O - - - . ... .. - ,‘ .. . _ . . »' ' ,- V A , ,. , . V . ,~., ..- _ _ —, ' _ -. . . -_-. - 3 .. - . . , a ' . j 3:. ‘ l v . l _‘ 3) ._ . '- I . « ,. t .3‘ g. ' , o _ .v I’ -_ . - . . , ‘ E ‘ _ v_ V , r \ l ‘ '_o ‘ :' ’ x ‘ ‘ " ‘ ‘ . "J '\ 9 -V ' ' -. ' V . ', .7 - _..' ‘ V.’ _ ' . ’ ‘ ._ o .. v - - c- -. - . , - .4 . , . _ ' 4' -' . M1ss0Q_g1A ‘ g . “ .~ I . ‘ _ I _ , .- ‘ ’ . ‘ __, . -‘_‘..~“_‘§. ' ,‘-.’:_. , ._:_-_‘_' ‘.1-«-7 _{ - J‘ ‘Q . ._ ‘- -_._ ~'_~ .4 ._. ‘ . - . -W‘ 0’ 2 -’-co. ,~., .A.' .-— 7 ~_‘‘ _‘ L 9 _. . '2.“ ' ‘ ‘ _ _ V ‘ _ ‘ ‘_ _’ _ ‘$.13, . . ,.,~'. *.' .. . t. ' V‘ ‘— ._ _ ‘ . - ; U W“ . _’_ V _. ' ~" ‘ g. i V ._,__ _, ; I} .5. _ _;r;'~v's.‘,t.’ . - ‘ . . . 1-,. -. 1 . " ‘<2.’ -. ‘ . _ « ‘ ‘ : ' ‘» -V _'. - ‘ . ‘I i‘ ‘ ' h. ‘ I I la fa “ _' ‘g '_ ;. 1? -W1: ‘. ' _ . ~ .z, .— -,_ -.. . ..- .-.~ _ ~ . - L, -¢ 9 - ~ _ »__ - . - ._ _ '- — » - . ‘ f - ._ ; : : SIX. PAGES. 43 oounms , _........_.. _. ---- _ 5- _ ii’ FONDAY» FEBRUARY 9. 1925 LAs'r_ EDITION _ _ ‘O . i~fzili‘i§‘i§R’1'§° 2:1-he Way IBOONE COUNTY |— Tax Wurnn l CPRICR. R.’ §’;g§,g,Eg&; gggég gvaried Activities Planned by fCOLLlNSS’l‘ILL ? . . . Id } REAL ESTATE For c.i...u. and lost- PRESENTS ITS PUBLIC ATTENTION; Scouts for Anniversary Week; ALIVE IN CAVE, -. ill our i AY-h use-i he-s. 0 Boy Scouts of America have setldeaionstration of scouting for the § 0" lowest taupcature tonight about G “:25 Axcslfsst . F90 9-‘"3’ aside this week as Anniversary-llW-"1' PO71 ‘ll ll’? WNW 77009 l'‘'"-‘ ‘ fifilll 3505"‘ kn uni‘; ""“"""'— 0°‘ "'——"" he",'u‘m but u‘ unn’ 'eek in eornmenioration of the 15th 3. '1'" ‘l’° Vi" ' ‘"0" ‘"0 8°“ - __ - - use public’ mm. but it “ . - - ———.-— . , ‘ her _first real 107089-* ASS Of T8X- Fa uhtoui: ‘"0’ cloud, St. Cit? noon.is 1., om» J‘:kmI;n°;:”__annirersary of Scoutbood in Arner-'.?;,:::‘ Grand Jury will Examine I — ‘O. a - . ‘l'- l“"°"- """""""§ able Property Falls Irish: and ‘roads: remains as» ' Short Line Will Save {in um-led. -aid racially today. 0°’ 9”": W‘ "°" 5°°“‘ fig; um. plans for Scout Week but it Evidence of suspicious aIIl'P°"l""‘“-‘“"H“ 3°” - o : tonight southeast . - - Theehasnpiou and bi bride,srhoi3""‘*“l°'l'*1lll°""“'°“°'-"“'l""' ' mod 1., '1 5.. — 1 , i gisaissy. f N¢{“'lY Fl"? fill’. portion; rising teinpintue Tues»; Dlfilalwe and T1319 was Estdle Tiyioi, ippemil ii!?*"-"“*° “*3 i°°=I?U°n of Wu‘; .q...i ..f.,;i,_ " "'° Circumstances Sur- . of 00'8"" "°" "9"? lion Dollars. ‘ day. 3 on Route. -ihisln bu nisht at the Plaati~;'“' ‘*3 "°“"" "“‘“°.'"v “Fl” '"'° Torso,» Scout troops of Mexico rounding C33,; 4 as! N 0"" .""’°l.‘ -——— shine”. f"‘+ .n . n_I , .__.__.- , 3°" Cllli. I in: resort near hemlz“ """':°o“’ “N” .331‘ 9"." will have a his rall)' Tuesday eve- __ 4*‘ ‘°°°‘'"'‘°'‘‘’ ';Armc1s Cm’ Lots. Too dlus of zoo ..°'u..'°°“.i c.i.'""“..i.i. us; Couvunu Is ONLY $10? “' ""..,,..,,""‘_."?,;,“"°‘fi,.,:,° ;:°;:,....“.'.”."m‘f °.?ii........°"'"‘..‘ .. :;:_g,:n;°';°°; *";";;::3ug‘*;'°**; 4 Timoiuas To Wont: on 1 , . §?l"hKclt; second. 