4 . . I 1 ‘ . _ " ‘ > 7 4 .. . . . I ',‘, ‘ _ In I , ._g....Q.-o...qos4....-—... a-—o—..._....s..‘-.A .gn........ .. ..~‘. . y . Z....—a--J04. - -¢b0‘9¢"""""""""“ . - '_ _ . ', _ . ' ‘ . - < . ' . . av « ‘ . . ‘ - ‘. ' . . a - . ii E E E 2. i : E .50". l There have been a largewere: Ray Ganaer. V030” s""°l 0'd0¢k38WNl!M¢mlDl'3d"idpu”'d"d."fi‘btm&:htn‘d"i{' l I by ‘ hrflnumba. agrnnmheroiadditionaandomlsaionsgart. Everett Sallntll. 7590“ a ‘E E5 1 . Q :. -.‘«:’;“‘*s 1'; '- 1 if I; 4 ’. ,’ C e ‘_ _',;:_‘:-:‘.:';.. ‘- --f. .' _ ' .~ . 4’ .. <.._l;'.; _ ~ . y I . GOLUHBIX KIBWURIAN THURSDAY FEBRUARY % J ' f ’ A C ‘C C l l C' '3‘ U PUBLISHER ' ” "“" "'l""‘ "”"‘a" "knozaigwnurgrcongc Plfl.llh(@P8::.u‘h m M’ ‘H "9" . .'." .. In-aetlea. ltaaaeansruaathe, . pfifiwdvmthudbz 5. count“, ' $xb‘n“dfi"u‘«,,,,.,,«-- HAK85s1'RH’HEREE¢uu¢1a:uunn£:uufllgaddfia:’h;.&auhhu,¢a'.," ,,¢..,.,;. ....g s.%,,,_,,,,,,, T.“ ‘ p;.....:;,.,.,,,.,P,,,...u,.p,.,, . Th-Ha Ii-s!'ha» 4lzflYAlRPLAN “'7'” "5"" ""' ‘°""d; I'll: A"!-I" may a cum: 1- -It . IN ——-- “hm A"'m..a.u.n"d'dunn::’ "““"""- "Inthe.aeetiononheadhnasare- uneu-serrunr «by eertlhutea can be a ' s when we: tail; *- I-snug asset to: our a hour nu: "'° °°""'“,"’,,,,,..' ...u nsv.:b°:1"khe°‘d{';”s°‘m°",,,.,,Dg°‘;th°.....~D”",,,,£ not-Ir-I-do-I-,0! the hell: Ninestndentstntb8bortCourae:z D-so Inna-cu to those ' ‘ - - ‘-11!’ Karlene’ 3 '55! . chads. John - “uh” ! V 31.3"‘ Columbia His-§ . »~ can Dammg "‘ Tw° Act‘ In :u:ao-a~.‘~roa I'll! 3?-."Ir! "Tsu‘:’u‘..'£"’iw"" - "“"" ""‘qnu....‘° H“ 3.°'d'''..'.‘‘....°‘’’i.~»r “* U"*'¢"“¥ °‘ "““""" “ aoI$D:..:‘It‘a'boar.ulesf°!ti0'fi*c§h “ram” ”°°"“".Fw alt‘-t-ohms: 325.... for next year va*='M°“"° s~*- '3-'*:.'.:.-1-=.....' - -r........-*=--- ~*».....m-. 3 .':.':...n--a « »- :-+»».*:*=....=.vM......-:..¢';.'::~*...'~**.. .32: «~ « -*1‘-:.*:.:-=-:.':..*i*l:':°‘.’;‘..".':... .. ...°°::'.. .. r-,........«l-- :2...‘ ~~*=:*~* « ‘ ’ - ." - t H ‘ eon -. o‘ ‘ ‘ , . fessronals. :_llisa Virgiuh Bart: and “langeu s",,,..uaa?n'ase anti: .. u..».rcu-in tan: ~0""""""."“',“ ':,',";§¢hoosI-t- The -2'3"’ '=‘”‘'‘''’ ‘g,’ . headlines.‘ tural naming. fl jg,“ _, ,,,,''‘,‘"'’‘q I" arts. a T3 a clot 3|'°'fl“’5‘u‘-as‘: 308% d Ndlol. for» {Is an ‘aid '9 figure they dis-;::u¢‘h‘m la". iI:¢l eafihllaation and lmnettatronlof the names :1‘! the runners ‘in ht;-epheen an liar:-M 0' ‘ ‘ ""‘”" .covaredtheylIad i-eikcol-nlh 4 am atilthe l""““"" * - e, ' ' la"‘i::ncz~aF‘lanaaren.and'Rende::-' The an‘ jrnerlyfloolunhlaaadszovlnl h.‘q“u':”“.h.“nn.§o)fe'neee::;lglii:¢: ‘ ' .ra.u.”,,,.;,,u ,g.p¢,,on,,.chckbyl';;r’1dAayeven£wat780i:be s and heads v_m_.,.g V 5! wm*"“‘h”'a"uhn’n':"‘&h_'m'.8¢adrII.A8hn ri¢u”u utgggigwm ;rl"”wau_, . 1" Inc, an of: Bid“ manna "yr" of mg rho have been aaiu ed;-‘O of an . 3 '1‘Iv'|l'l¢lt¢. €138: nenta III the College of mine’ .::nh 8".