~ .,‘,,,- - _ ~-.--o-.4»-_.-4-3-cow-‘av - -_ ..—...——..———- '7 1. fiCeItI':Cl.‘I K. .- A.. I . . --‘ A. y _ .;.:.'s.»z..*=r.:r-.2im; ,. ‘.'— .. r. 3. " ~f._ar ‘- __ ....._............-.~ * * fi€..*7; ** * ~ . '. H; . . p i * .. >i-9' .p'- . _ .1 . .i‘1..*e - , .. _ .'._.o k. ;~.,.; . ,. _.A _ ' no._‘.-t'.-cub. V ¢1\e§neahthadfl Qndtidaavu-thhlasnoun in V n-can sahur-rt-as-In that being the . . -- an---an «I trwwm "4 ~-hantamwulght. r. Greonllall lost ‘Dav ; . ,,,__",:,°""" no N. J. ncnchezns. and r. aim‘: ', bouua. ll V ‘ ....n...¢n.. .. nun... Ti£’in_wonfr-om w R.Ic_li&'nIl1.~i Llflcll--°°°M"I i~. |.IrlatCl!:I:thIulmI‘.::.Au:s-aad “ FOR RENT nice mom‘, .8 rd ‘iathatwohvautsbeld!orthuolass.'"d_'.m‘3"-'."“‘“‘.d 1, p » an)” -4 ‘ °°°""""‘ " V furnished for light housekeeping; 5' ME”. A" ,,,':',,",‘,§m':,§,'"“._.- _...... vi-‘sou "“ 1"’ ‘'.''.''.'1-'3,'._°:-T',——'1— isink. race in lriidicm P500! (64 Outsundlng 3”‘ nun: ‘nu. hoxh:}"ho§u«;s; ”’ M __ v EIPIDYIENT l 161453 ing Bouts, 1 limited to thrcc two-minute mMy"' ‘ WAN'l'ED—All kinds of sewing; ron BENT-Phone sues rod in ‘"5 9”“ ‘-”‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘'‘°‘‘‘* *‘ ‘°“iuu ,;hi1dren's clothes a spettilllfi ‘$5033 , 15.001:-ihlhoclaaisamu-1 ' lmodcrn. largo, nicely furnished ,f19"5 green. 208 “est Ash rooms: ‘convenient to city and V‘ ——~—-_- , ___, , p i ' , N130-190.-l.U-uvemty.-. 160-166 Haw Deleats Gibson andhroorrnsu. rucnca an , With the close —;____..,...____ : . . g - \\'3ll1‘1ZD—Washing ~14» do- See 3 BENT-—1ar:o fntlllbcd Godwin Beats Allen in A 3”“ °°°"° 5'“? °°‘°”,'°"', "‘"“"‘ Mrsffll Lewis. 313 Railroad street.: {or glrla for sound aemos- Bestwrwtfin _ ; . ywarhauta Will Be I-Idd ‘line 21 ' 15745233. 01099‘!!! POW‘ P!'3'n¢l03- 1104 g , Times a Weck—Bas Eleven 1 ' / M or M 1 Tum ' 1 c... .. .. ...2- l‘°l"“°?.'i"‘ ‘ma "l”iri"‘' "0 x" Boxing and wrcstling..,tans ware? cg pod“ an ' ‘um “ an‘ Jmh as-ct. M t 3811138 (fqguny; phone 905 red. 158-1,72 ~3-—:—e ’, 3-"l 5 T0 :20 n1-old)’. address eg- ul‘ ' #s¢]ip Jds at home. moll- dated Listing Company, Commercial .\'.-\LESl.ADll-IS everywhere to sell Pic-Wic house frocks direct to y,-can»;-;,rio investment; easily earn $35 wcelzly; all or part timc;._.write today: Pltlivilcli Mfg. Company, Fort Wuynt-. Ind. 161 COLLEGE .\lE!\'-,—Part _time work for two students. who need imme- dintr funds; you can earn cnoug for current expenses while qualify-' ing for big summer job. Phone J. B. King. 223. _. . 161-162 “ ‘ 'LADll'T$—0ur system or rciching 1 btauty culture on,live models under ' charge of skilled instructors. equips Station. St. Paul. Minn 151 jig l lmonth; modern home; quiet aur- Joondings. 1312 Bass avenue. Phone ?!.£4_r:°snc_ t .22-iv‘ *1 V ’ >1. fl . . _ .- '~;an=2:n:iir-s:.5.-1.3;;-I'.I.c.u.s mi fiz-,-.,.;, It ‘ .".'.‘.- '--1 ' "V 7'" .<‘.. ii‘: "—‘a.I " '1" ‘-"‘.v°f§"7".‘.“.';.’-"3‘»?‘:‘”’v ‘ ~‘¢ i‘... W’ " ‘ .- 4 1 -1111..-1. .~r..t..:,. =1. 7- 2 3 1-:,:.‘ '.'fi.~.£ (.531. of.» t-_..'.\: -1; .;.:‘., ;.,_..‘,_.*7 . “_'_:*.‘.‘~...fi"-',.»- :* 7, ti _ -‘W '~ :.«.'_2 -‘-0.’ ' er .- 1 -~,... .. «ls . . .1-v.;_ - w ' w who: who ' 1 ‘ _ .