o..« .r'.. 9 _..4 .9‘-.b‘.~"L _: 5, _S_. , ‘I v 1 ' . A _ -.3; - ‘ "VI 7 - . 3? AA.-‘AA -“ _ WM,‘ —.-..-J“ V "— 7 ‘ ' ' ‘ ' ,~ —- « . r ~: . » ~ -:4 $13. fl -. T T’ and a~Oaaa&_ ,_ 1 '-':T was pnantodby A 55 3‘ . . . ‘fiat B. A. and 3- 3- ‘ nihgi In PIC!" ‘rt! 7*“ 57, - -at xr Jana: Sullivan , 3:3. aka 81'1"‘; ‘in . - -Hit!!! *‘“‘ °'‘ °‘'‘'‘‘‘'''‘ "° °" 2 T oxlalbi or ltiuo-:1 3. . *3?‘ 5' """‘ "" “"" "' ‘bu’ K‘i°°‘¢.a.mmm°nmrm“ re. lncludfit the} BATTERY ;_T ’ cggangl Khan. several negro Ions! Wflgaflw wwadon, of an ",5; .- ' In-.-to sun: by DcI'°¢|I:T3w= bP'"A=- “Thaw ‘M conga‘ 3., CHARGING ~ ‘ «and f vlolin oh was chm: r 0 T . - "W “ sum '- -°°°~v-"*‘T ‘T’ '¥‘*'i“":t.‘..”‘ o”""i""".. '.~..°.§‘o.o.o.”"“ .1‘ and REPAIR! weak-cndwith ulatinain W Green, who was any-neat . .‘ bu‘ can ‘Th “mated pm ‘ho ‘L ‘"3"’ sch," ail: will rive a N90“ 00 “*3 3”‘ J ‘T BL“-uh‘ ‘t “:3” on home on’ the sulrlan 7’:lha 8P|1’d’i;u:Pm;nt‘e3a;:ed aioaa dadlfllfl. of m . ¢xhlbit_ hsazlaywrug‘ Dunn a 3° K M_m.i'uu_m w_ s_ G_ A_ :.....o........_ PLENTY OF .,_ a dinner . . dierfh ‘D0300 “WC - - ; . 11!‘: W A. Shatenn of Contra- weekend. has returned to Kansas km 1:: cm‘, ‘hand “rt 8 C h“ °nu..'h_—a” dd. “'1 6. lflvcryut flnzlenaedby um ed" in meJm_on‘. amp,“ by um Dunn_..hu_-_h u11.:ul:]eld"he:':i by RENTAIs 158.113‘ 393$" “dig *5‘ cu,‘ Pepper and Illa: Aulclla SD11“!!! Southern fhlifilllla dahurl th! gun; ‘,5 50'", ‘ad p.mdn“." -—"—“""“"' . M” 1;‘ psh 'm N, _. in com-Ibis yeatmhv -iovflw-_ 14*!"-I W“ "g;"'°‘ g:““' mrls cm a on» non ye. . . ~ . .3 ha. ;_ .1 Q, .,.. aosusz mums -no om-‘no.\ mo of (f °"“'- ° ’“"““"""""”"'."‘”°""T"’ '""' 3”” 3,3, ,,,rr-m-ttbeCwnt>'|n1i""W&"'° cumooo :8cbhart no Boar: depat-ttncut."'I'h wereanoniahed -"“-'— . ‘“"__.___.__....- TAYLOR GAR . 5°” 5 8‘ umi’ in "ad!" nude‘ R - um“ 7”" Deppln; will rapltnent Uiuonri. lb! so many varieties of thins! T’ 3"’-‘u U‘ ‘I u’ fl ‘L b” Tr a Missourian want ad. ' ‘ '""" ‘W M’ °' ”i'°“',,,,,,,,¢ 211.. 'um Sup. hem. 2 wouool ""“""“- 3"“ “"“ "“" ""‘°" The audience‘ um “inch: tha so. could be pun tocether so anuu- G. A. coon-ac. April 15.13. ; y , . ‘ - llra.WllliamR.Gcn£!1 . . .