lg eqnigpnd‘U'l.!i‘a uenble ' **"'— '_'" ' i- we iv a» -=»~_=»b-it J. LOUIS cnmi -- an Ituneuasierspeak-’; . ;_ "" * ii‘-i~3-5-— zinuafigiiihauui _, ? V. ‘ \ A No.8North9th WEATHER8 HECPRIC O0. EXIDE mirrsiir . s'rii'i*iori Phone 300 mg; 7:15—9 - 5"?‘ The answer to hour. _§f_f \ the 'question of the P :3 -é.I-.s''~‘'T'" ‘ '-2-1~"iV 1:.“ *3 -.4» I .‘~1 '~"f.3»—"-. .. . * I - .-‘ @ -‘'’ ,~'-:7"; ._ ._ .«"~;' . ," " '-I e 1 .2 t: t L‘ -.;‘ -T .. I ‘ . : . N‘ ‘ N‘ H. Yr: ‘ ‘ ‘H: . ADV‘ -s_Ai‘.;V‘é:.‘'v;:;J;'‘~ .‘ V ._ ‘ "~r .. ‘a VI. ‘~ >‘_'.é-\“,?[~‘:;"..:-j:f:; ._ r ‘ _ Y‘. - . 7 7 — . _ _. _ _ _.- _.,w_. -. ._, e... w... . . _.... ,;_._,.,.,.... . w . _ r_ . . - ‘ _, ‘ ‘-«“"' If ”-‘*7.-2-.2 : '- “ =.i.._-, ‘ i ' ~" - ‘flay-ul "l‘¢iK§tI" 18 Inch Indlllflfla ‘. 1 ' -: ' . _ -3: . -o R BHOUSQ W35 -lune.-' by-_ n. ma ‘ . J ~ ~ i -: ~ : u ‘ - . -~ "nu:-oeiiyitnnaiapiuyoawveiseca-‘t .~ ~ ".*""r""‘-~ . m — .«~ i .2 .8 l, . WhereAbrahamI.incolnCourtedm=~=v4~=! I-~ t’ “"‘-""2... "“'......e e -- ~ .— 33798 1% €lII.ll5- ‘ When.All'alIam Llncol to *“““ . £115. - A " flbfgiggqgigqijgygu1.hsahdthogh'hathavattl¢!i”'?'6.]u&enu"°‘§”“"Cdumhhmseallsalllug-flzsodaiaiu, cgANgmc ~ .. g¢‘i'‘D|l'~tl|¢3'8N 39”‘ _ Va-yéfihatgfik. , . P°“""'!'“du:‘R"'K"°.'iwhovuvisitin¢hcrnnclehere,he.l orraarnooasoerosnn» ‘I505:-atthaeol--hm°'t°h:y-F". “°““"“" h John Kasper alas in ‘ilk’!!! Phil 30' twin: mu """"“°' °' 0°“! ' stunned at the home of Rogeri —..._...—..- " ‘ ‘ivei ."°"’ ‘ "”°°‘°'” Wfltten 3 Tuesday on hiatus. . work. “¢"““"‘- “' ‘ ml‘ “’ ‘”° 0”“ North Todd, um Todd's uncle .-h.,lNe- Ilaasnrn would create a State ,._y “M ‘I53 filth‘ "0'! 533°‘ _ - tmgent I-[eye Granville yr.-igiu .95; smug, In. J. 11. Berry returned honief 3”” 75"” P°‘“'7 ~’“"°d‘“"‘*uu living in an old house built ofx Textbook can-huh. for .- ¢_ -'¢9fl'‘°0 00- 9°85 1 . [with miaziveginseugug‘. sandy n-Bu advhituritli Itr.and;'“‘-‘ ‘ ":'°°“5'- the t ion. , The radcschooh. SA ' 1"'“‘°"'~W-3‘*P"°'“°‘°°‘ s Tucker Cantraha‘ uh. . . H d Ceutralla. ; V- 9”” 3939“ '3'“? ° - ' v M be! the LAu§I _ -C . in s _- i Chin ‘ of . W nu. John 3. zitliony and chil-l - poultry show such 88 Vi“ "° 5°” e...“'°a"°°‘.f..1‘ “rm "mam if 2°33 mine-auxin; Missouri to t C -t W- W- Glbmr 01 #59 SW 9°‘ -‘:2 Ifingnage J. T. Carlin ofllaven, Hunt’. at. duo of were the guestaiin ton next December. Be “ an 3:‘ ‘ yi‘ "mg no" ' iahollsh the selection of textbooks Huh“ A...“ ht‘ A-*'°."’""”“ °‘ E"5"“” “‘° "’°“° -.--7' *"""“"‘ 'rived rueuiny to visit relatives of scan and queen Carlianherlfliwl that an extutvition. of line 5,,“ M,“ b .,‘°. 823"” "in: rural and elementary aehools by “"‘ °' 9'*"'?"