-_ _.‘ .,.- . _I '_r'r "réfio * _ .; ‘I — -'~—I -' «la-4.... ‘.-=‘~;‘q;.‘*:i$, -"_ " V_‘l.'V. '._v- I, « ‘ .; . . , ‘ * * ~ o ~ * « ‘, ' applies only to ma; __ » ‘ ty"water mains, . nob. -:x....n.o- . . “"3"'."“'“- . .. g no-= o- "'o.«:.‘...*.:?.‘.°"*"" M °'*~~ o......."""°"'*°°. ~'::’...:'*- doe. ........~"-.....°-..';'.‘t..'.*-.=:=.'. ‘*2-* o ,,n the E oneotnluntty or- . _ b e military!!! ._ tn onn 3 _ log] pggeg inn”, nu-“puma by ' .n.1:a_niaatioa, 1lh0I'fl°"JV- About wen metmltbe stepheasgymlaslum last nlgh 4"'‘¢*3"3 304 Pl!!mb!I'8.aren¢ -‘~' wutnfi wmfiiu’ W IQ.“ m ture to u..‘;t.u...; Q,-.,¢ am, here of an faculty have signed npjl-iormal snxuotson will be held an,‘ - . % “7lmit1ed to matte inside ~ V,‘ W - « saute « infinity otraniaation on at: tzeelob. which Uta: formed any 8“; chapter 'I:.omI.u Sinday nlght.j wAN.'.£D__._w°nu a nuke‘ Cooperation on the p911 ‘ at 0.9,. 3 to hate ooh). - mm “In d . 9'? -wood; “'"°" ° "Ki 0- 5-: 95"” I‘ '" ‘''“~‘“‘‘- lmooeyathoiue: Phlnhomgacwilllttlcu-ham m "Th m‘ ’ T ' Th’ K .. th.:an1aat:ion.‘“mu:.]deVC30)Ii o The cm new we “mm. { « gm ~ . t tygxflatly apprecmed._ono o ,..uin\hold “5:-aufifiw 3, W,“ n_,,,““‘“'',“ ,M""‘°:i afternoon at 4 o'elock.ryPrelimint!';l} Too LATE TO Cussmr 1 “,,,,°’‘”,;,,''' ‘J ;f,u°¢':,‘,‘m‘°““’ ‘°'3 xv --n.. n ‘ Carolina ‘bass '3‘ 3‘ 3'"! Cavity with en- omm "‘°“°' "m 5’ ‘'‘’’'° °” “‘°‘ :Sewiu Syltem. box x207 buns’ "m ""°‘ ’ WWII °°""""‘ "°"" "‘-"'° """""' .u....’§".i£ £1? 19"“ "°°'l r-on RI-3N'l‘—-Single room 1 '3""'~"'» N- 3- ' 147:‘. ''‘‘'‘''°" . the fifi-‘Fuutd&¢ flEI. ‘‘ t"'mth9‘e3’g ore’ ...._.__...___ * . A pg,‘ . .- -- .« ‘ ”""’.°‘Ior anyone!‘ not with t|Ie1:.unt¢’lo£:mgran:ll "kc mm on the‘ nu “ 8“ mncmt m‘ml“°'"C3 0*‘ ‘W945 '33'“NG; B. n. Foster Plnnlillt -.-.2. - 7'” K’ . the at - .- . _, . , 2‘ F E 8088? ‘Bug Hal-ynlle community , ,_____.;_____ LOS'l‘—Red Parker fountain pen,: [EAL Es-_‘ H.-an ‘M _ _ lg --lire 5 annual voelaonnuo 3 ' flu" ' wk ° ""°"‘°"3 ‘Poe-by nirbt. rm. auoclateonl Gnu. sooems PLAN BIKE ‘;'"'W-d->= Phone 838. . ; “T5 11‘? BOONE 00L'N'l'Y.i ‘ °' 3 to collect milqge and per diem ex-gfi“ V001 hlllllt.-"quad. . .fi Ahdmu was started months are, and: ' 1 147-160;‘ 3188017!!! LEVEE DISTRICT 4 0530'“? Ii0¢k_It Ill ' . .genaeasrhileridingon lne "- o . ' new “ has held several meet! u,_:“°"'*'1'-"notion in 8ccoud- 2 N0. 