. , .-..o.. . .. J ......-..»q.s.—.._..\a4-s-o-unos.s§->4s------ - - . M» - -~ . , ‘ ~~ In-slie (fowiin. a l. ’ ‘Pf: 7:’ ."="”f"‘!":.‘3L ‘~'-.'_-I-gi:fl","q":"‘ i ~""'“.'., ‘ ' _- - ._.- .. ‘ ‘. ‘~ .. ,‘ . ’ . ''v_ . .-‘.7 , _ _ - .; _ _ ' _°‘— ‘’ ‘ - . _V _ _‘_ .‘__ vii.‘ _.._ I __ . _.,.~_‘ ,u._‘_-u__ ‘ . L, .5. .- ’ —-.;_.i‘"..._. A,!:_;__.:_ .‘. :—,-";. ». :~ ~ ‘.:.-.,. ...--,b..":# A‘. d I ._ ~ 5 ‘es; : “ t 3:; 1 i ‘ - i fir - g . . . * g "‘_”“l“*. F14’. :”f1\ng i-e.»r~' .t: ..ii:;~:—,L-t j_i_f_;,-__\ WEDNESDA _ FEBBUAR 1% ..V ~ . *7‘ X’: I . 7. V_-V. _ V’ V._' . “ in i it - . 7 "7 ' _ 7 . '. - ‘.7 ‘ ' “ ._‘ ' -. I 3 . _;:.--—~ 1 - ., lllllmfiunuuamuuaufiaguqgga 1uuinsariaatsasthsrisslts‘oftiien.suioeratscpi:lsiu-y, . ‘ . - ' udklwwba .1 guguguggagnua for the office o¢~Gltyanuouaestl-sesndldseyufl. 1710, mas, .o -u C - ‘ - = . ~u...i..i,..i.5..c’c.upseiioaotnsiuttroetseonieeotcitycdi.; ‘ W a . . ‘ ; ?'-“'- l o subject to the action or the oouxciuutii ‘J ' I ___L' “’ “"“"’ "“‘”"‘”"”"“hn'.'mu°wh‘n"‘uhI'n}wil‘»*&nocmmn Iiueiiio 1925.5 (Third w d) C _______‘ _ V -’ . ‘ ' ' ‘ ‘ s j I!’ Hnn“,@ si-ereheldatthe..hsm:eotB.B.Ba£t« lfwSLbuh&mty .19fi. . ' v -9 mumfi“ is ' , / SltlIIiI!tfI§flQ‘Dytlie3..e‘V. . . .___.._._ _ er-sinClI|7'-9"9'~'*‘3“" V’ Tlisllsssurlsajlsaatliorisedto 1'he)lissourianisautiiorissdtog,,,,,..,,,e,u,,¢,,,,g ‘‘ (osntland in-s-an--I lhlaiieyflulsnisill. P. Clieavsns. Burk! calm 0* Aggies Beat Pl0neel'8;srinbeeoiisideredfort1ieortII1i¢I- ,,,,,,.,.,, ggggggaagqgf W. xmmum.-gganawgqof Gruvgfiwhn ,0, Cwmmmn L. V ,m__ ,,,,,,,,“ ., ......; Hrs. Dart-us Britten is ill tl'3’l”"' 3”“ c"""'|V-at qdnmhh in Fast Battle at than Ofmtn m_nnin_ lillsr"f.:r fiswotguee of aha“; Lsnlisiii for wag, ..,i,.,-.,,,¢ to 3. «. ‘ T 1"“ “""‘ ',,g, I 33” CV“! 0". ur Dd H". . M h '“'°°, "Ed, hu"'n" N in Ihll. ltd "5900 was glector fof the Democratic pniiiai'j,_ .- A x Taylor. acre ‘onrleultulll 3,, win Anon is ill with pneu.tvisited0l':r|:ti'c'ntl. . a an attan. .tiorri*:'u_’im “mum” in S‘. Phioupoa-atic plnarmflarcli 1 . nnggnocg-g p.13.”-y,flueh 10, 1925.40’ 1925‘ . A ‘ . ' 2’. B“ .. vlfll 10% - _ l . I ~ ( ’ l" '. impui was...-r. arsssstna-sass: is ’”°J'”:n ad] .“ in cenu..1;. s.g,.l firs. Perry Quinn e'xh.rtamed the giumfi yak, saw,“ icounty. The Iiflowilnndlitluz"-h°°"‘”Jd :1 issounan is authorised to. (pounh wad, . . r ei-can-‘iv . luau’ Aid Society 0‘ 9'9 35"" ""°" ""‘ "E; '—"."""— "“'°‘""-" “° '3 ' ‘Launounce the of 'W- 3»? The Missourian is an 7' i-an-the u . 4 - - sum. c i .s:..r Bears Amateurs Messages Ahfllt 3., u,. 035“ of City Co, ""°'.....-.N'I....."'.'.‘.'....a.. sins». slrs. 'l‘.- P. Brown was in C0lI!!l|°:°dl"l> Ch‘“"h h“ '”k‘ . ' .n'..si»gt}.Lm.:.:L::..:::s 1 nos’ 3.45,, mag“ am 1,, pug] H I 1 ‘aka ‘O we “mm grclass for_the office of.City °t.n]1ounc¢ u. ,.,,,m,,,. at , -. N L """"’“- ""“"‘ "“"' his sin - 7 TI” 'h°mbe'-ofgggulai-‘an habit: ".""""