.4. .-_ -_... 1 made. , a job. however humble it may be. by one nation forces peace on an- other by virtue of its military au- ' la the" recent troulde » between Greece and Turkey. . the latter has rejected the provost! f°r . Hague. Does . If the intense religious fervor rover the expulsion of fine ecumenical. hehdlong into a conflict with ‘fur- key. Just nownwhen evcrs‘ finn- pezm country is working hard to re- cuperate from a Var already fought, another war. even one between two of the lesser countries. will seri- ously retard the advance being This trouble between the ,two countries is no new thing. Since’ the Lausanne Conference they have been watching each other’s ac- f mm Constantinople l° _ . F". ~.‘~.*.T|‘*?.*‘¥.'-J-_“.‘M..'.'...' ' ti --.-..-u-: J.-u- ~ ‘ - v ‘ ’ noon % tnofembutthiabilliacertalnlynot the solution of this problem. The one thing that a hill of this kind wocildbeauretodo wouldbe to cause many irresponsible people marry. secure in the fact that they would have to endure one another for only three years at the most. ‘ Observations covering long pe- riods of time have proved that legis- lation is not the solution of the marital pnoblcm. Stricter laws do not seem to have any effect on low- ering the divorce rate. While it; flocs not seem that the bill bcforcf the Nebraska legislature is in much; danger of becoming a law, it seem: like a waste of valuable time to consider it. titn:-. out of the corners of their eyes. The European countries p tcrested in trade routes through the; Mediterranean have long real-§ iaed tic situation. Now that the? vol:-.a.-in is about to burst. they art mrricd, un:ertain of how to act. Somehow or other war between Turkey and Greece must be pre- vented. The conseouences will be too far-reaching and disastrous, not only to the nations directly involved, but to those indirectly interested. The problem can be solved at The Hague through arbitration much lnsne cheaply than through a war. Dl8llWASllIh’G AND TEACIIING is a man in Columbia who earns his living by washing dishes. An unpleasant way of making a living. a hard task, people say. But is just as unpleasant or as hard as lt it". mtdc t0 ll! Someone has said that no matter bbw simple a task may be. whether b it i: digging a post hole or driving a nail, it can always be improved upon. The door can find inspiration in doing; the job better than some- one c.-lac’ can do it. - This man who washes dishes has in.~pir:1t.inn. lie sings while he Wlvrlm. He takes pridc in scouring his di.=h(-5. Ho lnolss forward to the clan‘ of the day when he can haw tli-.- sink all spiel: and span. the drying: boards clean and dry. the lirttlrrc .