. , . , , ‘ . , ._ . ._u 1,.‘ .‘ , . _'_-_' 3-. ..' o t~-cA‘o.."~ =r'~‘ ..‘ ~~. ' w‘ . 1 ._' ., . . . "° ~ . -I ' _ e. . .‘_ C — \ 4 7 .. .‘;,-I . I‘ . ‘ , r "I an o. "1 '. - 3'-" .'-'-If?‘ "'§"' l‘-.\.§C'k|";"' ‘ ". ' 4 . 1 ‘ . . 3 5.- ’ ~’ ‘- "“- w .4 ‘ Q-Q"ZQo‘$ “ 1‘ .1 ‘ P" . fijj ; ~ t _ ll ‘<:“-tiilyl" . 5‘ . ‘ ‘ n‘ ‘» st. ~ ‘IIIII . '--» ......---a -=-~--- ...... BEATEN ~ . +--~ ------“" V out-an-a at osnhlslt cf. / _ y . 3 ' . *'=gg..g.‘~m“,.:'1'owIso¢nl ’,o"‘N,l, c.a‘8nd‘. * ‘ . . ‘ 'IlI'éhI§O“I. ""'*—.o..m. 5-_‘-;"_; «poem Iago Iieely furnished Too Koch ECIOW Owns ~ ‘ . """""""'""'-" glans ‘eons-euneninttoettyandvoh Dowhgmffls 1 Udsrflelfi. hi?‘ 7 - ~\a""""",.....",.....""'—'.:'-"-"'n---- emu,’ snss-us am!“ subusieuunooa I-"4' no "*'”“""'::"’.":""""' . ...~...........o«--e “ . 1nFlaalGoneof . a-sean........,-c...au..- ..~ ,__,_, ,_.,,.:§"1':.. -"" "]'_.w yvgog 1 _ - < '. ‘ W’ '*=="‘"""'. unmlnflr 3 '0‘ m ....‘:.'.'.... °' 1925 season. . it 7* '3“ “';i"“"""" “'.a-ens-.saoa-no-swath-+ . ———-.&‘9"' ‘'m' “"“1:" , 750)-a :z‘&nvilleoupotetatheIis Ufidf-filav __ ‘Xool*.&._Jb&*“‘a.‘ _ _ 4. Na» '7'"; PW _..————nu- . . 1 ‘ ‘ - ' , ‘ ‘mm-:n.—An kinds or saw. 157-1&0 Cgptufi Waxy: S1-‘m_ N ‘T y . csnteunce neetulhfievalerhsl . _‘_u 1., ‘£5, ihildresfs elothesaapeelfx. _ .. , . _» . , lw1r1:‘:"'°"'.m. 3*‘ “""' ,3 ..,.. lanai. sad at 0!’. .:-.»-- - N180-l9|l¢..-5.9., newly decorated, south man ; — i «_ r _ _ . l . '- t'last:_°’ "°:"hf":*;m*f51:“Mg;“) ,____m“ .” ‘I... Q", Iago shlbulle canoes. or aernastro Cam 2 s i » ' ' V 7*-I" he ~ C ""'i Aaeeouee-oonieuoetnm “"‘--"“3”'."“l“"‘“' '” “” s°’.sn $3 on street.‘ clotxgv 184 Ausum 5 ' ueisinlml suspect *0 ukel ‘W5 M "‘ "" ““” """ """"""' “" an-ne. Peale: we on 1 Sins. M. Le‘-gs. 313 Rail:-oad1;t1::: —-'r]g3|'s to ‘m in ‘nits? showing fila year |tt;I. _ v huh“ ‘.u.‘_h“ "* ‘“ - _- __f~ +——=____m”m ‘Hi “"0-§noNoPt.A§EnAsznA1.1. _ °"'“mc""" ‘:':.°""‘..’4"'U' ‘W’ ""' |"‘“' ‘ aux. eoerxeue and , ‘ wnrrsn ro n£.~"r—smn ‘WSW, ARI) rucx mvnxuzx-r'g,‘,:,,,'§"_,,,. _; g..:“"‘* ”° ‘ ,. wanted(or£a@f)'|"¢‘P"1“‘"",hoIsae,4or6I'ooIna. . Tootnuch ‘l'ehow.vlthalI.tle' 0°33‘. --—-———-———— 'hu.‘b-°"&*&'.‘b,‘.‘b“.h&'&.“d"'°"a".c:: tohandle our business in Colune in. Am", 5o,,,¢,.,. 3u,,g.,uu».gu«1g, pnnd n- . _ ‘fiklngcvcyet-ilatrau¢ral1::|sties Iayllecan-ivm”"muh..’.“.u;.d Qlflli‘ Ali!