- .. . - .,.t. D --’. *3 " ‘:i’_‘‘‘.'5‘‘' 1' ~‘'“?3 "7 T .- e ~ ~ -1“; to 111350 .' Y FEBRUARY 11,- T ' ~ - .T - - . A. . ‘A .. ‘ V . _ . U ' A . ‘ __ —.,.4_« A . - " ' ‘ ' D. 4 (‘IQ an UINU8. Vernon Count)‘ is not I-P 33 "'9; , --- ‘ ‘_. a‘ TT .. . we- ' ‘ ’; ' ...- i ”"m‘,_________‘T" , fmmm "fly, ,o,.m_t,,,,,_,u,__ D(‘iRh-CLONE? Laaaby TT . . $1; fl _ 1, ‘I I lDDA HA ulIQ'oou.£fl um~_",""¢....aq""' cg IQ‘!-‘g-‘pk Qugu, ‘tithe. 8:at wIta;,,,,;;,l,.,.,.., (yup; i!:tPettiiiH un!ti Dl7(‘leanlII8Cat - . N‘ ..T * ‘ .. . .. .~ " " ‘ ? ‘- w ' ‘'‘I‘& I!!!’ i (3ev¢HIlt03l'|||°"- ‘Johnson cooiaieaave ter. ea- ~ ‘ -. , e W . . oz. can-ifiaeaaeerttowvf , 7. .g r V""" . . . .. I-itont-iisorius.ci...t., “ ‘ll ' i D bogus ID 5! “O 53- 3.; 3:. bank Lh$§fl. - “. Ietabera of the University sank". gunk Quiggey of 1‘.p.iu-juguty-fig. -law ffilldafd of corn 1‘. "7 so 0“ 8. —. ' ._ ' . ' afiugv. Qhfig. 4.1]. 05 um“ ,,__ Y E“. 3!...‘ ggd ttgr wivefiane Invited tog: am, who was elected in}: the l’our- ‘ cropa in those auctions of the state 9'5" - _ ._.‘ to ‘' ‘'dlau!'na‘lta.1.oilll:ai-Iiad rA'noNAL s-iiocx AIDS... ' ‘D3’ “‘°' m"”““°" ’o.-entiibiuricitoimt unexm topooraeadnelecti . - , W-IGAIN PROVE!) «same» -i "'!°°~, -, -, s-it so am: an M 1»-4=-we, ':3£=‘ir"znsou cm. nu. n—i;';=-.-55;‘; 3°’:.°°§ 3‘ .0:--*=-I ,8_ saw, ;;o,.,. .. M. 3.‘ Jr-I *9’ ~—~ « ‘D " l’olentuwfD I .~ , - - in 0011831 0 3"“ *3 5'’ ----Reu.'iPC8. 3- " . 351! House Dill No. 138. ‘ 1} ' ° , ,xraduated from Iii‘ N V?” 1}‘ "‘ r p _ my wall 0 1* ‘pp f 6 ‘ '_________. . V during the war. he tutored the tIr%,,°,,,_ ‘$5055.50; °;'§yaoufiy, paaaad by the i Il the club rooms in lath-i “,1-‘-_ . . A " I “ . _ 0‘ u’. g,,.\.th.ti Enthfiann of TAudlelIee-anginm oi ion; Constantine o ital. 3:356-‘~50. ¢-|1‘:'- 3110” ‘Ilature the five state teachers‘ oooéron - ‘in be m w tie arrived in .lcKeti:.in tm Sun-- . ,...g in ‘M ‘'.'‘‘f ‘ - -. ' .Greece. 1! 5 v ' Iegea of Iiaaouri rm be -. ‘°"""'. 1' d 1909“ W "“’"‘ "‘ “" li 3‘ Q '. '_ That Of 1 Bulk: beinca duet. “$10016: lover; beaV!.8l1.l5Q1l.26; ‘lend ta end,“ on °u,?:o?,,gvitli aten-opbcon viewa. the:‘:‘yn ‘:8 sh, "man, mum ,, mm_ 4. sflntb; ‘;he 0 i ;"‘ ‘ 1Lg‘Bnoyahce Lost {also that direct“ f°r_ WWW": inediuni. $11_ -35: “€'.‘‘-'_ and i‘°“'”‘ ‘£5’ “Y‘“w"‘.' '°‘t“h: :f,:j§'i>1¢-ted by the -ecrctnrir of -{Ur and rim; may ,.nso.. seed, highest quality we have om 1...; . ‘ ‘ 9,. coonu-i ’ T W m’’‘‘‘‘‘'- """'°“‘"° °‘ ‘M "J53 '3'“ “""" “G”. ' "‘°"" Iht out sum not aflact the}. -”°"' -°' " "M rtbe "MN" rmifi “' '5“ -“°"""~ If the price as the um.