Irv ~.v ... ‘. , .. ....- .1 .-.-:’ . . . - " ~ ~ . g_-_ ' g .: o‘ 5 ‘ A _‘_d .. - , -‘ :,&"" ... g. H .. ‘ ' . .’~.,. L .' ‘ .. .2 ‘ A. . “_~ ‘I _‘ . s T’ . h ‘l in " 5"; .”_ ~ ' .f=”'.‘.‘- .---_ -- - - -' " - ‘ ‘I V‘ ‘ T‘ . - t - I - ' I wllfvi n ro-can no 1 'n‘~'uu-u-‘:- rm-‘ . DEM}? T T g,‘ 4_ .. meme I nausea, eahhier of the. Afirewednesdlyd H: ' * v" i""""“""""“".‘.""""‘°-'-"in. mm. ‘.Bsak.isooalalcac-‘house andfarmhuildinga. WIF . .. . as annual all Ihsauri jl sllsrille 3st! 1 , . . ;,..,.. _ V. .33 .- ~ .- * ‘<4, - -I : :- “"‘. in; after undo-going an oporadomfarm of Mr. and Mrs. v r M0 *“"las maniacs casein. turn I ' i ‘ on*'"""”‘ Wadneada -at-on Boone county hm. -em miles -‘mo! tr ‘ 'aauaruora.aIauasnna.Ias "'4" """"~"‘9'r"-”°‘l°' ”““'*" I - ' The'had ovedthercf -» ‘ 1; . . « stateroad nit of UII'!'m¢~ ' A 2-year-old bull‘ elk from Yel- liosptal. . . 5 ‘F . ‘; Bob” I . ‘W W-'9 dimple or poo. the my sacsl ,0 m "mom, P.“ ha 5.", -—---—o—-——— Monday. _ _ at-i 333% ‘fi'l"'o(popularltytlIataf«tIudsllitulll TIdrtydogsihavebsenpoiaonedin.‘re;'"':l'b W Johnson ‘"6 If,q)'3ntlob1.'.yflo¢llIolIl¢-,> I .¢y,hcsv . um-. car A “ A — $61 I”: 7'? ‘'3 ~-’“'‘“‘ ‘m be its ‘CIIH Elfin. Ifl pursuit Kirksville the last month. ; “.7. J ,3 tn north thin; try a Missourian want ad. Try Missourian want is exceed "-s " . uuauutoo§aahumenn-*“°“”'"**”‘“'‘“‘'””'“’-:ahoeu;wma.thmrnuuavu ----- . .§,‘..“,,"‘,,,,,,‘f,,, °"'° " 4 A """~"°"; '..'.-..‘°.'.*."-......-or--~~---to -‘ I--*""“"’ """""““""'*- ..."‘.'.’.$.'*l."""‘. ..o...'.‘.".."'.:....“""'......;'::.*.t-~=-',, ,°'°'*.,.""'.. -.,::*:°... **' o.".:.:’..."f.:.‘...”°°‘.. ...'"”....';f..'.“.’..’.'.’ . ' - ’ 6, , . ‘f’:.":.°: .. .oaau our 2111 us a ‘ is oz, 1593* m- itnd «min. In eff»-‘H0 tiglitfilflfiianae to worlotbsnfwhsn the mans. are being made for the or- a«?i::m?°:.:f H::ut'r°‘:°‘ New York University School of Retai “"‘ """ . ' , .........,..,...c _ Grins IGVGIF olaorromorsdisastrous with, _ - a-on flush -asn Iaeda - , _ fiat _ . duke“: h_.“'_. _ 15°F 9333- ‘M '5‘ '~"‘‘ "*7 gsaiastioa of Boy Scouts in Rich- pairs d shoes, twelve suits of , ' . mdw. , - H . reason will . 4 ' , ’ Newark‘ d : an-a.-.a-urn-piss, Dr. lard does not look at the scout areas are the kind em-la‘-5,, ,9, 5, 2°“, ,, Q”, .'',‘''g, 9004- -_.g f’:‘°”:;n‘|f‘:;°c{:)“;” °‘ l’'‘'‘‘' ' mag‘ °'-' “‘ N’;t‘;:"n‘.'. - ‘ ”‘ ‘_ that halo nos:-nous auaans. : matter solely iron an academic vlorsd as a topic of conversation; pup“ ‘mo “in pl" ’h‘_’_‘ “d A an kmml"“‘To' flu be M” __________ . . . Eu“ but tub u be m. executive. :‘ 1,.,¢.,, M the kind people complain. about us! . . . o . w you tins tr llfillllll 3" 30*!“ -~'---° .'l¢'llll1- 303¢'lU‘l! '03 3 95! «mah jong : at th state Fair in Sedalna this Tw men refused to stop In 31- . - x...- 4 vet are proud to posassr nu kind‘: '’ ‘ ° . service linked with classroom instruction. ..nnn:on 01 - n _ pauses and resigned to take up - . ,1 A, 9,, .,-,....uo:a zpanes the year. Charles at the toll bridge. The , _ _ in Re _.. 