fl. . . ‘t . 't.h W lt Cam . . Script: Us for I d to b 'ld . . . . . . p A80‘ ‘Pns,.._________w‘ a N._ P mu"; .::,,°_'2":°:'.:::).:“:,? ;:,~:_ ggog; c0um,.}.adu‘:: m .\('\\ .\ uric. now minister to (hina. .' ' nion . Colt.‘ 341 Frcmbcs, 2230 black , “no: 3, 5,” ° ' _._%__ 'n.~ ambassador to Germany. accord- THE Sb-\5Bn‘E -‘GERCY ! . He who laughs last is short on ‘ The ac, im_,m‘se in the tow] “sf mg .0 unnfficial information at the 115 Bit! St. . Office Phone, 498 .. — . .- - a ‘.-~ ’-""‘-'1" _ _‘ ',. . ..< ,_ .._. ... _--_. \. _-._-_- -- , t.._ ‘ . . . t.‘ - ~ , . - : __. L ._g,. .,,,j.,_.. 1‘ ‘V _ . V .. V. _ . e , ,. . _‘ ‘ . \.~ 5 . v - -- . -.- . - . <3 - . . . _ . .. 4 -.. _ . _. . go’ - '. ‘ ' J h‘ /; ,.- °.?".:.>:. j‘:-5 Hg-1.2,:-E. . 1 . > . . V r ' A J _ :: +umttn;wUnsnnr,.H17,192s .- . t —' » e I n . .‘~-—-~ ’ -~-—————- "-~‘'''—' .. --’ _ . ~-"'~- -~---~-~‘- '* . ' """'_' ‘ _ '- 1 " 1'”,-.1 g,.¢¢gi¢g_ody "Mysterious Nystv-'5'. P1‘- """"".7 .. ’ - _ branch Liberty and is de'velop- TYPEWRITING AWARDS IIADEICHILDBEIN NED ICES SONGS lgegwfllfll. 3;; shop. Ad—"16.’,, ‘am. ‘'0 be ownmdowed by the 1 1'. rmdd” "“"""" »°°"""4 ‘M’ ‘B’? is Certificate: and 2 Plus cam. for Prof. J. r. Sleeper ratio to Pri- 3‘ _ ' “"‘“' In W ‘“"""" "°"‘° ""”"‘ ,__% - h ' __.___.__. _ 8peod_aI|d Accuracy. Iltlrr GNIIII C°l“""°°- o‘ e John Beck of Eehnoodv 1-18 The Bank of Bucklin. It Bfitklin. . I-‘ive certificates. a silver. and a Prof. James T. Sleeper of the . B.--,‘g,_' ‘ Minoan,“ ‘um .5. 0. _ , > ‘fr! —, they Wfyeana old neatly. was closed recentbgbw its board of golipin mg; 3.3. finwttttrdnds L.) Scltuol of Fine 3 gee Po“ “mi. gn quay,“ 13.11:‘ ”.-‘."_"M .7, o -- .._ ----"'—." directors. atu ate in e, rton tcc u.«i- pr:mnry group ‘ _ d- n .3 gig 1,uhltuh_ prodnc _,,_«;T‘o- N - j _ . . ‘ ‘ ' “’rl”n'nl lucwilhmfiu hut ABRm.'.s"'E‘x';‘_"‘EC.l.B"n Ix neg: School in type-writing_ test: (‘ouncil of R81ll“’;:_‘i uuatéonktg 6:: with aneliem Eurovflfl '9" Mlkfi ' Alltfi G0 '49 * " « i ' " " N ‘ flwvurlihva ndthuolrndv -no" - l scams nwnnau CASE "°.,°""__"’° T 1 . I .:‘;:;‘;°, "“‘,” " ting. ta now showtnc It the B8" on on, Ggllgn of 933, sun tutu go. what that ‘the net earnings for 1924 of the, . , Wm °'“' '°"$’."°" f.'"" t" ' is ’ ' . J .04 ' T . ' c,,,,,~ sloux riu.Ls. s. Dalt.--—Jnmes -‘ 5 0-30 m 3‘ " '3 “mi!” ‘ * ‘ad '5“ 3,, st. Joseph lead Co. Irene $7,559.-loflloen Say They Have Evidence N! Wf"-‘H13’-i lit‘. {'07 t 8_ mm: There are some Htr) gt soot! um mg‘:-l, as Queen ‘rune/.51‘. 3.’ of C29” ummh Bldg" has woaello Olen: ....1.II an .68 __ aredointyfie “ . ‘R ‘am’ A gdflh". fa» gnu, ute for fifteen‘ minutes wtthnu. for children. but not enough. he mi“ of . mountain auaeuinty, . ‘B new device 7"" “ll 5"" u""'“"" A 3-over-anneal’ at the peo- A me,“ ‘wan 3: A ‘’I m‘e‘:"’.r"""‘ i th ’m,.¢.¢ao"y3lmt‘htf-:e ‘ lllllila u,:,I,l¢;:;,d,.edlf,,m.,,.,u-I1‘, ,::,d,wr“tM.nd: ;”u°“‘ tab" '13‘! mu 1:,‘ ‘uggnetithat cuts down was consumption. " ’ —~————- . - - ' . .2 rrutaare pectflllbdlyfl 9, ‘- "" , ' ove W913 N - ,hn'p1-QQQQ - haul an Steed cl‘-n Id I103. p;._ 1,,» tag people and for the peo- now in use at the Boonville flight-1-0;, G. gm” mag" mg. .g 31‘. mugs. Ruth ltobtntxon. R«I}'n‘.uIi«l He zialtl that small children sin; by mm?“ :5. u, buy for 3 tme; ?; ‘rm, fi;‘flma'h:‘ 7 A A ‘ 153,303.; gummy. rde ahould be open to Hit PGOPV-'8 S¢h°°l- _ ltantlolph County. Officers gfllrbanks. 90)’ Bright. at-"-d Burlit .-nntzllloll andjiahn perl"forn'i_ difficult 5,, the raytl {av . and discards: Mn I ‘9 mu“ on . I‘ W on-oooo"“‘ Wig“. ms .1‘ to theif°llo‘v‘n.‘ ‘c‘ve1~‘l Que‘ ‘ny they lT:n. 1 . H h ” ‘d . ltiffll {(131.3 “I On‘ n0'wlnx v Xth tn turn for , new f.V0.teo_'. an in 3... J” ..—..-.-.—.........—.n.--— city council of ‘aim for np‘h_'ihu.e ¢,,,,_.m.,_.,.,d ,,,.,5¢,,¢¢ ‘ping e 8) var pm vans ‘..t._ardt to ;.v “surprIsiln¢_ how man) 301183 I But Queen Catherine reckons wit -ifive minute.‘ “L ‘.3, “nu ‘gems. Idem: , 31.3.3. is not always the secret m‘ we in.’ mining. ,..,,,,e of 3...-um-3 nelghbon ad ‘.111 Rmna I-‘arrat-_,, fofr strtttm: f~i_rt3.',ch..d can learn and remember. 0“; Rod Lgltocque. who. as Lieu-‘and is caning to and one {we of happiness, but many tune: it iarreat them toda . “' 5 ‘ ""‘"“l>° "V “‘°'“1““"' “(.'hildrcn' shouldn't be made to tgngnt Alexd, with dashing charm; v ——-r. ~. N . ~ 3' . - - .- . . - . . . . to one auto owner in each locality. ‘PO A GREAT SPORTSIAN keeps a person from being afraid. plan, ‘R. being mug: 10,- the 64. 8 retired farmer. "““““"‘ ‘ml’ '°‘ '""’~V J“-“ 1 ~ l.t'."§I Hlrp ti they are singing, for and independent manner, refuses to Ad“ Thg us; whiguc has blown, the Johnson county spemng contest wifagter ‘of, Miss I-‘Ionic Burton, on ”"'°"" lfucile M"_K_l"‘3"'-'_ """"i""l it t.; impossible for a small child be gdded to her loom of write mm t’°d.y' . '. « - “vdu, .c.mp. the, . . be he“ ‘bout Am.“ 1_ Eeuploye of Parsons Studio here, and "*9 30“ l'|_n-l0r Wrltiiifl fIT'~)’~»""'*"‘ in l-.('t'p in step and to keep the right but rather pdds her to ti gnovnngi - . . .. .. . v———~ ' ‘ " “ om.“ llA '. " foot Tb" ‘°”“"‘ ‘°"" °‘ P” "‘ -———- M0010 3.‘ ?