3:: Total val‘-ration to teullletature tfllllhllttuatcti Charm’ Rgived .1 flllshlre Aflrtnients here. of B3:l:::l Ed! mm:-zeotlizgn at: Newspa ""fi‘e"n Suspect '13 T‘ ‘Ania-uuoii opened 8-WM-I; Submitted to State 2"“'°""""‘____”°°‘"” '”i’ ! November and 2 ‘ 9 ""33. sum“ 1“ "l"-“"33 :"’;‘,;‘ y we rm 6” of gm“ '30:‘-i B H ‘ Geralds-—Governorto -‘. ._|puis. ' ° , 14' 5.;-9.9;;-jg pg-gum-g covers‘;-' ’ - Pfidgxggcsg,-‘,H‘_Bfi., . '~"d‘ _ ~~_ '1 ton o}-Scouts svi dost-ivic. - w W'°l3ll’lll°" 4°“1°"""‘ Tax Commission I8 : country from the Rocky Ioun-‘t of in! ROI: by Air Too Great. ‘ “nk "" dfligmwd ." bum‘ 5"" 3°00 “ml 5l°'"ll)’ bl’ clunins UP Take Charge of In‘: '- aeuntted States threatens. $30,634,224. gut... out union to the Augiitiej Subscnbed, Ir uni-s Pg-us. Ill)’ all slrct-l Rm!" Y0? the neinorial Park of that city. The vestjgation. ..v-T .3. gfijugn, to ruin Spain's; with three centers of ac-_ ROIB. Feb. 9.—‘l'he people of SW0“ ‘'9'? CW8! ll)‘ the rlmfitlkl sleet and ice of the recent storm __ ' ———— ‘sea -——-——-— . . . _ - There is a decrease ofallnost fiveiugii, one avg: an cg-at Luke‘,-one Work on the proposed St. lALlI~i Non} have chosen dog teams as 07 0* ’§IU°?l- l" “W0 <‘lWP¢h¢6 played havoc with the trim of the. ii, lfmtnl rm... .-- .' bu“ in Now, 0.3." million dollan in the ascaaedlin coiongo ‘M 5.3.1,-5 in An,..—.';o.x.n;.,; city alga:-ie Railroad, airplanes as a means of 0"‘ '""'"=¢" W" 90 Pllhnfd that park and Scouts will r(‘ln0\1.' the’ (‘AVE CITY. Kin. Feb. 9.- v' ' l m pk“ . tn 0,, 3,, value of the taxable property 01”‘, 11.; nudged gauge: ig mi.§si-hieh will run throng Boone Coun- mum and additional sup. ll’¢_5¢°ll“ ¢°UlIl “lit PIT‘ In llIf'm bztilnen limbs and other debris of Floyd (‘ollins was believed to be ‘thud... u, hm,‘ in .i,ou_ Boone County as shown in the I"‘.¢gu¢fl .34 .59.”, ‘Q”nu",l ty, is to be begun soon. aecocdiizqilses ed stamp out the ¢‘)idcn1i¢‘:'hllF'°ul9r‘_ IN-"1' Gmtflll with the storm. The Fulton (‘lumber of lllltl‘ this morning. This belief sssnall' ’ citrate Ilbfillifl 01 the 60031! 39-1851;-iggllke condition; with 1hund¢f-it"l the St. Louis Globe-Dclllocfllu "l dhlll-Ella in the town. PW‘! feeotnition of ‘the Scout Commerce will co-operate with the ii the result of radio teats. ‘ _ i M G", $085058 boob 33869 ll)’ l-59 3933 °‘ ~ storni showers occurred in Ilissouri The St. Louis-to-Kansas City Short A sunnary shows that public "‘°"°"‘°"‘ "°'“ 9"‘ P'-'ll"‘- _ , .503’! by u'r\‘inIr nandI'i¢'l'k-I and ---~- . fid &'ltain expects rota we county Conn ‘ad ‘fluent ‘nu. we kn’ 2‘ an ‘humus Comflny i, to we, opinion 1, pmfiaiiy unmimom ,-,,~ There is considerable variety in com-i-, This evening an inti-rtroop (‘ourt-Martial Inquiry ls Ordered. lf ‘ .§ ‘N’ Am“ ' mm Nu‘ ml e largest part of this dilerenceihoura. but at the morning sent its grants. which have been ob-‘the belief that an attempt to fly‘ 0"’ "_’fi"i“°‘ l’l"""-‘d 0" "W “"“'l'-‘ ,m¢'<'%in! will lie held. ”’ ""“" ""“ ® . Q I Q it _. Bk 9',‘ on 0” debt ‘O in in the valuation of the real flejfion it ‘-3; on‘ the mm to coldenitained in ten counties. to the Public from Fairbanks to Nollie is an un-1°‘ ‘hf’ "‘°" . T7°°P 50- 1 "I C0’ MID)‘ other activitit-is of the _ A-_r_ 'n‘”‘ "OUT" OF bA"D 7 W saw‘ ' ltatc of the county Th C25157*‘]' 3|; any of fljuwfi 3-gin h.d- Service Co:-nuiigsion at Jeflgrsosf risk, illllllblfi Vlll KWE a Father and Son troops of this area are being (A\ l" ‘Tb’ 9"’Th° ‘onrnor “ V M was received Saturday at‘ gems and 9,544 city lots o1.the5u:;-“deal, W; um . ,tmn‘_ eoidécigy god.y_ ' i no‘ dag’ an pop‘, of some. banquet. followed by a special prooi planned. Social I('ti\'itlt's will be X"“w“k"'. W‘, J’ n'M" 0“ 0" .8‘ M the R"’.I COIlfll)' hI"C I ‘.1351! 