-3,,-. ., 6 a A . . e;;s;;nr‘ . i j - ’~ ».«.— 2:5‘-1 ‘ .. A ; lat-nsll. the It causes jna A _-wlthth‘s.P;BlsIm'v|m0s.dIls- 3 - ‘r-aagameate tohsha lllllyhme . . - - '°°‘"’°°";'onaecoustolths school advan- ' =‘-in 3”‘ 5'‘V* “V. l the-Year‘: Garden.” I A Cnfrooithscollsceaflxrlealtussln ' pp _x ,_ _ "= n.nB°A.a‘.:‘.::a‘:°:"eIitG‘:ltdam‘ettgasmsct.-|Ils¢leaolthebhuulsu-sit7.didnotrlamaacsedonvrillspe-aton"(‘hr:-'2':-:i’d.Encam::m“:nt’o{ n‘::,°::f1897. llevasoueofthsmansrho Stew Ir:-“It; even. _’’‘a? ' 6 vi»; ‘ ‘bouncer. ¢“,,_‘b’ gm pugl 3.1‘ .1 u..1pl¢:.g.| but ya} 1.", ¢..i¢y.g_ a¢l"'a'?";"'" 7.1‘ '‘°‘"‘'” ‘in l""£be couutm represented av‘ I0 lift; 1-:1‘ - ' , . ,Ce- .. . ' ‘A ‘ ' _' - o my. . . ' . ‘ ' . . _ aha‘ . “'5 d.,‘ The Intercollegiate Glee Club body. In. claim that the will to to 8t. Louis in the I n”_ 30”, s,iu;¢ of 5;, Louis ddlwlie Ho';'g;y ‘Mum’ 3'" ‘C. , .3un¢,u_ . ” wanes d --- ‘Contest swarm. which-V111 llkhdstesidants sun rupsaalblo rule! the me stadium and from‘ M 9- - C°‘¢- Chmwm: D fill "'” '“' """ ‘°' public.‘ '""iZ".‘.'{;vI-ee I to. her 5-use-..i... oven-3 there to Hannibal .. speak r..:...e‘§,',"°.,.,""..,,,‘° "° °" "'° mm» W"! 2 Honm Iourconm "6 mum ’""'""y...u5:l’a'o”li' iii" 3...” ‘.123 -' 3"” "J" “ - Q‘ ‘alum. will be received by M10 uon performed’ at the wooatumthe University Club. _ “’ ‘“''‘.‘L 3'” ‘.'“" “"5 7'?‘ °°"““"-‘ “‘ ‘ "*"“‘“"‘““r identi 1' H3“ so Fme *5?‘ k" "°t"y‘ h. . ..lin the Auditorium of Jay ll. Nd! gg.pn,.|_ , p,.o., numb“ he win to w Chi '3; the next gelatin‘. gprll 6. on] aflair. held each time at ajiflerent - pr” " ' . - ts. ‘ ‘ ,_ _ 'o“ uggestions rom y arden." rcity. it met last 0 ‘be .' ""°'"""""""“"' T A . hm‘ Hall. ‘the coaeert I uumbord nstitl -had w gpnd 1 , . °'~° V '1 M0‘ ~ ~ 5"?‘ ‘"3" "“")}"‘i"’° ‘M; ’ .7 15 o'clock Columbia been me: rltbthe 0" .%'i2‘£?. Griilith c:ml;:’leatai‘<:e‘raix'f.dat‘ig):‘-' Salt ma Aeainst Georze um i. """'- ~“":"G8“s""""""""""";""""‘° Sena] AW Y0“ ' -llvqa saris: needles A ‘ . . ' . . . ' ' . -—-——-4--— ' . . Cu-phaxuon, r coun- - Fourth: lb: illparticipateint ltoourt. ra.&mltbasl:od'itg- or an. 1- Mme A tr I -.h- 3 ‘ " . u M‘ ‘and’ V the .conte:t.c “oat: ti three the I 3|‘ of VGIIDB. 40383108! lfiroblems will be" disgiiaed. Ilr.i8um 1?!“ all) .wJa:d‘inil?l‘ atlinél ' (T:I:”fir':"d::)i(i:tin.:ni“;ntii.:u:tl:uo ‘hark . ‘dc ‘t W.‘ mm in the of‘T‘me' Dabs? is i7 the couvrnumbern. Dean James T. Quarlea that public opinion in In” ddwaa Bfgwpf win 5, ‘om ‘mm ta, 4”,“ 50,-‘, cfi“ by we NW", SL Lon” r tn" fir“ um umflnwn We on’ “N ‘Mm Pom‘ .8“ tame , Iiillfiln ~ - - mu » * in a. -—-.—.—.—_.__ , wad . r . , ' . ’'‘lil‘‘°'| "«’°l"1" """b9" »°f3:~.oi:ee:-t°d‘:n-t»ii:t'hsheovsr and i: ants. en ‘ If You want to buy or sell some-°-office of the of tire’ - Zia lml tn 3 ooilmki ""'ll'“ s‘m'd"" V" 8‘°""“°"e J‘ck’3 “d dthfiu -fl"'°“‘h°mN judgesddecision announced at about Doctor Clapp has flled a ups-lthinx try a Missourian want ad. ifourt. ' v}, “are “ "'80 °d°°k‘5 mu‘ m‘ ‘”h' b" um‘ 'l“"l"‘ , l0 o'clock Columbia time. or shortly 4' i ' ‘ “ T” W.” no "mg". 