.. -. I »’*‘&. o _ q .. J-\» —‘ ‘A, .'.;. .".">' )5 ’-'§":i51_ 1?? -"‘f(=':[*$"e"- 1 o , A . " _ - .1 - . .. 1 . V ,"|..‘- 5. ; '--J.’ U " K ‘—:,-. V -fJg- Er‘? ‘I’ . -v~a.a_ .-» ‘V-_ . v ' .. , . - .\ - ' I. A ‘ “ . _,- ; .‘_,,.‘... gr./an} ‘...a&_- _.. .__..._..o~oQ-A- >;.. .. ' A .. o ..-.-a4o». or v .o - , much leeway as the county super- ‘Would Divide’ State Into .Commuuity School Dis- ’ Of \hfluafion. Peovmm -80 Lee Advocatm Amending Buford Consolidation Law-—Oppoeed to N evtj Measure. gnstalcunuosoosol» J . House of llepreoen V - 6.... . ported a auto-tttttle for the Co A.“ . , . . snunity School Bill. The commit-l whom’ u”“"°" ‘ we would not accept the ltieflllfl worked. out h)’ G°"°"“"' 5”‘ Baker and Sill!‘ ' Charles A. lace- ' The new menu!!!‘ , , county board of education of six members to be elected by a C0!-IN)’ .-ch bfllfd my would be to divide the count)‘; up into community school fliflflfl-‘i with a minimum asses.-ed \'llLlll(m.' of 8l..'i00,000 or a minimum IN‘! 0’; . After mt-it di-; the county: school district would have to ht-I taken. Soperintendent In manner--_ Ir. Lee said today. "1 see no I'D-; ‘ a county board of l education to do thin work. ‘Q no trihotion to public education in Ilia- souri. Any 15-year-old school could put a few of these rural dll-‘ . tricts together. After we have the{°““ county board of education I do not: ,3 why they should he adjonrnedi nine die. This is an o ' ours!»- ue throughout. “In other words. the ' people in every community will have to ac- cept the provisions of the measure before it becomes effective. We I 4 l A. Superintendent : pm‘-ificp for a ‘ convention vrhoseg cnt timl- is found in the rural trchool. The lur education shown ll’ dat';'¢-Eun. 9'“ V 5- °5""""' °‘ °""" trut .6‘: “bed in the “Ki” of 5". “mt ‘u_' at (‘hn-tun College till he a thegperintcndent shots": that the an-x-. tilt!‘ cost for each child in the rural smith on "I. A 1- schools in Buchanan County for the "' "" ' while the] R“: .\ CV91‘!!! cost for each child in Bah [r...,.,..-_, A...m..p|¢g. --ton. D1-Kalb, Agency, Rushville and Pr! ;Piceett. an of which are located in *-"W """' " iiast was 853 £19. Bucha 331 the t is costin fa nnerg lflisxouri from 20 per cent to l00 "it per cent more for each child that cannot possbly make any real con-1'7"" “’ "‘°hf"’l_ "‘ "*9 <‘°|3M}' PI‘? iyear than it is costing the people Irho live in town to send their chil- uf the dren to achoo . I “N” ¢‘0lflIt1')' teaches all eight gn.¢¢,._ The teacher in the city i.- far better Qllalifial than the teacher W - wood a county board of educationlclmn ' O is each county-to carry on a callb- palgn of education to put thisl measure across. lf the county su-l pcriateodent must go out and pub this fprogram of community school districts, ‘go long as e is‘ by popular vote he will he at the next election. “The history of consolidation in Missouri shows th t Jvherever a county superintendent pushed con» nolidation he soon lost his job. Some of the surrounding states a few years ago adopted this planof having imaginary boundary lines laid out all over the state and when this iorlt was done the board adjourned sine die. In some of these states ‘not a single community school dis- trict has been formed in the last four years. flay Amend Consolidation Lao. ‘The county board ‘of education.. Ihder the provisions of the com- _ __ ,_ __ nnuox ear or saoaua It 1 BE BURIED 'IDIlORRO\\'i Was Native and I-‘orlner Resident » ...