‘Y -"o.. . -.,’.‘.._o.,..-. ,,.,. ~.?..E'* - . ~ ‘ A ‘ > '. "~ . -'--~ . ' :0 - . .. mo 24» - - ~ - .g.- . I“ ' ,. O . . ‘ .1! . . '._ - ..._* ...‘_ . . . _'_ -." i‘ "”‘ "" ‘l = '-"”"”_“" ' ~ - l”""'” A t « . .0 » -'—- -~ . ~..- _l '~ x y""- .»’s‘5.&*¢?"="" "°°'."‘ 11.$°§.3‘s;‘““.s.g";‘§i"‘§;7..‘i‘.’&l°°”1‘7TY“°”’"‘”*‘” l:v“s‘2‘.,......“ "'.?;"'..si".£‘.“.'.‘£".§°'.-‘;. .f.l"‘°“ "‘”“.' 0 J 4 ‘ - 31"‘ ‘"33’ 7"“? 5" &ster ands selected group of stu-j ITS 1041'” BIRTHDAY ‘Statesman tells of the early his-fA"i"""'"' (‘ z ' Z _;f := o = than too 8 «Pelee: Prlday are; “"‘“' . ""“"' 3“"""A o dents in the hish. school not part’! ON pg3RyARy o3 tory of Boone County: : A‘ —: ‘-: .« ¢ ‘Hilton’ 580 will to a horlisnl-2 Th’ ch"‘“‘“ Cdk“ 3”‘ in the program. ' “' «A commute, ._-9,000.00 Dy John”! 0'“!-d Pr-e . _ . X ‘charge of the program Snnhy - - '- ’ ' --—-— 3' “'53-H1»; . je,’ ,. A judglng contddssld in Whtt- . , . A dinner party null be gnven at . any, Jgflgg-yon nub”, ,u,,,1o,,,, ~ A GTO5, . ‘- ,3 “gm ‘ha a 'hnh‘ 'm_llll[hl It the Chnstian Endeavor of 5:80 osdock tad.’ ‘t The 30011! COIIHW Court WI! 10‘ E H‘ck‘l B‘“ fMCKlf)'-Hlugcn ' . v. 0 0... hf ‘flu ‘~ -“M mum brthe Pres nan Church. Ins Iar- , mun church for member. 0, year-sold yesterday. The nrst countyihcku-m '7“ "pointed by uu‘fgd¢;0| {um and .2 ,_ ' ww.;h sub nafiamuu soda)” .,garet Frittsoras the leader. ;;wo dub‘ Ana, a m_°a,‘m_ “court of Boone County met at;Le‘m.m" to ‘fleet ‘ndyuubmh provided mm a “O 0 _ .5 § night the Unlverslty . 1,0,, _...____...__,_.. The following program was glv-T - ,-Smithton. the tlrst county seat. on’ 0 -3 - .- e; . . . . . .,plan for consohdatlon of the two - 1. g-mgngm gaunt .00; Tu. e°m_ und to deal m the . - 2 . Aqlitos-luau. us larganst Wil- buggy 50435.‘ .0; pagan,“ ggp 331-5 men . gmngns fen: Piano solo by Josephine Btu-udub‘ will be worked out ' . lFehn.ary 28. 1821. The old town, .9’ .3’ '. 0 “.15 “,5 ordered ~, ": if lit!!! is dlvactins Ila " judging for Shdt Coons ’ .- ;rr. reading bgwloaepbine Blades. vo-‘l --.._.. ..__ ' _ ‘of Smlthton was located a half5 fig“; ’°"°“°" If" d“""'°f' ”‘-‘v to {be “um um -.5 . 1110 Calla Prensa Jinan-s-up The grain judging .,..,.,_.,,, ,0, ’:Dalry laahaalry Departneat cm-s_c.1 am by lnlltan Shields and Sara 3 mar wooos unxs AT c. n. s. 0 mile west or the present conrt- ‘ "° "° ‘"‘ '5 "" '’‘°‘’ .''‘'‘° agricultural co - " ‘ -2.: ;_ will take the lead an thgqugqud. 5. hm fun 9 to 12 om nu’. Out Hill Prsdoetisu Data. -Halon, readxng by Gladys Joe Skair,§ -—-—- 3 . I W‘ ‘emu! l°°‘,'”°" ‘M VFN" '°“'~°f H t mmm‘ _ ,7 ‘ l 5?: dflve:'dcal1haa:dd.chuiaontalHha"[d.y in noun 1 d the E.