‘ ' . _ O 2 ' _ 3 a on in i campaign promo t by. «ad 5' id _ 3 I L f ,ls‘;:h:'::dn°F cu?!’ .l.m,_: ‘ «:8: t;nt0n'lc¢;i‘|):JsIID¢1l¢?; C1310 hm; Xiaa Quayle laid that those it-hula larger consumption of home pro- nu omo ' --r;‘-o|f——‘—-- R .3 ' ‘net “cB‘inc uumvhm’ whn" “vu_i P I I rd. P905. {ID I 09! 7 tilt were enthusiasu ducta. Theaaaoctatioa II It preaent Try 3 fligaourign 3-gag gd, ljgfi 'gfu fog gll an lliani ilclfern. Gene Lawrence Rue-' — »"°."‘°" ‘°°° 3"‘ ‘° "‘ °"""‘°" '*° W‘ And l".'P°hII\'c. The ain' pu-hint Iiuoun-crown -heat for ;-_ p 3,." G, u M K,.,,,_,,_ '30,,» o . ~';'*"°d“!’>'L*i::_~-,G¢:=- 3"!‘ :1‘-¢°°,tn_>uble._-he said. it a lack oiiemiit-»Mmouri tmeui _ making. and will t-— —-—« - - ~—~ — -~ It —. ~ o » '°'”' K1: . Rrfin . . kn": t. captain the arity with the plan rather than lgck. take up other Iliaaonri products lat- I I I I I I I tigers at o. of interest. A contribution of 50 er. Orders for 65,000 stickers are I I I I I I I ' a Cunningham. Logan Kyle. T. B.‘ T . Stewart. Joe llourigan. and Thomas ; _ ' Alexander. . ‘ Magee has wired Wright to take 09018 from c\'cr_\' student in the‘ Wlitihl to be filled. Mr. Pit-ken: l Mr. and Ilrit. F. C. Garrett will ‘any steps that he deems necessary University would raise» the quota.‘ “Id Tl|IlTIdI)'- ‘for the protection of American Most of those who have already The stickers. which is iibout mic _. lives and property. subscribed have given 81 or more. .inch by two inches, shown in the , ' The Zeta lit-tit Tin. fraternit_v,' "PM? PM’! I map of Missouri ‘ AT the girls at 805 Paquin avenue. and. Id uv 5)’ I Womln with I Wreath the Kgppg xgpp. G3n”n“ A1ph,l around her head. The legend on the Chi Omega and Pi Beta Phi sorori-‘L ‘MD 8|)": "‘Ji33'00?i KYOWI1. milled. 1 ’ chaperon the party. ; Will Hont3Tb'EtI;mier A | With Informal Dance L. Mrs. Pearl 8. Ward. iio South - if ‘fine-year-old Ia:-inn Rowena 5. '‘'“''.l' u” ‘I’-"""" -°' "" 9": Sixth street. will entertain at her‘ Parker Ilenorial Ho-vital. tics itet-e each subscribed 100 peel mined. made products.” The hot- t Do Sultll of Itaaaaa City . Q. In. e.-,& ‘u f'."” ‘E’; home win,‘ “I inform.‘ at‘, from» « ‘Those altibienritttel.-S'l_ Stelga c¢m_ ttorn part at the sticker carries the _ '_ . . 9 ‘O 12 nodock math‘ in hum, of . J0 l\-tf.‘Gl im . ph Ca: . S. d t ," ur ud_ name of the Missouri Association ‘ I "a'*s“-‘:,to...