-.of Colombia and . n of James I). l-‘ay. Funeral nen'ices for Pay of Sedalia. former amon row morning. to attend nan County. r to 810 per individual child. S<|-oo|‘- (‘at Risk: Are Inadequate. hi. Relatives here pl.-an l 3-. .nor lflaahiotwl Fab :1 I :- party. 3. S |'ni rt: 21. ' P ‘The World _0utbn'a'° it: Auditorium. _ u. Spoor.-h 5....-, in south Ninth Street. Vol. :3. lo a. -.-~8pe¢h linlth on 'f'unIlntnI-Ital Ddoatioo Ultimo-I-it)’ Auditorium. "IQ: :3. F‘ p. of Smith on "Aoserh-a‘- Uniu-rslty Auditorium. ' . 234. 4 I‘- tovceo the llnivs-nit] of tloinroity of Kansas at Jinn-as City '. . the Stephen: orill be University A Jditoriuln. "1':-ti‘. :3, I II’ Annual children in town go to " school for nine months while in the Atntttnnn noun they 0 not go more than "run :I- zoo ... nu.-llenelit too by A ‘ filht months The teacher tn ‘ l ‘L C‘ a''“ mu‘ ‘own : uhc‘ “hf ‘nd fiomeume‘ Feb. 2.. .:so p. m.—flnsaathIl Q-o .1‘-'0 trades. while the teacher in u the Colunblo nus scsna Gyuaooh-.. Boot loath. larch 4. 7.3Q p. h.—8ookethll the Vain-rally lkanuau sun Agricultural College at well tiynsna-to 90"" ""' "‘ ‘5'IIlsoo-art. in trust to seeorotho pas-Int of by Prod ‘ nu-rira a Grant .\'ats'ooT“i...-. :1. Dance orill be given by the h... the Eohapal porhh _8peos§ Prod Create-t Sin" in the II.--Dull track meet be-‘ in-ouri and the el.» :6 - p ot—-Oratoncol content forf ‘W “ °' Th Illssoorian is authorised to‘: \'nt.sntn. -in be given in the ti.-ht;-aifylClinksalca for the offico,of layer.‘ 50- . . I . ;......m. ..; c.;...;.. 55 .5... The Htssourian is authorised to_x - . . . """' "1 “I of E ‘DR. I-‘LOIIEZBCI-. la PR!-.1181-.9 of Xianori larch 6 7.—TQ.-hoes‘ ‘ nil‘!!! -10. 1925. IDDOII . cc‘... H,“ h -3 ‘g ‘g lDick) 15082” {Of “IQ _Ol Democratic primary, larch ‘L, 10, 1925. ‘ roucs JUDGE I ruary nth. . announce the Political Announcements ,n_... . nnvon r House Phones- ‘announce the candidacy of E. C.e Office Phone, 498 DR. J. B. COLE subject to the action of the Demo- ‘ 'ratic primary. larch 10, 1925. 7 ' Jlcbonnell for re-election to the run - * .“‘| of liayor. subject to thel action of tho Democratic primarynzu Osteopathic Physicians .307-311 Exchange !\'at'l Bank uilding T ..___.¢...._- _ --é._.. - .3 - James I). Pay. his’! th . -. that hip 50;; h._d died finsuntly ‘(L Yr-dendall': llflllrtrnent Ston- er firing a revolver shot into his ; :';‘('-2’ ndency was given the cause for his act. although an I! ll)‘ was regarded In turn; l "" ""“"" *' 0| dl-‘Position. lie vvas‘—l(.l '"""""'.:3:"us” )1’!!! Old. I College Inn Candy Shop lie is survived by his widow and "9 ”"""""' h‘ ' — _ Jar-bun‘: Grocery is little daughter, hathryrg of Se. n V“ E‘ N‘ L” g i 7 7 A II-Ivdl mittee substitute. is not given as intendent is atthc present time in the formation of the conaolidatcd districts. :1 the consolidation of districts under the Btford Consoli- dation Law. the county superin- tendent may divide a rural district. provided the port left shall contain at least eight square miles of terrii tory and twenty children of school 82!. or an asses valuation of 850,000 and twenty