“ An‘. §RarIdsleD.u nuuproiepuuk ml by ‘ll C. Wu’ ‘G10 by gum‘ Pukwood md Ddlyegyliullwga Du. 0" 0°i°b°' 2° 182° P°titi°"’§:eTtenl‘<>catlo‘::m;m 3:‘ behetwd ate} Th” ’$°‘?‘“"‘ VII‘ "V. ‘ A’: ‘ ,. . -; 01 b --g,g,;,o_ . ere .e ya. ,' ' _ or counysea. , - - .~ ’_ 5 nnlnherwfllbethefllsaeslalnwellan 0]. £u‘:,:°u'm:’d§n.!bInd!7. ‘Lows t:aotrthe h¢‘I:y0Wl::d.‘ R‘ as y "gm . n J The intricacies of the postal sys- p':::m°d ''° “"8 T°I;’"5°'h]_.’A KYOUP 0‘ 0393 hid doflllfid fifty.""’°°“'d b"__u'° H°”".' T ..“’-‘.5 t gnu,’ uukfle sad.’ 3”“, mm“ M flu nimufi corgfby the University has made sever-.. ,0RGANlZ8 A Bl-Y CLUB titem were explained to the adnncedlthewfifium !:fceéi:8 at C:umu1:’l;&,acres of land and two squares of? spa“ t; V.‘ . K . ;.- ,, .. «-9 mug’ 3"” O'R‘"' G"'“'““ Growers‘ id °""‘u' "°°°"d‘ 3" '1" h" 5"” 'Scnsnel latrell Chosen to Carrylchun la ‘horuuml mrflwlinx that a new count)’ he :.us"'°“"d to be‘ med " the loanonl Pm!’ E’ 8' B''"‘3U’ ‘ ~; ' y . Stein, Mary Elizabeth Jansen, , g Axofifiw to page,” arm“ ,- ‘ ing of tho Columbla High School . lo! the new seht of government. llll yum. . . of 1 , . From 1 to 3 oclock 11100.3. V t llans in U. H. S. . lashed. A committee re rtcd in-‘ -- - P‘ "t °f 3'~‘°“-‘BY Cordelia bee Brnns and Rita South. men the Y. 9",“, bed ‘in, nu F-.yme,1 cm 1 1!»; P master Pat Woods yesterdaynl .,3’° gnddmon to these mducements theynhe membem of an _-c-- 2 0 ...’‘'° W M on be 1-4 w .. .....?.°“.....",.....1."”.*’:.:.. ...’ on--2»: s- M. mu . ..;.:'r'.',;:;. ., °:;.‘;“‘::-'.:‘..*-':°~ H «-= W on -» -«mm ;'::.'..**'.,.’ *2" -15° «cum to -cm or an new " o ssknthllooaallnel 3.- ‘ W '5,“ - :. ~ ' . '°'>',shou|d1mwr at thod;h .. - - <' -¢r=8_ur°:'rcne StateU' ‘z Id 5.. . . .-Q cbel Way, Bernice Outler.’Cather- "web a"'°° "’°d““:;lng:‘:e1,3‘Q, ,,E;:_p:$:::io:e::.::(:iH“h. Schonlfl °m?"'z"d ,' m'Y; the mail ii; rrfadgoflp, t:‘1?plon¢essex(-,::,.°"."'n“d the. BM"? C°‘""3' ""'5'. located there an':lw3rtytl;:;mwo01d §a$;:ar:h{‘.W;‘{"'"‘' 3' ‘, ' ""u ‘M spun”. "00" md ‘§,.m.b? the, Sun amelms of hu duthufl Eleven of; tilub m use high sruoal Ulla morn-g ice. mu‘ deliveries. re‘i‘¢md ‘M Whlth arc. wxth lattle. variation.;‘;,-9 32,000 in “uh ad “,0 we"! of M " e now of .. . Calla Frances Flanagan will take A°°°"g‘$’ mg anhfm them luvs ¢omp1¢g¢4 2.',¢.,-.015 ,3. 0 , 'n;°KpLmt;: ffndfl we special delivery letters. ;u‘°’° °f “:3 P"°“;"“v hA5U3“88°'"‘ or “ncvt-r-failing water." » an-' ’ E ‘. . 1” .an e tsaour o-,' V; mlu cnne caste-r,acaI- 1-Mai the d “(P ,was notamittc tote nion b,v« Th 14,-“ - , ‘ 213 {'‘’'*'‘‘—°‘ ‘C- A 1 -..z- n..