...._..»_.-_o -.~ .»-e_.- I ._...g: .5 ‘cl .r_ ,.f_ _ 1‘ I w ‘ _._.." .7‘, _’‘..‘.‘,VJ ‘. ~._ .; -f _ _: . ‘. . .‘r I . . ‘X “_.‘ .‘ . ‘, . ' I I I _o ' _.“i:;. .i.:~:=i in}; fl g 95:) . \. _: . '9. 5" flu 1’ i f. g ; .._ "fr-2 .. ‘ - .a_A-4'_ ., “Iflt:istuFe.':pI'lII‘teI|.’SteII|Ienseaadoit.': ‘&'C‘WW.I1_m-if i_ A W p p G C0° 4 ivroa’.mu.ar.ro...ir.a...., ‘Phone 15 . ' D with an ALL-‘stun CAST including Fleisch Mines. Clytie , er Messrs. Panel Ludikarh-Alfreda Valenti—Balph Brain- Herman , Ernest ~Knoch, _ . Musial Director. Auorioioii‘ JESSE TUESDAY" 0 ,:‘,FEBRliARY"l0 HU3lC.8'l'OREandthe -« sionn, , . fliosaaoq‘ ‘i at 1 I r ’. - %-1 I‘ _ 7 _ ;.‘..., .A .5. *. - 1_\'- _n . ... . ,- ..:. V. s I ,..wcrai~'is.ra~-‘;=.::~.. .»;.;i~ . . .~ - . . V . .1.r—v vujucn: v-aujmt '1 at-nun a TOPIC: “AMERICA AMERICAN room?» University Auditorium A 0 - Auspioes WSig-ins Upsilon A Prices 50 and 75 oents __, . __ _____,M ____V‘ V_ _____-_, _ ‘ii «. i . . . ""'~ ""@v_ . g - ‘ - ,_ E T 7 IN 0 3, 1&3‘ ' . .. 1.... ~ .naiu.ra non -4-rodoedooofmgrilhfillflflt l°1"'"- - - 1- . ‘ii: 0‘ e:- omnu 00Dl.ANDVll.L3lstsrtln: with ‘w meitlln the*._ Pmf. o. 9. Johnson “'g__.__f .~~» - . J . .v 2 . "inlotorai *ne~ctlI~onsh. ‘ is ‘STATE uoinmwwfikr.-~ man» «now new-n ~ *' . t , '-‘°°°'*.. "3 ;periughardaat1ig_andte¢tin¢.IIU¢11‘prc!esoor t , Bdkflawflaax § , Th III-Iotfri‘vv8lIIhII- It’iriaIly.tlie_fiulaliedpt'oductappears.§g‘1;¢ ; do it C ”fi * e - ‘- Bak Selects Seven ° "W °°‘“""'*"° 7 ~-‘'*—— I "Iron in am < crrr; i*§h;’s.—.G°V- . 9*‘ .. gamed a don! it. u. uni s-rooms I-‘088ll.8 » Ilssbiiri ‘_ " ' ‘ ' i Re blicans and Two mi health worir and home care or: -——-_————- _ ; _ p Music??? 'lI!re.1)laeE1ifI‘ls!Hn‘iCtatc' t8 ‘the slit at the church th(‘!'€“(’8~gl.KP]tC Wlll.GlYé,UfD¢l'ttoBtate:l T00 LATETO 0' . ._ ~- ; A;-gcepti 61% I . OCYB . tcrday. A baslietu:linuelLl:as the, (;,¢|.‘,..g¢|_fl:lg¢ Bisireau. ‘ ‘ ’ ' " 7 day afterna , if Bill «I8; intro-‘E . ————- ‘noon feature of e a y pm-' ‘ 1, Kgytg, who is oing nvcst -1: PIN}. wmrcfl , .> y ‘ by an I 1 ‘ .’‘'‘'.-''‘'?' 5’ 3"‘ ‘ n’.l;Zl-‘PERSON ciri} Feb. 3...‘ "W" 7”’ "°"‘°"""“°” "” ‘-“°'* ‘'°'’‘‘ "' I"‘°°"“‘°'°" ‘ .”“’« wrtch trysuii. .1. " "‘° Pt" . lggnufiya P W Phygr ‘, ' . : part Of UIQ DOME 0C0ll0lI|l¢8 Wbfk f the Ull|\’el'- . . i . Proyidegwe beedmes a law. ‘ ' ‘ izaggintmnii Tang: :3; ‘P°'.‘9°"“’ 5? “*9 W°°d1""l"m°,sity. has’ received a collection ufl:1:in;‘m":;;ri:s.n w'a Les Haste! ‘ - ‘ - - ‘Sm - . Co ‘t Club, nd the cll- -, -- ' ~ r ' -- - ;. u....""’