~'- “V Burtom loot! busi- “'f""" “ '“‘"““* ‘°" “WC” ""““‘-“ tuiilbo or the tone." Professor little list of his own. In this view . . “mu °f “W A ' man“ ' slowly veeriut l0VI1'd ¢011lP°°- Ira Ewing. Barton County’; onlyfnese him. was found Friday morn- “''l‘ “M '“‘"'° “tin ft-~.. 4-r.—ur.~;. Slttper ttultl. Many children in Co- cure Laltoeqle adds another to the‘. 3, 3, {gun mggfilgg Co, <‘=“‘°”"“-h“P"’°"‘**‘““.‘“shaniditt.u.thete will bede-ring pljn , »_ 35° 8""-‘ °‘ l“'-‘- 3*“ “° P"°'°" strayed not only a mass of building buehds of rice to the acre. ~ skull ‘ bed. A trail of blood led , _ aw 9”’ like “ ’p°"‘m‘n' b°"‘”° material. but the subject of mam‘ "“*"-- to the door and into the home. Doc-' Wilkes M. E. Church Troop llt‘«lta!(‘fi Sunday school regularly, they leave ‘rm commgndmmu, raises ‘hin’\\fight'in8 i.,~{.ont of his home with his Two “"5 M.,.[_“-/aN1‘s liiniliilziehnsfchg-ardh: viii: :1-editable ill: to!‘ screen‘ Irlicns Hug,‘ "4 3,4,3". Mn UL’ E y °b°“"‘u ”.?" Aeoupleteatockatalltiuiea. I ‘W 8379 hi! In Vb“? PhYl3Zo 59‘ pk‘”ut mm‘ of old world splen- The. Tffifllon Commercial Qlub is Ftors aéid he had been Geld $61! ’ Cleanliness and Ilra\:(-r)‘. ‘ soon as the clam: is orer‘ accord- And Addphe "£350., is .1” they-4-,,l 107 N. X ' ' P5939 113‘ cause he bucked the line. waa am. phoning an extensive campnxn for:houra.'. ' . _ Paul B&!"l’l(‘E. ano ,.lll.'1lt)!"llU:t"1 lZ1{'lu Professor Sleeper. Conse_- 6-.fl.’, ponshei app” and ,ubt1¢;, A : thrown for a loss, and came back .. . better echoolaand better roads. \;d At e C0l"0!)t(}"!'6.ll'l(!ll§8tl. Sotzz gulf: tgioplicatiun fol.’ u2tTll1";l‘r”lll]l qutntly they know Very few of the ‘M ‘S the Queen.‘ chief qounwhr _ _ ___ b _ i “find with delcrmimfiw W nuke SUPPORT FOR THE NBLE COL. 353?)‘ Contratto. of near Bevief'.;m‘orc‘ rr?ol',i':-c ll:)UJ!:r)bUte\‘\'J8 un- Igoilleevnrds §l§Ccl(lt:)tdl‘il"‘::rl‘ltl‘r{“ll\‘ dd songs." ‘”“”" ""'— tlippllurtaafif :lemco(itf1m(i::llill:ut.r¥‘ . ', d d‘t.hbeea rec- LEGE. - - ' - . - ..' f ‘ ,' ' , '« 9“ - 9 .. '...?.‘:.‘:. .::...: ......;'::.. on... .. ::..'*.:°;..'."';:.°:"::’.:::. ‘°t::":,; .‘:.°::.":;::..:*:“.;..:"::::-..*'=.i 2:532. I.':.°'.°..:.-.° -=-«- we i= - ~«~«-M M13500” STORE .Amcrica on football. , Wm receive _ 335,000 from the ___._:___ gwlunbie ‘ow wuch found on ‘the At the mwtiug 13“ night .,;m_i‘l ltcbcltuhs and. Odd Fellows Hold In very! ‘proper atridthbloogleaii onc.§ Sens Fountain Pens I _ ‘ 8 [had of_ A 343.000 ‘ddmon to the Mnylbod ' the fact that Burton No. I debated with PMNI \.n ,, 0" Social Meeting Thurnday Night. iprompty. quieted. )' eju tcious use‘. ‘ ' SP0" on!” mourn the 1°” of 80 (Mu: or nr” amp“ 0 E. Wilson Home for aged women’. ’ ’ ' ' .' . ' The Columbia lodge of Reheltiths ‘of American secured bank checks. 