5 f 57% ' .-‘ >1 '. :: 5-are . ” ‘‘.nA‘—§_4.':.'.Iu-'I‘, } ._.. ,,,.~, .§ _ ’ ' ' » ,4 ‘it. .- t ' fie.“-_.'4r . ‘ ' l '\ . I t__' ‘ ‘ 7' . '4 . - . . ' "r ‘ " . ~ ‘ . « .. . . .. Iuv i ‘ . I - ‘Q. _ _ . . p . . . . ‘v . . _ . . v i w '. t 1. l ‘V ' '. ,3 ' .. o "1 , ' .. ,, V ‘ \ _ :_ I ,_|._ .« 2 _ _ ‘ . A . ‘,1 — . 4. V .- I I; g » f e 4 ,. i _ - 9- ';“?7_‘ _ ’ af“"‘ 35' i;;:uauiiu‘iuar::uooob ‘mgu. no. "' 3' . is» nose-r. r of o I ‘ . 1 “ ‘? . ‘ . . I ;_ - ,¢,¢.«"¢“‘, “ GPNI. . ‘ vlsltinclier 5 .43 at You: naesuuin-c§ ,, _ ., ,__. '.d..§.n,h...‘§au,gpoa.n.u,..‘n I. &tsrdlaaarIoadas. i ,lr. fl. . . '_ , ad. ‘ Wfilhiilillvlllfill 3‘'‘l'''“ of duh, ...c,; ' “m—"‘nn"'°f'°" iIr.ss:sin.J.a.iioni.orcoio-sincere:--zssnoiuyorvsuino-.so4 ' _ ~ .. -. aibillty ‘NW’ s.lster.Ii_aIIaeBowland. _ V '5'“ .37!’ Ian ‘flu Ilfiltfiit ~ or‘ it B R. Ratllarl -nmwf . ,, r elttpattthatsrlllbeavailahle .7 ssaaoounuauaobusduu .Ir.aadi'I.. I .~. vlllela.‘ .1» rwoutiou at flue ,3. Huh“, -um here Bundu. the wins or an dlht-tied-a<‘ha!l-pound at r H’ could‘ tothoseI°'u"d'“ ' «u"“"°h*‘“’ trnsiin. 8.I.lkasllaadson.Paul. no-any. Sh.-ha1beesnandlAlice_!Ae.-, -51? ‘i” .~ -‘culggigggggggagfq-giflgothgf dfinéhrlsttdbarethla . 5 lrs.Giilleflernra&urnul fmgklgz: - ~. '5" - b!!'lrto%tnattudtheoonventio-n in. unuasnosioc coioni-as mum is " ” guilt 9"“-‘ ‘Id’ “ ‘5''-‘'‘‘' ‘"3’ ‘'’‘l 1 :5. the Oath-cad am «onus; role in H1 dauxlltor. In V-mun ‘Nov- .1 75 ‘mo’. ‘lneuis is the first outcome of this :5, anzhwi h"'“” "1 up 1:. and Irur any meiioi. ol coimoo, The arise: ab and -1 W “" ‘ ‘ ‘ puthahsknvbnbs tn- .'G.C.Yoon¢l . Ii?!-fin" I in wpo mKt88t5°B- In. C. B. Robinson, 1405 A3. ‘ Ir. and sin. ls-a ha of season Cit! rs. 1'. .1. Comic. sin. R. [L China. Ira » _' . -, r .. ismanai. , ; .,.. 1 gr -. times. A city park would provide a place thou: Street, vent to Kansas C "';_‘,“' mt‘-mi-old 3*"? :wpu&n:‘i¢mit!;.~a: :a‘:lii:.-, nu. pique «.13: her husband or t_.7 3 .would £_or outdoor public gatherings dur-4 “Ill! t0 "lit 59' 'III0¢l|01’- 3111- an hater.“-‘nflaaard iii Aahland Satatzy aft-;A::l andnfiraee wt.-an. gturn "‘i“"°5'~ 9‘. h" "l" t i h the in‘ the "unmet month‘ A can. HIT, ‘I'D. Iohhaon it I 3".‘ ‘ aw‘: _ :adnn .. E". u loves hi‘ wife £00, 3 l 10 03' '¢3l9.’3-—'P°‘-_ W” 3 h‘”d'i _ , if pm‘. g_ L an O‘, as-e:o:..i‘eau':aa Citiutiaitsd im-.9 ’ gmggimz R“: ha. up “thong . ‘-31 l,‘‘ family outince I Pam‘ -' legeofA¢rieulture.wIlheinKirha- ' , 4 in... sun uaui Wanda upon: is.» we-o¥' 'fi¢hf. The methods he finds to} :2; ‘ another use which might be made fine nut mwyuufinct . pub '—1‘he‘dI:(u.l:rx'ss:u8tl:l£- bcuiiulzn; ._-.;«.