r... ..- - _'_,4__.L_ . - H. o ‘ 7 .em.~:e‘svwiez;ts-rial '7 3 ’. -; . _vur—~— . . , . _ _ ,_ ..—;,-_- , ';‘z".l.l".¢3.’-i he . e ta» . _ ’ ' . —_ H .ry .2» . ' ‘ z " . . '. . _ \ _p'."_i“!'t.'calIJie"ifIl"3.liI|!llIloI§ s’ 1-,. 3-,"~s . Va‘ ‘j-‘ - 1 a ‘hours for non four to A . “hm. .- ':m°h7b¢fd , uflore CD-Opel‘-.ei|'lst dI7|.d£IIcnd1ntIII!°h slum-e-"""' . """" 3_ 'r-.Am.-iB<|-a.ti- C-I. cm”- ' ' ' \ - l l A. -. ,5» ._',-+. _ V . _. ' Yli|l’5¢l~"i“‘3¢’-. . 3, 1.“ tau‘-1,. at4o'doel:‘rneails7.lax-cli ae- , - ‘f _l *" We to aeinaia ere - --«I to we on we rt -2: “?§l1alr’9Vitli l'.’....':°:";.:.....-2.? ....~;. ..... «Minx «» « um»-um W ...‘.£;..% s':.'.‘.:.°’:;.:’.'“‘.;;°‘:.°'o......"" “uh”. _ .. , .elasses of livestock. Tliia mods __a i gflmlwdd; yeatu'da}atR.O.'l'.C.headqnar - ”°d‘é "at..." «I ‘ .——----—' ' ” Em tck I-Zahgaimmedat ‘Cu’ €{'“"'"‘\ " ‘._....___‘ 3 . Pereafl;80"l\eI netesnlaal. -"" atri Mm’ ‘oduallon Vm ° V '33!“ 0311005 ‘Fill _lII!'li¢5D|l-0 10°: ;; mwmcc Wu‘ F1.“ ‘Nth, A i, an increased ‘M3 “We then determine the in-cent-‘i (.‘_olotnbie l»0IlI0fl0W for th¢'_ _ flab”; mjdflt in the Univer-an Audttorinmiu. “and "mu", by Dem“ c.~tlv_ity iafliesaall-testing laboratory-age oftlie aeedstliat havecsprzmtedu “ “ache” ‘me th in. theldlltflcl. confuence of rocahdtlolnl 1; an 3.;-mg} “mug: (gr eh_¢ Stciiwig, II""¢l“3 °‘m°l’ of melon. due States .Depsrtnent;tbe percentage that is “live and_ hfimry “uni.” udfi "flu": 1-‘dueation. "‘llCl;.Il bein:feal an?- ’?n E‘. fie“. ‘dd. Tn ouaom ‘ml ' G‘ ‘ 0153189. “V of; o o “and m 9' But mix!" ‘'0' m. .0“ ‘M! the eIPe’-‘II3Oflbl)' areas on the West Cain-'1 gnu" ‘newt’ Y1‘: . nu, ,y...-“aub_ailttad. but two speakers loundhhe nuem‘ M 8" Com" of Ar. ’ . ‘R is oper-leentage that is of no value. es» N‘ .31 oducallo? tho: l:ls1:‘eun.g w_ eoa- 4 ha Pugh‘ nomugit necessary drop out. lloraceifiumun ‘in be nnded “ ‘mmatad with tee Mia--_plained lllss I-‘ulir. _ 1-. T Wm! omah fqerer:f ail? f e net“ tnllfn ' Gfiggg-Wfl.;W. Hughes. winner of the Inedslimne “.'o_ The pfim “min of sgrl Agricultural Experiment Sta- «As an ample i’ oomidflea ,,_ ~ nets o ctllnlnllll‘ do «_ .atu as. ro essor l(' neon Ynnkg-ilast year. dropped out because of aibwh ‘O Q ‘at { ‘so "an! W. C. Ethofldlté. of 11", preeentative of the seed as a whole. '“9”‘°°“"'”“°“ ° '°" ‘V’ i tlffik; {death in his family, and A. on d m m “§d"‘u V‘; Q A department and mm. up.“ ;, mu .0 ,5, 5..."... 