-:._ . . averaging 15,418 rpounds M M; memb” of we U . i Y‘ s seoon ta ostmas, hm.i { . e as ture endentl) be. . nspectors 05 but chorus will he “'l‘he w. """"‘ “"°°"“ “"" 5°, ilk. on ' as . 0 ”“"°""" ,-Her Woods has delivered z c1uby”'°° .“°" '°"' ”"""‘°"‘ ”°"’.lieved that su la ‘as us 1 W "W4 Pm-. 4°" 9“ . A. A. girl, mu ' g:L,..,,_°°:,, $3 - ‘;f,"f;d:m§: ’b‘~.‘_‘_*’_‘.’ "‘:‘ °"‘"-" °.‘ “"3 "'2 members of Columbia nigh gchool. § '°" '""'.' “““"‘ ‘°' 192‘-. “*9 °°""-I unnoticed swcauflloriziguzhenomgfy ‘NI-ZWARK. N J., 1:0,, . 0 iv an .4 3 V,” “as an ha The animal husbandry,’ judging'n.¢o,d, of more-dun 19000 pound‘ Tiju ::c.'nce an Oolumbna. ,1_Mt Friday he spoke to the Com, 1‘! ‘'3' Will)‘ 8 l£fl‘If0!‘IId Count)‘; 50“ of the count). 39,0 '”"“’U8d illpectors wag .' - _. * Other attraction will he . softo °°"‘”“ ‘"" 5° 5°“ from 8 to 12 for milk in a car ' ' . . ° ”"‘ CM’. “’“ "“""“’ “"’mef<=N Club on seven! phrases of E ‘""" ”“‘ """"‘ ' **-**- "‘°"~’ "“" “ "0" of -. e a db 2"“ dud" ‘pecmtyby “in ‘up o'clock Friday: mornlng and five‘ six the he d th t 1“; }c”h’"’!"' hm“ S°h°°l'.’W~' NEW buiifleis. mentioning that The town Smithlon had been u.--,Cl\i<-ago Polls Open Amid Violence. “"-‘"9 i"5°”‘d in 8 var . g 9&0 '0' V... ‘"3 wmium ‘ad huh gold medals wall be gtveg; by p,.°,,,__ onmmdichl an “Nd;-ted ‘an Len Cal: p!1:;moreh: xgndfifty; men’!-‘more than 800 special delivery let- “8lmt¢d.by 0 group of men cnllc-dim ‘United Pr-us. ‘ P between two xammflnd. r 01 . Cami $ Flanatln: ‘Parade of the mThTt£::flw°:’rb”w°:':‘°! the. ‘t"‘°'faverll'¢ of 30.209 pounds of milk the boys of the Univerfiirty olfifihgtszidwu; defiverig indgflumbm :ih:udS1',,n.%h:: yf ii? 1813.: lg.-0 o{2t‘h_—\(3l1o'len“ my. i '.":l'z°oodiu0 . Ooden Soldiers," given filler In e mi ' _ , . I)‘. ebnury" . an t over nl‘ ou or rom . 5 . 9 |Cl80- M -.; 1 ml: fllllorlng in the psy.s.:1’.d,,, 09:» drms contest n gt b _°°" m‘ 753 “mm ‘I’ ‘’‘"‘‘3’'!- §°e*‘°°‘l‘*"“"‘*m 0f I Hr_-Y Chsb.4o.ooo letters are delivered here A0 36 In -ere from 2 rover-nment*P°"S today when six znnrnen shot U38‘ °"'°‘." " " ' 77.6 ‘today. ; at. ‘M "van cl _ Frank M. Scott of Newton; the at. , the '"r' - , “"“8‘-' ° """° LU‘??? ‘'83 lPP0"|Y~€d 88: every day. l landoflice at Franklin, 3 small town “P 8 DOING‘ mefiiflk which ended? ' W‘ Gdb°“'°° d ' . 5 : ck.“ % sins numbers. ' °' We iudting medal aw Dr. 3, 3,. ‘ma’ ’?“"".”" "“”"“5 °‘,'*" °"'~‘ °.' "W °'b"‘°‘ fiwmbm of the; -——— ‘opposite Boonville on the Mimufin a riot No one was injured. l .s'‘'"''‘ ’.’°""""°°‘ "1 7 ,- I w...,, 0, 0,, s,,i_A_B" Fmr uujAtu._was 11,000 pounds of max,‘ club an Columbia High School ans: usamhip Class rm to ma iaim. 3 o" 'P°°d"lK= few d-rain 1 .