I ‘ I B’ ’ I 53”‘ " ‘ . .-._ r 0- . '~ I . '5 1- "s‘- -I . A . ‘J " ‘H ‘ . . . W f. 0 ‘ .._;l;’._ ~ *--5-* I-IVESDAY ;.-:. . _ . . , . - 7 _un=..;._- r “ > - oi»! G I.-r . . . , _ - .. Y _ —-—--r. . ‘ y . .. . ° . ’ . J I r . " R « n ‘ . PERSONAL ITEMS‘ Ar °"“‘.' "5"" . ‘ANY 885 EIQHAYIINT we -woe-"Vet-06°-ion is "Ila-v TI--sir hiiiait eon is . I A ' l“"l ‘ — s _ a ' I '1' r I ‘l "WWI Berries 1'_u_c.A_——-—__V""...' '&¢5"‘“ !*"""°’°.°a“h' “" . d lb’ t'"'“”1 ,_ g ‘ _ . 58881011 -11“, p,1-,—xig,5o11,,‘u.s'ug.¢, A 1'“ c“.'?°°tw"*- Week From Btalhts. h""'ti" '"°¥d';'m"°' . 5' ha"! in! Draco that I were yum‘ “ha”. i‘ Oman‘ I turd.’ tzigumfl-gut '““ed,m..1 “Bub '°°k “fin” "' '°""l kl’ «one in “Humor-esque" are her‘;orte- Douglas.dm‘MclAanreceaIr':d°n”l1aml¢.l.LJoyd." . fig‘: ”" “"0 l¥\G.t'istlan§froIued upolrfor evening wear {or "P 3' Gin“ 'P¢||¥l3¢ V39?‘ Building It is being conducted by Hi“ ln “nag” Potash and Per-lmutter have Ion? 1"3l|l97.JIorniaghy-E.n:¢ig-hue;-amdeofhesvynia udvhmw l'|d!‘¢ll¢l'°|1||lfissilelenBriggs ofthea.grlc|:l- Q . ‘’ ‘fix ‘hm u‘°‘bea: laugh-provukingonthestage. If '9‘? 359 lid! who up-fauch as and extremal dug t service in ‘opmumty ‘°' "raw ‘Mb "7 and screen as nrruent-makers. Iqgncg "‘ ‘ infeorneetand llieorrgefdraaaeg ' ’ C.L.Poole.406Conleyarenue 5°" xhhe °°'"'°“:thrmighsclw0l."3lldF|"0d3-Dl1- 3,, fun. ° ' . ¢....~“¢, I-"nut veryrnuch bespanglsd. ‘mm *0 ‘cud - _ w: t Boone Coun eaten-30,, employment uncut’ M un_'l‘b¢‘)’ I70 D0 8 1|) Of m°"|_¢‘- Painting and Paper-lag ‘hurwflfia n ‘Inn’ V°hl 750 hiking dneascaused hm y yesterdfl on non program of which 0. R. Skin.“-‘u C A makers. As usual, there la a lit- 51] pack dole. . ]&n. Jan :"°tl“‘3‘°l.;¢t0Il¢I7.’§mnch amusement. The were Jngugvuwff mm Rom" ' “lie 00003)’ cXt9II8i0D Item. is in) 3.1-h'c“_' ‘chem ‘re main” from tle pathos in with the laughter. 3'g¢§.fl;§9g in can decorating. - , - ° 9 ‘u.e‘; C . ‘ ‘ ea , 1‘ ‘ ‘ Fail 11; Pay. ]3|_g_g].g_ Ayn. mm A“. Bah!“ . a heavy sweater, white nut sh Loni‘ y‘ ,m"1:°comm if lbmh_,d,°°, bu” wha m min‘ ,0, In l~lolly;wood “Ill! Potash and BARN S ‘E. p 1' W 8-tn’. nah wink’ H‘ J aadn supper.’ mg,‘ mug on . um "boo! :r;e:rcsB‘r‘w:k;;res;‘nted atifind om cvuythfigg me’, an ‘b°m:Perlmutter, ‘ showing at the Hall 3 Phone 1477 .-;_‘ mg Hgvg‘ em ,sm.;,_svood, Mildred Stubblefield. Virginia _-11, 1 s T. Simpson. 305 College eve. Club and the Dee rm. h :°"""°"""“. °°"‘*‘”°"' "-"'-’- "."“'Y‘ .. -.0 so . Walla. ‘M’:-y Gardener. Marie dressfir II: Jo? 1,;n:°"°3,.nuc.buwent to Salisbury yesterday and Murry comnulnity clubs.A‘ wilt: kmdsthof worlxdthegwtfltlls: ’ ‘ I Ilarse‘ Wag, . g ‘on siness. -N ‘H 1 w pay cycou ex a j I-0an_ correct dress for dihool ‘moes¢fi:‘mbhr;i.dgmdshe°n'X:. Frank Bufforn of Louisiana. who am. gtemsxthtg ‘gt? $h.