§.”'" h£"i';§’..uua i."§°.l.'.T”° W -W °°M*”*°"= °r '°°-Mi ....'.'."".'.’i"'.’ ........'i.. m... ....i §;.’.i'§"'.'2 ‘i’I.'2§u7”°i°i‘i'.".°'}.3:—.£{.‘iI2}’I.’.‘i dual»: ='°=ks- 31- Ah , , ~ 53,." ."i‘.’..' governor and that he shall al-:£;nG°:!mBeA§o,A0u°:w', 3'39 Rag“, hetllh Ki"?! by "98 ll"? 3-‘ is being done for die State Geology igagjm prof. A- loirad a force sufficient to carry on- ' ‘ ' Stvbblfifi of UN‘ Collett Of 50'5" nd Hines Bureau and his rt-porti ‘ " ‘ " _. J im 8. S) the work of his department. 1'iie?*"”°“c:'mfn’,qf§m"c‘;"Ph ” ‘°°“ "“‘ culture. . -‘will he published in’ his rorth.~«.m....;. i . "J ' ~ J“, pm: ; , qua rn ti 1 the uh;-.4 ‘ n :6 ' , ' , » I Miss Stebbins. G. R. Sklnner.‘i,ooi;. - —.- —~- » -- _. : dson. . 'i “"3 7:” 9‘ '”‘''°”°”° ‘pp?’ Be ‘shill ‘llrve oar liueral" J""°‘ n- mm 0’ 3‘¢"'d‘- D°'“°‘ ‘county agent. and Miss Janet Dav-‘ Mr Key“, wu gmdufled {mm fl. 3 R0) In 4nd .otv.i.°r - hm =‘"*°“ ‘°°“*" . equivalent to - mm: am . ;°"- ““ 5- 9- .°,,°"“°“ ‘’‘t W» "W": "um W B°°°° the Ilnirenity an 1909. and o--.... ..t . 1. Pawns’ Th " ‘-1”'u"'3 “'1 ' "€my°!°°: lot fin.‘ ' » ‘"139 U3l"9"'3l3’ °‘_ ill:-hh'i'f.ms’l:l‘l~F'~“"5°“ W626 sliueI:nligl'w.§ C‘?-m'1(‘°“"t5". “T” "W "i""‘°"‘ {mm one time Drofessor of anoint!) 3‘ Wall Pa and ‘ r0013 "H t .rusdiato1r'MI,.‘h¢* Th ‘°“.“"" ”"“‘ TODAY’S MARKET l hive completed a one-ye-tcoixr-e"‘.""‘°”‘ ‘ ° " '° mm C°’""""“' '""’ "'"° ““‘°“ " ""“° Colorado College. tie’ is doir~g' we contract y... ward. Mrs o‘ug¢g_ Ufit side of North in professional library study in pa “'f“l"l°“ B9519)’ F- Calf”. R¢- attendance of women of the coup- Vrndunu, work in the Un;._.,_.,.,;go_‘.‘ Phase 8“ ' ‘ R. Fairehil jxhuh ‘street. was tabled-and or . library school and shall have hnd:P"""°““- °‘ 9'-'“.°"'°“ C.“>' "".°' manila’. __ ,‘,,;_. ,.,,,, ' (mm ,0. ‘M W '— ,4... H. M -died . _"ll-h 33" 8"'a' 5'51 Bit L99“ u"'~"“’°k' fire years‘ professional or adnlinis-“Th A’ J to Rem" 9{t‘St' ‘Lam: "llnvt to Keep Well" was tliv ‘V ' i _ .___,._._____. , i ' ‘ A ~ Lee. Mrs. J ._ .. , - ukdgo fggruin’ By Vllaital Puss. - - . . . _ « rec vaca ion appoin men s 0: . , _ _ __ _ ‘ _ . —— - s... v ' 1 bynéiuneilman! NATIONAL STOCK YARDS, Ill.: tnn"n.enxdpi:,n_eme in a bar) of this commission were: 1. '1‘. Brown,‘ 0;": Aug?“ 'I')’rn’:i_':;n E AR“ D'5TRI(___'bj;_T0 DECIDI‘ -_-Ii-Z-----i _ ‘ _ ‘i‘"“b:°d." ‘.‘ A OT 9* ‘V333 ”’d: Feb} t R“d;';? 