-U-'-‘at his district unusull °PP°'*"‘3_'- dxtwn andtutnsof rental. A.J IL. doing of llissoun here last nltb! Capt. Idea -Stilton. Ii. .: v_ o , ' 1 u''‘‘ h. filrlol ‘mafia " 8...‘ vi... “.,;‘:.a"‘l‘”‘”“!‘¥.‘h‘. ‘ ‘b a "'*"’ ’°'”""»'T "‘h.......‘ "nry;° writ: 9-".__._...-39'-'-9'“ :;.~_'-- ~— -155“ ‘M "" 7”” '°“ '5' ,“''‘.‘,°‘’, "n ""‘“"" °"‘“* Q“. ""**""|"“‘|"‘P_’:r.:§. Wm. _ ”:__.,"'°""", ,m_m_,‘auu man. because: elislils. wot.-or vgp‘-u ‘hlnnotors ‘ ‘°°-'.‘TB ‘-5-- “mm! ‘x ‘éanurasuss ' 43 10* ‘ ‘ ‘gm basketball tournament coining to a. ""‘ 'm h‘ '3' HQ &eI h the ‘“”" "M" 5-)’ ’'‘‘'‘"'‘° - A“‘“' if so Joseh at 1o°e1oekme‘ '""" "oi CoahGeo Bond‘ pIsnl""""“'°""“""""°""°""“' nlsyutoopuuuneauhsstso ' Bum‘ Cm“. “ml. 1 wAxT£D'—R°°m'uu ‘or “M; 32° The t‘u~VA‘flev’u" gown": lxgrninfl to 21!)’ the Hlllylrds to-l ‘- . in 8‘. L“h"“ bTll!ni‘t’I5It.' an texts.-natty Profit: .1 ‘aqua ”h.°'"°'I‘~ ‘|lVCW“- AC“ '3' ‘WI’ \'oL'xc; hlA.\’ ST!-Zl\'OGRAPBER‘upperclaasInan wishes to share a for 3.4 ofutieréw-m -520": L I 33:" mm ‘pm. “C W pm“ ,0, Q lacks a good than in the which ,1,‘ ‘gm, ,, “,- . y .,u. gfi_II1'f¢V¢“-l|Q‘$!'00fl!.-’Ph0n£ 2136 totwe 83835 , ycouldbefllladhywfieo. l.5¢'.g¢*m.,;._- ~ . \\ AN’l'EI)—l-‘or MIN?“ B152 15' ‘of’. score. 5”, and tr-ac tournament that. Lock 0‘ Nd'.*. an I”,_, _ . salts ¢'°'**"‘ ‘*‘°"‘ “ “ ‘ ‘°."'°°"__~—:~;-_J—'1.97o_«—.:_—_+.~_~‘—.;__—t~——_é; ' in Wheat f an-soon.‘ pin - "" l "“ u 'm'”' "’ ‘M '""° "" ley hi the nseIIt'K.C. LC. and‘ 5° “"'—"""' "u " """"' sa1csc°rr'*P°"*“'"‘=°’F'°“°”‘°"°"‘ noon AND noun - or me 0 t the y "mu" '”' “'9' "‘I""7" W Nd 5”" " ooaoguoumnnunuuissfllr-lh'"‘°'-"""'"' n.’ ‘“"“*’="‘“""°'.‘."‘"°"°"”“”°‘°* . N auto —f.'“§..°o.. mum’ 1-'.'n'i'J‘..'.'f‘7.‘...fi .3 s 1 l eemaaeol ’m.\ 5°" “W1-rte-I lI“‘lplval but Locus: so-he ooa“‘”""""“""""'*"' raPher:\IT1tt.('‘'m8¢°"’Pl‘‘‘d°' 300“ A50 B0ARD"_.::"5 P" cf)" '_h:°mto{m..¢;‘m mu, Jovian: o t 2 * , tournalnen t I1sson1'l:‘;,"k’. ..a..&g_; ‘ ll -35 tails and salary expected. Potngfi; mo&r'n hflne: qmet aur. fitc hot tea Bond _ oauuinl ‘ ‘ : . , , "by ‘n :h”"u,h.d.u Bunny oefilfiifieou ‘ad X. .& Q3 _ . Green FIT!‘ Brirk Company. llflilco. -readings. 18:2 Bass avenue. Phone that C0-C5 09°73‘; “*4 la“ scanner. 3 ..... : : : ’h°"L'.d m “K tafi_.y_ -11.... 5. 5.,” Q13‘. :2" I h 'm":“'u”."°'u"_; ‘De ootataallncfins aov seed 550- _,. . _ ;...- 3..1_‘3‘___._"""""__---_.j,.