0" h ‘d.’ ’ " _m._>' lit duties at the University of “mm?” flan!‘ ‘O n “my: t Qllestion is.'Whst will take an mfie Towmhip sheriff wired aheadnand ‘had ttlfim . . -lgés summer ,. -—?- - Michigan. Tbasbehasmeadvam - ‘its. ? W11 itbeadomsstlctt’ 1' . , . mowed Ii “'¢"t1Vi°"°"~'- "7 Ian pm‘ ’ ' -' / - OUR NEW RRDEIIAL JIJDJB ha a tn thong“! hem. Nerves of this type have no act-1 Q.“ ‘l, mu ",0" ‘O 8“; were in jail last wecl. for wnfenpud weir ton md were ‘flowed Sdwol July 7 to Anfllsg 14, 1925 . ch;‘no.rmM - We . our so‘ 1:“, d *# ‘ya mm; gen i phi” "l°‘l.n?l ' tuyrfiglnpe. or will it come from Europe h°‘d"' , to pr0¢0ed- Illustrated booklet GI‘ CPFllGll“l'- ‘T01’ l 9,5, weer Merrill‘ .bas. new federal 54:0 1: you-g¢n,aa_'ul pactice.‘f'heopm- of ,,,,:,:'_,u,_ nag’ “ 3; m'”_.t.o 2 win it tax th..praia.srthe ' Miss Marjorie Wells. Sedalia.' P "R f “E mm “M ..Bm.. information write Dr. Norris A. Brisco, Director. ~ .1 ,,,m,, 3. for th¢.?°'9‘*te'= °‘ ‘two! nonunun -noun any on . Caesar’;-wife complex ...a;°’°- °' W “'94- °' W WW was elected Girl Scout e==~°W“L,. °,,,,:, S°“‘mu,m, ,,,,,.,i, mu Washtnxlon Square. New York City. _- . ~ mane. - '°"°"l3‘ ‘hi’! - favor-ofthe city-manager i-olds'its possessor to be above re- l’°°'." Th" l"""" "° l"”"" '3'" ‘M3 "°°*- ' - Fm ‘ d K, 1 5‘ ‘ —' ”*"“i““" , , . ‘ll is possible only to wait and -—-—— was captured in . era 0. no 11 e_._ .7 -- . uoilyu-oo mod lndsment in the -molnttiilfil-* muntdpal pro-ch and an all wars .h on ,4, . be mm. who 4 - ' . . 0:39 for the best. Officers of Bay County b3l'lk3“_ “ 3- m” , _ _ play the of Mr. Otis. and Columbia can ‘ . The man whose vanity is in the‘. ._._._.__.. Wm how . math‘ in Richmond tuned John gun.” in sedan; last he", and claim its share of pride In the II!w.- THE GIFT 0’ AN EDUCATOR rudimen stage _may desire de- ' AND THEN’ T00’ WE Apr" 3. ‘A 5u,,,m,_.,, - N be . judge, - « ¢ ~ 3 farmer but be is willing to earn.“ HAVE APRIL FOOLS, _._____ _- r ""7, _ Indy wd M1,. on. spent eight years or chancellor or yfasamton Univer- He my covet qmetl-{bu} e :5 M - Saturday and be --Hem ' Tag Marshall I). liunu-r. clerk can the mm PM his college life in Cdumbia. VIQG 83?. ‘.59 C7383 Oducgaomu Insmtguixeu liimse In .0 er to Day in Brookfield for we \olun- mail f¢;_epsrt‘me-nit) of the gdedallgat “”_d_h be received a degree in arts “in institutions of the state, is dead. W ~ rd bu ____ "'3" °‘ A““"‘°‘- ’ lp°‘“° ‘Ce’ "' 1*" “',"’'‘m. . ’ who rcft I906 was graduated from the He a . clasicist, and he yi; “Dig: mm ‘;m_"' " Avril scents to be a continuous» G E Lo'—-I named du_+§""‘." [gm-ted Slims duslmttlrzuifigxnir ion doll: ’ t , ~ - . . ['1 es, C 8 E 'I ‘ U " ' School of L8‘? in 1919 ‘Id "!