-crurcd and hung in place. tlw dishes rlt-an stitched in shining piles ready for use in the morning. lie lookswi-it.li pride on the results of his day's labor. He can see what he has accomplished. He knows when he is through. '-llo feels that he can do the job just 3: little bit better than ‘any other per- son on the p cc. ' -Now and then he “breaks in" an nrcistant. lie acts as a teacher and lit‘ 35 I confident one. He pasaci on his -‘knowledge to another and is broader for the experience. There are tricks to his and he knows them all. He is a diab- . He can do something just a little l-it ll'ttL‘l‘ tl'|3‘3i Ht! l‘: more than I ..,tcacher of dishwashing. lie is a man with a mcsragg to the world. mmehody else. Boll _byA.H.Sehut ' the Board of Agriculture, and Dr. F Enloa. Till-I PASSING (ll-‘ t:.\l.USlll£S i he galosh has seen its end-—-at‘ lczuat until another storm. The monotonouavrhythm of turned- M .,'c : down. flapping gain:-:hcs: has died‘ ion" in the md in its wake we have the click-i :-Zick of hard heels on the cement; walks. I But we are glad to bare it change in the music. The humdruin sound of a pair of lazy guloxhe: comingi down the walk singing its song of I “Slisch-slosch" has become irritat-T Eng: to the car: of lovers of music. . With the passing of gulo-5..-sl ‘re find also the (ll:.1l{3p(‘3l'£lllCe of iisagreablc associations that ldavc. _-ome to be linked with galoshes. Snow and cold, wet weather. rainy weather. all go with the galoshes. We rejoice-and yet we miss them. PUNGENT PAltAG?.Al’llS Oil stations are rub'*;cd frequent- 'y. but who ever heard of the old- fashioned feed store being: held up? Detroit Free I’::'..:.. . Some sluggards may {:0 to tI.;i also cour:.r.-.~ Szizilzi .’l.'xil}"Ne:w.~. ‘Young ;tcz-pl«- and «-bi:-l.« n. 0.-tm i l'I;.:m- tn r'.l",f.l, it _ If‘ . Icrem l1'Jllrs.~-'1'!-lc-"iv ill.-ulvv. Be your:-‘elf. Pain! _in:.'. ‘:i.'llLV‘“. an ' 0' dil-1 I I I i - . ' X’. B1 v -' Temple Shrine at Y. ID mt. but more visit "ti:-: urwlc." Sr:-enville Piedmont. ;~ To catch sucl-::-r.-. merely -otter un-i ‘casonahlc returns and let n:1turc;- ' Bzirba rd l 3 '1 A -* . 2 ~ -. ' "h'&§ . 22? V A -rrl.‘ ;")._E_. t ‘ ‘(em 1 - I _'. '_~_. A S I‘; ‘ v ‘ A V. ’ . « - V P L’.-I ‘ ’_!“w._ _A u ‘ .¥i...—;:“ «‘V..;__:_ -. ‘ .< , -.-‘. . 4§;§En;.:*._:,.‘._-_:g._‘_.»_*» ‘.;,.,_,,,,;,'_,‘_*.;_,..__..,,';. ;. .,- ,r ;,.--.;... .,_-,..-,.-...*:-....‘-'-.... - - - r .-l*‘ » .- cu _,,_‘_-... _..-.—-—- — — -~.._ —— l ‘T’ - .. ‘ - ~ v V -» i .- _..——- ________. .”.‘ A. __~ ‘ __fi__..-.____...._ -__--_- .__a.e___.~ -- . .__ _ a-__-__._.-~—v.— M V ‘ ,~_ - ‘ ,-__- ~ '-"‘ ,A ~ ~ .'§ _ , _.-. _ ' _, . ,--.e-can-III '5 ' _ - . _ l. ‘ .0. - ‘Y -'a._. 3: ‘H. , '2'" .:_ ‘luv:-{~‘U£g’uH hi - ‘ll 2.” _ ..,‘g,';A..g-“E_.- an >1‘ 1'. my .._.‘I .—_ K. germ rise Give 3'3? '* ""**‘,'i».f$. ea c , . H ._; __ .4 ‘. -‘- L . g . 1' . _...I. o . V ‘ “I ‘uh .".V~ . ‘. -‘- _- V‘ = mg ‘I W M CC‘ _ _ -3. « g -— « . ea Expert:smSw ll 3 . ~ _ ' ‘lifiahvs#l'1""'l5*"“"°°-W 0-rhltcb debt-later F mmlg . ' ._ ‘ .' . lhylnthe.