1!)‘. \- to-"$0 >1-Q‘ - “THE JADE eon» IS NEW MYSTERY STORYABOUT AN ANCIENT CHINESE IMAGE Ail’; a ‘l- gigggé i g: 3%?- ii is 3 i 3: E Ihke }any has written a spirited review o("Iaroha.."thelateatworkofPercyIlarl:a. forthe ‘Com-ier.Beeallathea or wxfitherarecoIn?nationofopen~ their ‘r tone up to tell Cea- tury Publishing Oompany that it hadg-ievooaly erred o sensational a novel. V 0 ‘There are those who would tell you that Mr. aoecec as 1;.’ only of the ‘wgtest Junior Promffthat is misfortune. '11: us far . the first of Mr. Marks‘ novels. And T ‘will happen even in the heat of {am- In submitting a manuscript, he who hesi- tates is a wonder. E ' , . An. author’: royalties; are often‘ Jar from soy - Writer‘: cramp more often affects the ‘hon stomach ' ,'All work ‘and no play diacourates the bud- dxngdramatut. - Atudltortahsown bythe USS.be keeps-. abo theatanipa. l ' Alan Sullivan .. l .__.. 4. _ . . .. ~ ' r , ~ . .‘- .‘ “ .~ ‘- -' .: . ‘lie Author of Jade God.” Arlen’s Lat-eslt and Il’+o‘:-st tion. Iiehael Arlen mi¢|1»b,hg-‘fled 3. a convention smasher like 'fleodote Dreiser. ‘But he is dealing with an/old story- Drened u in lovely clothes, attractive environment and witty conversation. be present; acme rather rank “ladiee"——be always callq them ‘ladies, but not one of them ever is, down in her heart. . Of course, they are all as truthful as George Waehi n, for they refuge to retend to any- thing 45- do‘ not feel, but the‘ doesn't make the story dull because their emotions are suf- ficiently‘ versatile to supply variety. Blnntly, the" story is a eerie: of aeductlone, wroogbt by nnprinciplod “ladies” upon {high- pri pied and lonely min who has an.‘*.3deal."- 7651 ‘cam ideal comeuin ontllthe xhapter whn Ivor nah a coat. htm 811'°'8Jnm the of an old man,__onee her lovernbdafter that her ‘ Then each displays such an illuminated ext’ presaion that the who dellvera milk eon- and as each use the 918! has become Ivor'a ideal. you just gathu ti e endathatthiaon'ewillh'eno p- on. - -- - ' Two STORIES; or COURT. color to the Renaissance LIFE EROMTHE GLORIOUS PAST or FAR COUNTRIES 'A Renaissance Picture of Milan "int:-In nut. and thrown ' I! not-rtnoxalh-nu-no queen. patron of arta. ambaaaadrcu . loven. the court, and her loul have passed In The book is most enmuininety written. The tfin is by‘ Captain N. Fleming. who knows the value of words. lt'a’ddn'a little more pictame-itself well tinted. ‘this ia‘a scholarly work artistically ac- oonapliahed. The Chinese of the Ninglg Century All the eplendot of an ckgronnd before the Kiln’-fe the imperial. eotrt in the Tang dynasty during the eighth and ninth centuriesl ‘ Chosen from the humble dance for her on- preeadented beauty. find-tel‘ receives the en- ‘ the Imownto hie lone‘?-«lead-eventual): tothefallolthepowufoldynaxtyandtoher owndestruetiorn. ’ 7‘ ' - I Ihhahatnoreliainndwithhltaol drunaticpoetryandla tedwith inter- eetingtootootee ‘thftraditlona and fancies peez.llartotheChlneoawhich_ale ye- ferredtointheatm-y. ‘T " A .-‘(no J*°h'i8h0_d d where,the— .-f - J_énme'e’s- ~ n V.