1. m N. cu. o .-lg“.-* -, ?- 5- ‘ * ' *—“*““’ 6 ' on. Loan I-uuoe. r H soocy editor or the en: ““"""°" me an mllltnted lecture} . 3°°'“"- ~ ”°ST-P'*r 0!‘ shell rimmed. -——-.- o -'0" W‘ ‘ '10 ‘G1V3WA53WG7‘05' Dmfimtsy Dollar! 9.... . 1 g~ ' 50', “S 5' on unity Acttvity in 35,,‘ m3;h°sc:‘1§nz Eiazle group or the glasses between us Col1eg'e'C°Th: 5°33 of snpervuogs of Boonb; ' ‘Q; Batu!-I V-’ I . "°‘“ ' Pm’ -* n ved' -. v v on . moriu.-voe ' ‘ *. - « ~ on... oon, .. o. on. n so woo-. vo-,=,g-can-pot or oe .~«»o.--« n-on .:::':... ‘::*.*".......'°:'..'.';°" or oez............ ;::.°..... l’£‘?.‘:§t“i'é..‘.’I~:’.iS 82:: 223:: :::°"' 1. do ‘keno Lin . mu':é"3 ‘sill a '_v_ cg... .. _. _ Aasociataon at a meeting . A be gen” “'93., mafia‘ ” 2.30 ouock um db‘. ° 3;’? ‘owners at land in said district to '1 . 1 given at ’ A Gears: Wuhintton dinnet.- on ""“"- “°-1m"“"'m9 - “#0015” °Y- "" ‘ phylflrnoon otthena is C ‘--§ '?be held on March " 1925 h = " . Igungtug,’ 39 .. ac. ,,c_.mm.. V- . was given 5 w _ Pt t hm-ch. Three 4. _. It I 1' Cleaning fiflfl atom .11 featuring the cherryple a la mode.‘ M -. *9», v o W" '¢¢-P1'¢flll¢M..W. . V . recruits were given i ' ' -IF the ,1 .1, ‘Boone (‘ount- Trust Com ‘ ‘ ’ ‘W ‘in be be“ ‘t the Knit“, 0! H.‘ ‘V ’ - lAnun 0! the Aukmmma Prim’. is onetlff t:'e ‘nah’ ‘mu’. lu'"d"f°°‘ ‘€818 ‘ mtmflmn m '\Il‘iclter rocks: gem“ ll): took h th(1:‘tho Cit)’ of C’olumbia for ghzyliul-n Sfgihgzm lomhua Students’ Home at 6 o'clock} " '3‘; 35¢: l1F'k€73c.5n8 COIIIPIIIY 07 Kil’hVm¢: necre- "'3 "9. .° "7'm° C°""'.“"* 3;‘ .3“ - ' . 51) '3 Po" 0 I ‘f 1 g ' - , '. ° '1 m 3”“). ¢,,e,,i,,8_ p‘th.r 3¢,,m.d '28:; docks, 25¢; ¢eeae,§ tary. William Nolan, editor of nit)? Association. jack‘: wilsggirsglégmzrnamxn 1 £i."B’rea:‘flonrd;t20Zo So‘uct:mg:nt1:§;2!o::l o e zit $53: tzlrcrlztlso; :13. x_ 103.53, of st. 193;, ‘.511 35,, C. cflckiwoéhlc. {Monroe xty ltlewe; treasurer, Ed- w?‘”"dlS' nltht he attended afu-g u-tin‘ a, tampon”, upuigtiwm b; uked ' q Blnlin “id district, ‘Ml who am" hold .- n -» ‘ -45:» ‘fin ‘ ; "3 l.5¢,,,, on -<(;,_.o,-3, W“hin‘.l. Ch°€l¢— _ern twine, ~28lbc;.r_ar White, editor of the Macon Re- 5°99“: of the Woodlandville Com-fl-luring the ,1,” . f I . mm ' - loffice ,0, {iv . in . ton" and a musical and literary pro-’7°"”‘ A“'”i°‘- 353- . "P0l>5l'-3l|~ a ""1""? Al'0°Ci8f-‘l0l|- ' lArrnstx-ong nu 0 ‘ n. 0' 3'' L091‘ Pair f I }{'§_t:euccesaor is el:ec:fd‘n.dor ulgledlhe ‘ ‘ ( H.” c - = ‘ ‘Ab “H” . , A . . . —- o gasses on 1 ' on qua: 1 . _ gr? hi’; «lip: 8" """'°“" G""'- ' in-new ‘Inn .na"3.'