2:00’ The salary of the librarian isflnepugnaigl. of 'Ch?fl°;"°’;' ‘u?";" l-‘lay McQuitty spoke on the prep::- alidgc l.:ai-es: l-‘arm Relic!’ l.cg.- _ Belle NOW‘ -all!!! committee. A " 3 $6" ‘ad 1:54 ugly ghfehbju .t 33500 p,,‘§«¢,,'-i"’:' Rep; ‘°‘";’“:’_r Igggra? nor‘ 1 alsicn Mot’ tllilc “P8?-;‘nt's “room llld islation to Advocates. R"? bgilctfiws W ‘_ ;t:‘:1b(”:2 |'|""_°‘l_- ' 3"," , at o is ' ta ta t .400. ‘ ' ' ' ' 7 . r t e, rs itt n I!" *‘ ''~-* g . . . '74‘-'..;_ - ‘ TM f°n°"l"‘ "’p'°p"“i°m5on' ' mu “flag: Among the du‘ti:f oil th.e depart.sP.’a"5burg' I Mrs Semaon gave talks onnzhe h'iin- WA5l‘"NGT0N- F'~’b- 3--P"°5l' 300 Gui“, ginia D061 ' ‘Q12 approved: Water and l!tlll.:::”_; u5@w25_ “och” ‘mi mcm win bg to conduct . cgmuhtinxl ’ Dr. James Stewart. Republican, of dying of the pauem and 9,, chm“- I-‘en: Coolidicc here today placed‘ Them” 5‘ per 1 _'.§_-'.,L pjmggsn. ‘and’ 35_gg_¢o; general. reveiiue‘-feed"; “O? r mum’), am’ ,0 egumbh ‘ nbmryffit. Louis was named on the Staten“, 01' bad cimhing. and My-g_ name the. responsibility of passing farm Phuw 1762 ., the Uhiver fund, 84 : 913%“ m‘"'l-'-''““°°, ’ f \ " for legislative use. i "d °f "°§m‘ “N3 D15 -7- 3- MC’ ' and Mrs. Ellen‘ Swearingen dis:- relief measures during the present ". Isabella Sn fund. 374-51 _ H°‘s_'R“°.’p“’ “'0”; mvhg Edgar lpe lasters, poet and laIr- ’———°_—-—-— ' $5‘. Repllblltfln. of Kant:-h Cit)‘ cussed first aid measures and dem- T9-“l0” _°7 0°" _*5 f“li"¢‘l)' UP *0 ..!_..........-. ..._..._..i g . H 9* To an. the power pun‘ exu,,,,o,,, strong, l0c Iitdier; heavy_. 810.856 ya. ‘ma fin arm." "1 uunlt Al-‘l-‘IRMS COOKS SENTENCE :. ill succeed himself on that board. onstrated how to nppiy ba,,dng..,. the agricultural district rcpre:ient:i- . ‘ = Hartner fi fund has amounted to$2l,§95.78. of; gio$5°‘!'“§'&h‘t1°"§?i1u.' h£3!:9£’:5_ in tnirersity Auditorium at-‘I,-den] can Uflou, co,,.5d;,n';_Oo"e~%': Sgt? G';"‘ ;“dM“8_I‘9-,and hot packs. UV85- ' . ~ . - Typgw ‘p-. ‘ The mu~ "““h"°-3”"°"""°°“d"b°"°d" ’ lri ' s9.25@9.ss- i 3863' 8 °d°°k um “""""" "‘*"‘- : or Fraud Atainst Explorer. R M hi» """"‘"°-" iy ‘ . °'“°’- other subjects were on the in- Coolndire believes that If the form New and Used in . .. ~ elude me: in ' ‘ .b;1gnceof8l.856.37. lm)_':n::";io.5o@lo.90' pm’ __‘_______ H V_ __ _ _ _ _i»__ in, unit“ p,..._ “'_°"(')- fiuE:::n° “?“Bwt‘l" "“°' valid’,-. but}; "id ding the use of relief. advocates fall of legislation ‘mg R, ' ' mi... Vslbc Councilman Rollins made a mo-_ --sl;eep__oRe°ei ‘.506. mark“ "“mPs0\_ (‘ofiunxoan yaw ORLEANS, Ln” Feb‘. 