‘“. g:$‘:l her danghter.\'elina. “"- um‘ B°‘““'“~ RWWU 30315» hou:,e:‘:i:lw,::httu‘° :_;;:::?"hc with the aloxan, “For a an-at4-r blll'l(l8_\' ll ' 3‘ J‘ ‘"' ‘ Walter Wlllia Thoai. Jr- iii the Mn. Dorothy Towner. Thelma - Miiuiouri." ' 1915. 3| _ 3.“; ' The guests will he: lliaaea Han-o . , _ . prtuect more fully, Miss Beatric-- ' _ rmfijar of at, 5'...“ ('j:;'rinc Jeans. Charline Larson. llar-'z’7°"'°H '°" ‘I M" ‘M M“ Bnik Robe“ bum.’ “"5 £"u'- Clark, student chairman of th‘e' 1‘ "' “*9 dum‘ 0‘ 9"~’88N*Cll1i0". l ""' 3}‘-1"-F»-o“-': .~'~‘-‘”>‘i“-’i--‘-11’-E 1??‘ "i’«?«i“i‘:."‘1;.'?.::.';*:.°".':.°.';‘:.' .;*‘.:'.;'..*::*..:":;‘.: ‘ ““‘"“" ‘°‘*’ ‘*“‘“"' “°“" 3"“ “" ‘ ”__-m -:;_:=: iR°b°"33- ‘3"‘"')‘_F- D“"_3- Punt?’ hisiuztrr Sit: :g::.u‘M’H:_‘h:::i'sch‘r ed wen“ M" Ade-'Univeraity to have it part in the’ t\fi:,,";:r,::elf{.;,:c:r tfitrdofilf Elli‘ flXll‘l’S. NO U80 f0!‘ all Of US t0 A 01”” S"“‘“‘ “”""""‘ 51*’ ..‘:.*.;''=...,-p.._ . it I it I ':;‘-=w« "“’"““"T°——~——° "‘ 1R:..::*::’:;“L:::.;'m:":::.°.:..:*:: tar»-»~ we sabbath Data Mother . M. s;,m§.%u'§a"ii-’i{..id initiation .!l3trl‘i,i'is"'-by ml! or Wife can have Sunday as a day of :‘..‘’i;. “°°"' "“'"‘ “ 013:’: é':‘J'.1ii‘?‘ii»’%-i‘a 3'51:!‘:%:=.:...::‘::;,.:;:'.‘:’.::;"..:;°::‘:.':;. "-’»«:f‘ w«‘»’~«"?s‘-’»“-mi. "” s»~~;,~,»~r,;:_-;'t1§;' ;:»~i=~~ ::::;..:‘:'r;..f':,*:':.:'°::-...:';:‘....”'::; met if will let cook sunday "‘ famil.\'. The ncxative was victorious in§H°b°l‘"‘ T9‘-"533. m°"”"R T"! it in the \\'e.~t Agricultural Build- ; Ray llaste. John Develin. Ace Quick. mi... Mu-an fluler and ).u,., T Tl“"*' dl"‘€'h"Y¢d ""9 -ll)‘ Cflllff. the dew”. ..R”°lu_d. that Gm.,_.,,i Europe. ing on “Pictures Suitable for the gitnd Lawrence Fleming. “l)o]-othy 1," 3,-own we,-,, dinner: H¢‘flf>' Smith £1111 90)’ 5mi1h- nor Du,“ M.“ jun“-‘ed in duh: —-—-———.—__. a°mc'" ‘l’ 3.9‘ m‘ C .“ afar," House to Give inn“ “ a." Dem‘ Del“ Del“; Boone Count!\I-lolibilal. 'misainK Chancellor Lindlt-_v of thei "‘ S’ 0' ‘hm’ Plml‘ "““‘*- The best J n"' Ty". “"7" “"1 "N c * 'h°"” 1'” mtm‘ hlrii. Cl ‘dc Holton was admitted. Univeriiit ' ofliansaa." The debate. The team leaders of the Mt-thodint Sunday dinner - w ll we a recital at i I —-—-~— J ’ ’ ~~ . ~ s"',"i°"(,lu 31 1 4 m glnformal Da_llC€ 5 I“ ‘M H“ Al“ Pm‘ of Ben‘. Carlson \an Mom was discharged was held by the M. S. L‘-. Debatinz] “"”d°"‘ 073301900" field I buIi- in own for cin-tenet. oueze .' n. . E W hm Bow Wm mum.