.‘§.°.’.;‘..".'."’o'I°e'.TZ vlgvzd .:t°:lnph 1:3.“ an "M to‘! we mop pl'"'"""' ‘° ""‘° " "“"l?sm°"' b°"'°°." P'‘'‘'‘''.-‘'''‘' U'’‘"''«' -3’ ml" “ ‘he "°"" °‘ “"’°" - U 1 77" "‘ «J48 ‘ral nblici ‘ f 5"‘ P0013» Felt 31--Com-No-‘éuuo meeting. 1: ’ ' on-on-' a up ""3 '"“'° ‘°' "°“ 3**°_rdn>'. There are twelve sitar at 1 oclock Fnd-sn Phone5‘“°" °‘ 3.°°"° °°°o*!- Mi-sourif meet «it -‘ C ‘me. P ' . *2 ‘mu-‘I-233 N0» 3 Wm“: .31-19:1 manager of the lliasou: that w°it°P!nent of work in. members an the troop. @272. Reward. K147-148 Levee D‘l8tl'lCt No. :. 405 Rani: _ The followzns Program will ‘boiling’. 81.27: July.’ 31.29. grim. "Id Mr. "1 d nu J S nub‘ ty win £3: 3. A Valentine par.’ ~,rR00P \’;”"°———0 3 "AS BAN _ -1"; _ . F. ARMSTRONG, Pres. " The Si; mpg, pun, 901,, by 3;” omit, o‘b__No. 3 ‘an!’ ‘E; No. «bud bud Cdnéibi; . _f eld under the auspices . . . QUE!‘ } OR SAI.B——Ford touring can: 5. M. BRIGHT. Sec. . ;-\\- tcrpityw; '‘‘u''“’'''‘ ''‘‘''‘‘l‘ .'~"'“" '“""‘i"““'v '59“ s’ 1: was decided that the h the momfion mm ‘°'“'*"-I I-‘nu-en of uonmm Are Gueats—'I9 “ ""' ''b°“‘ 5” "‘”°‘¥ '3 8006; Ad\-.146-150‘ .. .5 “ edkw -«bus of the choir; trio by Mrs. John what (mm,.e)__..y' ‘Lfls; Q meefin‘ of the _ ti summer r. Hutnm_ell.states ‘hat there la a’ w_ E. J aid” new, 1923_ lludson coach; good; - The E “Tehan, and the Masses Mary Rod-=Jn1y_ g152%_ gbe assocna on would very optimistic feeling of the pro‘-l Thgny ,3 n ' f""e33 good pllnt. 1928 Hop sedan,‘ 31-RE;-r U6"-rs . ' _ . cm}, Mn mood and Lucy Grannis; clarineti Wheat (red)-—No, 3, 31 37. No f ‘t L"'°“‘°"- d d the prospects for‘!-‘other andpesono E. ‘nendelj thtnew paint; new tires; fine gh.pe_; Since it is-V . OI./I‘ V En", “ solo by Bernard van not-n;_ vocalfc, :1_91tg_ ' ' “ way FE3'wA‘R' "'.“‘“ls snow in the community during the‘ tho mou,,,,, of Tm(:’;"’§:’ ‘§;"(‘:;‘ 13 ?Missouri Motor Co. 147-149:count of the .:?p'::sc:cl::e'tn? cltcfi u . “ll.” bIi.:uE'Sny$;"i’{r“C:':fn.::f2>?:g;g3::$)-7-No. 1. 