f7 bi.-held in the 3'. Li. C. A. Audi-3 :'~‘°"'-‘F-‘.“~‘1°5.‘."“'9*'.'~ : """"“‘A"‘-.1951 i-gfhfl 11-'z|4n4(a_asn A_.aaas-aausaaaaaa.n an 3 I Q Q f1'_".fl IL. 9‘: :::':‘.-‘-;\':.‘:'::"'.tt".*e::-3-r~».-9 ~:--'.-.r.'r-.9~n-.-..-.-.-_-2 v» — _ - - - ; g;“_¢;-,1-.3;¢,._f_.,gl?g""';"fn’9’;§‘§';t?; ' study together Mrs. Meyer said. i. “if they study together it should ' be a ‘give and take’ affair, not one algal g ~ ‘- a 3 5' 5 er 3 3' El vi -5 3 A. .‘. attended a county agents‘ publicity s O '. ‘M3 It similar conference in Kan- : sas‘City yesterday. . ' i I usfi >. ) . , ‘rV_'-if“/t ,4 :~‘ :3’ f{f‘iL"VEi§t* i JAN ii 8. ml; ' ; of according toloeal tv 5 and child. Students.‘ however. do not chew lectures. followed by discussions to-detlm I toriuin from 7:30 to 3:30 o'clock on? Friday night. i The program for the meetings; follows: I-‘ebrmry 27. “Engineering. as a Profession.” Dean E. J. Ilc-l ' Caustland; March 6. “The Profes-i sion of Journalism.” Prof. Robert‘ S. hlanni March 13. “Education asi .-"a Profession." Dean 1!. G. Neale;5 _hlarch 20. “The Fine Arts School.” Dean J. T. Qtarles; March 27. “A; -College Education for Business”. Dean 1.-idor Loch: April 3. “Oppor.-‘ ttinitiea in Agriculture." Dean ‘. B. Iumforci; April 10, "Law as a Degree.” Dean F. M. Tisdel; April 24. “Medicine as a Profession." Dean Guy L. Noyes. The last lec-. ture on "Opportunities in Religious Work." is to be arranged. ' HRS. MEYER TELLS HOW ‘ ‘D0 81‘ ED!’ El-‘I-‘lX"I‘l\'El.Y ‘ Points Out to (7. C. Girls That Boll)‘ llnst Be Kept in Good Phy- nical C ' ' _ ‘ ‘lion’ to Study Effectively" was? the subject of a talk given by Mrs. Max Meyer at convocation Satur-, day morning at Christian (‘ollegefl Mrs. lleyer pointed out that one; -.——.—.—.. « essential thing in effective study is i ‘ to keep the body in good physical: .' condition. Bad eyes. defective ton-_ ’? idle. or any physical ailment that} i ; traps the vitality will interfere with’ = clear thinking. ‘ “External conditions play a large? ': part in effectivg study." she said. ‘. Poor study light. clothing that in-av” l tcrferes witr physical comfort. and; tight shoes may make concentration , on work impossible for the students; A great many students waste time ; getting started to study. Many val- ; unable minutes are wasted in get- ting up to_collect pencil and note- book that were forgotten. or in_ finding out the assigned lesson. 3 One of the first essentials in ef-. fective study is having the mind in! a receptive attitude. The.mind is; perhaps in the beat attitude it the: student studies as anon after receiv-.; in an assignment as possible. A good way to study is to write -, doirn the topic sentence of each par- agraph and not depend merely on reading a lesson over. “You cannot learn a lesson by‘ merely being ex- posed to it." said Mrs. ueyer. She urged students to apply what had been learned as soon as possi- ble so as to make the study a part of one's experience. In speaking of _ students who firs. Vii. C. _-and bugle calls will be . _* ,__,____ A. A. Jelrey in Kansas City. 3- ~l‘~'5|‘t'>'. Itricultural editor. conference at St. Joseph Satiirdayp ."Ailds, lists and multiplies. '. i_'1‘Weighs only 16 pounds. and Vifequipped with standard» :;{; }fe-’iture&. Oocupies about ‘M {.538 much space as a letter- :-. head. Features include 1- vd type. flexible key- and cleats!’-epeat and ii; 1' _ .‘ '1: -s ‘-l . '- _ 1‘ , _‘,.‘_V ‘r . A. -I’ l. " ‘ ?r"v"."‘ . A.‘ . oz r-o0- -:.... ‘-¢€§$'.pb5 .‘ 2 ' . _ ‘Di , - .» ~*-> -- ' ~.--_‘. -_ 1 _ A, . . J ,, '—‘ ‘I’ -1 '5 - -R 1 _ --- -- l. l I l l l5.lll0, means almost a package of 5 ,5”. of 3fi.go'm-i five sticks to ‘every man. woman!