children of ‘school lf the board of educa- favor of amending the Buford flog. solidation Low so that a-rtai snore than they are receiving at the pceocnt time, . ‘The committee. substitute does not make any provision whatever for the of lb eon. pulsory attendance law. The en. forcement of this law heretofore should be in school are school. So Provision for Travel Exposes. “The committee substitute makes put in OR ANOTHER. THOUSANDS are LEARNING daily ‘THAT good printing . {SS one of the AROUSING and ‘ MAINTAINING that INTEREST. ‘ MAY we suggest a SERIES of ram“ -we . folders. EIWEIDPE indus- unes . Iitnloeh Hot 3501» ll North Ten V ' “Fast to sun, Fast to Washing. vain. to persuade salad dressing to‘ Just to Everything" is the slogan remain on top of lettuce lca\'¢I.l ,of the new Everfast materials which an ornamental and appetizing fen-l Wolff-Berger's have just received. turc instead of it sloppy. watery :"Shantone.” imitating the weave of mess which seeks to hide itself in shantung slut in cotton, comes in the bottom or the dish? if so, beautiful shades and is espedally.)'0U 61!! lPPYP€33l¢* lb’: m8)'0hnIiM-‘i ;adaptable for sport dresses, bridge—'and thousand island dressing: which‘ {table covers and children's play are a specialty of the delicatessen’ frocks. “l"‘inesreve." another new dflflflmwl "T -lit”-’-‘°""‘ .G?°¢‘¢'Y)'- ecreation. has a crepe effect in its Made in their own kitchens. with "man" .34 5. bgn; and for bgd- an _t-lectrial whip and special oil ‘room and sun-parlor drapu. fea- dropper. they ar'e beaten to a _tug-gd in chegg,-_ ht-i‘hg cola,-._ ma creamy, stiff consistency that few‘ -pastel shades. Gingham: and linen. h0Il$9k¢‘?P¢!1 0" illlim Afl)"’|)'.~ Efinhh main‘ .1“, mu. bg hug in why a-'orry and fuss over this rather’! I ..-.....4_...._‘ ...——-—-¢-o -_..-._. .. .. Just coming into ready-to-wear partment are Iimnx rented I thou- ‘ of contrasting nhldes. catches the eye is designed I-‘redendall's charming printed silk dresses. for ' . Th c in all indmrih-bi‘; lovely new co1- a blessing to the active, fun-A Vlng ‘ °"'- Vllh "'9 dull"! 50 I Vlfifliggirl 'of today. who may always look __,the shine brand. The absolute goat» “‘f»'l'"lF‘l l’'°<‘°3-‘ 5" l’_'”-"’ OW" 503“. '!antee against fading and the dura-I“"‘l‘ "'"l’f‘°P9_l‘ mflwrwls. Wh¢'l1 YOU‘ ‘him’. of uxm" ‘,1. our’. two ofltlll buy it with n for richer flavor! u.¢lu,,_.;,. ouuhnd,-n‘ ,.;,.m,_.,. jand texture? The mayonnniae sells vie o ‘for 30 cents )1 half pint. had the 11,, p,m,.m.m ‘.n.,_. i, inkd'th‘ous‘nd island for 35 cents. 1 Botswell's have .. large nutnberl even after the mostvlof the popular suspt-rider skirts at strenuoua day xn.thc astonishingly low price of 88.5. ‘ her best. in a _ "W «W-"tr l"lf"~'d canton. Vida -, the open: and at They come In flannels. ltaahal and‘ bright. conventional floral design: the deuce om. ‘.}u,,,,,¢n,_ and an ugmmed wig‘! '1 In '06» M-ck. town and white on -I shine her shyer. buttons. bound with braid end? _ hackxround of caMr>')°t1|°'- It is‘ _old - fashionedadorned with the modiah aide and’ la straight-line frock. with friend from phi“ 1-heir colon ‘re “R! ,1 '""“ b°*'Pllll°d Tl0|l!K‘¢_ ‘I1 We stayed home all;latest spring shades of cedar. ‘nose- bottom of the slurt. giving the . 