7.100 wk’ “lg Q‘. Q“ mg sumriohi - The From M g“ nude’ c°n_;§’, ‘ f‘, ‘not. cert.in .nd‘ train I‘ ‘ht ". bl. lll _ at ![K'ClIl lflllllfffl of ll)!‘ flru. dtrvd I Brlx"(-'c”- 3- ‘L Archbishop ClePlalt.E year of 824368.440. ‘l'be flint-es, 1,, m..,.,,§ .m,,m,¢,_,,,g chm,» gidcg-‘flan go, the 1“; no ,.¢.n,;les.s haandous method of bx-insins ‘dkh ' "im ‘rm be the ‘awn’ ‘um. phnmd {M um week’ M.‘ “btinFl:i’i;rt(:oll.iiis.m:ntont:fb:¢l arica this rear. ‘ . . I _ ,‘l'roop No. 2 has planned a publi - rd‘ t. M , (;‘]| _ ad". 5 ko Rub ‘or. um‘ ‘gown’ 1”‘ "'5' '°". weather will prevail for two or three-Wand the contpan) has been -~‘-.‘-_ I M H cmowrig ( r , em. “M. ,.",;o,,.,_ to N03,, 9,, "mm , Tlllll 5 “-' °" ' ' ‘3‘d‘33- ‘ - 4.1.1 but no genre cold is in sight. in legal procedure for about . -—--———-——-——-—— ~ . V - V .. - - If‘ '7'; -2- ~ - - - 0 ‘gnu’ 0“ ‘named '- mm-0. Fermi“! property in the county llata for Colulnbir llixbest tein-9 m°"l-0" i i ' "hll 0“-0 ‘rdfillir l;lx.iri‘:t:‘d'Uol'ta to ’_ furnace for observing the this year}: assessed at the value pen y“ y 58; love“? The comp“), necked . cud"; 2 Lands Ilissourian hlsxaaine. U. "_M"':‘t‘h‘:. “°pm'°wh¢_"_ Comm " “P ‘fin on p°u°hum' . f "9' L.“ ye" um 'due"last night, 84; precipitation. 0.41.’ from the secretary of state last‘ Cosmopomfn Book Co-F 0 r-med l0 l’f- M‘ 9l'll‘l'll I '5'“: "V ‘‘ CU“ "la '“0“'”y °°"’"‘p' "0' ‘6'5.“’83“ Tm‘ ch.“ oh no )‘¢ar I30 lllthett. 40; lowest. November. and 2,400 sharesofatochfi ‘ ‘ - ‘ p°."n°n. an’ ‘The Coiumbm his not born abandoned. ii ' °‘" 0” *°fld 0” bocnlpmpeny wand“ “rm °qmpmcm:2G: Precipitation. 0.00. ’had been subscribed of the auth0l'- Minoan“ may we" be‘ "mud ' " 1 Thr inquiries will be made 5, 5,_.mmr shipiiu-gd,‘ and business investments. . - ~ . The value of all the -taxable‘ °'"’‘‘‘' °‘ ‘3"°°-°°° " ‘"0 Would Add More Than? "f u” ‘“'”°"m" M""'"°‘ .—--- "much u tour‘-mm‘-l °°"ns C""““"‘ ‘?"'i°“ .'"’‘°'‘ °.'“'‘‘’‘’ ""-'"t 0f Ohio State l‘Avm'«-rum’ ll-vv """“‘ 3”” ‘'“'°’‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘?" ‘'‘‘° "'° A 5 '5‘ %.a..“¢ Tmmfi 5;; 33.! 0 )' __._.:_ Coma “ . igetting into Kansas City at noon aid a bill drawn up to be presented to Y W """"‘l’°"‘l“P ll’ l’l" Tllfll l\|PPl- been recalled for further qut-stion- ‘”“"""“""""} ;_“"":i":"‘dl'1'_'¢ ll‘°s.l'“d' . we “uh ‘uh hum‘! Gnu. RESERVES BSA‘ 0': rt f the ‘.9 hm umperh U0 p. m. respectively. Each trail the General Assembly at the pg-ufillonorsriu scholastic socieud sf‘0‘r mg ‘as the authorities resumed in. il.:“l:.:llll\:-all-l (:un:‘), hgeinsoxl. ' I3 ld marks. WORK IN OTHER NATION?‘ in O '|‘ ‘Will take a stop-over of live hours tilt lI88l0‘l|- i’""'°r °° ‘mu’ *9" "'"°""°° ° ‘'‘‘’“3’'‘'°" 0‘ 0"‘ l'‘'m'"|! "lT)"‘ll- " ' Phi ‘flieta Kappa Society Initiates C°"i"" ll onor Scholars of Last "' "W Semester. "‘”““‘ -J .|" r ' zvwovomvooo bo' normal most of the . . . . . . . d - ' t ' t‘ ' . —. ~ . l - A WI!’ . - unt~ prosecutor. ' v asdits to the Ruhr lndus-I‘ uh. n.”.