“'u:izi;mA(=::’s:dC|‘!;-ud:l3-‘ ‘W 3 ;"d_; 50'], his “.39 and he, ffigndg into 1; "3 ; d ‘L ' try juuingcaw‘ ‘t '6'‘ N°“h‘i in 7 1°, C‘ b. mwitfi-l '*"‘°' 5 '“"“"“;'- ‘Min consciousness of the waif’ tilt‘! ' The site under consideration has 08“ 538*! et¢h¢l'lC0lle¢¢. "* "’ """ “’ ""’ “ """' ‘. °""“ ”?"'°‘. “‘ ~"""" "’"“ toy with the sanctities of ‘ e are; .. .d“nu'“_ 1, ,. roomy. co,u.in‘ ! Lester lie-vfnotnflw, ts ""'**'-4”‘ an-‘ha ha llrtn ‘ r. and Ir»: -::k:..G:..nmSL LOW mm Wfinumah T hold me ‘nation; .‘ I: E. I 5.“ ,.°n.ma.,_“n_§. on: we 1”,‘ horse ll stolen. Otherwise pedes- mo” than om hundmd aches. It ‘nd:.Iu”mIuba_l dunw E; T‘: ‘°"’.'e"u‘U"'.C"‘- " an-i5.end_wiih his narents. ‘ ' A until the lust foot of reel ht! lleflli ._ . 1 I hhd 6| u.i‘n‘ ‘R tn coufifiud a.n:er_ is convenient‘ ut the enter“ ed'¢ . JrC‘..nl‘h’~n'° “.1. s.""‘.' “huh ’lisa lkadiiie Hall‘of _Hal.-ville was the-,run_ ' ,, 3 _ audeveloped and rear» e ...._..—_........o—- of town on . 9”“ mi It .1 ty, was I nsitor have yeao Th 8" R Gan” want", ..;~...o.: cm-.1 or i-non. anti:-} n" g 30, this you would gee, 3 -. - ' ‘ ' ‘ _ - _ 1 mg C. - . ; . railroads that we are, able ‘at all we". 8”,‘ Ma” H” the had. I rd‘ ‘ “rid of to "kph, fmterdlmysn via)’ to £1. house coo-nu union. (or Ir. Bailey 0‘! it-.o.o.;_ n":_" ‘M ‘mm Yum S w Then, too, then; . 11.", L.,.;., .‘ d V . , _ tlllfltb depend upon I C€l'tIl!l 8€l'V- you I o 0 . y P ' nu, vb”. ' 8%‘ Clfi ‘IICII Ifterouoa at Mount l'l'.*uranl' flisu-s Ft-ru Bulo-n andlrla Cronin of l"u1- don comm’ which will. eutprtginf ‘ — L? l . ' ice and a set l“’5°4‘- Oil remit! ° '°‘''‘’' "’ 9”’ 3" ’°'‘‘.‘l'°’ °°“”f”' ,1 1“ °'°°'‘' °°"' “Kati. Ilnrnhs. . mi... in the u..i....i ‘°';_'*'"*‘ '‘'° '°*'**'“’ "“" “""' """’you. ! _ _ , $.33. ‘.'-,»~¢.~- , i ' an iineertaint)‘. ' Prospects seem (odd for a fine ‘°" °:':'db”"; “d ‘3'd"’*'"l°i’;' iA_' _ u up. ‘hula:-e:'rlbd M €;lunIn'.IuII.lGI"(nG'.”° chwm Wm: ‘mum and W“ W ' - h - l l ‘\ 'i l- wg ‘ye fgld thgt (ht pegch cg-up ‘ y 0 wI:ze;.. splm ty DE; FEW w_ n_ unrpz’. mu‘ ' r"‘l:|3l of (‘ntivnlsh.sp-at the tree-h-tent‘! Iith_ A - I ‘ . ~ ‘ 2 g ‘ , v ‘ .‘ State roduees more oil than any " ' ‘ " "'qua.'°”’ 3 en ’ ' ." "d n"'' "'"‘°" m" '""' d""”'5 r.-.mmI ‘ R. .i-‘- l’ rl' or (‘oh . ' 1‘ - ' s IH . om,‘ ,:,,,,,. t -W, m, do... M, A person cannot hold his friends shade. with lots of open spaces PM‘ “hf” U",”;g‘....'ma';.,"’ ”_' ‘e'.'.'...°'ofa°i.'i."7:" 7"" '7.'..'3.'.'..'§".., 0. 3.’: ._.r.a“ :1.’ .r"L.'o .‘..'m.’ Hr. .".'