'.-_ .'.- q -“ . ' ," is. . ._ . ‘A "a _ '. 4“ ‘ " " ‘ l. . . - '2 - . ( .-r _ ,,. . ~ . . _' 4 ' ‘ -- -. _ .- ‘ _ *4, -- ' at -- .7!-..*.<.-. .» ; .e .-r«.‘.«.r"-*s1a-.a(h:.'..- ‘~-life’ ‘_’_#.--!5 5-- ,. it-,_, ; ~ ,5 .34?‘ ~ Wibm _BrId¢e "’g¢t\’ll»h'!I-Flllfd on llicka avenue at ’ Knitting Club_ rm ’ firs. I. O.,Bockaday o’ - A bridge-luncheon will umber: womerlfa Extension E 3 be :1‘ ‘inn at the Country Club for The . '11] meet with 3’. . Schum- angerdt at thrl-Danae A ‘a':fl meet at: Club PI?‘- «.5 ‘Q #1”. .‘:_.:.‘ ;l.J.' D _. .' ,..l...-'. N; . _. ».: F. W. Niedermeyer’s Grandson 56 515.10 113;)‘ tet, will fill oiigagunanta with his . . ‘ .3’ ‘ -'.;r. If a ..a. V i T " -v ’ §SciwoI of Fine Am '-_V ,,',t, ..a‘.f,~ -.' .‘~ "'_ .' _ - ., _ _‘-' A I o .‘.t.‘_ . -=:=§g,--.t»‘ _? ._ ‘V ; '{~ ‘to Have Ball Tonight ._.''V ‘ t ~::l tonight on the fourth floor of Ball. ' ‘l"h¢ chaperona will be Dan and! lira. Jaruea T. Quarlea, Dean and! llrs. Albert R. Beckel. Prof lira. J. S Ankeney. Prof. Herbert Wall. Prof. and Ira. H. 8. Bill. Prof. James T. Sleeper, Prof. E. A. llaclaeod and Ira. John Blake. ltistoheamasltandcoaturae lira. 0. R. Roeeta ‘l'll1-_e_nkr- tain the Clover lad Club at 2 o'clock. uraday Bridge Club dill meet with Mrs. E. H. Smith at her home on Paris road. Ira. Marvin Hcldafis; will --ptertain the ldle gout Bridge Club The American Association of University Women will have a - benefit tea at 3:80 p. in. Frida y. Journaliarn “Scoop” « at the Daniel Boone Tavern. 4 leather: of Sitnia Alpha_£p- ’ dlona-illentertainvlfianirh formal dance at their chapter . j houae. _. There will be a regular month- ‘ of the - ing at ll o'clock Friday morning at church. in: _ this meeting therg will he a meeting of the executive board at 10:30. tll rday. Chi Omega formal dance at the Daniel Boone Tavern. _ Delta Delta Delta will enter- . taln with a tea-dance from 4 3to 7 o'clock. ill!‘ ' . I ' 1 -eon: -———-~— -- - r l 3 l r e 2 ' l-.__- - ._--....~> __. __-___.___._- -4... — meycr of Kamila ('itf‘and grandson of F. W. Ni¢'5"l? “{ "W 83?’ ~tertain with a l(‘t flour’ to 5;_ll-‘I 5513510387)’ S°°"'l.‘_' ‘““' hdd :-o'clock l0mutTu\~' ui'ti-moon at t'neg}'l‘51‘-"'dI.\' 81 019 B3l’U-‘l (l“""‘l‘ chupu-r bum... in honor of the alum-,-”_l'h¢ business meeting of the in {none and their husbands, patroneaaea 3 III‘ was f0ll0V\'t‘d 5)‘ II l"YK'lW0" ""5 land their husbands, und the fathers am educational and wcini mwtmi: and lllUlll('l‘!\ of lflt‘lIll)f‘l’tl. '1“ “'9 “no-'""°l* -... ._..u.V. .. Colors Characterize Alpka—Delta Pi Dance and flashing-- eharacteriaod the Alpha Delta Pi fiornial costume dance held at the Daniel Boone Tavern last night. The cooturaea were colorful and varied. Ne .1 the weird yellows, reds and greens 9 of the Orient predominating. Silk _ tapeatriea were hung from the hal- ." eony over the dance floor: in front _ d ""7 'i"d°" ‘"3 ‘ “wt hm? T for the dinner dance held last night by palms» and multi- aurrounded cdored pillows on the floor The l]"Il'('lIll}' of the evening was j Georg. gm,‘ an l-‘gyptian Walter of Stephens College. The favors for the men were Arringt-in. lli-n llydc. Williaiii Bor- Y leather cigqrette cases with thc‘der:-, Clifford llii-ted. Clifford, ooror-ity'a crest in gold on the cow, Muck:-r. B. J. Barnes. James K. er. ‘Lucy and ll. ll. Baker. . Japanese Decorations ' Illimu-is .