£amily,' c.t'w ~‘¢’°'|""""'| anuadearep¢ehedatthlauaie.‘l‘|I_t:‘; 13*“. . .1. .. gl. ~-...dm¢.gl.p,..g.g§gmg,¢m.‘ - """"“"m,,._.""",,,,,,,,'f""° V” "°" l uzrrssson crrr my 5.'—-‘the ‘ m. in the 'l'°""" "“"‘°‘ V'°'‘'‘' ‘ °-}i.."'1‘... -3.2.. a water play wldiwmhavtlcim oftheCount!d°l”"l’l 30°" mind hdrehvlilfiw fi""“" f""°~ "':"*“;"°* " Mg" a. 3 , _. ' - » many csta -, lead I; ha l’! the lite-aerial cows. The event; Oou.r.x.tynwould receive“; 2: 35;. It is at :;'bol-1; it h flmynnny Hedger or “H” “.3, . havenotyotbaenplaauad. ‘ .33. Y°8f|Ifl¢¢’Y" , ”"’JL“..ou.b hub, ,. at-Ia-tho Ira.s.tbIa.m.-1’¢!aralltrad- 3 mm ‘.0 -dufluthevukan hm u;:m¢.y,-gain the Scaatcbrhaltiad . Llow!vt‘r..hing,wd¢ ; ‘_.,....m...i our-aunt-aiv-area-tun-nu. 3'l||!'l'|¢°'P°¢Wl¥ 'P°P'l” M " ““-. . 1‘ Ma-amtoldt —. - rian.I . lwmnd W Hamlin of Springfield. chaaalttr. fnhaaor as they should, an . _ .5 an-on ouaeiii-taewaaneauinaeuen. aportforwomemaacanbademon-zthepoolisopentothewiveaotflni-; - d“o°V;h°.'thh‘.*fib°.mflum”.be’. comemrd ;~h__,_,.,.,g °‘rcaI.!a--«-Plfl-"'h'IIUI|Ut atratedlaColumbiabyttnnamber,varaity=pro£asau'a anddasauarofflih V0}|ldl30¢“l"¢’°"’ ‘g 1he.“.on‘mdo¢m,,p ’ ~. '1-IutbtIl!""'““ Data.’ to to that tabs 5| “' enrolled illtheclaaaesattheflnlven conducted at that time. ' Tl“? bl“ “'°“ld °h"‘3° “"5 ""u"§°"”°°"' b’ bu h‘l""i‘l“3 "P"°‘lN. “. ‘~ to h-vi!-I “,',:";‘}',',‘,"' ‘,_"""...,..."" .. ,,,.,, aity. Christian and Stephen: col- At Christian College was Mitch-iorl of payment or the salaries ofjiafio *'iII'“' " ’ ‘Woodbnry uum ca 3..., av-m-ml .............l.a....a.,s.....o...aac-» Aecwdinrito in-s RIhr.el1l-nflve -via-mm cl-g-es-fwe clerh arm cow -u-4.3--i-n-*;*“‘°'?“"‘°" “""‘."‘!-°===rm°°v~ r-'*-“£342. anaauue. dine. swimming lnsrtoaor at thelveel: with an average from twenty- . would provide for the IPP°lfllU|°".‘, Wm‘ ° ‘”"""°" The comedy offer} ‘ .'*"""""'"' n 7:; '*"""""“"'I “'3'” '‘’l'‘' 3‘ °~ University. the popularity at theffine to thirty in each class. Swim-ilnd payment of 5'-‘P°“°5~ 531“'l¢l*fi At the ‘lowest. aatlf-e; ‘ 1°“ 3‘ era’ in another of .. ' B‘ “.,H__‘_ ”"_".’____,,,“,,,,.. “,,,..‘. courac depends on the waathenézning la nbt i t is an,up to 84,001: for deputiesfand as-1 ‘fAt Igrllititgl’-nhu‘“o5n*‘:; -our Washington 3,, wAN.fl;D_‘ naeaeluanachgdcaocc-anuuunns'l‘bereweeez50taking 5WlflIllIlnt,elective worse for physical educa- slstantewoudbealowed °T_¢90"';sponsi e oro date_ . . g M “ado . Club in and Hall. the fall semester. while the aunbeqtion credit. 1 is open on tics e same estimated make or vea self . Try a ltusourxan _. 5 ‘,,,n_ "rat 6. 7:89.--Wmflhy with he ehrolled for the winter term is 1b0.;Sa y nights and , -at various population as Boone County. ffiaahfalaosa in you!!! P0091? 