~ """°'”"'4 é"°"' “"03 °9“’° '*"° ‘°"°°' ""' .5" ti,-w"“""" ilumblaverehere lraJWSa ofOolnnibiawas‘“5"°"'l”'~l‘¢l'°*1lt*'Y1hia HiKhTu§cc‘liodl .sp:l:d3i‘d‘ "Wt? flock N’ '“d '""""" 3"‘ “"‘°°‘"' the §..‘If..y coulift. "ii “"’°°‘ ""“““"°°- ' wmn‘ ‘"5 fm a Jonrnaisni ‘.1. u - fl Bfiuoa «had “I ha‘ ' ‘ -——-o---— ln'l840 a big Whig celehrationlgoo C t .th at mmmiq R - CA1 . . . ;..e w .188‘ ‘£031. BI ~ , ' . W @7231“, H’. u “ R h ' M. " he 1. C P793 0 v‘ i. . ~ soon hr 0* S"'*‘°'*’l""’°’ ......"‘ ’““' ""°°" "” “°°" ”“i“'.i.°'§§°'§‘.".i ‘3‘°'i‘~”‘n ion .. r::.r:rn n . {:33 '5v'17'uvsn.°°a..°”§’.§ia...:'s’lia.T°r‘i7... $§‘....1Z...‘°"‘.‘§’.?‘.?Z‘i'.- °f...°".‘..’.'.§i‘....f1 55355 3313'“ ‘395 “W _. :_ ._ era . w 4 _. .a_ . . . onovanen-, aoaza . . as no - —- .- . ,9‘ , pg . cf‘ M" :3 mm“, gun“: Estill Sehooler is the new man-fitertained Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Van; Aromie Interest in Stadium. :3; iondcuiend H: ce"l'e‘:,'_nt£: of W. I. 0 er. city nuper- cfindzntgd 4’ mu . C0114‘ C!BdlttlptvO8hou!‘l - _ . ' . of chine“ poeumlaxer of __the Producers’ ~Shipping;l\'att.a, Lyle Van Natzn. and Mr- A novel means to create entln;- Lined“. who ‘"5 nvin‘ in“intendent of schools. and Miss Al- :1 ' ' "" "‘'‘''“ ifdesu-ed l N ‘am by Amefian ma B;-jg_-‘IAIS0cl8l.lo.ll. — ' . p V . ' Hrs. Hollis Long and'family.:eiasm in tlie,stadium fund of the sp,iufidd' decided “mt he ‘_mJdIh9 0f€Vf- _ {éuh-mg more an” on yen’; for Iuuparcieahnaddnu , 1... I mi’ ‘S p,.ob.b1’. the gm; Guy Critchfield intended ‘to have; Leona Ifearl Bratton: Curtis \\inn,e Oklahoma Agricultural and He com, to the meefing and um ms! According to Mr. Northcut_t,.fhi.-#31450, two ,1 800. an - '; uggjg.‘ . .., d nueaion of ,,,.;‘.'a sale but called it off because of§and Beiuamin Prentice have en-9 chamcal College was resorted to by ‘ecu, - sal isnot a new 0ID."hIVln[l ' j . ¥?""- ' """°. V i- i -. C - -p 131, b ‘thud weather. . .rolled in the high school alter an--‘the managers hf the mid when ' fut’ . -been brought ha! '. recent“‘2'55o' (‘mm ‘fin’ .3300: ‘nd ' . I . "" .l.h'"uc3;;m‘n: pmznti Mrs. Roy Jones of Columhih waséeral weeks’ absence use of sick- they started a r 'nie contest The Sum‘: °"t °y “t“mb°m fmm‘ General’ z always) ei'¥:°a’ fin" ‘Low’ V A ' - is a p , ., ' St. Long, hc ‘ranged u ,_h ,3 * . ' z e committee on Jeconiniendaoi ’ - - . ‘the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. ness. s.udc-nt sending in the best verse 9 ‘' V” n defeated however. « ‘ . - . i _&ll=|¢ P°‘-'9‘ WM _u“°“3h'.’ sand. _ i‘ to reu_i", 8 re . t 9. h. but unfortunately the boat struck 1; g- -t E50118 of the School of Education 7'3 ‘ 5 -‘ __‘ of the English lan-‘z 0305 _¥: _ ‘Cll'l.P0l’t?'00d his work -_ _ _ "ll? _ 0? _l3 5‘-3' d b d , d I d f T khflliil 1 8 com!) Comm! 190,“, ‘read “nod -t k L .’ _ . .- ‘ad to cum. ‘,3,’ Conrad “nzht and family werejwm, 3‘o“.,",. ‘ween. m Coiumbm dium please in_fnll which sites the :“_?:ln_;" ".1 ‘"5 F ‘ye °r.Vl;§l¢¢.tlI the textbooks. the localgphcitrg tuychgn for '3 '0’ .° y : - mu - - ‘entertained 13- Walter Vin lit and ' student the ri to occu two 33 L"'c°l" “"‘"'d " the-‘dz t ct cho ‘h th 1 the" "ml" . "L "Mb M" mdoubiediiiiimmiiy sued-’y R luondayuzfffl-ltwtl)t ".i‘”“I.. “S59? «eat< =n the stadium durinx iffhkfic °’‘’ ’*‘'°’ “"“"‘- “’°"‘ W‘ “W5 51:11? fifmixhmfcret zeexieiioglam ’ ’3'°’"- C 11. Williams. chairman of 1: 11 NW5 NW5 39"‘ ‘ :- _ - - . _ ' _ ‘on IICCO 0 e 88 Is‘ " ‘ . - - \ H - .‘ 0 v. i ' ' we bun") muwrfl 0 ‘. Marlow Wright of C4-ntralin spenflsistcr. "°'"°“L" ::'tu‘0f°{hiE°l:r'?b"'b f’: '".'d'' Mr. Northcutt says that while the! :e°n'?o':_';tt::';;:’u'::$ :'ol:’_t'.:tt° 7: Open Day ‘nd ' be printed in':S'."ml‘y .‘.'m' ‘his mother’ “'5'. Mr. and Mrs Thomas Rutter. 50"” °f ‘M rh-"m9" “"'"°d 3“ celebration hot\?e\'cr) w:s‘oc?\:er ht: maurigll covered in the variety Oil“ 50°" “~" Pofilble R‘ er l ‘ ' pa r n'ithj;B"'d'°L“3f::;’ of Comma‘ wuihlr. an Mrs. Bennie Rutter and am; my M, um ___ . the time he arrived in Boone (‘.oun..‘ j5'mn1‘i.('huSet(l’l(' uI:::I?f.“h(t’l‘:(t‘i Ammd . ‘ T116 treatest VIHCU ‘N. V .‘ ’ '“; ' ‘ m buck and .whne-.ndlthe galest of C. F. lmpson nndlélbzn Rwifiiruflf Stilumbm {pent 7'‘ ”' l‘ "‘-"-" '5“ """*"‘ ty’ it-hiid who gfls from one muntv t.ullor'.~. Music (‘.¢,n‘,p;::w. :‘-.T:}’..’ in for - . .. , lniclolh "‘ “'"“‘3°°lf.mn}. -I-m_sd.)._ .;:"luf'Y ‘H T. ti Mrs. C. B. In.-‘rt-«Ia-.'»mri.r“rlakyt M‘ In 1842. followiitx! :i visit. UH-‘ another is put at smnc lllS£l(l.\':'lll-:l.'tll-$1 (l('\‘('ln]inl(‘Y1l.\. in rniliti “ ' In“ . '2' ‘tn tn. an.‘ - '. l " u With 80 3“'3“!“‘ "°‘°" 9'; Austin Roberts and “mm. “.9”? \Mi‘s' Janet Dnviqm of vommmn ‘ ' '""‘ “""’ cnln married Miss Todd zit Spring-_ 1,39 in Min, {Ormd H, U”. a dig.‘ Ad; H3 way. ' ,. ' C . lxzuests of Ellis Roberts and farnily:udd,_é«u_d ‘he ".r'1_‘ 1. R "Q ." ,-.,.. . mm. ,,,,;,,,,, ,,,,,,, M", . mm. field ‘lean: later Mrs. Lllltfllll-fefent style of t¢xi_ ; .—.-..~4..._._ ' Good Homemade Pic . .‘ _. ' art !‘1‘Pl'°$¢0lr|UV¢.m-e,. , 9,” _end. ; _ ‘ 0:‘ ‘ ° I.“ ‘V’ 9 1'--.. ~MiL. in the atadiulu miglirgri ,.... . and her ('l(lt’.~l. son, Robert, spent ii —-——-—o--—_ « 'l'ry_ Missourian want-ads. _ ‘ i.”d°d°d i" ‘he boo’: - ' Caleb Berlielev is we ' sick He isifligh Scbml Fndn" 1"‘ .