1 : - . .- - .; ' - -4 Q .. .. .- hoa recently been opened in Sprmg-“:33; :?:;n:(3)bb:‘r(;n°:nOu.v::hmh‘£ tgiittciui-i0trmz:"5CO'3:‘ bi’ (jI‘eu]-‘F. nod the Odd l-‘elluws will honor two, But you should see this play to‘ That fidd, ‘dinnd . The an-ir'm‘m,__,__' of the past presidents of the Re-really find out whether Poli Ncgri,s Do ,t —-—-g—- _ _ ; f._ h d d uphdd by On.i”(_ m‘,kf,"0n and bekah state assembly Thursday eve- the queen, or Pauline Starlte. her ‘I A garden contest is being held in- _ ” '‘° "" re. pm-’°"5 “-mt-Md c-“M, n. W, V, U. nine in a joint social niet-ting in the ‘ lady-in-waiting. deserves to win the . th“ Bmmdad the funeral services Sun‘ I‘ l U °' (n U U '0 I 0. 0. F. rooms in the Boone conflict of womanly wiles. with the and great a man. His absence from the Libert.\'- This coflitimltfi the Emit- ranlts wil be felt by every sport est partof her estate, save ‘for some writer in the country, but those who bequests to relatives. This money will miss him the most are the col~ will supplement the present endow- : entire life has $.lt«lt.5((:>ll.thc mm Comm which is §‘::k-2:322: i‘"P3"?i:°!?"sm":'(;:” Wm 2't‘1.)l~n!il"tltl)m0o". Sew"! C°'""'bi‘"” l1il:.sg‘ittrlli(.'\\:ll?tiil:1€\qndlEi Hm’ F"’r"'iiniidir;e. ,love and freely dispensed kisses of Fixes 111 That D0 ) 9/ P 11,9 5P5,-it of giving to institu- be given‘ '. The troop. at its nor. llll"_‘llH;Z. The past pro:-.:=idents to be honored um ‘"37 ‘l “‘k°" ' osc “ y giW°!t‘e.mAstp‘:'-tleF;.eu:loli1 {:32 “°“3 5‘-‘ch ‘5 ‘he Bibi" C°n°‘7° um ‘iltlville L 0n prflidem WOULD lt.v\lSli3 :)uA“ll-STANDARI.) intends to name its pntrnl~, .-‘Plot! tire: Mrs. Allie Warren and Mrs. “OUT GU18." In I “Um? “"30 "’°" “- ' . . . " ' ‘ - -~—-—— ‘ -i ll« tdni.or.n-i-.<~.<-‘i,~i- {J I’ M (‘1 9 _ . _ _ , . ‘h but the bag of f _\° d . “B , . V . , I15 D8-T0 C1! . Bl ‘ll! V .1 ti!‘ . .1! ..l.l"lC L!’ 0 Oplll. TS. 1878 _____j on the “main” unfibchoed mm a." metre "I2. "sngthis -i irit of Rlviiig Eood:n(JT?"sin‘¢‘tc‘ "1-ll(l(l,r dlll9rt;‘e.\Sl.|l’l}~3B‘" '3‘ Abennlc ' D,-‘fled mngcmcms rm. Ommmng 115 Chm’ F'Ck“"~~ D"35¢‘m llflld Of ‘hi’ “ll” corners of the nation. After his I‘”“’‘‘-’- ‘ ‘P ' ' 3 - '“‘°“'‘ 55°‘ ‘"°1‘- tn-_ . . - - ' ' K . I d ' . S . M . . cane“. days he mu dung to gm. that has kept man} tn-titutions,thut 8) "1 3 W5‘ I1)" l.lAD'd Pr:---. _ __ ____-_ _ , ________ . Jggpgnsox C1-n-_ M t I-.___ . . . . . T‘ . . . warden of the grand encampment, favorite game. football. He has might othennne cease to function. viminm Ramsey’ I mm, mimd The swan‘ mgromwd t“h’i°h‘n{;"_ L!