*'“ - ‘ A - ' ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ’ ' A; x '2‘ St. Vrain. In. I . No-. 1'9"‘ the . llanch 10.lp,mo¢n,ecmr t: theM“‘”nsrcli1o°f1925.l’°h"'°" .{°' C°"".°“‘““ ‘ . German C01! ‘Tani’ s. u.u..l°i3. f . a. 0. Glenn iiickenfs W’? *' ‘”‘,,,ChJ..,h§!.dmmdmr iaornlnx. i‘»T.'i'."’ "’.".' ........ ._° 1 Lani the amateur r-db ‘"50" 933“ 1925. ‘C P m m ' frmilh B-mt “gum -lo ll". 9 V o """“°" b’ "ac"-an c c u :- lsarirslniral -..Q'i;r.P"i¢*'i::d Roberts. who has been; Iliss Elisabeth’ Davis is borne 'g?~-=;- ------------- «-3 ° ; ~:;gftI_gavel:-Sn 13:4 r~se:le::;yitA bondloi. an “Tom Y A W umwmnndbdnmhoidid 3’ w 113% mom if pnmars. ; 5...; . J U?-. ' - sfilihf . — . - . — . . t . . - —~ - >1 um - ‘ I “" ° - ', ,‘ . Kgngj3Ci ,vber be ited ,._, .. ; v"“ ' .’ 'Innounce theca i cyo . - . .n(::.a:ols'rl._'h"h”' "bu" ‘_ uvilllhls recovering.‘‘' in himiva an kg’ mm ¢;n:”m:;*.‘ gm: ,‘,...g.._A.‘...'.. ; ,w V ::1:.:P!:dl1l‘lfl s s<;;;b:hii;oi;¢ouin hifh 3.-hoot ,. The Hlstzrrriau is autolzoriiised !t;._S‘“e for “dew” ‘O we 0 ,3. M W. Pius mm an . - Sl‘°°" C'""" 3.. t t, ' th ' _ -—_-—---- i‘ l,’ °''' N”. 9'" . '"'"’°° » - A City Collector subject to o '* _ fix! ‘R. (1l)'IQII, elf!!! Ifihlllf ‘If .! ‘ t R‘ 0'“. h i‘n }\‘ng‘_¢ agzun h(.‘d5 (lastly *0!‘ ln ‘Country. SP. the cm 0! City on of the “.. (.- T. I.’ ' l R.‘ .‘ shland ll . I the Journ-ii-In hm h , , ‘ . W» 591399!’ W” in C°l“"’bl‘ °“’ A Cong; 3035“! for “.9”, crazed race for the Missouri Valley I is an official relay station and 3;: sub to the 9121: Much 10 1925 _ seouitd , . . Prin, . radon! as t sour-a - 30009 ~ , , ~ ~ onegnoajfik nun‘ ry, In-c , . ’ _ ' . . . . ; 5 W ' V ‘ .bu;ir;ssESI;itur'daM in ya‘: mmL .(_onfe-reme tissbethall clnmpiomhiptopeiratedclz 15¢ 00* "3" l¢“3u‘ , ’________ . g \\. (. T. l . will buy“ ’ H M »_ bu“; aflrlllll K. Ari!-lrtfilz. Job! '. Jewell’ ‘ . y.nn budge‘. ‘ , J. L wikox’ ‘dim? of tho Ash, Dlv \‘l!t‘1hl.lI‘ l (If its t) In T’. “ The i‘ ‘umofizd '0 mjgc Ifllfl. sltmly, " “N “"“"" '“'d.' -' .- - i and the 156-acre ‘*'"“" " 3’ ‘l’ ‘"9 ‘ '" '1 m l l-‘ Attend Hi-Y Club Dinner. nnourice the ca View A- 3- The issonrlan atnhd1Ied' "3 .14. at 8|! Waloutstreet. K " - ...-.t+ it. in-4-soc-v. ids w. Jewell 34 lle Quiaenberry \lSlt€dah”d 3“8l¢- W3” ,, . ._ _ - he. 0“! . _ 3 _ . . . _ ugythis 81* s--llinlar. . ;B.k;‘schf,o; g,m¢.y_ jfarni of the late Sam A. .\ichols L-?‘;:.r::;;m?f1°;;;§:a,e;"r';}’;:"fufn1 Forty members of the Hi-\ Club (Dick) ‘Proxell for the office _of announce the candldlt) of J. f. M‘, "m“,d_ 5’ “vi” ‘ad Ralph W. T-or-r. John W- J-W". (-um, Md," ,9,“ .5. ..,.g..,.d!for $2.700. h. J ., .k‘ . 7 I ...,,~ '~ or Columbia High School attended City Attorney snbiectto the action Barnett for rt--clectxon to the o - . -hol-L ‘C 1. V‘ .'j “fives ' Dr, filth Salmon. a graduate» of ‘ “. 