‘.nmt '' ' {CW dl}'5 5'1 C°l“''?h5t 0" 8 Vlfilt STUDEVTS G“! -“rslc-“'5 E ———-' ‘ = - - one repreaentntm-‘at his momefi’ home’; ,9‘ C 1813"‘ S"°°"', 9?, *5 ‘ C'"‘°" °‘ W M“ d _ and stayed in the old house on'q"i of w--j;- G. 4____ ““ ""''~ ~' 5 ' ,-,5u.n-ineimiea in the book: ~ . :the Community; .,,.., M3" "}{, Broadway. Robert Todd Lincoln is ' °“ _°’''‘‘ '°'".‘''‘‘ ''°''' . _ ‘Eh and ,.“_,,_ .being taken care of. ., _ . Mchmuy. Andmw Mc_ T .1’ you rw- now ‘Mn in wash" to" D C Ever,» Thursday Night. l 3 ‘ ‘ " ‘on: once 14! ’ lira. Holden and her daughtcr,,.Kgnu. Hem. Lowe the R“. V “ “’ “"’ """‘ "' ‘°°."‘ 2 K ’ ' ' I-‘our pupils of Henry ll. Louden-! I ' ‘I’ v ~ - .1‘ 5’ 5 W’ ' ‘ r’. "°' “""' "“"'“"- "‘""- *"'°”""- An intereatin thin to note is‘ ~- ~ hulk _-o nib: thwart‘! ildrs. Earl. Stewart. were in Colum-.Mu,phe)._ L.w,.mce D...“ and HOL M“, m,,,, ,0“, ma,“-,._,_,__ _ _3' K g back. lllI'(‘I.'10T of the conservatory! an gag the-"t: al n.-an-n bin Tuesday on’ business_ «HS Long were in Commbi: wedm_S-. _____._______ that the Circuit Court was held in of music 3‘ Christian conecm p,.o_i all:-n brflgel. . ._. . .; . - Austin ‘ . g‘ 0!» vhtrlini: dang-en.‘ lidhn ~ ...-""’.’.."':.'..:"';.'.‘.'.:t'"" M" end an Canter around the limten lhlalels. ; vi’! Jpcnt Sunday with his parents, Mr.; en University of Missouri, was at home Chandler w t in the 3 testanui ready 1 Medal Contest. Miss Ruth Graham. for the Carpenter No definite date 3., Miss llulh Graham Gives Tea.’ Miss Beula Boutwell of Columbia here Tuesday getting the con- teacher of home occnomics at Stephens Col- leer. entertained in group of ste- phcnx Collette teachers at ten Sun- “" u-""" ‘for a short time Tuesday was set for the contest day evening at her born 1515 .2 i 'fig1.u-as-unaicd rhythm ‘ . . . ' - ‘ l ' . §_ -7 . - , Mi:-as Rachel Wilhite was the» "“T“* . ‘- llinkson avenue. . ' l 59‘. i *’?::“::'n;' ""°' '°°k'°”d “um °f h" "'°“’°" M“: 'll"l‘icE§nl:-xilti:-hn s(3((fl'l’th5'.:t'*“fa’:1ll‘5,lly\t.'ll I 1'7 3.... c . Ca '. W‘lh'te, wns. * 5 ‘ ' ‘I use ueen er’ 3. £5. ‘ Q hungry heart» 3” ‘ I "cal; Btro t u‘ be entertained at 6:30 o'clock “'(-d- Lcsuc Green of ‘M’: Ckm_ 5 ‘L’ ' 2*’ ""' '5" "‘"""’ "““~ n‘ . am it . ‘my ‘pen e iii-sday u'c-ning with :1 dinner given ~ ' ‘ ,1; up, ., . 1......” i.........: week-end in Centralia with her par- by the home ommmi“ department (‘lll&lll;ld Grtcén lagadngrandson ‘pf Mr I! _' MM _J _ ,_ ‘_ -_an rs. _. . orsey. has ' :_ can nth:-r in warm out»-ace. mgknrlfie G,?,, 5’; Cjfigmbm Th”‘_” "W 5'5‘ “I ‘E "“"“" “f f‘‘‘'‘”' been ill with double ]ln::.ll'?l0l'|i8. l'- "j to quench the thintinu dc;-ire " '. . . l)‘ dinners which will be given this 3‘ recovcrin‘ if _. - W Imir 0‘ -» £99,?‘ ‘£9; day: "t"°':”'m"’l'] 5" vear. The food is furnished at a ‘ ' — atcr. . uct.woisi. ' - ,__ __ cc _______ '-.:x: t; "-w,' r-H M --~.