3' '1" : " "'9' '5' ”"""“' " “"""" "‘ “' This re was probably due to'tlmes during tit week tothfie not F th’ mo“ of we 5;", my,“-u‘gl¢ between self-assertion "“"“""‘ 2a.slu-..u .‘ _ '. ‘°°"" 0" the cold wave on ‘ tion day. enrolled regularly in classes. §wim- mpgfatgofi pf; conntieg would bela feeling of ‘ _ _ i "— ‘"17 sfungur fonarrewl Miss Cline has three beginning, axing is also a pquular necrca on uummed by m.,mp;,.;,,‘ um gum-, Proaaaor Abram will continue this; ~ -”m”. , ofoh. 1. use It 3..-l'.x-«in: a! Girl cla three mtermedia claaaea,g‘am V die teachers. as the pool be, of ,0.“ an in the hat pm; umnc in his next-tal : r find“ phone 3°°“" ‘ ‘ " two advanced ones and one theory‘ is open to them every night. em -d(. 5 1 dado b th v-----—-*''—'‘'‘' ; __ ' ‘ '.ZFea ': man ;- '''° class in swimming leadership. Spe-" t exhibition end "xn::$;f 1' ‘gnu {.'°"nsy ‘bx: Gntlett to Give fill Recitals.’ _ -_ t-ova at!‘ University of Ibaoarl and Iowa cm mmmon is no the Rea will be held “ Chtmhm Cone“ 3 o . 18“ - and D. Gauntlctt. director of the‘ ._ um “,1 am: canon at Bath . . m . . . that Boone Count cast 12.373 5" MM Cone“ rxnaanwa 0;! - .1.-,1,‘ -_ . ._ ., . g ....g.,.. .,¢ Cross life-saving tests. The fol- sometime in the spring. _ . wows in the November (,1ecuon',M»P_ ~»;"m “Mm ‘ pmtnm 0“ ~ y all e: :ea;t.yY(.«:regaa- racist Rue:-van clohv lowlfltf (1 test Slut were 340 enrolled in : ' Scfluta of America. ‘Fen. '.\.-I-llectlon of officer» at dinner inf Alpha [-5 am. honorary aorta! .4-mm‘ fraternity. at the inglenook lnn. ‘ch. 5.»-All-day ronfencor: uh utiliza- uf results in ex tension work munty arc.-its in Room :12. Eat A.v:ricul-- »tar:.l Building. by the l 9. . :80 p. m.—lllu-tratad lecture by BIG?! a for initiation. of the A phat! As- Kandac- llagineering Eutldlng. ; ‘F-‘L 9. lee-tlng of Temple Shrine No. ‘I. pcnsons visited tilt‘ "Feb. lo. int’: xx. tn.--Operetta. "Figaro." succeed in the University Andlba-kn, "Feb. lo.-—l’ayment S. G. A. eat- var! .-r1nete.- due I rarru by the Vfalnmbun and Daughterr of Knights of ls.-abv-lla at "W Kflitlllt 0! (‘oluubu-4 Student Horne. Feb. ll.- ~‘ iation and the. y for banding in manu- cripta of oration: for the Stephen: on. . orical Contest at the otflca of G. W. Hill. ‘Irrt. Boom 2|‘. Jeue llall. Thin Heath. ‘Na 13. 6:30 n. m.—Addr1-..- 0.’ J. "tract. 1 manager of the Input: It-.'chan'a lnxutu or ‘ jog,“ IN‘-‘tint Conan-reial Club. Junior Chara. ‘b~r ol Commerce Reta A..- and l’ro.'c'-- Bus clonal Women's Club It the Daniel Boone Tavern. Feb. 13. it Aaaoeiatlon. co} ltd‘ football or am. I Ird’ D I-c-la. 21 ". I p. rn.~Hl- WIvhir.r'.on'-. birthday 1. Smith 0 ' I in . 1' p. In.» the Univer-it! Auditorium. V It In.— Iecting of Henorah I 9-°C|¢‘l! in lawn llall. Feb. .7.——?oandera' day of the Parent. ll‘.-—Regular meeting of the Min- hop. 1!! and la.