—criiii-mi: Tlll-I Ql'Al.l'l‘\'. mu it - broth 5 ‘ ‘ by YGSTB. _,§a::ic opera eonlllny Oiothat 3835GT ‘due A‘, cat; :11: 8:£::n;:§?l:{8tt::b92;,::k‘:;. {.\l;:. Q;l{ll{l(~_V in to girnior mertniltr If we gum’ is ‘he ”'“___(.0MPARE “H: ',m(,K ‘ 5.1. ' W“! ofafiu. tjx: t —--——-T 1 gas eollllniatiolled 31-I89 ;9. ; . - ,5‘. “bag” .5‘ ‘.g”‘ , ‘o t e ou.~c- 0 «promo ii ' .~= . ’ f owm 3 ARTISTIC DEAP§ USED;flgurt festival 5915 in P"'i‘ 1”‘ 3h¢¢P--R‘°¢lP“~ lo ; '“”?.: ljnu’dh Au‘ d”I‘, s.‘s€:°: §:;a;:r 3,: ! from Monitcau Count)‘. Our. seeds will st:u‘!d lmth l[‘S1“. 'I‘lw.\' “ill emu and - gill be K'|"'~":_‘ ; I \- 3 . u : . _ '1 ‘I ,7‘. .. --nT~ ~--- . . . , ‘I. . ‘I ‘ I . _ . _ .. H: ' ‘ “‘ ’ % one sense of Pwwmmetmi‘ Mi“ ** “" :13???‘ $5 '5' WT W :.;‘:'’..;':'..:;'t “W “* '°"'°'i~«»-T ._.__ o ::.;:' ..‘.‘:..,f’.;’:‘,,.?.:Ii ::,::'“;:,.,‘:.:..:::'t. ‘:‘:::‘.,;":r:?:1. ‘ti «-14—- ‘E-; 2»: :1 0 t ‘mm ‘w m‘ is ‘ 1'0’ 9 l 0 I -—~__-":‘—'-1 . ‘O -~ , ‘ _ .9 u r I «:4. . ‘ L ° I. f SDOWD !‘ wmpeflmenul ufi‘ ' .m__ c I , '.‘1t fill Taerve rah‘: increase: US MADE ASSOGATE EDITOR lncporu 0. (foffl (gap in Johnson, M‘! : at out ...me ft-I um W1.» (‘hl.llOj._ .'i.ul .1 , our p a nu‘ W ‘F 3 ' L dikar in ‘bodies the finish of an intelligent . 3* ”‘ ' the enrollment n ifiverlttfznh, 3,. C1‘ 1. .. 31.] .( um Penis and \ernon (aunties. ore M31112. Gr D_M,, -tn. “ to T M -= ' or ~=-=~=v- °' .. 11-—I-Ins «cw-~' ~ --*d.;.. W -we .:.......t.... Chb ......t.. Q . ... ... WILHITE SEED co “ "1 ‘. ing 3- lty. He is able discuss art. liter ’ * ° die‘; °"' ' '§aehnola_I'tll be a to tire-mat} ‘in E" Clan‘ ‘I “Mute of cmps my me (~(,",_.‘". M A‘_,,.;(.u]m,-¢. . J‘. ,3 [Aron-tf in‘! E - ——-~—---——- hm. 11’ -09"? °' P0155“ W" °°""m°'" ' - »"“°" “ °’."*’ °’°"""'.“‘¥~.-~“.’. ""9 i J rnal' f th - .r bet‘ '- ‘uh not -if ., _ . .-‘ Iv"'?‘u “...... ‘' x°””''‘ “TM H"-rug’ of Fiofiqnfl. h” h'‘''." g1]BndutI.‘:iTS._4;;:?nf‘lel"'S’t8. -eQx:!;‘heO0‘II%.£'. '0' the ‘U”'""“i:+d"":'- we“S:}fm’o2l4,°is onieuof tliemasrot-iat: it (tire-dlinyiuirrifigzctionn trxmiii‘ \r't-in 114 .\'. 8th St. l‘h0m- 1920 pg. , "M 3 BOW-” 00313359793 ‘'3' 5°" "‘°“7 ll)’ Cflllfi “Q ¢"|‘¢83§‘f9 ‘"1'd*”‘- H9‘ 30:_ . °°m'$'ch .u "I: , Wm . editors of the Bulletin of the lnter-’ non, Pcttiis and .lohnimn (‘0tlllll(“‘.‘ ~ ' «wont ‘ultra’ H’ 'a iidely known opera. proved its pf)?