4”, with ht, ittym. cop¢,,_ an ‘mg pond", bu“: popular flare effect. A large aquarei ‘ collar adorns both front and land is pi ‘canton. Tiny bow: of green 1 and one, on the ‘ alone dintinguiahes the front dress from the back. 0 C C Featuring a very snappy tion just recently leased 1 ‘Avenue Five. in the guise -.....—~.—.- a: 9v .:.—:.. u pet! with bright green- canto lare placed at the top of the floonoe-Ullnlllea edge of the mllar,l'~¢_YIuiI or Qualter Colonial shoe. Miller’: are in curl papersfand plaid combinations. Cooler and For. truly. nojfar more chic than thl» old-style U-'_ll1P0fIr)‘ curl jumper does.-es. they may be worn will stay in tengall spring with light blouses. and ‘aieven far into the hot summer. with ithe greatest pleasure and comfort.. 0 U I ' new chapoaux arrived! bock,s lnabcl'n crea-‘:50 I good chance to from lneeial reduced rate the of a curl. that will last summer. an auto t.-(Sty Attorney subject to the action announce-the ea The lllsoottrian is authorised to The Missourian i;—ituthoriu-d to l, ‘ candidacy of Christy‘ . - {(3. Gillaapy for the office of Judge; - i Frembes. 2230 laluclt I ‘ ndldety of A. Y. When You Are Out At Night At THE SHACK ; And Eat A Bite 1' Yes. gt 133%, ‘R- . I‘ x‘.\ ln l!to i . T W '71: "/it-.~\ ‘ 5 If You Want ItTo Last Buy Good Furniture First . AKE it make good I from the start. Buy iI57< (1337 g and you f Yeats. l_;_'1 ; furniture Select fr 1: - om ouztflugest g. o I of lyolhrihome ajbncye-for 'vas born in g of the administrative side of the ..,_— rural schools. This was i 1909 i ‘ . when the law pmvidlng countyil THE U ‘M. . w __.u_ _ t ' lam‘ _-léhhlhilcaoot to-tn-soc-Io‘ a ’ Du,” - '- ‘ " _not in favor of the state scndlngl tease. * ‘anode-. yigeu “C llmuurn ‘nth m',.nn.nuw “hark” h fig‘ The Ilssourlan is authorised to anronoremooer into certain sec». on... :-.-r.s.-tan «cotton o!e§p!."°Ias\-h~ll;.:o--.—-8ro.‘t1dr'o:ovI'Cl:: ~ ‘ twfinmad “ caodihcy otw E...‘ ‘’f *5’ "“‘ l” “*9 ‘"7 ""°“"""""“' cm ‘M " "u " °' "Tina-int. one In use (art-tan can... ...I The Iisaourian is authorised to,¢,u,¢¢¢t- sahjoetto the action "(Bmmotu Points for the affluent?‘ I1It¢8l‘IlthOIl.hIVll8<|0fl_¢'|a-""';‘i:."I“r.*'.-‘s...._!dbr|on. ,announeetbeca.ndidacyotE.C., u.rch1°.Ci1yAQQ»r;u t.p,».fi.,,. 1111!! none) Will6t',m“_‘mi_.‘;.~.h,._p,.,¢,.,,:’Inohttsoll.-—IdIudthoIoral.B8l2ael't@ fortheoftleoofcltyqut ' ‘of _u.ng,; Cindy and profitably expended. ., ,,, ¢.,,,,_ Jlobhosu-o"st In-snot.-"mu u. ' sohjod to the .8:-Doolsltoootfieooouieboun “I'd-.=°.7=|0e-I~~ F-'.f""‘5 -""""7 "; Densoaflk]l'ifiI!7Ilanchl0 4n,.uh.°u.hh 9 -nev«-n- tron - mm one-1 :::.:;::: :.:'....‘:"'.:.."': :'...".‘:""*......... "'~ .‘-.":.':'...‘.'.‘. '.:'..*'.‘.‘.°..‘*‘:‘...:.'..".".::ms. “- ’ ' '°"""“"' " - éhiffllllit? "38 ‘O “C165... l ‘mgyfi fl. I ', -,—. ‘V11-.1. . county ncpngigtgnagntn .ho.u,.t ,'*”_hu‘_ ',,,,_iaesint.~nnshtsosi:um.n.tnt..nnn. ‘nnellooonrianisauthortsod '1,» 1, starter: Dftheftlfllnclloolfithtbeoaeo 8oclot.v_Irillheholdh"""“3Cl.:1h9e.i.a*.ivC(‘.'h‘:"ooolor- ioea- announce 350 - . 3-.p¢...¢',-.5, candidacy of P. 8 . ;':d“'.*"'C "‘h""";"'°""°""‘“l"".‘.'.. 4.‘-1‘. ".'