\l\ I-IR.sl'l'\ C0“ ll0.\(lltl'.li Wm be gurus‘ I . i ,,,;._,,,, ,,,,,,,. ,,,,__,d,., 0,, we ,,,.,..,. cgarryxni: oln thegrfivoiz by George. Ramsey ncncnr Loddo- ,,.,.,,, the 1,,“ .., p,.,.,.... 9,. ,...,...1...;. “Campus Virginia It" ‘I. on List of h C. “fid “H h \VillYourChildrenand'I'heirsgotoCollege? if manohip of the game. and has done ‘”“°-'* “'3 °~‘° 5'3 ‘’ kf’ ‘ _ ":"‘~. ‘"5 5f°ld '°'~‘°"“5 W Chlflfio of those who winh_to practice luv State Cliampions. _ F31‘: -Cf’ " f"t';)" 'C§h‘_"_ " - _. - . fi- W" ‘° W ‘* “ °‘*" ‘*“"°' ‘W "*“““’°“"" "‘;‘ ‘“° 3*“. '.f°’.’: °r “‘°°_.,_' "1." "’’‘° 2:” ”"‘?" h ‘‘'i’‘i‘.‘“ 8'. "“:"**.".-“ ‘hi ...:;f: ‘’n...:.. .“:§;‘:.': .. . DoYou Know c ti‘ picking for his famous ..Au_Amc,.i_ fleet: to keep est co etc. an o A ' V0 . _ sure. by .‘tnntt-r ru‘0l.:~A Arc of St. t c .Ai.~.ouri Lo egc h . tzntu - - _ . 3 _ bu . . " ~ - llunizutions goincv. ' M“ $“°' 00 5°h°°l l’“‘ld"‘W l'rnncxm'~ (.oun1,\'.. one was draftcu tun-. IS anions! the list of d,d,,_.¢ua It is of little concern whether Satisfaction of kuowmr that ‘hey ""'*“‘ (duration and be itrttduzttcd from ti Club. . - Egthhdnvhe ¢l08!I'!k!|0' ‘”"|';" bl’; Vb‘! f°' -doing a good deed. W!‘ 0W0 Five hundred “hot dogs" were 1 1 -'1 Th " ‘ h t t t "(‘- .- \" A ‘- B" ' «i .5’ ' 9”." “dc . ha. ‘ 1 t, I an . _ I aw 5: two. e pruusion t 1;: my .tmpu. irgtnhi . I.‘ .. _\t.ll‘. 3:: in: ‘ggesrug gzneogfiirif much. We owe the success of mun)’ 50.111 D)‘ 9": P°3lv‘»'—''C1“b 0‘ 3955113: years’ of college work precede the and 7 ntonth old. She ll!‘(>t’lUt‘C(l ' _ v . P 9‘ 5 of we -,,,_.,.gm.3..,,5 of Amygca to High School to-stuoents during two,].v.~ gtudics was stricken from tho: ll)~«I9 pounds of milk and 624.67 EXPERT Tl PEWRITING aid cleanly. If you have given . ' 5 ;, f ‘h M 5. Ybur all in an effort to cross the Ju”“wch pcrsom 0 “ M? r . Holland is a 2:006 cnmvlt The skeleton of an lndian brave. .\t.t\'- Al'l'—()l.\ J. (i. S(‘lll'RM.\!\' goal ltne, the tape. or the home ‘ta d, t ‘V f d_ pl-te: if you have respected the '~ " "m cm ' ” °"" 5“ 5”‘ (‘hina \lini~1t-rt to on to German)’ ~ ‘--“"_—— - 7535” WORK - ‘ V . mound on 11 form two miles north . _ 4 _~ ' , _ ° l‘-(-tv(l1Spl:t}'0ll’arclin"-at slintit-c _ Sohehureandyarnnndcav agzdspohrc: . of I"-xlmyrti. recently. H l"'{°""‘"°" 5”‘ at ?lnttn Electric Shop. .~\d~.~.-1.‘.-' -- V 2 4°"'B¢1l¢P°lid¢l‘UPlI°¢l’t.00 Bill, then 3'00 l't.‘1\‘t‘ nothing to re- 'l'he4iutmOt latitude in r_n-en to A group of poplar Bluff busi_ -“'A-“ulNGTO‘\'- March 17-" 3:!-ct when the last whistle blows. :°"‘*"“ "‘ °“‘f"“‘"'~' "’°" """,‘- 'f',“ ncss men are at work securing sub. of the mnt-, state chainpimi Jt-r.