at‘ Q ‘S: “_¢€ f V, A ‘ ' _ '.:,'.V" ‘.> V .‘ V - ‘:1’ . _. - . ~_- .. I .4 _ 7.-_ _ :_.1j‘"_" ‘._ : 2._ . _ o _ _ . _ .’ . . ' _ ~ I‘ ' L ; > . " A_' 7 _ ‘ H‘ . . H .77 ‘ V . _ _ '. «I : '. _v . ‘_. .3‘. -93 -4 gt‘. _‘.' . _ a t.’ ‘_ v i I _ V » _ ' V _ _ S‘ , ._ . V _ __ _ .._,.__ . ‘_ _. ._ _ : __ , [.$_:._ . . _ , ._ . _, _,\ ,_,,_ 3y__ . ._ ,__.. 7_ O ' _ ._\ ‘ ,_‘ -_ V V V l. ‘ ‘ l¢''\‘§ & "E"!-‘ .1‘ - :‘ ’ . \ ‘ ,' O 1, ' \\-s, . - * ‘ ‘ z.a - . 93 - < ‘- ‘ - '- ~ - ' . g , ‘ , ' - . A ,-. ‘- ' ‘_ 1 F as.‘ ‘l'.' "'01,. _ _ ' _ w b . . . _._,‘ _,_. :_ _: - . ~. _ ~ V-_- _. _ S - ‘.. \. ‘ v a‘ . go. . .t\ - L * ‘ ‘ ‘ "‘~"“ ' §“.V\-a.bOr’ji . '.\-‘D-.' ‘S "' ‘ ~ . " . -V ’ ' ; I.-'7 . A 7.’ '-,‘ ' ' ' ' - .. -. . . ~.~‘ ix“ 4 . " ‘a. .~ ‘ C-I ' ‘ . .‘ ‘ _ 0 I , ‘4T;P\JP_?_~_'*Q_ ‘ . ; _ " | : ‘ ‘ . . . ‘ V . ' ‘ I. . -_ . ' .. ' ‘ ‘ I-afi‘ . .. ‘ . _ - _ _: 7‘ __ ‘I _ A . » '- ' l . 5 . ",[ A ‘. flag.‘ * V"_ ‘. N N ‘K . ‘ . _. ‘h . ‘. -‘\ e‘ A . - _ Vv _ ‘ . ‘_ V . .0“ » "v - ~a«_ .~‘.O.Q. ‘ _ _‘ “ ‘Q ‘QC p g‘- Erin‘ lighted with green candles in silver “'10 t\I1'818_ "~‘°l‘¢= 333- 5t!'li10n 9- . ' ‘l'hor:ic and ln*in ane. haunt 8u,d..g¢u. at 35"“- Brooks. Ian Peyton Hawes, Mrs. ‘ ,, . ~ 910_91g_914 Broadway a 0ug.¢{.um-n ziicsts will be {Ilsa ,ug‘¢.,.u.,_ ",4 3,... “mac, w._.m;Ilai1-y K. Rnbey. llrs. J. R. Whats uufimg [;;,h.,. of Mncoii. Miss Rn-¢d The hmgaw, we" uiggg§‘{0l'|. and Mrs. J. C. Jones. K H 5 - .. Bl - _ D , . . 3 Alpha Tau Omega announces the an‘; at acncS"nE\llrte!:n;u*:5 un:li§sluI‘:crll>'ri'J(-Ml'l:ll «ed for ‘he * phdfllw 0‘ FAWN Ambrose 0‘ "e'l‘JnonEin ard J B ‘T7865 0‘ Am¢5 Sketch Club ‘l'neadayp(:ii¢h' Sh~ Cohmbh’ la. _ - Ion - yellow -ilk bullet dress. and, James L Rippy and C. Wilson The chant!’-1‘-~' W3“ Mb” 3'-rd ' “"9 "° P°‘°" " ‘ ‘°° d”’°¢Y- ; House of linoxvfllc. Tenn. Univer- ‘ ' O, 1!. S.:wart. r. a rs. , -1-—— . ?:’..:sa.gni. :1-.Waon;1ldIr'a(.! Eli 11.: Birthday Dinner figfg, rs. orn . WI , TS. may a. licmphfll. mm Ethel M St‘7’he"3 C°""9" ‘_. E. 8‘ $5.‘ 7‘ 3 I 3 Q- S‘ Q. E, 3 3‘ .3 K. 3: 3 9 5' C go For Friday and Saturday We Announce a_ of , Silk Dresses % Wyatt. 31” Man,“ 31.)‘, and A formal birthday dinner was a . um “unto: ct“.-nu... given by the Y. W. C. A. of Steo _ , . _ . ...- phens College Tuesday. evening. The ‘ H‘ h P ' d ks /__ Ten Frastcrmtw-9 ‘*'.'"‘°’ ‘W “".’°" °“"°°"“" °' "" t R'eduCed F 1'0,” 0147' 1g er rice Oc i ll" , girls whose birthdays com n De- l , l ‘- H0136 D131-‘W T Guts‘? ambenllannary or February. Four ~ ‘ X Zzznzr rants’ at the following $339“? 3:‘ .:‘l'¢0_ud::ln8 Q39 fraternity hcoses last night a'er'e'.;3°3"- *0 ‘,5’ C‘ ‘T ‘W53! Ana: John S. -n,°mu_ ",4 guests at use these dinners. -. . The predominating color of the mmnct Rmcrbuuh. decorations was green and the la- n.’ “°h” mm”: Jam K‘um‘_m“ vora were tmall green sham- D:'.B“m°“' '"d‘(.;“y ucm“g' rock.-. Cake with [teen icing and P” S“. ‘M’ ’ “*3 ‘P green ice cream were served « -3-;;h, \"u-ginia Harris, and Mollie _______ ° x.:..., .3: led nuiciaaols-u W E, Benefit Bridge at ’ . in: issea a i- uhtlipflamcpson. Carmen Everett, Delta Delta Delta . _ A33 H“d¢5m"d- DONWY Lotlnv There were about a hundred and ‘afl Anna Maude Evans. twenty guests at the Mortar Board “,5 pd,‘ -them; 1-; A, may. l-enefit bridge yesterday afternoon ‘*5: of 3.3”, cm, .33 3, C. at the Delta Delta Delta house. lcnisier of Norman. Okla. Pmes were donated by Birt- - f yd“ pm; )1,-, .34 flu, cu-1 S Stratton D. Brooks. His: Mary Mc- . ‘ and diaareiw - ..-=«:'=<-n.+.‘:§~1lts.slli-I-31$: Clint and Dean . t p Iii: :‘lomI " ‘ Von non. .n s i°‘‘’v'm~~... .. <-...; W-**= am: '°°.:'-:.~.."*‘-....**.e*=.'.; i ‘ q . ‘. ‘ " . . ' y , pro}, 1§«‘.g’i‘w3,l|fi‘fotlrtb._..Ro!roshIents.consisting oil - ,...........§i’e.¢'0aIn..and ha:ae—niade_caka.» ‘ ii.‘ ‘.r l oj. ‘V - .2 6' . .l _ ° Every one of thwe 150 Dresses has been drastically reduced from our higher price stocks. These Dresses come in such fine materials as heavy flat crepes, satin cantons, failles, heavy crepe de chines, chiffons and prints. Most of these Dresses have not been in the house more than ten days, making them remarkable values atthe ridiculously low price of $15. « . , - WOMEN'S SIZES MISSES’ SIZES LARGER SIZES . x\\ .':2:ni~.va9“~3l-“’3l\\ ‘ l ' ' yevenltxattbehome Prof. Tronlbly - Em Esther norgan. 212 mi- -.I-Z. A. «‘aaauk‘ ~:. em ' ‘ l !""m "“"d xlfiylgo Dr. 0. E. Goddard and the Rev.‘ 8'" °f chi"°"" T‘'P°‘"i°'” ‘"1 Marvin 1'. Hair were the -guests , ""°‘l°“ {mm G°’p°' °f Bun’ of A. C. Thompson at the Kiwanis 3'-'E;‘b‘;"":1°°t'“;3~r‘:’l.;h.°“l';;’_m:h:{ Club luncheon Tuesday at the Dan- . e vts .. - and llall. ' Professor "Prombly "" B°°"° T'____"""' vxarc a biozi-nphical sketch of l.lnd- The annual banquet of the'Jun- Jay beforepointing out the influ- lor Chamber of Commerce will be name of hi: «ritinxs and his artistic given at 6:30 o‘¢-lock on the evening . .,' '0»: o ',,."?!!’ s...".‘. i ‘ . and ink rlzctchcs. of flarch 25 at the Country Club. l \\\ ' The dub discussed the sending of _ —:"‘- . . 1 ,' dohzntes to the District (‘onfeder- . s‘°d""*' °' 9"’ c°u°‘° °f En?" ‘i l l - ‘ “" °' “ “M "°‘““‘ u 4*‘ . ~ ‘EXTRA! ssj ‘wu ‘O. H _ annual St. Pat‘: Ball at 9 o'clock . 4 , _ t ‘ ... . i._ I "S i ‘Q I -I - > _ Q“... 5 . A - o . Ir. ll':Colli—s-t-cr-ol’fN.orman. 