3-‘ ““ ‘'‘“’'Y ‘*5 ‘"3 ,",“!,, dinner at the Broadway lletho- of the Democratic primary, March {ice or (‘itv Asseflior sub);-ct to _ j izorsdn rmii. student -aisunt. 21!! cntra ta si 88 N v . . 0, 0 0, but easy. The lows State team. dis- . , _ ' . - , - ;_ ts to I , .. . n Brook. d. M ‘ (-harm, 30'", ‘pa; sm,d.)«,the Kirksvillo Colleee Flt . _ - dist Church yesterday esening.Club 10, 1925. the action of the Democratic pr hlflmem mutton ' B m ‘ rn 1' ‘F1913’. ‘'50 1185 59"‘ ‘'l5"~l“‘5 h‘-"' pmymg the “me Mnppy stares-" mass was suflx durinlt the meal. mm’). March 10. 1:425. secretary Board of Curators. attend ‘rm-cling from (ialumbizi. The other‘, visited friends in Cent:-alia Satur-3 mm- the board present srerei d8 P" members of E. Lansing Ray. 81.. Louis, and ii. J.l Blanton, Paris. PRESIl)l*lNTlAL -——:—- V Thursday. . Congress Ponnally Pr0- .\n—.«..i. C. Jones visited her datgh-‘r presided at us. messing In the as. .ii-r. Mrs. Carter Owens -'of Colum-1 seiicc 3 bio. diis week. claims Coolidge and Dawes Elected. By llniud Prue. WASlll.\'(i'l‘Ol\'. Fob. ll.-—Calvin‘; l oolidxrc and Charles and \'iu--President of the United;- 5““““- "}”P°"‘l"F'}'v l" ‘ Pl"“"‘}spcn Sunday afternoon with C. C. I-‘Aster. Bartlesville: !|efl'¢'18T)'. Dur- csque joint session of.Can:ress. gqdnnberry .1,‘ “man why Le, arming to the Constitution.- bousesssssmblod at: 1‘-o'clock this afternoon to canvassi officially the electoral votes of the two in the government of the Unit-' ed States that do not have to have’ a special certificate of election a _ the more proclamation of the two‘ houses of Cough: es it possi- ble for them to take office. ...———.Q———-—- OKIO STATE U. P018023 ‘HY srizitr var UNsoi.vnn~ 3004')’- Tsro Remaining Bospeas lay Yield I-hirtlieri One-i in Today's sstloniag. ' By United Press. A ' COLUIIBUS. Ohio. Feb. 1l.—-ln- vestigators of the poison: murder mystery at Ohio State University neared the end of their resources tods ,0 The release of Lewis Fish, the uces the pccts of whom have been questioned be- re. John Chester. police prosecutor in charge of the probe. said that one of them had given testimony that ‘was not entirely satisfactory!‘- The other has aroused suspicion by complaining of slecplessness. al- though the school physician says that he is not suffering from any physical ailment. 4 Unless the investigators find clues to the poisoning in today's questioning. they will be confronted with a bigger mystery than ever. “Lewis I-‘ish turned outto be u victm of unfortunate circumstan- ces," Chester said today. Fish ob- tained for David Pusltin. the cap- sules that had caused the latter's death. ' ‘ ’ ......?..