0y§P°lm'3"“’ f_or_b°tl_l units 001* t--o 'j‘* '— « :('.g-pg-9 ‘-3. gr-gduggga 3: the and of 9 en 0 mo" ‘'0' I ‘fulu-,_ jggior boggnisg of may firm giving we run!“ of ourldet ccpa will be issued before the Try Ml!-'A0urlIl'liI’llll-fidfi. ‘. ‘ h L;§iroflci‘ent in preparing and eshih- ,- . Mr xi ,, 5,.“ 3,51] ,,,.,g.,d_ of theflhe firat aemester and left so ooy lung hnflock. dqartnient. are in c ire gnu, non ‘mnrm rquhfiom per. __ can ~a- ‘+K . 'C“'”'5'_‘ The jfldtu. as announced toda ‘°f.~”" '°"" t Those using the laboratory are . - , ‘ . ‘~ '5 ' .g .- °'d0¢k . by Prof. G. W. Hulbert. will be Dr.’ . laboratory is one of several mm“, “"3", in ninomi ‘M taimng Il‘lIIl.-’thQfl1£llh‘-O&¢lr::$ A ._ , !\‘n»-‘Prof. 910 P311811 H. M. Belden, chairman of the Eng-; PERSONAL I; in the United States. It aer\'.es.{§,-ms 5,, mg. ,i,.-,,, “,1”, Th. :':b':‘fif:“dw;o:'"a::: fgmerig \ E at ;'..t g :’.; . .-_' _ «lish department: 'Dr. J. \\~, Ray... farmers and seed {inns of HIV week of Jenny,» 4. l925. there were in c“ed_ Each mambo . I ‘bu ‘ eet g.g. iiubertj. ‘W 0_ 9 mm 1,. 306 mu. d‘:;.E|' G;f;‘;"!';'r"::°_,‘_”x“_’;‘." nfhanquiirgi Ray Wilhite went '_ff?“,e‘x‘:';‘9;3"°',"“c:";’;f'C“,“_"_‘:,':,: ““"‘P:°‘;un"“,;"r'”f}‘:t 33‘; sent-e Itiibm giriii 'd:r_iy_ t:;aemes- : ,1 . _ Q‘ xgppg P‘aE——flims" lat-Jot-ie Ls "3-u"a"’°d 'm' “"93"! tier of the..history departinent: and ‘O _. “gut T ' "cram" i 50141‘ Dlklltll. North Dal:ota._ received for some time although at " W km‘ 1 '3 “u t- ‘O ‘I ' vi ‘ ‘ " i .. Helen Louise»-Woo‘lantall,lum“ 9‘ W489 Nam)‘ In her Dr. H. G. Brown of the economics- ". “ "°'- ‘ “°"‘“‘ .“ -\'el-rash. and ion a ‘the average is 150 every week. The . ’ L Wornell. Frances Brewer G‘: - department. Dean lsidor Loeb will 3‘; g:;l:=i''n3‘ltY- ‘"11 10 3l-- 140"” -Seed Ilast Be Inspected. nmpic, no med 5,, ti". o,d,,- g., *1 4 : B.Beater. °= » - J ' ' ~_'"—"" ~ t ide t the contest. Vhich Vi" ‘ _ “‘l'h« " t la- 'h' In th - ,' d - rlted I ‘ _-‘ ‘~' "$2; li‘.psilui-—Ed nuthdl.i,,,,,§“'°,;"'".n_b‘”m "23:’ Ch‘ ‘I 9"‘°"f: $12. prom‘ ptly at 3 o‘clocit. f 5- 0- Burner agwiwed in Colnmlm i‘ ~.<;i:i :3. aeed‘°“me.:ict:.-lrlnfgeguthe; :n ‘in :h:ys;?n".‘-e..':.i:: ?»'..'n'.’..‘} the s .. - * ~ .- - .. Chi—-llisaes Knee Illdred 1107931984 of p lll|"iI‘g::(}1 The orator: and their oration: ' ’'”‘"d“Y *9 “fill 0" 1111' "1!’ “'0'” _ llnitedflttltt must be inspected be- sowing 5PI~'*"n. as at present. farm. i " Sale , _ norm’. gffiyfokig 3;“, cg“ A . . I f “ ,KIl‘lMI9 Cit)‘ 10 Chl¢l8°- -- are «released or sale,” uid'ers in firms selling .