~t-;; H5 llitt St.—-Phone 1456 green .W.,,._ C." ‘flu, 7 v_ M. education of his own two ten-minute recesses. 1bi|]_ pounds of fat in in year. She i~ un.- 1 759 SIIIIMDO A2900 1 "..'.’:‘:..’*.':;‘.'."‘...':%"......... ...:.‘*'".....r:£:..“.:: fl‘rcsident Coolidge today decided to ‘ 8 :.ppr»ir.t Jacob Gould St-hurman of mam ‘A 'rYPEwm'rEit 3 r i House Phones-— l , I F L Sand sessment of Cafthgg-Q pg-operty in \\‘lii‘.e llnuse this morning. P501" "55 K"'9¢n- 1 'i ay ll. . [ ‘ - A ” , T Y 5111101’ ‘W ”l|'°“3i3"3 -‘*_ bl“ _1° the recent adjustment of valuaticns , , _ ——j I ~ ; £0‘ AL .\ElGnB()R3ll«pg-event, Sundgy bull gig:-ncs 111 5113. amounted to ‘£3,400. ’ ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ - 1?‘? ---‘‘‘~-* °-'- l DR_ FLORENCE L i We cxtendto you, ,the Royal muri hasheenintr-odned into the ...__.___ * --~-- A ‘ ‘~| § Neighbors of America, a hearty beizisliiture by Represcntafivc Ray Approval of n p.op.,._..,.d_;g..-, 000 l-“"5 5305 “EPA” 88.0? 1 : -wdcomc to and my of Klllstfi City. The hill‘ bond i5§Lc for d‘-,;'v(,1opn‘en! of‘: W C F r 7‘ cnjoyryour stay in the city. '°p°"_"d f“'°“‘l{l5_' _l’5' ‘b‘~‘_ 50"“ Dflfks waif given March 5 by the 0 . 0‘ . W” hope that you will find Co_ committee ‘on otficial eulariets nnd city council of Mobcrly. i ph.m¢ 325 305 3,-o.d';y_ 4 Jumhiu :1 city that is willing to ex» fee?’ wiwhlch n was cf-cried. -- -~: , .k_ _ , ‘ -and .. band of tin ‘ f _ d Sunday games of tarioun l.ind.~ 1 no boys bands from various‘ _ _35"°° 3 ° "“”_" have been 8 much-discussed ques- parts of the state will be in nupnd. ‘ * 3"“ "”"W3'5- “*3 15099 9131 YOU *1" lion in this country for u long time, once at the Rotary conference in ‘E -' enjoy the hospitality that is afford» and many places have laws prevent- SW33-lfn. March 26 and 27. . -ed yottin this city. We hope that int: Sunday amusements. Represew ———- , ' you “-311 find the business houses tntivc Rey lives across the street 7710 I-Yon-‘t Real Estate Co. of : i 9 * tre - -..¢ ‘ _ L Osteopathic Phyaieiana B“Y 3 f"°°ze'P"°°f 307-311 Exchange Nnt'l Bani i . Tyree radiator and Building -your troubles are over. H. J. GRIBBLE . MILLERS Ar , ‘.5!-i 24 N. 9th St. Phone 249 Expert 1 1 1 l D .. . -.,~- .._, -., -- *“ '* °°'-‘-'. ‘ -c 1 3 I of mu. ch}. cordial md courwous in from the ball park at Ktinsas Cit) K'"l535 Cit)’ has c.-atablishml :1 1 and in introducin his measure - 1 I Sh Re ‘rm game tundatngntni eet'vio;u1_vfvhich any 0'! P8! 8 0r_an orzamntioucan onnisto 5 he] dust:-£ute -"ouzn 1 C xuucd mat «2'.r,0o h0“.1in2 mani_ N’? - —' ’ ’ _ - ' : ‘‘.'''' "' ‘ -to ayouwi_eave u- vd-tldyg . .. .t~. ' . amt. an . 