Io';T. “.tl;“o',’-“.3 .--z"er¢av'op-a----.--oi.-‘.‘..a-‘-¢u . . , , , . , . , _ _ _. ‘I. . 5 5} ll“ — V . «.1 .m~...e . _ _ ‘ A _,____ , ~ ‘ ‘ V‘ L7 7‘: .~._- V.r‘.,l I . ~ « : - . _ ':, " ‘M ’ V ,‘.ém..'._,_;'.:_’_ - ‘ - ‘ , r: ‘L.’ .- , 4 _ _:‘., V.‘ "'1 ‘_ ‘it . . ‘I V‘.-1 I ‘ ‘ y , V - ‘ . ’. '..‘ fl flu ‘ ‘ ’ : '- , BE Jay Wm km . . h P5“! "TE ' ml _..:u”,“';a,. VF‘ W.“‘‘‘‘’.''' . . ‘_ y ‘m. y El“ ~ 0"‘ """"""""‘. V 3 r ho‘ M | my mét it Q HIVQI t8 lh . s «$3 flan.‘ — . B! ‘_ ‘ . ' 'lo ‘I ‘ ‘. ' l — . @fl , “ I . f , :;,~=.i.-,,~ § - _ - am. Chas boa a ""3‘{J3,u_,“"’""' " "”"'.,.1.,...."" pose; is distinctly laas.''; 1* WM Iwmm '5" be offend "”5°"° “‘*"""‘ “" “" "““"' You are Inlastsi ope-nu-Ida its mt. \ - an ..; - l ' his -all this afternoon at l’»'“’ i ' 4.5,,‘ says Dr. ocean. and this ‘vital -""“ "°"“7 "W" ‘i " ‘“°‘-“"3 ‘ll §“"‘°" “""" no llssoorial F W .- ._....-—-— - 4 . bra eapadtylil “*7. . ,. meu- - .. yoodoaotrfilfl "5 -. ; ; . -dc. om‘ _ .... . . nuenaiy. bosons.‘-aytaveant “’°""‘ “'°"‘“‘°P"‘ 1-|“"‘°P by. at-omsneeofnrouns I . ~ to ;- ork-«Will-Inclll . ‘V A an-aeslupoulngule miiportutbau-in; :outsl4o.'3=“- 'fl=Mhreeone~act Pll)'|?~1|Itltalian1rboloseshisfiauceandem- natal!» , 2 l , ‘v ‘ - ‘ ‘ '2‘-“ Recent 5 H! Dr. 5”“ _ l . 1 oz... Ggarlfly.‘@fll¢ aaares , 51'.-V ~ - vwamr Cami;-3, * aaal-lad Imkobiasol. lolo eonsultta¢jvelopasent.!orotberviaephyateally.*l1|bepteaeneed are: rltsupoaasean-hfor her. lliu -,.... ; - w. a ~ ' k L We ‘ ' “ ' 09 yo - __ M Q E 7' ' i V W ' " A Qggistictan‘ of the Psndoutial hsur-‘ yrotaea, rather; Ills Soul. a farce that concerns Virginia flart is the 951- » NOTICE . g - ~- to and Photos?’-Phi. lags __ ~ 5- 9ueodins- latothelhanfa'Ilhelovthaavera¢efortbe.ayoungartistvrhodneamstlxatone-“K¢O,1>f¢h!'&d£l‘8 us: John - =. fanhbed for wl Company of Antics. W Estimates 5 3’ l "3 “°3.l‘£ '35 '3 NW‘ 59 0°!’ ‘no’ age, will diffeleat bodili !I'9P0l'tioIIs." .'of his names comes to life and ‘ Bert Clark; “I117 303$ 3059“ Pdii“ '“ - s - "Fifi, ' GI kr‘ V . ‘ ‘b‘ " .. ‘ ‘note h.‘ ‘ do. to‘ ac‘. “ -0-—--10-——A—-— of‘ TIRE; am.” bgz him .34] Stone; ffgylog; All done. If‘. Cm“. ad . 3- Y‘ v ' ‘ . ' " make penal’ 2 his ' ‘ " ‘ nd S Ila ’ Cutl . . Sflflhnllfi n“"u" ' "' .0?!-ZN To PUBLIC MONDAY . " ‘°"° 1... revealed oi. mom fact an e - ' ! .."!f¢- We F3-we “'t1rn3v_I=_ ' W» - "W: °' _ um worm, ,;0_ wt . _, .