“ “ran: '”"“' ‘B D°"a'7 8‘"i“"'u'llanan' afd,vaa'.:lTd1y IIn- ‘°"'3- ‘ lsixth and seventh editions have “°"’°:';"'°"“;; at the annual Short" Graven ’ wmhgg; necessary to descend to; (5 ygg-3, N59‘ “N34 ' ' uzeapmre-um-xv-oéevmeiw-= °““‘- “"~ . ~.=-***'“~""'* “'”"“‘ ”""" " "‘.'............ :....m..‘’‘'“ '''‘‘‘3“ "” ‘$2.. '§.u we er-nu an sew. -a were'<=°v=*.'=-*=*!°*“‘t""*"'”"“°’. ATTHE HOSPIT 1 WAAyaudenllelastni¢htin;i ‘ n“""!“""_"°""""‘ uaeaeeaontaeruuanarnnanvithin ‘mhwmbanedmnsflenflbwflud i to _,,,,,,,,,,¢,,,,,,,,.,,,d,,i,.,..i1u.¢eu cateuna. . ‘* th¢UmveraityA an. £4" ,3” Mn. :,_u__:v-4sli8P0°i"*“"°"’°"""u:'1'r.‘r ueuunant1~zeIson"'°'""”’-°“":,' c’¢f°",&’" rlakethehookalmplerandeasier! Those competing this I-ornh-8 act, lliaaea I'll-.n’“ ‘N7 7*. pie]; gt‘; '7 03- ontsrde . Boone Conn! . 1.. Hrs. F. 1!. Thompson of e f ’ -' Waltaerjhia and W. B. Miller of ‘l rmann. Austin Pierce, Delmar-,were admitted yesterday. C 8' ‘. . I “'7' ’ Pufianfl l . - ' iegerne and Hubert Clatter-? Hrs. Edith Sapp of Ashlard .. dd 1‘ ‘teed. 1”"! Wm 3"" taxed at an dtltude at 4.0001:-:e;=.;nb.-;°9r.-:21!“ 31* 5:; gzhn;-:1-W:-€";'_‘“ '°'f:ke:°"”,,w°:§ .33’ Y?“ idieeharged um morning. ‘ . . ' ' ‘. ' I9 - l "" . . :;n;t‘ex.|mat;ktl.I;at;€?;‘£f- !.a¢°'9u”de.E Real Esmte Tandem :at.hu‘:ru.ekWim""'hnb" ‘high mudiaaid that he had made numerous,¢op5.,_ flgny student newspapers were prepared by ‘Quits (3. Ross.l “Our contest. said C. A. Helnz, “uh 0‘ 83‘-‘ 3.“. 9 acended nddaneedforhirmfieforez 4 cu}, gun, .,,¢’ot.her trips in shrines. 503 913'-‘in high schools use deakbook.-N}!!! P|'Ofuaorof)0m‘Mli!m at thegof the fitld €709‘ Ikvlftflltlll. g mph. (3),; 35,33. ., ‘ ' ‘ ‘ .3 lthia his first eroaa-count iderable rts of it have been‘ Illvarslty. who in 1915 enlarged ' lumted to men who have com-1 - 1 g ' hid . - -; heawoke. however. llterllcflud ~ aeeaaedtoflypaltthevllneatllln ."" . . '7«C°"‘ P‘ . . n.- - .‘ of ~ k.’°h°“““ ""‘"!“" ‘ l 5 ‘tho pedestal. and were again only‘ w““' 5"“”°‘-'3 *3‘ '3‘ “° 3° hagau. nu, 3, "14 gh¢y¢on1d'~&pG'&fl¢¢. On his first tnp be incorporated xntcr issued‘ glelkbook toubu un use. 6 by vplcted three terms their ‘nor .;1-ma‘, nag“ ", honor .3 . little ‘uma‘ ‘nu cognac; ; H. “Wit: and wife. Lots 35 and 33 ‘a "in bd°' ‘hen but ‘at .h'e¢-avg the plggg fiimgelf for part of‘ by gchoolg of journalism and neh- 9. T50 sixth. seventh. and they are graduate students. ‘ spud“, “ the xmim, H - *4‘ '0" ‘wmive .04 am am, .3, Block 5 in O. B. Hart's ' Add. to an “aka” “wad,” It nemedithc time. 'pnpers. _ jflllllh edltlona were revised by The four gold medals to be given: sd“,eiuu._ .11. Alex 8‘ el I b,,,,;g{.,n,- ¢;.,,g_ Jlartsburt: tho. PIPFN“ ll" 0! w M. u 3...