°::;":Ihow man)’ students are wurldnx, ..:~r P,-“$1 shown as a plain, dark-blue woollknea ihas been visiting in Columbia, re-‘go but mm“, commmm ‘mi ‘their wa) through school Most‘ ; B 1‘ I‘ . (Iran with soft collar and cuffs of Eve of n ' ‘es! 50100 )3 l8truct eight other womeny makin. of ca hue“ "em l° be "03’ (We Bold No Clearance Sales) - r . , white. Incorrect dress for schoollof dress hsvgbeen noticed um cop!‘ S. F. Rusell is demonstrating... mm of ,,¢,,(,m_y_“o ‘hi, ".9 Sfiibors ,;,ho are maint:mlng a high Lent TIIIIS FBI. 5)’ ‘Ill! girl‘ wear- rected by the dean of women at':gI:d.cg;-g at ,:,g¢pb.I0d limh‘ “fig? bvnefittd by this instruction. lnuk m '°h°h"h'p' ‘ ‘ .’ --—-——- = 5 '3 recs. veless Christia colleen. 9 . "V °°"" .’ " "" . "5 °'‘'~' ‘" W’ °"“‘ ”‘‘‘'‘°’ '’”’°"' --——+—— l W M k y .5’ “or all the money lent to not-‘ideal sud hislt-heeled satin; The n School" is not 5..-‘ P'°’° '- G’ G“"°" °‘ ‘'2'’ ‘'P‘’'‘‘i' 5“ ‘ At the Theaters '3 I e ' W ::r~::.*-*--“arr... ~.... ., ’ - - - -we -::.:=t rm M--so I ————- » - ' u.gu.g,~ , con,“ , - - _ . 9 u a anon coun ies wee .. ' . ’ ) BEING ‘ : ' Onto?! 31' I “I cred cor obyect ls‘ merely to call attention "A012 . ilall Theater. I A A in; approximately to Sld0,(I)0 up to {he present ti tar me, we have so "5 {Of V0011: tirls were made of .to inconsistencies in dress and to ¢00!‘_t¢ttc lace or any soft silkfiicorrect them. at less than seven-teuths.;of,ll - per cent gh the . of those living to Plys.” ' Cowan. . said .: _i a The pnneipalofthefundsfrolni 1'3‘. which the income is‘available for? t loans at the prescrx A If‘ studen ~. ‘ 2 totals ‘ ates ' E . dlly B’ since one-fourth of mor¢than$5Ml,@andis growing, Mr. Cow’an said.l income in uch ‘year to, u I 4 added The most recent addition to the ; ‘om _;,': funds is the John D. Perry}-‘und of- :;.‘ 3160.000. left to the Univerdtr. 37 an ha _ I._ Miss Mary E. Perry, in mentor)’ of g 1-_ her fath “It s u ., so do not for any reason want to [3 0 him a loan, and why,” said Mr. l R Cowan. ca in : nds of trustees, by the lite‘ er. . i is surprising how forcefully; . is brought home to us the value of ,' . l . 3 9 ‘There has never been but , so that I know of when.-. ai [student became angry and. I w as by P ‘bathe ,'_want guinea . : O‘ for those who can afford it. . and yet for which it would be fool- " ish to borrow the money. or‘ . fcases, 5 f‘ lastlc 3' pinto. .. , “The fact that we have not lost -’ ‘much does not necessarily gthat we don't have trouble some- ;. times in collecting. Within the next L. '5- I ;_'- The fl"l’Pl'°‘ let-Watson Loan Fund of about $5,000: the James C. _Raid~ leoan Fund of $15,000; the St. Louis Re- ’ ‘Loan Fund of $2,500 and the public In available at the