___ . *9 5°’ 593% S‘ “""i' ” “R normal women usual)‘ have a chest REPATING. Tailor Garltt. idareeunt this Play and the (‘let I8. There will also be two musical "77 H 6"‘ "5 ‘“ G H t 8"‘ do ll 7“Local.Interest Shown~-9.? mu .KatE'ynu.l.ain was called e=vw5°" "’°f" '''‘''’° °”'“''‘'“''! i M ’ m'mi8°m’ um ””""°. °""°l" B°b'i"““'b°" 9" ‘M "°‘""” l l‘ I '———t _._.._._.....——————-———- l . 3 ‘ . . - ~ 1," * ' __ __,_.. .-_- ~__. -~ . ~---—-- ~--— - ~-- -- '-~ ~—- ~ - - - ~ > ’ ‘ °‘ ‘ .- :.~ Peanut or 8- W- St-1 ti. i..;.°:':.“..I°:.“ =' . r -- 7' -~ - 1:“ l‘. phens and Scenes ' us... Raf: has goneuto -, ‘ Recreation Parlor ; i ,,,, at ‘ . - Tulsa _ 3 . ib _ y 7 . " - . -.. -. Of MlSS0ll!'l- hona State lluaic Contest. - l ' l ' DA l’ l “J r --‘—."‘ ms ‘ College Club of _ S0 é "yin:-thlllthfiu-aet , The 1’ rain! opening of work ~‘ . ‘rm’ ._ , , , . i . , , _ ~ , " " -if '°v-5"-r=i- 1"‘ ,*" "* ‘G .,,,l 32'. };"‘f.". ‘”"si.ti.. ""....ii“if ‘ i i . - ‘LUNCH 7 oou Do! ‘and Night 3; memhers of the . rt liver!’ In . . ' -1 ‘ . . me ‘am ' P- A :.'d"oc“:°; R-mgozfl “fro?!” wflt In her home in Miami. OltlI.. on ac- L I - _ Thg gtfitcst variety be r“ Agricultural ‘Buildiat 11... ea- mum of 0* ' “”"" "'°"'°' ‘ 11. his on displa at llill To match the East r suit or 1 rain h‘ at B‘ ’ u‘ in town f0!‘ 30¢ ' i... run.‘ ~ e " " m‘: e = n or a me. :1 ILLIARDS : - "W" "M" ‘’ ‘'°."‘‘’°’‘T‘' °"“"" °' nosiuie lieillP.a§:I' l.'i.°§.‘ii‘.n. in 1. little French «listen vii‘ noel: one must have ink elom should be attractive in lituocgeiziiuz 1 ' last a few sue-It-I Bra!» in : ‘"33 5)’ fillllmbla artists, features 1] w 0 aura“ is being accepted with great fa. which are proving so fashionable Umbrellas are no more the unat— ' VI!-‘ 0‘ ~, ;'i‘j"“ tiirifiiz’ 62:3" "‘°“'::: um winom 9135:, :1 )(.¢.,',. ‘vor on Fifth Avenue. "This l'land- this season. Lovely OK‘: in beaver. tractive. black cotton things they “A ,“ me“ ya" ago; nauenada Plea I .5 ‘J _ .. . . .. . . 1; "ms" ' mm’ M. Mmjnorancfi haw‘ ti ‘mg n on-.'. an-ty Shoe ' " L ‘ l : W and'oil- by -Dr. . S. n eney. '.ar ‘ , , ' fl 1 ‘ . - ‘Die Della Rho Alpha sorority I22 Ieeadrai -.—.———~— - ntry, 315» do liemnci. , . , . _ . ‘ ‘ xi’! .Hc:en Anderfion of S ’ entertasn ‘With-I (28 III “III! .".‘.." c.‘. , t F . .. pulnri.