\lary Belle Newman. i _ for Phi Delta Tlzetas Throueh rooms whose walls were , left yo.-tt-rdny to spend 1 A ¢0Vfl'ed with bamboo and Infill! 3 end at their homes in Kansas City.f and hung with real Japanese lan-r l terns and panels tha guests at~the ’ 3 Delta Theta ‘fraternity house '_ danced last night. Around the fire- ‘ was built a miniature Japan-~ Phi place eae house. Anarhorofarnilaxarched theorchaaua dim?!’ by ‘"53 R°"‘°l‘ 7 Judson Forlyin. \\'alt¢-r Cross. Jack 5 over? 5 Mrs. (‘. L. Brewer and Mrs. Dan C 3fi*'3v‘l1”_'-“l ““”"“"‘ '‘'‘l "W - we d;ning‘.vctional‘»\nth a talk on the “Min- l. room. Min Ethel Wylder. llrs. ' 3317)‘ ‘fl 6'7"‘-""“l'" ‘Pf‘“l F‘"‘‘‘ 3": fin rtf'Tindull and um Mary \'ir- ' n ‘Mm In “Th” ‘ "W 0‘ T"“"-"- 3212??‘ l)ut-ntcliuk um receive the-iTh° mfi'5n‘I'*'8= NOW “M W‘ ;guc2-tn. During the afternoon. :'-¢- ! ’‘'‘"‘~'‘"“, 9’ ll? "‘ flcctlons will be sung by the Misses _ _ _ ' "-""""’ ’ giimnime Bvrlmafl. Mkrnm Fran- or d‘:‘;'{’f; '('.§"’i:_‘[i:“n”(‘.‘3; ‘cg: Mn)‘(-5, Alma Maori‘. and Mar-. ' ‘ , ,joric Steele. ' ' work done by the art . li-P, ball. best man‘: costume girl '5 continue. A feature specialty number will he It Polish dance, by Klan Mar- jorie Hall. A Decorations will consist partly of students. One iuch feature II a row around the room. Five Fraternities Have Dinner Guests The following fraternities enter- iaified dinner guests last night: Dellolay: lliaaea llodellc White and Edith Campbell; wood. ' lk-lia Tau Delta: Misses Marga- rrt Strait and Katie Wyatt. Kappa Alpha: Mine: llelen Clin- ton, Virginia Owensby, Newton. Donothy Toler, and Rachel Owl-n. Kappa Sigma: F.vana and Rita Smith. . l’hi Kappa Psi: Mica Helen Louise (Brave.-n and Mr. and lira. Piehlblad. Kappa Alpha to Hold I-‘ormallmtiation The Kappa Alpha fraternity will hold formal initiation tomorrow afternoon for the following: Ches- ter Gardner, Clinton: llarold Reed. Price: will be given for the ‘"9 the heat of ‘flbouflwsgof Columbia. and Elizalath i bank and Bill Kirk- ; . _ lspending the week-cial in llaraliall l can‘. - V-g.aa.¢'v~A...Iy .IIIIir uaiia-ik-r.uaka»riau.Kk Bantu. niia and Helen Clinton. lumber of U1: Delta Delta Del- ta aorority will hold formal initia- tion torno 0'lnr. Kata Dig; Carutheraville. Dr. C‘. A Phillipa‘ ct... ' v Bereana. and “X H. Collins‘ class.- . and: the Builders. of the Bible School of, tlr Christian Student Congregation. I'tll havg a lot. Pat‘: tnrty Ilnrch. Crouch has charge of the entertain- nt. Members of the Chi Omega aoror- ity will hold formal initiation alo- morrow afternoon at the chapter house for the following: Jewell Wheeler of Dccaturvillt-, Madge .Lenox of Rolla. Katherine Kirtlcy Mill- of Chillicothe. Hoatesaea for Ladies-' Day at the *("ountry (‘lub Tueaday will be Nina ‘Carolyn Cotton, ‘Ml:-at Margaret -Parks. Mia: Mary Evam. and Ilia: !Arina Kathryn Sykes. llr. and Mr:-. Tum Taylor am where they are the guests of llrk. Taylor’: parents. < —. 