__L.____.4 rr. wrvwrv V‘ V .. ~ h!IilaoI11‘wlll‘enfirtaln the visit"- _. tunes.” . 0 ' . .« awaans nuns Prlaes Are (inn.-n llallsrillc for 1 . _ «- . . - « - . . . _ , ‘ - _- .- . . - ‘ . . . _ . V‘ . -9- an V0. . . . ' . . .‘0.. ', ..~ ‘ . _ \ . . 1* yo wzmrnn-m arnrr WANTED TO hoot-,4or6nooms,modorn.closc in. Answer stating location. con- dltionandtc:-msofrental.A.J. 11.. .¢;=_l!i_-_-.°°ri2!e-, . .._______. "T"”*if6oiInn io”‘”‘”“"Ann BOOK AN_D BOARD—$35 per -_._.__A1_§1‘ FOR SALE ‘ RICE sells wood. Phone 22176. -1 434 78 FOR SAL!-3-Good heater and ran ' dressers. sideboard, . beds. w tables, cabinet, oil stove. car» and other articles: must sell; leaving town.’ Sanford and Worlcy, phone F 7 you for lrt-st positions or your own 1473 fed. 151-155 ‘place. Earn while learning. Write mh street, St. Louis. 161-166 W.-\I\"l‘l-Ii)—\\'omcn to m e moncy at home; plain home new- ing; no canvassing; to prevent curi- osity seekers, send 10 cents (coin) for samples and particulars. S Sewing System, Box 207, I "‘—"“"" """’ “"" V _ fa ‘Weathers Realty Company, phone . 272. 1160»! . . h ' Boulevard Church. Weathers Beal- l largo closet, pantry, breakfast room, .firc- place, garage. easy terms. Nice 7-room house; just across ;' :from Christian College; prided right. Now 5-room brick house on West‘ ' ~ i FOB SALE—Eggs for hatching for catalog. .\lolcr College. 810 N.;_fmm . _‘_inning Sing“! comb ;Bhode Island Beds Orders taken chicks . i>honc 543, an. for ;John N. Taylor, 614 West Broad- ;I'I:'. . mm? ron SAL!-3-Small chicken house. L°u‘;9x18 feet. (1913 Willis avenue. 161g.___...__——_.....—.—. 1 L081‘ arm romeo ’l-‘OR SAI.E—I have some amalll I‘0sT"‘I‘dy" W"? “we” I-Ins for 8‘1e an do” Plfll mud Ind T157-162 159-161 ,containlng one paper dollar and 3g=some small change. Return to zlliasourian office for reward. .. rm: TRADI-2-4-room house,’ 15 160-161 . { LOS‘I'—Onc typewritten thesis, {entitled the “Law of Zoning in His- “aonrl.'.""'Finder ' ‘ ‘l C‘’’“’’““’'' """’“° 27‘ 18q~'l6—2T‘Iiuoni-inn office. Reward. 161-163 “FOR SA!-E—N°w ‘-'°°m h°“”v. LOS'!'—-Gold fountain pen; initials ‘F. F. cngravetl; between 100 West "Broadway and University. Return .to,_1w W. Broadway and recciye ‘gym;-d. ‘ 161-162 « 1? Broadway, 85,000; this house isi ‘LOAN--ll’ you want your loan modern in every‘ way; small pay; thls ,f ment down; balance by the month. Weathers Realty Company. 1111111191272. 27:: - 160-"162; me this week. . . , gee lweatlsers Realty Company, phone 1 -7 60-1 .3 IDS’l'—'IVvo keys, one Yale and FOR SAL!-3-8-room completely A mud:-rn house, 1 block from Univer- " saved street; garage; $6.500; ' carry balance. - 6115': I ~:' will 3. o strcct; $4,000, terms if Stephens College. . New 5-room modern tile and: ' stucco bungalow; large lot, and? ‘mu’ 1 garage; 830 down. ;'»—room house; close to Cbristiani ‘ College; $1,800. $200 down. ' puny. Rooms 1 and 2, Miller ‘nouscs rou um “ |—"":”_“:.—’:‘_‘_:':' Ni-wly decorated 5-room housc.'! U539 C538 F0 " sleeping porch, large lot; North 8th We have other bargains; if you‘ mint to buy a home be sure and see ___ us. Carey and Frasier Realty Com-i PRINTING Q ‘ .