31.84; No._"A | ‘ ," I B. W” 8“ mad C0333]: yur‘ . ht M . ' Scott: at the Presbyterian; R00M_,,-or girls w §¢o maintain a street plum! to tvatchl 3' V tain the ( Coneee: piano solo by Miss Mani ' ~ ' .3‘ so Changd the ' met with ’tnomfxoon{iv:§ h°'°’;,l“§f,,,',‘,;f,"" h . ~ ‘housekeeping nrivileeen. 70:; L1in-.f,,",'fi,,,"‘;'},""", """';“’“ . “"5 ‘W’? For Real Fountain Pen‘.‘:??‘ ‘=4 "-35: cl: cello Stamm of Christian College-;lMRS. J. E WRENCH ‘I0 ‘l'ALK~ The month of '1-‘ V” of the Ashland C0flIflI!l!|ity A,,o_-tram; “;mmm‘e“- grgiggleitiln 0;. lltezsouri avenue. .l147t{?there{one 0(:)‘ll‘:edtt(4:) Sim" I; are’ Satisfaction‘ U” dill meet ' - , - . . . . l - 9‘ . n s ’ ‘ ~ . (-)en - 5 t§:?:db)fi?; lgl::;esKllli::.if ‘Wu Add,‘-————Wa mfle r&.1tg mo! zlltxon Tfhxs mfetiflt ‘:8 for the! Wgc made by the Rev. J. M. Alex- ’ TAILORING agents willy‘ on the consumers ‘(fill cittilzfrfsl —’ at her he male on-net. c. B. Koran. 1. F’? "Porter Gavel. of the. e V m lsh ° '°'"""“‘ °. ‘°‘°""“ "' ’“ °’ "‘° ”’°‘?”"°'“""»‘°~‘wfi°n- mechanics. clerks .“"°"’."’ ‘° "W" ‘° “*9 “mt ‘ -‘ _ """ ’ Bonn. nomad Heibel. and Clo.-ment_ dgwtulgzregcn will ad- nlmghe told Roman calendar the §’.l..o'I.’°'}§’. gstth;:e:z?m:::ln‘3: 1 tC;:,"',°,,, EouI,jc,?'::§" ”’°”'g§';:u:_‘,in cw.-ry locality to take ord“e:nfor‘;nd.IfiA:u.e€.?efi;1ttTentfi.zhone "'° ' 4 3:§""'" Kellyi solo by Miss Mary Redmond‘ {“ 9 lble Class of myths dygged inumcfi ' ' - . « _ . ' , .‘m '5 all-wool suits I 2 . "" _'° "9 0'-11 ' _.~] "mom number, by the choir; bnslneiss twomen at the Parl:er,!o.t the mo‘ and many tin: 2: pl::¢l fgm:: oft °fi1.;'.l.ist>ci‘r::l l:z‘:nt'h:]g§e::i:,u:"‘;- E\‘B3')'one !{nct0!‘)' Real 340 values at $2:';l;‘;);kri?:" md Wat" ""“"“ *3‘ ‘"9 U:i1::,,iAt‘ ‘, I om t ‘ - . , - - 0 songs. ‘ . . _ - . _ ‘ 3 we Church-°-f,s‘"°d,fi°"t' “abject of Morgjk :;m£e“3°. 'm°‘:;¢m!I;cor'cet:i¢:ti; the mttfist of uh“ 8::-esndent of the. associatioml The banquet was served by the ;3rg:";9:)° :e3;e':’_‘:n:"I‘:;“;:n:“'i'!;l when so reported to us. our uh. -rtolnnnu luau» , benefit te 3- 33 R U- 3373375153 :59 Nitlve Power of Publicldividod the montlumgito §:?llIcr cfllngrieagtlliectzlutrlagral g.-:l1i1c:Bo(l{ tr\c!’t'op'[.;un:‘" u'°ldi‘;‘d"8D¢¢: no delivering or collect-5"". me" Wm I"-‘There the trouble "an" ""’°"'m'" ‘cum .1 ‘t """*" . l ,. ' 2 _ . ‘ - ' - .'