‘-mt), .150 include; fSt. Louis universities. -E Thecontest is]h!'toftJiepro- the most gum, according to the'gg-am of the union for ' , who say that sales drop‘ work among . very slightly during the summer. Harrison of St. Louis is supgvgor nut‘ 10' 93; ' is- _ 5.. , " - ‘~ "' ‘ '._e t’ ‘ ,_I_4‘.'.- ,2 ..*... p ' .._-',.’,;\ . | _‘ .‘_ ‘- I ‘ A. _. '_ ;, }»fi "T A‘ '. ,1‘: _“ L’:‘a,V : . l .4» i - ~- ~=---..s.z:i.-.._._i. there cane few students here.‘of izynagog extension for fill! when There is no age limit to those who ‘ trict ‘ him not later than Hair exercise their jaws by means of gum, although children and youniter. _ people chew more in public than $50 and two prises of Jig made on June 30. The competition is open to Jewish students attending univers ties in this district. The ornti he read before the Jew Students’ (‘ongrqation and to re-‘ ccive the approval before being submitted to the award committee. Onl ' one prize vi-‘ . awanled to II student. but eacl: can- tcstant may submit all many ora-_3 tions as he desires. their elders._ . More people chew gum while watching a picture show than at any other time, possibly because is darkened or perhaps it is to pass the time while waiting for the show to start. One statistician has figured out that the people of the United States 8' spend $52,000,000 a year for chew- ing gum. While this statement is a hard one to grasp. it would seem ‘plausible if the people of Columbia alone spend $700 a month. or $8.400 ii year. for the purchase of gum. CIRCL’iTCI:El?K or TODAY PROFITS Bl’ T LAWSUIT or 18.22 In this age when the circuit clerk of Boone (‘ounty is furnished with an office in the courthouse and in - addition has heat. light. stationery . and all other necessities. it is fulfil to believe that at one time ii ('21?-It‘:-~ in court arose over the need for ii clerk's office. , ‘ In 1832. the case of Boone (‘nun-, ty against Todd was decided by the Supreme Court, according to the “Bench and Bar of Boone County Missouri" by N. T. Gentry. It was. an action to compel the court to. 8120 for the rent of a room in the residence of Roger Nonh Todd, which he had used as a clerk's office and recondt-r's office for sev-: eral years. _, In 1824. the courthouse did not: have an office for the clerk and the 5 county court insisted that he was. not entitled to any. The court went so far as to refuse to pay for the, record book in which were copy, deeds. The Circuit Court decided that I he was entitled to‘ an bffic¢ and if I name was. ‘prov’ ‘ countyi should pay rent for one. This deci- f sion was affirmed-by the Supremef Court and was the first case in Him I aouri to hold that-the county should 3 furnish an office for its officials. 1 Today. the Boone County circuit clerk's omcc is one of the best in‘ the state. Clerks from all over the state are sent to study the systi-ii. _ and management of the office as is. 5 carried on here, according to ill.- ority. "——*—O?—% You are missing opportunities it you do not read and use Missourian want ads. and orations are to be sent to There are thirteen assigned sub- jects from which to choose. These’ 925 ‘lire; “liopv .—hall we interest Jewish ;stulleilts in .ludn'l.-m'."'; “The Jew in the \\'orld War“; “The Jew in .announce the American history"; “The literature: Miller for the office of City M”. e Jew"; “A bird's-eye view of .shal, subject to the action of the. Democratic primary. March 10, The Jewish student and the .. . . ,_. .-_ g _ ._-.. I’.