‘; :5, pun. "uni Following a - new government‘ The book deals with such subjects; 3- ‘film: IUQCIIW Professor to the successful contestants are3,p,,k, on his experiences in} _ , b i There were eight regular X0» 13- 543- *0 “W °‘ duh ht. . do“ ",4 gm, amtmr-egtllation, Ir. Williams and Lieu-‘as general instructxons for the re-._0f Journalism. offered by thellasaoun Cora Grow» Ln-1,5,; industry while vorklq _"‘ ll ' ' my gm; t3"“b‘-"'!- 3550- .0 55, .1,“ .,,,'u,,, 1-5, ,3“ “dtenan N were each eqmppedfporter, the preplrttivn of COPY.’ A charge at 25 cents a copy is 91‘! A58°¢‘131‘°"- 9" ‘Em 5‘ a the company at Akron. "'-._. A cross-word puzzle chorus. with‘ John A. Stewart and wife to L. hi, auwflm ‘,3 .with a parachute. All peraonsi things to omit; choice of wordsvmgde of pgrgong mg an-oued in awarded to the best judge of com.‘ --—_——_o—-—-- .. .,Iisse:~ Gertrude stein. Cordelia 3 W. Berry, Part ll A. Lot M in City ha,’ 5.u.,‘5n an, 5.; {en u,,:tr'aveling in array planes are nowfcapitaliaation; abbreviation; fix-ithe School oflonrnalism. one to the best joke small‘ You IR 13188111! A Bum,‘ mu smug. guby o'3.¢;r, cf commhig, $2,500 ' ' ‘ an .un ‘in! Q“. "l_MEmm_ .required to take this extn precan-kurea; titles; ‘quotations; compound: -———-4---.— _s.'rain_a,_ one to the bell: In GDP 70!! dtmot read and use X ' '”‘-. , Mariorlt 5l£¢l¢ i Edwin G. Levy to Sarah J Hnno 3;;-fin‘. '5». 3.3,. .¢ 5; 1,,u§,_1,iou_ _ gwords; spelling; punctuation; spe-t Try a Kluonrian want ad. identification and the t one to flat ,- aneson. Ila tian tndmn, 40 ;i., sw 1.4 of mm‘ 1.4 See. : '____ _ __ym __ N, __ .k___. ._ __ -.._-_- a~ ‘ lla1;:r;tndefu‘w So“24and22Apaz-xx!-:1-(sects . 8 0 °°d¢” ' lyingS.of,RockyPoI‘kQ'eokand . ' dsemvithllitlti E-nfi9"°**>1'~?2.ein inSEcornerofsaidl4aec- \ ‘ . ~ ll-rioric Ucfinrh W2‘ ‘“"i"".tiun‘all in Twp. 49. lung: 1:. s1. - . . a \.5I1|t‘)' Nd 385118. Clara Rel!!!» 3°‘; Lee B. Sterinaon and wife to S. i ’ " 3- ’“f,‘B“ch‘ -ale: Jartx-e. llildrvd _'flwmI>-om l M. Steviruaon. mm 11 A. Lot 19 in - C . l ‘ 1 o apaoluu llnrzmg Swen. 11811-9 Redmw-tciey of Columbia, tune. a _ -A g " apt: of‘ Mm sh'P'°y' Fume‘ Sub,‘ “ma 8 C Taylor and wife to C. D - ‘v =~ Qlfiflfld Hawkins. Daisy’ Southerland. Ruthiflcdrzdh Lot 3 in S‘ F . A ‘ ' ': - fivooue‘, 'nthacum, Frances Rqa Pauline. ' . 9 ' ‘ - ' - f Cleo Herder and. Eleanor isuh of “ 1:‘ L01‘ 16 of supbadi ' .: 5 0“ th Rodhwn. i In Add. to City of Columbia. 81.400. ~ - . g ‘: ‘l!jns-Jon ‘ "Rendezvous," with Misses Mar-3 .Emm‘ E‘ B“‘”.'h°d" w l,I."a’ ' ' ' ‘ C‘ by an Bron!’ vhfinu Gnu‘ ‘ndaaxde Free Methodist Church. “titan. \ _ . _ v. fifio WI Dona.’ “herbal ‘Lot~l3 in Block 2 in town of Wll-V . _. 3,; Jo}, . llofl, 8100. J’ a fl-inc: - - v -—-——+-—-—— A mean. Ruth’! Gibson and keen an ‘mp. .. ii-T? %t‘.:.'.. ‘:.'.‘.:.'.°f*'....... ...... p... .. .. c... .. ..... .. C C 9 ‘ . c 35-’ 5'?‘ W -* ~--- t at e aven e one no sen 5P:lBt0¢« _ ” . ‘department. of the College of Ar W ._3_ . _f,f.'”.