.'.i. . SPRING ; "‘ ‘ A - . , ‘ , signify that we have more re- “"19” 5° "3 '‘'‘° “"1 ‘"3 ‘°"3"" Olh” "t“5_ _”“y be s"“°"'°d ‘TM! 9¢l80|| 09 the Year tlwre is “"-.”"";‘°;‘:" ._"""" d F ! Nine‘ Anna I).-'ro.i.on and llvhn I1.-:Lrr ‘ " ' 2 son as and can depend upon our ..Abom m D‘ time some k for such a civic park. If so, they‘. mm “mung of gagging-guon in .m_:".m_M,_ on ;.‘__';“""_m‘:;_ ""';‘:“¢.¢_ Stephens (2.1i«~.:.- ups‘!!! in we--i.-end Excellent quality | . _’ _ : u -new ‘once It only we .1 ..- ' ~° ”— ., ~ ”°°:’ "km *h°°'d 1* °°'.““‘°’°." 1‘ “~- «We on-M-e tow mu -—« z--»~- we no -. ~- --«. "3’..“:.'.3 -: an we M é Hulett Motor Co. . um we ‘re ‘awn.’ um "lubk 1):‘ Lany igxing is w en it is or ”"_,funy_ -nu. suzgegfiop men ,.i::|s:i;:r. says Berloefy wlhl.(;!'|, ex‘. on u a mom in Central College. ‘mm, _, dm" 5”," M m,_, Am, in” (9 pg’, ; , , i - - A assistant p. eseor 0 pouo ““—"'*"""“ :1 7 1 ,3 Be ixlaow » -1 nor. ‘ A "i 1 '“‘’“’°‘ ‘"9" "9'-'_‘d‘l" lb" ‘"7 °{ good’ (iffbmbmkis °{”.15t_f'Y husbandry of the Collette of Ar ' 9:30" H "M n ‘D "5 S“? 0“ 3"°“""Y - V the other countries. When these Among dim. win” that med comm!!!" 5 P8!‘ - ‘ '15 W090 +,;cu1m,c_ “In a 1"“ measure ; Ni-.ol‘a C-Adi‘: Noel. lrr-no (Sh‘t"i\.lu-rd an: 3"“ Donn...» - r a £136. lt "'°'"°“ "‘ ‘°“°' ‘hid’ ‘"7 ”‘’t are when they are small can be nffords 3" opporwmu 1° "an“§§P°51_3D8 338)‘ be avoided -by produc- I m‘; c,;_“’_"':'“"p"°_“";‘.t:‘ ‘hm ‘mt %:,',d(:}'Q:,?:,,w:,fi“:,,.,,,‘,;"..,:..:.' . ; 1 ye so ]on‘ .3 fig gomgtimgg wont“. pl.ced our $1‘. 35 W~°d- Inf lllltglle eggs." ‘ uh“ "R ',co...,, ,.,.m,d 5",. -rn,‘d.,_ end _u'i:h their parents. ' " , , ‘hen, ,.m we ,0 f0, many .-—....—.-————._—-— p C. 5., r. Viinton returnea yc-sterday sin. uonose rim is risitlng in Klhhllt Hm U-‘duty Red flrwtemhl M d_""""-’ , 1 . <1 4 i umiu nmiom Eleven horth Tenth A { M d W nd ,1“ ~ .from Hannibal where he has 11- "“." "' """“"‘ "’, " "I ‘ fhe wofid power, [ugh ‘nswem . . GU pre 3". 1;,‘ It ‘ A S CO fin.amf"ence win, J_ H_ Borders of Jelrrson Hos; was at home for the-.?r3lum Y .udSis»:;-l.‘ qtlahir n (4.1. (‘burnt . N _ " .. .. . Ci "'5' q“"’u°” f°""”'°m"l"°‘ by p'cmc.ke” “H be “flung me” T TEPHENS LLEGE H59 Um“ Sui“ DGPIYUTIGM Of A¢- ‘":i:r.;' inn In!-nt the -«as-cm: win.‘ sin. w. it. .Aichi~'on. mu ltlancho - ~47. ...._-e- e #4 ,_ J’ 5 grabbing concessions in Europe and 3015 "I 1119 ¢°“M!')'- —~4"i°"““’° i" "’‘"d t'° '°°l‘i““ "9 “' “"'"7- . ‘um-rm-ii. in... runs in Tun!-urn. «;o...v_ -—— A .