-_._ -_____._A_."l':‘ °a°:1c;°u:dg 3:, -‘hug, 5?; 9,} :'..T..‘.. o o 1 the exception of'“‘'‘7 ‘am’ l“ °°"‘|"5“°"~ W‘ ,,::.°g 3”... .59.]; 5. guy to :_h * nu. ma —"*-o- we “ ;:':.... .... .....*"‘°.. ..... ... no u o l ~ : .2 . , ,v= l-,,«w=.~e=é :'.‘:.:..;':*..":'i...."" ".'::.::f.:.*;:‘:.':°.: nu. ~ ,, - -——— . ‘.'“j ‘Is . ,~ . ............ :. . "'3 “l ‘l "" .. Wei lsltnsa ‘1’0TlBV0l‘30?.00|-U I BL'!\'GALOW—Am offering tn)’: HICE Iollh wood. Phone 2295. ?0Ttc;’°l4 in the txsnxttgs ' vor . 1‘ on 10 $1.. ‘I! ‘hp: for the. ‘mu. . be ' Mar “'1 sbfim ‘m “*1 1 .. .“ in an. « “m.:I‘!M ""'°°'“ “‘°d""‘° 2"'°”'°u ma. "'3'": 7 ".-Q," elm {on ,9, M, |MN- A0053 '43‘ 00-h hm-Y-3-h _ i ‘ .’ ’ ‘ “W” "°"'"-"'".’""’ "H p"y°d 4 be vlthont eonpitltlen In the hIr- .Watu-and Litht Plant. tan in is- house at" a bargain: well loct$0d:;'~—-—. '03 sALE_Bu_nd Rock at. zornx 3.18 lhannrttimt the Ti'.r'i;onker.‘f_ . . . _ .. : : ; » for H3, same as the haskewmtbsl M W.” .! ‘khan flu“ “"u_«. nfiuuo. h.‘ ‘u. .~ ~ °’°’°“.’ "°"‘.’°"‘?“"‘."°'“’°°°:«iaessttixg. Phone 1793 green. in:°m‘u,, ;,:d...;,._.,1,..,..;. ,..¢’r.'§"o&..'II """"" T s 1 ‘III 3*" 3”“ E“m"‘°"'f“m :d’''‘'‘“ the minoisvelastinle-ttllbtwdillehtestetosllunssuctt lu- ' f possession f1\~et:;dl b3 I 3153.155 on "0 mafia“ uuxnfiamw pug... gtaptl o : ; _ should mm::""'-p"~n"uap‘:‘ht“d‘ dun Kansasisnotottvsr-ynuhu'l:faeorf.hs|o¢ you = ortenns: 00 . . ,_ . . - .‘-$1 ------------ -- . ; omyuras «sold nsctreace Call Crebcr. phone as cue-1”. roe SALE-Good seasoned wood. "";_-it f{‘§'fl‘,"'§*;°h f,f""., “¢",m"’;3"“*~ ‘ ------- " s _‘ I .3 $0. y tube 01- ‘;’:_§gM‘*’;"f“h“. ‘1’fm‘(f"f:L““‘ °°"", Grlnnall vi! new-I7 mar its ntoealsre tee no u 1 have served i——”. ,.,u.i4teet-ad 18-inch1¢nnh==e1'°°°. . » - 1...... ............ ..u : n '. *'**"""' ‘Olympic-u-r.‘IhsIue aeu euee-en-onncueuecuesvoeo 7°“ -‘“.*3""",“"°""“ hues and timothy hay. P. P°"'L “"'“" '°" W" "“'°"’ Ideree. r. c owe. «so u...-.-. so-naanehoo fillaaatl Wright G 3 C_ cm, V “,3 has-Cc but has not ..¢ .. .....1... .g u. 5...; .¢ 3x§u:’°doT":m° ‘aerate. two B‘ 3“‘”u‘ phone "9 or 9Fm' ; ::.l.m.2altfenmt:f uo@nu nos]-3 3 ‘is 1*“ '“ n "' ‘M ‘flue Stotlent"0onx!.-eta 5°"“"°"""'°"d'i' "'°"' 5.3‘‘‘'‘'°7‘''' '1 *°°°° Ir‘ ~ 100 ° ‘°*’ W V‘ ' ' anon all-Qfle‘ me. - ,,_,,,,,,«,,, ,,_,,, um ‘ Then In oeoeovso-unto .;....a, on-u-use ta ;;$:.e°t{:o:!;’r:n':°:c’:‘°?