1 r . ..._ ' ~ ' " ‘;.-- . ,1-' ’ ---v—-.- — ~-~.- .=*‘ ;"'_ _ -- _-- ~- ~ _.'v'- r -- 0 “ la A we-;: --1 a q - -. *1 =‘m:"-»' - ‘f«=!*‘l’ -‘ ' -‘ 5 ‘ ‘ -¢"'5--\".f".-‘.¢| 5 ll “ ‘ ' .‘ . -‘L um -43.451 .4:-4-.aJ. ‘ ... ‘ -' Z; L; __ ALI’ Wutrnount -———— ztaln the Bridge Club Ilsa Virrinia Bodem of Ila-a Monday evening at mo o'clock at icoarrivedyeaterdaytobethegueat: of her home. N8 Bleka avenue. vuungau. {us i atthouat ;laaaiaterofGocrgo will dust in tho llaivaalty. . o'clock ‘Poaoday fin‘ hu.ehomeofIra.P.F. U!"‘llku3n‘3°“lo D A gneatofIra.GaanonI!oarno.ll16' mu. “mu.” 'mb$hun'“k' Binkaon avenue. _; lra.l"loyd Irlllcater- -- ~ — --- -**—- Sudden Service 7 IiuBarrietJacquln._ § , Sfreaaufl ‘ E The xnmsu Club will raaet kt‘ Real Estate Transfers : cgn us: ; 2:30 o'clock Ionday afternoon at‘ the home of Ira. I. O. Bockaday. llias Kathryn l E. S. Allen to Vincil Hayes and. SW“: i. W6- ‘ *“C M 36 In M‘! Add. ‘O the weekend at her house in, C"! °‘ 0°l"'”bl3v 31- in: S1. 1 oeeph. ' 3 S. C. Dixon and wife to G. W. ham :0 acres east side E1-2 Min Jean Brown is rpendiij thel N3 14 31159-N. 31.000. andalia. week-end in V i _ _ _ _ _ ;(‘4'l'l Mm Della Done!» in vmunz In of NW 1.4 9-so-12. containing Turner Early and wife to Union tral Life Ins. Co. W 1-2 NE 1-4 240. DA-BED $17.50 buys a Idoallle day bed with rnattrcu at St. Louis this week-end. ‘ u,,,_ 3; E. A. Collina and wife to Dorothy" W en’ b R.‘Jcnliim. & 216 mi Lot 161 of a. _ FURNITURE C0‘ 01" S u 5 «sub. known 11 Weatvrood Add. to 907 WW0‘ :City of Columbia, 3500. ‘ Mra. Aleene Weary of St. Joaephfi _ W ‘ ;_n_. Mlle Orxlniter of the RE O..will» ' Rm" ‘ V’ ’ ' ""'”‘“"'"": be here visiting the first of the} week. She will be honor guest at‘ l a dinner which the members of the‘ g S I organization will give at the Broad- . V more Cafe at 6 o'clock next ‘luea-' - clay evening. After the dinner the Founmln Pens term mectl held at the home of Mr: Shoeinaker, 206 lliclut 3\'tnDf_‘. t Don't Need FIXIN’ -—— and Thg D hte f 1812 “ll t . ...... ...':f'‘...;.‘ B. .....‘.:.. T5. Fixes Those That DO. Rollins street, at 2:30 o'clock next~ E. W which will be on Alexander Hamil- ton and Aaron Burr, and on currentl Plenty of Good S Harjorie ~ 5.. Miss Faync Witherup has gone ln Louiz. to apond the Wu-k-end. \\ hilc there ahe will attend the _ Delta Gamma formal. Mrs. N. J. (iivan is spending the wecl.-cnd in llannihal whore inhi- attended the l’. E. O. anniversary luncheon, Guests at the Delta Tau lk-lta house for dinner last night were-: Wyatt and Margaret lilies Alma Shipley is spending w'll’‘’m¢'3 3"‘ “"197 P‘Y'‘¢- C°'iih¢- week-cud in Kaunas ('ity visit- l“"‘l‘l"3 R3)’ "°¢'f'T- Hl3Kin9"m’3 . ing her parents, Mr. and Mn. R. C. l.l('Ill. Hugh 8. llcster. Charleston. S t‘. Frederick l‘ier¢'e_.\'lederneyer. 