- . -""~‘--—"-F-—'— . . - - , ‘ - _ _ , , Cha . no. d Hui ll \'....e Null 2- ‘Asia. drawing nets around. the oil Opmrmnity "my ‘:0 to the ‘WV 3:115! gin:-thn Poague was detained the 98‘.5t:ed:lt1:’i-TT:'l’:lal;lRnfi sxiage §l"|)€lr 3.?‘-mg’. C“"N*"- 5'» VII in CUUDW’ m.""‘;". d‘ '1'; H 1;‘, ‘him M M___ ;‘_1 A adds. in S:2(l:Ili¢£l..slAlb8k1i1tI. 1534:.) It or knocking but the bi" col. 3; “cl-.;e_c‘ime in “indsoron account]to¢"d°5impmw; ‘hem. it ne ifi g::m_:'M:u‘,_,,, _m_E:;;.h:nnci. am; In Columbia. lr.d:i) The public is cordially, invited to he.’ e_xieo,an zero on a. - ,. . , “' ,, _ _ 3 . ' ' '0 , ________ (5-'. « or!-theoway places these seem to be. ‘Odor ,_e:!‘:'(:m’3°:f1"E’;:e S‘L"I:§it‘:':;:dn:Ei w;r::;d.§°{,,I;m xéing buftizf .§."'.'«‘l‘.°'o: rut Luce-EL bu,‘ the R H f I . ‘3 ‘ '59‘ ”° ‘Wk’ i“fl°"“°° i” "°dd About the only time the missing chum o{'iune;3_ also was in conference with Mr. m’:';'“L°;" ::":.":;.':;;';::d“M'.';':’H ""’i R." .rhufl J 0 uls’ 3 “hi”? 7“ ‘ha’ ‘id’ °n field” link becomes a serious rohlem is The fourth number of the Ste- B°"d""‘- Joe o...i..'.. and family have noted to. .. ~ .. ‘ .- - ‘i t more then: important in all inter- - ’ ’ p ' hens tsandard the uii- 9: ‘ """"—“" """** "-w'- ‘W ‘e “W-"1 com"! d -TM mm M’ 3 mum” d‘. S d ' A 'l 19 Vtio l i die Th t ues- “he-n a ‘women, do‘ bred” ‘"5 p M Cone m’a zin'e"°: $5,‘; §,‘Calvary Chord: to Hold Coniainnion. The trade school will close l‘r’iday.and_"h"° l"'°d°°l5°"- 35 010 T¢’1|lU|‘¢‘ ‘hf’ un 3)? pm 3 . ll :1! “gm 9 2''!‘ £1 ’ chsur._ god” 8'? en . a u i “E” ‘,. mu, Com_ A ba&krtldinuer]si-ill be held. last half of the week at the Hull \ ' .- i r 5 tion ls: Vho s. eontro t em. “""". ' munion at 7:30 o'clock Sunday 15..., tooknntyheir Mu'il:n:n .7" ~J'-." A"';Th(‘8N’!'. Y. M. C. A. Auditorium ~ 7:30 p. tn. 1 ~ . fliis will answer the question of the The United States minister has, moming fa, menfimd women .g C”. 4,, ,n,.,,,,,,,,,, p D N-°" '°"'-‘ Elliott Dexter is the husband ‘A future supplies of oil. rt-minded Ruinanis of her overdue ' ivary Episcopal Church. Initiation‘ (horn Hill moi-nod ‘roads: from Fair- who labors under the delusion that The United tsates settled her debt. These things are easy to for» ' be held for the new members of _,___ ~_ _. pw__ _ p “N _ If A 7 - ' '. ' Wi_ ‘ railroad controversy by establlsh- get. aren't they? F. M_ Lockridge wen, to Muimj ’~Bhr0o5:“8M¢l'~‘ f°fS;*}t'tK;"§ “"3 “A? ‘ V A ' " ’ " ‘ ' 532 8!! 1|W¢3'¢1l€ CONN"?! COW‘ ‘ _ , . this morning on a business trip. V bran”, wmo be gwldn th ‘ _ - t ’ mission to see that justice was W5” l-53‘ _ “°"t°°h’f3 hd Miss Goldena Fowler of Higbee.: service‘ at the Parish H0350 r 9 S‘ John to all persons alike. But oil. '“°h" _C°l“'''l’“. 