“"""'——-Tub on Rnmnhai '12:“ W gm Kansas Cit)’ N133? ;°_l~l“'lll3Z|3d ,'1'lIe suolution is being devisetl:;‘(';n(""n‘:“°'"l'l8 I I conwca wn 8» l'lllE‘t'or:ltl:.r;ltr:0lIl 'l(llv('iol:llslI\tl'lllz. ‘ uv'l"l:‘::n“‘(ll laA‘lll}:i’(}l"Um.J in Gl“‘ow' I . . the only stop enro te Ill be at Co Attorney-General Otto at the re ) p ann unet- ' O 1 (‘asap and Dean lleeltcl on ’ lamb“. ‘ % qua“ ,3 5,¢,,u,.y of st“, 3e¢k,,._f Constance Mayens. Jellerson City; m,n;,., ii... scene 0; 9,, mob‘. did Itrvic-w of acvumulatt-d ‘eVld¢M-‘O ‘ 6.0,“ c.m‘‘u 0‘ Wu’; wwu F‘n""'0" I Y """""’_““' 0 . Becker said that l”§ll°".l"l)'fll. California. $10.: Wll-J not change to police headquarters. “" “T” “' 0”’ “"u”‘°"" °l “""' _€ounty. llllnols. says that An interpretation of the Girl Re-i . REVIVAL B53135 uggcn 3 H” K it become‘ ‘ kw will dl mg Collins, clu-onion,-, 'I'klii.; Max. . 30;", (§h,,m.. Ponce pmucmor in paper men will he considered by the . ‘ u M the minor“, fmui ’°""° °°d° bl’ ll” C°l‘"“l’l‘ awn‘ OOLl ’."':""' - more than two nfillion dollars snnu- ‘ ll‘ Wllwllo NW’ K-mpwn: 3050- charge of the investigation went ““" "m"l“"‘ '‘‘'l"’ 0'" '"‘“'°d " ‘0"m°¢ ‘"0 ‘l'"l" 0*“ 0°: School Girl Reserves opened thei SCI{ 75‘ 3"‘ Q 3- ('_°‘”""l .01" "°' ,nyu,u,, mu gnu“,-y. iphine Blades. Independence. ltnn.;g.¢.i,, to 9.. amp... “.1 ,9; up n mutt-rial indicating that the case - ‘ on-gm gt, the gflgfnoon 39 off ~ dflfl M35033‘ u¢¢l>lllK3- . .Cl;.rg Frances Morgan, Lg B4,-lle;.h."-in in . room in H, . . - . merit: Ofllclll investigation. If e tlltmllll’) . l l changes in tll°.lll'¢=¢°M€llle third annual conference?! Gtrll A. J Them laws wens‘ advocatedgfleserve Clubs of Boone County.l ixin a revival It the 3!'0Id'VO! I I The Rev. 0. E. Goddard will VICENTW B0533‘. 3' {Louise Hamilton, Salisbury: Dorajuilaing, County Attorney William‘: an- . HERB‘ Mag.’ Little Rock, Mg; ldltanllo-‘E 1" “duo” to an wohuan iiotntsid that he would work on one , ‘ 4 t s of, labor Davis in all‘ held in the Y. bl. C. A. Bulldingl to Re {ts as 4 Methodist Church four_ar_qb_ ; . -~ % man, nun‘... gug; ‘uh, tum“ be i ed or .1] Of um f(,[]o'j.‘ u..,5.., ., : veu. Court. sin‘? Friday afternoon. : N fst" ““ i‘mnWL n# by the "I for N" N":l‘:°"'E'; Brooks, Eureka. Ksi_i.; and Louise‘ wm)°‘;e pm“::;_::’ “H: F," “mm .0 3. h,.'“”“‘_ ‘ Miss Wilma D. its director 8"‘ flfev. ll. '1‘. Raw at the aelvlee last. “‘l"A-3+“. u lstitchell, Superior, l\eb. ' L5 to to c,m.,-nu’. 0,." ." the 1, 11...; comm gm |im.¢|.¢ iii. 3-,, '7" ’ radio broadcasting st»: of hysical education at Stephens f‘ “L a greater radius of trans-, Cc , wearing the native costume .*,+“*"" v‘ : Ifltlsh stations of the; of one or the numiiiui provinces according to the Loo- lail. . . 1 PK ————-— night. The sermon by Mr. llawl ' « l . - . . _ , . _ ms» in » «me or -:=-» .. ......... “A ii... who. M W W-l l ..‘:.::".’::.:°..t '::.:'..:’’.f - :::::"’.‘.:.:.::'*..::;:,.. ".:.’:':.:":.°..:::'.: Ii: $'."'.‘.".‘».“‘.}’:’.':'“.§1"‘.i.’.’..":‘.."'.‘:.‘:I:‘.’:5 W F 0 . u 0 . ' p°n'th.e‘bitnsineasu:f‘th:. min?“ ' in’ L ‘Q osizzifi {oi Gig l“"“" '"“‘ ’°"°°' ‘°"""“"' 5”" . “P°"l== in the -"PW -1 the cniver "“"‘ "‘°‘“"'° "’ " ‘° """° " l’“"' V“ “Every calling should be a sac:-a‘-. ‘"3. . ' . ml‘ ‘~girl rose in response to the up gig,» dupe"...-,-_ ‘ ic sensation which would attract gave a talk on .Girl Reserve work‘ ~ - lin that country. illustrating lierimuunl “°m" °f cent"! Minoan nient.” he said. “The grocery clerk‘ plauee from the student body at her. (-hen" pndicwd ma”, “N we ciipltsl and tourists to the cue. . mm «row we »w«~ or . co or God «mini ». Pl‘°3l‘l"ll H‘"’l_"°“! we °”u"""'.m"V° °.