-.1195." ,,5d,,,.,.. of 3,, “mm. llnmm Talifornia U'l)i_ in ghg unéna and the University Audi. . '.)rier.t;l t‘arnival II. C A. Building. - ‘0 P- M liaikctbull ggmt nd Columbia ‘ ill’?! ochoolr Imllltiflfl cu. ~-n-a an n! in the (Purge l-'n iwr. ity 1’! M Fred 8. old flivver l!)'Jli «vi it-V‘. '.\u..'lSl|’-'lll"i ..-,:r"i Til d “.131 '|:.m(;,'g.' "W - " "' ' ' “ Ft!‘ 7 a artha iennv::a:v.-an. 7,’ ,},g ,,.g , " “' "' "W —“" :l‘vv' mo“ lfl>.rrn;:l;'- "AdllIt1:.inn will l B . ‘ ' u. l_.’U‘.hc.' 1-~(-1:1. up", 3;. up public‘ Performance Will ‘ll-: (liven furl ,’'‘_''l’' 1'3 8‘ . nu.--l.:eta umuzid on. Melllhefa -and ‘nu... in °";.'ff ‘J’. "';m""*|";;**v Aw ‘ -. . . . '- --'-' N; , _ P hlissouri \\ork«l~.~op. ;~...,‘ 3; 7.“ 'p m‘“::_‘_m‘_""‘."“-"' . , ‘ _ . ' ' ' file The [Dramatic Ari: ! llln v.-2!! ;rIt'.i‘?'""1IIl~v-r- of M. R I «us At}: .».-.-n .‘ 1 private production at l‘:t1r‘i;i(':l(‘.'."' """_'; ‘:1 _'i'- M-' A. Iluditn,-um. "Al(‘l‘t‘tl.-" at l"2l-5 o'clock l'l'll""f'I\\‘:"‘ .o 64.; p. —l°‘elluvrahu hanqm-t ~:q.nin;: at l..;1lhrr)lI IL-II r thr ' rv-li on: «rat: J I)" Wu": pm?!“ ' ’ " _ ~ ' "H in the hat:-ncu or mnmborr. of the llr.x‘-nntic Art:. the llrtldnay M¢u....x.g ”,.,,c,, Club and the hli<5:v'xri \\'nr};_-hop. H’ 37 “=30 D —llaaIiethallgum-1.. The play is under thu.direv:ti«»n nf rs. H. G. I‘:-.'wn2:-.xi. while Miss Christine Spencer is in charge of the co!=.tume:s and :v.’;~r.¢-ry. The members of the ca.-.t n-c: Alcestis. 1‘-frs.”:, Urban '1‘. llnlme.~:; Admetus. U n ll'1ln'lt‘.';; ‘ctllfli. Rlcllar _Nc'.rell; l'hz-rm‘, II, F_ _ man; Ornus. '0. it. Johnson; ‘Apollo. Void Null; female ntienrlanz, Hazel lloflman; children, June Me-bl? and Virginia Babb; (-hon. (’ " and O. R. Johnson. Incidental music will be rendered a. -—-—:——.¢_..;_. N0 FOWL l’$T IN STATE State Veterinarian Verifies State- t A -Survey. There lrnot. aid"haa not been, any European fowl or chicken pest hithln the state of Hlsaouri. «met A 3. 9 Cu 2 This survey was made in the in- lt ‘i ll('l'- * ‘ ' Na’!-r Jaeger. Paul G. Graham. Vloid l\'ull 1‘ P tween Bavmvilfe It the Columbia High s¢j.,.,g Gymnasium. Till 3, w"f":’v ‘- -"Dear llrutu-=_" 1, 1,". mi" urn art-.hop All the Uniwrrity Audi. 1 rrnu. """l’ l"-‘£3’! rrimary election. ‘"3 H m 9' I of the Royal 'H£ll- rlv0v.| nu‘ l'1 thy April 7 - Amer 24. lU‘!'l'lI the ljnjypr ‘"5 l'¢-lrtechnic In-tit and 29.-fl "flivvhitr Student 'l"heater -wlnetl ‘ I ltfldrx (’IlVll7ilna ||.,._-g, sch”, - 3' l’lN'tlrnn. ‘7"‘°rr-nhir pi,-tnl ally of ' l"“lnK U'|‘ltK"H'. fur '-"lv-ul vlmlrnl: AwlILu.':u:l;. match In ute a the Colum- “" pfflgvlt.‘ enjoyed the facilities Of the " has been 1-.-'labii.:lu-d with :1 capital v \'l‘l':~lt}’ Glee Club, accompanied by he ‘_ pox-ctinasztr-r bad f 3- wi:'e. a number of women wrote him " ‘luouri and Ala- ,,, lllldll rhow by :5.