3:: :22: ‘;f§:..‘";§ ......§2E°%....n. V18’ . that more M... .....,,"'°...'°*“*‘*,.,,......,.°‘ .5,“ W“ 8° ‘ ‘welcome: visitors. We hope that home on Sunday. While it may be All work mechanically done. .' . l A . i you will leave here with jug; . lit- truetbnt they ‘do disturb the peace 39958515112 in ‘fall decorating ._ shoes repau-ed ‘Dd hm‘ 11¢ more esteem for our_civic dc- °f °"l‘°"5 liV"|8 heir the pork. f BIQRNES BROS. 1 Motor overhauled ‘$1430 ' soled like new, even the ' d0O¢. for withouttheefiorto ' ' _ -velovmcnt. a lit'tlc'morc knowledge ‘glxsrlgnfhgagéfitltrfiySliséztx one 1477 white Rear end overhauled ‘bevel Of ll"? new 81108 is :fl? lmdiih;v:df:w" . of what Columbia us as It city. For a good -mm), people who “wk “ ' *— — c A - [ Tighten rod bearings_2.o0 retained--because our , flawed "1 °"m“n°°‘ . in Office!‘ Iff0TdS 8 ChIn§ to get I t t e. ‘ 1n’ . I I I e H‘. 2 ‘ Experience is solnething that is out in the air at least once a week. 3. 9 l-“fee _ i 8 2 ' Ihe Cognpgn has A nu.) 3”, ‘ad to“, mom um" any It furnishes :1 chance for com- 1 ' flit‘ the tnferio. i with starter . . . .5250 Work mned for dé. hmuht th¢ OEIWII Of tlfi llyltflr ' ; other commodity. . plcte relaxation from the worries INSURANCE AND 3: ldour furnace wi_ll_give I . without mztrtcr .. 2.00 __ _ "15 _ . the reach of practimlly every. family in mg - . P ‘-"’;;'.n'.;‘(‘l"‘,'$“-"“ “‘L‘l“‘” ”"“Q'~‘°‘!“: FARM : ‘ ettisffactorgr opinion of -. valves mound _ _ _ _ 230 lnered with our splendid Middle West.‘ » 0 l".N—0lt Sl-JCRET SESSIONS? -_° , * "' "90 W "~'8>'- --Um LOANS o 1- we — ry a on. '» . — h service. ‘ ' ban", “a in a dcmocnuc KOvcm_ scientists hn\'c'dl$t‘0\'Cft‘d that onc i oone County Coal i Other \\0l’l( DC!’ Otlf ntcnt la for the fa-ople to rule thcm- ::nthe‘,b°§t '“"ng';. “try °:;":m"}:m" W B P ’ Co I All Work Guaranteed V ii.$‘’°3- 8”» l’°°““‘° we l"~'°Pl'-' ‘"9 .prog'rani: J: ihngcryuccnm‘: . O . pgn 3! Sq G31-a c i it buy abouuntany things. the)‘ elect paigu for bettering a‘ community. Over Peck S 3 Ch atoggat Track‘ i uaresos ! A] g 5.; representatives, and we have a re- Why, then. deprive some people of PllOl‘l8 1569 I - 9 an . y I ‘.4’ lmbliun form of government. A the only chance that the) can possi- [L 1 M j; democracy cannot be founded on bl): abs“! fidsing this recre- ‘ ; ’ .~ . ' ° 5 gm, 1., le auo pri .~. t —w a'--. V — —— ~ ”' ‘ ” ‘ ” " ’ " ’ ‘ '"_i” "— “"“""‘ - ‘"’ """"’'° ° ”- '’ ’’‘'°‘’ ‘'° _ People vim.