91970 W!" ~50 8 who has been visiting Orbs Fowler-,; ' ' E ' _ fikh ;, u..tu.,¢d 0",. the worm marked increase in the number of returned to her hoine today. . f If y u want to buy or sell some- . :_. ‘.5 which 3, ,0 ,,eca..n. to in- traffic aoddents. dfl-.F!_V¢mlm 1-} BPCMIIIK thing try a Missourian want ad. _ - E 3 dustries and transponation today, ‘*—‘* V 2:; ‘*8 m Hdhmno >°" b"""' _ ,--_..,,_ .. 1., .--_ ‘G11 5 ;”"’“{b° “kw °"°h°{ b9 ii" '9' I I Arthur Simmons of Kansas City " . ..__' , ‘ -:- *_ on :1 one nation. owever post» 1, 3' 5 ' 1 ' Co] 1,‘ ‘ " erful. All nations. and at least ha, '\:'a:drlae3d':l)‘,ne‘ vm or m um “I ’ ~. ' "17 the five neat naval Powers. Great "April l7.—l1i:ilt.ary Ball. 0 5455' LOW“ 3“0°F- 311 Wwfih ~ - - Bria‘ ' ‘he Unit‘ 8,‘, ' Fr. . _ ‘ ‘ | ‘in Str-tot, went to Huntsville today to _ : ltalnmand J-om. would 3. woiimi. ...fi“Z‘.’...'£' .1. ".‘...""‘t%’.i?.i’.I‘.L ".1," c'.‘,’.'.f.'..‘.,i.'. spend W weekend with her mnd- CANDIDATES! , ‘moans: , :_ come ,0 mm‘ ‘on of men, ‘. Students‘ House on "crest Agreement: of‘ moulefu "UL C. A. Bonner. ‘ . " - ‘3'°° Rel E. 1.‘ Solomon of New York COMICS! PR£TTl' GIRLS! who bu been visiting Mr. and Mrs. to V Scions In to the l'uture' explo' tion of oil. ‘Ann 10. coso i-. ul!.1-no Bethany (‘ir- An oil conference ight be called ‘;_°;;j'''“‘°' "" 5' ""4 -‘ “* °'*'‘'"“*. 1.idm.°3.,g,, 5 (;;._.,,.,..o.,d Awnm, IN WATERPROOF INKS. = ‘ and than a-coninthsion appointed ‘awn 20. :1 and 22.—'l'he rum. nit. ; went to Los,Angeles today. A DOLL in UP , 5 “ 57‘!!! the nations to see that in the '::";_'"_"" "‘ _""“ “""*°'“'* Chum‘: Mr. and Mrs. E. Perryman and ‘ " . 3: ‘BONE scramble injustice is prevented not ‘April 2:--swam 0-irrlion till he i..~.i.§ '°" °‘_ _5l}°"d°“- “'.'»'0-. Who. have 1294 BLACK_ (‘Z ° . .A,,,.,, ,__-3,, D,,,,,,,.,,,, g-,,,,,.,,-, been visiting Mr. and hits. M. 15.‘: . ;_ Lo‘ on!’ {or the p°'e“ul n‘uon' but Club will Inert in the alternoon at the " " _ - {or the smaller ones as .I'9ll. In house ol Ira. Ned tionimi. "(-91 Broadway. - 7 u l '——-v" ' 2 this way the question of oil might """'i=‘- 3° ‘~ "‘-j"T"*"" "'3""'""""*' ‘ E be settled so I3 to avoid some un- 2; 33:33:: :';:i'=s‘::l'.fli:"§’o.w53i::5' ‘ ' . '_ : gg piano‘: ‘;lii.f.ficul‘;i?h but {show -étznggdg-;f_s_u;a‘.m_ M Sm M, _t , gfiffassachusetts Institute of %echnology ‘ signs o _ A in; e near :1 me. lusthvell Grinnaoluvn. ;~ ' Chool of mu-Cal en - - (Pr - \ - _ ‘ ’ r .