‘ ill ll""d " ’h°“' f” M!" " I" ‘nmei-cc has complained to the State The City Club of St. Joseph is nd- . nil-7l“"""5' C°"‘ml"'°“ b°°‘“”° mu vocuting the city manager form of 1 ‘ll!’ “'33 1°“ °” ‘_’f the '‘l'““ '"‘'P . showing spots of interest for tour- -.~—— - . ists. ' Q Raised-type books for the blind‘ ‘have been placed in the St. Louis‘ 1 public libraries. 1 governmcrxt. I Charles A. Carroll was absent only twenty Sundays and played __._...__.. the organ 60,000 times during the Last Saturday about a thousand ll1il1lv'°5¢"€fl $0875 mil he “'35 0" new penis grznist at the First Presbyterian {county ¢.,.m_hou3¢_ L urch of lndpendence. I 9 . . ————-o———-- . , A contract has been let for the C08M0P0l‘ITA5s To MEET §constr-uction of a $67,000 municipal‘ Hm _I_ -L Quflu will 3 water :<)‘:3l.€."lIl at Salem. Members to Give swam. mg of the Cosmopolitan Club. of _______. . University to he held at 8 Two hundred and ten thousand o'clock tanight in ncgd ]<]gu_ s _ ~ .' Poplar Bluff expects to be on an I {in the next few mont . I flllfl l. bl. C. A. during 1924. prcgtums being prcgented by mcm_ The Chicago and Alton Railroad plans the double tracking the line from C:-ntralia through Mexico to Littlcby. Persian and Russian members will ‘give some of their native dances; the Chinese members will give a stunt wearing their native costumes; -1-,_.." st Lows boys ‘we in we 1 and the American girl members wviil - rdnncc the accompaniment of jukulcles. ,Mrs. J. T. Qua:-lo; -ail! tsing and Paul C. I-‘ung. “the ma- ___._____ pgician. will Lindenwood College :started.tricks. Chinese tea and “chicken out on its new semester. after a chow-mcin" will be served as re- four tiny i‘ vacation, with an enroll- . treshments. "“'"‘ "l """'__fi_‘f’,_"_"_"f"*d' } 32 of m;'.' (fiat: .313.‘ to K. c. Tin; First State Bank of Joplin’ Thirty-two members of the Uni- mpital. one w four mix.-ting. as a result of firing off percussion caps. ‘ The first meeting of Professor Herbert Wall. will leave Sunday night in a :4pcclal Pullman : for Kansas t" y ' A l-{.'uis.1.-2 Fit,-.* woman who was: tllI(‘ollo<‘lOtlS for smrcn Wc<'kS ful-- A A A "' ' "‘ lmvuu; an automol»ilc accident liafi: lK’RN.Cu)NEY Landry just l'iL‘Qll d:.~.cliar;:cd from ‘.1 ho», _ . , Dry Cleaning (.0. piml tlwrt‘. Phone H6 or H40. Cleaning and pressing. I07 50. 8th St. of $l(J»'l.UCU. (lll't“.‘tnT.< was leld l"'ebrunry 4. and ____ \ Aft!-r rmdiri: that the Sednlini received a letter. rum an lllim-is man in search of u 7 asking: for details. , 2 ‘W Dr. Willinni 1.. Gillmor. n physi-' J.‘ PALMER Wall Paper and Paints ...-.__. . ... ~._ r’:-.n of Indep(_-mlencc. wnrf killed we fl,nu.u.t your ‘wk. Monday morning when l'|l.\' autn- 866 nml-ile wzm strucl. by a Missouri. Corner 9th and Walnut l’:u-ific for-.t mail train. According to physicians, there are; ‘ " ‘ ’““i ‘ " 'i nearly tbn-4: hundred cases of in-, flux-m..