.- ¢"‘:"§' ‘ ; - -“.4 ' ' ':: “.7 ' ‘I -'a‘5) ‘ ‘...".¢a..&..-.~‘T"£' ‘ T " T.. ‘ ' ' .,,g I _ . .~.3n-.Lg‘ . " ' L -V V:J{:' " -V’ t , ' ' ' 3i''°Fl¢ . Infill 50 I‘ -. . ' ‘Sta " T _ v . .' A ‘ "- J_&:';.Vk£'.T 5 ‘ -. ' " “ '- T - ~~ ' Bead Ball us). an. Kay 14. CL ' - ' ’ ‘ ‘ . booth . ‘ T T- T TT.15(; ganoii . .m.o.o..T T T T "g" .......... .T 3 3 , ‘1 Q - -T ~' ! ‘ -A ’ ' 3 llAVBPlNl8flEI!l8PE1'l0N ' e T umm-mt ATCONVENTION no. - ' I ~ - W 2 1; .~ “.3 noon ‘ I ‘$1.5! iii.ii.<:nei£i-.|;on.i.i.iv.iin:ei.io. gins. ‘ . T , T» t T TT oioonnuonn . ».,,,_,.,__,,,,__ " - A T ‘ Gamma '5_f ' ff’ we ,3‘ . --—---- 3'. ‘in ‘& h H I G‘l°ck W B M ” _ ‘ ‘ u .11. D3 #8533. C7-909-353‘P8ge 111 Of Founders the (muggy .5. A_ (1 IT- ' ’ ’ ‘‘''.'* others. ST ‘ 4. .. .. T ' “ t ; I - _ T I . - iasaiatantoprofesooraoiaaimal hus- WEAF Y Twp E. — , T, . . ‘nu Ira ‘-‘E-L T 5.1"‘ ‘1 “L35 . -for M& V8 J0ll!l- ‘'39 ‘1"3'|'35°'||l ‘B39, Vile Ebnndry. have retained from a trip . ’ - ' ' I T 159* "" " T _ stun P] h b neat-¢linx,io saline County where they went . h I p p « - _ until 0 _ ‘ ‘ ‘T E io.ooo heail._'. edged y ,.___g,._ -,,,,,,,.,,,,. 3“ 3. 3_i°“mdm.mr_ l.ACincliinat.i, iniduig : . .. . ‘ _ kl ‘T7 p E. WW» ¥_13~€°@; M. U_ Alumnae iiooonnore who vision the Golum- run am the aooond annual tour “W5” “W3” ‘?‘“"“"‘,"° I is said ‘ be: t . jT K-7%“-90. 1i8'|It.;- _ hia A. Ar". -W. and Dan Bessicin that county and the purpose was Wis’ ch‘°‘°' 7'” t° "'15 ' Hines T 7 4 « wills. 812012.90” MISSOURI WOMEN ACTIVE beach Prildy last year. prhiilodqgg gtndy (gain, op.‘-.tions of mm p. ml-National Barn Dance. ' T “M K, :' , - - ' _______ go:-uA“3‘¢n| flflilhlfdt it 111- who co-operate with the College of ':.-..'—._—:_..-::-;.:;..-__...._.._.__. E ' cunton, ~ . ' - 9354” , Agriculture of the U ' ersit in 3*”; [nag] . Bennioe ;f gap need; mar-5 P133’ h_nl”_"i'9-nt 1” non. Blhliaril Baa Felowaflp. ikeeping records or,:hoi:':n:uo)lo.d- mm t - -T . . 3., in .f:- ‘ ; p z‘ . 30:69-251:.‘ Organization, Says Mrs. Urn: American Association organs. ‘ _ , wwm‘m"';;""we’ mm“ ,,, '—llT3V€p been W_'0Il In the i- A mm W . l ' “="*"“'gi‘°°. ‘*"'- ‘ ‘*9 ' "°° { _ N.pM. Trenholnie, ,,,',',‘§f{;§’ §‘;,';'f_f",;:’d"'f,“,‘:',‘;;',:,‘:;;p,;’§f :33’? ,"‘°'.‘;‘; ';‘iff“°‘€hk; tlnivenlty Elemental? scnimzlm 3 9 good campaign of election {;?“‘.‘° '5. _ e ' . . 5 De]%‘te_ ships for outstanding women vhojrangcd mm 3223 a head to 31935 b"“""_ wr‘i”“m’im;"b”°“’:t';';eh: in ‘mg mg conducted at HARRI Lola Inc .o§ 4 . W PM 1 _____j_ ETC Cfi0§n ‘O OI’ Itniy if] i ‘ he‘d- . h ‘ad’ i cv. _ M ' t‘ - A " "““‘ ”“" ‘ ; The impoiiun oar: llissouri Europa Dr. Hope Hihheul. death-3 It has been found. according to ‘”“t "it, ' 9 ' ‘ ' Ore: V° mg ' um. In _sT- omen are taking in the American tel‘ of Print‘. and firs. fit W. Bibd )1;-. Gulock, uni, 9345- gale fgtttg "7 '° ' 5 denw are to be found at : . Viola ( ~ Fl?!