.o _ ' ' ' ‘"°"“- ‘ins: powerful sample outfit 1 5.,“ Games Played at -n,;, ch“ - - . , ‘mm days with February hnv- W” Pfflent to discuss the work an: BU “:"“"“‘- +,em -I '°°~ 5' Daniel B: wuuuun-. nsnunu, p...,, cm, was * " !"‘*"‘°"°m'oo°°'*-Wet twenty-nme days except in the .¢0!nI'nunity. 4 ""°"‘G T0 008? 8m.ooo ;D "' "“"~ L°""°'**3 and Sons. -. ---------------- - - - _ _ _ _ _ __ um... Old-fashioned goo... were thelmorning fl°’g;"’;°‘.‘ 1"‘ Suodtsyk-v years an. ;;...,,,,,on .t,,,...q,, , R, o,‘;,..,,, A,,,,,,_,_m,., , l °""' 2‘93- ‘3°"“ “- Co man ’ " " ' ' -' - - - - - - - -"-1*." .;;~... em auerniumem ‘t .,wub_§ . ‘ 'arlcer Chapel. ‘ill When the Roman emperor Au- slides it-t ' 1), . 3 sch of”? B""‘st"°t' Ch'"“°' "7 M f 1 d my on »sr;::.”°;;.“°.;';::.:: “:':'*...°*'.a '"$:.::.".;:.,..‘°' .°:'".;.:".;*° 5;"-8 no «%ue“£:‘o.°.:.:;r.;r;“..:;’; «......‘:?:.::.:':::t;°:.'..°':;.. ... Send Chocolates .itho_-‘pa:-1 1: 3- _ . _ .’ emon ring um 11 » - ~- ' .. Th o. no no o:..... no so *:..=ooo=o= we no no dam .. -:~....:":.::..:,. :'.....:*.::*:..:.*:‘: . .::.;:::::. ::.°:.::::, « 0 . . .. ..::.; ‘A croaa-word p carrying the‘ M ' =5 9 ‘O03! 0n€_ ny from Februaryacommutft eet’ ,lt 1; },' . ' - f , byterian. we‘ of me cousin’ "1 d an M-" "'°131"'¢?. Mrs. H._H. Buencher.';Rnd atddedn: the month of day. Fehrlxary 2‘8',‘gar?¢!ll :‘;;:lltst:;ur.:n:h:,0e1‘.::a::?qn"d "‘°"*’°" 0‘ "*1"; r--. . U o.dock ' Vial victim titledii ‘ 5 "9" ‘ ", "53’ Febmtryinomimting committee to he! i Moon: th av , 9 ' ' 7 3 7 the 0'" :13; Goth"-in; as an gut,» .130‘. THE Ill“ 0'17)’ iwfinl-Y-eight days. asuggeating a list of officers enlllffifid bids. éordoryfielllsr-thgftt 53:’; V S ASHIN 3 ‘ 031300 P811 e entertainment.o'..___ "‘°““‘f >C0flllI’llt!8¢!!)Cl'| to he voted on b llina, Kan. the l b‘ .1 ‘ o a room was decorated ' red, Puke; . Pdm“l.P'".i°' 5°” "‘ D"’““- the I - ylth ’ ' 0"” 'd I”? Ml. Oll (Sen 7 ' ' white and blue. Further m e um R: Loom-oi:y_. Ci amrmdaettxe W3. given the de- that gomt:1ltte.:sm:?n:, 1:: one .f§.'3.'E?.'..f,°2L'£°l:'.