-4 in Poplar Bluff and But-g lcr ('4-unty but the epidemic is‘ not; . (‘u[l.“~ltlt'l‘(‘d .-<4-ridus because less than 8 per cent h:m- contracted pneumo- . . 3 2 B. D. Foster Plumbing Co. Plumbing and Repairing A complete stock at all times. nia from the disease '01 N. ml‘ Phone nu l'l:m»' for making 1! survey of the }' ‘ rtsnurcex and industrial advantages 7 of .\l0berly and its surrounding ter- BXPERT TYPBWRITTNG The 8 gency 509 8. 5th-,'-Phone 1808 Green Call nno cnews WALKER Sing- More than seventy persons are air freight and passenger line with- °‘P¢¢l»°d l0 3“‘-'"d 0'9 ‘Will ‘N991’ It will bea “Cosmopolitan Night.” bcrs of different nationalities. The perform some hand-' , I Expression Causes . any Do- .\l-.~.Lcn ta}: . the p.rt Foolish Pranlts. 3 “xi” " cl 1 ‘ _ of \N'oodbury. who goes to meet. Prof. ‘R. L. Abram (ll8(‘l.l.~iS(‘(l "Tlicghi, friend at 8 docw;-'5 offi¢c_ T},-3‘ inferiority ('omplc.x."' at the Cl"'l5'f:riend has contributed some cubist tian College convocation ycstcrdaygan m a Contest, which the doctor The feeling of inferiority and the is ‘O judgc_ qgrmgh his undia:- secret desire for self-expression. acrguised int,,(.m_ in ‘-«The }'.‘}Ow¢.,- carding t° p"’f°”?"' _Ab"‘“:"' ll“ ‘“'.Girl'' and the con.-iequent gymnas- :ufd’;"‘:‘ °_I mu"-" {""l"‘l‘ ”''"‘3’‘ “ml tics through which he goes in or- "; °°' dcr to get the but View of the deg?‘ \'-‘hi? l“3;>; t‘-iliiis in ‘the plCtI1l'c.hl‘lC‘l.l brgistaken for the -*1 a5£m$: or a w en tient, w o as ng sent ano‘. ~ 51*? -"°‘l_lJ' 535 "0 dill-0: the girl who eminent doctor. 1:. so haiipcns manages a fake telephone call; the the do¢u,y-iu¢Ig¢ is in M, office Ltlrl who induces a lot of friends,a'ith several other specialists. all ' of whom are to get a chance at the patient. _ Mcbcan is put through several: tests, more or less scientific in themselves. but useless because of. order for_ an painting job in you a. descrip our vmrk ‘and an: mate of wife. 'f_ H0110 w Paint snot 411 Broad - r not 3'0"’ l’“’l fraaler Realty 3, Hitler Bldg. black. ' if ANTI-2l)—l ‘ ‘: month km‘ on Realty (‘0.. st.ch girls may have the inferiority complex and are full of little schemes to get into the limelight. Professor Abram carried his il- _________.. FOR SALE- FOR RENT- I 0 Public Stenographer t . ‘‘R“n°m° ‘l°P°"“‘:’llll&‘ has never been mmsti'n-:'l.",V ELIL I‘. CRANE ’ Ii. (‘orner Ninth ard Walnut aaouri aveni lustrations beyond the campus when I J--"""~;“‘ '; deuce, south hi’ =‘fl0li'-‘ UT men in lodges: parad-: “""‘*‘“ “"6” ‘”" ‘‘'—‘r 7 . - ins in gown. “Is it after all th 1 -4 A " '‘°‘““ ° nae Io,altv to a cause that mtzikg-U .