‘:;u”‘”:‘.: ron s1u.a_r:gg.. 1.. ::ins ‘}'1°J§.”‘°£‘...x‘;° I: °n.‘.'.‘..i“.3 ll L‘ Institution Assam: us and ‘I from an nouinedciueez 0:3 '1‘:-II: at much elgn and unite;-mlve --I-r. . ' ’ "uh . ,. ‘ , ' f ' ' elas Brown had no eonpetitlon. it,“ u Roam,-,, 5 .m,,,,;,,., 3‘ ~ Ilasoorl will alter Outninc-N C. L 0'8RYAN. C9131 598'» 3"“ PM 3"‘3‘° 8"” from prise-wtnning bmxlc C0105 and Wheat brought the Bears! to-' Dl’¢"3°‘ us P‘u‘"" znfiu, genus" I -1, 3‘ ' , 3 v_ I,‘ ‘M 8&5.‘ mm .3...‘ Ad“ ‘ Payment on eaclt of thus hotliflo Rhodfi Island Rods. Onders taken tal within two points of a tie scare February was an unusually busy comp.“ h the '°“?'d‘;{°‘C;;h éo iii‘ 3:-Etc-ott scored gz puma ugmweu “mm Km“. h“ ‘at J _____.____ the balance like NHL ‘II’. 585)’ chicks. Phone 543. In. but Tebow sent the Kansans into a month for the University Boapltalyrbhu “M h. ‘mu ,uvc to “(I-07 '- ~- ___-_H_‘” _ ’ In we mobmr 3_khu..¢, ",4, If you w tovhgy or aelraogoe I '3“ M‘ ~ ‘F John N. reylor. 614 West Broad- ..g., ma with six more :>°in**- em" “'9 219 v-uenu soéoey an in their workouts the Tn a Missourian want ad. gmee should have thiues only was try I 1-‘fin wt -4- -’—. N, M, t... was . 7157-162 Bunker opened the aecond half and 245 duchetsed. Sons 0! the .o. x‘. null... C . . toga‘; fgf mg M "‘"‘" '-"“-'-L‘ " A _ ~ - zmtry mfmbgl .533 8.‘ gm ugmtlh. ivwa Goals by O'SnIlivnn and Wheat att'j¢1lJ'llI J|mll|’Y- l “ 3:-1500'. r ' ' an’ 5 ' the visitors’ advantage to four It-s.SaideeN -: I . worth money. R. Andrews _ _ . 15'3".» new bungalow for 32.150. 3.; [§d'¢“ u.u_,.e‘3 Comma’. ‘ taotntabut III!!! Tehow took till!!!‘ lntendent of hospittllo CH l::; 1,09,. mug. 5457. into his own hands and scored seven during Felt-nary the hosfital 5 Also 8-room 2400' - .110 N. 10th street. A1 _ . . cm’ 0;]; floors‘ near White Can~;.".'_‘_:.__._..-—'-°:.';r.;:::--—-—‘ I points in a row. Xxasonn. headed_ a daily average o! 46 11-88. while; A we're; $6,000. ' W. H. oouebu-ey.= Lon aim rolnm by What. made a desperate bid the daily aerate dnrinx Janna?‘ day phone 578; night phone 454’ with a late rally bringing the Iw1'¢;I'Il 88 6-38. l Nick. _ 152-l57l I037-TVD 1') °w Yfk ‘"6 to 82 to 39 but goals Bunker A fig; mpdg on rah]-Qty . . °"° °‘”n:“V °" ";,"' 2'5“. Brm -tonoodthefns-truth l|¢l:Gnhsn-thelirvuve seventy-I !:‘(:lR :!\Ll.