‘ 939% @335‘. o @ 55 Agocintion of Universit Women 51” 0‘ (’°h“nbi‘v W38 pointed‘ dn- is rough I 1 1. J _ , tn 4402; was emphasized by Mrs. M. Tren- f1‘-"OW in 550108)’. She will’ stud)?’ rtlizn lloogofligifi gimals. Try ' nn"°ufi"' “at “L z ' R18 any hour of e day ’ Calvin’, F git 9 standmls. 43:: firth. 36¢; seconds. liolme yesterday afternoon at a in Italy and at the sorbonne in‘ 11.. {net am winter {ending of t _ A ‘T ; at any other one ace off Willie C 5 ‘. 3*‘ , "$903-inst of the Columbia 1l.1!'l!'t('ll of Paris. ; young animals of choice quality uh‘ I I p - ' ginia Bo ‘ Poultry—-Hens, -25sec; turkeys, 1 81 Orirlnizatioii. Mrs. rjenholme The Colninb' - ll 1 ‘Id ’ ff‘ ‘ t to f r ' 2’ C France: 7 T. 881-:aprim'a. 55¢; d . 24¢; gecsi, ;|§ thf Coluintbin at the study group VII‘! cipt: ‘it °°the'cc1i>‘ii- :i’::?ynx1:inera'tci:lns hats. alr:c: beeno A:2"LApNDRY ‘ ».‘ A son. U" 1?. 1“; men 13% non; convtm ion in napo is, t’ by D _ Lgi ngek - 3 -ed, _ ‘ ' - o : . .Y 3. rt, 3 » ;___ jinn; s-u_. . T lfoiiinor the ;......;§.,.,, chm ';§m,;s ”’°‘ _.__._.___ etc. Comlortoaiid blankets care- HARRI_S’ is an intenestmg ._ ,,,§”§m : :. 8‘. Lou}. Cu. Gain. L hflrissouri '15 represented on the pmM_ T if you want_to buy or sell some {guy washed. ‘ at all tunes’ ewecia in - .' “i ! 8, mm“ ,.,___ . Inn of ofiicers by Mrs.‘ A. Roe: The lo“! mun-ng of the A A 911111! U’? I 141830358“ Vim 3 _ Phone 657 T i . . . ‘ em. “in > S.,_ mum M,“ ,,,_C(,,,,_% mu, formerly of Columbia, ....,., ,, U. w_ m we ‘t the ‘ham. 0!. up A T A W __ 1 mg the week precedirig a stu ma 5-,... No. 3 white. $l.05@l.06: May,‘ mt'°m1 "°‘5u"’3 _n“°_ B'°~"~'°° fly; DR Qgg, H1 no.0“ .Ave_ — -T ~ - ~ —T -- ~- -— --—- i election ‘lg Guests :1 oi: July. .09.. C ;;‘;1’;d:;:’t'}'m?(_f§t_5c";nt’;“"*]"’*8vec*{;°"n°t°' 3 one. Mrs. A. H. R. Fairchild who‘ ’ 'I‘l'l'EWRl'l'ERS 2 ' E will W ‘ Wheat (future)—Mii)'. $1.53; . ,3 ‘. w ' nu-go f the ’_ .1 IXJRN-CLONEY Laundry and ;U..om 1.] . “ ' . , Sim. is-..:.:..S;.*:;:**::..,::...:'::*::;: or s‘”°"‘na. ‘fox. .2: ::::n‘::*.*‘" on am. co. 5!-wlmiarte-=s‘ . ~- Wheat (i-ed)—.\'o. 2, $1.85; No.'1,..T,, Swim , _ 1.. n. iioborinon at P5 ‘ ‘ , 0 n, M -‘foflll candidates, * -‘ S'“"’'‘‘‘”' ‘ 3, 81.68%: No. 5. $1.46. ‘ [nu] _.\‘ _g_ L: w 3 Th? "en mutinl W1“ be ‘ 9”‘ 8atterlec' Phone 631 on U of I ‘ ' n‘ ignd they gngn’. .. ‘ l_*"")" J“ . . onorod. . . . I. . , , V T ‘ Wheat )—No. 1. $1.52: No. At the Wasshizigton clubohouse "" "ny f°’ m‘ '”""'d°”" ”'”J ‘ 1 """'"‘ "7 8‘ 8“ 8‘ fingers. Hllali and m ' 1m'”l;: 2 T ‘ 2. 