“ ' um Czm ‘rm “rm wd“.'w M the )‘t'sterda,\'. 'Societ)’l last nirht .n the in M. c.‘:;;*mm°;tInf Lrt 5‘ caldolck ‘Friday 75 cents. Mmanl and Simon " . ‘ .- - ' 7 ' “—‘-‘*——-'- . Buidinz. The speakers for the "0 3 WY)‘ - 1 Va: 1- (1 bmu 1 gttltll In mfofmll 4101‘? tomtllhguesta of Mrs. ht. J. Gree t th , ~ A ._ 1. ’ . . - - | . The Good mes ti mee "om 9 ‘O 12 o'clock. iweebcnd. ne or e Dan Vluuford Back to Office. agf,m.m, “R John Hiwhr‘ followed by a picnic lunch. John Belcher l3l5 o be . . . . with lira. . ' . _ . . an I". B. Mumford oi the Col and “_ tn :\.“.1. tho“. for ‘he; I Wilaon aveillc. 81 73” 9- 0- ' _"_“"‘” "ll 5': ‘“"°‘ El"-‘b'_u"’ . , _ _ It-to of Agriculture of the Univer-‘,,q,.m.,_. Chnncc "_ S(.h,_.,._1(., amt ”‘“"‘ *‘*‘i’ ' ‘ '” ”"‘o ‘ ‘ ' " "“‘*’* ‘ The Rollin: Street Bridge Club T \\ hite. Grace Tatidy. Ruth Robin- l Min Janet tan \leet_vias ii iztit-st my of 3-“some. who bu bu. . p S. O. Sight I will meet with )lr. and Mn. Jot; HSIXIDC Whtlegn. Nlfid E3?" i;:‘£‘°{°:h’.nl’:ll’P‘ P“ h°““~' ""4 eliklil attack of influenza since -—--———o-—-—-— Syliea. 511 Rollins sweet. at 7: 4 min. . uaanin eyera. a ac: - Wednesday, returned to his otlice ‘pry . Minoufim Wu“ ,d_ il-Itter, Clara Boll Lucy Chadtviclt.I "'—""""’ g d - Po mo ‘ ‘ ' . U S‘. h E . U 8).. ___........._..__.._ . Tlaire will be a general niuvt- iludna Johnson. Cordelia Bruns. * Wm‘ ‘ 3’ ‘ P3 °“ """"‘<“““" ————-o—---— T X. - d. . V v T . ‘the pledging of Fred Ayre of Bu.» Mn 3",... 3,‘, to gin 77 ‘ ’"°‘""‘“ "M ‘ L tag or the xx. C. 1‘. L. at the ,Rutl_i Dc-lauo.Gl-51>: llcbean. Hairy” “ ‘ . - _ _ - 8-‘ _ . . hum. of )g,»,._ W, A_ Cramp, 211 . Mc(ammon. Louise Evans, Rita - °"- ""‘- 5l*€lfl 3110316 I1 “'0 (e_Il*°lT.\' 5'-PI!“ . _ . . Collqe avenue, at 2:30 -p. in. Smith, Jane Hunter. Loin ltunn, ' , WP!‘ Lhlfmh 501148)‘ will he an an» ' In C. 6- 30"“! *“' "“"- 5:"? g"l'.""- "}_,“r’;“ T*;f'P9°"~’ Ar STEPHENS COLLEGE ‘.’L"”“ ‘°{ téibku ”°'° §"d.t°”§.',“" VANITY FAIR I 4 - ‘h, K '11’ C] b 1 her arie ington. nces inning. ..a-eet 9% y . ercy.” y . n- . , nu:-1 ::,f,;,,.,:d. . ma r,.u,¢.- 311,,-, : . I _ . by. The solo part will be talien°by 0933"‘ "'3 P793138 1 4 en! mph dam". of yo‘. 