-needs are "and (‘atcherine South. ‘Ben, Andre" of ucAlm"’ out‘ D?.o.?:-ls "The Greater Pmbla-In." Mrs. l. R. Rhodes returned to her , Miss Fill’! in discusainx the \rork'61*£ir0u9 that their seed be tested EIDU1 ’ at :5 _ , Hard)‘ A. Wray of Wsrrensburg, "”’.“" Z‘ "“"""""" "T" “"' °' ""‘hCm9 3" KIM" CM’ thislmomina '0f‘&B laboratory *, ~r aAIpha Epsilo;n yeso-«in ' - Tomorrow * 4.-.. , . The accuracy and care .aiter a short business visit in Co. ~11-.¢’-ggmplgg tun we ten, are? taken in all of the tests. however. Bq‘h'h‘ ‘_ y for his home after my £;, s.,?.,i . --11» son at N -4 . o g . h ‘_ I _ g __ j ' time as flltbnzfi 8als‘tenred."E:°n.AP _ chm. - .’.imbia. ' _ ’ ‘received from seed firms and farm-N P."="j'~'"1 in)’ l'PN»‘d"ll! up of 15¢ F J. 7 o H“ E .1 am izuestat the Kappa Alpha house. H-‘:_'_' "- ""' "- ”' 5"" ' Mr:-.. J. V5. Clifton. 51. South ms of the eleven states. Our ‘”“l"l8 IW0N‘M*:_ S t 1 _ : _ V;-_Sigm1t A r. psi on V: enter». _ ;-——----—— _ ' - , _. p1-1), awe‘. 1 ft ‘hi .m_.mm,, for busiesz season is during the sowing‘ '“"“j““—“ ' hoes red ma 11.11. day ,\ A ~ v ".11.. with an informal dance from Of DIN!!!’ 8130"»! 8} 9'9 KIPPI 5l8° :k':’:’f“Pd:,;‘f,h‘fT7"" A N” ‘M R" Kan“, city and Emu-1110, Tu,’ time of the various seeds. .' w 0“ 3- Bfdllmn to Lecture. 3 ‘ed nl:Pll even th. I‘ ' . 13 ‘°""‘73'““' llltllt at the chi?‘ ¥ "‘"lg“ :9" R05?’ _ Harv. Loni-0“ Run-er. "Iuuvlca—ru-.1 (0, ,1 month" ,.;,n't_ .are getting many samples of clover: F“ B:"";_“':i‘ °{U“§° ff?!’ '0 el tehne-" ah i. _J llC!l.‘('. . 81'} um: 1'. ' i,~irl.shw.e-an;-2-. k ‘Th 0”’ " 0' Mr‘ I,-mil}, gupp 705 ui.‘°uri seed. llflllfl. (‘0l’ll. cotton fllld l’lltl(’i"gl)l ‘arm men ow e! ;‘“'?r“ “V O t e new oe ’ s :‘ -e - - .. ———q..—_._ .'u- an! Sir taaer. ' e rar y ' ' ‘ ' ., -' ";, '- ’ I . , ; gt '5” f"""“"“‘ ‘nu he flan‘ . A d§m,u._d_.nu‘_. win he held a:.'..*u Pour." avenue. went to Hardin this rnorn- ‘"““‘ A: ‘h:c8:_r0°|0“, ‘nuudtr °cum;::‘fhe?. retaIned—because 011!‘ ,| . z‘ ‘ " 333')’ M ‘ the T‘v.rn ‘omomui John K. wllitlkfl’. “Our XIV)... I Pro;-n the!-g ‘he to to “WI?” lb? 5?“ lb‘ f'(‘(‘I.'l\'(‘d I Tl‘-i “uspi':es of tfi: (,h.u1bneg,_lifl tGeo1o‘. ‘ ‘ , t0 In Q . .,. er. Me.) n Bridger. r- knight ‘mm 6 to 8 0.60:.“ .Co1';1h;’e.l'!lc:nIln‘rlll be awarded at Rum‘, Cm. for ‘ ‘hon ,.;,it_ presentative amount is selerted ~_for', in! Club. “is um‘ Wm dad with‘ 1: “on of Remnmu ‘ad fi_ B;-Qnglg 3-gun-nw to testing. A card is made on w ch‘ ‘h ( Katherine D’ enilerffer-» Prof, and Mrs. Jonas Vile: will As announced isre'viou-sly. the her i.