-51.1:-scticallhs;",lI‘a’e"vI_v} chain, . ‘ta-sda’ jam: none .1. . ended the game. - . _ ‘,,.;g...»,. in an huplm, u ui_m_ ""=......:..:"..::'* ....::.°.;': ....... ...:,__L‘'' , ,, e e .'.:':.‘..":::2.:".:1.9z..“~;.'.;~ . . V ‘ ' s . ‘I W ‘K - ‘ ' . . - E fl°°"‘- 1"" _"‘° ht omd": free throws to hi credt. Whht. parlors and th halls. lnelodltug ""' "'"'d """'°" ' “en 3 n. La.“ n ghwumn off“. was a close second {or hlisaottrll the patients admitted and dis-_ ¢'0_mPl¢'~_¢'l)‘ f“|'“l'5°‘: ‘°' ’.6"°°,h::13p:...‘,¢ ‘ 157: with seven manta: from the held. charged on February 5 those was? f E": ‘:_';';l{l°,:lr:.'i'n}""ct"'o"i‘h°d“ I ymrl and five free tosses. Bunker shot a total of eighty-three pensonsl C L term’ if dnind cu.’ & Praia: l..0ST—'l"ortolae shell rimmed fir:-flclfl gals. A throughout the day. This is : Refit‘ Co hon’. “9 of 692 back. ftl-I-I06. Saturday. Rcwnrd. Phone 71“. ynshmcn counted um A", record number for the hospital. 4 V ! y -s P Anthony [M sat’ ‘O 4 ‘n ‘n m_ “'1. Hmm‘un é T ‘NAM “*'s’V‘V“i""*‘-' umhnr" "".'°' Qpugwnmxg , 3° ‘"1’ am? °w"u.““ W‘ '0" ‘mm IIBCELLANEOUS "'“ ”'°'“'""‘ °°“" "°"‘ : ,u‘fl”'"“"'” "'m‘“t;d u °d!~ now «-= ':.:.=.:':.':.:.:::.°>:'t,:.:.:°i. .“°“".... .: °" "'3 five acres of land. inslde of ‘city ,l sPEClAL . . bat to not. - - Vac wish to notify the people of C0365 hlpke. Ill-‘lest!’-"I lulfd 70!‘ . "‘ ”°" ' '::,'",,°',,,.”'°"° 338 °' '°° "°-r;;5_u1§76 Cdtnnhia and vicinity am there a. three years and former remain at ''''l~'‘h¢ 3*“ ,' on one uthorized Singer Sewing Michigan. led the All-Stars. Shir-' """*_""" ‘e 1-‘on RE!\”l'—5 rooms and Itahehine S.hop in um city. which is tr. three-year lettcr_men and tor-. ‘"2 '0'‘ Lu”; ninety-foot front yard. large porch. located at ll! North 9th street. mt? Clvlllll 81 Hlllmlfl. Track get an ".3 3 G... 5. "fig, . south east hackpoech This shop is the only place in Co- (‘oath Robert L Simpson and. sunogou. ; - mficd 3,,’ dry mun“ Ionnnanont Imnhia where genuine Singer neee I-‘r::1uan Coach [pn Punt: The punk‘ ‘ad Funk" . _ _ _ - teams are ng the vrorno-n's: In. or 00' Slntff 5'-“"108 3505""?! ml)’ The Missouri basketball team kit basketball tournament. . Each has, unfurnished. Phone 1317. 81360.! : bolttlli. lllll Ire 8‘081"|nl»4-'04 5)‘ played and won three (omen; , comes-r. " - " 5 with ° FOR m'3"T“‘F°°"'°°“‘ °°"" any other person or company New Porhleated 81.50 per hour. Purple h” "max MM" " gifily grmgm modern spa-t-,1-op.