-T. A. to Observe Founders‘ Day. A Founders’ Day program will be given by the Parent-Teacher Asso- ciation of the Benton School at 7:30; o'clock tomorrow evening. it was - cided at ii called meeting of the as- sociation yesterday afternoon. ' is ofiering Friday evening. Plans were discus.-led for the rummage sale to be held by the l‘arent-Teach- er Associatinp next Saturday. student depending entirely the n is wa he willl soon in parasite. ' Stu entsl should be a mental‘beneFit to each! Koumus 2” . ash and Karry .‘ . Military School will mean. WILL OPEN ' L Kemper Miltary School will THURSDAY. FEB. 19 Groceries. lleat. I-‘ruit Candy, Toba Conley Avenue Next Door to Palms Coal-Illinoi s Mt. Olive-26 Cents 0 Clark Implement Company Phone 89l_—-8th and Cherry 1 We Consult a‘ E E. .5” all is ,1 l O 0 I '5: 2'r~‘ 5‘. I U I .' 1"‘ ‘ ~. ".v':‘3~. la‘: -‘t~-:1 '13.‘.-i‘ - 1’ ii‘ Rlmhlhhanbalé 9 f -or theactlonofthenenioa-atic pi-i ".3 in Washington and of the assembly the-. 45.-54.4 mg. di..!announos the candidacy E. C. 3 Clinbcales forth: offlceof Rayon: laubject to the action of the Demo- ratic 0' iannolicotill “““°“'l:fice at gm subject D" I‘°"laction oflthe . $2:'ieach. will; 5- ' 1925. no isll ,.l925. The The orations u, and‘-alt!’ of E are to be from 2.000 to 2,600 words ig {oer the ow“ of Marshal, subject to the action of z the Democratic primary. March 10,? - i wish history"; "\\'hiit has the Jews; 1 accomplished in philanthropyl“; lb‘ The Jewish outlook in America"; - _ announce the ca didacy :7; March 10, im . Lanham for the office of City Col-j The Missourian is authorized to‘i¢,¢g°, “,5, of he di ' announce the can dacy of _A (Dick) Troxell for the offl of Attorney subject to the action‘ Democratic primary, March announce the candi The llisaoiirian is authorised to candidatyof Emmett on . . CITY MARSHAL ‘ 1. 1925.; The lisaourian is authorised to Awards of prizes. a first prise of announce the candidacy of John L. Whiteaides for the office‘ of City‘ Vflarahal. subject to the action of ;announce the candl all ~the Democntic prim-rr. Much 10.=c. Gillaspy for the offifie of Judge announce the candidacy of , ‘of the Polk? C00“ 9“ 50°‘ ‘-0 Th? Slate for re-election to the officer ",—"—,*’ ‘action of the Di-mocr'atic primary, of City Collector subject to the The Missourian la authorised to nu-ch 10. 1925_ announce the idacy j S. Rowland for the office of City _ ‘llarshalaahjecttotheactionofl-I-'1} . .- - I I .. e Missourian is authorized to ‘aw Demxnfic ‘mun?’ nut!’ 10': u ce the candid cy f Frank- ‘ ligtchum for the noffic: of City n§,,am-i.n {, ‘gum,-ind ¢°‘»Collector subject to the action of _ c_:the Democratic primary. March 10, c;gy,1925. of Ernest. The lzfissourian is authorised to; Coll candidacy of W. 3.3 "C ourian is authorised tn‘ n ' of J. M: 4 i 3 §. Sig-‘i iiiiii REMEMBER the four crack Penney train dispatchers whohave written at a grad)! pace with Part er Dnolold. hour: day be about turayeara. hadever naadlt. . Yes. the Daafalfa aspec- aanoah pdnt baa I gait n::.":.z....."‘ °.:.".m""" Andthtabiach-tfiadlaaahasw rad beauty sell one Ina year on in 7 pea behind when :..'s‘u¥l'.'a... Sellhinlroillfiro Duqnljififi need in America to restore its for-. mer appeal to the multitude?" I l is for o——:.—.¢-—. - ._a. 4——..:=§o-u---...a.—_p-4-1‘- -- a :3. ..-._.~ . A i ‘ yourself in I with a _Jitney A and get a j Jolly Jar; of ? from the Jack Pot at M J ack’s Shack p and a Juicy J elly” Roll ' on the side ’ by if i 5 l dacy of Class for the office of City Democratic primary. Earth 10, 1925.' 10’. 