“.;....' in Chiliicothe this morn- -II the data or tho 1082 is recorded. ‘T“l"°‘.‘l'-.'*““‘°""‘ °““°" "‘ 3'" ‘‘'‘‘''t Work called for and de- g‘ V “"hlI!'10=l. and! ‘OM llillerfi-be dinner gjegxg at ugh Kappa l{;p-'winner of this contest will speak mg ,3" . V3,“ with 59,- mugh. : The llllI‘lpl9'lS'll'lt‘.!l put in an on-‘ ‘gt . Q pu_t.’.lft.',i‘ in.V‘"ed llvered Wtll our splendid we ‘re. J‘ z91""3v.K“-597539 u0l'8fll._ pa Gamma home tonight. ‘at Washington University‘ t. u.,_ G,-ac, Louis... at 5u.phe,,, (301- i velope and it is given a number~ Doctor Eli:-ang to Leave China. ‘ ‘ervice - . ‘ flan“ Sl4'Ph91ll°flo 305! 0'33”? ,--?— Louis. in the Missouri Valley Ora-.19“. .which stays.v.'ith the sample during‘ ])r_ gm] Mrg._ w_ W, Ely;-gng ex. ' . oflerlng exxp _t ‘l\' _ . mum 3113359“! ,ui” Ch“‘u""- Mach" Y”. ' ‘torical Content which will be held? Mi“ Eek" Reed 512 Somh 7 the entire process. It is then tested’ pg-ct ii. an {rum (‘hina for the, 7 . - ' V. ‘ Kathryn Sykes. llartlraidlflhef (0081 8! UR A_lDhl Ch‘ 0“l°‘3March 20. The following universi-‘ Fifth “rut ‘eh for’ bu home in ‘ for purity, germination, idomifi. [Ynited sane, the 1,m,., pan 0; ‘ b3rg3‘n5 to you ‘t ex" ’- ‘ ' V ll‘-Pl. 10!-150 M07131. MOT)‘ 31318‘. 3‘ h°”“ .n’°‘d‘3' ’“‘M‘ ‘ties and colleges will paiflripate in ' K‘ - C. ’ th. » u- cation or examination; or perhaiis June Doctor 1-‘|o.-nng in pom-jug ‘ ‘ . 3 - Jtmu-son. Calla Plans and‘ ——-—- i - . ., - '“‘." "V. "‘ '“°".”"". ""‘ 1L ' ' - l ‘ - -‘ i . 1 ceptional prices. 2 I9 V_V“no 1-be mNnk!_' of the ,l.l‘llS ‘Ill?!’ C0fll.Q3t. UfllV¢T3lly 0!, Reed '5 'e.’v'n‘ the Un‘v.rflty for {Of I vdfpflldlng upon (ll? senders from hi; pogiuon on {he faguu’ of x ' P n V.“ - sorority announce the pledging of K’f"‘“', U"i"‘”“’ °f °|"‘,hf’““"an.indefinite stay at home. "‘""”'” ‘Trill! “U8 College.‘ Peking. and will ’ _ ~ : "‘"‘ "' V ‘ zsaiei Zacliow of Duluth, Minn. "‘?;"'°';"§', °‘ ,-"‘**;"‘;E'*~n“"“‘}°*i‘i Mrs. E. J. Hayes and daughter. The prowess of rerminntion iwwt return to I —ma- . ,, This remnant sale’ . . e '5! 3' 0 IISOIITI. II III on 311- J‘ne' of F.yr“£ ‘pent “st week- c‘n,.i¢d on in l‘r",e germinatorst ' - ‘ t 3 7] . versity. University. KIIISII end “rs. J. W. .517 ', 'cont.in mew] ra¢k‘_ A ‘.,r_‘ >>_V J”.-““— l i 8 . _~::,., chefs of. 8 ' CAMPS WILL BE HELD _.§tate égricultural ' College. Iowa south Fifth ,,u-an, ",4 )1;-‘no, J_ ‘ tnin ntmber of seeds are placod‘;.