-finterprete part in a tnanner that Pounry_Hens’ 21 kc: turkey‘. -the tea ‘ears. ti .9 w nor: mnetiue Cosmoponun C’, . _ Re “puns H,“ the cm." (mp m .. ¢ Wm wk“ R ularity again in ' prQ.acnt.Ill0.ll~gn'es new life and meaning to each; 366: ‘Wings. 276; ducks’ 26“ 2"”, irihoreuc: ittnceuuds uh tut; 0110" She is its representative from _" ,__,, flu-l.uiIl - 101 338*“ "‘ "5 U."‘"'”“§'.:;f:"°”'§;..n. W ée H. In .. id~ Mr: cocks. iic. '”'°"m" nude "’. ‘China. Other editors are from the t. ‘;_-;‘';_‘;.;n i tvfinmi 7719*" ‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘!'‘’‘ “.' ”“" ' "”‘ " "’ 1 (fit s —.\' rtbern twin.-. zsvic; "'" “"°‘.. "°*‘ .Near East. Japsn. the Phi ippinen. 4-‘ ‘ _ ciation of the large audience showed. Ludikar. «has. undertaken to send i You": Km"i°m' 25¢. -there by! the fltltllltia "the the Brmsh Empire ‘Dd Europe. ‘L W"! _m__: .. 'xhatnooeot'its buoyancc and bellllyfopera coinpanies out in order that: ‘ Lollege o Aznco till‘! . n—.»—_l...——:——.i PE K . ‘D ‘Luflyt mm 3 of melodic corgtemction has the Ariit-r_ic;!; Plfsfchglmligl be '3“; SLPLOIIS Cash Grain‘ . heir. Haynes also believes dtrlrt C -L 1' [LL P5 “No - 3 A 3 3,. w.‘ 1 diininishedhy tor acquaiii an e rtnusic. ny rnauti nu. ; ' gala} V.» P b0d_ co": M , In id ‘ , ;,...i. _ . , T. .. ov ' - , H‘ .h . l'i' - .‘T. LOUIS. M ,. F b. ll.—Corn. i ea 3 go union rt 0 will oli- , The phns?,edall-st;-(_aist.°‘;i’i)iix:.i; yzarg bc:n;i:‘;;”r'i:g __;.°. 3 ,.,,;,_,_ ;1_15°@,_,«;; nu,’ ggiialsiitflifflcrenie 551:“ lh"’dm_e :5’: Return for semi-Centennial. : by m” 35..-,_» '5 dnxtflycu ‘be the gliera. it became defective and he was com- $1.26: 111153 3l~333_S"l"" ‘L2?’ farmers ;rho are unable to so to Dr’ C” Phmum 0‘ the School Mill‘ ”“”°"i° I5 . k due”, pen“ to 3,.“ Q“. “.31. “pin”. og;_t_.xo, 3 White, 544:; 50. 4 ,cdumbi. beau” R R mo hr of Education. will speak at the {.1 rm t 79°“ 5' “"1 ‘° P": on - v ‘- - . - o 53‘. ‘ -emwccntennial celebration of the ; in‘ W most praise. All proved cial success is not the main obyect white, 5-816: . col 0 era. [gating Roles Show Fine Actia themselves actors as well as sinr F’ 9 I it}: llin.shaa', since the impressario s a millionaire." Lodiker said. _._.___.——_——. Wheat (Futune)-—hlI)'. llk-6.. 31.49; July, $1.40. \\'ht'at (Red)--.\'o. 2, $l.93@l.98: ' 31. ll. l-‘ifty flare Suniner Job:-a. Q”. , frotn their hoine.-t. - “The University or the College of Agriculture should no more op- pose this bill than they should op» be into Peabody iuary 18 to 20 cat-hers tit .N'ilshville, 'l'enn., Fe!» _ r . . . nitb‘ ‘‘ ‘ me” ; _ V , _\ _ 3. ‘L90 L93; 5 , 4, 33132, i , ,, There is a Missouri Club at Peii- _ C until 3 i PM‘ L“‘’’“’ !’