‘ “ “‘ bd‘ _n'J”°v 35"‘ aw‘ : nculture. are traveling in Lincoln. V . . ‘ 4,5 "'3' Ch”! Pllyml 931? "‘°1"1- . fllarion and Vernon counties this . o I ' .‘ ' . ., "5' Mi:-cs “fr:-la. full“-3;: It gran: ' ”c$i Brown and Mildred 'l'hornP- i Gibson is ln Lifireoln and llarion and u 0 e e ; _ accident ‘ aondwmim “dc Quack ‘ dag. i Prof. Regan is in Vernon County. O , _ . s .- a £3 the i1 - . . ,. ,. - "“""‘—‘. - ' r . Oonipet‘ ‘rug gmmngr by flu”. ..¢1,;,_ Dr. C. W. Greene to Lawrence. _ — I vi { .. ma rzlle. Nadine Lonnhore. Elizabeth‘ Dr. C. W, Greene. professor ol 4 . ‘ 7 Wright and Dorothy Sappingwn. iphysiology and pharmacology at t p 3 _ A . ‘:3? - The W..A. A.Chorns. with Ilxsscs ' the University. left Columbia 5125- A . e a n -_ « _ . ; '9 . ilda Jane xnler, Adelaide Plumb. tcrday for Lawrence. Kan. when . . . . .’ . _‘ . '5' 8° Ruth Hooss, Nancy Nel Bayne. Ber. he will address the Sigma Xi so _ f ' ; ’ cl 1 a‘ {E II :*::..°’;.‘°.:;..f“.'. Wt; 335.’? 1:2? 2‘ “?° ”"‘.:*““’ :5‘..t‘‘“‘*a \ i "‘* sa ~ U ' ‘y at M ‘;.‘l "T?’°v”?:“‘l'l.“ ‘:3’ 52*" “i"‘;'l*' Approximately one-half of the student body so far has purchased tickets for the Glee Club Home Concerts next ‘ .... all ’ "3 “‘W...,.;;,t- °“°"”~ ’*j::‘:*;._._ Monday and?Tuesday. nights. - V. ~ . BallieBaedrnanastheW.A. A. J1!-e-R-Ur-co-5 Boner?-1|-_n l . xi. ' , l ' - gnu; mu Aug, smmmadn ,, 5 James R. Lipscomb. Who has 111- ‘ _ ~ . .. V - l f urmi; phygr; flu; Aha. ship)“ as fluenu. is better today. . . lf 9 ‘V “N l or Are} YOU m that H a . ..L':.~:: § ; ' “WW! I l We Hold No Clearance Sales kl ‘ ' - ' A C’ _ ‘ THE Student Council doesn’t want any student _to be sorry later on for havmg been‘ a .5-5:;-;g % . factor 1nlos1ngrM1zzou s chance to be a Natlonal Champlon. Why, Just to put us L 33;: 3 ’ ‘ on the ma with the eastern schools means all tlT€world to us, the loyal sons and daugh- -_.}‘;% m. .: ters of O1 M1zzou! . ' ' ‘j_ '""""""' .§,. , E‘ I ,\ .5" E. e ' e Campaign has Been Extended l ~ Until Saturday .N00n!! l -7 ‘r r l§§i3§§§§§ HIS is Mizzou’s CHAMPIONSHIP YEAR! ‘Are we going to finish it Take a Look at Them ,. ~n..~..-.....: ..,....u...~..: mm suits - by refusmg a chance for a _l_\l_at_1_9_r1_a1 Vlctory? We ask YO U-—are . s for men and young men ever shown 9-) ' ""' ' A A-nr..c¢ us inonr 57 years here. Wonderful values We. . = WWI * O i‘? 5'3 in all-wool guaranteed suits at ’ $250 8353 337-509 $409 :45 and I i 's*;'.'.rt.."r.'.:.!*°.:.."...";f \ Remember, the Concerts Are Mlmday and Tuesday Nights ~ltalnal_tops. 'l‘laeywillp_leasr;-youinyevery _.. . . , r C‘. ‘ . __ 4'.‘ '°’°“.if’.’i.3'“”..:f...... Tlckcts Are $1 and forE1ther Nlght An m£”h*r"§’dwm Buy them now in Jesse Hall or from students. . A 4 C _f1‘0IIll w rel-ass‘-.. _-.c"'~.._ _ .. '~"'E(s...'." .2‘ ,. . {Gas -~ 34¢-. .. _. ' ‘ I f. _ .' 5. " ‘a ’ ‘: 4’ - - -~ ' ..."- ‘ - I .. _t._ . a. .-a I '1