°*""d 33"“? things and to make life uncomfort- mt 1”’ P Wm M at his master’: in 1910. While - attending the - University he was active in college life, and was one of the few students who made friends among the people of Columbia outside of the Universiy. Upon his graduation he returned to his home in St. Joseph. where he began the practice of law. He was latcr an assistant attorney-general under Attorney-General Barrett. and after serving in that capacity hr «several years he was appointed chairman of the Pulllic Service Commission by Governor Hyde. He re.-Lgned this position to become a solicitor in the United States De- partment of Justice. A" Judge Otis has all the elements of a suaessful federal judge: pro- rature gained from wide ex riemv in governmcm. politics, andv&w. He will make a good judg‘ I-‘Ill-IE BRIDGES IN MISSOUU The State Senate has engrossed the bill to enable the state to con- struct new~bridges or acquire tlwtt already built st any point when the state highway inter- aecta.rivers. This makes the Ills- souri road system as mmplefe as any in the United States. . After a state spends as rnttb money on highways as Missouri is doing. it would be a shame to put a penalty'on those people of the statc who wish to cross a river. The road system would never be complete without free bridge flc. There has been considerable discussion on this bill and no title wlth the indorsement of the San- atc. it is in a fair way to become a law. “It is to thecredit of the legislators that they recognise the fairness of the bill. A nus seavncs to THE NEW’ The of the grounds as the site for the new bkh nchool brings to attention ltsin the necessity of a bus 'ce in Columbia. Almost the only objection to be site. chosen by the School Bourd after six months of careful sttaiy utdwiththecounselof a skilled . ‘adviser, is its distance from some parts of the city. Wherever the rcbool might be placed. some stu- aicnts would have a long walk evty school. day. We see how utterly impossible it is to build all of our institutions within easy walking distance of all parts of the.eity. The one remedy that suggests itselflmmediatelxis to provide adequate transportation. We have many times considered a bus servi ' ming ‘pool thoroughly SoPP°Ie. also. that the city grows to 26,000. as pt-cdiaad by S. 3!‘. liis fight an education was al hard one. Hours of delight in the classroom were blended with hours of labor as a woodcutter. chore boy and to earn the means to complete it.- Sincc 1901 he had been on the faculty of Washington University and fun onmgiapacity or another he gave a score of years to that insti- tution. Each new position brought added responsibility. On the day former Chancellor Hall completed his gift of service to the institution for which he had given the most productive years of his life, Washington University re- ceived another gift. This gift. of a .million dollars. is for the establish- ment of a new. medical unit for the school. Both