~f3Zl I "-26 u Eve”. ‘me 9“J°Y5 800d Chocolates. ~‘ cm Om “' - """"°":,” ""' ‘*"";e‘“ ‘h; The!” Hnrtm-n. Dorochyynlgfill politsooln‘ pinion tile ‘Pmintoo on agricultural. home ‘Company of St. Louis on heatinzngl k‘ I ‘ Scmuy hmese T93"? delicious’ *4 9'35‘ 3; chem an - . . m ' .ed ' -_ - (Ila lm ' swe r .. u b“da_.h’ed won“. son and Louise Nowell. Dnschargedlthe best interests of our country." gctgfirifu. “°‘“'°"v Cmc and 306181‘ Benton _ . . r p ement , , _3‘e Prepared for your - . I “in with . . were Ruth Chambers Arthu 1). given last n no b~ n r. 1". A, to ,,,,,_ 4 Mother Sister and S eeth ‘" W Rev; meat cf ‘.5. and - ' ’ ' '3 _ _3 l 9‘ _Athenaean A‘ 8“ . . The Parent-Teacher ’ ' ' ' . W art‘ ‘ .to 7 o'clo the n Y P U ' gm Came Kuhm’ D°b‘“"“ S°°’°‘3 "' “I0 1- I Cut ‘° "’°°‘-”““ °" °°'""‘“?“Y1or Bento Sch I Am°""'°" mllany .They are sure to enjoy this Kilt " “ ‘ . . _. .. was Homer “vomfidn Be“ S_ ‘;Audimrium_ .Thg’deh“en {in th vorcanizntion. Mr. Hummell is very, . " °° *5” meet at 3 b '.. 5' _-r_-::-_—-— nmmg ‘ml’ mug Ann Bradley’. and (littinew Rl”mll‘8f!’irmative were Harold Street 8 mud’ °"°°11l‘I8ed over the ~.de~'~‘-D dock Monday ‘“~é"‘°°" 3‘ 0'9 Phone 89l*8“ ‘Ml C155", G“ it 81 ecaus? these chocolates are U19 5 ’ -1 “"""':';’ nuorowgzmeheztmun .g§,,F::: we: admitted mum’. usse ind Fred'Sappmgm_ Those 1.5:;v;':fiop‘::$t)‘of‘n¢:;n;mul:,;t3uw6;l:o Waco . h l . Jimmie.8_ £352] rmltl; chocolates with fruit and I . Colors C Inn led &e ' “i” N°"°"v Thdmt Hartman. 0 "°.gam° ""°'° l"]°"d “"‘°’~"“"|c° . '. "3 t “° "” " —— —~-~.,—~. -- .. Gen r5‘ 1 ‘ Alpha D _ - M”? sparks ‘ml Gordon Pearson and ll endell Vaughn. Clyde Dun-1' “M5 P“ ‘ V91‘? 8006 chance to 1 n0N‘E$,n, STANDARD GWEN ‘T,’ dimhmed yesterday. :cPar!;mg;:;e'nn m-anon, --The Grenterlfgtngulazhn ::;:;r::1zuntil;: fizcnztfifgiisgf ‘ :1 :l1l'8i you call get, your box C Colon-lriu m°d'” hm’ ‘° 3""""" 3"‘ 9°73 nd _—_*_"—_ imam’ ! ‘ 4 . ' ' 9 y’ ( 0 not put It off 8"!’ 1038913 forum! can GNU fit ll-n lleetinz. Yesterday ‘ "" - ""“" '°.""" °' “"°“¢"!’ ‘Non-”. ‘t-—— I . C I 1 Remember your dinner d te ' h " D'""°' 8°" 1 ' A A meeting was held J. H. éuitnr was admitted _ The subject of the program of the! Rabbi Witt tospeak Tomorrow.’ l . her for tom . . - , mt -. °°“‘m‘?' ‘ It Stephens cones: at 12:45 o'clock terday. “"3 E":",‘;’,f“t“"‘“° °’ “"5 Methodist; Rabbi Louis win of the 3 The-‘«"*‘€ the new Woe English Sack’ suits short - will have cnlrmnzllt {filImn}1,le8' we is '3 mtg": ‘ yuatu-day at to .___._____ I“ omorrow evenin w'1l be. . _ __ ‘ . v _ _ re ‘ 9 gum)”-4 of bongo; ta g::"::lda‘t Cmjn wnlxnmg MEMBERS .M\i:lsInB:oev£;r ;lIin2sw.