-.- -......-.I.I.I-I-I.I.U‘.I.I ‘I-I.I.I-I%%.i» time for [H thxe Who 3 “ i Mefiet ‘ 0‘ ‘ 5,” swat...“ to 3, G3". gppopl "t" '° 3°‘ A____ l?"’Celltl'l€f9p H3 North Glenwood aV9- Y :::w3:'r:l¢;ll-‘:-:::d :r:)S0:‘}: : are beginning that ‘A . -- . ' mac 0' (gall to Atteld Without SHORT COURSE TO HAVE V ' ' . - ~ A . ' . _ ,3 It's (‘ouncil of g Clix-iatian " goat This suaiaier. 3 s1~ocx.1un(;u.-(; co,\'1-E31-V ° ’ I"'*'§“' ‘Th’ “M ‘"’“"‘.""" 3‘~‘WmK 9e39°n- if h M.‘ be he” “marrow ‘itch: Ci .um mun Tniniuzl . I! you want to bug or sell some» 7 which the seeds are put is kept at; _ ' E ;9 _ at 2:30 o'clock at the following Camps will be held during the sun» :Fi"° M93818 A?! to.Be (liven to "NW "7 ‘ nl33°°"1"' "'9 "L 1“ """'l’°"““"° °£ 30 d°“'°°’ C°""’.. 1- ie.-: The Northeast Sectioni rner for young men from 17 to 31 ' slfin“ 57 ""’°'"" ’ . ; 7 with Mrs. W. 1. Olive. 9l0lyears of age at Fort Snelling,l Th hm“: ”“"- I g 7' ' . :8 5‘ street: the Northwest Sec- llinn.: Fort Leavenworth, Kan.;£ 9 El! l-01'-I'll — 80300 fl ' _ ’ - " wow ;. ‘zgtion with Mrs. Homer % ite.jyPort Des Moines. 1...; and at Jef!er- _Course Livestock Judrfnz Contest, , ‘ t ' WILL BE A SUCCESS -lk 1:301 dress and. _j.-. .933: North Ninth moot; th Sont'h- ; son Barracks. mo. according to an _of the collar»: of Atncnlture of t I , : 3' ' 3 Section with Mrs. P. w. 3rnnd.=annoonu.-nioni by Lieut.-Col. W. H. itlle Univertlty will ‘be held t4ornor- a yau ear?! ' ___if the refreshments are unusuany . linings sateens raquin street: the southwest Clendenin. cliief of staff. 102d Di- ‘row. This contest is an important . ' - . - ngtts, 1. gig fgbricg, ~' ‘-- -- - od HARRIS are now eui ed "3 -. '« fleetion with Ian. R. B. Gray; 311,- vision. , :51-arly activity in the Collese 1;: on Februa I go bék h k L qt pp“ l suiting ginghanis, per--1 ‘_ » ‘ _ _p ——-—- _ fibe held from Jbly 28 :0 A?;l::t;‘l; ;b_v Missouri breedc:-s and others of. - - ‘ i I chicken patties or’. anything of it C8 . tow , . ., , .. . -.- , ' .Q1'_llt88 Entertain _the others from August 1 to 30. }fering prises toithe men who shoe? b , h I nature for your part‘, ‘ duunsks, ch 1 . cam ..- ...... . .;...."*'..°‘.':.'**.:.f°....°°"‘:°.:.*°:.'.'.:.t"'.':;'.::;..*’*..."::.‘°:.:. ::...‘.:.'.°“°°*. REMEMBER» ecause It as; - ~ m r,-so cloth. mm- __W . . ' A; toiioo-inzwete . -jiuve an opponunityzo attend. or ml Scott ‘siirts"tirro"nsi-a.r'iniii‘ been _defll.'11t€1}’ l31'0V9d that partydelicacies from HARR1S- win‘, sheettngs. d es. ‘ ' ‘Pi mt‘ o{ithcIe.2,000 from Missouri and Ar-f;be nvrarded to the best judge of Jlmmiels Is the place to eatnl Save [you 2 lot of worry’ fretting and 9 curtau.