““'°m' ‘M C“. i of the East Agricultural Building.‘ 0; “dome”.:i"E,c"{;n°?)db§_hi:_ip"3fiI ‘gun to the swngsh not-915,; “,2; _ 5" l"l0l’mll l‘€'¢}’Pll¢'h. WM lwld _ Iith murderous intent. but thus far "' ll" °"l°l'‘'‘l 0"’ “V'- ‘ W. yumdu. u 0,, ‘."....:tumes' and interesting facts abouymm “mu were “cum. 1 he in lrettltsw ii :1’ d YE i val! lwoumbe “vim of the Spmish lll the-_piirlors of St. (‘lint Hill by suspicion rm not been directed at- 3. That while Collins may have I" #3 Oil 150 lllllld 0‘ Cl"l°"-‘ 6'” Refill’ “mp '0 R'””‘m'l A A Jenny upicnituruj editor’ 1‘:h."°“°w m’ u er‘; b =p,_.op;,_._ the Phi Th!“ KIPPI 80€|9l)' l9 Vt‘l-'l- ; any particular individual. . been In the cave for some days . ginisce-in s... "",",' ‘,"°, f.",",,°,",."‘,{"°,’,.,‘:."'.‘; ..,k.., .,,T..i iii. ‘University. conducted the §;;..,,‘,',",,,‘, §,,,‘j,",,,e,.“,,,.,,,, mi; The forthcoming novel. Senor :g;*:_f“lh;3°'éiy;;mf:';nrf"g;;g;=fNB“, "E;-g-;'-8+E;ETBD rlllohwln: ‘we 3l;co~'eo 3: ‘lat- Ii" Frederick W. Sims. rank-’ .. - , ' . 9 ti lass. He explained all k bi t hi bath]-'ernnndez says. will describe the ' : ‘ * _ ll '1 t. e is not re nosv. t as _. ' éber of the Virginia Su-3 3:0,.R$‘°’;{'":clw°%qm:°‘:°“' aicunzntal: Oct . ‘ow news ‘mun ah? '’ 0': p'rl;l;°e::i°; ‘baud be *_ bod“ ma business we 0‘ Amemm afternoon Illgctlilill be completed ;i‘ext- T0 HONORARY SOCIETX disappeared through a rear exit to 0'.“ 0‘ Appuh‘ commumdi s ‘p. _n ec ou i would _ _ _ h t. TL; lull‘ 5 ..-the nova" “id be‘ half in: Sunday in t c apter room in to-. —~—-———.. “me om" hm“ pl.“ ", the ,4, . . tans place in the world from prinil- Ind cfltlwled eat It'll I "P0 ‘a sacrament and the worker should _ -. . _ . ‘mm "3" Stephens College Students An . . . M h . bed H. h N‘ ‘mnmcm in Rich’; tiv dly, up w an, pnnmn .ho‘._‘ “Every story should have a 8000' strive to serve God in his '0“ jun Spanish. half in English, “will ere» ‘_ 0"" Beam. of Mm“, ‘‘""l)- l‘. ¢ 55 ll?0°l'¢°lll V l» . Vt» iestci-day. lb;-’ her influence in “me ha * had, be convincing in detail and; as the muche, 40,, 3,, hi,_ 1-0 {.11 ‘ ate it sensation. throughout the F I ‘O wme. caverns like Lave. . ; fiutive council of tlic; mm.flm_"u web “ pmhibmon undlcnd with “ .‘.‘u0p_.» he “id. He is to bet“), his trust» wvorld. lbanez is spending. mLch ‘ “W M‘; member‘ Mn bu.“ 4. That the chief in charge of the g . l“l‘l"'‘u°“’le ““‘°”°d; \\'0mnnvuffragc .told of the great advantage of mun. ___.______ ., tzmc nnd thought on it and lnlflldlt 'cl«ded to membcnhi i De“. Pb, before the state took charte .: ' ‘ of ‘ Brnhh dawn.‘ “Emu-iaflm -{O W. " W" um. W "P0,." when they are given cor- T v S to portray American life as it is to- . bononr). ommniutioz :‘ Q“ be": oellberalcly sidetracked food and ‘ l ’ 'fl'°"""'°"‘ °"5°"“°°"“‘ subject of the fpeezh given. by this "°“'>' “"4 l" '“ "“"°'?"‘“ "“'¥" -l- ’ AXE ""3? ‘ ’ icollcsr for recognised iii 3' in '""7'1“° ".“" C°""" "'°"“ “" i with the Iloscow lrlterna- . n" in gong”; to dig“ distorted int S or Fernandez finds that Amer-. ll ll isms artnouneeruent created ' hluud Fowler at the annual ban-Awritm‘ ‘ f th Gil ltese Satur-, ' , ' . of twenty-one oli?;;t fflghtcin run, 0.25 30,”, After the class discussion, A. J. . en _______ . . '70 1- H « .. ‘ ..