81.61: No. 3. $150: No. 5. $1.46. dinner the local branch of the A. A -T T T T T _._ _T _ T ti H V T ' s 7 ‘'3’ ° ~ . - _ _ .T . _____,___,_______ V ‘. _ ’ -_ ________ ___» __ __’< . pglgr , V 3 C \ h"'n 3‘ c”""' .- Viaitilt Mn. Kirzinboiton. 'l'T{-on‘lioi‘z:i:~s :‘i:(i.dlnu:'TiIi:n°g:okHr Re _ A d J G h C S B sry i ;' D¢pp‘nz' A 3 hflhwun ,0, “mum “mug _ _ s. in row . ra am, . . . c 17 2 . _ wynne C l E ' b°°m" W m”°°'i' Md W" - i “ll be of th Boadoffslictlm’ !lf'Ms'f th in it Ch ll 1 vi ' “'33.” BI: .T i will he an educational move to ac- Wh thl , em 7 c r 0 tires Ip o c . (it or um , - T _.. T T _- . ;. _.‘ ,. C i gnguu with meg, Univ”, S ‘ The First Church of Christ, Scientist. in Boston, Mass. . A V 4' l _ so that they can converse in- o In Church I-Jd'!ice C liege A ‘en Rec ' u x ‘ -_ - ‘ o ‘pan: with when amines and 91012-2007‘ [)2 g » Monday Evening: Aporil go. at ‘s “(e)’clock reatmn Parlor - . moo,-. 2 “o ‘::‘u‘T°“'“ °‘ ‘W? °9mm:In!='3t-fies-” ‘ ‘ \\ \\ , no Public in fordinlly Invited to Attend SODA ' 3 T ftfd 1;‘: . blame Enploynen reau. . - \>.\\ x\ \ _ , : , . “I ‘Q uwltergbly opppged to 53- ~"“ \~\. ‘L. _ __ _____ __‘W_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _A ‘_ i_ -‘ k ' Mrs. C. ( fratafixitiea organized to con-’ 7 ' ~ . . . , ' W I _ G. Resin 3. go! the Of"t‘lI1‘l3 school" .3 ' , _ BO G University of Missouri p -. frlnle, l ; enry ping. t is tru 1 ° - :.- ey. T ........ ...... ., ....: ...... Lyon s Grocery Bargains W" , will present T . in the University. but I maintain , * - , BILLIARDS i .‘ Phi Del § ‘ .1; cgnu-gr’ to mjuoufi We ‘Sal thfi ‘Or [4086 and D€ll\'€l' the ms , . ' j T ‘ “C58. and I shall oppose them as Our Wonder sugar cured hams, lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..30c “A place (0 meet your I h 1 - 7 Omar’ . ’ .. ~ Country cured shoulders. lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..25c fl-tends» ; e O Membe- ‘Tifaroo allow {lit one-third of Swift’: Premium ham, lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..4oc . frfltmiil _ ~T..._. ._ I ., ‘ Extra fine country ham. lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .., . . . . . ..40e ' b,‘”q“°: ‘ -. Northern Irish _potatoes, bu. 35:; 2 bu. .............. .,s; ro c* * ' —- A S h ‘ ~- I. "W I Wisconsin Early June peas, lsc: doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..‘l:;5 _ _ I ‘ V." Cooking apples. 