gifts were prompted by the same desire for service. The gift of gold will bc’valuablc in provid- ing means to train men for the fu- The gift of Doctor Hall to Wash- ington will live in the works of those whose character: be molded. wrought and developed. ‘ The “daily dozen" will soon be replaced by the daily niné holes of golf. People tell the world 'what is wrong with it, but are too busy to improve it. A train wreck in New Orleans ft“-mauled thirteen people. That’: on point for the superstitious. Now that airplanes can be con- trolled by radio, perhaps accidents will be blamed on static. T There may law for-.the rich and another for be poor, but there about 300,000,000 for the mid- dle class. If the length of men's trousers varied with the length of women's sklrts. the short skirt wouldn't at- tract much attention. Russia announces that she in- wolvcs. Maybe she thinks she can convince a husband that a rolling pin is used to roll out dough. The first straw hat of the season made its appearance -at Coney is- land Sunday. The wearer was fol- lowed by a large crowd of curious people. The same man will probably appear in a fur coat next August. ._.................__.. one of thrpermissible defects for the girls’ archery class in the Uni- versity of'Califonia archery class is weak ankles. But why weak heart? A tends to use her red army to hunt k .We can readily. understand why _' iholiday, a¢;ording to a y the able for those about him until he'ni'h°d b " C0 5'“ ‘ ‘ _ , ’_ public holidays which will be cele- eitiftygmnzglttvgefizwmghng ; braced in different countries ° lb. '11! ' fall .: ’ P°.”““’°d th” 1" d°’°"” ‘n ‘°°d mfllipril 1, §,”Ncv.'O;:.-ar. ”,''"3‘3 ‘ml pwple ’h°"ld "“,’dhy April 3, anniversary of the death “T laid k’;°;'d_"'l“§ h5'z‘"u_"'{"l“' of Emperor Jimmu. in Japan. 0 °“ ‘"3 ° h‘, ‘:5, :35 Apr: Holy Week. in Salvador. ilblrmmistfituinsldlt-arxtl¢'l”a‘malircit‘>t’isi Apr“ 9' Hob. Thurfdiy ‘mi the "“°n_l° ‘""°y him‘ ‘Costa; Rica. Dcn;?*lt’.nl:l;and.B H9 N‘ 3_‘"'°Y°d “WW”??? but ll’ ‘. ico. >'l\'oru-ay, Peru, Philippine Is- '“ .9n°"¢d°¢}~‘i8 mnumga la ., 'ador, Spain. and Pales- a e pou.e. a v mu.‘ 9"“ ““"°°'~"“"3’ ‘"5 -l"°“"°“' April to Good Fridsv in Argen- ";'”yrd°1: ;§°;.d‘d ‘flheidoxf; -. tina. Bermuda, Brazil, British Gui- worw m ' p ,ana. Dominion of Cans a, China, " ‘’° “*3 ‘ jcllllé, Denmark. Egypt. Finland. There isn‘t any cure for the nerves . Germmn Hunzum kehnd_ Ind“, llm “"""°“ “‘ ‘, "‘fl“"“"5 “‘:” Mexico, Netherlands Newfound- tyrdom. for there tsnt any cure or hmd‘ New Zulu”. No 3,. Pup chronic swell-head. If everdtnen (:2 I “M. Pew. Phiuppimwhhd" Ru. 3“°f‘°° d§’°°"'°’ Tu?’ “M “"3” t .mania, South Australia. South West "'""‘¥' ‘"“’°“‘ “‘ "“. ‘ .l‘1’“be'“; = Africa. Spain. Sweden. United ‘hf’ ""'"“‘d° "‘°r°“° éliingdom. Yukon Territory and in that 0‘ W 33"‘ _ , ;thc United sum. 5"‘! ll“ d”ld'f“ 2;?" “" 1 April 11. Holy Saturday. fast 'i“t°u‘°’ :3 mfif mm ,. ‘and prayer day. in Argentina. Aus- ’ ,tralia, China, ndia. Norway. Rus- ni no W-u, 3,9,”. jsia, Sweden. and_ Switzerland. nl-‘Vs. .,iu-mo» "'illiam I-‘eatbcr. April 12. Easter Sunday. . April 13. Easter Monday, ob- I. The 1118805099 51" °V°"°ml‘h" ; served in many countries. In Ala- rized tire nfifidlltlx; bama, Jefferson's birthday. man w o s p ' @1719 ""3 dl'°°“ ‘he lfw "dependence of Venezuel Of dIml“"‘hll1ZNmm3 {L W; April 21. Foundation of Rome, 81? I . ‘ eras. point where no one will sharpen his t Apr“ 26. Memofifl Du,’ in the Owtrwupendneedl. ho : are familiar United States’ '0 men W —————-o-—-——- with the broad principles of b _si-' MAY DANCE ON FILTERS . t hn' e. but the fact remains ills: ylicu claqri} think and.plan a busi- ness intotbankruptcy if no ‘one I!’- willing to concern himself with de- tails. _ , The old idea of starting a b0!’ 11‘ with a broom had a certain meas- u n ‘m’ °f merit‘ outlined foruCh' ' icag b J h E - A Y°“"3 m‘“h::'d°. h'.d fin” ha}: son. cit)‘ entineeno Hi ‘dsliimartfs b i his ml! 599 , fela!t(i)dl1n betlween hith 603“ Md dlflv th:_‘.:.°m “ h . . . “ch mum be en, ' . xcson pom .09 t e growing n rehtwmhmktd 1, ther who’ fficulty 0'' making safe the water . _ 5 :;El3"na::°:1°;‘jor “ids. ofuu. tech. supply for nearly 3,000,000 persons . - ~ '- b tb ' ti ~ ' nlque of modem mdunnd eff‘ .-s:KCQ8l£ filgdxgonmits ‘;r°;'?; °’°"°y' ‘The engineer proposes four five enormous_ filtration plants in From the natunon S d The the fort?” of piers along the water It isn't quite news 3' .- rout. ese would ‘be placed above enthusiasts are still holding W9 the present’ tunnels carrying water fort and insisttnz 9}“ ‘hf!’ “'° ‘*5 . from the lake to the inland pump‘ But d18P358‘°““‘ °l‘°, ing stations. In outward appear- !'W““° °".snce they would ‘be pleasure piers. the filtering iChicago Engi_n-ecr Proposes Resort Over New Waterwor Ily United Press. ' CHICAGO, March 27—Da °ng What Next? servers w unfortunate as to escape the 3°53‘. Beneath would be word-puzzle craze ared convinfied tanks. i that the tide has alrea 3' rest _ _ - . be - ' go, it. H. Carpenter Is Recovering. the flood anias now 8100"‘: , ‘W. H _ ' , _ye"_o]d ebb. H To what extent the nation has} profited through cross-word P‘-“V zles. no one can on . _h. 0 doubtedly stimulated the dICtl0fllT}'~ business and other similar industriesg allsville pion'oeg,-- who was uncr- ated on for ,an inf “on ‘at the Boone County‘llo'spibal Wednesday, is recovering. If you want to buy or sell some- nt allied with the creation and 80lll°I thing try a Missourian wa t . THE OPEN COLUMN > NCVIOI. Hlflll School with ‘l0Q0 for in‘: money from a letter. ' l ' . ---— E “°“'°"' °-'""’""°m wms'rr:n PL}-ZADS (;L'll.Ti' + wounded -—-———- Dr ; Webb City woman _, ‘ ,_ _ herself fatally while putting a rc- “l” 3‘ U“'‘‘‘‘‘ “'9' F""“ k,'._ grec Murder of Lptegraph. \0lV(‘l’ under her pl By ' Sufi cormmmm‘. Bids are being received for the Jl-IFI-‘F.RSO!