‘ “ "'°” g ‘ti "2 D°"°thc 1;: gfgcojgldting come“ med“ by r692 Pounds of butter. }’¢€‘l_'-H F 1. h ‘d i The regular meeting of the Uni} Shortly after Boone Count)’ hnd‘Br-F!y:sl::'Pr8o..'sedish pnnin ma‘ l°°"f"','i"3d"l'-h - 3 :"‘¢".'; 5 “'9 Perlormance »' ° _U!!1 of : the horse and. ' . 5' up . ‘M’ ‘s ‘. p."‘T’" em °f. ‘'‘'’'’‘"3‘' M"‘" 1‘°‘d°”"‘iP 0”‘ Wimbeen Ortanlzed by the Territoriali lJO\ID0\' b l mu?“ epanmut of '3‘ " l E . 1 d . . ———o-—-—‘ 3,4 C101, m colmb . H h S h L be . N _ ' . . . , e .'24.—H. J. Brant- of Agncultur . g The i ‘Then he tutu.“ mu in the fgniuye filofulnxuzcdiallulliy yo. “,3 mini‘: opponunmu if and the members 9‘! im clfbmei 3!: Stugeerlctls-togenfiztoga ta]:-uccounltnof F llfegnslature and Smlthton estsb- ms. former Plemner of Sweden, is -___e.—_._.____ . . gas col Z. 0.; of mandimrium ‘Conway; ‘M the fifth . mwlasaon you do not read and 0,9 ghsourian M,” apt wmhm Jdfe” ‘ad Han ‘quot “ the Brmdwu ' Mettihodltlt-I ls ed as the temporary county seat dead at Stockholm, according to ;: You are mnsslng o .. 900 3 h u be : ‘um uh‘ d wm5"“3°n. Rave n Drotram nt'Church 5 l 1‘ movemem W” ‘mid’. t° m°",“' 9"‘ - (‘entral News dispatch rec!-ived 7°“ '50 3°‘ Tad 134 UII V ‘and’ D“ 1 0 ' ————- _____ _______ -__.'_ V H _W W.“ V 0 . , ' ‘¢0UUl)' seat to Columbm becguge of)‘ he;-¢_ wgnt gdg, ; Ever S ta d ty ' ll f V” T l "M ‘ ' a a o’ """..'.'. Y e n W . EveryStudent' * E St d v E r-- .- Very u ent. veryStudenfl as V - A. nope: - - caused - ‘- 14 ' The ml. rel ' - the sale > No s4 hand I hcshml C t A NATIONAL CHAMPION? ' I of l - 0 \ . . C0111'S€f YOU do! Our Glee Club 1s the Mo. Valley Charnplon and has been 1nVited to compete against Harvard Yale Princeton and other eastern colle ' ' . 2 2 ges 1n a Natlonal Contest to be held 1n New Yo1fk,March' 7---a Week 5from Saturday" night, “ ’ "3 hmk 0”’ fi”3t appearance m the East and a Natzonal i Contest.’ Authoriti h he .d ' ° - - had the the best Glee: git“; ar 0 us smg m Kansas Czty sazd we in the country.’ On .to New York!! = _l \ I .4 +..' _first! Every student's help is essential,‘ ;‘p-, -C’ ._ _ . '- .4_ ‘iv _ ‘ ‘s * - .3 ‘ W =-‘ »‘ \.- C ._‘v_ . .. - ts . - T113 tri f l ' 0 ' ‘ s ‘ mm the first fm:riIt1htehGl§ie Clubmen‘ W111 cost around $4,000. For E School team h 4 eh SW1’ Y Of 0111‘ élhna mater the members of a V he! deft h ave een asked to. dig down .111 thelr pockets and e P 3)’ t 6‘ expenses for a trxp on a University ‘enterprise! ‘,:.”f; y 9 D011 tWant-Them to D0 That--Everystudent W Help; 0S ’ ' A ;. Emu? 0 0 ' ‘ . _ ' llwa . l 1 hofizghcfitllseg-ltl;,wn§ixTpllfdn