3 lbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..25c F ° . \ _. ggzaai f i Good 4-stitch brooms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40c 2 _ AV ' grid Guy California evaporated apricots, lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25: H T ‘ ‘T n C - Alumni p i - . California evaporated peaches. lb. .................... ..20c C‘ 34010? Wefhuhd -31‘-0° ’ - . rill E. O: .' J. I7 . C‘ ' ' 33¢! ‘O72!’ llle‘5.00 ' ' ’ ' ‘ JL.Pni V ‘ I _1n- . _ _ inane!" Take, an _ Shr9dd$ Coconut: ‘be 3-‘SC. 3‘ lb! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3] r . A d t > - - w. . ydeoontian. ' l .. — '1‘! ma; ll 1 0111111] ._ o I ’ ?**s=tr°°‘=.*'in==\?=*d£*=and‘°r i==c1u.dsnc "Imam.-—a new .13.‘? ;"’x'n"°....f.‘.Z"‘.Z"..';i.‘—:‘."I°‘.’.;..°“.'T.::..::::::::::::::::::::f;: : inn‘ Ts-nis's2'a‘.'.n"°i;‘7.”n'«'i‘:?‘a3i‘° Y . °w'é:’c'o'?$.' 2 ma‘ ‘Eu #3“ F113” and m”°na],f°r “¥“ctiV° mnured California asparagus, can . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25: ' 3‘-‘Hal: I f T . D’ tn’ ‘ Pmcedi : I-‘ .-.. -v .. Wmmwmmldm Rhubarb, large bunch ..................... .. in. With starter ....s2.so u Th°mv*°= ’ . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ' ‘ ° Besuneyouget uint-Sheep Cocoa lb. ioe- 3 lbs. . . - Without starter °00 k I l“"°‘"'i around atovcsand furnaces; for ,. . ‘en . ' .' ” ‘T ' ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ' , ' ‘ ' ' ’ ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ° ' ' ' ' ' '2“ T y ' ’ “" . C et3 on Sale M0ndaY—-9 8. m. . « _ initinted nyairin‘ dd walhand sroclgun Fresh spinach, lettuc_e, celery, onions, cabbage. etc. (‘M3l1“e‘:8"8of0Ilrk . . . . 2.00 M. . O . , Sicctro”c::.isasytociect—unl:t-s your lumbcrorbuildingsupply A R L Y . PCT h0|l1' . ['6 . o P V93 1 Walls id. fireproof and pcr- dealer for a sample and prices. 20 gout” 9”‘ o 0 An Work Guamnteuj and . arty ‘ . UNITED STATES GYPSUM COMPANY ‘°‘ ‘ ' ”"°"° 3“ Square Deal Garage ‘ ’ » .,,"s';'.{ p flSWcuMmrocScut. * am. 808 Ash Unreserved seats 50c md, , ms.-no-. T TTT T T. _ ,,, 55,; ' years olt played an . - was a {e THE Fireproof ALLBOARD '9' M755 1; _ _, , _ _ ‘; no ‘__,,~” ‘, “Run” ' ; ~ Brisket roast . . . . . . . . ..6c Pork loin chops. (young) 22!';c al - T m ‘“ ‘ ‘ Plate ‘b- t . . . . . . . .."l' v - _ 3”” °""""" . Pot rorst Tl‘. .... ..ioc-155: i‘:o};i:1°nnI:,°Ji1fse:h:i’.::i:r i'7$','.;:: . §"""" ' the emdent body of the University T ~ _ Chuck roast - - - - - -10¢-12'/it Fresh side . . . . . . . . ..22|’ c wmgm _, is working its way through school. ‘ Rib roast . . . . . . . . . . . .124--15¢ Fresh mm (,.,-},,,]c) 22.’: ifs] “ Vhollr or in part.