—- . . i , urmer - aor. am ' _ ' ‘ . vlllA:d‘:ll::l It 1:: ‘lth ‘ g . $ » , _ nual law Banquet; _ » 3301* ‘-59 P05553130" Of 0* "Ann 2:. s_ in. no; “in India." a lwo- Il_lDrVIDt7At.Ind pnctical training at five iodusuu! pinmue , .1. ‘ profit; {mm _u.. 1“; {count} 59.. mall men at the Sta-phi-n.~' ‘unp_ortant features oftlie Grzidintegiotuseinttiicmic-al En- _ Q i ----mun». were »» »~—a=z.::~».—«.. THE PLAY’S THE THING” I ' been a guest dul of comment on 3:“ 1:.-:‘k'i1l 1*" I New’! on Fr-nth. andsodapuip,’ paper, " O I emu’ besvyngsddond 2 , the matter. some of it showing a 4,,“ §..;. ,, ___A 9,“ “cm” Sufi. alu.I0¢I!.°¢_>l=t.zu.steclaod .. . 7. isund tandi t .ui bl I " -mu -ran ma c» .“"°'°"""°"”“"""“‘°"' ' - E? ' - . . , "‘ °" "‘ ° ’ ' 9' ..g''.‘.;...;.....,;. ,,.,,t'‘',,:,,‘:':,,,, ,,_,',,, typifiedbytheabove ,.m...., ....«..a..a .y.t....'."$j$_i.", OH N BARRYMORE himself would example ls" not alwa s in itself l 9, “Q. “IQ who insist llllt Will! oA"n :9. ‘ l ‘_M.n. ‘Mb, utmrfi 35” ‘mi gxpgnmcnta on actual pllnt apynntus, thus fixing ‘ " . _ 9 y . ‘ a profit of 349,92; -the University of w..... ..... .m .. a. Room 2'4‘. IIItlIcetudrni’smindtheprixiciplesotCheniical Engineer-iq “get the book if he did not a rcat en ' ° f i 1; W. i be omia.a' with more ’':',,,§‘';*;- ,_ , 3, , u ‘ -ndrorrelaxinzu-e-e P'i0C5Pl"“i1hP3'|1‘15<‘=- . ‘ g g‘"°°"“g eat’ T C _;v.. .-ya:--l‘he_ wen - ' , - - .. ‘ ° ° - . , , - - l ‘ma; “,3 bum. “dime, 0, wt 3.4 gm 3...... 9,, ,m ,_ M, on 3:. '"1','m'~'':f!!::c 894 ind: _ t_ drink: I kllOW l’llS CUCS, 01' read lllS llIlCS feat .COl'l818tS Ill having it ready = i L. Glare should be a‘ lowering’ of "' “" uh .____ “’4Y‘.”"°*P¢_’imeotatioo. ~. 38 called {OT the 8CtlOll f t‘ o ' ' 1 , act“ prion to “flak awn ‘re u.” I'_nk b ‘M ““ “wand; _ _ is limited, as stu_dents_stdy experiment y 0 3 3 tlfne, 3 PTICC, and Wlth . I kllflfllfl. of tflldfacts. 100 the annual Pas-an-rs’ Phir. - “A "rt"! ‘ndflwhdnd u?t"":"°n‘ , ‘ - f t th 0 0 l bu . . V In 4 to in, 1-11» om.-«mi. n..l ."""". °' W"-4c~.‘¢It=rr=v-aoanan chsmutwnnd Ca UYCS as C prevailing ¢ ¢ __ Fbutball. it In true, in a great mm. ;,m,”.-_. Wu.‘ '3" 5. MK I alzlneenng. A students can cornpletedierequiremgnu (9; A _ \ , . , . _ 7 n money-inaker.,But it is not the only ‘in: cf-w. a c. A. In Queen .1... thc Mam oqsrimce 45-17:: in one-odqou y.c_an. Engineers‘ get cues too.'._ CCOIIOIDIC Sltuatlon calls for. .7 - R‘P“=lflluuvesdthIflyrollc¢ealndnn1vcrsiueanosr . ’ . l ‘*1 ‘*’°'‘ °’‘ “"-' °'“’‘‘‘‘'‘’- 3°‘'’"’- " "nu "I--Uilvtflltv Ila: rm. tend the School of Chemical 2...-...a°..¢ p.......