- L» A A _ _ creative composition work. The fal- u g he gt 1,.‘ N . ’]‘0'F‘AIJ it-an ie is ceet ica mericans To Act on McNary_Hau ‘emu’! ‘ac um“ I.“ "km a scan on I’ en ac I A , -i V outdoor advertising com- -I-“.cm_ The “Cannon, ‘mi Meyer. director. of extension vwrliu the saith make friends quickly but . . , plans to Brig.-Gen. ll. ll. Denhart. ‘quickly forget their friends. Tiii. gen and Capper Bills "3 mm -emm at the college .,i,., i. .0. i. ,..,.....i ci..,,. .1 __ . . """“‘ .hc M‘ A . . , dl , . new members: Florence Robln- owniion, 5,,“ ‘, V the United States intof “nah” “med om an ‘dc. of . gave a talk on internal policies. ; A. Y. ‘Slate. on "nbiti:lnCS"(!)‘l’ilch.n;:n:).:'g:€:§)m::c Tms Session. . fin: “Ry Pun‘ ‘ch. "00". “F conmor ‘wmhm I’. new. i. U General 0u.door Advertis-l “,5, d5,,,,,,_ . The followingcounty scents were Conecuons and money. B rm“ '_n.—————— I‘ 3.9,, 3,0,.“ ",4 w,.tw. vow, iufln‘ ” won I, ponmc M “in, i ' ht" V“ "m°‘m°cd- The table was decorated in blue l"'”'~""" 0'" u'n"' H°'"d Con“ ' ' ' Senor Fernandez has visited ul- ’\\°ASl*llNG'lT)l\' Feb '.l—-The 0"" complete personal charge of the in- :‘ J - * - - ‘ t - F. S. Matteson fiouroe Count)’; DlStFlbUtlOnS. _ _ _ . . v - ' 2 1 , . _ __ . . I v_ ' ‘ ‘find Whllt ribbons, the Girl Reserve 7' ‘ ' _ most etc.) state in the union grid Sen.“ f-rm Noe ‘Uda’. hem" ‘or lk la llll sins founded ll. ht!‘ \tItl[Itloll. v.1 N Iulish wait:-rs who arrived. 1 A 1. k ‘ do“ ‘ yuink Stoncr and Idiss Bins Slsugh- . . ___._—— 1;’ wad. to h" ‘ it . in { mpg _ ‘.1 I . ht. ' rho,“ int ",,in‘ {M ,u.q‘nm"n 5¢,,,',.", "u. an...‘ J-“Flown Wednesday were dc» 3\~“/pcntcrpletl-cg? kewp‘i'e‘a,«tcr. Callawsl’ County: (i._ R. Skl_n- A. 3}.’ bfl1llllc,'Flt)' ;-(egpulrw ‘when hc¢;tl‘~";:u ‘t;°1b‘0n“ in ?;¢;|dpog‘fit':;::lt|.l’l'.|‘l"l:elt du:iznI; 1;,“ thou ‘mdmu who h.‘ "min. suwwpfl men mu ham. “W .1 _ laturday niornlng. ‘tmlmm in N“ u” whim ‘uhu'~ner. Boone. County; llarvln B. Dlt-T330713 tuecs o :ngu;; ‘2'23‘5-2._ anon: taro months. He has been in "_.(,my worth‘ hr; km in uwotained a high general scholarship plcious srhen John Geralds. who *‘ called a lightning strike-_ "Wed u “Won. Bub don ind ‘ ty. Pulaski County; A. J. ClaYton.éJanu;n. urren ‘2‘95G:5‘. ‘hex. ‘his country seven months. He ,,,¢,.._-at session of Conlrress. average and at the same time poses as a close personal friend of tie; - \ when they learned that no’. any "db "River on in bud. ‘,CllBl’ll.0ll County; 1‘. F. Leuker. Cole lraso inc xes. tn . “£8. came by “y of south Americt Robert D. any’ ch‘h.mm' .,,d.ahoI‘ed a special ability in writing, Collins but is in reality his bit- ;4 . with the jobs. 3-“ii”. Gcnuy. pnsidmg of u,,TCounty ano John llowat. Randolph ad rs.“ .: - . _.__...'-..._. . .memkn of flu med.‘ commiuectfifuign “nun V," dad.‘ by mt "km,-' "fund go .110. go. ---F S-"7‘~‘t—‘-T-‘-e’—'=,'C°'“""’l' 0"‘ 3”" °'“"- "":C°"m"' —-——-—— is'i§i;s4»e:'«.-iiicie lieefl slo- fecal C0” ”m“_c__°.L__m‘E “AR” aPPOinted by President coolldxe toll"? ‘mu’ °' “"~' l'3°¢ll'll 0°-woo °*:"f‘:.lf;"*l"';: "'l°"'“t° 3° l" 3.11.‘, in m-_ ;toastniaster announced the Cu‘: LAW BUILDING WORK AIDED 335,70. jam;-cg‘. 557,47; penaltii.