§ClarI:. ' . 5., callin too. ‘ roewacacoomxhoa t° ha Na’ in st‘ U.“ y”u"h’ mu.’ mu '0 3"’ H"’°" oflm" cl“. m ‘be “mum Tyke -3: in T11 contn elected Hlu Roae nl:-3 4» 1 ...___— . not-nin: Ilhr visiting liar mother. 35' to mend W _, ‘Campus Sunday School were (neat: wink“ on the “mid bfu‘ ta c‘um nth“. imhdutj ‘dean tn‘ we Un§,.(.,.,;u. of} ""T " "‘ 3”‘ ‘:5. Joe aauuuuoi In-y Sn- 3"“? ""’"“" °‘ ""’.”““"“‘ some and open as it and mm, ammo. Spencer, - o T m'3¢V. C. H. Iffj “. ahdefueyer and Pflifcillollll Woman I tan ‘in ' ."" fie ndnlid’ north“ tuvpa. W ’ : ‘ ‘° "'4'-"""' 5“""""T‘”°' ""9 llary Guitar and no‘nom.Tnom,5 " W‘ ""“."' °""°" most votes. The queen. will he mu row. Helen Aadtrnii. wu. , none]: 3 . . o. ‘"8 W '3'» ""° *‘ " """"" "’ motored oo into. Sunday to visit Bjl“”gi"'-f;";"i’ ,,,.‘!‘~,,.’‘‘'‘ for twelve atoms and the room. liam n. comm, Paul Parsons. Carl . Painting and Paperhl ' 'T ‘*5’ U“i‘°"“" Judge na . ‘ ' '3 .“ "‘s "H will last on Iahntaa. Gentry. a . Ankcney. All out naclanlcally dose. S T. “fins 3:,‘ "';"“""‘ “"°"‘ ‘° mu Anne Done)’. who 1;: been ;'¢':;:"3‘T"_; An oppomnny will be given this ‘no exhibition wlllzbe open to-.: Snchlalag in Wall nooouuog G ' o«ss«»s«ruf“"x~«»~°‘«r=-v~~-A— *.::..'T::'T...“..:::..'t‘:::*:.. T.:.:.T* sow-z -no we»-a»~—. :;,.*;:::T.'.. ..."T..";',....“:..s:...°“'"*.; -""T 7 ..... 1:71 ...... . 1} "E" ““""" s"'""‘." "“ ‘°"° vacation. has returned to llonti- _Ht-9 ’5*“5"*“’.“. '"“’ "“'f it-native against w. o. Boas and T ; o _ - - o - A good automobile will be apleasure to - x? . 1... ,. to lunsas Cl_t)' to spend the hol1- “no seminny in Godfnn m_ Vtola Co: of we Chnman exe J P Baku" in . “ht. hi ‘com The exhibit is free to Umveruty f __ _ ______,___ _, . _ u d _ this nderful . _ ‘km to ‘ gxayaygth he-rnparentuflr. and Mrs. Mm Cd“ wdhce. “in R0“ Conna:-tziogkf 31! b t incnteb Jo...’ H.” u 1:” 0.6”‘. (V 6:idum:3:era11:°futb3 famgf. e8p9¢13 y unng W0 Sp 1.’ . - - "'“”° - ‘ Booenthal water Hirsch An~ hi I '1 3*“ - ° 1,, ,,m . - - -‘ . . . W88 813 T . T ’ no me > . Egan, aaautant auodate ' .. - . sour‘ H‘"_ on ,_ uh M Bo_aa_ and Brad: w _reP!'0j mg to )oIn tbe.Art Logs: Guxld _ _ ‘ E-otouor of‘dair:'nhtt:uahIi:df7. :3 n”qu"::,';:"::f,’$i“;;”‘in }','}'_' of pupils in nu; t;vitnlo_1;l c¢‘>Jtexzc1'_:aet:r3't. 0:0 wUn*'*"*¥ U‘§m:’,"'ty “Q ;‘St”"° "'° °""°"“’“" “ ““ °"' , Only a few more days Easter—v+ . .1. pkg‘; ¢""’°°£_' ‘mt “';"h 1:-go cuzm amyntmt 6:; ggnexm Jim wgtiwhfn Each.“ -on“"‘”‘w_. ,,,,,,"°°, ,,,:;_:,;,m.$ u0P0;_‘T_N,__L__L_B To even-{body looks forward to bang out tn . 3* 1:33:63: C 31- 3063531’ 0f “Nd” ° . :bv the following pupils (If Prof. °d°‘k ‘non’, C08 A C ' “ ‘C0011 ry. be"aT*'i*‘“"¢ 5“ "“*~ ""~ ‘L "‘ "'T "“' ""‘ ° """""‘"“T ‘H’ 11. Lo .1 back: The Nines 24. in the Univer-it! *°‘”“?"“'P‘T T cenanrum on an 1 :3 9" . F. Ne-to. 614 Coll-C0 A'w'°- "°~ imniyino Loretta Quit-.-w The! ‘*1’ 5"“ “" 9‘¢''“‘'’ .9“ "‘ - . T-—-:-- . ~ We have. a-£Q9£l- 8.BB.0!1«m€Dt Of Used C F°f,',“' '"'°"*°£‘;,':;"o'; 8’:f::‘{;“h I Real Estate Transfers-Jvtx-mu and Laura Creber. traduate the_debIte- N" “";*"8h‘:""“;"n ““'fl 3" and invite You to look them over before bu ' :13” n “-3- 6- ° " ‘ 5 etud:nta. . . » '5“ / . -“""°" "*5" ‘ *5“ °" 5°’ — ‘ At Lh last meeti of the Chri-o AT THE HOSPITALS { ""'“" "‘ ”’°""'° ‘ Here are a few of otir bargains‘ mp’ - 1" ll Ira.Pord J. C.‘l'bo1npIo ndwif " “‘ ‘ .~ house a ‘ .3°‘“' ‘:33? 33? :3“ C “W RM" :~"**‘=- ‘Q?-tr: 1?" f°"°‘§o§‘.‘$b;}.°3'.Z' ..§i"§o.{‘; . ' ' CoPr:on:3:au:1C‘l’z:nof we gov: '22 Ford touring fine shape ' "" " Ilra. Mary P. Thornaon. char» N’-i Lot 3 of Survey No. 4(29.xaj Mn :0?” “ban, by man” can, _ Boone County. ' fity '51] be he“ on it, found“, _ ’ _ ’ _ COW“ 0‘ ommauherhi Iln31ronse.leftl-W Subdivision of part swu Ns=;!,,,m,,, by W dgh um m , Are): Johnaon and am Sun ,,,,. ,,,;c,, win 5, M”. 1. u, ’20 Dodge touring, new tires, gcpd Dfllllt, ~ ‘ u 323' |t.° 3;!“ :’h"::: awfifl- 12'‘8‘13- 31- 1 ‘r.nmb':r of books on varied on!» n“"'°” ""..“'?”u°d' H to an announccment made really good bllV. ‘ ? ‘Mk, ‘H R - . . "\ . . m . . _ ' . , ' . I «I-3: .u . ha cm‘ toJ.:'ie: §;..‘.’..‘§l'°".'1.°.{"' W1“ ‘Ii-o’§ii'-’§" l.":’t‘“."