- buck ‘(mm C‘ us all ‘Vining ‘O malt". or: C0 k 4’, W I'n0lll-hp ll -1 J '. ' . ct‘ ‘ i 1'83 - B ° f:l9f.l:.Y;l’t;n:;'Sil:nl?t"n so ct desire for: . ges 01' 8 OC e I 7 N“ 54.0,, Not all the leaders have been i $830118 at all . . ' l A “-500. ""3" N great leader:-. Some of them 11;,‘-egg . Tl" """"u\ A ' 05939 "W"? been leader. b (f h ‘ ' I ° Goldsberry. da «: ccause 2 _ avmz uni pl'ICeSo “D undid‘-’ .« T phumifi‘ mm ” ‘T .. . _., “uousi-2 l COl.EItAN‘8 mum uumnar i ‘ say It wlth Flower” 3 RENT- V First Class Work o 4 W um Long-Life Collars - , ‘, Dyelnt a Specialty u - . -~ - - 1 A PbnnI"‘l849 bl: ‘ 657 l * o::.’;:;::; - _ ‘ M W _ i Something new in (.‘oluinbia— ________APABTMR v I RADIOLITE ‘.f"‘?3{ RF?‘ MONEY romm ; """“ ‘‘ l Selling Old Magazines 1 _h 383:?) R-€.l!l\'¢fl-'lli0n -—-————-——- ‘ » - -- . i ‘or .2 for 0 n':»--.. FOR REN1 lhone’392 ‘ ‘ “Ill Cal 5 M“ U“ for N” mmwim mm‘. pm“? I ~ l\LAS.S COM. CD. ‘~ (‘one in and get acquainted win, u3d;.,;m-_ 3- “ll! 51”“- — 1 Li-.°v\"s snot: mama: snor 5 _ roa REM Work Called For and Delivered. "“ "“""‘”“';*j — ~ —— -~--- g, 1‘ Phone 325 806 Broadway. i ‘ ed. ‘vet’ I ' ‘ .--........ , ___ 3 .. A! an - hrge efficienc. _ N0'l‘lCE I won M:'nnntirs;‘;: nndh Pap!-ri g 3 Phone g1 two met anically done. “ - 4! _ 3 1131' - T - . I def , (FOR EN? Dec! B‘:l£fiNItlI5SWaIlilR¢(l’e§oratiug ’ ‘ n for MOd(?I ,1 I107" .« met’: at J‘? ' 1477 ‘ . sun or ' on ‘Mt I Fred A- Dalton Sam F. on" ‘'"''‘*'V- or 0' i‘ " "‘ ~_ I .:,“ vate home. ‘ _. TOM’S LUNCH : e ~ ~ -—- ———— — Room; 12 North Ninth Street ""—"*" FOR RENT. - - nd aemesta OTrs”'*" '" ..... HEA T.I.C f J. LOUIS CRUM K . . . . .. ..,, -g-.....-7 ,. >.‘,_‘, . la: 4 u; 9.—-Journalism Wad each. -—————..___%____ G i B o ‘ ' s........,'.r ,,, wan,“ “M to Phone 1762 -23 jzwpth Sir'é¢V ron ‘rib!-INT -M, n‘;‘:' utter MM _. __,,_g % aouriflavanue. “"~"‘¢ squad tth - A ' A ‘ ' " "“ ‘ "" . roa new outs. held Wednesday un.der tliead,i- ‘ ' ‘ ' . _ _. ~_ room for ‘bu ,l.hey°';m°f Prof. F . Hulbert. N -. ’ . 1396. ' .Sehubert and I o L l D B * ‘ ' A, w , . . roa nan in ‘km: was: “lte’:>l’£.ed?t i ix o "0! tCongre M ' . o‘ , miwim .33.. f... ,,:;,,.,,,_' ,3: ggffhgge COLUMBIA TOJEFFERSON. crrr c »~ .4 to arm. at obothb . p - _ 2 . '.‘ . dwm d,d“_’;‘;;'- ‘::f_'°m:r0°c:;t_ V heave Columbia (Daniel Boone Tavern); _ .-1,0‘ l "'1-'..'.. .......... ° C 8¥“"“ 1 P-.m- 5 11- m- ;..'5.“i 5” to mm! d Lea. ve Jefferson City (Central How) . . am 3. ‘O ‘ck ‘& rain which I In. ‘. V. " 1'!” M D ~ 1 . P’ ' 6 p. U1. ' ' 1.‘ --: Q-...._ dmiwinw "°"" "’ 7 ’ T . - -:"1'0B1mm an be with the Tl'J.al:r'-iitymecli fiervioe in Town :;ii‘.."‘;..,?"‘:“*‘°..,...,.“ Dakota on larch 5. i 3- All Rgligblg D,-fur,’ . closed Cam. Pl:-t nil-u-a to Schuyler Ca. ~ . p more ‘ ‘L """"°':,,g;M ‘ runner-17 -r9n;m"" yesterday for s¢],¢,g,,. ‘ é , ‘p._ A _ g V - |'.“1":'. """"" t C ii 0.. ya a rural sick 5“ . V 1 pa Ltfig ; 4 "' 5“'"'I|Ir st . 3 . i ‘for: . ._.'. ‘.'.'Ii.-5.;;.i....'5..i‘.f:.‘- -'-.5..-;.i.“:' "»'*.i§i; ‘in’-. ;7-;5-‘~..-..;..- l