‘'’‘‘‘d ".'° ""°‘".“» Fred Dixon. 2-ecret8f)' or the stu— "Wheat (ll?rd)——.\'of’1. $1.82; N°- ii?“ the ‘ifl.th?r§tertcl.n :3 Hr’ '’°‘’-' ‘3‘’''‘‘’‘'’ F“ C‘"'°“"" 4 P""“"’ ' '03‘ 0‘ 53"” “""' ""‘ "‘"".’ “irooem employment bureau of the Y. 2, $1,805,131; No. 3, $131. ‘ “y"°‘ “ N‘ f in ,1 ‘"‘ Holler ha“ Written to invite alumni f ,0’ be filled nu‘ 3 W531"! ‘ht’ PW‘ “'3 L”d‘|‘"" M_ C_ A" “y, mu ‘head’. mm, . . _——.o— —~«-- " ‘ . boon". °", L” ‘"‘_d to i~¢~turn for the celebration. and left with t 1 WW. b“5°*"'*‘°"“~ ”'°“'°" “‘~ its are -4-ndinx npmoototim BIBLE SCHOOL ENROLLS 297:I_behew- that It-mslwon nlonir flu} ~ aidentr. dvanta in the more serious? _ ‘ ., ' ._.__..._._ ‘line would be I; help to the Uni- SPRING MATERIALS 9" _.. kn ‘ “Q ‘to make contracts uith students for - rni. . 1-5. ‘ - .. T . ‘ mm of the open» WWW’ theitutiimt-r emiiioymnt and that at 7"" “.‘"" ." "‘.1"""' " """.""‘ . ‘°*‘ °"' *"'"~‘“ <""‘t'k-* and vlaidi Ashlaud I}: lkbter song: with Illlfh the panppmsem {my sudmu have “gum In Previous loam. _ 1 “hen the bill came up tor en-A flaniiels for top coaui. Keistervs ' of Figaro abounds. enabled Mr, ‘M “.0 A mi‘ umxher Students ‘ %"I“lu-I {t«nrol:‘ment_ of th .3tBlb!'1gl‘0b:!il1|efl1lu yesterday, considerable Ladies‘ Tailoriitg College. Adv.l.‘l8 ("stalls J Lwik” ‘° ‘1'’‘’' hi‘ {me “me "fivzho want work tor the vacation ‘ -00 ' or L 6 mm" some H ‘”}de te 0 owed its ”pl‘"“i°". b" D _ . _ 3 The Aishlimd Q P‘"‘°"‘im° ‘M ‘“i"‘' gnionth.-i should file their name and 29" - . - - - 5”“ Ha;m°s' Th? "pr”°n.u“.W5 ' stalled the The 19ft‘-link teminifie role, SD‘ , telephone number with him, Mr. gurzfixz’ lately;-:18 f 3:! wSfB°';uc:::g° Sfttlncbti D§lGNlNG HATS = ‘K , ‘ ~ Worthy mat:-oi """‘i',;““" ":,°°“"°p',,' , 3:: ”"‘°“ "”'-‘- . class in J ferfion City in “Ufeicariied iommd wc,,,,,,,f,,. vim To match Any cottn-e f "lVemlier clear. radiate : th3’¢l’I"*’h"i~r;’ . . - V 0 4 V ‘ . ' -: O I I 4 x m M‘ ' ma »g”;«= Edzthahfkethgr n,«;«»;'r;»-.;~,,t»,:v~~ -;- :::.°::°'..2;...,s 2;" :.::7:,..:‘..::. '::::.,:;:: :::;:.: KINLOCH an em ‘ ‘.,-:=..=.m..,..'-L ‘“"“.%."""':‘..~e- ~===w===~ w C rlnuli ). T. . . I X‘ pl'(l €350? U . 0 Emu North t u ' ' . ‘I ‘M ;; ci.‘e cond ctr‘, the role of the countess’ l!l0l'tlCtlllt.f(‘ of the University. will 9"?" “‘"_} ‘lull?’ S3"-""dl) 30d for such short cou : f_’|¢0"0P¢'¢_514 91”" Ol III ’ V ._ M,-_..T_ Am mud one to be remembered for its give two tallgs on fruit irrowinz at W‘ “l”-f‘ ,"‘ "‘,“"d"f,“‘"""' 3°. ‘ , _ _ _ o “’°" °’ x"“* " ,,, Jam. woo "“’°."Z$f.