\' CITY. March 27.—‘; conrtruction of the bridge across 1’ F8115: .“""-‘led “Vi” bf- Peruque Creek at St. Charles. first entree murder . -——:.— _ Uptegraph according to advices ne- Bower Aly of the State Teachers ceived {tom 81. Louis today. Win- College at (‘ape Girardeau won the rated admitted ycstu-rdny that he was etate oratorical championship. lguil '. i 1 Up mph was buried in the com- '¢-tery here Tuesday. H0 was born here and lived in Jefferson C11)‘ W“ greater part of his life The entire Upte-graph la!‘3llL~' h-“'1' left town and would say flollllul,’ rc- gording the murder before Iro--1...». Christ Grannctnann, a Civil War veteran. who lived near Stony Hill, died Sunday ate-the age of 83 years. Four Chillicothe boys were ar- rested in Kansas City and are being held for stealing three automobiles. 1-he Cnuon “mt Comm“). 0; Local Artists to Exhibit Works. Canton closed its doors this week? A"_ °‘h‘l,’" °f."h° WM“ of (0- A merger wkh the Bank of Can-‘ l‘_”"b“ ‘m“‘ “N be °p°"°d the am 5, p1.,m,d‘ first of next week under the sus- _ ‘ piece of the Art Lovers Guild. The Earl Hicks, Cu-an‘-g, who was collection will consist of Oll paint- injured in an accident at the r. uni inrs. water color **°i€*"~'-‘v P,.““~"-‘- Steadley 1 Company Quarry, has! Ifchm-"-‘WW1 ""5 l”‘°"‘“‘P° d”‘“"’ filed Unit for 840,000. . 1 ings. batiks and products of other.’ ...____. rafts. all the original works nip 5 NOD03!’ ill“ I" ‘'10! 0"“!!! in professional artists living in (‘O- Joplin be required to have their‘ lumbig, dogs vaccinated against hydropho-~ bis has been dropped. A ” ' A sealed shelf in a Liberty shoe: store recently disclosed twenty nairs of shoes. never worn. that had been there since 1850. I-‘ r C. Nelson. editor of the‘ Boonville Advertiser, has been president ‘of the Boonville ' Chamber of ‘Commerce. . T Twenty-six high schools will take _. part in the first annual track meet j at Mexico on the Missouri Military; Academy grounds April 18. . ' ooI.znuN's awn LAUNDRY First Class W rk The 4-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Stice, of near Midway. . was burned to death when it fell into a tub of boiling water. _ Wilford Brown. 30. was arrested" at Hannibal when he called for .1 suitcase he had clicked March 17.‘ It was found to contain 8982. “tens of St. Charles are dis-‘ cussing plans for a memorial to sol- diers and sailors of that community. wbo lost their lives in the World War. L. B. Perry. a prisoner held by‘ federal auth violation, hanged ; belt in the Springfield jail last Sat- i In-dar- bone 88 Cherry at Katy Tracks The St. Louis Chamber of Com-‘ - ... _..,__...__. .-.--.__.. A ' IMPORTANT V l‘:fE ii :5 5 5 «se:§.'