-3.; Vivian Golihbarry Becones Wife of investigate plight of Iarn1.lllllofl ¢l0Pll'llMl|l- _ ‘B '9 “'0 3 OW?“ . ions b ti . Each speaker. “$69 The mu] muccuou ‘moum. R. “-_ uuufldi .0" ‘"11 go into consultation Vltlli Caroline llooker. president; Pitt. to brtlIlColllhs out. had her definite station nun-hen glllln Me‘? 9'33“! 3''l“’'‘‘'’‘'‘“»,,, ';5_i,o-;_ . us... Vivian oougiien-,-.94 R, w, the Senate agricultural commttteegltocnier. ltatlie_rine' ttusli, Ilsleua r«“‘""::"'- ‘ 31;?’ 'l:g“l>li Virginia Tiffin. adrlserclfo: the‘ Is how Out of (Lound, f ; _____. .._.— ,3g.n,n.u wag mu-ried gt 7 o°do¢|; . to facilitate action; iBouae'l‘ruby Jere the'“c‘~'’‘ (0 D res- . z ' , ._ - ' ‘ ‘ t- - s ' - ; c v . - ,aieai med "'0" ._ _ Rd ‘me via" “om we C‘:lit::idbiaw:3l:'lmRese:vt;.h oh 3: inking: :3. 1:0"? (.ALl\'l'l.E'l'l‘ GIVES lt!'JCl'l'Al.:Scturday night by the Rev. W‘. 8.. legislators souglatwrtz‘ lcgsaursgh we “IL Sb” 0.. mcuknmp butt“. flu M. ho” ‘'1 nu“ ‘ ll ‘"3" ll -“—"‘ St. Clair at his home 612 Dysart the news of the agrl . : .'‘'‘‘°'-°°= °‘ ""‘¢"""" act and their significaneeihelped and not luuiipei-ed by yes~:l‘l’0tflI Presented at Steuben 1- “ML 3 _,,d 3 ‘Q \- 1,“, “M, ,5. 3,5. ..g.._,... ....i is always lilltltad to‘ main, five "‘°l"'P'l'°'*°‘ 'W'- °“"|l"l'“" -‘ "' "°°’°' T“"“"" ‘° "i"... applied to the club orssniu-' tier-day‘: niii. The footings go in.‘ Well Receivet in, the ';,,,_.,a,,,,"', 11;,’ .,,i..,;g'?,,,,,,,‘;,‘;,,, '’ lather students will be elected with- “'9' '''° ""° ll“ "".°°""' ‘W’ .“'5°9“h"“"""' ition. lto grotndaboutfourfeet and‘ “'l'heAfternoon ofal-‘sun.’ l7Y;i;g_h¢d.¢‘hg¢,.°{.nf.‘nd um, 3,¢h,g‘L,i,m,.;1H,.,¢po¢¢,dilnthsnextIlxweeks. _;"'h“ ' “"0” "0 Mu“: “'0-i Geneva Long spoke on "Static." will cause up to the baacnient floor} DubusI)'- "35 P“'l“P‘ u‘° “"°m‘°3R. H Goldsbcrry the bride-iby the coinatlttae immediately and! D0lle~Pl|l ll we 0! I-line hath: 0" “ u” ha‘ """"""““"" ““‘ “ "”; The llallsville Club won tlieline. gmimiiu of the program pmw"-‘dlgmiii is the soifot i. r. lam-‘Republican iissin indicated 'th¢')".¢"7 orsanlutlons ‘st Bu:-I-ea-in ___._ l‘''‘‘ ‘ ""““I'”h_ _ lpriee forthebestoriginalaollt 'l'hisniorningtlistrostisallout,50fI¢lI! Ill»!-'l'D°°° 3”“ D-l. , ' fsrouldbephead in anadvanoedf.C0llell=. Plll ‘hill KlP?a.for_"“‘.'~a' _”~” "uh “"?- “°'l°" 0" 8°°‘d"iat the banquet. It was allad theiof the grokund ind digging is easier.'(3l°“ll°l»l»i director of the Stephens; xr. ‘M ‘ft u‘uf-‘dd ‘-in gn up legislative prograaiglfiflitllltlofl 0‘ '3lIU'l°|’ |¢l|°lIl’|lllPo’.“".“‘” “T” . _ - " .l.ast wee “"0 l’°‘“u°‘ . ' '_ - ’ B00 “ in I.“ ‘m " l;wn:el;c:ndiii':;..c_ ‘cm ‘I there were about ten?:‘:>ol:_os:a. “wean-ewwsufic zymiimflfitfl home at 151: walnut meet. ? . gmaugirmn 0‘ m«:';‘m_‘3‘‘‘’‘.wuy “ “vi”: 3: Crystal cave. also discovered to " ' There aboutelchtypssaons inches of frost.aadalreo:npressar , ——--—-- Senator “ §.i¢i..i.:;:et. Tiieliuioi :toolssres-eusedtoeuttlu'outlIthe5l»l>¢1"lflt drum: snd_di:e-lire; l;i;-l|:-nd0!-‘-"tIg°',D"=*"'- gagrieultnrsleouiuiitu.-e.irin.iiiiui.:etliei two” I . - .. .:..—-.—..:._~ ,.,.,,. g,., c, p. rmcn. In 31- T-3”‘ ‘""’ ""“' . ’ .n?z° ninginzwsniei Flanders: were each fined :1 use mu.I:.:°",,,.m" """;..,,u'.,.'{;°"'.'.."..,i5',‘§",,‘,,’.;'auooits To ADDRESS swan: ""”‘" ""*"‘3” ""3 '33 . ‘'5' 3-H 3°°"W- l‘''‘- "1 ‘~ """" ‘”‘?'J°“°”°i'.un°t's:ni:ouc:'L"it'ii.