?:Rhm:I'taun:: Cane was gamma (bis mooning. :‘°;th‘°;;“';‘:¢’m“"“‘ 9‘ ‘‘’;e;;'“‘’_: '24 Ford sedan, driven only four months..’, ‘ n . . .. . . . --——0----- , m','mu ~ ‘W’ R 3' mum s.J N“ "’5°'” °°‘“‘““"' 8°. "‘°“'" ” 9 "°“°“ ""'~"""‘ “’ "“" sénam nuu.nmc..onuu:ao~o Hm Lottie Bucks home. 516 unoon "N to V 3 R73. 3509- T ' sical at-lectzoms P133013 by 59!‘ I00“! . __.........._. South Sixth Street ' l I ' ' . ‘ad .35 -‘M’ 3*’ Numwm lfgfig J. o. Nichols and wife to w. 1.?-ms given by the Misses Helen 5,. 3. ;.g.,...;..¢ omc. c...a The ",0 mama‘ ‘M Oh La _ A; ‘_ ‘ ;',','.,ty ,0 ' ; A l‘7“d m:g°'2 osf°“u' ‘,8 3 gtfiiur “@_ ‘ ‘”'.”;f law‘ 8.. Barnett and James ‘Sullivan flown, .‘ “h'"r:" I ‘ -.7. 4.‘. 7Earn' dc .‘ . Vin Erna Cavolle of the School , 2 “MY! *3!" 3v ,"‘"'° ‘° .' mi 9" were appointed members of the _ . If ‘ Womcr ‘ of Fine Arts taint to 3. Louis 8a; A‘:E’fi;“ u’ C2’ :£d Hue‘ noun’ ‘ ‘'9 by‘! sochilal comnniaie. h h bee 833118 Price "'‘‘°'—‘ ‘‘ ‘ {T "hams" u-hy to appear n a uh‘: eoncc ' B‘°k . - . lame - 38°‘ ‘“t'''''‘ at mean a w o ave n I _ ', .: that l. ‘ i . L I06 I'l{€. PIX‘ . Mus Norm. Jan G _ ‘I! Q‘;-1’ mg-gin‘. flu firc mi . . . for ‘v’ ‘ ‘or ‘ ‘i on, "I 19 “h D“ (s:f';;:doz. statistician for Part of mm 14413.13. 8!. §°r':;?‘ " t*‘h°" °:_o°::"’g_‘_:;'r' 9"" ‘f; started in the otonnom so the egg” o,""f,,,"°;,“,‘:;°,:m "ff 3 HUDSON_ESSEx ; _ The n Jackson Brotlnétl. CWCOCO U851! - ‘'“"“‘3°’‘ "*5 Vi“ ‘O ‘r 1"‘ V. f S 41;. rn’ b ‘°"°m‘°t' 1“ “mm! "’°"" °" met-tint. Among the new mom-T " 7‘ T ' T‘ ’A"’ i ‘ uh" in conuniaaion ‘house. ‘open. _Sat- J« A- Wk)“ Ind "39- All 1013"" h."'‘‘ m"" ‘m ’ ".'°. "W I’: the newnd floor were not ma_- ' ’ dn n ‘J tr sh ; T _'.-_ aid to I urday here on his. way home from 39 fl! 0400 Guitar’! Snbdiriaioni rm A(::b“.:{l‘C:;'?ha:$u tzrially dunI¢Ill- “I0 ‘6“- 5”’ at a stung? which egonszrzed 0:‘: - ‘ 128 P" ‘ , an aataadad and and-. Park Addition to City of Co-I {""°‘ "yin m em: on the net mg“; .g ggopoo ,s..¢1.asn¢ m-- o 3; H. .. 'I'he_ fig? "° 1°“ im: "fie A ad ‘if to! ogrhccx-‘handgfor the loncet distance. 3:;-coca and cov- T -—— -—-—r-- -- . _ __ _ ,._,__ _'_ ‘- _- o-i-ta rho - W“. . -. woo - . e 3 -~ ~ - - y insur-one-. T I . 