‘ Srnday afternoo .,..g j ”z?’,,:;'f"‘:§"“.P°,§"..,f}f 'from'3 togouoou. . "7 "'"' "' "’ FORD SERVICE - 1 . , H“ "' " ‘ I ‘ *1, His: Florence Robinson is spend- “"'*=' "' “"" “"" i H . baringg tightened while you sleep. , _ hm, a graduate student |l‘l art l , the “d‘_cnd 1 F “D h on Broadway Ite your In and in d .’ the L‘.ii\-grisity. Paul Parson.-4 will "life" or ‘is’ V oamu uh::ha::n 1, U; '"“.“r. M." Q We have a that works at iii: 1? o "ill ‘W’ ho . :“.|g wwgy ’ . flu . ‘ . _ The hatilss in their perfection of -,_-., "_'_‘. _."_ “A” M 3 I C _, om. ,,_, h , GENI E FORD PARTS ch __ design and delicate blending of color RITSSIANS sax snmlmsc , .,,,. ' ' , , " “'° - “',°** 0"‘: vim" W» - 1“. at-bani do and iii t % ‘(are an artistic treat. ‘In one ' TO I " "’ made pump is developed in a c_9xn- that of durability. flaunting itself F“-she F In cs’ y ‘ .«..;de_ fr... .. ;1m.o{_..,,,, you-ea Klalach lac so-9 laination apricot kid and patent ’ orclth 1., The}. M‘. mm, G _' . upon ,5“ mo.‘ in .w;hu, ‘he ‘aid in North teal): ‘l)e{at.her zlth a nan-or It‘: in t}l)t‘ll£'l)lfUll" ¢olorf‘ul silks with 7 N 6“. S‘ ’ . Pb”: 2135 1 coolness of turquoise ,aith faint 1,." Shoe .F*!'M KY3)’ ' 88 In "11 -’,(.o¢m ‘mg ,g)\.,,,- ,5“... an 0,, dis. ‘'1? l Rom!"-Striped -orders. Their ° ' ' . -‘J 1’ I ‘nary . ad in “in ass anal-ray lay effect. The patent leather tip pk” “ Juksonk‘ some hlwe handles, no mom gm. crude w"kin‘ -53;-_. inother all the freshnev-s of a May Oqnw W M -mu mm ~(.._”” on the toe or vamp is very fetching conimninxl‘. miomd mmed_bm. icl: effect or imitation of the ' _ - , morning with a child bending over “ '_ '” ' mu” M 3...; in its dillnond. patch-Ihlped d¢‘- ‘ . . I horrible and dlsguti 1 k “ " '""" ' W “%A W ‘"7 ,' '__"~ , ;\a bunny‘: smftnvs.-' beside a bed!!!‘ ngvfim‘ wifl‘ "fill". ‘unfit’: ‘M "’ sign The ramp is of the apricot egfiifiingm u:hu£:::ch “flaps tier of some wild ‘built at: no0ur' - "7 ‘ qt fl°wé"' 4 vabo;f.of'-.a:?rlt)' a’iidflt:nliati:1‘x mode E ' kid’ ‘he q“'r“"' °f lb‘ “"9 ‘lim ‘ t'~i)‘le. in -igt. has a narrow'turned- °'°""'l3" °‘"'‘ '34- Niflled. taut-led I ~ ‘ y The portrait of . 1-:. w. Stephens. mm, on on ur, P”. of ,_.i...t 1...}... “.11., he.u.,;9i;,. [Mk cu“ hem“, ma comwum, om: adorned with lllcll mm. FORD COUPES FOR HIRE -' "“"'“"‘ b”. 3*” G'‘'“'‘’‘’' “°‘“"“- .the non-Communist peauuu were “.7. ‘s.:3=':" °”“’“.""" “ "“°."”."'§.‘ °' "‘°*- embroidered in richly tuned silk} "’ "“‘.”-" “‘"““"" ‘*°”‘3"3- 1'""’d- . . = 118* I‘ dcllmlt‘ ‘W81 l_DP¢'Il 8‘ _