___... . A‘l'l'BIIP'I' ‘D0 W831‘-K C. It A. Automatic Blxuals Prevent Wreclt —Switcli Sgilted Near Ryder. An effort to wreck the Chicago & Alton train. “The Hummer,” Monday night at Ryder. a small station halfway between‘ liizbec and Clark. west of exico was thwarted when the automatic liloclt gxnals gave warning of the trou- e. About 11:80 o'clock as the train neared Ryder. the engineer saw the lights out on the block signal and as be slowed down he noticed ti ‘switch light which is} a short distance west the bled signal. was also extinguished. He, imme- diately halted lils train had sent the bralteman ahead to inrestigate. The bralteman found tin swi of the=afu-rnoon with Mrs. Alice Price. ed the ‘day night with Miss Maxine 511 .Sunday with his brother. Granville: VOTE COUNTED . an. ‘ Gertie la-wis were ‘ D“'" ‘_°d“3'lvisitiiig W. I). Hulen of Centralis. were formulated. worn proclaimed elected Presidcntttflumed pr;d”._ m had been visiting in allsvi turned to their homes Saturday. 0 ofggcm “n ‘he oniyjing liissistcr. Miss Polly. Lsforce. nd and Howard Turner of Columhiagfci-ed in the Bible (‘allege for the ‘it-as McBride of week-end with her family in Baker: sire-ness that ey showed hero: against Missouri Saturday. threw of score into the Kansas‘ routers by. , ; ___,_.‘.,. - _ taking 1! lead at the start that they ro nun oitumomt own held throughout tho.-opening pcriod.l , ——-—--——-— The half -ndcd with the - for nccl I 5'“ P‘ am shad Pmldent- ls-silt-rs trliiling ‘J to 10. am e l W’ 8"“, .1‘ "‘".P'"wcm;,. J’ .\'clirnsl;.i by heating Grinnpll‘ , - . ‘ll Ol‘l"l"""" ‘ll 21.’. in '.’.‘.0. went into a tie for second I‘''‘3 d"“‘°d p'°"d°‘l ‘J lb” 0”" pl:At't- with Washington. Grinnell, Floyd Roberts and; horns Club at the first meeting: of h., M; J H , K , A ._\ ~ in Columbia: the year held last night at the "Tami mg]: Maltxhafggh 3.;‘mx:u ‘gall glzm‘ PM Epflhn h°"‘°'_ 3"‘ Hm tlrupfictl tn .wv¢-ntli pliice in the . _ . ;t d’ ..Th-v ' ’- d-‘ or um um :.::: :.“.::... .;..“;,'.:.'.*; “:;.::.:‘.'" :1‘. ‘W58 1-“'3' 31)’ ""'1“"‘- ' 16-to.1G :35. but the Aggie; headed Miss Fae la-win entertained scv-i Tc-iitative plans for .1! dance to by -rt,bm,.._ “H. “wring ace’ of the -.3 “dud 1- .-parents. Ilr. and bin. J. P. R‘. . Howard ‘M u um“-‘ bu gone to Appleton (‘ity to _ ctice. Miss Laverne lmpson spent 1 O -ne. Marlow Wright of Centralia spent 1 ‘(Till of her. friends with xi party; tal~:¢- the place of the March im-¢-t- zmmu ‘mm, up 1. Mg mm in my M_‘.__§ . Saturday night. ' ' 1 in}: and for n wit-oer roost to tslw M“; ‘mm POLICE JUDGE -' ‘ f to and following a series 0 sen see me n‘ n wthofiud to prayers a discussion of high school problems which was started at the announce the candida of W. D. mecting two weeks ago was_Shaw for the office of Judfl 0‘ rt-immod. Kenneth Lancaster. s s-tu- ;the Police Court subject to the IC- dent in the University. is director of tion of the Democratic l"'"'“"'Y- the club. Wallace English is pres» gllarch 10. 1925- d‘"" __.__..___- 1 cm! coi.i.r.c1oii [tile Club Meets Tomorrow. The Rifle Club will hold ii met-tins: gannounce the candidacy of M at 7 o'clock tomorrow evening. at Andrews _ ii. 0. 