3.3-gr -¢*‘°°‘°'"‘ "°‘="'T ;“';'f'nd5‘{_?t';‘,f‘ i"“,;- ’° ‘°°‘ "ff 2 :o3.’.'°m'.‘§m"§a§s'°oi.‘a§°‘$oo'{"§nbz§o£'fo‘3'} The Inacne-aem beinc : T "gag"; 508- o 0 n ovell"Add'-g - W ‘tad ' b the Be . , ' ..-. ‘C .. o T :.'."~..T:"-'.*..~.T*~T....'T.~(.-.*: aonwomv-=-n»so«:o o...'°"""'T'o.. o....:. T 4 . ti o. - on» rt'S Lots ’ ~ . v T ' —— T" _ T v:§. T t. was n-3;-o rm. -mr.--,;;- ’s‘wo Z‘: 193% “*3g"TT:‘;';,‘3,“*.,§°',:,°°:.,;,:':.."':,‘Z;.?2,: x ~w_;_0Bn§;g-Eh" T College Clothes in -the College Manner T "''''*T 3 4’ T tended t this ,£t-lends tn - . .' ‘ ta. r - . a new . , . - _ . ltxonnls and short talks. The meet» ht of huidwtud and T 6"“ _ . - 1 i 1 iborothy stalling and iliaa AT STEPHENS CCLLEBE P"? "°'“.'“',"d'£' '"°"""‘ W" led by one women. . e by ' . T " ; "0 lifd 3"? a?°"Y- _::d“f‘$‘ %d“’§f;' ‘-4, 3 "'1‘€.f'A‘.f \':§”l.iko It Club met Wufiful 38“! aim -rfllntze ‘ ' ~ “';’."‘-° spent one e - T T . ‘ , - ,, ufig deal:-flin. ' - f T *'°':u'* o ‘L C h '5“ a1¥o:8::'::eho:::yi: snm'h9op:r‘:,§ nS3::r§Lllla:::'T3f;:b1‘:ri:1)§r::§»s:::-la‘; .- If *'-;';_f’‘; ‘.1’! “M ‘ To 8" tl d . d 3 E t d ft d A'“:'‘' , . Jcuie Bun-a w o n . T’ 1 ' ' I0‘! ‘"1, _ - (hicn I E h Egan“, h" '5” ‘be ‘pm I-no bar :3: alooum‘ her lather.‘ Rose }tcc;_huIe; «gigolo “1‘«;i1;1ebyw: um‘ tn _ ‘mama ‘mm “L la?’ y 78889 011 GS 87‘, an 0 erwar In-' _ a “mud : ‘ - ata ofthePaat nts "“""“' ‘“" 3'"*“'*’- r“'°‘- ' .'* °"‘.T . ; To T . - T. willbo 7'3"" Misses La Vaun Boyer th vol:-Ttcherl bv Mum Lorrame Lrndsa) t-~- —-— -—- 1(an&"bsaama.yP' E 0" “M” "° 9°"‘“’I Rees Helen Webster nfldroa oryi and the dxécmson was led by Miss a ' ‘ yegln . . I ' ' - . -r < C - - ‘ Y -or x. o on-o no no ::T.“:.'.::.‘°':T:.«.:'.':'....‘."='o.‘:.°°*~::.:*.:":v §:T.::.TT::.;..-.°;T.°:.tTT..,:::::= T T now can. caina y to a . . ' ' ‘ ' ' ' °; ' T . _ - T In’! I In l"‘*“°""“,.......""" ‘~=-*~,...- om o- v -« c or w ‘ ‘ Elks Dance '°‘°‘«"°‘ guterwgggvg-Prim gr- an-«he °';°:'.‘....‘.*:‘;*‘:T.:T. .;:.°;::*..,..T..‘$:f.;'::T:::.€:"§.:;;;.;2;°.u,:T.! « o - an; . , T . . ‘ - _ _ n ‘ . 1 _‘ ser: °""'»o. o.oo"‘“oo :;::.:‘:».::.°:*:-,:.T:..°T;'*T:T.-.*'=:°; .::rT=:.:.