-.., P!"!99.$'}_*1.°?_§?E-!>l_!¢¥;--.1§9 in, partly modern, 825 per lnplfll. also-101 ° 11-on m:h"r—5 noon. and ha|h.i._______.._________.______.. '_ ninety-foot-Jront y-rd.“ lure TAVQNBABBER SHOP and east esposurt-.backpo 1 location. attractive ’ " FOR nits!“ or FOR R1-ZN'l'—5-room house, cloac mrm: furnls if _ rt-ntrolly located. _‘ ' ‘one odd key on small ring and fchain, Thursday. Phone 55. Re- Wlfd. 15141. I ____.,_,_._ {.2 ..g.- It said? 1 FOR SALE—Chcvrolct spec-dstcr;_ Now brick bungalow; 6 rooms and."°" 5°45’ ‘mi “"53 'u“‘°" 1312 ‘ ,,.1u.p;,,¢ pomh; up goo"; do” g,o‘.Bass avenue, phone 1484 green. 158-168 DAVIS COAL C0. Best Central Illinois Coal _ con (78. Opposite Wabash Station Franklin gogmty 4911-) ‘. ,.. ..... ___.._._._-.T_.- _.._—..-_.__..___. -toll oownma PRINTING co. ~Gdvcusachance. lfom-prices and work are not satisfactory, we won RENT——7-room nicely tor-§“° "°‘ “P” 9°" ”“""°"° ninhcd house, near University; house 2Ph°n’ “1 80‘ want SL full of roomcrs. Phone 1490. l . ‘j I Jo -*Qnicxrrinicr"' Cards .4.-- .__.—.é__:- chasm snows " superior -Work - 1.‘ v- c" *‘ " ' ' I - ‘ ‘ ‘party Waving town. furnish . or ---~-------—~~~--—--.~ - ‘illtfial _._!'2-.~.-2-.:t.=1=_-;__..I.1*.I_I‘r 5% sub?’ Etc.~‘.___ Pbone.2249 apartnicnt; ‘ ~" _ 11%‘. Phone 200 org. ._ To! clzh class. treated to some first-class !IIIl.ClI!I.gp1-in‘ {oou,.u.p,,¢m-¢ gm 3;. 811)’ 11021118 Ind WT?-‘-U138 l»°3f11l~ month or six weeks and the form»: men! held It ROCIIVCH 37333851313 tion of next year's team will depend list Illtht TN ‘B3311’!!! 0‘ 9'9 a gncat deal on it, he says. hall-Bentivegna andthe Kellyswof-, um be, ad '4 h M- ~- ; ford bouts, while. zh. Godwin-Allen : -3'°‘°’° ' ‘ '“°‘'"‘ ‘W Glb5°“'a“" "“"h°‘ '"'° lb’ oobcr theme is little time to prepare.‘ "'3" - " men principally fundamentals in The vrutlinx events. which were football but he says will also run 03 firlt. VII! iltwdwfld 5}’ I give them sons. football formations. Godwin. Varsity wrutler. won the . ‘fiend ‘hm hm,‘ ‘ ‘wk .0 foounn fall in 7 minutes and 87 seconds. - an only 5: be” an.“ d”.,_ straddle. This was the final match With thg loss of Clyde Smith.l Writhl. both Varsity mat men-'1 tackle but some places will have. to mpoged gf [fig opp¢mm,1Bacchus Will be the only veteran. will meet A. Sonncnschcin tonight Don Fan:-at are thg only regal‘;-3 I-‘richman wrestling squad were the Whiteman. Stubcr, Thomas, ‘Pattie, minutes ‘and 10 s_’1-sands’ with a body- c and half-nelson. . A 3 Men Enter as Mlddleweigltta. 3”, Three men wee entered in thei “hog; but middleweight event: G. F. Boyle, R ‘ Fercason, and C. L. Adkinson, all we of whom are Varsity men. (3. 1-. yen.‘ freshman Be an be‘ vision. Schcttler won the fall in 4 } Hc.n_ry should be able to, do clap A...‘ {wo:nlcrtnl"l1'ac!lldl3T‘ "” ‘I To HOLD FINALS '1‘oN!GH'1'l'‘°'’'‘ "“ ‘’‘’'‘i‘‘'‘’’‘'’‘ ‘l‘'’ """"'$:h all on weather continuu_ The and rti at the preliminaries of.thc Unlvcb won, 1'55; pg-ugjcg win jug for b’ clole ;O‘Su1livan ‘distance men while Bacchus ls 01¢ ta. °"'°“l‘W'5 b°"l"3 '3‘ lb‘ G"’"‘' The ialllpracticc does not startfgm. “R {"331 91¢ N914‘ 18333’- _. __ _ -‘——-o———- 4 gamethcfirstwcck in oc.! Arnu-rric rnsrs ARE GIVEN 3 "H9593 “"133 PUWED most outstanding of the wrestling Couh nan.’ mum,‘ M 0-,‘ am llclllll AVONIGII to C. 3- 8- F1285- 13 fast match between Gaylord A ' b the W“ de_ lama.’ Sc win and R. 8. Allen. nywésghu: "'3" '“1"",m,m" ‘,,"‘"', fa’; ,0 has‘-Lefiose ms-thc with or: bar showing the success- ""m' ‘ h'H'°°l’°“~ ‘"6 ‘ mp‘ Coach Henry intauls to hold prac-I glnmfmpkuon of wt mu tug “'0 ticc Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri.‘ hr um third days. ' ' a’ .1. 3. is strong. The position on the mound isonothatwillbewellfllled,for. : Tu W! vnudcnw W“. F". Ndm ‘icon,’ gem. mutuuek . cemnost. Louis Globe-Democrat and the hu ‘yuan men mi l 1 th b‘mmwizht 1u‘.“'_R‘1nn‘ th hrru! ti - fl:g&l’II!'9fl1!"!1lllIedb] Belinda-hon Z-on freon: 0. Nebr 1 m.a;u,.. 3,’:'1;.,., gm?" fungi, 5759 “=5” “um 07 “#34108 13015 . vi ' ' ' ’ ’ Coach Klpltc will start to cuti th I half-nelson Id crotch-h0ld’Palern'1o, Van Dyne and Walsh. all;-lump" mp‘ ‘:1 down the number of H‘ and W: 1 combination in 3 minutes and 44 reguun, will not be luck .33 their; ‘he 5°’Y”'d ‘"5 “"3 9"‘ b“°b‘“ seconds. Henderson will meet P- places must be tilled by m¢mben1—‘h”°"o 3- 7131". the other C0"! in 1-535 dis of last yer‘: second team or froml “”°°' vision, tonight. Tharé were onlyi the sophomofcg, Cogch awry ‘tin Three freshman boys. Thoniss two entries in the featherweight di-has mcbgnon .1 ggu-3 um sat. Alexander. V1810“. 1- A- BNW11 Ind R. T-iford, Walker and Llndcnmeyer at 3-05!“ P033139» 113"‘! ‘V0355’ 7°’ ceivcd Brown won the fall in 6 minute-.=.be filled by new men, From 1”: first test. and 48 seconds with a half-nelson year's freshmen Lucaix. Edgington Nosslnln. O and body-clnncery. _ jand Gibson arc. the most likely can- Wlldo Wheel?!’ NV! 5090 IWIN94 - 1,. am ‘,i.c'.~e;,,m C1,“, 1, Lgdidates for line positions. At end the medals and two bars for th d Historical Society. This is a record historical dates events treatcd in an inurestingfi H 151' ‘ L 5- W- Redmlh. in 8 minutes with a' In the backfield the situatih is, The “m°,t‘°'t" 'm he give" the half-nelson and crotch-hold. Hefnot so serious. Captaip Bond and flahmm ‘"1’ ’°°"' in the finals. C. H. Schcttler, Var-ithat won‘: b¢ and with such Tielve member‘ of the plying 511)’ min. and M. L. Cooper of the promising material as Captain 2.31% troop 0; Girl scum, hiked . . . . . th lle t th only entries in the welterweight di. c..g.¢]' Jgckgon and Adams. Coach grmlmw ;““,:r.‘°nabin.e s‘mrd”, tcrnoon. Thy .. b’y“liss Helen iwilaon. acting cap- rtbur Cogliser will not be clig- uin of the troop; ‘cc and probably will not return to sgymggg ugigtgut, gm] 0, 3, Arm. _ strong. uteraft Coach Henry is well pleased with I!Id.¢ImPfiN 111111331 ‘'33 357°‘ available material from lasti 900!’ !'¢“'9°d lv°‘¢°‘"l “ 7 °'°l°°l‘- .-..-;*’>°,...°..*:‘.*. “2.:.‘.