1: (L lieadqtiiiru-r~.-‘. Collector snblect. to the M10" 0‘ " jthe Democratic ptim!1!')'. M379“ 1"- Woodlaudville Man Operated On. ‘£1925 ‘ Joseph Niles ,Woodlundvill:-: ’ _ —_-——-— was operated on at the Boone. Tl!‘ u‘”°°"“" , k County Hospital Monday. ianflofinte the mndiducy‘ of I-‘ran «W. Ketclium for the office of (ity E’ is authorized to. V ' ' I Mrs. J. (.. Roberts, who had been the place of the April Yfl(‘(‘llltL' Ufluhunm’ an” dwppmg a :”_w_? 17 till to .\t-liriisltii Saturday. re-I tuincd fifth place by liunililing tht-l T;gt-rs la,-’t night. Missouri. after; __ winning from Amos and th A - ‘mt 0kl“_l'°m“‘ ("'33 gies and in brief stay in fourtheplacgml HI‘. and HR. 1-0858 ~WmIl1¢. Wl_l°l "Id ue‘mrer' Clyde Smuh’ ‘\apu!.pn'l settled into sixth place ii is result of‘. B ' . NW The “tn” °" , pmgmm besld" the Oklahoma victorv. I “he ekctlon M offlca‘ W“ ‘ l"-"u" Amer H‘l'll8l’15 at ‘tn:-‘foot of thr-' inf m‘' d‘""’ 'i"" by Mi" ‘““" heap fiillhot‘ vrin to her credit all - ' C‘ ~ 7 fioriell . ..-..-- _. AIDS l'It(iDl'(‘-I-IRS’ PROJECTS her officers elected last night Mr. and Mrs. P. ldossman were: Vice-president, \\'ullac(- 1 Lee Lsforte. who has been visit- — Olers More Summer (‘oursc-s. __ “There will be more course-:4 u!'-. 11- l . llrnfiley Urznniaes Tomato and Poultry Assiiciations, bofo:-c," .~:iy~ ll. (‘. llt-n~lt-y. cxmrisicn assist- imt and pi'of<-ssnr of agricunum] (('0n0!‘lllt‘S. rt-turned lust week-end from Woodland. in Marion County; wiierc he assisted in the organiza- tion of a local receiving guujon of the Marl: Twain Poultry P:-nduc- t-rs’ AS:-tI(.‘lllllOll. The association 1;” leased a buildim: in Hannibal and is t"-mnletini: arrangements to begin Y'¢‘_<'t‘I\'iniz (‘tits in a few weeks, Egg; mil be sent by truck. freight or cr- locsl receiving 53..- ft here for Colorado Saturday. I-‘red Cook. Llitchel Daugherty’ spent Sunday here with friends. fsummcr than ever Mi” Mildred Monnnuujet ‘mg Prof. Walter C. Gibbs. Dean (3. ll. ’ Columb-1. vgsiudg Edwards will give liclirew hi.-=tor,\' and either Bible as, literature .\'r-. 11 or Bible as literature No. 2. Prof. D. E. Thorniis 15'’ offer compara- tive religion and another courrc _! which has not yet been decided up- ; on. William Morgsntbalcr and family Miss Lucile Ridge-way spent the; district after visiting Hrs. Scare) Robinson. . ; v.ti.i-:i~i'i'ii~'-i'.-§.:Li-: ; Of embroidery and lace made by l-‘uriersl ., services‘ for Dorothy Thursday Hart llountjoy. infant daughter of ._-Mr:\\. Walter Miller, 1516 Wilson llr. and lfrs. Raymond lfountio)’. avenue. Ad;-,135.1;;3 v “.