1925. to the. to the} The M Democratic primal-y,«announce _ . _ ;Shaw for the office of Judge of announce the candidacy of 3!. _T. announce the andgduy of J. E. Private kssmu ‘’ . {the Police Court subject to the IC°:.Klldl'€Iu'S for ' the office of Cltyfiuhm“ for n_,_,re,_.fi°n to, councih, 3' ‘P’ Democratic primary. Collector subject to the action of imw from the Third Ward, subject I 4 The Missourian is authorized to _ ._.......... ' The Missourian is authorized to nction of the Democratic primary. See the ‘Britishers’ C 1 The Missourian is authorized to_ announce the candidacy of J. ll.» —broad sllouldc-l's—s.llug‘ liips—the latdst note in English stylings. The Missourian in .'.;'.‘.llorlzed to _ _ an ' 2 color imaginable. Campus Tailoring Co. ii Sarah Hall for the office of City’ ector subject to the action 0 MISSOURI STORE’ d- aiin ce the cam! tollohazn» for Councihnin -. “'2-_ -{Fourth Ward‘. subject tofi. ‘V'- ;of the Democratic "’.‘»"-‘-0 - 7 10, 1925. ‘ -I "’ The iiiuoorioo u authorised u.‘ , In! the candidacy of W. E.?‘-‘ - rm"--’ ~-~ --7;; 1.} ) Points for theoffice of A TYPEWR . . to Assessor suhiectto the action N ‘G Undngn I do , of the Democratic primary. larch °" ‘ad ‘*3.-._ E. . La 1925 ' L}, R"""“'“ ’ COUNCILBAN Satterlee'a. Phone 631 - (Third Ward) 5 j The Missourian is authorised to . .. nnounce the candidacy of P. S. - -- . » - ' f /’~" for Councilman from the e 7 ‘ .\ _/ Sol . _ Third Ward. subject to the action ‘ ‘ .~.l "" ‘ lector subject to the action of the of the Democnyic pfimgry’ u‘"h L¢8fl'l to Gr‘ v v L'- ___...._ z_..:f". ‘ Th‘ nl”°‘"'i‘” ”' ‘°u‘°'i‘°d t° The Missourian is authorised to ‘ :' ..’v'V.' . pointment. » 1;“ the Democratic primary. limb wvfto‘ the action or the _ncmocmic MR3 JAMESON » .0 primary, March 10, 1920. « dam 0 (Fourth Ward) ‘ Ph°'‘¢’ 2043 0"" The Missourian is ‘authorized to_ A’ g V . Vegf‘; ‘ ‘ 5 P" ,1; of 1 They're the new type English Sack suits. short See our display at the Jungle--you'll find every Where Rastus Shines Supreme Jesse Hall is Opposite Us. Sells Fountain Pens a Don’t Need FIXIN’ ‘ and Fixes Those That DO. 0 ..-._.. ...... 4.... ._...g.....-......-...... BURN COAL If you are looking for fuel of dependable service. will save you money. order a loa CK WONDER coal. free from dirt. CHORLTON -COAL CO. FRANK M. LOCKRIDGE Life Insurance Counselor New Bus Line Sale and Profitable C If An investment in Community Power . ,,,._ & Light Company 7'.’ preferred shares . «-1, means both. * ,. ~ . loan- The General Electric Company, larg- est manufacturers of electrical equipment . . in the wollcl, purchased $250,000 of this ‘ .,,;,.¢,,‘ security for their Employes’ Beneficial “_ ‘ 1 good. Fund. " 4 4, ' ' ish tr There is only a limited amount of this ' . cam- security lemaining at present price, $94 . ~ mm per share and accrued dividends returning - i 7l»._.‘»-’ at this price. — ‘o ‘ Monthly saving plan $5 per share vtimea per month; 6'] interest credited on p_ay- 0-'.*°°* ments. . Write, phone or call for additional . information. i ' mac, Public Service Co. e C Phone 197 706 Broadway 0 gong" COLUMBIA TO JEFFERSON CITY Leave Columbia (Daniel Boone Tavern) at a. m. 1 p. In. Leave Jefferson City 1 ) Taxicab Service in Town All Reliable Drivers—-Closed Cars .. Dennis Bus Line MOTHE‘R’S: BIG nor 3 % Call for it atyour store-—lf you caIi‘t i save the I§g‘_ Boy . I _ Bdmaxc ' ‘. ’ ' M -3 l ' a . .‘ -. . . , 3'44:-t‘1< .‘ on" r K‘. V. 4- ‘ ‘ ‘ pg .1‘. -‘A. 1 '~ ; ~*. A '- ~::“"." A l __ ;_Thc — i the in such 1 HALL THEATER t . 3: TONIGHT AND WEDNESDAY ‘ ..~.. It you want to giggle. smile. roar and howl—go see the ._ fl_—-Lo ftv-fiftv partners. They're movie producers now ape-‘ ._g,, B, _alizing in extra vampy vampire pictures. They're a. Colum riot—y' understand Man-rusa? . ~ Ed ’ . 12 E, 273: «K