§ly~,g Ifiirflyfis cucucr:gr:2:eatI;r1xP‘St{o snug hIDB—the latest note m _ Birthday dinner for yO?1S lllgtflll 8’ “Patti” ‘ body. A talk was made by an _ ’° " .”“‘ b°“"~"°=d-FJ ‘h s d » ‘ ' '- ° ‘°"’ °”"‘ fimvimfi .vsoe.p:ouoont::l' L" """“'v . C- Cr 1}” ’°“°‘"’‘‘.‘ “"‘.‘ ‘"1’ ‘?*~‘ 8*“ lo? um glollflrsegmhmon 3’ - 3?‘: °“.' display '81 the Jlms1e~—you'll find every 0‘ "W ' the Ode Association, “.5 the ,t,,_ Sines songs to Spanish. - °" L0"-'13’ Things In Mom" by 97.45 Quack 8 ad‘ "5 1 color imaginable. '""'°“”d°d Illlltsatreedtouphold theetandand '1'“ 3“‘“W- '-hlLCh.l'ixtian cox- "”°° S‘""- “L°*-‘ell’ ‘filings in; " " °''“‘’‘‘‘ 1 . cdorvd 9111 ;tV'|!1’/‘l|_0 310911618 College gr] .131] 193° sP3“i5l’| Club. held a mating B°°k‘ ‘"2? P0935" by W'illl1Im Mc- l7*-~- ~— ~ ———~ V __.l - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ W __ _ ."‘ ' The spec 3?’ Vfiflfl "Off, give or 1-ggive Thunhy ‘light *0 Welcome mem. gzvoich I’°“°l5'“ThinK3 in Art" by FOR YOU]; LAwx's SAKB , . "' "' " " " ’ ° ' ’ ' ‘ - - - - . ' _ ' _ ‘ _ ' ‘ _ _ _ __ ‘I-‘ In Ecyptia help during a quiz, or refer to text taken unto the club since the P “I .?l°°"°"', L°"°lY 1715088 in, Blue graaa 35¢ lb; red top go, /' p o 5' ' ‘ T t ‘ __ ' -’ ‘,5. Wlllfif 09 5 “7""°“‘ "“"."*l'8 quiz or recitation. °A’d""'. °°p '’ by m”“b°‘h "‘"‘°"- 3 lb: white clover. soc lb- tlmo- wh ' 0 ONE ’ ‘—‘—_ E" W Th’ ""°.‘ . weeks’; mt?‘ mu» votedportaczangif the lxmr was deo H. L. Shrader Home From Joplim; thy Joe m ’ ere Rastus Shines Supreme Q NIGHT F 24 ;.g' leather cll y nighn to-“ _ !I8“mer'” d , , .. *' - « ~_ " ha. The ‘wk of we ac“: r . Columbu the Gem of thfaocaaglu in}: xlgwsrhiyideg, Poultr} _specxal1st.] KLASS SEED STORE Jesse Hall [8 0PD08lle Us. ONLY 0, e O , . ::.‘\htY8 c :30; guest Dreaentettli by the s- ‘nlilzgizh. ts ' he talked on inc:°u':to':°§l:3'bmod.wh°",l 21 N’ 8"‘ T L ; ‘ J ‘ wnnixi, .- V, men . so ed in! ' 1 _.._ . 1 HE HIT l a .12. lfiill in 3:9 9,-°‘,..m_ 131 3-llfitegonéestic gen“ ::‘th.en?°uh‘n;m‘nf‘l1::kl ;“m38l‘- , ‘*4 - 7 A W" ' ’ , _ _. _ -' A AND ~. 5 ——-o—...... coast: 0 hot‘tamal , ,' annex-s'., DoRN_C Q‘-fl _ W — _ ., v.1 c. c. no one ores nous: 01-“ and wnten. 98 hot choc :°?I‘.Z§.‘o.‘.i°.‘£.‘;‘§;....i‘.l’°£'.§..’.i‘§’ .;'f.’.‘°"Z? x§§?.Yon?E‘" ‘M ” OUTSTANDING SEASONS SUCC%S 013 +4 Through o 4 “,1, . _ 909 J‘ L i . covened wi "“""“. “M \ I;'::ff"..:~ o.:::.::*;:":;';:=..