- i believe that o l : Round steak ..... ..20c-22!’;c Fresh hum (half) m'2;u'«'c noun? uiiuandertakc no : T Loin steak . . . . . . . ..2°C'2z%C Sguggge . . . ' " “*1 pie, no em to it % _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. gin. ..n.,;..Jl... .,,..l" .,,.,',;::;d C TONIGHT AND SATURPAY - gggf-33¢»; Rf; .3. own ..l.8..ié; 1-... o e em bu- I , T ~ o . . . . . . . . C‘ 1 ‘ C nulfiuflzfliihdp‘ .m*:9n<;ymcntpt mi b_ HOW YOU I40Ve It. ~ Beef heart‘: . . . . . . . . . . ..7!/ge Smoked hams . . . . . . . . . 3,‘ : Luau Best oleo in town . . . . . . .201: Veal roast . . . . . . ..l2',’;-l5c Hrs. Jnm Beat Athlete to Natural color olco . . . . ..25c Veal steak . . . . . . . . . ..2oc-25¢ Barnett 1 L. Sliumate. student er“ ' ‘hon pr, Tpruidcnt. introduced the candidates '. Gmmi M0“ Values In Central Missouri Regardless of Price. group of for the other offices to be voted on ' grahmen at the Wednesday election. ‘A . _ Gem In "The names of the d‘d te. 1‘ P k g H C h & l . ‘ on .. ........ .. .... 2...; T: 30 111 OUSB 38 year. so that each name will up C M lira. C a ,;._;b:n;.i...n...i....t1:nn.. . arry arket i.......... In tinesaaany er.” id 34 ‘ 1, u “A50 Chi! year, WC o: ' fsgduc have fines marked .08 some dis- l 3 A 07.1.,’ canoeirom the polls. and solicitor: ' d.yg_ M : zlllthnot fie permitted to work with- p , g’ on .,-vb 1"- 1“ *<— motoring J coo nu." \* ,3 - ‘- A ' '*-~—«— —— __--__ Loni. ‘A amendment to permit the 1 . . C ' T A g School of Fine in. to have 4 A refrigerator with Kolviuator already frugal C . in In , tooentative on the Student Council " Conn t ‘t t - ~ T V . , "‘ -- have an . vrllhevotedonattheelec on. , cc 1 oancloctricaoclcotanditsreadyfo use “-3-?” & vottieirill also be taken to jv ‘ _‘ ,_ _ _ __ 'ne man who has in d . - " who ill HIeh$m‘atiilet3c record inthe 1:; I 0 ’ the ...‘Z..u 30813 e winner will receive a " ' ' — day .- even Irwliy cup. . -~'l‘hepollswi1loponat8o‘cloclton “*9 J'- ' i Wotiooday morning will be will be e . , ooh until 6 o'clock. There will be 9“ hunt filth Voting place‘ one in the Went 3- 30” , ‘ Auialtnnl - ding: one for '33 W281 " ‘lhlllflonttflae Student Council room, . ‘*7 . .. 9730071. « , :;d one 1: 3:1. with theaxeeption This drama taka such “ . ‘N 4531394 450-0 Collect»! Aeriaah a tnem d r ' ‘ ‘ T . ” uni. an the nu: floor of Jesse. not you youeg, :‘fi;‘(’:dwi:’lf D Dix Q E III our "FrKe‘u-11:; ' .} _ . -—-———-—-o-—--——.. I ' %. v_ 7 ' . J . . WWW“ 9'9"’-A353 e lthhmthont. c ~ uses.“-NE xauviiiaroa it 1% O ' ""‘"'7‘ ~ T ' ' c And Tn away ‘tutti. ‘v-‘ 1' u - ~ '“?"'.x‘,'!.°lT.Il¢8lGAl~ ‘'‘!.°° ‘* .: 3. Ivithtlieiirniconviction '—' ~ - / ° * .- T {T -' x " that-you‘ve.neon trui- o ' u ’ ’ * " T " X '3‘ ’ nut picture! ' . 3 l K ' ‘ A I T ' “D; iIRTY C 7 V ‘l llr = - v . an V ~ .,...,,, . 9 A A Juvenile Comedy 1 1 l i l .