*:giE§ dfi. O O O t. n f puzzles. For the mom H v_ m___ _f___ C M g ttoha: enriched ‘the lansnlgre flu‘ ‘IT ““—" ' V such cozy words. as eke. trk. ilk, c en. ,. . . . n has far;:ili:ru-ed the {min in -the [9011 REAL «E31113, Hear ROY L. SIMPSON, City Manager, Excel- “mi "“ ‘ ° '“’“° ° ° . sior Springs Mo on MARCH 30 630 p in - nd h 1-‘ ch to . ' "- ' ° ° - " ?;£.::“Y§f.. “mg”: ,':"..,.,,,; INSURANCE AND at Daniel Boone Tavern. f ' 15’. ll ll” 599'‘ °"°di"°d ‘ml,’ ‘°“". F $1 in; as a i:l‘.iellect}t‘a:l attmbl;lIt’I‘a.‘ ‘ % 1; , It s re 7 . . .(.’.'.'..i.:.a°.,.:. :ttcnt.ion.frd)m busi-‘. SEE W. B. PALMER Make reservations at once through our office. nessduties with the resultant wastef Over Peckls * or um an» my other -we «-i phone 1569 COLUMBIA COMMERCIAL CLUB cupatlon. ' i . ¢ Whateverfits vices or \'irtIIu."‘ _ ‘ '* L “ "' 0- ‘ » , 7 7 C - . s,. -1._ . ‘ , ' “ ._‘_ ‘ fan.-~-§;‘ :9 , A " .. '- » ‘ (ii-4 ' ' .. e . . ‘. .> I If‘ it ‘:5. -. 3- . .. z . -- if L . . .. « ..... ,1 "’ ‘-'-v -- .‘ _ K \ E.‘ *. ' - , ._ ,‘ .<_. ._ ' _ _ ‘ ._ . .. .- Hf. ’- ' . ~lla aeuhastishfa-ea hlle sleep.~ Nor MONEY We 1..-'.°.’.'.'." on works at Sn: .3" will a. 'U°""'°°“'¢w“" I A“-‘°"""l::' 7" um 0' GENUT1:;.D0ltD esars ''1iav'v'o'° "*3 Fir'i‘¢""""""°°""‘°'-"¥'-""¢'|i.l‘- cost. WINNGARAGE ‘ -j 1. 7N.6tb‘8t. V \ . .. Plisas also Ilcmpsvti — Iadv an sent! over tilt the ad. .- figrlrrslmgl In thdohngmcock verchelnenu s“ pstrono , ‘_ I nhm,u.p_p,,,,, laerbsadveruaera. Plflflip at men I is that pr‘ . Aa pain e heat 0' L "Your advertisement in the izedfinghrstgoiom °"d’.m'°r ~ ’ - was an unusual "H" ad 1; - l"~"°‘"° which n 4 c It. I one.’ and Ivan: coeaprcas ‘henna WT‘?- mr -nrvval-" kind of and the con; «'"""‘f"’"‘ -1: then-. were more .4. like psn7- have you cut? :*:“;"'-£1: rm.u.:‘4.,o.g_ua.5zuu>a-g_E-A-bg-m-«:43-h~'*ws-£'<¢':~:r'3.‘ ding than " ‘ ‘ W ' ‘ T F‘-‘ lor‘s “ma Over Sixty Years in out Mrs Bustn¢ss.Nou-I fnrc she 00!’ 700 Bab“ ' pghao coat ghumpiov larson3.5oopooUv¢1 atbuumsaaaaaa-uaarss fish‘ all g - _ reported Rf”. ll 3%" three bo* .-.—- ii gm- , _ ._. until the . ‘ sourifi ARI This slsan is trying to see his way clear. Ho Fofnnu wants to go to 30- V "°P""' Ix, (‘..x{\«-It But he does not know _ of S.T.(‘.. A. Travel -.- ,-s ‘‘ througho the first L Hrdocenot knowtlsat wcw “I becangoat minimum The ‘u rates in congenial Wm be h “"”P“'."- . A V‘ 5.’ ‘.z' I be spam If he did he would know that Paosn , 1" I-3_CT|’lK_3“‘ II“ fl‘-‘Pt amlCou.scs: OncuzsraasareamongtheS. . A.advantagI. ltlfjrslznt as well as the service of the Houuro Arsrznuzs Lina. - ~ pg‘ mu SsilingJuI_e20llIIlll37lh rtand UL 3155 ROUND '10 ENGLAND "afk 1|" Yourcollege organiaeris: D“"§u'!' 13¢ Brow?“ ‘ark.’ I In the _ Ct" _ first. a * Uh‘ _ .. hlified O 1" ":1. ' . full. and 1‘ \\i ' _ " ‘ ,_ uf ilousl I\.‘‘\\\ '. ' . -~ . tnon and B (‘I T . - ._ -7' lfallfilnk. - > '1 F. . "4 ' « A l " ~Asso'<1wr1o nun . ,_ of the (d MORI-I" 1 AC Body of all My Units! CHIC: of Dr. today to of natur ......i ’~71’""_". o.a..“’°‘ilt~n...... ""”.~ g