‘:';.f°;.""“.:::l No or o..n..... t "V0 °°N'"NENTS- DARING-B0IJ1— ::" : . ,0 , ' . IC 809 e . . I - h ' - . ‘ _ ‘ V 1 _ _ '_" I'D} ‘n I .‘°?l‘;un "fiat hath ?ue::'h;d:ve:‘::l: gt éllleetir, ‘"03’?! wxthm ten miles of JOPlm.I man”, so uh 8‘. A IN ITS i‘- ‘T: Dd no «no new oz an rear n the v eteria. n‘3....°:" "' -—» n or REALITY o‘ “"‘°°“ ‘"‘ 8 9 __ . , =. . place was 1 . °°‘°=* Hood-y evening in ms. ' mmrn by th. members out . n . . o V - . - . . . .., hon” ='°"‘l W M--in was or Q ' ' -' ’- 0 Tlnrd M Calls s * ' ' :1" D L“ D“ Jul , pa. 3'!“ Antllllrements for the degree" Pflntlng 5EN5ATl0N, ,°E‘3.CONTlNElII§ ‘ wt” "hm . v 3 ' 3 dl , ’ ‘ - - o ’. M ' 4 In. on ‘on ertic. x>‘.§ou§'y"y?. —~ Wntms. papers for all needs. I ‘ ~ , °°""" W om ‘Dd Va‘ *< Ci . 35" _‘ i ‘ to will stand in it 1:: oog_uuN.8 HAND ummmy “ m sum and engraving. , Rainy days often cause one-thi1-d. more _ ~‘ “ “mic ,,., t..Dw{::.;" Wm mm F‘lrat‘l(‘:ll:aa Work If it is to be pnnted, Stephens can do it.” telephonegalls On such days, more people W “on I9 _ I b ‘I I r m -' I . *:‘.‘.‘;..,..‘”"°';;,,,"$.,,°-I,-,,,,,,T,_o; onus‘ - 8:-duty E. W. STEPHENS PUBLISHING co. £ "‘.“’” ‘T’ °°’s 3”’ “‘’° ‘’‘° “‘°P"°"°°~ ., “- ,5, awn . on Broadway at mu mm. 15 Llkewzse, hot days and very cold days now‘ 3 _,__ —- “ . _ - mean t many more telephone calls will ~~ ' ‘ ’“" ~-.~ — ~- _ __ 3 bemade. . ; ' . T - ‘ - ‘ ' ’- _ I ..’°‘":::..n'm8v om-826....“ thevmm Lawn Grass and B p f p ! % dugcult forgtgervaoe. t times it is _ .. : J S’ y t ‘ whn th e operators to get to work, on Flower seed V. 3 g A e at e same tune many;-more oele- 3 o . The norm. 1 phone calls are made. , D... ‘ ‘"I'lIe’Be8t m nnooaeny l pa-Ed fféfiqllténtly gnhadustorrnsf down ,- I I’ . - I l an . WINS. I1 ring 0 tel hone ‘ - “Say It Wnth Flowers” t sewage, . . “P t. ,.-,4“ 1 . . . *_ ‘ o . . Z .7 ' ' s , Umf.°"!1!Y.88t18factory telephone service ' I 18_our_oonstan a.im,-‘but'occasfi)1illll 0611- ‘'%== _ dxtionsnrise wlnchfare ‘j. .i yvondallhumanoontrol. Assn ‘atime F ; ‘ 9 esllecillly Ilppneciate the«-pltit‘nioe’-of * J ‘ ; ‘ our patrons until the situation can be ‘ n { 11.93 a i l -o e -. l A - ‘ you *' ‘mop hm‘ co; ' " E 3; , ,* V ,. . it 1 -3 " ‘V ' e - ., . 7 v .‘ - l 5: ~ " 1 ' ' A V. . .1.’ ”»_‘._.V'A . .-_‘ -;'.