- M shipped East in carload lots. It is “ The Two Magazines in‘ America Now Are ONE! The first of Hearst’ 3 International combined with Cosmopolitan brings you. more splendid reading by more N distinguished writers than has ever before appeared in any single publica- tion. It is indeed a combination of the L IWO greatest magazines in the world. J i It contains ;_9_ FEATURES including the beginning of a new mystery novel more thrilling than "THE BAT". . . by ' . Mary Roberts RINEHART Consider: I-lcarsfsvlntacmational has been tliclrnost virile and die most mi .m@‘ln¢ln‘h¢W0fld.C08lD0Q0litatitlicmostcntcrtaining. Eschofthcmha'ssoldcachmonthniorccopicsat35cciits.thanany pento inil:sficldhassoldat25antsorlas. Bycatibiningthetwowc havgorlrnodiicecl :‘|e°""h¢"“°5tVlf_ll¢afll¢ln0ltvltaluiid ch: mosténtcrtaimng magazine in, _ tliht it is much dianwcitber Hearst's Intcrnauonal' ' * ' ‘ .it is ' ted in color.‘ ' announce the :Collcctor subject to the action of p Political Aiiiiotmceinciits figggsbemocratic prim-on March 1"- ; . -1-}, M;,3ou,§:};2R,,m},o,-ized ml The Missourian is authorized to‘ announce the candidacy of E. CJIHDOIIDOB 935 C“ ' °l Ml" Clinltscales for the office of Mu;-or,l gall! 381.1” fiildl-5; ‘gg”.;if°nC‘:5{'. subject to the action of the Demo- 9'50? _ « ratic primary. March to, 1925. lfihoezsbemofntic primary» Mm“ ci'rv'_iii.itsiu.i. The Missourian is authorized " ’ ’ ' _ announce the candidacy of John L.‘ White-sides for the office of City, Marshal. subject to the action of ; D the Democratic primary, March 10.; S ‘ ' 25. ‘ at ELKS CLUB Wednesday, Feb. 11 9 o’clock The Missourian is authorised to. candidacy Ernest S. Rowland for the office of City Marshal subject to the action of e Democratic primary, March 10,: 1925. she Missourian is authorised to; - __. ‘ - -- _ , 0 Here s a suit that Will Win you D ' It's a dragon weave from Fash- ion Park—tailored for college men. The style is the new idea for spring. The coat has broad ‘éhoulders-—trim at the hips; the new width trousers. ) ~ Knickers $10 SCOMPARE! The Islissourizm announce the candid:-my of W. l-‘ (Emmett) Points for the office City Assessor subject to the action- t VANITY F - and is author-iced ti. o? Now in Progress . Your Opportunity for Bargains Every Article in th House ‘at . Reduced Prices FIRST COM E FIRST SERVED Herrick icfrigerators. Barler oil heaters. Perfection) oil cool: stoves. Sherwin Williams paint. Florence oil stoves. 4 Vacuum Cup tires and tubes. Gas ranges. Favorite incubators. Brooder stoves. Cole's Hot Blast ranges. South Bend nialleabld ranges. Silverware. ‘ Percolators. Casseroles. , ‘Aluminum ware. Granite ware. Fishing tackle. Water coolers. Ice cream freezers. Screen wire. Builder's hardware. Red ‘Star oil stqyes. Prices Sh . We are going to close out all at reduced prices and put in new stock of wa damlged only by smoke. ‘ 1 " ';. re . All merchandise on first and second i._ THE cssu HARDWARE «STORE 4 '1‘, , Anton iioei § ‘J . t- ngmosiopoly 2,. , _ . ‘ . ...i, 31 . , I t’ ‘ I‘ . « "bladss . V , 1 if - ioilf to L: of I z - : ‘ in . -‘ll. ',_\ : c, I . ‘yr . I §'-,.. I ' s . _ , . ._\.; .-‘ - ‘Il'.'fi’.‘