3'__‘:L V . ~..__;“_’_o-_ u er.» ‘ms. do“. £gn,.,._. ti,e,.m°m,_.te, and now,_it may be regarded as 8n.ln- . L n_ Rah“... u by miss l "°“- "*”°" "'” ”“’°" ‘“"'°"”"'rtendv- we s9@1o-:53 count-r§. 3,. ‘,,RESmE\..l. BRooKs['I'he federal Court of Appeals rit..noi.m-:s is AUTHOR or noon ''‘''"“"k ‘"b'‘- d5*°°”ed "5' Mi” "’°"“°" "“" "‘°'‘‘ '“ “° '""““""“" Satterlee's, Phone II‘! 7 “°"’°” " the mayor to appoint I 00W!" " ° ’* ’ ' « ‘ win: here today airirmed the convic-' i -——-— Doyle. Mrs. Gardner and Mrs. \\'is- neeu of relief. ' be sccomr 'and cutters, $3@6.50: wool lambs, ~- —— - . . ~ . «- Y .. . . , . . to thank Mrs. I-frank Poll: McPheet-i W “@1825 lwiii Give I-roimru Tomorrow Night a non of Dr. Frederick Cook or North‘ 7°" 3€"°°'“ “"1 to-_se Text. A . wall. . Two readings were given ._ ~ A hlacLe0d- era of St. Louis 0“ i?°h'u M the. ‘ -—-————. 1 —-To Rt-rite Selections e fame. sentenced in Fort Worth i'“""'h C°"‘P°"“°“-” 553’ Ml” 5“’9‘"'i3‘8°fl find M?!» 59- -'2 H ck’, council ‘ad the (my of Colum-3 8,. Louis “do”. From Dfl_‘di_.. seven] months ‘:0 on ‘ dune of Dr. Urban '1‘. Holmes, assistant} mon. K ~ All-TONII bia for her till 07 “*9 T5033“ E'l_B1.Unit-II Pun. _ Edward Abner Thompson. who 1‘-Sins? the United States mail to dc.’ Professor of_ Romance language at The Woodlnndvillc Community Held at 1 Lee Memorial Fund of $250 9.3? “"3; ST. LOUIS. 310-. Felt 3-—FI!’5t will give . program of drnmgtic fraud purchasers in connection with 9 L“"'°"‘“‘5’ “f -‘'“55°UT5- 3-‘ UH‘ (‘luli was organized about five . .\. worthy D007» , l°°“""_3' °‘"‘d'°dv ‘3°- readings from L. N. Parker's play. his oil stock deals. ‘ ‘“"~h‘"’ °{ “ "°“' '~“_"’;l""’k l" F"""l‘l‘- montllfi 820. The work in home Y in ‘ d Th‘ \' Bids are to he submitted before; Butte nesmcry extra. 40¢; «-ms,..e,i_» at 8 0 wk mmono“. Cook had appeuied {mm (1,, decg- "A Frcnch Composition." economics .nnd health has been on no cc "3." “left femur). ittihtor the5;onstruction of; standards, 36¢; firsts, 32¢; seconds, night in the U,,;\...,.,;¢,. Audjwfium, sign of the fort worth court on the The book is just ofl'.the press, but givt-ii in about fifty homes. a big dlficfv "°":" a sewer in ‘strict ‘ '. - is known person ly by President trounds that the judge was bi it has already been dopted '. I . “7‘—“"—"" " - “"1 °m ‘ A motion by Howard F. _Ml.)°!'-3 P'oultry—Bens. 20‘riC: 1“?k9S’R. Stratton D. Brooks, and is given He must start serving his sentt-nce}¢0l1€K€5 find Uf|l"€?