close of this yea r. '-The 1 'u'eekweshall haveto start two _'f_l1its for the recovery‘ of money ;-I come is available -for -_ students are the I hr Gregory Educational Fund of- ‘lhe income is usedfor scholarships,‘ such as the John W. Jewell and Rol- _ims Scholarships, , totals between ‘ d -angry. flreyvarevsomdhuega l ‘f at first if they don't get loans, but ‘ .lhis soon changes till they see mat-, ‘--tersaswedoandanehelped there- 3 . “It can be seen. therefore, thatl ' 5 bans are not made indiscriminately, _~' aor for purposes which we do feel are necessary. not‘ A student ma)’. course of a semester's work; some money for something is perfectly legitimate These and also the student’: scho- record. are carefully looked mean funds from which the imatcly $300,000; the Yes- principal of funds from which ; Real Estate Trnnsfers‘ ft." Lot ‘ii. Harbison's 2nd Add. to City of ' Columbia, 881 . Edward Zumsteg and wife to R. ,E. Wilhitc. 49 ft. of W’. side but 38 ; in Odon Guitar‘:- .Add.,to City of Columbia, $..,000 W. "fiechcr to Vera and Frank Hudson. l.ot"l8 is Bcaflcfs Cub. of _Oonger's Add. to City of ‘‘r';-‘_':‘-‘ uzao ~ fe Lot 71 ' Y 7'- 1‘. B Benfro. Part Lot 258 .in original 7 offfilumbia, . ",‘!‘:'.v In Turner and ‘ wife A. l 38 " "‘ ft. ‘fro You "'0. I.:'. ' ‘ .0‘ ' K A. -s :_. .. . ,- Fannie Blackman and husband to Harvey Jefferson and wife, S. 26 1-2 Austin L. Supp and wi “Ferguson. S. part f ’ flu Fyfcr's Northern Add. ' -llllllbil. 82 H‘ -‘Wren and w ._ town, now City of Col .. Yflldonotreldlnd 26 and N. 27 l-2 ft. Lot 27 0 S.part . Hafncr and wife to Lela M. ifo, a str§._of. nt by 00 ft. are missing 0' , “I. -,._Q_“>‘ V.’ . '|:.v‘\‘3 .l_ 0 . A "non . or ANNU iErmo — ' Sort owunas or‘: " ~.-: : Andil|at’s onlione of their virtu0l2‘Th¢!"¢ s»'rers.rx ,nooxno-“.,,,*.A ll -. ‘ _-._. W" 4 “ and‘flcsible.; Inssomu umsn u: -;’»;;_g ,1 “-'=’ - 03° 1- I I ‘a«. is . Thcbosrdotsupervisorsof =-"‘“."..,—l‘:' 0'01“). Missouri LeveeDistriet ” :38? ‘to Co- fin EDUCATOR HOLDS “MOTHER GOOSE” IS MORAL MENACE; tad Prue. NEW’ YDRK.—If “Mother Goose" Carriers in Columbia. Delivering newspapers is still the most common way for the average ;Amerioan boy to make his spend- were alive today she should be ar- ? W‘ '"°"°"- 3‘“‘¢‘"8, by ,C°'°mbi*- rested. charged with murder. im-? °"° " ‘£00 " 9”,‘ °“‘ 5"’ , rude. j each week to paper carriers by the ncss, selfishness, bad grammar-—-in § “M liuly FEW“ ":"d we ‘_‘°"“ {°'' fact almost every crime except an ; I_I1°b:“ ((7iN-Y8!I¢W8- . g . ers inc u e year- ; old boys as well as students in the . University. Many of the latter pay ‘-8 1138501‘ PM‘! of their school expen- 3 sea with the money they make from sen “ old womnnof the fables 5 as of "any gm“ “ ' mo“! m"»'“e' {men one reads that their first job, “U134! -lick HOFDGT" telthes hid ’ was selling or delivering papers. manners. "Blt¢l9d)' Pillfledlf. m)’ if Perhaps the best example is Thom. black hen" is utter foolishness and . as f»;d5,.on_ the ,_.g,_.c.t,.;c,; “curd. who “Rock a Bye Baby on the Tree Top" , beg." ._.