-n.k'in the big cities % , capable of governing themselves. . . F To give so great powers into the ::‘K:; 53:? ghiréhihgeonfi m . -I fwlaands of the ignorant and incopa- an be dad’ - 8 -N: Tune to plant SWe9t _ z would be criminal. How far. the week so that all m” ‘had Pea “ye have all MISSOURI STORE Jiball the people know just amusements that they wish to Th nod.“ Sens Pens rare hei db-see. .S do ' ' tml ° l 3. their mllreeentativgaxl ‘ovum ) till)’ tlfltuln 11:31‘ 1:7 1100911: other flower/seeds‘ « . D it it I; 11,9 ,,,;:,,_5o,, of open 0, doped (Sn clear Zita)’ frpmutze i 019 Broadway 011 d zecaaloi, no one for every phase f um» ”’ , - . ' ,~ . , -an gi‘..<~«= owe um aw mm m1 -1‘..“°“".....t“".I,t..7...’."“.‘.'*;' ,,‘.:’:.‘.‘...;‘.£'.: 3“? 1* with Flowers” , Fixes Those That DO. ;,;'[.-.1‘ P" mfg? I who , "cf fie cal“ bill. R€P!’e.s8ttfative Ray seems to be \ t L ' :1 source ti ' . - ‘ _ , _ report thine: in Grey happen, Itiein betteri uhimhtfzlflifhlong with * A _ _ __ how shall they be dependent. mhdutmvlewm ted. an-‘Leigh: flue % FORD SERVICE ._. WILLIAMS ‘ ~ , th h . .“ 9_Yl B J . 315. ,,,_.,,_.g ,,,,;,,,, 1, much in I ‘one. i 0: continues. and If‘! live your hearing: tightened while you . _ ' _ ’ ._ J ‘ * Wm. an M, W‘ 8:59 t in gfirvther war. I will , 31¢ have :fm gikat worllis at ‘night and will do i 5’ ‘ ’ % l"f'‘“‘°d "ml ‘ Personal animotlty ahould not get I w . ' ....a l N : ‘J! .il.i. V3“, to the pt of our wd.ta_' in "'9 _ ° . -» m gfiallfaxlstliat allgtzettsxio Fimbchss Ford‘ mcdumm’ ‘hy Md nigh‘ . ‘’ J. aoaoey mystery, notiant on Sm)“ the; N Had" ' » ““"“""‘°' °' 1l|ltl§,'beger‘le?t.to the egngpntms “hi; r I A “ ‘ :1‘. ‘ -A . 7.: V ' ‘ , ' . 1 ‘ . - ._. -"5, _ q - —.:‘ ~————-7 u‘aIi'o:tan for P . ~‘- « '- , ; .._ -. _ . ~ ‘N 4‘ ~ , _ GENT ABAGRAPHSI . i . - _ ; r -.J’:. V, - .............. .. F 300 C931 t t 2 t _ 3 fun. -nuttrtiteuw, You x have id-twinned ct: t f N . ' E _ . . 2 h . A V,‘ r:-‘‘ ti.-all ‘it w ~ ' - I I ‘ ‘ -. . ‘ ’'‘'E;P;‘§‘‘P’’‘'‘“’ia;-I':_iq=t:h.ni;.;Itn.....§.t.‘,+ , CALL. . . « 1 c i e e _ — i.‘- ’ "”"""”"“"*i'.""""““'° I-new 2" ‘ “ModémFuelfor Modern” ‘ H ‘ ‘N = -1 .' ‘i .. " ; _ H . _.: ‘_ - ‘_ *_ "V A .. , . _ C AVIS COAL i i i p . ~- , ‘.4’ .‘_ . Ag. . — I _‘,“ ‘v...-‘fill’?-V‘ . _ .-A _ 5' :. .:._' ' E . " ».3",’.‘. lc".'...~ .\. ._ . ___.,g_i:_-_r-v..;.,-go, Iv v I - “ .‘ l.‘-l‘. "‘-'1‘. . .5‘ . - ‘ or ‘ l H N 'r': - V." - V ' ' 7 ' '. I’ . " 1{..'. 1 ' V . _‘ V. _s ‘ -_ « I _ ’-_:'i..§,'.‘a ,, _'..~.. . ._ ._,, .' -:w\' r "" ‘ z.“ - ., ~ ‘.2 ‘I . ' ml . ' r 1' . l .. ‘ .. tlél ‘ ‘ “L... ‘I ‘ '- . _'&' ,a ~ . . - -- - » i - ‘ .- ’ i. - 5'.“¢..F.‘:.. I . . .f, .._ ._.L_-‘- s--l- . -3... .. ,... ..,._ -... .......-. .. ...,_ L. - vi‘ ' ..,~ .~..~:‘. ..