..on..t.ia..t..t' -n............t. ..nan7.......mu 3.1, sa‘:'1e:th°utn.n.:tio(:t’ot't‘;ii Tholiaaou trdllard. ‘unflt-tm°ti.m'%° m°b°’t rain ounty as any rura "’ ' ' ? ' - , 9 to, ' so to e action ., .1”, ,, ,,,,.,,,, , we-"""""“*""" ' "-"~ *""“"-,°*-'r'* °"-""""""““""“' zounoa-ntteprinnrnauen 1D.l9fi.iauaounco etnaiancy of cm..._ot the mocratic primary. larch ft "'tf1"":°; “P ‘W’ of I”! ‘an fi\Q O‘ ’-f5'xr, f d.‘ "’ “""" ““"' " 1" " ‘ “‘— " :7 The u _ 0‘ loo e n ‘v I... ve an as-cragt daily at- letter to lo can-Ln n-utne tna- '"m°“" an anduu’ d J A subject to the action of the‘. -f-—-—— °‘,” win ' - ttendance of less than are; Rarryle-rm “I -N-I 0" ‘fin’ 5°“ “‘ LEGAL Wm . 10' the ,' tflbemocratic prfiry, Hard: to, 1928.? 7”‘ ‘““°°''W| if Cllulefind to “h3f3ct°"Y Wink‘ L’, ,,,,,,;r-7:.-‘. 1 U. '. u ' d m nmmmfifimjea ‘O mm q‘_ The n ‘ th ud w annzum 'the ('lfi‘l’(l.lt)& of J. )2. our fuel—-try a tool. a .. In ’th l 'l- J ,'‘'g " ’ " ' """' p ‘ . lllourlan 1| on on . 0 man or re-e ion orC '1- t;::|r.fi‘;.u.L’:" "”.".“t..‘;::’§:'f’r:‘g‘¢-‘pitta will lie held 01 the BIPIIOI . ‘Itch loqalinotlnoi of B‘ In." fro“, we “ward. . l ‘,3’ of which M“ ‘n awn" dud). M” “m‘ U H" F "F Bum." n_.-___._ d u.” comm. ‘bun h _ . ’/A/’ . 2Class for the office of.City Col» to the action of the Democraticl .. tendance of less than five; Barton to-ton-n th-.~ llntuntty of ll-out-z‘ and:""“l"."“':';: ml flaw ‘“ ‘fmfl / CITY ATTORNEY lkctor .ul."l“t lo am ‘cu°" °f “'9 P"im")’- Ml"-‘ll 10. 19%. ' Phone 83 C0111!!!‘ ht!‘ I'|'¢‘M)’-W0 IK’h0"l-*' ""' """"""' "" ‘V'*""h ""1 k 5'“ u ' of the n.'......' or no-in of Boone county é ‘ The Missourian is authorised tc Democnuc pfimryl inch 10' 1925" ' (I-‘otirAtli-\’\m rd) Cherry ‘t K“? V ' h ‘ ‘ . jllothno-ll Gymnasium. " i ———-- 'a _ t}::r£a:,e:mb ‘undue? of-' 9°!-‘A-. :1. ms n B.— may. '1'» (1.;-.:::’°""l' 2 ::“"' "°°" ":_““__’:" mlannounce the candidacy of Howard The Missourian is authorised to 11,. uguouflm is “war. I 1°, V 7 l ' _ ‘ -in lane-no-out" will he rim In the ,0" I H mm ,. 3,," 0,9,, 1'‘. Mayor for the office of City At. announce the and’ of la. 1‘, ;;‘-”-‘:'~*- i-"~ ““° 5'” ‘ KW“ 5983 ‘WM’ dI.\'e I-----m Weft-3-I‘ "4 *5‘ ”!""'"“ "’” t,, m....m, t...tt_ int ‘nu-gtan cu) in torney subject to the action of the Andrew! for the office of city —— -. - - .-.__- -_ _ _ al-out! tthc reduction :1 taxen. rne;"~'= "~ '*'*'''r "3" "‘“""“"- ;::t‘.b:tnt..‘...‘ on:-ta. it .;;'nemocutic primnl’)'. Mm.-it t0.l925.'C0"W'-01' subject to the action of (res cs waste are ave in nil’: """?'°' ' 3"‘ --———,— De ‘ ' education in Missouri at thcp R‘ :3‘ " ° ‘ -"8"?" h -l !°'.""'“"" s''*‘"'l''"'' '' L“ 3"“ “' Tb‘ ni3'°°’l"‘ '7 ‘“u’°"l"°d '*° l925 mocnut pnuury. Ruth 10' P llul on Ideal lloivovosty Ian U|ll_8‘*.o ‘“ u cu’ ‘ nee the andibcy of A R‘ . After All-—You Buy ' Automotive Transportation The basic reason for automobile own- ership is to add autcmotive efficiency. A good used car delivers automotive trans. oortation as positively as any any cu- -.‘iuilt—and at a much lower cost. f 7 _ h before I go boc} finalon.” Hal's chum was at th prison door ‘ ‘appeared into t _ .'.aaL.sJt»'n"_J_‘.' .R_ I ., K. ‘Hunk Organist Every other 1 cooe filth Doria Ga‘; ideal of the if A on Thurtsdi I in lloohi 23 ring committ to select a name ". l » l Faro Brubolter. '.| 7 4‘. " — . El‘ 0 ' I -‘ ‘<""“'*~ ileum include bot hating was only quality furni- ,:,;_,, wire at the’ o‘u't§et _ W°.n,t to. ll ' . and , Q s .a co \