1 u M 6‘ fig a;u§on_d_lh_'Sen-f‘h,,¢‘1",_ “"""'”'""'- "7 D ' D" "'"'"""” '“ i "“ ‘* ' “ ** ~‘V<- ~--~- ~-— -_.. . --, _.-_.,.___ __ _ __ _ ___ - ._ ‘‘‘‘ ‘° '°'‘‘ why u duh its Jud "n will be done on a sys- ’° nu‘ “‘ cu ‘djonm within tematscdg basis. Each judge. will ‘WW3 A be handed sheets with the ‘clubs’ ‘' ht 3394- "i*‘9°“'l D‘_"“"""‘i'. names. basis for grading and space at public 4100" 135‘ N35‘ "F" for numerical grades. Au auditing , to "ice-Pmidwt D_“*=- W committee willtbenadd up the to- : touch but did not us? hi- fun“-.ur.< for each club and the decision Ifiefiid I ".ll€l~”5” ‘tr’ U73‘. ‘°: will be announced. the rules an tra ition.-A Sn‘. “.5” . N York .1‘ 494 4°‘"*."°‘“ -‘“~”‘ ""-'“ “‘ broa6e‘ao1:.. The tigllege: that ziu c"’°‘"‘° w°b"‘°' ‘M °th""' ;be represented in the contest are: T‘ ,v 1 Amherst, Columbia. Dartmouth. ‘Fordham. - llarvard. hliddlebury. OU TF I TT ED “'1 TH Missouri. New York University. y ‘P S . Pr’ 8 ‘ruse. H HITE ilf¢?a!ieya‘r’t.w“'iscoiii:xiimannd 1'3. 'l'b.e’ most us men’ at The Um""’"y cl" Ct?’ '" °" Palm Beach will have the University Cadet . ganization composed college n(::J:;:gt;::18lLfl1nl, will also be. heard. mm; KANSAS CITY * CLUB RAIDED oecided ld units. The trousers. which‘ ’ ' ' I- my. rm, Choice Liquor Seized Is -' Same Brand as That will present :1 colorful . "1 “Oyster Gntn snappy appearance in the numcr-; 3, mm‘ ,.u__ ' ' 00- Ind in~'P°¢1i°n=‘ W 1*, KANSAS cm’. nu-eh 6.—Fed- hu am” “'3 ’P'l“V° prohibition agents raided the '11» orcssins: need of an armor>‘;cxc1usi».~e Kansas City Club ‘here for the University was stressed l-y.‘u,.1’. ma‘). ‘ad “ind . hr‘, N. O. S.‘\\'ood. in 8 speech at thclquufit). of chok! tiqumt "flu" be! Most of the confiscated liquor spring. - White duck trousers will ,m:: um be available i - i‘ . . . :::s::.:;"*::::;. .1: «so»-, =«»-mp-. speetlvsly. l ________._____ ’ g rice, was among that set no A‘l'l'END ruowmt snow! The earload of liquor seiaed yes- ..terday was packed in oyster shell Will Go to ' grit and billed to H. A. Burke. ln . K. c. Ilareh 21 to 29. ‘their search for booze shipped into ifleveral Colombians interested in; Kansas City, police have found floldcnlture will attend fienflational :-crouch .oyster shell grit to {ed Flower Show to be held in Kansas 164.000 chickens for a year. occur. ‘Cl Ilareh 21 to lfarcb 29. Mt-s.;ing to the estimates of,poultry ex- . J Gordon. president of the Gar- ‘ ports. ' . do (lab. has been appointed one of, """““"—— 7 eight on a committee to assist ‘lull 0'' C‘ 3' uhnd “ D'“"“° the matter of gm!-den club izitaerestsi’ Dr. C. A. Ellwood will speak at the wow. .1. ‘r. Quinn oftbt-‘bar-3 Sundar on “Cm-tianity and the ttcaluml department of the Uni.’ Pment Social Outer" helm the varsity is havirusome it-is forced in} Detroit Open Forum and at the cxeenh tho University ouae to be-evening service of one of the min in . special cxllbit. ‘churches. lie will leave Columbia show is to‘ be held at Elect:-i::o—morrow. COLUMBIA THEATER D ' TQNIGHT AND SATURDAY “I ean’t talie you away! —you’re his wife!—-and he'd kill me!” Yet the timid. sympathetic boy spirited away the vretded and abused danee-hall wife of Rourke to tar-off Alas|na—to save her body from hints and Ills soul from the lasbings of fear. ‘ -_ —thenlsacatacly-amletorreutcome theflnalseenes 5740 overwhelm with their mighty drama-a th "elmax woven from the threads of human love and hate. ' cowardice and bravery. 9g,,,naJ7‘,“33.'%. sRay sr'r§&_§,y1rH" . ., 40- .5. A.« - -r . § ar__( a -.9 . I Law . ' _ 1 . ‘.?“ . i. ‘ Q‘ _." . . ’ I .J_ 1 ‘ . O 4 _- I r it \ .-.. . 3 .- ‘_ .‘ _', 0 -_.<. .‘ _ . _ . fi - _ t-‘. -~ _‘ - .‘ . - . . V ~_ V "' U It . - . - - ‘.35 . _.-0 . ‘ ‘L C . " _" u ' \. a Q ' ‘ 2 -“ 2- \ ' - .~ ; -. .'T‘- -A’ " . A ‘ ~ 'g:\'-‘‘ 9} : ~ -, '->. *,*-~ 3 0 ‘X " ' Saturda --- We again demonstrate our value-giving with a remarkable sale of Dresses, Coats, Hats and Hosiery. . Extraordinary C0;1lSa ll gm. .4 .3“ 7 e c 0 l,lI'lll|hfl h. P ‘V ,3, P 1: is J‘ g 3 ‘v-: ‘ I ‘u 3 . l'.’ .;. '_ :1 $3,. . - 7' .ooO-«"".' ". $25 Coat Sale at Goldman’s. Coats will prove ademonstration of our every Coat need‘ at this price. Many attrac fig Kaaha. twill. eharmeen, flannel, warwick and !awn- skin are some of the wanted fabrics which we are fortunate .4‘ to ableito ofler at this low price. The trimming effects include lavish fur bandiugs at hems. stitching and em- broidery, novelty buttons and self treatments. The net\- ' est colors lead that welcome air of Sprlng—-cicada, pebble. rust, tiger-eye. poudre. venezia, Chill. fuchsia and wafllc. .- GREAT number of smart materials are represented. . 3 ; VAN RAALTE ' CIIIFPON HOSIERY All Perfect-—-All Full Fashioned Colors: Nude. Shell Brown. Sunset. Champagne. Peach. Gunmetal. Toast. Airc- dale, Beige. Bran. $1.50 l Recent Modes Priced to Arouse Popular Approval The most important event on Saturday's shopping calendar is this great Values are enormous and the complete readiness to supply your Saturda --- We again demonstrate our‘ value-giving with a remarkable sale of Dresses, Coats, Hats and Hosiéry. character of the tively trimmed with bands of fur. £9. :7.5o'in"«i7£6:uitB This event is more than a sale. It is a tashl j ‘Every Dfess Brand New /, _ We have assembled many lovely now Sprint! ’- ; Dresses specially purchased for tilts event, which offer ' D extraordinary ,val1’)es. ,Models of most unusual,an(l. ‘ authen styliflg. arrived, aréprovided, strengd't- a eninz . in .af.prioe which is egtceptionally _ attractive. felt ids‘;-Val‘ fully deservingof your « , ti interest.-A Wom‘en’s,a’:iIl Misses’ A 1 ; i. ‘.0-3 - “ i "J ",9 ~ _ .‘! -‘€ ,2‘. 4.”. ‘. *3 ; ‘... * “;"¥:‘,,’._ i‘ >\ ‘ ‘ t v‘. 7' D V I ~ -\_ 1:,‘ .1-_ ,.- '..l A V f- V-i.‘-‘AI. i '- o‘}i' 9 . -.|'_. _ ,i . 85- «~ ~ -»_ . . . I( S : " ' . - - I‘ _. z _ . .1,‘-.2». "- ' ~ ~ ‘A