0kla.. M G '-‘E3;-‘f h to University rf Oklahoma delegate to , '7‘ "'°"‘° d ” 3°“. h ltheeonvention of the Association of M’ I’°“i" "° '9'" ""° "°°k‘,‘“‘ couuht¢.E"g‘Mc"' h the mat of her parents, It. and Mrs. Ix. N. the Phi Dlltn ‘fiicta fraternity. R°l’"°“' Ted Waldo: and Mr. ism of Min- ’“-"“. """'.T""E"‘l-"""".. ““’°°““ at-Ol'0li.x. liiiiw-rail)’ of Minnesota‘ "’ "'”"" TM“ "“"""" ‘ "" 5"d"" dc-‘ezalc: h Ur‘ convention J 112'!" “' ‘pend "W '.°k'°"d u we iuppu Annriation of Collegiate Engi- ‘bk The“ hoax’ nee.-.-s. arc‘ ::'lC.".1 of the. Tl_'Il!‘!c ..»_J-he". ,,m be . dgnnc, dim, “ ”"1“"'m'J-. the Daniel Boone ‘l‘a\-em from 6_ un‘;'m”[0,,a"rm_he'r and d.uxh_ until 8 o'clock tomorrow evening. 1 ' "'3 C""’l7“ C°'-3°“ Fl"'l"-"V "7 -Id‘ The freshman Commission held 3 '. lencn (‘it,v. ‘are uests of llr. and ' Rad 3. l . Ilrs. Weldon ton, 106 Glenwood mecunx “ H‘ :' Arena; " tomorrow evening in Columbia Hall. Regn1ar’$2-50, $2, $1-75aand$125991‘a‘ifi «Z - -o l ft.-r.;:-. » V i H. ' V ‘ "~ "" ' 1 ' . 4 _ - Every Pair Perfect ! i - Ev‘ Pd‘i°r Fashioned ! 1,000 Pairs very shéer gciohl fflhibfled Cllifféfl H°3‘¢'‘lI- 371?. A ,_ .‘§'¢"lI “'”L".‘“1 Ofirfifg 0! l ol_C:laoiI the; i x w ‘ ‘ — ~ ‘ " ’ Every painperfect.’ Double lied: Oifid mes v . qlrefl - Ia. mu‘ ta-7?-'6-’eiv'-1’y.'”°"°l. """l‘ ‘ » ‘D’ it - -3’. i i garter well and lislc '98.. ntdi¢v“*~Si'l*“".l"°1vavup-'5; . ° ’ ;:- ’ 'rl!cm1ionoi:ii'.'e""" ‘Ira tr 1 l “.4 g’. .2 y is -‘ mm i 1}.’ I ill 'tanbeKéoabte. Supply: ‘ ., ._ ' ,',,b g , . l . 1 ‘m H‘ “mm?” er D. A yoltreftccelds N:w0f':rfl“m~’." t°i.°°".“"~'-A — - i ' , i. E‘ A A . E ‘ um wo C. add." ‘In re‘ . lliyas‘!l;:l.n Hubbard will return: t‘rom8t.lxiuiawhornahewaathc ' .._.......__ - I a_nest‘ot Jndgeandlra. A, 1): lsortoni. Hrs. 0.1’. Polk at Excelsior Springs. «Qt». a lo.-a-o‘a.. . of Iarlonvil V ‘ P ‘ . ‘ x “‘ t .1.’ g V‘... _ ‘ _‘, ‘ i.'.".7.2‘;'il&_§-.,'§.'.‘.""""""°""‘.""—‘; » I 'a A . 2 S “ i. J mj_;3 _<‘ - »: ;.' ‘_ T V “, _‘.. . ' . “O _ . ' . ' ~' ' 7' . : ~ ‘ ' . I Jlaé Ia:-1 ' - _ ~ ,:‘ , - .= w 31¢ ml , . \ so .— g . .u s A‘ 9 1 V l I . . - ‘ t. . I «on l‘..\u~-.‘aioa..-u . % llalasiaa‘. D’. ' ... Qscdpo , 4 .9¢'.~ v V “' .. a L‘!-.:.!n_".‘_._“ _v-v . ‘ .', ,. I I ‘ ‘o;;le-M§ « ~80 ‘us ~r~§,A_s-"t - v,;_- ‘ . I . ‘»,V 1 A “'5 K‘. J .‘ ‘ i J‘- \." . . . 7‘ ‘ . «...'=f*:.". . v E c. ~- a . I 1 ..'_ U. ,_ ,. . ' . A . ~ ’ ~_ -. . ‘-I ‘,7-0‘ -up ‘ . 9 ‘ , - . J ‘I. . "§"‘ "*1? . i - .- ’ - “ 7-. - ‘ :'I i‘ if ‘< 1 3: ‘I! — :_ -‘I — ‘ 3- /9 ’‘.-x‘ ‘ g’. .->-,".,""_‘_‘, ' A. " J '. l ‘I -r.'.““ 1 ‘-. '2? K ‘T’\.‘ ‘ l .‘ v . . . ‘,';‘:‘g-_——._-.34..-‘;. .-.-A._j .' ’ i ‘H... . ..‘ , .(t._ . ._.l ._ _...‘.~‘I-._‘:’ru,_““_.. O . . l‘ - C O ,_.. _ l‘..' as ‘i. 3. O‘.