“-iilif-‘S. 6:123: ' (0MB"\E DANCE }.‘[-;3_ 27 mac 1!‘! th¢ 3*} ’°"' dgy um:-My, to reviseand print the; 39¢; springs, 31c: ducks, 26¢; geese. «; recommendation by him. _ at once. 'niversity, Bryn Mawr College, the‘ Engineers’ Club Ala, p|.,,,, 9"“. l fl3V°1'- ' i A “""" city ordivisazs — ll_|I‘l the: lac; cocks. ltc. Shortly after his recital at the M L, *-*0—_— 7Benjamin School for Girls at New go 3, 3,“ Eng 9’ -'7 ‘ t\\‘enl)'-7°“ referred to ‘the ordinance; St no-—---uh ad. Gnu. University of Oklahoma a few bu‘? "' l""'"'“" (York City and the Univer.sit5' of 3 Plans for the Comoineflilance t L ‘V ' “ch Que“ committee and the city attorney for? B’ mud P‘___ years ago, President Brooks wrote °° VT?‘ ),3‘Yl°“- ‘ ‘W’ : Florida. the given b . - R .°7 v ~ ' the name ‘diam _ to -m. dent in the University from 191 to. . . _. . . . . 3 °5"'°° ""1 ‘"5 ‘"9’ . I . i ;If prigc of a _____._____ 1 ST. LOUIS, hlo., Feb. 3.—Com “ ~ 1917 was honored b the So thlg dr The composition consists of origi- net-ring students at the Women's * ,1 n X No. 3 whine. $335; 33”.’ 3136; It has been many years. gincc Li{e'IMumnce Co {Y .‘ .u " ‘nal French text with English para, G.\'mna.sium February 27 were ap— ‘ ’ Z i -N‘ given to §J"]5': ‘1-335§- ‘ “I.”-‘fit ‘*5 l‘nJ°3'8bl9 an if‘-'€1l.1'llil 88 mos inst “FM ‘O’ ;';2:''";"‘ B: 9 phrase. It is puhlisht-cl by l.U('ft~’l P¥‘""l‘¢l b)’ the Eni:inecrs' Club at a " ‘I’ “ii of “H” . ; 0gt,...1g, 2 white, 57¢-3.53¢; 1\'.,_ l ‘M1 8‘ 3'0“? "‘°°_m "“°"~"l- _ '9“ is me"! r ' y'lBrother:: of (lolumliia. imt-(-ting last night. It was also dc- ' 3 Another ' K C 3 White. @5950: N0. 4 Villitin Mr‘ Thompson ‘E. pun" blmd-', “‘0.u,,t°ng are d.m;.mg" or Owl , _' , "' ~ ‘cided that another dance for stu-i ' 7 ‘f l which the . . _ _ ' and has. won recognition and fame: dated ‘I’ gsrzéo "‘ ‘J “"5 .l"'°‘,M-\\ “ll?--‘T 'l'Al\'l5S 3117”? dent:-: in the College of Engineering. ,, ‘ mpiinu K -——-- “imt (F"""°"M“"' “'96” ’.I.’...’i’°.;.§‘.Z”“I.'}°°ui‘."‘f. ’-“°’3‘.."° "' 3‘ in mi aiid six i?efh::s.i,M;i:' Peary seiiiu}'—ii'r'i§-LT Price Down °"’‘'' “'°“'‘‘ ‘’° ‘=‘‘‘‘‘" “me ‘im*‘ b°- ' 5": "MM a _ , . Dec" 1.“ _ W out 0 ege an ‘ ’ _, ..’r ‘ ‘ ’ _ v _ ~\_. Ul‘||V€1‘81tY SmS’e"5~‘ C’°m~' wh:nt (Red)-—xo. 2 $2 o9@2io- 1*“ a master's dome. For twen- §)°".'"°"~‘ ‘"8" *3-°°°'°°° "°""‘ "" ...I3J"i~”’.*‘ am’ lm: Y::l)ir<>unanpiEt‘ure mm ..,mm, I as '11: A buffc o . . p n v s ' . .. : ' h ‘ j ' . . 