{Fair" by Wider was so well re-i-momins to 8935 this mowins-‘nu. ii. the Sciate calendar. 5,. .,,_,_‘—‘*"‘,__,_,,,“ ‘M H cc-i-s-i can 11:. music Aiflgfgogu l‘lUU33f_':_3“'l"° Pm“ u"t.u.w¢ph";ccived that It. Gauntlat. waalonaebarxeofdrunkettness. ' -—-——o-————- ,9 mu bfiujfl ldullsr Issufaclag. ' ‘' lso ionncnsnstsvvtstrsnsazi ,,,,,,“,,,, ac-lledh-clrfor-nu-outnumber-t I ' —-—~—--BI” I -1088?-I-C-A-filcfilmlill ' 1'-uixcasugstisiteeui-lulss. """"“°"‘- ‘mun §‘'’°'”'' “” 3 (I12:andalsalffireu-i\'.DIlukut.GsadQteial’34.§.‘g§.hg.,d|£.u 4... -“ ‘illi- fisfslkslknow ;lsYssagestIe-hsrhllsasest vuunm 3,‘ . “'3'; 'uum‘henm_u*n_.* wmmuc g-ifiuttnaz trio “p.haaafi::lhal'toput attach‘ Dr A. 1. Case .» ' , v.n. of who T c''"" ‘u''''''' “'0' *°“"*"'l=— lmial‘ laussseeouiessrsnien. ic3:.I|:l::':::.".n.I""'helauefl?‘do1 an Umm: "’l”'m_‘;f¢ff':'i.:;u‘:“:'°hhv°°'”°i."“,‘:;f;;’:'“‘9"m“,*.;’_“;::::th’$u:.:,h:.‘;l:::“;fG figs’: “';"""".stsvsatal'e‘bslItlodada.u‘d.w§|.. Q. _ NW ' ' B-—o———-—— M _ ' ' I .Gh""‘ mi "uh a..¢.":':'{"""" l d‘$* d an mil; ‘“""" ’‘'''‘‘'‘'‘'°‘‘' '‘‘’“‘':3_‘: I-mi.st'ez<'::i:'tsis I:l 73;!"-3'¢"!;:'T;':“"“|;..-ndud - “'3: students at the’l.1:: ‘°°"" ' . °°' ""”u““'.' "l'°"'1""'3'"" Coats alsonaInedea:scuuorWit- S} " "'0 ' “l*°‘l“l"'3° - - ‘ ' ‘ ‘kw. . A . ii.ail'ssyeieiola.aoisioeest. _,,,,,,.,, gm pee. "" ' aueiiumsotuietl 8,_,,,,”,,,._,,, ,,,_,dm,l -. _ lfacodwlth *- -~- -~ um =~'.....'i:.-.*.-.*.i.......'* ''‘''‘='''’’'‘'“3--*-~.........':'~........''‘-*- ** ‘Ti '"' """‘-«- -r='---» no «a 6. a .. .. .:-.....*°-°‘-.-..-.t**'.:.*m~--...*°-........"""" £1 ....."-'*.:-.'......‘-'....':.°'..*'..:%-....-*..*.'7l‘xt~. :.':.."'.:..'"::'..':‘.:'..;*.:*' ‘II to i ' :asiiup.iisiieiw.usla-is-its-I . . - l . i 1,, ' . . .5. ..__.......___. gmggmgaa, _ _, dssstesunhdsasrlabehls . mu. u.".'§'n‘u1§a.Q 5i 3'&7ll'5u¢-1‘9'm"1* g . Rd‘ a‘b*“‘'Jl'-I.IOwflI'B'&..¢gufi‘fijfigj-‘~ . '0 - 1ssaisdiensisssuisaesiiisto""“-‘”’- , _ 3''”'’‘''‘‘“'''''-u'‘'’'' 2 to .““.‘u_....,u¢.lh..5A,,.*§_‘.. .&u;1sl ~."_~“.l,‘-..“n._.[ ‘Ill-lfiaun. "::‘liIlsa&,1aflKhgls&lal-.:'a’tl:‘.Icrsa .. “vial!-3.“. m “.3. ___°°°"" T q ’ any as noise Indus at a s-eias..W""'«"“’,_,,_,.,,_,..,°""“"",,',,,___ PL Io-I-cal heal-3°. ‘ u-’WrsaIus.‘n‘ ..‘-assists,“ in S . '°-=- . iiicias-. - 1"‘-‘V “"W"‘ i-sI-I-ui-ti-rllI!-r« . - - .-isoaisn vltsrssnsnnrnulvn sl-its-Ila-.. -« -1|‘-film-. """°" 5....o...""" -' dv*3.'-¢‘-l'-'¢‘''''’1‘''.‘‘''‘' . uflfilat .- '3. haul tsiaiiuissiiiiils-si ha’ :_ -l T ,~. sop-ls-c-H|'*"I"' . .5 7 mi... bfalhelwfl-he st-usrstslo-guinea-ae.a-saisats-ia.j. H V . 4” . , u_ _. hfjfljfg g, ‘.3-J: H - ;~ ‘. ‘I _. “ ‘V .. , U V . , . " ." '. ‘ [M O . fi.. -—tf'.‘ ..'*‘ E " f ‘- .. 1*. _j ‘ gfl ' ,_ ,~-,.z.g i .. ‘, A . . ‘ - I’. j“ ‘.“r_‘.» ' 3" ' tqatthstess-asr " ‘ '*x:'k'* » “ , -- ~ _:- . ' '° "3" '2 .. - .3.‘ V .'5f":"‘?"".*‘ 4‘ M: ‘ . _ I. H _' I 5 vi V,¢.‘\~'/:’ ’Tlo"a.{» V l _‘ L; .‘ Ar.‘ .3 '_ ‘:0’ .7 _- _\: J‘-. _’v_ ‘do. ‘A .\.'v' A--_‘_ _._““‘._’-‘:2 if A'_':‘~V-‘"3 ‘ ' .-- dd-’- 7 -.."l'l||- " V‘ - - ...~:.»i.4 “ if - ‘ ‘. ..< 3' "C".-"1 1-‘ -: ‘<‘-T‘-:5? 575- _-;~'*‘-55- - B % 2-». z-~ 2 . .4 » - -. -. .' e -* i-. .;«.i~~.~~i -. -.= - ‘ ~'i * '» ~ _ . . .‘,".“.. -_-. “ ..A*4‘_.‘.. -. . . . ’ . __ o 3‘ .