‘.: 3.2’ ..?;°‘°":.:‘»‘,.‘i’.~'&Z'2I i."..° .’.‘,.""‘i5‘.S,I..“..',".?~“§’:t'. “3“..‘;; “§,.’°.’.‘?; 33?. <‘:‘S'i»2ii'z‘£“Zm§‘§-'.‘€.3T’ 2538» 5m''"’31 ‘V . Finat and Fastest to Florida T i ‘ £‘i'§2.‘r';“iJ{;’-Y5‘ W in W’ M “M ”*"°~ “‘>"‘° "'** “:.“‘ *’° “T” f"’“‘"’ "‘ ’{£—‘;':..., e“'Zo.‘.'.:f “‘T“..“2.'.“J.’.’;,..'.I.2.‘i.‘;: SPECIAL REDUCPION Th=“v~'dan- '**°.D°L°*='1‘r==in-=!1 9""'~’l1'!nent.ruus ; .......oo.~T: w» Iline in Act II. PPlC~"- "'9 °“*".-' 5‘-"3""b¢"" . h ‘h H‘ , M ' i through to Miami daily. Tune again shortcned—5O tnllr ' SIPP: 3"‘ 5"‘ . filing. Hine gave to the role of r. and G pe Culture The Jop-pf; rizer t an 8 . prenous attest; t j; on Utes ‘aster. ‘ T ; (.‘h,in. .‘ the Countess Alinaviva its full de- lin farrii . week . as an annual 5 Owhs a ‘latte IMNI: 0'-‘ff 98 . _ Ford In ta, L‘ St hm _ _ 15°F.‘ ~ The “W ,4, vebpment of ‘nd ‘ym"th’v_ ‘cf-eat ‘cinch 1‘ at W ‘us- Of 1 C {II SCIDQSICY W lfh I85 l’ AL . . _ 5:40 .” 1 ‘o‘.s Ruth, 3 Her voice. a rich soprano. was ef- picu of the Jasper County Farm 15-, . flizsourian want ad, 1 3 M‘ an A,_].cg..,.-11;. . . 350,,‘ Ad” M,._._ 3 1 ‘W in the .010 in‘ of Act Bureau. _ - ‘ i - Ar. WaPalinBc n - - 7:40a.n. 3!", ct! °P°*' . . Docr rod designs . . Esther- : as well as in the duct with Miss Wm an “H. G __ _ _ __ __ W i J .‘r"""‘ ’ ‘;’°g“ _ Mn. Lloyd sit. Pleischen w M. umfi , '""“t_ I . H. BURR,‘ Auto Tops ,n‘5"""fim,;,.', . . ‘ “ Bum¢'W=- M" ' M3" “*9 9"’ "‘"‘: Hiizhawa; "CE 1o‘ei‘A. 1.33:: ‘WHEY Faun.” Opposite Kutv Station . Ail Km '‘ .' stool: , mllins °‘““* Tb’ mu ream“ most “Frau- ‘('33- 3°)’ 5'50"‘ ¢*°¢“1i"¢ T0? ‘ht’ Scum: Old M‘gnnnes - The Semtnole All ' 'ons kn’ luxurious travel obeervatiai. dub and ‘ - Md n from the audience was t of cum‘! Mi m_. _ t - phone 392 Wm Cal _ - . - ’ . - Terry! of Col‘ . 1» 88° 1 SR8. ‘I879 irues 3, . ,,m,,,,n dinmgamdmwmg rootn.com or en Ifite 1 wt C||°W5"=°- PW“ 55’ 3'” 0+’ " of the Round Table Club at lunch» — — - T T T T ‘ d ' ' St.A Pub ’"°d' " ' 1 She made the part of he con _e“erd‘ ‘ . COM. 00. _ —dependable all-year train to -"an 3‘°9P3n8m’9”“1nC “Kl-”un¢v for bu» fgithfu “mutt”. roan‘ p“e_b°,. ‘ l°\.b;¢ 5 y’ - i ‘ ‘ ———. ‘! Floraiaeidi an envisflc Miami. Petcraburg. . ‘ “W 1.,“ ye"-_¢ ; 0... 3,, ,.,,._.,.,,g.,,. i,.;,...d the -- Tt.~._v. -. T.’ T- - -. — — "4 .5 .' °]'°93°°";~:1_;l-‘um Sh rnanpauengenonly. Valenmaid. manicure . W was worth)‘ in E the first act, where she is ' Arm“ Idmmflk 5° ‘ I On-time arrivals asst_ired_ by powerful mountain type . ‘ -' . visible to the audience but not to . ; ~ - M in‘ . mm ntonva and well maintained roadbed. T3 1 Shower He the irate count. was esi-ecislly en- i . From ,r tiona lot all Florida mom. llllnoIa_cauu.-alias-vloakll can any . .' ‘~ Karhwn B, joy.hle. xi” Turf“;-S ‘mitt. . mu, , 0 0 D _ “Ch ' Clflvith ~ Oubunu!nlhoohlet'l"lorids'ccantasnsayulnsHcvotanen.‘I&hvh. " . ' .- ao-soprano, won the audience in her 1 , .- Inc "°°3_3|- C°DP4|Y"'¢_m9 Ind Addreu mail inquiries to Miss \\ illie - - ‘ ‘ secoonato ackaon - first number. Elisa "Tll!'l'lll also . , V 2:‘: vi. T". L “magma pp M,u,,‘A,.g¢,..c..,n1p..a,¢,,A‘,,.n§.d,(;¢.,,;g_n_ . Paris road. e :-ve it splendid renderinx of ' the f ‘ ‘ to k s.t«.o..i.. c. 't’)t...mo...-3, 9l0Pluiccn aoiiamg. 4oan..so.. it her home; housekeeper, ltance . ' ' i Q; o‘ . ' am,‘ mdcoxh, ' 5‘ L”. H“ . V. I twister. l Ofitlfredo Valenti. bass-baritone. “Modern Fuel for Modern Homes” , D - T ,. °“ ‘* "'*”“ ~ whore m...-mo 1 played the Count Alinariva with the , 1. H '. . . .- "_' ‘Mite 91;“ 1'95 fditnity and auavity demanded by j ' , t 4‘ p ere: iiu-en I at wk . Fred A. Dalton Sam F. Dalton I In the 3 _ V . El ‘Fm Gm__”_ t Ralph Brainard. tenor. gave deft. . Q . , Glcndine Brat and appreciation to the comedy ‘ S I: ; jT'_- Ruth Coinbs, I soles. He was seen both as Don ~—- — ~ -~ - p ! _ ‘ ._£; , ’ oer. Vivian l Bagtlio. music teacher. and Don . J t . 4: lllilltl. Sllfille A Cnrzlo. justice of the peace. Every % D I) , 9 ' ' i 1 011;. am G4 ..oa..o.on..o..»aooooy. ' 1111191’ 91433‘? .£fr,iii=. ROAD or TRAVEL LUXURY" .;T W‘ I ' 5,73. .‘. Iaalc and Cutuniea Praised. at’ the ‘ p The opera is fast rnovini: and fleyer in its plot and characters. :5 3'. W flrden. The artistic use of drapes . made the scene for the Ian: three - arts ._ .. costulnlnz is perhaps the‘ Iloat beautiful seen on a Columbia; plafwas directed by Ernest ; Inoeh. who is famous as a musical ‘ r. LUDIKAR IS A FIGAR()§ D J 3 mm2—azmr>< mmZ~%Zmr>< ? i T X By far the-post‘-flnutiful. expressive and iientiiaental va- .riety lht this dare has been fortunate enough to aiuienible. r Ja k’s Art Shop ‘ Vira- > 'ala Building. TAVERN NEXT SUNDAY EVENING For Seventy-Five Cents . I I I 3. I I 1 1 i. s Get your datcs—Make a party COLUMBIA THEATER _ ”___. .:......_.........._ ...—_...._.._... ‘ v Tl lesson =9 lfiémt I Q: out-, will enu- Jaculty inemli Guir lit. here 1 week 13' h ht Hr. Gair will the Univer.