| ||c.ts, hoes M at Owes‘!-Ilr_.— no am. W. C.p:.:';‘oo'::lJgtma»P:n3uncLm'ke:w3:tn§ ‘l»t:’.yscl:.r::ni‘; 33;. ‘°;°i°i§..°i..’.'ii.';'.£ and V’ enliertalll V0111‘ friends tedious Preparations. The)’ Will 8% a 2 . °'“b’°'d‘"°" ' . nd 1'u¢.'l‘a'=; o ‘ " ‘gersvill booiviifoa betweenthe oth-‘.Shropshire breeders in.the state and. and dafies_ We will make? long wav toward making vour party: , ‘ _. : t A licati no‘ ° : . . - -- I ‘ - ‘ ~ ‘: - .‘ icy. . ;.. .-goo. Del‘ui_Delta—-Dr. and uro§§...‘J.‘.’,,-°‘.';'.'..”",i,...§’,., ...§’.§“.,. ,L'L‘,’{'T“;',',"f,’,',f‘(‘;‘.f,°,,,,';".’X,,'.:.",,’,{,§§.T °°"" :.m, u, _ every minute of your visit a a_ success, be it afternoon bridge, :1: Tables w," Be Re, ve u ‘s. noynes and mu rnneo.;¢,;..,d ,,,,..,,,, chm of mm mad -The snM_B" Fm shmhm. . ° pleasure. dinner party or a dance. ' : . ch D H ‘e. _' - J Eilivinion. St. Louis: others by the medal offered by Sni-A-Bar I-‘ai-in especial lunch. - _ filled Ea aye ' - 1 *“":..*:3".?:“J**.';;‘.:.-.“:.'~.. :32“ :°.°:::"'..."“'*.:.';~;':..°.:"- “ °.':.:'~* e a G" HARRIS’ i ' it "1’ v ' ' ‘. ' .° '3 - ' tote “$0860 i ' - ordersin " u ' é "'. and X!!! G001!!! 3999* “The object of these camps is to :32]; : CO ' f ° d . ‘ l . i t ; . ~ . me in meet your. men s reagongbly , . EA P 8 on 3 - n. . . ' intake better citiaeneof the you!!! The M.cColluin Poland China med-l f h ’ h tod and enrea,-]y_ fink;-d gm] Si; 6- 7 3 v_..ign»“'ben d"'—""'sahb"d "'6 Bhaezrnen of the ‘count:-3, Lieut.-Col. .1 mi] be flu,-¢,d to the 3. her t e S OW ay _ ’ _ ' ; n _ W : "' - Mics Dorothy Stzvin- ”"" ”.' """‘°‘"’°"“ "‘° iudze of hm by Elmer ”°C°““"‘l joy some of our real French , f ”f’-...’fJ * ‘ - . do 1.“ ' tiamp" _ The” “H be 1°°t“’:°‘ °“ of Bogard. Mr. Mccollum is a? - _ . - _ f - we 1 ‘:,mi°§,,r:ry,;,.¢:el'3,g ;:h.1»,;3"'_‘°_ d“”°' ‘ma ’°_”l,’°“‘"’“'5”; °’ breeder cl Poland China hogs. Last pastries’ __,,___,,, __,,, ,4- g___..__;._‘.- .._::._...““ '°"'“ ,~,~~«,..=« m‘.:.“.:‘:;':.."'::‘ ‘.3‘.m"“?3‘;o z;::.'.:;:.°:::'.:‘.:‘..*:°;'r::'.:::.;? ’ ‘ _._.,_ 1 ‘ Proctor. Laura Stephens. Ru ' : gth 3pl°r:u'"dl 3‘ “only 0?! M5 73"“ ill‘ C8170“ C°"Dt)'- '\ . 3 and 1 o ‘- . V ‘'‘-’“''°' ”‘‘°‘- ”°"°"""and-a higher standard will be re- Tb‘ """.