9,], , The cmmmn’ ‘rm be Dr. and - V Hie: htary Elizabeth l-tendrick ‘ Slrt-. Herman Beta. for Ysour Sgivice. 70’ U . phian Society will hold its reK- ;.\in.. W. A. Albrecht. Hr. and Mrs. 1 .“ ;!"":'"‘ ‘ ‘"" "“-" "‘ 5" “°"“‘, 1-,, , ,,Tmf"‘“" mm ‘m m - 3 3- 9"‘ ‘° °"° " ular Ineetiullonday at '3 o'clock C. A. llelm- and lilr. and Mrs. i ‘OM30 "one"; _ . . ,. . . . - in Room D. y. ”.C_ A_ Bmidmm Robe“ L Simpwn. t O in Dorot )_ I)tl!‘lS iisiting in . e _ _ _ ‘ I. : ___________ ‘Gilliam and Miss I-rances Black- The Tuesday Club will theft at .Demeter Club Told W23" in “'°b'*‘°' 0'0"” this “‘°°k- ‘ _, , , ' the Y. It. C, A. at 2:30 p. m. .3 '~' 3 i ' R ' " ‘ '0 . i we me»-«»« no» if Adolescent Needs R .»----=-- W aw Branham s will meet at the home of lira. ' HIM Bessie IlcCl1-nalun gpokg on ‘nice Hall are spending the we-ck-end J. I-‘. Nicholson on Rosa street ,UK‘ needs of the gdolegggng |,¢fo"_..vit-iting their parents in Jcfierson with lln. J. W Burch as host. {the Daughters at Demeter who met’ ll)’- teaa. ‘$048)’ 81 thehome of Mrs. 0. B. Mi.-.-t . Katherine Fountain is- The Tuesday ('luli vtiil meet ,Johrvon. flies )lcClenahan also ‘_spending it few days in town as the u am y_ ”_ (1 A_ 3u;1d;,,,3 .g 3 told of necessary l"¢('!'80tl0!l for the guest of lies Myrtle Jennings. 809 Hats Big hats with plenty of pep 03¢)“ nth [)3 sum “-511 [end ‘ local \'ett-rams of the World War. ? College avenue. _ . .,;,..,,.,.;.,.. on m,.,.,.,,;-. ..-4;. f Mrs. waiter Rldgway entertetm-at Mm. Ann... 1,, -;.,,,,,.,,, i, in cm. —-simple and snappy for the N41.’ 0" UK’ Child 1350" ¢l“""‘l"“- . member“ """h ‘Wm’ P""_9 “°l°°"'°“‘ 5 triilia for the week-end; Miss Maro students. Th!‘ 53995903 ('0“1’iIl' Club ‘Vlll ""d_M"" W‘ C‘ mh°"d" “""1lraret Taylor iii in Mexico viiiitink meet at 3 v. m- at Mum"-0 "-11- '""""“ W pmmm. member‘ I Mn. J. t’. Kim: and Miss Ruth izerp 11,, K”, '1~homr,,.o,, (‘in-1..'..( 2-owed pieces together tor a quilt 5, in tiummom gin‘-5 lhuihtet, “.5” mm.‘ at 19 ' which will he used in welfare work}; a.in.atthe home of Mn. J. . I ‘ _ _ 3 lleherling, Mrs. J. t;. Babb will < The 393- ‘Wm Pi dinner zussts; 5.” ‘buy’ of me devotion,‘ :tonight will be Hiasea Virginia’, . _ , Wlietton. Joan Amcnt. Aleen Atkin-_ xi” Dummy Brown ufisum - - ‘eon. Marorie Newton. . . . . ' Q 3:;fp1JW xc“_m‘n" by Lou Bragg. 