1- V, pate Monday in Va]. Nolhll. $f.(l‘@2.(l6: So. 4. ".95.93@ l\)oT)lten;F (l.'1XcPl}‘:::l(i)):e?n nllttiisc [in :3; Ms‘ "*-°--——- ~ lumes of sellinzeorderi: £1:-l Iron... was shown Ill U10 m¢‘(‘-l5flR- Ill I ti" close 0 - when liord—.0. - ' .v De c. n. : ., ' , '!sh with l .2? V 13? C°"l35t- 193%: No. 2. $132: so. 3. $1.90: {'(j‘;rq”‘;;"“’,;‘i“‘,;'",'f ‘,f"‘-'*°‘."‘.‘,’e"(;~"“*i" mi: 0. o Eitiidviri-dlt‘ re':ucri§edl:t:f: til???‘ l'9{::i'.f° "“1~”,f': '’‘‘“'‘‘‘‘.‘‘‘i '0“ ° cm” em ’"°°°” °{ W» ' 31 Has Bra ._————- _ v . v - ' C C as vtsi a. ' , ... _ _ '. opening __ ' .The‘Ghe claw“ an Univflmy ho. 4.31.91. ho. 5. $1.90. mos, ,.,.,.,.y Sm“ in the union. ‘fi‘£:'t3Y]it;ri:!i,i:daWbo;iliiness trip toipnccs u.,.,.,.(, from gut: to $1.98!»; A 3 V Mrs. or Hissouri will ie.ee_sati_n~day for. imnui mu-:ss coxciuass C0\,H:b——--S,$ 16-QTFRDEM He merged 8 meets: nyuimb. c.. per .h....i..i, _ 3 - . 1. _.,,,,_ B_ ; mm. Ctilli ‘hi? ’ nthmliiirigzl-i MSTPONES ”Em““S ' ‘ _.__._ _ ’ ‘ tional Board of Educanztiontof Tm’ ~blglfi:il'"“ via“ “med ab“- 5 ‘ A “"'°”°°" " they ygg-3 y in e s ' ______ .' . .._‘.“r_0” P.” S _ Sh ‘cued , _ . _ ;cr_ ('l!‘('ll&‘I0n 0 reports t.at ll ' 3131. C. R, Valley Glee Club contest to. be held, May ‘got gxold ‘Convention ban] t Sis‘.rr1.nd ‘s,;‘somme i Etlilglsfiétn ‘vE:l1t;!'C;i88'l Indianapolis L ])!:1('('ti an l‘.tlt‘0pe:in grainy, “.9”, 3 Save . . _ Sn,‘ at 1:30 °.c llondsy evenilllt at Convention Hall. 25. Aeeutire Committee H’ Uni“ Pu“ once at wuhinnn sicgiarg Confero « slippinir. . lStTlbutCd In mane (‘ate flu-Glee ciuh. In 9 . . Th . , I.0§ ANGEL!-ZS. (‘al., Feb. 3... . ...___.__......' ' . 1 1, 0,, ,, ,, ,,"“ "1, 4 : 3° - t 2‘ Th" ‘"1 uiudnhd cgmggt, will stop off at c 8f€S8ll10nS‘v0 wt e’h'l;re:¢:«s Con~ (j{,n{(.”;,,x with smmnk ‘hsuranw wodmhop ponponq uedju‘. Tum‘ Y‘ ‘nntigo ll! or some- 6 . Columbla . m,,_..u.; )1 1.exi,nston.'!lo. where gt has 8h- :’°_~‘5b:e t 2 mm‘ hf W “"0 3° that she had ruined the death of The regular meeting or the work.» 3 W "M '”" “i ,’ 011 _ r, on Tom Allto any t to sing. Prof. ‘:10. 1; f‘ h '5 ‘“’""‘°’M$ her sister and a’ woman, Alpha shop hav been postponed to I-‘ebru-l ‘ ” *‘ ; . E , , “ - v «- . 11. A- A Herbert Wall said that the Lexing- u fill Pfmlh 3".‘-' 59°" P°"_lil‘° 6 Thompson, 7-yearold school girl, 37)’ 13. 80 as not to conflict with’ I ‘cry , .‘ S“'i"'‘''- ‘ ton encasement would be In” 80'"? “ ‘ . ' "‘ ‘ ° ’°“' °’ "““ "'2 ' was being examined ‘by Ps)‘ehia- the heading of “Disraeli” by Dr l-‘ 3’"’3‘“' TY"3“""'"NG 4 ‘ i 2 I 1- 5- *“‘"" ..tiIhe WWW S“°"“"' ‘"9 ''‘°"’ fifc°"l’"‘ .