‘,-,,;,m his ‘fly ‘S a new’- cam chfldren awake at nisht. Doc-,= boy on the Erie Railroad. 101’ 51009!’ lfl1|€8- ' The newsboy’s job is not an easy “Old Kim Cole" is anti-prohibi- i one‘. for. like the postman, he must tionist propaganda, she said, and i make his deliveries regardless of "Tom Tom the‘ Piper's Son” teach-rthe weather. Then there are the es children to steal pigs. ;“lticks” which the boys say persist 5’ Dr. Winfield Sackville Stoner, Pfeildenl of the National Educa- tion Forum. who in a radio debate with Henry Bull, the actor. thus de- finn cgme to the rescue of in coming in no matter how hard "Mother Goose." W9)’ l!’.\' to see that all subscribers “I fail to remember a single crime I "°°‘‘'° 3195'’ 13396513 !'°tl|1l!’l)’- The ant I mmmiued under the good boys‘ who deliver the morning pa- old lady's influence," he said. ‘ “'I'om l’_"“" P’-"'h"P" h“'° the Wfllffil dif- Tom the Piper's Son’ did not make ; f'_wk>' for they must rise at 5:30 . pix thief out of me. Lo‘; of things oclock to finish their l‘Ol.llP.8 in are taken away from us as we grow f um’-' f‘"' "5001- . Docto S ant to . , "“"j"“'“““ flak? oulzoflfancifulr Hijzrixtorvires of 5 Tu Gus BAPQUET TONIGHT chi1db°°d- too?” ;Studeuts' Religious Union Will -———-—4———-— » . wu.1. mvr: socuu. 'l‘02\'lGBT; The Smdems.““,;;§‘i'giou$ Um“ Students‘ aeiaxions Union Leaders * Will. we banquet tonixht to “cu “ Bfiuk‘ C|““.d,_ ;at 6:80 o'clock at the Broadway The” will be . sod‘; at the 3",, Methodist Church. Representa- tist Church tonight immediately = 1_5W_'s fmm allthc rounr people's re- following the Students’ Religious: "3‘°“’ °’3"’:“3-‘l"'._°',“‘ “la 3'0” Union banquet which is to be given we-,;gIsgm§»,,I;';;>$;<,,,.;',,,,,.. 12:. .,..., .. . so . 0... o. ......”“°“ outstanding in campus dramatics for l3l'0d'1¢“°0- v _ . "°"'Y ‘°‘“' ”°““" ROBERT nousnnn--fwiu .ticlde the’ ‘cy of everyone ;as the old sues. HAFER-—ls adept at characteri- zations. . “Iceland” and “The Boomer . ang" wereplays in which .. was ex _ .: FREDERIC McPIIERSON-W_ I . if. -10" cred last year by Prof. _ Brutus” ~McPherson is doing somereslwo . , BETSYWORRELL-—Basbeenastudent -indrama.allher_life. Berilrstap pearanosin“'l‘he8howShop"wascom- mended bill“? in‘ the Crltldlwfl Of both of Columbia's dailies. g “A y 9 . . ‘. I”. ‘ ‘E ‘r '_' I. . ‘ . .‘ ~- 5"- ‘\ ‘$.12 I ‘ r ‘. ".“*.F" ,e.I.~ .. . . "~r’J-'V‘...I-.. I _v.-.-- ‘.*.‘.*"“e-59! ;‘~.- - ID.‘ . ._. . "fl ‘Tag ._-.3 r g _ ,‘ . . --