- "' f ° ° ' e la the only profitable sport. 3... -no .....o... ...,. --........... .,.,, ., . rom the industrial drama of 1,, this - - ‘ , " - and baseball about break “"'*'* °"''' W" M to 0- v-we F-'f-*‘"4'~*7'‘“"“'’'' ‘ h' h h °l-t I sense engmgeris-— A ' "M ‘t A i.,., ., ,., 4,... 1.,” ,,.,,,.,._ 0,5. AT CHRISTIAN COLLEGE "“‘°""'°“’ ‘""“"‘ °‘ "“"'°’°'-'- °‘"“"“’€'- "he 0 tors, their performance must fit ' A . . erwise. they are financial losers. All ' I ‘ ¢ng1neers—must be “practici . other sports. track. tennis. vrres- ' -M:-s..A. H, R, 1-‘ i had 11 ;_. ‘ '“‘*""‘- ::j'—” the 3Cti0Il Ofall economic la‘ . ' H it ~ ’ ~ tllng. golf. are losers also. fheae at the eonvocatioif §aturd:;' :i‘:!eT.h~ I.‘ ' ' U u P eC_On._ouusts ° must follow‘ ‘ "’°"" "'1' ,"",,,',‘__;""°,‘ °“"",’§ °' “it. no mo. map» will git .. ‘ ' I. ' I " Thus the reason that the Closely the “action of the play" , money it in: ms e sms re- . '1' o . . I . : . M, ,, cu, fires ot':hap-I Wnztfarns to i... Journals, the societies, the , .——analyziiig fundamental con- The deficit! in mi. of at. other ‘ ,.,,_ Wm ‘s,,,,,, 0, ,,,,,k,,,,,,,‘ mum: mason” mm ‘ND ""3" “mic ‘"9 E" schools, colleges, teachers, and ditfions in every field, and imlntgfgbycilte 2:: ?iliiigi:::":i‘o:"::cu}?i"du‘§t§;m: These Warm Af ter 7700713 l Well-known ‘public men we calculating their causes and ’ *' in es a i co a in all . . A - o . . ‘ . auto: 3:: Rioottnborilox 3: ha?!“ -Mk Smldiné wfil be at and Evenmgs-‘u . urging cng1necrs,to study ccdo probable effects. - “there are no cash returns to speak - ,§‘&' 'md';:(:°' 3“ 1”‘ - nomic8__to _ » T; _ snout-’s'°§.i"L" ’ ‘ ‘°"‘°°" Brmg the Date for a bite to eat between classes, lam the natmp u Auth13s30 that when a cue is ten ' d mu Ahaa . . . and eff: ' ' i ‘ i . . wasting teens: are sent 2;: trig?» expression. vigil‘. pszgnunany tense‘ and then ‘mp ‘” “"3 Wenms before you take her home. ct of economic law?’ spoken In factory or home! on sextet ' ‘ lti totall oaiui.iiiChri-tiancolleae uresd- Thl’slmawillmak ' --‘ ' V’ o - _-. ll'Ii.n‘called 0:21 :0 P87? ‘ er file c0_D°1'!1t tour ‘next e e a mg hit with her‘ . ' To build the largest genera’ firnllor railroad) on the sea or ' of, The loss is met by football profits. - year intramural sports ""‘“ _. , , A _ tor or the smallest’ meter in’the air th , liaveheru established and m,,mf&m 'ShelikesthePslnis o.¢....,.¢ ‘ ’ g ' ; IE» 9 _°Y_“_"'y‘be dnvheavily. ‘l‘his,too.h.niadeup jugggunmminme, the best food and excellentservice. . 1,“ ‘ , B! ' _ .' 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