‘." ‘"‘ ‘?‘"°""°°"‘°"‘ °‘ trists here today while pom-e soukht A. Thompson. which is to be kivcii. 7*“ 5'! ‘he Arm! i A C“ at C111 9 ,' him. was day, Wllflll-‘V8!’ 51 ‘'33 ¢°'‘"{“°"t ‘°" C .°;f.cm"’° mmmmee °f ‘hm "" to verify her statements. in the University Auditorium \\'ed— ‘ 5” 8’ 5u'_m'°"’ 1303 6"“ if ' V . ""v M"‘- Q 3' n. and would not interfere 23".‘ 300- _ . I _ Two years ago, the gm said, 5}”. nesday evening. I l ‘ 9|’ 7 9- II. _ -;’_ 0li\'t'r. NT mvlth the contest. Dnsettled conditions in the two gate bah}. sister ground g"” ‘J THESIS WORK ‘i . ‘ fi Holmes, )1 3: The YOHOVIDK 13?" :“'%b_°°" ':e“"t’§'3‘]W¢?¢“fl!l\_'8n _88 wagons bst‘ while they were living in Dauphin. ‘ T A N i . ii‘ _ * ‘C ’ o . O. J F01'¥‘f_1« mlected to represent t e niversi 5‘ an ter 1 iams, president 0 Manitoba. Later she gave a Mrs. Mflkfis Alli!) Go 49 o , - _._- T M. lutc mintlie contest: the congress, and James Writ: Pratt. with whom she was living, on one G“ ' i V‘ 1 1 ‘ ' ii" Mrs. Han: ,,, First tenors: -‘B. G. n. G, Brown of Editor and-publisher. sc-':- rat poison which proved tatal SIOUX FALLS. S %.k . R“, ' . f a . -...... _ Miss Doro ml-‘outer, L. D. Maddox. Lynn Hum retnry-treasurer. who spoke for the I-‘rie of 9 hi,“ pamms A M , f 38‘ ' ' °"‘J‘"“°’r "‘°' "°“"°' '''"”t "‘ 3 , ‘ , P " ’ ' — i *— -“W-~ -—--- -—A-_; A, __ __ V ' id, 'r.te :I2iael,Will 6cannell.fl.W. Joyner. committee. verified 9...“. guwment, ‘’ ° 9 L".°°t‘h Bid?" the Ions. Ensine trouble. »? Radio-Equipped 1-1 A D.Bor.eher J. M. The" lace of holdin the 8 16.’ r. - - ' ‘° . . P'~"’°=‘¢d on “own: new device: t was In-« In H. W. 02116. - o P 8 en 10!! , Discussing her acts. the little girl that tits Let take I i . ""_¢fl¢‘g-ngy, will also be changed. said, “I guess I did it because 1 .c consumption’! we “"0 your And enioytaothefull the . ' any hum’ :0: mid ‘#1307!’ S. P. Compton, R. «The - t u ' ‘was I _ . . rem°‘e‘ ‘ll ‘arbour pftvenl‘ 3P‘rk . I dIflCO8 ll iuG_ gum,” L Duncan, Willard c,,mm°‘.’.’”{",;‘ :enn°unce3:.:;t)5:il;- ; themiiiean. tl\90 to see it hurt plug trouble and overheating. Many ‘"‘°“f"‘m?‘“ d“‘m°d' Fortnight]; gihlleii L no 5550“: W- 3- Abb°"~v “at the increasing in t in “—"“““—— cnsguhw nude W" "9 "mu 9“ ‘I '5" an ’°" "°”‘7 ‘ Fm .c.1en°em.