-it: Mitts Ella V Clair Moan i from St. lion‘ ldent, Mrs. 8 land. , The Kappa 3; _ «- o r T _ : ity held forn '; l ' 5 i - ‘ -' ‘I, ' ' ' DIV!-0 . 0; I : ~‘--- I8 . r t, \\ _fi_i [/ * _ . Baum: Schllg l ~ = , / D’ /‘ '~« ‘ I’ 1' . ‘N f ’_’ ‘ Jearntte Brow fifhflmwgfififij §¥5 fugmmsgflms 1fiN%hMUW1JhHfi“CbM7"’=T &“fim I (iron I in the ‘t‘Im- ‘ H . . , F U A '— - 80m'r¢:'?lyocl:v . 3' Auditorium. cornea fro a /' armony Smgmg and Plano . - . 7 7 . with Mrii. Eli “ _ II” In l tans. ’ « o ,. t . , . ~' _ .; ~"- ‘ I . ,3! 3’ ...':°.‘;:''.. :om:‘....:“::.. r KENTUCKY BAMBI.-ERS ,,..f.’: ,::,:.,.t:.f‘:r."::,:o:’“.i.1i:°.‘:‘:’.‘;.:°.‘,.‘:£ ’,f.‘.‘.‘,....."’.-"E: : ‘ T "‘~»?°"é ' - lsfathe I of . ~ . _ ‘ : , ;._; [i W ii‘: a ‘;|’l;|f.lu;h¢13‘:pi“‘lhof EIll£!.‘l’.alll€l5—-6] )l;2('m no real la.:¢r than I-urnaee Siac (C-Co ff. T "_°'S1°m‘ "" “ ‘,‘;m:''‘,’_,:: nsmmwml ‘md °°a Wli:~".' B}-auto they know that with this even gin» ‘{ ' who it}; ‘bee ‘ Qlread far beyond her native coun- a ‘-593’ 1'80 mire more steam with {cover inhovtls full. 301‘. Ira. Ge ; tar. The son. considered the ¢teat- D fave considerable_useleu labor, t-._.-: last .8§ttlTdI at‘ in 3' world, V lim’t that exactly what you want in your home?‘ -I ‘ motum‘ ‘"7 T s ' he a . . , ' T . “T. I T ‘ ~ ‘g. onion tong: o§'t§.'”.L:.. and ti. John Gilbert, Norma Shearer, Conrad , i 3:? ;.h°;intf'3i"o..:'”......°°'.L.,,”d 'T'"' M” '°"" “"5 g;3'°§E,f,',;' I i Q” h°" ” '°f$,',f"" ’""°' N888] and Plwllig Have; Insist on ci\is"riis'i~:—-‘rite Hard Soft-(‘AIal'l'— IN Pt: ’ g? In w. w. ~ ' 3 7 ’ in | ‘ NAC!-2 SIZE. ;_‘,‘nWl!8! mu ‘ EAT Mommies BIG nor BREAD—THE «THE SNOB» . ' ; 7... D 5 T. _~ " . Bi-I‘tIu° C! it I » . _, IN TOWN { You know him! The man who's too good _ 0 .I. It ti: ‘ Call {or it at 57$’ store-—%-if you can't get it, call 1164." for thg 3-331; of the fgmfly, who cuts a great 4. _' ._ ‘on A ‘ h" ' Hm 2'3"“ “S.” "WP"! W‘ 8*‘ M W-*-- ‘*3 figure in the social world, and leaves his wife Cuitine on aoiit-com. Iull la * G... Oi-nu . i at home--‘waiting and hoping. a e . .~ , , o. i , V gt:-um tI‘le.C MODEL BAKERY 7-15-4 . zoo-—3oc ’ - ' ’ ‘ f“ 2 °'°‘°°*‘ ii‘ North atrect _l , t Phcae mi A -. -.e.-.-. .. _ ' ’ ‘ii: i. -D l W Q i D ’ ‘~;'§‘'i-$~:i\~~...,,:,‘=‘‘‘='l ~:,._-‘ :-.-.'s- ' "".‘;;2';~’,-;x.,~»_:e~-_2_-:.=_-- -" f ‘T ' ' I 1 . ‘I I - ' ~. .- , ~ ‘ r 7- .i ~ - ' . '— X‘ ' i I ' ‘\‘~~ ’' :1‘ l? ‘ ’ 1"‘ v.“ I ‘D H 1%". . Ll g; A .l_, _' .n_'- - ". j‘. «.. :’-‘1g.1v‘\.'..“4i.. )3un‘.4.o: it D-h.‘.;‘.;.a..‘ ‘Int -'9 ’I‘-- -145 -L-;..;~.“'_ -'3»'f' _-‘-.:‘.".‘. " '