86:1: in the ‘acquisition: department of D 0‘ aw Y. ‘L (I-_ A. uudin‘ in_ x men Everett, Adelaide Plumb. Fran LOTS OF STYLE FOR LITTLE MONEY To prove this we will sell all hats up to $10 values at- 20% Discount UNIVERSITY News - —,— - e - O 1 -bia iettt mitt for Springfield. Mo..‘ ’ ‘rite l-‘ortnizhitlv (‘lab ‘will “"1 ht’ '" ""°""" ‘‘‘'’°'’ ‘“°' "Arm" W Wm mm Dmy Col.‘ N t W k .ttteet at Read iieii at :i p. m. ;<'""*"- A 1'" ' T“ “V!” D?!“ Pi B°“°m‘ l President and Mrs. James M. _ _— ’ ‘ . hid" ""’°“""'~'d ‘°" V-’d’.3' 5” Wood entertained at breakfast in; 5”“ ’°""’°”°J‘ , 3 their apartment at Stephen: College ' Ira. Thomas Taylor will en- ‘.au.rd”. momin‘ in honor a‘ Dr ‘ "mi" win‘ ‘ brid‘°"°‘ ‘t ‘he ll‘harlea ll Judd director of F“cd1c‘eucn‘ndwa“a' Country Club in honor of her Sch 1 f ' A '« C - j ....t... it... 1‘. A. ...t......... ..,,;:.°,,;;, ._ ‘ °°'‘'‘::,,,:; ,,,'**'*,, ,,;3= 8v-3-=8 ms ‘395 Ind up Alloy l. Johnson and Dr. J. J. Open- ‘ Phi Delta -Theta announces the ~ COUCCC Credit up to 8 hours i if desired ‘For Monday A Tremendous Underéelliiig of 200 New Spring Hats 5 Every Hat the Last Wordih Style-p---A Seeing I ingly Endless Variety of Spring Modes All Much Less Than ‘Regular Price! J.s>"3..._2w&lic’1227 10th and Broadway . 1!--rm . .. ; e.’5.$.'°.l...‘.; ?.':.’.“':‘.;..;...’:.°.'.‘.’: ;~--*=m ; The ciom Leaf Bridge Club of hm" You" 0! Km’; he Iullparticulcra oddroae ! ‘ COME IN AND ENJOY A Veg; ‘in M w_ A_ A. mm- g “'""*m *’''-'“'= °* °- u---a='-"--- --M REAL SUNDAY EVENING 1 ldle Hour Bridge Club at 2:30 . will meet with iint. Oruie iie. Iflt It the Women’: Gymnasium ‘ . - ,_ , __I I I N - I - DINNER AT THE TAVERN Cannon. (0% Matthew: street. at } Sim‘ 5' ‘"“°°"°"' lb‘ Nd!" "V '0.‘ ' ' nadian, 3 at 8 p. in. Friday. The members of the Kappa i ' tlip“l!ia'tr:‘ten:it)'“wi3R ei:t:.rt,a&r; L .. THE, Cliolceot .‘ I . i . ) ‘ I A“? ‘ ~ ‘ ‘#1.’. I V‘ I . J _.’: ’ I V“ . A . \ " ". \ ‘J ."'.'7.~."9(' .,".1':‘.‘¥-‘ Cs 1”‘ ‘p e‘ ‘A , ' I , ,‘¢_ cg ; ‘ g f‘ . V ' » ?- ' . A ' - . - t ~ ~~ o -‘ - . .-'.?' THEOOLUHBIA inssovnum SATURDAY ‘JANUARYRBI 1925 . eta: nun Missouri Association Prepares 3 "' "'7 W" °*"°'*""“" " .. hie si 't will enter. ' o "i" "'-h‘:u‘°:=::l1.oe.ai -. . ~ i -i v «-= 2-».--»r:’».-M . ;‘ .‘!;,'-L.‘ ‘V ‘I : _ ?f:.i‘ £..a‘ '~_ ' _‘<_'l- ,___., ‘__-‘\_ .9 . 0-! ..-,-C0. '.“._’ .|fi'..o‘.$.p’,ZtI4V,t if.‘ . In aI'fl§a’."‘-'J2".' ~f1.v‘5» -. -5* R I - ' I