~« was Fr-ms saw-rt or coInm.- §.‘Z.”.Ii?I."£,12’r‘f.°...'f.’{ "’.°....”°3.‘§ $3?’ — . ff‘ . 9 _ . 9 ' ‘ t .. .. ..... .. 1...,“ 3;; “H-:1] flgmgesggg ;4u-;§”N-- pose of the dinners .. to 1) wide :1 ' w. J- PALMER . - . ay '. _ . . . a T. 3 Mi” and Fowkn mfiom‘ W- ifret tcgg-ether and general good time . %'all Paper and Paints .’m.°' hm n°'"’ N" W “'°"“."‘7ral commission secretary of the 0' t e {.‘____cuu}_° ._____ “G , hear the noun! of ruxtling IllK.l 3" ‘ A" ‘“d B95539 MC’ you ["nt to 07 ‘an 5°me' 'v Cor.” mm’ ‘ j_‘= last in rain with .ms-neg eye. ‘Clenahan of Columbia, were here thing try a Ilissonrian tint ad. ~ - .' ' a, . - . - 1 I ! lu ure resort. Mr. Todd’: home before the court- sented an informal recital at (i:4.'»i house for Boone County was built. O-clock 'nmmdn5. night in the wig Mr. Todd at that time was the cir- °“’t "1'-"l" Miss Hope M0nl$t(nmt‘l'_\' 4“ tilt‘ llT(‘5(‘nt time the house i-. two selections from “Trois l~Isqui:a- occupied by W. A. Wren, who ownr. sea" by (‘car Cui. Miss Dorothv 3 small i,»-roccry almrw: across the Wyatt played "Pastoral:-" by Scar- atreet from u-here the house isfilatti. “Gavottc" by Cluck- standing. lege auditorium. 9 S 8- .-.'1._.-.;.- _._.. - MISSOURI STORE Sells Fountain Pens . That Don’t Need FIXIN’ . and . fixes That D0. ' ' in the morning breeu-. l ~ 8-nu-ria: from lower to names; I :' ‘Ions (‘Ilene Santa. ‘ I lllckc-ring lamp also turn. ‘; screen connaala her lonely bed. &.flIcr:'9.aruek'na¢alovebl:d¢nihor IN! 5.2117 the round of I fall- Inf. « through flowery bank: also river {.3 ~‘IIII- in -rlnnothr blend. their eoion ': -_ hint of the cherry Mo} , 5- thrice of the flushing d 4. ‘E ' ———j¢_:___ 2,: woiins AT A GLANCE _ 0‘ 5!I!0ll)'IIs Being Prepared " .5! Two .\l. U. Instructors. _ -word puzzle fans now per- ‘ for a word of three letters ' a horned owl or similar flOI!!\ I73. c at their command a book 2: l_PN?P8|'9d br ’0.dvenits- ‘strut-tors viiieii 4 book is said to he thc‘~fir3[ . hfid ever published, and will ‘on sale withi will con- 50pazes. The synonyms " - K"'°llP¢d Undfr heads.- such ‘ ‘ ' countries, cities” I 7 “ u .' Jldlitate the search for syno-E for nrhen a city of four let-' _ . the worker of the‘ ' Will need only to "33 tinafld by F.“lf.- 5‘-T; .; i «mile E. W. Stephens Pub-l . _ ||§VQr§it)' instructors who are 53-="..'. ' ‘ .11 now. The book will! "1 ‘ Valuable ‘id in we ‘tad’- ” ' 5 and spelling.‘ Mr. Flynn’ i .-.“‘Té”":- -_'u_-.'.', * . I '. .1 W‘ 1. i 3"e'hHw I Turner ’? ‘l { 4$-.'.'- '3 1 “"" branches of the Ola .: 4..Growers' Aaaeclation’ ' havev . c l 4 CIAII IIAUTY CONDO“! see the! Fluent: in radio. . 1 AdV.l43£ ' '" = - wrest & - ~'- "5 _ .; . .-. I V . ' _ ‘ . :1.-.. .7» "‘ g . .