-...mu.., ‘themaelvep .. branah No. Image. Phone 1473. I05 3. so -. :,°:',f,‘,h81.,7p°,:,'::'u.'w1-'f,,n:«‘,,h,‘:. s 3 both; Xlthti ' v - ’ big Viatim; doom‘ 'u_.‘e. Ap“.1"'°““"u:;?: '::d":” AUTO Tops dcfclwll teams. -Yellow and White.’ 1 go sq‘ 1. 0"," "in .h“_d‘"’""" ' ‘U1-ogogug 1-31.33“; are scheduled for their third games: ’ ' "‘'''’°‘''‘' °'’ '‘''° ""‘“° I All I Branches >' «Prod»! 3"" "*4 11''!“ ""”' PM ‘° ""°"SlNGt-ZR sswmc sucamr. co ,. H B '' “ no moor e'oepeeu°ve1y 3 rt _ _ ‘ . . urr. ne ' ‘FUN PI 3' ne 132105;?’ C. E. Ternpleman, Mn. “3 E M“. A y , “on, '3“ pup)” ::.—.-. ~. :-_:~_ _ .;~-—— _______ , _, ,__155,:157 13. Blue 2: Referee: lllss Nadine‘ APAl1'IEh"l’8 you unn ’ ’“““"““"‘“""“"'“" " *3“. In:-‘bore. 1'-cult: 17.0mm 13-- mo w "331? 9*” '9‘ “L3 I we N neteeoe- mu Hallie Bedman. ' or ree-roo apartment. . nvcttinle 30000 lfifilll ———o-:- :. Phone 1251. m N“ S“"3“”‘ °°“*° °°‘":; swine: and you Association ncaxs sun’ PLAY An£axsAs~ 155'w9§l922 Dodte touring; 1924 Ford “Dan” ______ _ H I-‘on RI-;N'r._on¢ 33¢ sqggmsdsnz 1922 roadster; 1920 _ ‘Baseball Tea: Oflonsl Geno on apartment. furnished or uorue.]!'1o_r,d -duh Taylor G-I-1*-155-!°° Gm" 8”‘ W‘ S'3s,,,,,“ a‘",,,'~ Iloluus. nished. Phone 200 or 421 '- . " wu _. Conch Halfy Klplne Ill NI 3154.3, snot; narammc Jiasehall team my atop at the 0:3- For: RE.\'T—l"urnished open.’ ”‘“"5 °°‘“' °°' rm: mos IIBPAIRIN i,',,,,"",,",,,,,,°'-,,,“""""«9..-”°,,""' nu-nt.uwtlerninailvrays.-Phone‘ - w°d'o°g.u°‘ Bestvorkandnaterials. Che‘,,h.,:::,‘§.,_..'.¢‘§. 761 green. 717 umooei oeeeoe.l°" "",. °"“"‘mc I‘’’'‘‘', C“, nsnmtmon 4556 ,.«.,o,,,,,,,-’, ,5 ‘,5, 3.. . -_, __-,_ m“1W‘n -T_: __ M8.9th8t. ‘ soousrosnmrr _ - 7313713“ ruolnsnvtcz . at rd!-c Pwlifil ree cm. 00503315 |"“3"""‘G 00- soon rmsnmo ‘gone-' In ‘aisaon us. u“n:u~sI.« P‘ORRENTla ‘ Gmm.d“"y°urmm'"°°'°'" "“‘”°d‘” """'““'hu"' - - and work are not satisfactory. In ‘t 3 % 3% 2:? ¢ir1s.8W u,puase2'1 closet‘ hosi .' hiaek. “mp” ’°“".o.'&1'n...¢ St. a. na. out at 8 p. In. ' ma owe suor ‘ Phone 802 ' Rooms for girls. -t1z;s.1'Int' 3, Guy, gurrrf, -"' em um-lo .-'0-lo no..- coneee. Phone ms roeaqs ,_: AL, g ronnmrr ':3'ieen‘_ase _; Mlnesanotsot tint! y amen hos. 'l6‘it.p. slntletbetls it instead. as Isai- . }.7''.-’-";.-‘’ J ) I I V V .1302!-‘-».~'«r.:s: . X, . .4 .w