‘;E . to in the finals. I-‘ergason downed Ado‘ ' , I klSOYl»lY1 8 minutes ‘Dd 33011118. Thfeg Cgfj of In the light-heavyweight division, Boone County farmers have‘. R. E. Fergason. captain of the shipped three carloads of stock toi Tiger mat-squad, won from F. E. the National ‘Stock Yards at East‘. Bush of the freshman squad in 10 St. Louis this week. Robnctt and_ minutes and 40 second with a hall'- Zaring shipped a curload of mules; nelson and body-chancery. The Sunday. ,A cnrload of hogs was’ 1‘ . . . and W. M. Gibson was won by Haw. ad of hogs Sunday. 1 This match was anybody’s up un- _ , . til the last minute, first Gibson,i W'°°Vht ‘rm’ “ml” ‘t P‘"k9" ‘ha, n.‘,' having the ndv.nu‘e.l —‘2.95 to ‘I235. Adv.-1.51 The time was 6 minutes and 55 sec.‘ -, ._ __., - , ,, --.. onds ’ ma. non nsrms. : ::;=:a.:°;:. :.:°...:::: INSURANCE AND. warmly contested. Kelly won the‘ ::::;.:~:.:>' .::::"=..$ 2-:.:;:.r°:::: "‘“”’ "M8 be n declared a draw. c. F. John-. SEE W. B. PALMER c sonoutpointcd A. W. Rcdrnan in the‘ ' I Over Peek’s ; Phone 1569 ; snot»: REPAIRING 2-\ 1 » — FINE snon nqrammo ,' - .. - 1 Best work and materials. a ' ' g in-:uciu.1No's ; . o , -- ‘: 24 s. as St. ’ ' Tiger Barber ‘Shop. l ; ' r A 0 micro snnvxcn 1 . ; xoms rnnslnno , , In department. rum ldt SERv1cEu - at8a.m.outat¢p.m. THEDBUGBIOP Ph_ons_802 . y-—-— -- — 4'- «- a 3 -‘V. A . A :3 - 1' - . '2. I.‘ ‘ 4 1 _. i I- ..‘_q.,. i ' ‘ "".‘7'—_‘ -' . 1' I clnieirbirzrt T's-.:“‘=I€auw‘ir-::uaw~::IIr' Everybody knows 1 that the next offié cials of Columbia were elected today ‘And itfs just as cer? tain that when you get our ' 11¢‘. G°9”".““‘- W‘ I Note the ‘ _ l ' ‘_.*'.V .'r'‘_ o «'z..:‘.-'?l‘~‘.!.".“.~.":‘.‘§‘ :' :33‘;-‘.=‘ .. dill b that db: “The Unlrfldtyllimmu S , . °°* “..*'.:.::.‘:..';:..“; "...3 *-= *~="°" .3." , N - 1’ ‘ad’ Christian Colltlfit Kiss Reva . wcwnh‘ yhthi‘ 3.“:: 339°“! 0&3‘ 01°‘ Cull’ °°"‘°'l§Park!n a stulont in the Umvcnlty. Lomae Bohn. Ada Whitfield Jack. _._. . . .. -. --.... ._.-__.. - _.* \era Sue Kappel .- Lu;-g ’ E ' Cannot resist this wonderful Golf weather. It "gets in your veins” and you want to get out to the course again. The CO-OP carries regular Spalding Golf Goods; clubs, bags and balls. You can't do better than to get them here. ‘CO-OP Basemenfof Jesse; Hall i I state .x.. , Winners}:-&c Xflfluf “P431 ‘"3’ 5°“ 3 elocution contest which was held at ' uiasun. esntai ' ‘°"'”“‘ . , . the Ballsvlllc Methodist Church uni” 3",,’ 3.3“ nfichu TM 1090*“! Ilflcltc Illleh IP- Friday night were: Belch Rice and 5...... 3,, ' cured in our autmo not-nixzrum Hudson. {am who for girls Tina. ' traaar. second prize win- afu Glee Gab. adjlldgodlncra. ‘lhc p!riscs oflwad wcrg gold p uni” ‘ulna "H-H _ host glee clfi in the Hisaauri'modals 1 r irst place and 85 gold at’ ‘ 8”“ in a ascent com piocss to: second ranking. You can ball over 3,000 paid Missourian what you have; to Sell and Rent or want to Buy and Find. Advertise your real estate, rooms, chickens. eggs. fiveqtock. used cars or machinery, old furniture or clothing-—lost"daz‘tleleB. scrviccoein fact anything that can be atlvcrtisod——in the Want- Ad columns of the Missourian and watch the excellent results. I C n‘_ , 1c". won: a Day (ofcc an») s :1 , .’ ‘$.‘-.";‘.-‘.. . six so ciwau (No «on aiding -ea--no