+T°:~.l-::.: . Ms cum ; »~ - 'P°°‘*"¢ 5° “°“"" '"”‘ "°’ Sunday afternoon in mi: cxl’:11Tit!;::e‘: lad: Bo P non. Vlrftininf ‘ l The Wellingford. °"°'- ”' """“'-”"""‘ “"° E” D‘ 7”" nuloo-. nan. James )1 Wood‘ Hanson \Iildre.d so blefield Homo? ' WED APRIL 8 ' - - ”"‘ °°‘ of Kansas city. -ad-Ina as her ' I ' ‘ ., .’ - . " I charactertzed by - Its plant ye . poured. Ilia: Irene Boyer, epon- Rose Rolmort. Mtllred bcblxctatr. 9”‘ uw Am“ ‘*5 add” °‘ st‘ tor, and Miss Frances Klein preai- T’ Miss Prula Guffy «an: -a Spanith 9 1 Slightly larger {MM W. o ‘ v - ' - I ‘ . . .. ~ - n .T .4 T B I . G L Ham’ "aunt pnfeuor of lo; ooronty, were In the re- ‘cog azihthc cmb sang Amer-zcx; I . A o d W and ra h I field cr'.1pa.Al:hvlaGltln( 1“'I;ncsvillie. . T I N - ‘ x 311 Cm nv g y . , Bhipbunl Rldlll - " ountan * .4-—-.. o « ——— ~- ~ —~ —- ‘T —~-~—-- ‘ ’ ,‘ (er-day 1 Grove and Cnh to assist in the Y i stlk bound edge. In Interwoven fancy T Farme- qrlxw needing of cxpanmental T V V . ; . gxaphibe smoke, ‘ m cops. . ‘ _ — - C ; ’ ‘ ‘m an» Tum 1:. of the ’ .. - , ; C pearl, dawn, Dalmeny Sm‘ 11519 half 11°59‘ ,yo".'}°«~'n1 9 giicnulral cxtlnnon .5 T ‘ - ‘ brown 75c . 1 market ’ - ; ’ A = -“""""2*“~*°*’"‘““'-=*» N ew oca 1on -3 conntiaa’tn I‘, and A ‘ . * . gut“ . T. "T so-cunt! one - - - T o r Paao M: _< Duh N. Party of Cantralia wis _ , . , 4 ' + - W ::.<:°'........."-"- -ma...-.-:' An ther E ° ' ""33 T -m- — o x anszon = - 2 M , at. run is a graduate of the « . p o. i T ; 1. ,;';f.,",. « . Sclusolofloxurnaliaanandomeofthe _ " . ; ’ ‘ souu./g pnbllaluan od tlaa . ’ T ; r 3 3 known . Giorgia I.nek.T 3 out in - . ‘ .. 1 4 u, .;..,.,t,_ ..-,m.., .,,,,.,. An Increase of 54 per cent In enrollment of the - m,",’;,° ants. Mr. and Ira.-Gauze in ‘ 1 an,‘ a Kansas City. lliaa I has arbor ' l , r .. om in , hm!‘ . '.‘ -4‘ " . . ’ .ny‘ lg Kolkn-mt .0! Hanan . T, Gray B a dommant note In mens I so-our ‘ - - T‘ . - . ; ° ~ ‘ ' seago their , '1' 5 finwégflawsf -8?‘ o '. . . - ? §“s'§.'~,§l"’ ofl9r St§]?le~ T“ T ~‘-'4‘ =T~*' T T ~ ‘~' 2 ;‘ ‘ ,T 0191 V‘ ‘T _ T ' : . 9' ' 7 9 ' T " d ' :0. " T ‘; 1.-/1 !¢ .T,T,T. ‘ -- ' -E‘ ‘ . _ _ .