“‘. °"" ”°’” ‘"" o‘ - I “ g '3 7; her and Vivian Hannon. “ind mi‘ at due to th limiurflule Commissyn Co., one of ~ hefeuun " '00 i .._.._._._ iq 3' ,’ most extensive concerns of its! " i i ...' - The Daughters 07 99”“! ‘ml numb" '1” “" be t’‘‘."°d 1”” kind in America. operating on the; » n ineet. at 3 o'clock Saturday arm-gthe hm number of Irritant‘- Bli. A '_~ . 4 with sin. B. an ‘Prov-brid8¢.§ Tl"-' ¢°¥'°"*°" 0* Mlmnn {"5 4 xi * mi souciu-iie Avenue. There wiii;N0bml=-.-nd other mm me in. g g A o _ T . for travel, for street, for general wear \ ~ ‘hi tfll: by Miss Helen K. Shlpps. ::r"'°dfl2¢ ¢8ll‘lPS ssdhlve mem- -. ~ < . V -“- ' i 1' e . . 4 _ . —9'~-..g-- ‘, _:i “idiots by Bra. 0. R. Johnson and 8 0 onzress an crgymen, ' _ - I I ‘ ‘ - . . ,' dra_—' _ . gfliss Jane: Digs-ison _-ad I P "°; If you want to buy or sell some- » WHY WASTE MUSIC WITH YOUR MEAL9? ; These are man-tailored §utts— . ff‘: 3 a‘~ .‘j-""".m:'°’ L" ‘"3" ""3"" 53"‘ uiinsvtrr a Missourian want ad. ' i all of them--unusually; adrlzit and - -A 7' “ o in - - ' lin l clever n‘ D in or ‘ ~ .- ——-——— . —---~-- ' n\cin to It. - “P999. 35'. ° . 00 i. {.1 +‘«'%-__lln~ V. C. Brown ‘entertained’ Emoy D8 xg hairline twill. ,They are suitsfor . »—.-W « »:j " ‘’'''-‘° “’’’°‘ °‘ ""“' “ "°" ‘- almost any occasion‘ that might g_ last night. The guests warez‘. , . and Ma. S. G. Henry, llr. andi Harold Baker, Mr. and Ilrs, —.~_:-‘W. C. Sutton. Mr. and Hrs. George: -‘KRIS. Xls:"Gertnide Wayland andl ;2;isi arise during a spring day. ' Expertly. tailored and so ‘trim _ that they’ll retain their smart ‘ The New Spring Tailleursn ‘ 1 E ’~‘ " Réfitflla 3. Tailor . lines, ori ‘rial fit and becoming- '.. I 81 - ' Q -- 3-... s,.o,,,,;.-nnoni dance of the; mess throughout the life -of the u “;.‘.';- i v‘ a Emil .Novs’ooy Ball. tomorroi Dllht at? . l 5‘ . are $119 .- - .,“:lhe Daniel Boone Tavern. ‘ ~ g - ‘ newegt. gxpgnentg of the 3p ‘”' ' *5" at the Kappa Al-: mode ‘in tailleurs. An exquisite oths, _ . .. .. ~ . V. l . . . . i-buy... .3‘ - ‘_4 y 1'0 size. . ,’,_u___ Bram... mm; ~ u- - give youthfnlslininess to th fig. - Eff. _.¢,.m”‘,¢ cm,” am A ‘L lines .- " """"'i i I ’ J’ ., .P3fl31v‘9 vtitully one 2 2~..§-.*...’£".'.'..~.“2.":‘.':'..*‘.;.".s‘.".i”°"°°' ~ iinertt ‘ . » . . .; '' T'.~' -'3"-:6é'<=I¢=i=o*-~°I*°' i ‘ ‘ . 7 4 . B9; V , Prloedfromg w’ I . g. 5 v ““".- l , . a. .. .i..... '1 trait 0', -L4‘ * ' :‘oU’_ oh i. . . yr-, ‘ "53-"""1$"""""£"' vi. 2‘*.'.:;..-;o...-<»f *2-.-:':=.t :< :- ' ’ A‘ .. ..—. ,<. ~'-.__ _ _; .. : -. at . _ 4 ‘ uI'_' -' ": ‘I_ , s ' . .-_ I ' in ,‘ . _vy n. .1.‘ 22' ‘- ~ ‘ ‘.‘-e~ , . z ' . . .