00!! of Mn Ind -‘lit H. l’. -\'i¢'drr- Gordon Bamett Kansas City, and: g},;p1,y_ Frances Bright of H02 Rollins .A formal banquet Will be given f street went to Mexico today to via- aft:-rwartf1or the new members. Guests at the Phi ica-dance this afternoon Min-es Virginia Lewis. May Edith At't't.llf'luli. Virginia Harris. Virginia Hale. An- ll Lee Holden. iwright. Lucile lligdon, Dorotheg DESIGNING BATS To latch Any Costume KINLOCB BAT SBOP Eleven North Tenth " 9 0 Delta Theta; were-: Helenl \'a.. arrived in Columbia Wednes- dl’ul.\(‘ Woodernall. llilda Jane Mil-1 day, and is spending two week; here ‘ l l Decorations will he carried out in} ‘the colors of the sorority. ‘. The following made reu-rvations from 5 to 1% o'clock at the Daniel Boone Tau-rn: lloward Browning. Shelton Lawrence. ] ’Quiscnln-rry. Nit-lg Thomas. !\'eu'ton_ ' Pauliiw Brannock, and Evelyn Bray of the Kappa Alpha Theta house- he week- ; L YOU SAVE When you buy furniture, stoves and rugs of B H - . FIVRNITLTRE 00. '°"' 5‘°"=~ ? ’°' “W MODEL :l9 North Ninth street l - . \ mR_sALE,:_ ai..‘?°.:‘.'*.=.'.''.:.?.'°.2..''''''°'.... .. 1°23gF<,:;*.?,;§W‘°' ; °"“"""'.......... .............""‘"'° Pe.rfe‘et»condilion ‘?"“‘“ "'“""" ~ V , glhuaaafl ' ‘ Alltion Automobile i mo, ,,,,,,,, a Company ; not no or. ; l.WaIauladIl J ‘ --— “T- BEST IN TOWN. Call for it at your store--if you can't get it, call 1164.] Save the Big Boy wrappers and get your trernlum at: BAKERY it Ni:-.3 Jane Rodgerr. She will be. gone over tha week-en . Mrs. John A. Reed of Penbrook. ~ events. The Women's Extension (‘lub will Creek Sand and Gravel Can Deliver up to 30 Loads a Day at Any Time Tiger Transfer Co. Phone 243 {L-L j- . .——.— D1ll:IE3E Private lessons by pointaient. -.-.-.-.-t-.-.-.-.-.- l,George Washington’s "* {Birthday - MRS. J AMESON Phone 2048 WILL BE OBSERVED AT HARRIS Capon, Turkey, Goose, Duck lint “How can you serve such a meal for * "““’”l 75c" is the popular after-dinner question ' on Sunday evenings at the BOONE TAV- ERN. Another Student Special Chicken will all appear on a specia Washington's Birthday menu at max or in the evening. The day really ought to be ob served in some manner. my M HARRIS’ dinner will he Phone 1164' . 0 Dinner Get your dates ! I 1 1 l l 1 McBaine avenue. 1 I : a z 706 Broadway Tomorrow Evening 7 5c Jimmie Gittinger and his outfit Philhar- moning from six to eight. Notice to Gas Patrons: If weather is favorablellonday, Febru- I ary 23, 1925, we will begin vvork laying a 6-inch gas main on West Broadway, be- ginning at Garth avenue thence west to To make this improvement ou.r ‘patrons who reside on Garth avenue and West Broadway, especially We8t'Bf08dW3Ys Will have very poor service until work is fin- ished. We hope you‘wiIl bear with us this future with better ac:-vice. Public Service Co. . I Z . I’ A J. . . -I _ .‘. ” r‘ ” . c1 . ' i 9 ' . ‘t :9 ‘. , -7‘o..5-..,‘9‘i' : can ;.t. p - xv-¢~'£9. .. .- ugg 5', .Iflnardand8lnoa I-rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr DeLuxe Hatchet Make it a party This is our special ice cream -brick for tomorrow. The number is limited so please get your order in early. 12 other brick combinations to select from. g _ Home of V .i Frozen Gold .~. Columbia's Finest Ice Cream '4 4;. ................. White Eagle Dairy Co. Tclpliune, 197 ' o 0 -'9 a. C 2 T ‘D I . ' ' .’ , * <~ , - fa ~..~.r.-i==.-s . Center