=- “.453.-‘3«!“-?:§.'f:lt~&‘|-:*.‘-3a~"~' ~ _._. ._.T. _.. I In’ 111': orsii; Ii or many home.makcrs, the clear white of porcelain or enamel fix- tures is the essential seal of clean- liness in bathrooms. To such the Crane Tarnia bath will appeal instantly. Of cream white enamel on icon, it is set here in the same spotless vitrolioc as_thc\walls. It is durable, economical. CIAII QUALXTV .._;__ _~ uqO';v\_ = .- ' L-.,' I I .‘.:"9'JIr.*.‘-‘ ' u ‘:7 ‘C It is one ofa wide variety of Crane fixtures for the bathroom, kitchen and laundry sold by contractors cv. crywhcrc at prices withinrcachof all. In the industrial field, Crane service i duplicates on a larger scale instcam, oil, gas and water installations, the Crane standards of comprehensive lines and dependable quality. CR AN E csuaaaeonicasi came nmeniuo. 080 3- M0005" AVDIUI. ct-IICMIO VII HAIL $18330 NQQCTIIAL a|nl8&%h&&adrd‘aal}’ ' Gin Haiaallslflilaanu OirqI,Ntu'Yarl,fia¢'cGy,8aa raaduaallhad Tn-araaadflslvfi QlN81%‘ .-I \.. , an . ofi. e - '0‘. ‘ .‘ l < 1' o "2 -- ' .- . “N ‘- ' ‘ ’ ‘ _ . . ‘ - 3 7 . _ ' v‘ . p; . . .”_ - _ ‘ a{.‘..i_a‘$}'5§$*‘''§<'..-mi8-Fi-"e.9*e-4-'4~.'‘'- 4 . TC ,». ii .{ .9. ii if‘, ..c. . .. .. . ’ ct _ . .~.:. . . In ,. E I ‘. K V .1 / 7 ,!‘,‘!°‘?'°r8f°r Bernards, , ' Parties and 1-,, pm... ' 3 Receptions. I19 Broadway “Say It.’With Flowers” See the ‘Britishers’ They're the new type English Sack suits. short —broad shou1ders—snug hips-—the latest note lll nglish stylings. ~ See our display at the Jungle-you'll find every_ color imaginab e. 5 Campus Tailoring Co. Where Rastus Shines Supreme Jesse Hall 13 Opposite Us. —— .—.__. -._. '-‘ll.',’fl; I ‘ Mo'rIIER*s BIG BOY BREADATHE . BEST IN TOWN (ilaltorltalnroniwtore-—lfyaaean'tgetll.}call 1164.. inwunandgotrtltflfifllllfl‘ 1 pl:i_v(~d rzilims. Miss Josephine Henry‘ { Chevrolet Prices Valves ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$2.00 Rod bearings tightened . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..82.50 All Chevrolet bearings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$5.00 Dead storage (light cars) month . . . . . . ..82.6‘1'l Labor. per hour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..7 All Work Guaranteed Square Deal Garage ‘ 808 Ash Street 808 Ash Street '\ TODAY-—WEDNESDAY——THURSDAY Matinee 10c-20¢ Night. 20¢‘-30c The World’s Funniest Motion Picture W A may \"\\"@ ** Ir - 7"» . —;.( \ Q‘ '0'?" I‘ ‘ V, 1 "s iiiiiiigg E55 _‘.'E‘*§ . . , '. .7 _ l . - ' »A‘_ ‘ ’ . . .‘.. _ ~_<~ ; — . . r - . . ~ . . ’ - ‘. : - ' '.. . .‘. ..'—'-on-L figs.» o'<.."q.‘\-I 3‘ "ff ; .-'U¢ro.¢- --r‘ - “ o ’ . .-no , 1 5 ~ « ‘ o _ _‘ o r * . _ « ' 4 ‘ p A - n I -4 ‘I Q ‘- A.’ ‘ .«_avo,g_.(........ -