‘ka "ma- N" ‘f"'" via. 1. uiihurn. It. E. Moore. mom of the congress ,0 bflngils Working in Lawrence County. ,5,“ 9"‘ “">’°'"-' 9"" ‘MW 5‘. in . f ‘bkvm thew» 804 50* COLUMBIA TO JEFFERSON CITY ' W‘ 5°“ 3: Flu‘ mu”: Pu“ Pimmgfl. v_ ‘bent ‘cqufinunceshim ‘may "mi A. \\*, Klemme. who hu just ‘Il\“t;riii1i;nt:)t{c:e.n.L{r. flay V;:nts azefnts. H. J. Grlbble . of‘n._°nvict°',Re°m,d'l I V and will hi -ll. Far. 1. D. Se-tel. C. S. Griem. discussion among the journalists or'°°’"P'°‘.'-“‘ ‘"5 ‘Wk at the Caller; ,0 cm, “,0 "“ .’° h°;’° 15”‘ 2. x_ 3...... rah... 249 I Hear radio h the Leave Columbia (Daniel Boone Tavern) at? 4 *" 3- "'5' ;:‘< D- 0910. Rlthlfll Nfillohr T- 0- the world with a view to the elevn- ‘fig mm.""’;'t ”’l"""°d hi” dim” Write him t?>‘¢l:}fr m at 0“ ltgi A Vlctrola tone-chamber. 3 p m P m fin‘ Lg.‘ . c__w‘n.¢¢. . ‘-0 f -1» rd h. h ‘ agricu ura extension ge t ' - ' ' ' ' . ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ ”‘~ ‘- -- E soeonii basses: c. B. Haynes. L s't.i.d:rdi°::d'if.7}.r‘::.§;.., ‘K flag" Lawrence County on Febtuaiiy .- W-” . » -. .--_-- f,’::‘,’;:“,n";‘;fh;",",‘:,:,‘} L93‘? Jefferson City (Central Hotel) at Mr -nd 1 ..,3.llontgomery.O. M. Sovegeégl. “Upon the p E public; - p u ,. l 3.. m. I 1). m. 5 p. m. daily. -we Mu Yoztg. Lwd v -I opinioxiiuofbfihe Earle: twbich de-1; Y. P. l'. Program Post . _ ' . f w'D'u"“°°°" pl: Kappa _oo,-nikml -. - tcrmi war '3 ea mics in ii‘ c program which was to h " 0 ' .——— ‘ s‘ ' ' ° t is aftcrn :..."‘°‘°......'°.:'*.':*.°.*"°°‘°‘.. ..‘:.::::t? 3.2" ..'::“.‘::.:;..:'.::’.°"°:;..,.’°.*'* ;“°'“°°" ‘ii —-——-5-°°"“ GE MEN”) WOMEN 5- Tamb Se cc in Tm ‘“°' “'2. egg ' ', , ' ere. couny mi , , ’ ,"""’ i . . 1". 75355‘? ‘ml 7"“? °‘ “"5 may be . informed. sympatheti 9P. was poiztngiortled )b£3‘:tlt3.! of Summer Camps throughout America need C;mp » W g All Reliable Dnlmrs‘-Closed Cars nae Ttmdn “ wee ____.____ ' courageous and helpful. the ';¢;;,.;_;the influenza epidemic there. Counselors for next summer. It’ you are interested L- 1 ,~.,-A Lloyd. :1:-riuu.-s ADVEIITISING cosmos afldgggz fyhmso will continue to _,_ "in a pleasant. financially profitable summer vacation i y g PHONE 747 !\'.h 1. ~- V —-—-- ° ‘* “ ._...ii ‘t ‘TODAY! a 9 ~ » in W 0 §''‘'‘’‘’ °‘“"'“' °°°' “' °”°"° '° L‘ s OPIUM PROGRAM L0 2' MONEY FOUND mum at m c A ‘Jr: i ' I . ''°''‘° 5“ a stud: New Work ' ‘ SE5 : NATIONAL ASSOCIATION ........ uh... . ° iruexu-. no-coe om-arse. -on will be M... of mu... -Turns o.....’5. S°“"'¥ 0" "motives oi= suuhisii. cmps ..°.':..‘.:*.'“‘‘'..:.'.°: ? ennis “S 3719 ' 5”“ mm!" °‘ "1 Idmtioiht